From 731cf46ce186f1fae4d820fe056267da46626003 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: yangjie <> Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2024 15:59:37 +0800 Subject: [PATCH] amap_search_fluttify --- .gitignore | 43 + | 143 + LICENSE | 13 + | 141 + amap_search_fluttify-0.18.0.tar.gz | Bin 0 -> 653503 bytes analysis_options.yaml | 9 + android/build.gradle | 70 + android/ | 24 + android/settings.gradle | 1 + android/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml | 3 + .../ | 180 + .../sub_handler/ | 5661 +++++++++++++++ .../sub_handler/ | 5741 +++++++++++++++ .../sub_handler/ | 6337 ++++++++++++++++ .../sub_handler/ | 6343 ++++++++++++++++ .../sub_handler/ | 6428 +++++++++++++++++ .../sub_handler/ | 1991 +++++ .../sub_handler/ | 5406 ++++++++++++++ .../sub_handler/ | 1479 ++++ .../sub_handler/ | 5728 +++++++++++++++ .../sub_handler/ | 5735 +++++++++++++++ .../sub_handler/ | 5744 +++++++++++++++ .../sub_handler/ | 5741 +++++++++++++++ .../sub_handler/ | 6072 ++++++++++++++++ .../sub_handler/ | 6340 ++++++++++++++++ .../sub_handler/ | 6331 ++++++++++++++++ .../sub_handler/ | 6325 ++++++++++++++++ .../sub_handler/custom/ | 62 + example/.gitignore | 43 + example/ | 16 + example/analysis_options.yaml | 29 + example/android/app/build.gradle | 69 + .../android/app/src/debug/AndroidManifest.xml | 8 + .../android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml | 52 + .../ | 6 + .../res/drawable-v21/launch_background.xml | 12 + .../main/res/drawable/launch_background.xml | 12 + .../src/main/res/mipmap-hdpi/ic_launcher.png | Bin 0 -> 544 bytes .../src/main/res/mipmap-mdpi/ic_launcher.png | Bin 0 -> 442 bytes .../src/main/res/mipmap-xhdpi/ic_launcher.png | Bin 0 -> 721 bytes .../main/res/mipmap-xxhdpi/ic_launcher.png | Bin 0 -> 1031 bytes .../main/res/mipmap-xxxhdpi/ic_launcher.png | Bin 0 -> 1443 bytes .../app/src/main/res/values-night/styles.xml | 18 + .../app/src/main/res/values/styles.xml | 18 + .../app/src/profile/AndroidManifest.xml | 8 + example/android/build.gradle | 31 + example/android/ | 3 + .../gradle/wrapper/ | 6 + example/android/settings.gradle | 11 + example/ios/Flutter/AppFrameworkInfo.plist | 26 + example/ios/Flutter/Debug.xcconfig | 2 + example/ios/Flutter/Release.xcconfig | 2 + example/ios/Podfile | 40 + example/ios/Podfile.lock | 79 + example/ios/Runner.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj | 533 ++ .../contents.xcworkspacedata | 7 + .../xcshareddata/IDEWorkspaceChecks.plist | 8 + .../xcshareddata/WorkspaceSettings.xcsettings | 8 + .../xcshareddata/xcschemes/Runner.xcscheme | 87 + .../contents.xcworkspacedata | 10 + .../xcshareddata/IDEWorkspaceChecks.plist | 8 + .../xcshareddata/WorkspaceSettings.xcsettings | 8 + example/ios/Runner/AppDelegate.h | 6 + example/ios/Runner/AppDelegate.m | 13 + .../AppIcon.appiconset/Contents.json | 122 + .../Icon-App-1024x1024@1x.png | Bin 0 -> 10932 bytes .../AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-20x20@1x.png | Bin 0 -> 564 bytes .../AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-20x20@2x.png | Bin 0 -> 1283 bytes .../AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-20x20@3x.png | Bin 0 -> 1588 bytes .../AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-29x29@1x.png | Bin 0 -> 1025 bytes .../AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-29x29@2x.png | Bin 0 -> 1716 bytes .../AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-29x29@3x.png | Bin 0 -> 1920 bytes .../AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-40x40@1x.png | Bin 0 -> 1283 bytes .../AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-40x40@2x.png | Bin 0 -> 1895 bytes .../AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-40x40@3x.png | Bin 0 -> 2665 bytes .../AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-60x60@2x.png | Bin 0 -> 2665 bytes .../AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-60x60@3x.png | Bin 0 -> 3831 bytes .../AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-76x76@1x.png | Bin 0 -> 1888 bytes .../AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-76x76@2x.png | Bin 0 -> 3294 bytes .../Icon-App-83.5x83.5@2x.png | Bin 0 -> 3612 bytes .../LaunchImage.imageset/Contents.json | 23 + .../LaunchImage.imageset/LaunchImage.png | Bin 0 -> 68 bytes .../LaunchImage.imageset/LaunchImage@2x.png | Bin 0 -> 68 bytes .../LaunchImage.imageset/LaunchImage@3x.png | Bin 0 -> 68 bytes .../LaunchImage.imageset/ | 5 + .../Runner/Base.lproj/LaunchScreen.storyboard | 37 + example/ios/Runner/Base.lproj/Main.storyboard | 26 + example/ios/Runner/Info.plist | 47 + example/ios/Runner/main.m | 9 + .../get_map_data/get_address_desc.screen.dart | 145 + .../lib/get_map_data/get_bus_info.screen.dart | 50 + .../get_district_info.screen.dart | 45 + example/lib/get_map_data/get_poi.screen.dart | 234 + .../get_map_data/get_weather_info.screen.dart | 42 + example/lib/main.dart | 129 + example/lib/route_plan/route_bus.screen.dart | 97 + .../lib/route_plan/route_drive.screen.dart | 100 + example/lib/route_plan/route_ride.screen.dart | 92 + example/lib/route_plan/route_walk.screen.dart | 96 + example/lib/utils/misc.dart | 13 + example/lib/utils/utils.export.dart | 1 + example/lib/widgets/button.widget.dart | 26 + example/lib/widgets/dimens.dart | 74 + .../lib/widgets/function_group.widget.dart | 36 + example/lib/widgets/function_item.widget.dart | 34 + example/lib/widgets/future.widget.dart | 17 + .../lib/widgets/scrollable_text.widget.dart | 12 + example/lib/widgets/setting.widget.dart | 209 + example/lib/widgets/todo.screen.dart | 11 + example/pubspec.yaml | 22 + example/test/widget_test.dart | 1 + ios/Classes/AmapSearchFluttifyPlugin.h | 15 + ios/Classes/AmapSearchFluttifyPlugin.m | 81 + ...MapNearbySearchManagerDelegate_Anonymous.h | 21 + ...MapNearbySearchManagerDelegate_Anonymous.m | 103 + .../Anonymous/AMapSearchDelegate_Anonymous.h | 21 + .../Anonymous/AMapSearchDelegate_Anonymous.m | 397 + .../SubHandler/Custom/SubHandlerCustom.h | 13 + .../SubHandler/Custom/SubHandlerCustom.m | 23 + ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler0.h | 13 + ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler0.m | 4998 +++++++++++++ ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler1.h | 13 + ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler1.m | 4425 ++++++++++++ ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler10.h | 13 + ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler10.m | 2861 ++++++++ ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler11.h | 13 + ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler11.m | 3113 ++++++++ ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler2.h | 13 + ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler2.m | 4485 ++++++++++++ ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler3.h | 13 + ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler3.m | 5025 +++++++++++++ ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler4.h | 13 + ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler4.m | 5025 +++++++++++++ ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler5.h | 13 + ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler5.m | 4517 ++++++++++++ ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler6.h | 13 + ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler6.m | 4225 +++++++++++ ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler7.h | 13 + ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler7.m | 4268 +++++++++++ ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler8.h | 13 + ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler8.m | 4425 ++++++++++++ ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler9.h | 13 + ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler9.m | 4425 ++++++++++++ ios/amap_search_fluttify.podspec | 44 + lib/amap_search_fluttify.dart | 5 + lib/src/android/android.export.g.dart | 164 + .../api/services/busline/BusLineItem.g.dart | 811 +++ .../api/services/busline/BusLineQuery.g.dart | 475 ++ .../busline/BusLineQuery/SearchType.g.dart | 28 + .../api/services/busline/BusLineResult.g.dart | 231 + .../api/services/busline/BusLineSearch.g.dart | 213 + .../OnBusLineSearchListener.g.dart | 67 + .../services/busline/BusStationItem.g.dart | 419 ++ .../services/busline/BusStationQuery.g.dart | 363 + .../services/busline/BusStationResult.g.dart | 231 + .../services/busline/BusStationSearch.g.dart | 212 + .../OnBusStationSearchListener.g.dart | 67 + .../amap/api/services/cloud/CloudImage.g.dart | 251 + .../amap/api/services/cloud/CloudItem.g.dart | 475 ++ .../api/services/cloud/CloudItemDetail.g.dart | 85 + .../api/services/cloud/CloudResult.g.dart | 231 + .../api/services/cloud/CloudSearch.g.dart | 156 + .../CloudSearch/OnCloudSearchListener.g.dart | 78 + .../services/cloud/CloudSearch/Query.g.dart | 559 ++ .../cloud/CloudSearch/SearchBound.g.dart | 373 + .../cloud/CloudSearch/Sortingrules.g.dart | 107 + .../api/services/core/AMapException.g.dart | 372 + .../amap/api/services/core/LatLonPoint.g.dart | 223 + .../api/services/core/LatLonSharePoint.g.dart | 139 + .../com/amap/api/services/core/PoiItem.g.dart | 1539 ++++ .../amap/api/services/core/SearchUtils.g.dart | 167 + .../api/services/core/ServiceSettings.g.dart | 430 ++ .../api/services/core/SuggestionCity.g.dart | 307 + .../api/services/district/DistrictItem.g.dart | 496 ++ .../services/district/DistrictResult.g.dart | 328 + .../services/district/DistrictSearch.g.dart | 240 + .../OnDistrictSearchListener.g.dart | 67 + .../district/DistrictSearchQuery.g.dart | 689 ++ .../amap/api/services/geocoder/AoiItem.g.dart | 363 + .../api/services/geocoder/BusinessArea.g.dart | 195 + .../services/geocoder/GeocodeAddress.g.dart | 755 ++ .../api/services/geocoder/GeocodeQuery.g.dart | 251 + .../services/geocoder/GeocodeResult.g.dart | 195 + .../services/geocoder/GeocodeSearch.g.dart | 215 + .../OnGeocodeSearchListener.g.dart | 78 + .../services/geocoder/RegeocodeAddress.g.dart | 1091 +++ .../services/geocoder/RegeocodeQuery.g.dart | 419 ++ .../services/geocoder/RegeocodeResult.g.dart | 195 + .../services/geocoder/RegeocodeRoad.g.dart | 363 + .../api/services/geocoder/StreetNumber.g.dart | 363 + .../amap/api/services/help/Inputtips.g.dart | 268 + .../help/Inputtips/InputtipsListener.g.dart | 67 + .../api/services/help/InputtipsQuery.g.dart | 307 + .../com/amap/api/services/help/Tip.g.dart | 475 ++ .../api/services/nearby/NearbyInfo.g.dart | 363 + .../api/services/nearby/NearbySearch.g.dart | 339 + .../nearby/NearbySearch/NearbyListener.g.dart | 89 + .../nearby/NearbySearch/NearbyQuery.g.dart | 363 + .../nearby/NearbySearchFunctionType.g.dart | 28 + .../services/nearby/NearbySearchResult.g.dart | 167 + .../api/services/nearby/UploadInfo.g.dart | 251 + .../services/nearby/UploadInfoCallback.g.dart | 67 + .../api/services/poisearch/IndoorData.g.dart | 251 + .../amap/api/services/poisearch/Photo.g.dart | 216 + .../poisearch/PoiItemExtension.g.dart | 139 + .../api/services/poisearch/PoiResult.g.dart | 259 + .../api/services/poisearch/PoiSearch.g.dart | 383 + .../PoiSearch/OnPoiSearchListener.g.dart | 78 + .../services/poisearch/PoiSearch/Query.g.dart | 776 ++ .../poisearch/PoiSearch/SearchBound.g.dart | 373 + .../api/services/poisearch/SubPoiItem.g.dart | 475 ++ .../amap/api/services/road/Crossroad.g.dart | 419 ++ .../com/amap/api/services/road/Road.g.dart | 440 ++ .../amap/api/services/route/BusPath.g.dart | 363 + .../api/services/route/BusRouteResult.g.dart | 251 + .../amap/api/services/route/BusStep.g.dart | 475 ++ .../services/route/ChargeStationInfo.g.dart | 755 ++ .../com/amap/api/services/route/Cost.g.dart | 363 + .../api/services/route/DistanceItem.g.dart | 447 ++ .../api/services/route/DistanceResult.g.dart | 195 + .../api/services/route/DistanceSearch.g.dart | 160 + .../route/DistanceSearch/DistanceQuery.g.dart | 419 ++ .../OnDistanceSearchListener.g.dart | 67 + .../amap/api/services/route/District.g.dart | 195 + .../amap/api/services/route/Doorway.g.dart | 195 + .../amap/api/services/route/DrivePath.g.dart | 419 ++ .../api/services/route/DrivePathV2.g.dart | 419 ++ .../api/services/route/DrivePlanPath.g.dart | 251 + .../api/services/route/DrivePlanStep.g.dart | 363 + .../route/DriveRoutePlanResult.g.dart | 223 + .../services/route/DriveRouteResult.g.dart | 251 + .../services/route/DriveRouteResultV2.g.dart | 251 + .../amap/api/services/route/DriveStep.g.dart | 811 +++ .../api/services/route/DriveStepV2.g.dart | 587 ++ .../api/services/route/ElecConsumeInfo.g.dart | 307 + .../com/amap/api/services/route/Navi.g.dart | 195 + .../com/amap/api/services/route/Path.g.dart | 251 + .../amap/api/services/route/Railway.g.dart | 195 + .../api/services/route/RailwaySpace.g.dart | 139 + .../services/route/RailwayStationItem.g.dart | 531 ++ .../amap/api/services/route/RidePath.g.dart | 139 + .../api/services/route/RideRouteResult.g.dart | 195 + .../amap/api/services/route/RideStep.g.dart | 531 ++ .../services/route/RouteBusLineItem.g.dart | 419 ++ .../services/route/RouteBusWalkItem.g.dart | 195 + .../api/services/route/RoutePlanResult.g.dart | 195 + .../services/route/RouteRailwayItem.g.dart | 587 ++ .../api/services/route/RouteResult.g.dart | 195 + .../api/services/route/RouteSearch.g.dart | 554 ++ .../route/RouteSearch/BusRouteQuery.g.dart | 356 + .../route/RouteSearch/DrivePlanQuery.g.dart | 412 ++ .../route/RouteSearch/DriveRouteQuery.g.dart | 608 ++ .../route/RouteSearch/FromAndTo.g.dart | 524 ++ .../OnRoutePlanSearchListener.g.dart | 67 + .../RouteSearch/OnRouteSearchListener.g.dart | 100 + .../OnTruckRouteSearchListener.g.dart | 67 + .../route/RouteSearch/RideRouteQuery.g.dart | 265 + .../route/RouteSearch/TruckRouteQuery.g.dart | 671 ++ .../route/RouteSearch/WalkRouteQuery.g.dart | 265 + .../api/services/route/RouteSearchCity.g.dart | 139 + .../api/services/route/RouteSearchV2.g.dart | 156 + .../route/RouteSearchV2/CurveCost.g.dart | 195 + .../route/RouteSearchV2/CustomCostMode.g.dart | 503 ++ .../RouteSearchV2/DriveRouteQuery.g.dart | 664 ++ .../RouteSearchV2/DrivingStrategy.g.dart | 52 + .../route/RouteSearchV2/FromAndTo.g.dart | 468 ++ .../route/RouteSearchV2/NewEnergy.g.dart | 503 ++ .../OnRoutePlanSearchListener.g.dart | 67 + .../OnRouteSearchListener.g.dart | 67 + .../OnTruckRouteSearchListener.g.dart | 67 + .../route/RouteSearchV2/PowerTrainLoss.g.dart | 307 + .../route/RouteSearchV2/ShowFields.g.dart | 92 + .../route/RouteSearchV2/SlopeCost.g.dart | 195 + .../route/RouteSearchV2/SpeedCost.g.dart | 195 + .../route/RouteSearchV2/TransCost.g.dart | 195 + .../amap/api/services/route/SearchCity.g.dart | 251 + .../com/amap/api/services/route/TMC.g.dart | 251 + .../amap/api/services/route/TaxiItem.g.dart | 419 ++ .../amap/api/services/route/TimeInfo.g.dart | 195 + .../services/route/TimeInfosElement.g.dart | 363 + .../amap/api/services/route/TruckPath.g.dart | 531 ++ .../services/route/TruckRouteRestult.g.dart | 307 + .../amap/api/services/route/TruckStep.g.dart | 811 +++ .../amap/api/services/route/WalkPath.g.dart | 139 + .../api/services/route/WalkRouteResult.g.dart | 195 + .../amap/api/services/route/WalkStep.g.dart | 531 ++ .../routepoisearch/RoutePOIItem.g.dart | 363 + .../routepoisearch/RoutePOISearch.g.dart | 192 + .../OnRoutePOISearchListener.g.dart | 67 + .../RoutePOISearch/RoutePOISearchType.g.dart | 36 + .../routepoisearch/RoutePOISearchQuery.g.dart | 300 + .../RoutePOISearchResult.g.dart | 139 + .../api/services/share/ShareSearch.g.dart | 459 ++ .../ShareSearch/OnShareSearchListener.g.dart | 122 + .../ShareSearch/ShareBusRouteQuery.g.dart | 139 + .../ShareSearch/ShareDrivingRouteQuery.g.dart | 139 + .../share/ShareSearch/ShareFromAndTo.g.dart | 251 + .../share/ShareSearch/ShareNaviQuery.g.dart | 139 + .../ShareSearch/ShareWalkRouteQuery.g.dart | 139 + .../weather/LocalDayWeatherForecast.g.dart | 643 ++ .../weather/LocalWeatherForecast.g.dart | 363 + .../weather/LocalWeatherForecastResult.g.dart | 147 + .../services/weather/LocalWeatherLive.g.dart | 587 ++ .../weather/LocalWeatherLiveResult.g.dart | 147 + .../api/services/weather/WeatherSearch.g.dart | 184 + .../OnWeatherSearchListener.g.dart | 78 + .../weather/WeatherSearchQuery.g.dart | 189 + lib/src/android/constants.g.dart | 10 + lib/src/android/type_op.g.dart | 982 +++ lib/src/facade/amap_search.dart | 1362 ++++ lib/src/facade/delegates.dart | 27 + lib/src/facade/extensions.dart | 296 + lib/src/facade/models.dart | 1456 ++++ lib/src/facade/shared.g.dart | 15 + lib/src/ios/AMapAOI.g.dart | 181 + lib/src/ios/AMapAddressComponent.g.dart | 341 + lib/src/ios/AMapBusLine.g.dart | 481 ++ .../ios/AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest.g.dart | 161 + lib/src/ios/AMapBusLineIDSearchRequest.g.dart | 101 + .../ios/AMapBusLineNameSearchRequest.g.dart | 101 + lib/src/ios/AMapBusLineSearchResponse.g.dart | 141 + lib/src/ios/AMapBusStop.g.dart | 221 + lib/src/ios/AMapBusStopSearchRequest.g.dart | 161 + lib/src/ios/AMapBusStopSearchResponse.g.dart | 141 + lib/src/ios/AMapBusinessArea.g.dart | 121 + lib/src/ios/AMapCity.g.dart | 181 + lib/src/ios/AMapCloudImage.g.dart | 141 + lib/src/ios/AMapCloudPOI.g.dart | 261 + .../AMapCloudPOIAroundSearchRequest.g.dart | 141 + .../ios/AMapCloudPOIIDSearchRequest.g.dart | 101 + .../ios/AMapCloudPOILocalSearchRequest.g.dart | 121 + .../AMapCloudPOIPolygonSearchRequest.g.dart | 121 + lib/src/ios/AMapCloudPOISearchResponse.g.dart | 121 + lib/src/ios/AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest.g.dart | 201 + lib/src/ios/AMapCloudSortType.g.dart | 29 + lib/src/ios/AMapDistanceResult.g.dart | 201 + lib/src/ios/AMapDistanceSearchRequest.g.dart | 181 + lib/src/ios/AMapDistanceSearchResponse.g.dart | 101 + lib/src/ios/AMapDistanceSearchType.g.dart | 32 + lib/src/ios/AMapDistrict.g.dart | 221 + lib/src/ios/AMapDistrictSearchRequest.g.dart | 141 + lib/src/ios/AMapDistrictSearchResponse.g.dart | 121 + .../AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest.g.dart | 321 + .../ios/AMapDrivingRouteExcludeType.g.dart | 35 + .../ios/AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest.g.dart | 361 + .../ios/AMapDrivingRouteShowFieldType.g.dart | 47 + .../ios/AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest.g.dart | 321 + .../ios/AMapFutureRouteSearchResponse.g.dart | 121 + lib/src/ios/AMapFutureTimeInfo.g.dart | 121 + lib/src/ios/AMapFutureTimeInfoElement.g.dart | 161 + lib/src/ios/AMapGeoPoint.g.dart | 147 + lib/src/ios/AMapGeoPolygon.g.dart | 127 + lib/src/ios/AMapGeocode.g.dart | 341 + lib/src/ios/AMapGeocodeSearchRequest.g.dart | 141 + lib/src/ios/AMapGeocodeSearchResponse.g.dart | 121 + lib/src/ios/AMapImage.g.dart | 121 + lib/src/ios/AMapIndoorData.g.dart | 141 + lib/src/ios/AMapInputTipsSearchRequest.g.dart | 181 + .../ios/AMapInputTipsSearchResponse.g.dart | 121 + .../ios/AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast.g.dart | 281 + lib/src/ios/AMapLocalWeatherForecast.g.dart | 181 + lib/src/ios/AMapLocalWeatherLive.g.dart | 261 + .../ios/AMapLocationShareSearchRequest.g.dart | 121 + .../AMapNavigationShareSearchRequest.g.dart | 141 + lib/src/ios/AMapNearbySearchManager.g.dart | 233 + .../AMapNearbySearchManagerDelegate.g.dart | 89 + lib/src/ios/AMapNearbySearchRequest.g.dart | 181 + lib/src/ios/AMapNearbySearchResponse.g.dart | 121 + lib/src/ios/AMapNearbySearchType.g.dart | 29 + lib/src/ios/AMapNearbyUploadInfo.g.dart | 141 + lib/src/ios/AMapNearbyUserInfo.g.dart | 161 + lib/src/ios/AMapPOI.g.dart | 661 ++ lib/src/ios/AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest.g.dart | 181 + lib/src/ios/AMapPOIExtension.g.dart | 141 + lib/src/ios/AMapPOIIDSearchRequest.g.dart | 101 + .../ios/AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest.g.dart | 161 + .../ios/AMapPOIPolygonSearchRequest.g.dart | 121 + lib/src/ios/AMapPOISearchBaseRequest.g.dart | 221 + lib/src/ios/AMapPOISearchResponse.g.dart | 141 + lib/src/ios/AMapPOIShareSearchRequest.g.dart | 161 + lib/src/ios/AMapPath.g.dart | 261 + lib/src/ios/AMapRailway.g.dart | 301 + lib/src/ios/AMapRailwaySpace.g.dart | 121 + lib/src/ios/AMapRailwayStation.g.dart | 241 + lib/src/ios/AMapReGeocode.g.dart | 201 + lib/src/ios/AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest.g.dart | 181 + .../ios/AMapReGeocodeSearchResponse.g.dart | 101 + .../ios/AMapRidingRouteSearchRequest.g.dart | 121 + .../ios/AMapRidingRouteSearchResponse.g.dart | 85 + lib/src/ios/AMapRoad.g.dart | 181 + lib/src/ios/AMapRoadInter.g.dart | 221 + lib/src/ios/AMapRoute.g.dart | 181 + lib/src/ios/AMapRoutePOI.g.dart | 181 + lib/src/ios/AMapRoutePOISearchRequest.g.dart | 221 + lib/src/ios/AMapRoutePOISearchResponse.g.dart | 121 + lib/src/ios/AMapRoutePOISearchType.g.dart | 41 + lib/src/ios/AMapRouteSearchBaseRequest.g.dart | 121 + lib/src/ios/AMapRouteSearchResponse.g.dart | 121 + .../ios/AMapRouteShareSearchRequest.g.dart | 201 + lib/src/ios/AMapSearchAPI.g.dart | 1075 +++ lib/src/ios/AMapSearchCoordinateType.g.dart | 29 + lib/src/ios/AMapSearchDelegate.g.dart | 232 + lib/src/ios/AMapSearchError.g.dart | 111 + 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create mode 100644 lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/WalkRouteResult.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/WalkStep.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/routepoisearch/RoutePOIItem.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/routepoisearch/RoutePOISearch.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/routepoisearch/RoutePOISearch/OnRoutePOISearchListener.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/routepoisearch/RoutePOISearch/RoutePOISearchType.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/routepoisearch/RoutePOISearchQuery.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/routepoisearch/RoutePOISearchResult.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/share/ShareSearch.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/share/ShareSearch/OnShareSearchListener.g.dart create mode 100644 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100644 lib/src/ios/AMapGeocode.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/AMapGeocodeSearchRequest.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/AMapGeocodeSearchResponse.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/AMapImage.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/AMapIndoorData.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/AMapInputTipsSearchRequest.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/AMapInputTipsSearchResponse.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/AMapLocalWeatherForecast.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/AMapLocalWeatherLive.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/AMapLocationShareSearchRequest.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/AMapNavigationShareSearchRequest.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/AMapNearbySearchManager.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/AMapNearbySearchManagerDelegate.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/AMapNearbySearchRequest.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/AMapNearbySearchResponse.g.dart create mode 100644 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lib/src/ios/AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/AMapReGeocodeSearchResponse.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/AMapRidingRouteSearchRequest.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/AMapRidingRouteSearchResponse.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/AMapRoad.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/AMapRoadInter.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/AMapRoute.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/AMapRoutePOI.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/AMapRoutePOISearchRequest.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/AMapRoutePOISearchResponse.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/AMapRoutePOISearchType.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/AMapRouteSearchBaseRequest.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/AMapRouteSearchResponse.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/AMapRouteShareSearchRequest.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/AMapSearchAPI.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/AMapSearchCoordinateType.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/AMapSearchDelegate.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/AMapSearchError.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/AMapSearchErrorCode.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/AMapSearchObject.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/AMapSegment.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/AMapShareSearchBaseRequest.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/AMapShareSearchResponse.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/AMapStep.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/AMapStreetNumber.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/AMapSubPOI.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/AMapSuggestion.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/AMapTMC.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/AMapTaxi.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/AMapTip.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/AMapTrafficEvaluation.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/AMapTrafficInfo.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/AMapTrafficRoad.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/AMapTransit.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/AMapTruckSizeType.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/AMapWalking.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/AMapWalkingRouteSearchRequest.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/AMapWeatherSearchRequest.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/AMapWeatherSearchResponse.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/AMapWeatherType.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/constants.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/functions.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart create mode 100644 lib/src/ios/type_op.g.dart create mode 100644 other/1557492318.jpg create mode 100644 other/Logo-Landscape.png create mode 100644 other/WechatIMG111.jpeg create mode 100644 pubspec.yaml diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000..29a3a50 --- /dev/null +++ b/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +# Miscellaneous +*.class +*.log +*.pyc +*.swp +.DS_Store +.atom/ +.buildlog/ +.history +.svn/ +migrate_working_dir/ + +# IntelliJ related +*.iml +*.ipr +*.iws +.idea/ + +# The .vscode folder contains launch configuration and tasks you configure in +# VS Code which you may wish to be included in version control, so this line +# is commented out by default. +#.vscode/ + +# Flutter/Dart/Pub related +**/doc/api/ +**/ios/Flutter/.last_build_id +.dart_tool/ +.flutter-plugins +.flutter-plugins-dependencies +/build/ + +# Symbolication related +app.*.symbols + +# Obfuscation related +app.*.map.json + +# Android Studio will place build artifacts here +/android/app/debug +/android/app/profile +/android/app/release diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7e4bc15 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,143 @@ +## 0.10.3 +- enhance: 增加adCode + +## 0.10.1 +- enhance: 缺失的城市信息 + +## 0.9.0 +- fix: 公交路线空判断 +- enhance: [breaking change] Poi使用同步返回 +- fix: 地图边界可能存在多个多边形 +- enhance: 关键字搜索和附近搜索 增加分页参数 + +## 0.8.2 +- enhance: 增加搜索错误处理 + +## 0.8.1 +- roll engine #37387b7e + +## 0.8.0 +- enhance: 更新底层依赖 + +## 0.7.9 +- roll engine #481e45c1 + +## 0.7.8 +- roll engine #dbad1c35 + +## 0.7.7 +- roll engine #0a5ab5f1 +- feat: ReGeocode增加roads字段 (#20) + +## 0.7.6 +- roll engine #b356b08 + +## 0.7.5 +- roll engine #1053dca +- feat: 增加搜索云图方法 searchCloudAround + +## 0.7.4 +- enhance: 提升依赖 +- roll engine #356f11c + +## 0.7.3 +- roll engine #107df19 +- docs: 加入apk下载二维码 +- enhance: 加入打包的key + +## 0.7.2 +- roll engine #4d92ce0. 主要解决type_op的冲突. + +## 0.7.1 +- roll engine #5c1b957 + +## 0.7.0 +- roll engine #ea37ae9 + +## 0.6.0 +- 提升依赖 + +## 0.5.0 +- 提升依赖 + +## 0.4.0 +- enhance: 适配1.12.13 +- feat: ReGeocode增加poiList +- refactor: [breaking change] AoiIten -> Aoi + +## 0.3.4 +- 解决依赖冲突 + +## 0.3.3 +- 更新依赖 + +## 0.3.2 +- enhance: podfile调整 +- feat: 获取行政区划数据 新增边界经纬度列表 + +## 0.3.1 +- fix: 路径搜索经纬度取反 + +## 0.3.0 +- 更新底层 + +## 0.2.13 +- enhance: InputTip增加经纬度信息 + +## 0.2.12 +- enhance: poi增加行政区划名称和编号 + +## 0.2.11 +- fix: 处理当构造器参数为null的情况 +- fix: 加入混淆规则 + +## 0.2.10 +- feat: 逆地理编码增加aoi信息 +- fix: #4 add新值时,先判断stream是否已经关闭 + +## 0.2.8 +- enhancement: poi增加商圈信息字段 + +## 0.2.7 +- fix: 释放原生对象时, 只释放当前插件创建的对象 + +## 0.2.6 +- enhancement: poi加入地址信息 + +## 0.2.5 +- enhancement: searchAround增加radius参数 + +## 0.2.4 +- enhancement: searchAround增加type参数 + +## 0.2.2 +- Poi加入经纬度信息 + +## 0.2.1 +- bugfix: 释放对象时, 清空对象集合 + +## 0.2.0 +- 加强对多fluttify模块的支持 + +## 0.1.1 +- 原生对象释放 + +## 0.1.0 +- 骑行路径规划 + +## 0.0.5 +- 公交站点搜索 +- 获取行政区域数据 + +## 0.0.4 +- 驾车出行规划 +- 步行出行规划 +- 公交出行规划 + +## 0.0.3 +- 地理编码/逆地理编码 + +## 0.0.2 +- poi关键字搜索 +- poi附近搜索 +- 输入提示 diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 0000000..523417f --- /dev/null +++ b/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +Copyright 2019 yohom + +Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +You may obtain a copy of the License at + + + +Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +limitations under the License. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..736eaa3 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,141 @@ +# 高德地图 `搜索`组件 + +[![pub package](]( +![CI]( + +高德地图`搜索`组件. Dart接口基于[Fluttify](引擎生成. [接口文档]( + +## DEMO 与 社区 + +| Demo | QQ群 | +|:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------:|:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------:| +| 扫描二维码
| 加入QQ群讨论
| + +安装: +```yaml +dependencies: + flutter: + sdk: flutter + amap_search_fluttify: ^x.x.x +``` + +导入: +```dart +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +``` + +使用: +```dart +/// !注意: 只要是返回Future的方法, 一律使用`await`修饰, 确保当前方法执行完成后再执行下一行, 在不能使用`await`修饰的环境下, 在`then`方法中执行下一步. +/// 初始化 iOS在init方法中设置, android需要去AndroidManifest.xml里去设置, 详见 +await AmapCore.init('ios key'); + +/// !重要: 通过AmapSearchDisposeMixin释放native端的对象, 否则native端会内存泄漏! +class _KeywordPoiScreenState extends State with AmapSearchDisposeMixin {} + +/// 搜索关键字poi +final poiList = await AmapSearch.instance.searchKeyword( + _keywordController.text, + city: _cityController.text, + ); + +/// 搜索周边poi +final poiList = await AmapSearch.instance.searchAround( + LatLng( + double.tryParse(_latController.text) ?? 29.08, + double.tryParse(_lngController.text) ?? 119.65, + ), + keyword: _keywordController.text, + ); + +/// 输入提示 +final inputTipList = await AmapSearch.instance.fetchInputTips( + _keywordController.text, + city: _cityController.text, + ); + +/// 地理编码(地址转坐标) +final geocodeList = await AmapSearch.instance.searchGeocode( + _keywordController.text, + city: _cityController.text, + ); + +/// 逆地理编码(坐标转地址) +final reGeocodeList = await AmapSearch.instance.searchReGeocode( + LatLng( + double.parse(_latController.text), + double.parse(_lngController.text), + ), + radius: 200.0, + ); + +/// 获取行政区划数据 +final district = await AmapSearch.instance.searchDistrict(_keywordController.text); + +/// 获取天气数据 +final district = await AmapSearch.instance.searchDistrict(_keywordController.text); + +/// 公交路径规划(未完成) +final routeResult = await AmapSearch.instance.searchBusRoute( + from: LatLng( + double.parse(_fromLatController.text), + double.parse(_fromLngController.text), + ), + to: LatLng( + double.parse(_toLatController.text), + double.parse(_toLngController.text), + ), + city: '杭州', + ); + +/// 驾车路径规划 +final routeResult = await AmapSearch.instance.searchDriveRoute( + from: LatLng( + double.parse(_fromLatController.text), + double.parse(_fromLngController.text), + ), + to: LatLng( + double.parse(_toLatController.text), + double.parse(_toLngController.text), + ), + ); + +/// 骑行路径规划 +final routeResult = await AmapSearch.instance.searchRideRoute( + from: LatLng( + double.parse(_fromLatController.text), + double.parse(_fromLngController.text), + ), + to: LatLng( + double.parse(_toLatController.text), + double.parse(_toLngController.text), + ), + ); + +/// 步行路径规划 +final routeResult = await AmapSearch.instance.searchWalkRoute( + from: LatLng( + double.parse(_fromLatController.text), + double.parse(_fromLngController.text), + ), + to: LatLng( + double.parse(_toLatController.text), + double.parse(_toLngController.text), + ), + ); +``` + +## LICENSE +> Copyright 2020 yohom +> +> Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + You may obtain a copy of the License at +> +> +> +> Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +> distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +> WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +> See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +> limitations under the License. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/amap_search_fluttify-0.18.0.tar.gz b/amap_search_fluttify-0.18.0.tar.gz new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a88a7f2975405ccf6a191b8d5c67b28325082d22 GIT binary patch literal 653503 zcmX_n18^l>7j10YHYPSFwr$&-*tU&{GvUOU*tTukzW3$(>%G@i-PPS^SDjtmwb$At zj)4LB-+_MFwdO)FlE!sy%P+3|o4FSk55gO?JK+cP9S}(3r zKskP&|u zK|C~Zc;npd)#~i{)nvfQ4AjHiVfN>z(8QStz>g>EH3Q%)n7f6DbtAdwD38qaYRm8a zVI^2>WjIwT70r0mBYAe8%-Fnty<^R;(*|MmRzyyVm} z`W$cec60R{IVpMH(<9k^;r7obPXl1vMkH`Av66B&N!*z;4Rs@7%8DshmeNOwIuDrz z16534AP0RTA@)iomVAQDVH|L}6??4449ynsH&>nr%~)^xtE%tx*n?MBjMyAC;8g!@ zfc`$89{8K0t7LCzxVRtNYw_dwbZKs_Z)nc-X6Ot5J>SlNX5_gJE`uMeH13>*w 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DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +package me.yohom.amap_search_fluttify; + +import android.os.Bundle; +import android.util.Log; +import; + +import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.Collection; +import java.util.HashMap; +import java.util.List; +import java.util.Map; + +import androidx.annotation.NonNull; +import io.flutter.embedding.engine.plugins.FlutterPlugin; +import io.flutter.embedding.engine.plugins.activity.ActivityAware; +import io.flutter.embedding.engine.plugins.activity.ActivityPluginBinding; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.BinaryMessenger; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodCall; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodChannel; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.PluginRegistry.Registrar; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.StandardMethodCodec; +import io.flutter.plugin.platform.PlatformViewRegistry; + +import me.yohom.amap_search_fluttify.sub_handler.*; +import me.yohom.amap_search_fluttify.sub_handler.custom.SubHandlerCustom; +import me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.core.FluttifyMessageCodec; + +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getEnableLog; +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getHEAP; + +@SuppressWarnings("ALL") +public class AmapSearchFluttifyPlugin implements FlutterPlugin, MethodChannel.MethodCallHandler, ActivityAware { + + private static List> handlerMapList; + + // v1 android embedding for compatible + public static void registerWith(Registrar registrar) { + final MethodChannel channel = new MethodChannel(registrar.messenger(), "me.yohom/amap_search_fluttify", new StandardMethodCodec(new FluttifyMessageCodec())); + + AmapSearchFluttifyPlugin plugin = new AmapSearchFluttifyPlugin(); + + BinaryMessenger messenger = registrar.messenger(); + PlatformViewRegistry platformViewRegistry = registrar.platformViewRegistry(); + Activity activity = registrar.activity(); + + plugin.messenger = messenger; + plugin.platformViewRegistry = platformViewRegistry; + + handlerMapList = new ArrayList<>(); + handlerMapList.add(SubHandler0.getSubHandler(messenger)); + handlerMapList.add(SubHandler1.getSubHandler(messenger)); + handlerMapList.add(SubHandler2.getSubHandler(messenger)); + handlerMapList.add(SubHandler3.getSubHandler(messenger)); + handlerMapList.add(SubHandler4.getSubHandler(messenger)); + handlerMapList.add(SubHandler5.getSubHandler(messenger)); + handlerMapList.add(SubHandler6.getSubHandler(messenger)); + handlerMapList.add(SubHandler7.getSubHandler(messenger)); + handlerMapList.add(SubHandler8.getSubHandler(messenger)); + handlerMapList.add(SubHandler9.getSubHandler(messenger)); + handlerMapList.add(SubHandler10.getSubHandler(messenger)); + handlerMapList.add(SubHandler11.getSubHandler(messenger)); + handlerMapList.add(SubHandler12.getSubHandler(messenger)); + handlerMapList.add(SubHandler13.getSubHandler(messenger)); + handlerMapList.add(SubHandler14.getSubHandler(messenger)); + handlerMapList.add(SubHandler15.getSubHandler(messenger)); + handlerMapList.add(SubHandlerCustom.instance.getSubHandler(messenger, registrar.activity())); + + channel.setMethodCallHandler(plugin); + + // register platform view + + } + + private BinaryMessenger messenger; + private PlatformViewRegistry platformViewRegistry; + + // v2 android embedding + @Override + public void onAttachedToEngine(FlutterPluginBinding binding) { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "AmapSearchFluttifyPlugin::onAttachedToEngine@" + binding); + } + + final MethodChannel channel = new MethodChannel(binding.getBinaryMessenger(), "me.yohom/amap_search_fluttify", new StandardMethodCodec(new FluttifyMessageCodec())); + + messenger = binding.getBinaryMessenger(); + platformViewRegistry = binding.getPlatformViewRegistry(); + + handlerMapList = new ArrayList<>(); + handlerMapList.add(SubHandler0.getSubHandler(messenger)); + handlerMapList.add(SubHandler1.getSubHandler(messenger)); + handlerMapList.add(SubHandler2.getSubHandler(messenger)); + handlerMapList.add(SubHandler3.getSubHandler(messenger)); + handlerMapList.add(SubHandler4.getSubHandler(messenger)); + handlerMapList.add(SubHandler5.getSubHandler(messenger)); + handlerMapList.add(SubHandler6.getSubHandler(messenger)); + handlerMapList.add(SubHandler7.getSubHandler(messenger)); + handlerMapList.add(SubHandler8.getSubHandler(messenger)); + handlerMapList.add(SubHandler9.getSubHandler(messenger)); + handlerMapList.add(SubHandler10.getSubHandler(messenger)); + handlerMapList.add(SubHandler11.getSubHandler(messenger)); + handlerMapList.add(SubHandler12.getSubHandler(messenger)); + handlerMapList.add(SubHandler13.getSubHandler(messenger)); + handlerMapList.add(SubHandler14.getSubHandler(messenger)); + handlerMapList.add(SubHandler15.getSubHandler(messenger)); + + channel.setMethodCallHandler(this); + } + + @Override + public void onDetachedFromEngine(FlutterPluginBinding binding) { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "AmapSearchFluttifyPlugin::onDetachedFromEngine@" + binding); + } + } + + @Override + public void onAttachedToActivity(ActivityPluginBinding binding) { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "AmapSearchFluttifyPlugin::onAttachedToActivity@" + binding); + } + Activity activity = binding.getActivity(); + + handlerMapList.add(SubHandlerCustom.instance.getSubHandler(messenger, activity)); + + // register platform view + + } + + @Override + public void onDetachedFromActivity() { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "AmapSearchFluttifyPlugin::onDetachedFromActivity"); + } + } + + @Override + public void onReattachedToActivityForConfigChanges(ActivityPluginBinding binding) { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "AmapSearchFluttifyPlugin::onReattachedToActivityForConfigChanges@" + binding); + } + } + + @Override + public void onDetachedFromActivityForConfigChanges() { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "AmapSearchFluttifyPlugin::onDetachedFromActivityForConfigChanges"); + } + } + + @Override + public void onMethodCall(@NonNull MethodCall methodCall, @NonNull MethodChannel.Result methodResult) { + Handler handler = null; + for (Map handlerMap : handlerMapList) { + if (handlerMap.containsKey(methodCall.method)) { + handler = handlerMap.get(methodCall.method); + break; + } + } + if (handler != null) { + try { +, methodResult); + } catch (Exception e) { + e.printStackTrace(); + methodResult.error(e.getMessage(), null, null); + } + } else { + methodResult.notImplemented(); + } + } + + @FunctionalInterface + public static interface Handler { + void call(Object args, MethodChannel.Result methodResult) throws Exception; + } +} diff --git a/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_search_fluttify/sub_handler/ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_search_fluttify/sub_handler/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..95917df --- /dev/null +++ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_search_fluttify/sub_handler/ @@ -0,0 +1,5661 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +package me.yohom.amap_search_fluttify.sub_handler; + +import android.os.Bundle; +import android.util.Log; + +import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.Collection; +import java.util.HashMap; +import java.util.List; +import java.util.Map; + +import androidx.annotation.NonNull; +import io.flutter.embedding.engine.plugins.FlutterPlugin; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.BinaryMessenger; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodCall; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodChannel; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.PluginRegistry.Registrar; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.StandardMethodCodec; +import io.flutter.plugin.platform.PlatformViewRegistry; + +import me.yohom.amap_search_fluttify.AmapSearchFluttifyPlugin.Handler; +import me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.core.FluttifyMessageCodec; + +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getEnableLog; +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getHEAP; + +@SuppressWarnings("ALL") +public class SubHandler0 { + public static Map getSubHandler(BinaryMessenger messenger) { + return new HashMap() {{ + // getter + put("", (__rawArgs__, __methodResult__) -> { + Map __args__ = (Map) __rawArgs__; + + // ref object + __this__ = ( __args__.get("__this__"); + + Integer __result__ = __this__.ERROR_CODE_NO_DRIVE; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // getter + put("", (__rawArgs__, __methodResult__) -> { + Map __args__ = (Map) __rawArgs__; + + // ref object + __this__ = ( __args__.get("__this__"); + + Integer __result__ = __this__.ERROR_CODE_TOO_FAR; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // getter + put("", (__rawArgs__, __methodResult__) -> { + Map __args__ = (Map) __rawArgs__; + + // ref object + __this__ = ( __args__.get("__this__"); + + Integer __result__ = __this__.ERROR_CODE_NOT_IN_CHINA; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // getter + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // ref object + __this__ = ( __args__.get("__this__"); + + Integer __result__ = __this__.ERROR_CODE_NO_DRIVE; + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // getter + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // ref object + __this__ = ( __args__.get("__this__"); + + Integer __result__ = __this__.ERROR_CODE_TOO_FAR; + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // getter + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // ref object + __this__ = ( __args__.get("__this__"); + + Integer __result__ = __this__.ERROR_CODE_NOT_IN_CHINA; + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getDistance(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDistance(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setDistance(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDistance(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getBusLineName(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getBusLineName(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setBusLineName(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setBusLineName(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getBusLineType(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getBusLineType(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setBusLineType(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setBusLineType(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getCityCode(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCityCode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setCityCode(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCityCode(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getDirectionsCoordinates(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDirectionsCoordinates(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setDirectionsCoordinates(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDirectionsCoordinates(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getBounds(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getBounds(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setBounds(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setBounds(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getBusLineId(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getBusLineId(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setBusLineId(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setBusLineId(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getOriginatingStation(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getOriginatingStation(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setOriginatingStation(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setOriginatingStation(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getTerminalStation(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTerminalStation(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setTerminalStation(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTerminalStation(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getBusCompany(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getBusCompany(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setBusCompany(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setBusCompany(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getBasicPrice(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getBasicPrice(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setBasicPrice(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setBasicPrice(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getTotalPrice(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTotalPrice(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setTotalPrice(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTotalPrice(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getBusStations(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getBusStations(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setBusStations(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setBusStations(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var0 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + java.util.List var2 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + java.util.List var3 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + // ref arg + java.util.ArrayList var4 = (java.util.ArrayList) ((Map) __args__).get("var4"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + var0 + var1 + var2 + var3 + var4 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ =, var1.intValue(), var2, var3, var4); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getPageCount(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPageCount(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getQuery(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getQuery(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getSearchSuggestionKeywords(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSearchSuggestionKeywords(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getSearchSuggestionCities(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSearchSuggestionCities(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getBusStations(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getBusStations(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::searchBusStation(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.searchBusStation(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setOnBusStationSearchListener(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setOnBusStationSearchListener(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::searchBusStationAsyn(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.searchBusStationAsyn(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setQuery(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setQuery(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getQuery(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getQuery(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::searchBusLine(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.searchBusLine(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setOnBusLineSearchListener(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setOnBusLineSearchListener(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::searchBusLineAsyn(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.searchBusLineAsyn(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setQuery(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setQuery(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getQuery(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getQuery(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getCategory(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCategory(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getQueryString(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getQueryString(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setQueryString(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setQueryString(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getCity(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCity(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setCity(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCity(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getPageSize(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPageSize(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setPageSize(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPageSize(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getPageNumber(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPageNumber(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setPageNumber(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPageNumber(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // enum arg + var1 =[(int) ((Map) __args__).get("var1")]; + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setCategory(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCategory(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getExtensions(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getExtensions(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setExtensions(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setExtensions(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::clone(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.clone(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::weakEquals(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.weakEquals(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var0 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + java.util.List var2 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + java.util.List var3 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + // ref arg + java.util.ArrayList var4 = (java.util.ArrayList) ((Map) __args__).get("var4"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + var0 + var1 + var2 + var3 + var4 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ =, var1.intValue(), var2, var3, var4); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getPageCount(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPageCount(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getQuery(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getQuery(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getSearchSuggestionKeywords(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSearchSuggestionKeywords(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getSearchSuggestionCities(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSearchSuggestionCities(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getBusLines(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getBusLines(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getBusStationId(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getBusStationId(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setBusStationId(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setBusStationId(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getBusStationName(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getBusStationName(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setBusStationName(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setBusStationName(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getLatLonPoint(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLatLonPoint(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setLatLonPoint(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setLatLonPoint(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getCityCode(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCityCode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setCityCode(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCityCode(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getAdCode(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAdCode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setAdCode(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAdCode(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getBusLineItems(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getBusLineItems(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setBusLineItems(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setBusLineItems(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getQueryString(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getQueryString(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getCity(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCity(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getPageSize(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPageSize(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getPageNumber(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPageNumber(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setQueryString(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setQueryString(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setCity(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCity(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setPageSize(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPageSize(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setPageNumber(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPageNumber(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::clone(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.clone(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::weakEquals(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.weakEquals(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getErrorLevel(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getErrorLevel(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getErrorType(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getErrorType(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getErrorMessage(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getErrorMessage(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getErrorCode(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getErrorCode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getConnectionTimeOut(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getConnectionTimeOut(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getSoTimeOut(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSoTimeOut(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setConnectionTimeOut(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setConnectionTimeOut(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setSoTimeOut(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setSoTimeOut(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ =; + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setLanguage(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setLanguage(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setProtocol(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setProtocol(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getLanguage(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLanguage(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getProtocol(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getProtocol(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setApiKey(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setApiKey(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::destroyInnerAsynThreadPool(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.destroyInnerAsynThreadPool(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Context var0 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + boolean var2 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + var0 + var1 + var2 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { +, var1, var2); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Context var0 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + var0 + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { +, var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Context var0 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + var0 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ =; + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Context var0 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + var0 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ =; + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ =; + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getSharePointName(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSharePointName(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setSharePointName(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setSharePointName(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getLongitude(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Double __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLongitude(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setLongitude(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setLongitude(var1.doubleValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getLatitude(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Double __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLatitude(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setLatitude(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setLatitude(var1.doubleValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::copy(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.copy(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getBusinessArea(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getBusinessArea(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setBusinessArea(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setBusinessArea(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getAdName(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAdName(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setAdName(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAdName(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getCityName(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCityName(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setCityName(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCityName(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getProvinceName(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getProvinceName(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setProvinceName(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setProvinceName(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getTypeDes(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTypeDes(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setTypeDes(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTypeDes(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getTel(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTel(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setTel(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTel(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getAdCode(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAdCode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setAdCode(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAdCode(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getPoiId(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPoiId(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getDistance(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDistance(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setDistance(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDistance(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getTitle(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTitle(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getSnippet(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSnippet(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getLatLonPoint(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLatLonPoint(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getCityCode(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCityCode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setCityCode(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCityCode(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getEnter(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getEnter(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setEnter(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setEnter(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getExit(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getExit(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setExit(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setExit(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getWebsite(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getWebsite(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setWebsite(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setWebsite(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getPostcode(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPostcode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setPostcode(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPostcode(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getEmail(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getEmail(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setEmail(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setEmail(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getDirection(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDirection(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setDirection(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDirection(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setIndoorMap(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setIndoorMap(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::isIndoorMap(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isIndoorMap(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setProvinceCode(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setProvinceCode(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getProvinceCode(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getProvinceCode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setParkingType(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setParkingType(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getParkingType(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getParkingType(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setSubPois(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setSubPois(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getSubPois(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSubPois(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getIndoorData(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getIndoorData(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setIndoorDate(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setIndoorDate(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getPhotos(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPhotos(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setPhotos(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPhotos(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getPoiExtension(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPoiExtension(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setPoiExtension(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPoiExtension(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getTypeCode(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTypeCode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setTypeCode(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTypeCode(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getShopID(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getShopID(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setShopID(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setShopID(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getCityName(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCityName(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setCityName(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCityName(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getCityCode(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCityCode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setCityCode(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCityCode(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getAdCode(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAdCode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setAdCode(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAdCode(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getSuggestionNum(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSuggestionNum(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setSuggestionNum(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setSuggestionNum(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getTitle(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTitle(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setTitle(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTitle(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getUrl(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getUrl(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setUrl(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setUrl(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getPoiId(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPoiId(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setPoiId(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPoiId(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getTitle(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTitle(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setTitle(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTitle(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getSubName(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSubName(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setSubName(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setSubName(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getDistance(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDistance(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setDistance(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDistance(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getLatLonPoint(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLatLonPoint(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setLatLonPoint(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setLatLonPoint(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getSnippet(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSnippet(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setSnippet(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setSnippet(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getSubTypeDes(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSubTypeDes(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setSubTypeDes(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setSubTypeDes(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getOpentime(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getOpentime(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getmRating(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getmRating(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getLowerLeft(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLowerLeft(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getUpperRight(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getUpperRight(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getCenter(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCenter(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + }}; + } +} diff --git a/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_search_fluttify/sub_handler/ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_search_fluttify/sub_handler/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..041a071 --- /dev/null +++ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_search_fluttify/sub_handler/ @@ -0,0 +1,5741 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +package me.yohom.amap_search_fluttify.sub_handler; + +import android.os.Bundle; +import android.util.Log; + +import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.Collection; +import java.util.HashMap; +import java.util.List; +import java.util.Map; + +import androidx.annotation.NonNull; +import io.flutter.embedding.engine.plugins.FlutterPlugin; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.BinaryMessenger; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodCall; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodChannel; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.PluginRegistry.Registrar; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.StandardMethodCodec; +import io.flutter.plugin.platform.PlatformViewRegistry; + +import me.yohom.amap_search_fluttify.AmapSearchFluttifyPlugin.Handler; +import me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.core.FluttifyMessageCodec; + +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getEnableLog; +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getHEAP; + +@SuppressWarnings("ALL") +public class SubHandler1 { + public static Map getSubHandler(BinaryMessenger messenger) { + return new HashMap() {{ + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getRange(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getRange(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getShape(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getShape(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::isDistanceSort(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isDistanceSort(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getPolyGonList(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPolyGonList(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::clone(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.clone(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var0 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + java.util.List var2 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + java.util.List var3 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + // ref arg + Number var4 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var4"); + // ref arg + Number var5 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var5"); + // ref arg + java.util.ArrayList var6 = (java.util.ArrayList) ((Map) __args__).get("var6"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + var0 + var1 + var2 + var3 + var4 + var5 + var6 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ =, var1, var2, var3, var4.intValue(), var5.intValue(), var6); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getPageCount(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPageCount(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getQuery(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getQuery(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getBound(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getBound(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getPois(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.ArrayList __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPois(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getSearchSuggestionKeywords(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSearchSuggestionKeywords(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getSearchSuggestionCitys(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSearchSuggestionCitys(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setOnPoiSearchListener(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setOnPoiSearchListener(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setLanguage(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setLanguage(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getLanguage(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLanguage(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::searchPOI(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.searchPOI(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::searchPOIAsyn(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.searchPOIAsyn(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::searchPOIId(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.searchPOIId(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::searchPOIIdAsyn(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.searchPOIIdAsyn(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setQuery(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setQuery(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setBound(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setBound(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getQuery(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getQuery(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getBound(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getBound(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getBuilding(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getBuilding(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setBuilding(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setBuilding(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getQueryString(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getQueryString(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setQueryLanguage(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setQueryLanguage(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getCategory(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCategory(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getCity(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCity(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getPageNum(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPageNum(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setPageNum(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPageNum(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setPageSize(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPageSize(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getPageSize(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPageSize(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setCityLimit(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCityLimit(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getCityLimit(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCityLimit(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::requireSubPois(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.requireSubPois(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::isRequireSubPois(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isRequireSubPois(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::isDistanceSort(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isDistanceSort(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setDistanceSort(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDistanceSort(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getLocation(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLocation(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setLocation(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setLocation(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::isSpecial(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isSpecial(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setSpecial(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setSpecial(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getExtensions(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getExtensions(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setExtensions(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setExtensions(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::queryEquals(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.queryEquals(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::clone(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.clone(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getPoiId(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPoiId(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setPoiId(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPoiId(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getFloor(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getFloor(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setFloor(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setFloor(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getFloorName(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getFloorName(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setFloorName(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setFloorName(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getID(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getID(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getName(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getName(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setID(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setID(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setName(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setName(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getCost(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCost(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setCost(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCost(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::isNightBus(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isNightBus(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setNightBus(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setNightBus(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getWalkDistance(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getWalkDistance(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setWalkDistance(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setWalkDistance(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getBusDistance(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getBusDistance(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setBusDistance(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setBusDistance(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getSteps(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSteps(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setSteps(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setSteps(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getPaths(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPaths(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setPaths(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPaths(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getTimeInfos(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTimeInfos(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setTimeInfos(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTimeInfos(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setDrivePlanQuery(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDrivePlanQuery(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setMode(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setMode(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setTruckSize(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTruckSize(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setTruckHeight(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTruckHeight(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setTruckWidth(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTruckWidth(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setTruckLoad(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTruckLoad(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setTruckWeight(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTruckWeight(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setTruckAxis(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTruckAxis(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getFromAndTo(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getFromAndTo(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getMode(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getExtensions(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getExtensions(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setExtensions(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setExtensions(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::hasPassPoint(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.hasPassPoint(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getPassedByPoints(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPassedByPoints(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getPassedPointStr(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPassedPointStr(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getTruckSize(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTruckSize(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getTruckHeight(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTruckHeight(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getTruckWidth(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTruckWidth(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getTruckLoad(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTruckLoad(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getTruckWeight(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTruckWeight(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getTruckAxis(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTruckAxis(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::clone(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.clone(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getDistance(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDistance(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getStatus(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStatus(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setDistance(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDistance(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setStatus(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setStatus(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getPolyline(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPolyline(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setPolyline(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPolyline(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getOrigin(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getOrigin(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setOrigin(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setOrigin(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getDestination(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDestination(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setDestination(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDestination(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getStartPos(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStartPos(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setStartPos(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setStartPos(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getTargetPos(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTargetPos(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setTargetPos(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTargetPos(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setRouteSearchListener(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setRouteSearchListener(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setOnTruckRouteSearchListener(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setOnTruckRouteSearchListener(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setOnRoutePlanSearchListener(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setOnRoutePlanSearchListener(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::calculateWalkRoute(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.calculateWalkRoute(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::calculateWalkRouteAsyn(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.calculateWalkRouteAsyn(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::calculateBusRoute(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.calculateBusRoute(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::calculateBusRouteAsyn(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.calculateBusRouteAsyn(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::calculateDriveRoute(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.calculateDriveRoute(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::calculateDriveRouteAsyn(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.calculateDriveRouteAsyn(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::calculateRideRouteAsyn(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.calculateRideRouteAsyn(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::calculateRideRoute(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.calculateRideRoute(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::calculateTruckRoute(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.calculateTruckRoute(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::calculateTruckRouteAsyn(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.calculateTruckRouteAsyn(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::calculateDrivePlan(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.calculateDrivePlan(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::calculateDrivePlanAsyn(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.calculateDrivePlanAsyn(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getWalk(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getWalk(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setWalk(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setWalk(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getBusLine(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getBusLine(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getBusLines(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getBusLines(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setBusLine(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setBusLine(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setBusLines(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setBusLines(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getEntrance(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getEntrance(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setEntrance(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setEntrance(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getExit(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getExit(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setExit(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setExit(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getRailway(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getRailway(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setRailway(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setRailway(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getTaxi(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTaxi(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setTaxi(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTaxi(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getOrigin(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getOrigin(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getDestination(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDestination(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getDistance(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDistance(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getDuration(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDuration(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getmSname(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getmSname(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getmTname(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getmTname(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setOrigin(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setOrigin(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setDestination(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDestination(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setDistance(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDistance(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setDuration(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDuration(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setSname(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setSname(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setTname(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTname(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getTaxiCost(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTaxiCost(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setTaxiCost(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTaxiCost(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getPaths(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPaths(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setPaths(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPaths(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getBusQuery(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getBusQuery(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setBusQuery(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setBusQuery(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getStartPos(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStartPos(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setStartPos(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setStartPos(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getTargetPos(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTargetPos(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setTargetPos(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTargetPos(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getCode(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getCost(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCost(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setTruckQuery(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTruckQuery(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setPaths(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPaths(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setStartPos(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setStartPos(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setTargetPos(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTargetPos(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getTruckQuery(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTruckQuery(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getPaths(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPaths(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getStartPos(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStartPos(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getTargetPos(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTargetPos(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getFromAndTo(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getFromAndTo(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getMode(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getExtensions(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getExtensions(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setExtensions(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setExtensions(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::clone(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.clone(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getFromAndTo(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getFromAndTo(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getMode(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getCarType(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCarType(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getPassedByPoints(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPassedByPoints(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getAvoidRoad(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAvoidRoad(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getPassedPointStr(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPassedPointStr(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::hasPassPoint(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.hasPassPoint(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getAvoidpolygonsStr(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAvoidpolygonsStr(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::hasAvoidpolygons(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.hasAvoidpolygons(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::hasAvoidRoad(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.hasAvoidRoad(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getExclude(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getExclude(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setExclude(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setExclude(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getExtensions(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getExtensions(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setExtensions(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setExtensions(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::clone(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.clone(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::isUseFerry(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isUseFerry(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setUseFerry(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setUseFerry(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setCarType(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCarType(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getKey(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getKey(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setKey(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setKey(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getCustomCostMode(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCustomCostMode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setCustomCostMode(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCustomCostMode(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getMaxVehicleCharge(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMaxVehicleCharge(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setMaxVehicleCharge(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setMaxVehicleCharge(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getVehicleCharge(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getVehicleCharge(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setVehicleCharge(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setVehicleCharge(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getLoad(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLoad(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + }}; + } +} diff --git a/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_search_fluttify/sub_handler/ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_search_fluttify/sub_handler/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9de6a26 --- /dev/null +++ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_search_fluttify/sub_handler/ @@ -0,0 +1,6337 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +package me.yohom.amap_search_fluttify.sub_handler; + +import android.os.Bundle; +import android.util.Log; + +import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.Collection; +import java.util.HashMap; +import java.util.List; +import java.util.Map; + +import androidx.annotation.NonNull; +import io.flutter.embedding.engine.plugins.FlutterPlugin; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.BinaryMessenger; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodCall; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodChannel; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.PluginRegistry.Registrar; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.StandardMethodCodec; +import io.flutter.plugin.platform.PlatformViewRegistry; + +import me.yohom.amap_search_fluttify.AmapSearchFluttifyPlugin.Handler; +import me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.core.FluttifyMessageCodec; + +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getEnableLog; +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getHEAP; + +@SuppressWarnings("ALL") +public class SubHandler10 { + public static Map getSubHandler(BinaryMessenger messenger) { + return new HashMap() {{ + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getOriginType(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setOriginType(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDestinationType(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDestinationType(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPlateNumber(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPlateNumber(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.clone(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getValue(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var0 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ =; + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getInstruction(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setInstruction(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getOrientation(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setOrientation(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getRoad(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setRoad(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDistance(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDistance(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTolls(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTolls(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTollDistance(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTollDistance(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTollRoad(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTollRoad(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDuration(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDuration(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPolyline(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPolyline(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAction(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAction(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAssistantAction(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAssistantAction(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getRouteSearchCityList(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setRouteSearchCityList(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTMCs(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTMCs(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setInstruction(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setOrientation(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setRoad(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTolls(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDistance(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTollDistance(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTollRoad(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDuration(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPolyline(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAction(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAssistantAction(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setRouteSearchCityList(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTMCs(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getInstruction(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getOrientation(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getRoad(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTolls(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDistance(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTollDistance(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTollRoad(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDuration(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPolyline(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAction(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAssistantAction(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getRouteSearchCityList(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTMCs(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTaxiCost(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTaxiCost(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPaths(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPaths(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDriveQuery(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDriveQuery(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStrategy(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setStrategy(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTolls(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTolls(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTollDistance(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTollDistance(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTotalTrafficlights(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTotalTrafficlights(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSteps(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setSteps(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getRestriction(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setRestriction(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDistance(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDuration(var1.longValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setStrategy(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTolls(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTollDistance(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTotalTrafficlights(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setRestriction(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setSteps(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDistance(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Long __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDuration(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStrategy(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTolls(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTollDistance(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTotalTrafficlights(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getRestriction(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSteps(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getName(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setName(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLatLonPoint(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setLatLonPoint(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDistance(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDistance(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTrafficLights(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTrafficLights(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSteps(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setSteps(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPathindex(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPathindex(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDuration(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDuration(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTolls(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTolls(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getRestriction(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setRestriction(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTMCs(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTMCs(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getElecConsumeInfo(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setElecConsumeInfo(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getChargeStationInfo(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setChargeStationInfo(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCost(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCost(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStrategy(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setStrategy(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSteps(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setSteps(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getRestriction(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setRestriction(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getOriginId(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDestId(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDistance(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDuration(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getErrorInfo(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getErrorCode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setOriginId(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDestId(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDistance(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDuration(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setErrorInfo(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setErrorCode(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPolyline(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPolyline(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDistance(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDistance(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Long __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDuration(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDuration(var1.longValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setId(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setName(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCityCode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCityCode(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getRoadWidth(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setRoadWidth(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getType(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setType(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCenterPoint(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCenterPoint(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getId(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getName(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDistance(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDistance(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDirection(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDirection(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getFirstRoadId(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setFirstRoadId(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getFirstRoadName(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setFirstRoadName(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSecondRoadId(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setSecondRoadId(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSecondRoadName(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setSecondRoadName(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setUserID(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getUserID(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPoint(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPoint(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTimeStamp(var1.longValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Long __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTimeStamp(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDistance(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDistance(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDrivingDistance(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDrivingDistance(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPoint(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPoint(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setUserID(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getUserID(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCoordType(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCoordType(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Context var0 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ =; + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.clearUserInfoAsyn(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setUserID(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.stopUploadNearbyInfoAuto(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.uploadNearbyInfoAsyn(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.searchNearbyInfoAsyn(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.searchNearbyInfo(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { +; + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getNearbyInfoList(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTotalNum(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setNearbyInfoList(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCenterPoint(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCenterPoint(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getRadius(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setRadius(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + }}; + } +} diff --git a/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_search_fluttify/sub_handler/ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_search_fluttify/sub_handler/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7c4a49b --- /dev/null +++ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_search_fluttify/sub_handler/ @@ -0,0 +1,6343 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +package me.yohom.amap_search_fluttify.sub_handler; + +import android.os.Bundle; +import android.util.Log; + +import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.Collection; +import java.util.HashMap; +import java.util.List; +import java.util.Map; + +import androidx.annotation.NonNull; +import io.flutter.embedding.engine.plugins.FlutterPlugin; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.BinaryMessenger; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodCall; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodChannel; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.PluginRegistry.Registrar; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.StandardMethodCodec; +import io.flutter.plugin.platform.PlatformViewRegistry; + +import me.yohom.amap_search_fluttify.AmapSearchFluttifyPlugin.Handler; +import me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.core.FluttifyMessageCodec; + +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getEnableLog; +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getHEAP; + +@SuppressWarnings("ALL") +public class SubHandler11 { + public static Map getSubHandler(BinaryMessenger messenger) { + return new HashMap() {{ + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // enum arg + var1 =[(int) ((Map) __args__).get("var1")]; + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setType(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getType(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCoordType(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCoordType(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTimeRange(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTimeRange(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getID(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setID(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTitle(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTitle(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPoint(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPoint(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDistance(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDistance(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDuration(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDuration(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setQuery(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.searchRoutePOIAsyn(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.searchRoutePOI(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getRoutePois(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getQuery(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getFrom(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTo(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSearchType(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getRange(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPolylines(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.clone(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getID(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDistance(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDistance(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTitle(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSnippet(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLatLonPoint(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCreatetime(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCreatetime(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getUpdatetime(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setUpdatetime(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.HashMap __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCustomfield(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.HashMap var1 = (java.util.HashMap) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCustomfield(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCloudImage(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setmCloudImage(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getQueryString(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTableID(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTableID(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPageNum(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPageNum(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPageSize(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPageSize(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setBound(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getBound(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + String var2 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.addFilterString(var1, var2); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getFilterString(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + String var2 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + String var3 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.addFilterNum(var1, var2, var3); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getFilterNumString(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setSortingrules(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSortingrules(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.queryEquals(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.clone(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var0 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + var2 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + Number var3 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + // ref arg + java.util.ArrayList var4 = (java.util.ArrayList) ((Map) __args__).get("var4"); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ =, var1.intValue(), var2, var3.intValue(), var4); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPageCount(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getQuery(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getBound(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.ArrayList __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getClouds(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTotalCount(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.searchCloudAsyn(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + String var2 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.searchCloudDetailAsyn(var1, var2); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLowerLeft(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getUpperRight(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCenter(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getRange(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getShape(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCity(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPolyGonList(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.clone(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getId(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setId(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPreurl(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPreurl(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getUrl(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setUrl(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDate(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDate(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getWeek(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setWeek(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDayWeather(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDayWeather(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getNightWeather(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setNightWeather(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDayTemp(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDayTemp(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getNightTemp(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setNightTemp(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDayWindDirection(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDayWindDirection(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getNightWindDirection(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setNightWindDirection(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDayWindPower(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDayWindPower(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getNightWindPower(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setNightWindPower(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCity(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getType(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.clone(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var0 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ =, var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getWeatherForecastQuery(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getForecastResult(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getProvince(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setProvince(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCity(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCity(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAdCode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAdCode(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getReportTime(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setReportTime(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getWeatherForecast(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setWeatherForecast(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getQuery(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setQuery(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.searchWeatherAsyn(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getProvince(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCity(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAdCode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getWeather(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTemperature(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getWindDirection(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getWindPower(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getHumidity(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getReportTime(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setProvince(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCity(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAdCode(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setWeather(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTemperature(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setWindDirection(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setWindPower(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setHumidity(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setReportTime(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var0 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ =, var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getWeatherLiveQuery(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLiveResult(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCenterPoint(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCenterPoint(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getName(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setName(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLocationName(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setLocationName(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCity(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCity(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCountry(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCountry(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getFromLocation(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getFromLocationName(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.getFromLocationAsyn(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.getFromLocationNameAsyn(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getRegeocodeQuery(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setRegeocodeQuery(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getRegeocodeAddress(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setRegeocodeAddress(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getGeocodeQuery(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setGeocodeQuery(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getGeocodeAddressList(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setGeocodeAddressList(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAoiId(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAoiName(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAdCode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAoiCenterPoint(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAoiArea(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setId(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setName(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAdcode(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setLocation(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setArea(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getId(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setId(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getName(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setName(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDistance(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDistance(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDirection(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDirection(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLatLngPoint(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setLatLngPoint(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getFormatAddress(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setFormatAddress(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getProvince(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setProvince(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCity(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCity(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDistrict(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDistrict(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTownship(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTownship(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getNeighborhood(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setNeighborhood(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getBuilding(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setBuilding(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAdcode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAdcode(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLatLonPoint(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + }}; + } +} diff --git a/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_search_fluttify/sub_handler/ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_search_fluttify/sub_handler/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a1c757b --- /dev/null +++ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_search_fluttify/sub_handler/ @@ -0,0 +1,6428 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +package me.yohom.amap_search_fluttify.sub_handler; + +import android.os.Bundle; +import android.util.Log; + +import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.Collection; +import java.util.HashMap; +import java.util.List; +import java.util.Map; + +import androidx.annotation.NonNull; +import io.flutter.embedding.engine.plugins.FlutterPlugin; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.BinaryMessenger; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodCall; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodChannel; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.PluginRegistry.Registrar; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.StandardMethodCodec; +import io.flutter.plugin.platform.PlatformViewRegistry; + +import me.yohom.amap_search_fluttify.AmapSearchFluttifyPlugin.Handler; +import me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.core.FluttifyMessageCodec; + +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getEnableLog; +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getHEAP; + +@SuppressWarnings("ALL") +public class SubHandler12 { + public static Map getSubHandler(BinaryMessenger messenger) { + return new HashMap() {{ + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setLatLonPoint(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLevel(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setLevel(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCountry(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCountry(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPostcode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPostcode(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPoint(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPoint(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getRadius(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setRadius(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLatLonType(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setLatLonType(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPoiType(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPoiType(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setMode(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getExtensions(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setExtensions(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStreet(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setStreet(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getNumber(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setNumber(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLatLonPoint(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setLatLonPoint(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDirection(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDirection(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDistance(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDistance(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getFormatAddress(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setFormatAddress(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getProvince(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setProvince(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCity(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCity(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCityCode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCityCode(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAdCode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAdCode(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDistrict(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDistrict(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTownship(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTownship(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getNeighborhood(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setNeighborhood(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getBuilding(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setBuilding(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStreetNumber(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setStreetNumber(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getRoads(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setRoads(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPois(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPois(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCrossroads(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCrossroads(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getBusinessAreas(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setBusinessAreas(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAois(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAois(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTowncode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTowncode(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCountry(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCountry(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCountryCode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCountryCode(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setShowBoundary(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isShowBoundary(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPageNum(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPageNum(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPageSize(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPageSize(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getKeywords(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setKeywords(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getKeywordsLevel(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setKeywordsLevel(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isShowChild(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setShowChild(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSubDistrict(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setSubDistrict(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isShowBusinessArea(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setShowBusinessArea(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.checkLevels(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.checkKeyWords(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.weakEquals(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.clone(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getQuery(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setQuery(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.searchDistrict(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.searchDistrictAsyn(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.searchDistrictAnsy(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.ArrayList __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDistrict(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.ArrayList var1 = (java.util.ArrayList) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDistrict(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getQuery(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setQuery(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPageCount(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPageCount(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAMapException(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAMapException(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String[] var1 = (String[]) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDistrictBoundary(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String[] __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.districtBoundary(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCitycode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCitycode(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAdcode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAdcode(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getName(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setName(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCenter(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCenter(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLevel(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setLevel(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSubDistrict(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.ArrayList var1 = (java.util.ArrayList) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setSubDistrict(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPoiID(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setID(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPoint(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPostion(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getName(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setName(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDistrict(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDistrict(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAdcode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAdcode(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAddress(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAddress(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTypeCode(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTypeCode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getKeyword(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCity(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setType(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getType(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCityLimit(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCityLimit(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setLocation(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLocation(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getQuery(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setQuery(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.requestInputtipsAsyn(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.requestInputtips(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + String var2 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.requestInputtips(var1, var2); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + String var2 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + String var3 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.requestInputtips(var1, var2, var3); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getFromAndTo(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getNaviMode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getBusMode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getShareFromAndTo(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.searchPoiShareUrlAsyn(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.searchBusRouteShareUrlAsyn(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.searchWalkRouteShareUrlAsyn(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.searchDrivingRouteShareUrlAsyn(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.searchNaviShareUrlAsyn(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.searchLocationShareUrlAsyn(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.searchPoiShareUrl(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.searchNaviShareUrl(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.searchLocationShareUrl(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.searchBusRouteShareUrl(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.searchDrivingRouteShareUrl(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.searchWalkRouteShareUrl(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setFromName(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setToName(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getFrom(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTo(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getFromName(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getToName(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getWalkMode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getShareFromAndTo(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDrivingMode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getShareFromAndTo(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // anonymous class + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // invoke native method + __result__ = new { + // method channel + MethodChannel callbackChannel = new MethodChannel(messenger, "" + getClass().getName() + ":" + System.identityHashCode(this), new StandardMethodCodec(new FluttifyMessageCodec())); + android.os.Handler handler = new android.os.Handler(android.os.Looper.getMainLooper()); + + // call dart method + @Override + public void onBusLineSearched( var1, int var2) { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: onBusLineSearched(" + var1 + var2 + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "onBusLineSearched_", + new HashMap() {{ + put("var1", var1); + put("var2", var2); + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + + } + + }; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // anonymous class + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // invoke native method + __result__ = new { + // method channel + MethodChannel callbackChannel = new MethodChannel(messenger, "" + getClass().getName() + ":" + System.identityHashCode(this), new StandardMethodCodec(new FluttifyMessageCodec())); + android.os.Handler handler = new android.os.Handler(android.os.Looper.getMainLooper()); + + // call dart method + @Override + public void onBusStationSearched( var1, int var2) { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: onBusStationSearched(" + var1 + var2 + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "onBusStationSearched_", + new HashMap() {{ + put("var1", var1); + put("var2", var2); + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + + } + + }; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // anonymous class + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // invoke native method + __result__ = new { + // method channel + MethodChannel callbackChannel = new MethodChannel(messenger, "" + getClass().getName() + ":" + System.identityHashCode(this), new StandardMethodCodec(new FluttifyMessageCodec())); + android.os.Handler handler = new android.os.Handler(android.os.Looper.getMainLooper()); + + // call dart method + @Override + public void onPoiSearched( var1, int var2) { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: onPoiSearched(" + var1 + var2 + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "onPoiSearched_", + new HashMap() {{ + put("var1", var1); + put("var2", var2); + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + + } + + @Override + public void onPoiItemSearched( var1, int var2) { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: onPoiItemSearched(" + var1 + var2 + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "onPoiItemSearched_", + new HashMap() {{ + put("var1", var1); + put("var2", var2); + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + + } + + }; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // anonymous class + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // invoke native method + __result__ = new { + // method channel + MethodChannel callbackChannel = new MethodChannel(messenger, "" + getClass().getName() + ":" + System.identityHashCode(this), new StandardMethodCodec(new FluttifyMessageCodec())); + android.os.Handler handler = new android.os.Handler(android.os.Looper.getMainLooper()); + + // call dart method + @Override + public void onDriveRoutePlanSearched( var1, int var2) { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: onDriveRoutePlanSearched(" + var1 + var2 + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "onDriveRoutePlanSearched_", + new HashMap() {{ + put("var1", var1); + put("var2", var2); + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + + } + + }; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // anonymous class + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // invoke native method + __result__ = new { + // method channel + MethodChannel callbackChannel = new MethodChannel(messenger, "" + getClass().getName() + ":" + System.identityHashCode(this), new StandardMethodCodec(new FluttifyMessageCodec())); + android.os.Handler handler = new android.os.Handler(android.os.Looper.getMainLooper()); + + // call dart method + @Override + public void onDistanceSearched( var1, int var2) { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: onDistanceSearched(" + var1 + var2 + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "onDistanceSearched_", + new HashMap() {{ + put("var1", var1); + put("var2", var2); + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + + } + + }; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // anonymous class + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // invoke native method + __result__ = new { + // method channel + MethodChannel callbackChannel = new MethodChannel(messenger, "" + getClass().getName() + ":" + System.identityHashCode(this), new StandardMethodCodec(new FluttifyMessageCodec())); + android.os.Handler handler = new android.os.Handler(android.os.Looper.getMainLooper()); + + // call dart method + @Override + public void onBusRouteSearched( var1, int var2) { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: onBusRouteSearched(" + var1 + var2 + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "onBusRouteSearched_", + new HashMap() {{ + put("var1", var1); + put("var2", var2); + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + + } + + @Override + public void onDriveRouteSearched( var1, int var2) { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: onDriveRouteSearched(" + var1 + var2 + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "onDriveRouteSearched_", + new HashMap() {{ + put("var1", var1); + put("var2", var2); + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + + } + + @Override + public void onWalkRouteSearched( var1, int var2) { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: onWalkRouteSearched(" + var1 + var2 + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "onWalkRouteSearched_", + new HashMap() {{ + put("var1", var1); + put("var2", var2); + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + + } + + @Override + public void onRideRouteSearched( var1, int var2) { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: onRideRouteSearched(" + var1 + var2 + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "onRideRouteSearched_", + new HashMap() {{ + put("var1", var1); + put("var2", var2); + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + + } + + }; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // anonymous class + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // invoke native method + __result__ = new { + // method channel + MethodChannel callbackChannel = new MethodChannel(messenger, "" + getClass().getName() + ":" + System.identityHashCode(this), new StandardMethodCodec(new FluttifyMessageCodec())); + android.os.Handler handler = new android.os.Handler(android.os.Looper.getMainLooper()); + + // call dart method + @Override + public void onTruckRouteSearched( var1, int var2) { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: onTruckRouteSearched(" + var1 + var2 + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "onTruckRouteSearched_", + new HashMap() {{ + put("var1", var1); + put("var2", var2); + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + + } + + }; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // anonymous class + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // invoke native method + __result__ = new { + // method channel + MethodChannel callbackChannel = new MethodChannel(messenger, "" + getClass().getName() + ":" + System.identityHashCode(this), new StandardMethodCodec(new FluttifyMessageCodec())); + android.os.Handler handler = new android.os.Handler(android.os.Looper.getMainLooper()); + + // call dart method + @Override + public void onDriveRoutePlanSearched( var1, int var2) { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: onDriveRoutePlanSearched(" + var1 + var2 + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "onDriveRoutePlanSearched_", + new HashMap() {{ + put("var1", var1); + put("var2", var2); + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + + } + + }; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // anonymous class + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // invoke native method + __result__ = new { + // method channel + MethodChannel callbackChannel = new MethodChannel(messenger, "" + getClass().getName() + ":" + System.identityHashCode(this), new StandardMethodCodec(new FluttifyMessageCodec())); + android.os.Handler handler = new android.os.Handler(android.os.Looper.getMainLooper()); + + // call dart method + @Override + public void onDriveRouteSearched( var1, int var2) { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: onDriveRouteSearched(" + var1 + var2 + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "onDriveRouteSearched_", + new HashMap() {{ + put("var1", var1); + put("var2", var2); + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + + } + + }; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // anonymous class + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // invoke native method + __result__ = new { + // method channel + MethodChannel callbackChannel = new MethodChannel(messenger, "" + getClass().getName() + ":" + System.identityHashCode(this), new StandardMethodCodec(new FluttifyMessageCodec())); + android.os.Handler handler = new android.os.Handler(android.os.Looper.getMainLooper()); + + // call dart method + @Override + public void onTruckRouteSearched( var1, int var2) { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: onTruckRouteSearched(" + var1 + var2 + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "onTruckRouteSearched_", + new HashMap() {{ + put("var1", var1); + put("var2", var2); + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + + } + + }; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // anonymous class + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // invoke native method + __result__ = new { + // method channel + MethodChannel callbackChannel = new MethodChannel(messenger, "" + getClass().getName() + ":" + System.identityHashCode(this), new StandardMethodCodec(new FluttifyMessageCodec())); + android.os.Handler handler = new android.os.Handler(android.os.Looper.getMainLooper()); + + // call dart method + @Override + public void onUserInfoCleared(int var1) { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: onUserInfoCleared(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "onUserInfoCleared", + new HashMap() {{ + put("var1", var1); + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + + } + + @Override + public void onNearbyInfoSearched( var1, int var2) { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: onNearbyInfoSearched(" + var1 + var2 + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "onNearbyInfoSearched_", + new HashMap() {{ + put("var1", var1); + put("var2", var2); + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + + } + + @Override + public void onNearbyInfoUploaded(int var1) { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: onNearbyInfoUploaded(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "onNearbyInfoUploaded", + new HashMap() {{ + put("var1", var1); + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + + } + + }; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // anonymous class + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // invoke native method + __result__ = new { + // method channel + MethodChannel callbackChannel = new MethodChannel(messenger, "" + getClass().getName() + ":" + System.identityHashCode(this), new StandardMethodCodec(new FluttifyMessageCodec())); + android.os.Handler handler = new android.os.Handler(android.os.Looper.getMainLooper()); + + // call dart method + @Override + public OnUploadInfoCallback() { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: OnUploadInfoCallback(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "OnUploadInfoCallback", + new HashMap() {{ + + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + return null; + } + + }; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // anonymous class + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // invoke native method + __result__ = new { + // method channel + MethodChannel callbackChannel = new MethodChannel(messenger, "" + getClass().getName() + ":" + System.identityHashCode(this), new StandardMethodCodec(new FluttifyMessageCodec())); + android.os.Handler handler = new android.os.Handler(android.os.Looper.getMainLooper()); + + // call dart method + @Override + public void onRoutePoiSearched( var1, int var2) { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: onRoutePoiSearched(" + var1 + var2 + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "onRoutePoiSearched_", + new HashMap() {{ + put("var1", var1); + put("var2", var2); + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + + } + + }; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // anonymous class + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // invoke native method + __result__ = new { + // method channel + MethodChannel callbackChannel = new MethodChannel(messenger, "" + getClass().getName() + ":" + System.identityHashCode(this), new StandardMethodCodec(new FluttifyMessageCodec())); + android.os.Handler handler = new android.os.Handler(android.os.Looper.getMainLooper()); + + // call dart method + @Override + public void onCloudSearched( var1, int var2) { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: onCloudSearched(" + var1 + var2 + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "onCloudSearched_", + new HashMap() {{ + put("var1", var1); + put("var2", var2); + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + + } + + @Override + public void onCloudItemDetailSearched( var1, int var2) { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: onCloudItemDetailSearched(" + var1 + var2 + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "onCloudItemDetailSearched_", + new HashMap() {{ + put("var1", var1); + put("var2", var2); + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + + } + + }; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // anonymous class + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // invoke native method + __result__ = new { + // method channel + MethodChannel callbackChannel = new MethodChannel(messenger, "" + getClass().getName() + ":" + System.identityHashCode(this), new StandardMethodCodec(new FluttifyMessageCodec())); + android.os.Handler handler = new android.os.Handler(android.os.Looper.getMainLooper()); + + // call dart method + @Override + public void onWeatherLiveSearched( var1, int var2) { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: onWeatherLiveSearched(" + var1 + var2 + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "onWeatherLiveSearched_", + new HashMap() {{ + put("var1", var1); + put("var2", var2); + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + + } + + @Override + public void onWeatherForecastSearched( var1, int var2) { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: onWeatherForecastSearched(" + var1 + var2 + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "onWeatherForecastSearched_", + new HashMap() {{ + put("var1", var1); + put("var2", var2); + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + + } + + }; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // anonymous class + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // invoke native method + __result__ = new { + // method channel + MethodChannel callbackChannel = new MethodChannel(messenger, "" + getClass().getName() + ":" + System.identityHashCode(this), new StandardMethodCodec(new FluttifyMessageCodec())); + android.os.Handler handler = new android.os.Handler(android.os.Looper.getMainLooper()); + + // call dart method + @Override + public void onRegeocodeSearched( var1, int var2) { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: onRegeocodeSearched(" + var1 + var2 + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "onRegeocodeSearched_", + new HashMap() {{ + put("var1", var1); + put("var2", var2); + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + + } + + @Override + public void onGeocodeSearched( var1, int var2) { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: onGeocodeSearched(" + var1 + var2 + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "onGeocodeSearched_", + new HashMap() {{ + put("var1", var1); + put("var2", var2); + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + + } + + }; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // anonymous class + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // invoke native method + __result__ = new { + // method channel + MethodChannel callbackChannel = new MethodChannel(messenger, "" + getClass().getName() + ":" + System.identityHashCode(this), new StandardMethodCodec(new FluttifyMessageCodec())); + android.os.Handler handler = new android.os.Handler(android.os.Looper.getMainLooper()); + + // call dart method + @Override + public void onDistrictSearched( var1) { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: onDistrictSearched(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "onDistrictSearched", + new HashMap() {{ + put("var1", var1); + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + + } + + }; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // anonymous class + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // invoke native method + __result__ = new { + // method channel + MethodChannel callbackChannel = new MethodChannel(messenger, "" + getClass().getName() + ":" + System.identityHashCode(this), new StandardMethodCodec(new FluttifyMessageCodec())); + android.os.Handler handler = new android.os.Handler(android.os.Looper.getMainLooper()); + + // call dart method + @Override + public void onGetInputtips(java.util.List var1, int var2) { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: onGetInputtips(" + var1 + var2 + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "onGetInputtips_", + new HashMap() {{ + put("var1", var1); + put("var2", var2); + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + + } + + }; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // anonymous class + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // invoke native method + __result__ = new { + // method channel + MethodChannel callbackChannel = new MethodChannel(messenger, "" + getClass().getName() + ":" + System.identityHashCode(this), new StandardMethodCodec(new FluttifyMessageCodec())); + android.os.Handler handler = new android.os.Handler(android.os.Looper.getMainLooper()); + + // call dart method + @Override + public void onPoiShareUrlSearched(String var1, int var2) { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: onPoiShareUrlSearched(" + var1 + var2 + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "onPoiShareUrlSearched_", + new HashMap() {{ + put("var1", var1); + put("var2", var2); + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + + } + + @Override + public void onLocationShareUrlSearched(String var1, int var2) { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: onLocationShareUrlSearched(" + var1 + var2 + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "onLocationShareUrlSearched_", + new HashMap() {{ + put("var1", var1); + put("var2", var2); + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + + } + + @Override + public void onNaviShareUrlSearched(String var1, int var2) { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: onNaviShareUrlSearched(" + var1 + var2 + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "onNaviShareUrlSearched_", + new HashMap() {{ + put("var1", var1); + put("var2", var2); + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + + } + + @Override + public void onBusRouteShareUrlSearched(String var1, int var2) { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: onBusRouteShareUrlSearched(" + var1 + var2 + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "onBusRouteShareUrlSearched_", + new HashMap() {{ + put("var1", var1); + put("var2", var2); + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + + } + + @Override + public void onWalkRouteShareUrlSearched(String var1, int var2) { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: onWalkRouteShareUrlSearched(" + var1 + var2 + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "onWalkRouteShareUrlSearched_", + new HashMap() {{ + put("var1", var1); + put("var2", var2); + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + + } + + @Override + public void onDrivingRouteShareUrlSearched(String var1, int var2) { + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("java-callback", "fluttify-java-callback: onDrivingRouteShareUrlSearched(" + var1 + var2 + ")"); + } + + // call dart method + Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + callbackChannel.invokeMethod( + "onDrivingRouteShareUrlSearched_", + new HashMap() {{ + put("var1", var1); + put("var2", var2); + }} + ); + } + }); + + // method result + + } + + }; + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineItem", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_busline_BusStationResult", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_busline_BusStationSearch", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineSearch", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineQuery", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineResult", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_busline_BusStationItem", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_busline_BusStationQuery", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_core_AMapException", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_core_ServiceSettings", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_core_SearchUtils", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_core_LatLonSharePoint", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_core_PoiItem", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_core_SuggestionCity", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + }}; + } +} diff --git a/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_search_fluttify/sub_handler/ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_search_fluttify/sub_handler/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d96a1a7 --- /dev/null +++ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_search_fluttify/sub_handler/ @@ -0,0 +1,1991 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +package me.yohom.amap_search_fluttify.sub_handler; + +import android.os.Bundle; +import android.util.Log; + +import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.Collection; +import java.util.HashMap; +import java.util.List; +import java.util.Map; + +import androidx.annotation.NonNull; +import io.flutter.embedding.engine.plugins.FlutterPlugin; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.BinaryMessenger; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodCall; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodChannel; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.PluginRegistry.Registrar; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.StandardMethodCodec; +import io.flutter.plugin.platform.PlatformViewRegistry; + +import me.yohom.amap_search_fluttify.AmapSearchFluttifyPlugin.Handler; +import me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.core.FluttifyMessageCodec; + +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getEnableLog; +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getHEAP; + +@SuppressWarnings("ALL") +public class SubHandler13 { + public static Map getSubHandler(BinaryMessenger messenger) { + return new HashMap() {{ + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_poisearch_Photo", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_poisearch_SubPoiItem", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiItemExtension", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch_SearchBound", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiResult", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch_Query", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_poisearch_IndoorData", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_Railway", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_BusPath", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_DriveRoutePlanResult", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_TruckRouteQuery", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_TMC", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteBusWalkItem", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteResult", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_BusStep", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_TaxiItem", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_BusRouteResult", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_RoutePlanResult", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_RailwaySpace", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_TruckRouteRestult", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_RideRouteQuery", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_DriveRouteQuery", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_NewEnergy", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_TransCost", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteRailwayItem", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_SpeedCost", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_WalkStep", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_CurveCost", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_SlopeCost", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_RailwayStationItem", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_RideRouteResult", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_ChargeStationInfo", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_FromAndTo", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_RidePath", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_BusRouteQuery", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_RideStep", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_DriveRouteQuery", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_PowerTrainLoss", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchCity", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_Navi", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_Cost", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_DistanceResult", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_WalkRouteQuery", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_District", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_DriveRouteResultV2", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_WalkRouteResult", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_DistanceSearch_DistanceQuery", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_SearchCity", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_DistanceSearch", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_WalkPath", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_ElecConsumeInfo", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_DriveStepV2", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteBusLineItem", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_DrivePlanQuery", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_CustomCostMode", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_DrivePlanStep", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_ShowFields", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_TimeInfo", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_FromAndTo", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_DriveStep", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_TruckStep", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_DriveRouteResult", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_DrivePath", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_TruckPath", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_Doorway", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_DrivePlanPath", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_TimeInfosElement", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_DrivePathV2", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_DistanceItem", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_Path", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_road_Road", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_road_Crossroad", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_nearby_NearbyInfo", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_nearby_UploadInfo", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_nearby_NearbySearch", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_nearby_NearbySearchResult", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_nearby_NearbySearch_NearbyQuery", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOIItem", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearch", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearchResult", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearchQuery", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudItem", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch_Query", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudResult", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch_SearchBound", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudImage", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch_Sortingrules", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudItemDetail", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_weather_LocalDayWeatherForecast", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_weather_WeatherSearchQuery", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_weather_LocalWeatherForecastResult", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_weather_LocalWeatherForecast", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_weather_WeatherSearch", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_weather_LocalWeatherLive", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_weather_LocalWeatherLiveResult", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_geocoder_BusinessArea", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_geocoder_GeocodeQuery", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_geocoder_GeocodeSearch", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_geocoder_RegeocodeResult", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_geocoder_GeocodeResult", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_geocoder_AoiItem", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_geocoder_RegeocodeRoad", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_geocoder_GeocodeAddress", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_geocoder_RegeocodeQuery", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_geocoder_StreetNumber", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_geocoder_RegeocodeAddress", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_district_DistrictSearchQuery", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_district_DistrictSearch", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_district_DistrictResult", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_district_DistrictItem", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_help_Tip", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_help_InputtipsQuery", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_help_Inputtips", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareNaviQuery", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareBusRouteQuery", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareFromAndTo", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareWalkRouteQuery", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + put("RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareDrivingRouteQuery", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // 引用对象 + Object __this__ = ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + __methodResult__.success(__this__ instanceof; + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineItem__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineItem__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_busline_BusStationSearch__android_content_Context__com_amap_api_services_busline_BusStationQuery", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_busline_BusStationSearch__android_content_Context__com_amap_api_services_busline_BusStationQuery"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Context var1 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + var2 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineSearch__android_content_Context__com_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineQuery", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineSearch__android_content_Context__com_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineQuery"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Context var1 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + var2 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineQuery__String__com_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineQuery_SearchType__String", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineQuery__String__com_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineQuery_SearchType__String"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // enum arg + var2 =[(int) ((Map) __args__).get("var2")]; + // ref arg + String var3 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2, var3); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_busline_BusStationItem__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_busline_BusStationItem__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_busline_BusStationQuery__String__String", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_busline_BusStationQuery__String__String"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + String var2 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_core_AMapException__String", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_core_AMapException__String"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_core_AMapException__String__int__String", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_core_AMapException__String__int__String"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + String var3 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2.intValue(), var3); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_core_AMapException__String__int__String__int", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_core_AMapException__String__int__String__int"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + String var3 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + // ref arg + Number var4 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var4"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2.intValue(), var3, var4.intValue()); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_core_AMapException__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_core_AMapException__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_core_SearchUtils__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_core_SearchUtils__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_core_LatLonSharePoint__double__double__String", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonSharePoint__double__double__String"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var3 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + // ref arg + String var5 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var5"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var3.doubleValue(), var5); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__double__double", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__double__double"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var3 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var3.doubleValue()); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_core_PoiItem__String__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__String__String", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_core_PoiItem__String__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__String__String"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + var2 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + String var3 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + // ref arg + String var4 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var4"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2, var3, var4); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_core_SuggestionCity__String__String__String__int", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_core_SuggestionCity__String__String__String__int"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + String var2 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + String var3 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + // ref arg + Number var4 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var4"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2, var3, var4.intValue()); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_poisearch_Photo__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_poisearch_Photo__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_poisearch_Photo__String__String", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_poisearch_Photo__String__String"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + String var2 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_poisearch_SubPoiItem__String__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__String__String", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_poisearch_SubPoiItem__String__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__String__String"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + var2 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + String var3 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + // ref arg + String var4 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var4"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2, var3, var4); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiItemExtension__String__String", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiItemExtension__String__String"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + String var2 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch_SearchBound__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__int", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch_SearchBound__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__int"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2.intValue()); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch_SearchBound__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__int__boolean", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch_SearchBound__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__int__boolean"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + boolean var3 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2.intValue(), var3); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch_SearchBound__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch_SearchBound__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + var2 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch_SearchBound__java_util_List_com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint_", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch_SearchBound__java_util_List_com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint_"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch__android_content_Context__com_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch_Query", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch__android_content_Context__com_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch_Query"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Context var1 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + var2 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch_Query__String__String", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch_Query__String__String"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + String var2 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch_Query__String__String__String", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch_Query__String__String__String"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + String var2 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + String var3 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2, var3); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_poisearch_IndoorData__String__int__String", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_poisearch_IndoorData__String__int__String"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + String var3 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2.intValue(), var3); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_Railway__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_route_Railway__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_BusPath__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_route_BusPath__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_DriveRoutePlanResult__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_route_DriveRoutePlanResult__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_TruckRouteQuery__com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_FromAndTo__int__java_util_List_com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint___int", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_TruckRouteQuery__com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_FromAndTo__int__java_util_List_com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint___int"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + java.util.List var3 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + // ref arg + Number var4 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var4"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2.intValue(), var3, var4.intValue()); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_TMC__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_route_TMC__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteBusWalkItem__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_route_RouteBusWalkItem__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteResult__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_route_RouteResult__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch__android_content_Context", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch__android_content_Context"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Context var1 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_BusStep__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_route_BusStep__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_TaxiItem__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_route_TaxiItem__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_BusRouteResult__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_route_BusRouteResult__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_RoutePlanResult__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_route_RoutePlanResult__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_RailwaySpace__String__float", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_route_RailwaySpace__String__float"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2.floatValue()); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_TruckRouteRestult__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_route_TruckRouteRestult__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_RideRouteQuery__com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_FromAndTo__int", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_RideRouteQuery__com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_FromAndTo__int"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2.intValue()); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_RideRouteQuery__com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_FromAndTo", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_RideRouteQuery__com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_FromAndTo"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_RideRouteQuery__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_RideRouteQuery__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_DriveRouteQuery__com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_FromAndTo__int__java_util_List_com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint___java_util_List_java_util_List_com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint____String", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_DriveRouteQuery__com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_FromAndTo__int__java_util_List_com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint___java_util_List_java_util_List_com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint____String"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + java.util.List var3 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + // ref arg + java.util.List> var4 = (java.util.List>) ((Map) __args__).get("var4"); + // ref arg + String var5 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var5"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2.intValue(), var3, var4, var5); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_DriveRouteQuery__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_DriveRouteQuery__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_NewEnergy__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_NewEnergy__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_TransCost__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_TransCost__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteRailwayItem__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_route_RouteRailwayItem__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2__android_content_Context", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2__android_content_Context"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Context var1 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_SpeedCost__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_SpeedCost__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_WalkStep__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_route_WalkStep__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_CurveCost__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_CurveCost__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_SlopeCost__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_SlopeCost__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_RailwayStationItem__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_route_RailwayStationItem__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_RideRouteResult__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_route_RideRouteResult__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_ChargeStationInfo__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_route_ChargeStationInfo__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_FromAndTo__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_FromAndTo__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + var2 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_FromAndTo__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_FromAndTo__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_RidePath__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_route_RidePath__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_BusRouteQuery__com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_FromAndTo__int__String__int", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_BusRouteQuery__com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_FromAndTo__int__String__int"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + String var3 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + // ref arg + Number var4 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var4"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2.intValue(), var3, var4.intValue()); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_BusRouteQuery__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_BusRouteQuery__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_RideStep__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_route_RideStep__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_DriveRouteQuery__com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_FromAndTo__com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_DrivingStrategy__java_util_List_com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint___java_util_List_java_util_List_com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint____String", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_DriveRouteQuery__com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_FromAndTo__com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_DrivingStrategy__java_util_List_com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint___java_util_List_java_util_List_com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint____String"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // enum arg + var2 =[(int) ((Map) __args__).get("var2")]; + // ref arg + java.util.List var3 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + // ref arg + java.util.List> var4 = (java.util.List>) ((Map) __args__).get("var4"); + // ref arg + String var5 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var5"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2, var3, var4, var5); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_DriveRouteQuery__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_DriveRouteQuery__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_PowerTrainLoss__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_PowerTrainLoss__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchCity__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchCity__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_Navi__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_route_Navi__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_Cost__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_route_Cost__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_DistanceResult__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_route_DistanceResult__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_WalkRouteQuery__com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_FromAndTo__int", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_WalkRouteQuery__com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_FromAndTo__int"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2.intValue()); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_WalkRouteQuery__com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_FromAndTo", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_WalkRouteQuery__com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_FromAndTo"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_WalkRouteQuery__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_WalkRouteQuery__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_District__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_route_District__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_DriveRouteResultV2__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_route_DriveRouteResultV2__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_WalkRouteResult__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_route_WalkRouteResult__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_DistanceSearch_DistanceQuery__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_route_DistanceSearch_DistanceQuery__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + }}; + } +} diff --git a/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_search_fluttify/sub_handler/ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_search_fluttify/sub_handler/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7543b05 --- /dev/null +++ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_search_fluttify/sub_handler/ @@ -0,0 +1,5406 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +package me.yohom.amap_search_fluttify.sub_handler; + +import android.os.Bundle; +import android.util.Log; + +import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.Collection; +import java.util.HashMap; +import java.util.List; +import java.util.Map; + +import androidx.annotation.NonNull; +import io.flutter.embedding.engine.plugins.FlutterPlugin; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.BinaryMessenger; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodCall; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodChannel; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.PluginRegistry.Registrar; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.StandardMethodCodec; +import io.flutter.plugin.platform.PlatformViewRegistry; + +import me.yohom.amap_search_fluttify.AmapSearchFluttifyPlugin.Handler; +import me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.core.FluttifyMessageCodec; + +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getEnableLog; +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getHEAP; + +@SuppressWarnings("ALL") +public class SubHandler14 { + public static Map getSubHandler(BinaryMessenger messenger) { + return new HashMap() {{ + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_SearchCity__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_route_SearchCity__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_DistanceSearch__android_content_Context", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_route_DistanceSearch__android_content_Context"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Context var1 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_WalkPath__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_route_WalkPath__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_ElecConsumeInfo__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_route_ElecConsumeInfo__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_DriveStepV2__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_route_DriveStepV2__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteBusLineItem__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_route_RouteBusLineItem__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_DrivePlanQuery__com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_FromAndTo__int__int__int", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_DrivePlanQuery__com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_FromAndTo__int__int__int"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + Number var3 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + // ref arg + Number var4 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var4"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2.intValue(), var3.intValue(), var4.intValue()); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_DrivePlanQuery__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_DrivePlanQuery__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_CustomCostMode__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_CustomCostMode__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_DrivePlanStep__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_route_DrivePlanStep__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_ShowFields__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_ShowFields__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_TimeInfo__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_route_TimeInfo__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_FromAndTo__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_FromAndTo__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + var2 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_FromAndTo__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_FromAndTo__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_DriveStep__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_route_DriveStep__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_TruckStep__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_route_TruckStep__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_DriveRouteResult__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_route_DriveRouteResult__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_DrivePath__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_route_DrivePath__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_TruckPath__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_route_TruckPath__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_Doorway__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_route_Doorway__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_DrivePlanPath__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_route_DrivePlanPath__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_TimeInfosElement__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_route_TimeInfosElement__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_DrivePathV2__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_route_DrivePathV2__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_DistanceItem__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_route_DistanceItem__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_Path__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_route_Path__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_road_Road__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_road_Road__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_road_Road__String__String", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_road_Road__String__String"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + String var2 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_road_Crossroad__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_road_Crossroad__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_nearby_NearbyInfo__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_nearby_NearbyInfo__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_nearby_UploadInfo__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_nearby_UploadInfo__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_nearby_NearbySearchResult__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_nearby_NearbySearchResult__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_nearby_NearbySearch_NearbyQuery__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_nearby_NearbySearch_NearbyQuery__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOIItem__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOIItem__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearch__android_content_Context__com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearchQuery", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearch__android_content_Context__com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearchQuery"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Context var1 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + var2 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearchResult__java_util_ArrayList_com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOIItem___com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearchQuery", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearchResult__java_util_ArrayList_com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOIItem___com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearchQuery"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.ArrayList var1 = (java.util.ArrayList) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + var2 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearchQuery__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__int__com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearch_RoutePOISearchType__int", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearchQuery__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__int__com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearch_RoutePOISearchType__int"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + var2 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + Number var3 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + // enum arg + var4 =[(int) ((Map) __args__).get("var4")]; + // ref arg + Number var5 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var5"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2, var3.intValue(), var4, var5.intValue()); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearchQuery__java_util_List_com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint___com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearch_RoutePOISearchType__int", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearchQuery__java_util_List_com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint___com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearch_RoutePOISearchType__int"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // enum arg + var2 =[(int) ((Map) __args__).get("var2")]; + // ref arg + Number var3 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2, var3.intValue()); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudItem__String__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__String__String", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudItem__String__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__String__String"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + var2 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + String var3 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + // ref arg + String var4 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var4"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2, var3, var4); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch_Query__String__String__com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch_SearchBound", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch_Query__String__String__com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch_SearchBound"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + String var2 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + var3 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2, var3); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch__android_content_Context", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch__android_content_Context"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Context var1 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch_SearchBound__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__int", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch_SearchBound__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__int"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2.intValue()); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch_SearchBound__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch_SearchBound__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + var2 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch_SearchBound__java_util_List_com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint_", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch_SearchBound__java_util_List_com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint_"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch_SearchBound__String", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch_SearchBound__String"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudImage__String__String__String", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudImage__String__String__String"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + String var2 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + String var3 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2, var3); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch_Sortingrules__String__boolean", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch_Sortingrules__String__boolean"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + boolean var2 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch_Sortingrules__int", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch_Sortingrules__int"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudItemDetail__String__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__String__String", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudItemDetail__String__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__String__String"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + var2 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + String var3 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + // ref arg + String var4 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var4"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2, var3, var4); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_weather_LocalDayWeatherForecast__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_weather_LocalDayWeatherForecast__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_weather_WeatherSearchQuery__String__int", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_weather_WeatherSearchQuery__String__int"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2.intValue()); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_weather_WeatherSearchQuery__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_weather_WeatherSearchQuery__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_weather_LocalWeatherForecast__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_weather_LocalWeatherForecast__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_weather_WeatherSearch__android_content_Context", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_weather_WeatherSearch__android_content_Context"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Context var1 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_weather_LocalWeatherLive__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_weather_LocalWeatherLive__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_geocoder_BusinessArea__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_geocoder_BusinessArea__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_geocoder_GeocodeQuery__String__String", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_geocoder_GeocodeQuery__String__String"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + String var2 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_geocoder_GeocodeSearch__android_content_Context", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_geocoder_GeocodeSearch__android_content_Context"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Context var1 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_geocoder_RegeocodeResult__com_amap_api_services_geocoder_RegeocodeQuery__com_amap_api_services_geocoder_RegeocodeAddress", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_geocoder_RegeocodeResult__com_amap_api_services_geocoder_RegeocodeQuery__com_amap_api_services_geocoder_RegeocodeAddress"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + var2 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_geocoder_GeocodeResult__com_amap_api_services_geocoder_GeocodeQuery__java_util_List_com_amap_api_services_geocoder_GeocodeAddress_", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_geocoder_GeocodeResult__com_amap_api_services_geocoder_GeocodeQuery__java_util_List_com_amap_api_services_geocoder_GeocodeAddress_"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + java.util.List var2 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_geocoder_AoiItem__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_geocoder_AoiItem__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_geocoder_RegeocodeRoad__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_geocoder_RegeocodeRoad__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_geocoder_GeocodeAddress__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_geocoder_GeocodeAddress__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_geocoder_RegeocodeQuery__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__float__String", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_geocoder_RegeocodeQuery__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__float__String"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + String var3 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2.floatValue(), var3); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_geocoder_StreetNumber__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_geocoder_StreetNumber__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_geocoder_RegeocodeAddress__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_geocoder_RegeocodeAddress__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_district_DistrictSearchQuery__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_district_DistrictSearchQuery__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_district_DistrictSearchQuery__String__String__int", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_district_DistrictSearchQuery__String__String__int"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + String var2 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + Number var3 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2, var3.intValue()); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_district_DistrictSearchQuery__String__String__int__boolean__int", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_district_DistrictSearchQuery__String__String__int__boolean__int"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + String var2 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + Number var3 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + // ref arg + boolean var4 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var4"); + // ref arg + Number var5 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var5"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2, var3.intValue(), var4, var5.intValue()); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_district_DistrictSearch__android_content_Context", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_district_DistrictSearch__android_content_Context"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Context var1 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_district_DistrictResult__com_amap_api_services_district_DistrictSearchQuery__java_util_ArrayList_com_amap_api_services_district_DistrictItem_", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_district_DistrictResult__com_amap_api_services_district_DistrictSearchQuery__java_util_ArrayList_com_amap_api_services_district_DistrictItem_"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + java.util.ArrayList var2 = (java.util.ArrayList) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_district_DistrictResult__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_district_DistrictResult__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_district_DistrictItem__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_district_DistrictItem__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_district_DistrictItem__String__String__String__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__String", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_district_DistrictItem__String__String__String__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__String"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + String var2 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + String var3 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + // ref arg + var4 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var4"); + // ref arg + String var5 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var5"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2, var3, var4, var5); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_help_Tip__", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_help_Tip__"); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_help_InputtipsQuery__String__String", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_help_InputtipsQuery__String__String"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + String var2 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_help_Inputtips__android_content_Context__com_amap_api_services_help_InputtipsQuery", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_help_Inputtips__android_content_Context__com_amap_api_services_help_InputtipsQuery"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Context var1 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + var2 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareNaviQuery__com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareFromAndTo__int", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareNaviQuery__com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareFromAndTo__int"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2.intValue()); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareBusRouteQuery__com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareFromAndTo__int", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareBusRouteQuery__com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareFromAndTo__int"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2.intValue()); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch__android_content_Context", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch__android_content_Context"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Context var1 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareFromAndTo__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareFromAndTo__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + var2 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareWalkRouteQuery__com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareFromAndTo__int", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareWalkRouteQuery__com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareFromAndTo__int"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2.intValue()); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareDrivingRouteQuery__com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareFromAndTo__int", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("ObjectFactory", "创建对象: com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareDrivingRouteQuery__com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareFromAndTo__int"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2.intValue()); + + __methodResult__.success(__obj__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineItem__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_busline_BusStationSearch__android_content_Context__com_amap_api_services_busline_BusStationQuery", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Context var1 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + var2 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineSearch__android_content_Context__com_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineQuery", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Context var1 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + var2 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineQuery__String__com_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineQuery_SearchType__String", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // enum arg + var2 =[(int) ((Map) __args__).get("var2")]; + // ref arg + String var3 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2, var3); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_busline_BusStationItem__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_busline_BusStationQuery__String__String", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + String var2 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_core_AMapException__String", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_core_AMapException__String__int__String", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + String var3 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2.intValue(), var3); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_core_AMapException__String__int__String__int", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + String var3 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + // ref arg + Number var4 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var4"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2.intValue(), var3, var4.intValue()); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_core_AMapException__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_core_SearchUtils__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_core_LatLonSharePoint__double__double__String", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var3 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + // ref arg + String var5 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var5"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var3.doubleValue(), var5); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__double__double", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var3 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var3.doubleValue()); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_core_PoiItem__String__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__String__String", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + var2 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + String var3 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + // ref arg + String var4 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var4"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2, var3, var4); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_core_SuggestionCity__String__String__String__int", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + String var2 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + String var3 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + // ref arg + Number var4 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var4"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2, var3, var4.intValue()); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_poisearch_Photo__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_poisearch_Photo__String__String", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + String var2 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_poisearch_SubPoiItem__String__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__String__String", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + var2 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + String var3 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + // ref arg + String var4 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var4"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2, var3, var4); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiItemExtension__String__String", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + String var2 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch_SearchBound__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__int", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2.intValue()); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch_SearchBound__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__int__boolean", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + boolean var3 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2.intValue(), var3); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch_SearchBound__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + var2 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch_SearchBound__java_util_List_com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint_", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch__android_content_Context__com_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch_Query", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Context var1 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + var2 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch_Query__String__String", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + String var2 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch_Query__String__String__String", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + String var2 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + String var3 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2, var3); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_poisearch_IndoorData__String__int__String", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + String var3 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2.intValue(), var3); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_Railway__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_BusPath__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_DriveRoutePlanResult__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_TruckRouteQuery__com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_FromAndTo__int__java_util_List_com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint___int", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + java.util.List var3 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + // ref arg + Number var4 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var4"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2.intValue(), var3, var4.intValue()); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_TMC__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteBusWalkItem__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteResult__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch__android_content_Context", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Context var1 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_BusStep__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_TaxiItem__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_BusRouteResult__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_RoutePlanResult__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_RailwaySpace__String__float", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2.floatValue()); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_TruckRouteRestult__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_RideRouteQuery__com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_FromAndTo__int", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2.intValue()); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_RideRouteQuery__com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_FromAndTo", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_RideRouteQuery__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_DriveRouteQuery__com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_FromAndTo__int__java_util_List_com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint___java_util_List_java_util_List_com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint____String", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + java.util.List var3 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + // ref arg + java.util.List> var4 = (java.util.List>) ((Map) __args__).get("var4"); + // ref arg + String var5 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var5"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2.intValue(), var3, var4, var5); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_DriveRouteQuery__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_NewEnergy__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_TransCost__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteRailwayItem__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2__android_content_Context", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Context var1 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_SpeedCost__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_WalkStep__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_CurveCost__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_SlopeCost__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_RailwayStationItem__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_RideRouteResult__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_ChargeStationInfo__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_FromAndTo__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + var2 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_FromAndTo__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_RidePath__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_BusRouteQuery__com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_FromAndTo__int__String__int", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + String var3 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + // ref arg + Number var4 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var4"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2.intValue(), var3, var4.intValue()); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_BusRouteQuery__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_RideStep__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_DriveRouteQuery__com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_FromAndTo__com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_DrivingStrategy__java_util_List_com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint___java_util_List_java_util_List_com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint____String", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // enum arg + var2 =[(int) ((Map) __args__).get("var2")]; + // ref arg + java.util.List var3 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + // ref arg + java.util.List> var4 = (java.util.List>) ((Map) __args__).get("var4"); + // ref arg + String var5 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var5"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2, var3, var4, var5); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_DriveRouteQuery__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_PowerTrainLoss__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchCity__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_Navi__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_Cost__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_DistanceResult__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_WalkRouteQuery__com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_FromAndTo__int", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2.intValue()); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_WalkRouteQuery__com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_FromAndTo", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_WalkRouteQuery__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_District__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_DriveRouteResultV2__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_WalkRouteResult__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_DistanceSearch_DistanceQuery__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_SearchCity__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_DistanceSearch__android_content_Context", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Context var1 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_WalkPath__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_ElecConsumeInfo__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_DriveStepV2__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteBusLineItem__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_DrivePlanQuery__com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_FromAndTo__int__int__int", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + Number var3 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + // ref arg + Number var4 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var4"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2.intValue(), var3.intValue(), var4.intValue()); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_DrivePlanQuery__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_CustomCostMode__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_DrivePlanStep__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_ShowFields__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_TimeInfo__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_FromAndTo__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + var2 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_FromAndTo__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_DriveStep__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_TruckStep__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_DriveRouteResult__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_DrivePath__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_TruckPath__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_Doorway__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_DrivePlanPath__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_TimeInfosElement__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_DrivePathV2__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_DistanceItem__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_Path__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_road_Road__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_road_Road__String__String", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + String var2 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_road_Crossroad__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_nearby_NearbyInfo__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_nearby_UploadInfo__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_nearby_NearbySearchResult__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_nearby_NearbySearch_NearbyQuery__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOIItem__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearch__android_content_Context__com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearchQuery", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Context var1 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + var2 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearchResult__java_util_ArrayList_com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOIItem___com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearchQuery", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.ArrayList var1 = (java.util.ArrayList) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + var2 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearchQuery__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__int__com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearch_RoutePOISearchType__int", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + var2 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + Number var3 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + // enum arg + var4 =[(int) ((Map) __args__).get("var4")]; + // ref arg + Number var5 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var5"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2, var3.intValue(), var4, var5.intValue()); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearchQuery__java_util_List_com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint___com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearch_RoutePOISearchType__int", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // enum arg + var2 =[(int) ((Map) __args__).get("var2")]; + // ref arg + Number var3 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2, var3.intValue()); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudItem__String__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__String__String", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + var2 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + String var3 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + // ref arg + String var4 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var4"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2, var3, var4); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch_Query__String__String__com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch_SearchBound", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + String var2 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + var3 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2, var3); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch__android_content_Context", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Context var1 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch_SearchBound__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__int", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2.intValue()); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + }}; + } +} diff --git a/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_search_fluttify/sub_handler/ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_search_fluttify/sub_handler/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0f2c40f --- /dev/null +++ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_search_fluttify/sub_handler/ @@ -0,0 +1,1479 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +package me.yohom.amap_search_fluttify.sub_handler; + +import android.os.Bundle; +import android.util.Log; + +import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.Collection; +import java.util.HashMap; +import java.util.List; +import java.util.Map; + +import androidx.annotation.NonNull; +import io.flutter.embedding.engine.plugins.FlutterPlugin; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.BinaryMessenger; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodCall; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodChannel; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.PluginRegistry.Registrar; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.StandardMethodCodec; +import io.flutter.plugin.platform.PlatformViewRegistry; + +import me.yohom.amap_search_fluttify.AmapSearchFluttifyPlugin.Handler; +import me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.core.FluttifyMessageCodec; + +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getEnableLog; +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getHEAP; + +@SuppressWarnings("ALL") +public class SubHandler15 { + public static Map getSubHandler(BinaryMessenger messenger) { + return new HashMap() {{ + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch_SearchBound__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + var2 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch_SearchBound__java_util_List_com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint_", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch_SearchBound__String", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudImage__String__String__String", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + String var2 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + String var3 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2, var3); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch_Sortingrules__String__boolean", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + boolean var2 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch_Sortingrules__int", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudItemDetail__String__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__String__String", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + var2 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + String var3 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + // ref arg + String var4 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var4"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2, var3, var4); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_weather_LocalDayWeatherForecast__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_weather_WeatherSearchQuery__String__int", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2.intValue()); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_weather_WeatherSearchQuery__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_weather_LocalWeatherForecast__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_weather_WeatherSearch__android_content_Context", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Context var1 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_weather_LocalWeatherLive__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_geocoder_BusinessArea__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_geocoder_GeocodeQuery__String__String", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + String var2 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_geocoder_GeocodeSearch__android_content_Context", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Context var1 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_geocoder_RegeocodeResult__com_amap_api_services_geocoder_RegeocodeQuery__com_amap_api_services_geocoder_RegeocodeAddress", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + var2 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_geocoder_GeocodeResult__com_amap_api_services_geocoder_GeocodeQuery__java_util_List_com_amap_api_services_geocoder_GeocodeAddress_", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + java.util.List var2 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_geocoder_AoiItem__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_geocoder_RegeocodeRoad__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_geocoder_GeocodeAddress__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_geocoder_RegeocodeQuery__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__float__String", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + String var3 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2.floatValue(), var3); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_geocoder_StreetNumber__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_geocoder_RegeocodeAddress__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_district_DistrictSearchQuery__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_district_DistrictSearchQuery__String__String__int", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + String var2 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + Number var3 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2, var3.intValue()); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_district_DistrictSearchQuery__String__String__int__boolean__int", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + String var2 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + Number var3 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + // ref arg + boolean var4 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var4"); + // ref arg + Number var5 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var5"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2, var3.intValue(), var4, var5.intValue()); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_district_DistrictSearch__android_content_Context", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Context var1 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_district_DistrictResult__com_amap_api_services_district_DistrictSearchQuery__java_util_ArrayList_com_amap_api_services_district_DistrictItem_", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + java.util.ArrayList var2 = (java.util.ArrayList) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_district_DistrictResult__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_district_DistrictItem__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_district_DistrictItem__String__String__String__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__String", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + String var2 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + String var3 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + // ref arg + var4 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var4"); + // ref arg + String var5 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var5"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2, var3, var4, var5); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_help_Tip__", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_help_InputtipsQuery__String__String", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + String var2 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_help_Inputtips__android_content_Context__com_amap_api_services_help_InputtipsQuery", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Context var1 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + var2 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareNaviQuery__com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareFromAndTo__int", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2.intValue()); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareBusRouteQuery__com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareFromAndTo__int", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2.intValue()); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch__android_content_Context", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Context var1 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new; + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareFromAndTo__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + var2 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareWalkRouteQuery__com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareFromAndTo__int", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2.intValue()); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // factory + put("ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareDrivingRouteQuery__com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareFromAndTo__int", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + int __length__ = 0; + // when batch size is 0, dart side will put a map with key 'length' to indicate the length + // of this batch + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof Map) { + __length__ = (Integer) ((Map) __argsBatch__).get("length"); + } + // or directly put the arg batch + else if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __length__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); + } + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < __length__; __i__++) { + Map __args__ = new HashMap<>(); + // only when arg batch is not empty, java side needs to parse args; + if (__argsBatch__ instanceof List) { + __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + } + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // create target object + __obj__ = new, var2.intValue()); + + __resultList__.add(__obj__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + }}; + } +} diff --git a/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_search_fluttify/sub_handler/ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_search_fluttify/sub_handler/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2f40e82 --- /dev/null +++ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_search_fluttify/sub_handler/ @@ -0,0 +1,5728 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +package me.yohom.amap_search_fluttify.sub_handler; + +import android.os.Bundle; +import android.util.Log; + +import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.Collection; +import java.util.HashMap; +import java.util.List; +import java.util.Map; + +import androidx.annotation.NonNull; +import io.flutter.embedding.engine.plugins.FlutterPlugin; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.BinaryMessenger; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodCall; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodChannel; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.PluginRegistry.Registrar; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.StandardMethodCodec; +import io.flutter.plugin.platform.PlatformViewRegistry; + +import me.yohom.amap_search_fluttify.AmapSearchFluttifyPlugin.Handler; +import me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.core.FluttifyMessageCodec; + +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getEnableLog; +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getHEAP; + +@SuppressWarnings("ALL") +public class SubHandler2 { + public static Map getSubHandler(BinaryMessenger messenger) { + return new HashMap() {{ + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setLoad(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setLoad(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getLeavingPercent(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLeavingPercent(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setLeavingPercent(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setLeavingPercent(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getArrivingPercent(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getArrivingPercent(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setArrivingPercent(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setArrivingPercent(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::buildParam(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.buildParam(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getAccess(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAccess(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setAccess(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAccess(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getDecess(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDecess(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setDecess(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDecess(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getTime(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTime(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getTrip(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTrip(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getDistance(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDistance(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getType(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getType(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getDeparturestop(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDeparturestop(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getArrivalstop(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getArrivalstop(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getViastops(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getViastops(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getAlters(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAlters(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getSpaces(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSpaces(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setTime(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTime(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setTrip(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTrip(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setDistance(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDistance(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setType(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setType(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setDeparturestop(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDeparturestop(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setArrivalstop(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setArrivalstop(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setViastops(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setViastops(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setAlters(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAlters(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setSpaces(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setSpaces(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setRouteSearchListener(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setRouteSearchListener(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::calculateDriveRoute(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.calculateDriveRoute(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::calculateDriveRouteAsyn(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.calculateDriveRouteAsyn(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getSpeed(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSpeed(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setSpeed(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setSpeed(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getValue(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getValue(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setValue(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setValue(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getInstruction(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getInstruction(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setInstruction(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setInstruction(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getOrientation(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getOrientation(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setOrientation(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setOrientation(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getRoad(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getRoad(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setRoad(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setRoad(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getDistance(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDistance(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setDistance(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDistance(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getDuration(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDuration(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setDuration(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDuration(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getPolyline(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPolyline(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setPolyline(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPolyline(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getAction(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAction(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setAction(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAction(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getAssistantAction(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAssistantAction(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setAssistantAction(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAssistantAction(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getAccess(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAccess(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setAccess(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAccess(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getValue(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getValue(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setValue(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setValue(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getUp(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getUp(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setUp(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setUp(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getDown(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDown(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setDown(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDown(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getID(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getID(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getName(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getName(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getLocation(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLocation(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getAdcode(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAdcode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getTime(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTime(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::isStart(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isStart(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::isEnd(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isEnd(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getWait(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getWait(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setID(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setID(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setName(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setName(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setLocation(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setLocation(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setAdcode(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAdcode(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setTime(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTime(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setisStart(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setisStart(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setisEnd(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setisEnd(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setWait(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setWait(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getPaths(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPaths(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setPaths(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPaths(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getRideQuery(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getRideQuery(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setRideQuery(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setRideQuery(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getStepIndex(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStepIndex(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setStepIndex(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setStepIndex(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getShowPoint(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getShowPoint(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setShowPoint(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setShowPoint(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getProjectivePoint(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getProjectivePoint(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setProjectivePoint(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setProjectivePoint(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getPoiId(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPoiId(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setPoiId(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPoiId(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getName(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getName(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setName(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setName(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getBrandName(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getBrandName(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setBrandName(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setBrandName(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getMaxPower(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMaxPower(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setMaxPower(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setMaxPower(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getChargePercent(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getChargePercent(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setChargePercent(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setChargePercent(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getChargeTime(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getChargeTime(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setChargeTime(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setChargeTime(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getRemainingCapacity(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getRemainingCapacity(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setRemainingCapacity(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setRemainingCapacity(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getVoltage(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getVoltage(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setVoltage(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setVoltage(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getAmperage(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAmperage(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setAmperage(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAmperage(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getFrom(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getFrom(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getTo(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTo(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getStartPoiID(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStartPoiID(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setStartPoiID(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setStartPoiID(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getDestinationPoiID(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDestinationPoiID(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setDestinationPoiID(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDestinationPoiID(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getOriginType(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getOriginType(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setOriginType(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setOriginType(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getDestinationType(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDestinationType(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setDestinationType(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDestinationType(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getPlateProvince(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPlateProvince(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setPlateProvince(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPlateProvince(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getPlateNumber(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPlateNumber(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setPlateNumber(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPlateNumber(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::clone(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.clone(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getSteps(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSteps(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setSteps(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setSteps(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getFromAndTo(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getFromAndTo(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getMode(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getCity(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCity(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getNightFlag(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getNightFlag(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getCityd(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCityd(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setCityd(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCityd(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getExtensions(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getExtensions(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setExtensions(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setExtensions(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::clone(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.clone(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getInstruction(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getInstruction(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setInstruction(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setInstruction(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getOrientation(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getOrientation(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setOrientation(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setOrientation(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getRoad(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getRoad(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setRoad(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setRoad(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getDistance(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDistance(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setDistance(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDistance(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getDuration(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDuration(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setDuration(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDuration(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getPolyline(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPolyline(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setPolyline(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPolyline(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getAction(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAction(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setAction(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAction(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getAssistantAction(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAssistantAction(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setAssistantAction(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAssistantAction(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getNewEnergy(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getNewEnergy(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setNewEnergy(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setNewEnergy(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getFromAndTo(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getFromAndTo(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getMode(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getCarType(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCarType(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getPassedByPoints(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPassedByPoints(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getAvoidRoad(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAvoidRoad(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getPassedPointStr(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPassedPointStr(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::hasPassPoint(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.hasPassPoint(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getAvoidpolygonsStr(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAvoidpolygonsStr(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::hasAvoidpolygons(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.hasAvoidpolygons(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::hasAvoidRoad(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.hasAvoidRoad(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getExclude(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getExclude(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setExclude(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setExclude(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getShowFields(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getShowFields(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setShowFields(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setShowFields(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::clone(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.clone(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::isUseFerry(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isUseFerry(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setUseFerry(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setUseFerry(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setCarType(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCarType(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getPowerDemand(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPowerDemand(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setPowerDemand(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPowerDemand(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getPowerDemandValue(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPowerDemandValue(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setPowerDemandValue(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPowerDemandValue(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getSpeed(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSpeed(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setSpeed(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setSpeed(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getSpeedValue(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSpeedValue(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setSpeedValue(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setSpeedValue(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getDistricts(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDistricts(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setDistricts(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDistricts(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getAction(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAction(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setAction(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAction(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getAssistantAction(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAssistantAction(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setAssistantAction(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAssistantAction(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getDuration(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDuration(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setDuration(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDuration(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getTollDistance(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTollDistance(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setTollDistance(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTollDistance(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getTollRoad(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTollRoad(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setTollRoad(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTollRoad(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getTolls(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTolls(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setTolls(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTolls(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getTrafficLights(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTrafficLights(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setTrafficLights(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTrafficLights(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setDistanceQuery(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDistanceQuery(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getDistanceQuery(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDistanceQuery(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getDistanceResults(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDistanceResults(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setDistanceResults(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDistanceResults(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getFromAndTo(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getFromAndTo(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getMode(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getExtensions(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getExtensions(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setExtensions(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setExtensions(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::clone(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.clone(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getDistrictName(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDistrictName(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setDistrictName(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDistrictName(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + }}; + } +} diff --git a/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_search_fluttify/sub_handler/ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_search_fluttify/sub_handler/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..165b46e --- /dev/null +++ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_search_fluttify/sub_handler/ @@ -0,0 +1,5735 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +package me.yohom.amap_search_fluttify.sub_handler; + +import android.os.Bundle; +import android.util.Log; + +import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.Collection; +import java.util.HashMap; +import java.util.List; +import java.util.Map; + +import androidx.annotation.NonNull; +import io.flutter.embedding.engine.plugins.FlutterPlugin; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.BinaryMessenger; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodCall; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodChannel; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.PluginRegistry.Registrar; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.StandardMethodCodec; +import io.flutter.plugin.platform.PlatformViewRegistry; + +import me.yohom.amap_search_fluttify.AmapSearchFluttifyPlugin.Handler; +import me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.core.FluttifyMessageCodec; + +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getEnableLog; +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getHEAP; + +@SuppressWarnings("ALL") +public class SubHandler3 { + public static Map getSubHandler(BinaryMessenger messenger) { + return new HashMap() {{ + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getDistrictAdcode(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDistrictAdcode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setDistrictAdcode(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDistrictAdcode(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getTaxiCost(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTaxiCost(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setTaxiCost(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTaxiCost(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getPaths(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPaths(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setPaths(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPaths(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getDriveQuery(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDriveQuery(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setDriveQuery(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDriveQuery(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getPaths(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPaths(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setPaths(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPaths(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getWalkQuery(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getWalkQuery(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setWalkQuery(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setWalkQuery(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::clone(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.clone(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getType(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getType(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getOrigins(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getOrigins(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getDestination(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDestination(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setType(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setType(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setOrigins(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setOrigins(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::addOrigins(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.addOrigins(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setDestination(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDestination(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getExtensions(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getExtensions(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setExtensions(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setExtensions(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getMode(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setMode(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setMode(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getSearchCityName(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSearchCityName(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setSearchCityName(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setSearchCityName(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getSearchCitycode(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSearchCitycode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setSearchCitycode(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setSearchCitycode(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getSearchCityAdCode(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSearchCityAdCode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setSearchCityhAdCode(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setSearchCityhAdCode(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setDistanceSearchListener(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDistanceSearchListener(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::calculateRouteDistance(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.calculateRouteDistance(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::calculateRouteDistanceAsyn(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.calculateRouteDistanceAsyn(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getSteps(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSteps(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setSteps(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setSteps(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getConsumeEnergy(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getConsumeEnergy(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setConsumeEnergy(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setConsumeEnergy(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getRunOutStepIndex(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getRunOutStepIndex(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setRunOutStepIndex(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setRunOutStepIndex(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getRunOutPoint(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getRunOutPoint(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setRunOutPoint(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setRunOutPoint(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getLeftEnergy(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLeftEnergy(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setLeftEnergy(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setLeftEnergy(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getNavi(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getNavi(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setNavi(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setNavi(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getCostDetail(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCostDetail(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setCostDetail(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCostDetail(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getStepDistance(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStepDistance(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setStepDistance(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setStepDistance(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getInstruction(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getInstruction(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setInstruction(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setInstruction(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getOrientation(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getOrientation(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setOrientation(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setOrientation(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getRoad(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getRoad(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setRoad(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setRoad(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getPolyline(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPolyline(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setPolyline(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPolyline(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getRouteSearchCityList(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getRouteSearchCityList(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setRouteSearchCityList(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setRouteSearchCityList(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getTMCs(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTMCs(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setTMCs(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTMCs(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getDepartureBusStation(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDepartureBusStation(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setDepartureBusStation(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDepartureBusStation(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getArrivalBusStation(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getArrivalBusStation(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setArrivalBusStation(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setArrivalBusStation(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getPolyline(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPolyline(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setPolyline(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPolyline(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getPassStationNum(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPassStationNum(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setPassStationNum(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPassStationNum(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getPassStations(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPassStations(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setPassStations(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPassStations(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getDuration(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDuration(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setDuration(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDuration(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getFromAndTo(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getFromAndTo(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getDestParentPoiID(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDestParentPoiID(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getMode(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getCarType(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCarType(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getFirstTime(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getFirstTime(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getInterval(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getInterval(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getCount(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCount(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::clone(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.clone(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setDestParentPoiID(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDestParentPoiID(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setMode(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setMode(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setCarType(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCarType(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getSpeedCosts(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSpeedCosts(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setSpeedCosts(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setSpeedCosts(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getCurveCost(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCurveCost(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setCurveCost(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCurveCost(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getSlopeCost(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSlopeCost(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setSlopeCost(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setSlopeCost(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getAuxCost(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAuxCost(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setAuxCost(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAuxCost(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getTransCost(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTransCost(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setTransCost(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTransCost(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getFerryCost(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getFerryCost(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setFerryCost(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setFerryCost(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getPowerTrainLosses(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPowerTrainLosses(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setPowerTrainLosses(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPowerTrainLosses(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::toJson(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.toJson(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getRoad(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getRoad(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setAdCode(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAdCode(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getAdCode(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAdCode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setRoad(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setRoad(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getDistance(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDistance(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setDistance(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDistance(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getToll(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getToll(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setToll(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setToll(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getPolyline(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPolyline(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setPolyline(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPolyline(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getStartTime(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Long __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStartTime(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setStartTime(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setStartTime(var1.longValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getElements(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getElements(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setElements(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setElements(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getFrom(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getFrom(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getTo(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTo(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getStartPoiID(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStartPoiID(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setStartPoiID(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setStartPoiID(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getDestinationPoiID(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDestinationPoiID(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setDestinationPoiID(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDestinationPoiID(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getOriginType(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getOriginType(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setOriginType(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setOriginType(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getDestinationType(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDestinationType(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setDestinationType(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDestinationType(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getPlateNumber(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPlateNumber(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setPlateNumber(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPlateNumber(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::clone(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.clone(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getValue(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getValue(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var0 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + var0 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ =; + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getInstruction(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getInstruction(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setInstruction(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setInstruction(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getOrientation(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getOrientation(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setOrientation(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setOrientation(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getRoad(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getRoad(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setRoad(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setRoad(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getDistance(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDistance(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setDistance(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDistance(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getTolls(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTolls(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setTolls(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTolls(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getTollDistance(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTollDistance(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setTollDistance(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTollDistance(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getTollRoad(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTollRoad(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setTollRoad(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTollRoad(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getDuration(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDuration(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setDuration(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDuration(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getPolyline(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPolyline(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setPolyline(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPolyline(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getAction(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAction(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setAction(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAction(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getAssistantAction(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAssistantAction(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setAssistantAction(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAssistantAction(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getRouteSearchCityList(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getRouteSearchCityList(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setRouteSearchCityList(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setRouteSearchCityList(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getTMCs(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTMCs(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setTMCs(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTMCs(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setInstruction(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setInstruction(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setOrientation(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setOrientation(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setRoad(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setRoad(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setTolls(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTolls(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setDistance(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDistance(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setTollDistance(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTollDistance(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setTollRoad(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTollRoad(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setDuration(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDuration(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setPolyline(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPolyline(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setAction(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAction(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setAssistantAction(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAssistantAction(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setRouteSearchCityList(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setRouteSearchCityList(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setTMCs(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTMCs(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getInstruction(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getInstruction(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getOrientation(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getOrientation(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getRoad(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getRoad(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getTolls(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTolls(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getDistance(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDistance(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getTollDistance(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTollDistance(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getTollRoad(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTollRoad(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getDuration(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDuration(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getPolyline(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPolyline(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getAction(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAction(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getAssistantAction(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAssistantAction(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getRouteSearchCityList(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getRouteSearchCityList(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getTMCs(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTMCs(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getTaxiCost(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTaxiCost(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setTaxiCost(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTaxiCost(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getPaths(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPaths(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setPaths(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPaths(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getDriveQuery(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDriveQuery(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setDriveQuery(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDriveQuery(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getStrategy(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStrategy(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setStrategy(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setStrategy(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getTolls(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTolls(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setTolls(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTolls(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getTollDistance(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTollDistance(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setTollDistance(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTollDistance(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getTotalTrafficlights(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTotalTrafficlights(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setTotalTrafficlights(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTotalTrafficlights(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getSteps(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSteps(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setSteps(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setSteps(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getRestriction(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getRestriction(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setRestriction(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setRestriction(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setDistance(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDistance(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setDuration(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDuration(var1.longValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + }}; + } +} diff --git a/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_search_fluttify/sub_handler/ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_search_fluttify/sub_handler/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ad843a0 --- /dev/null +++ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_search_fluttify/sub_handler/ @@ -0,0 +1,5744 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +package me.yohom.amap_search_fluttify.sub_handler; + +import android.os.Bundle; +import android.util.Log; + +import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.Collection; +import java.util.HashMap; +import java.util.List; +import java.util.Map; + +import androidx.annotation.NonNull; +import io.flutter.embedding.engine.plugins.FlutterPlugin; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.BinaryMessenger; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodCall; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodChannel; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.PluginRegistry.Registrar; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.StandardMethodCodec; +import io.flutter.plugin.platform.PlatformViewRegistry; + +import me.yohom.amap_search_fluttify.AmapSearchFluttifyPlugin.Handler; +import me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.core.FluttifyMessageCodec; + +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getEnableLog; +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getHEAP; + +@SuppressWarnings("ALL") +public class SubHandler4 { + public static Map getSubHandler(BinaryMessenger messenger) { + return new HashMap() {{ + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setStrategy(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setStrategy(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setTolls(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTolls(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setTollDistance(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTollDistance(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setTotalTrafficlights(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTotalTrafficlights(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setRestriction(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setRestriction(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setSteps(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setSteps(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getDistance(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDistance(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getDuration(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Long __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDuration(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getStrategy(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStrategy(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getTolls(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTolls(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getTollDistance(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTollDistance(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getTotalTrafficlights(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTotalTrafficlights(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getRestriction(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getRestriction(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getSteps(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSteps(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getName(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getName(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setName(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setName(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getLatLonPoint(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLatLonPoint(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setLatLonPoint(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setLatLonPoint(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getDistance(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDistance(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setDistance(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDistance(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getTrafficLights(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTrafficLights(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setTrafficLights(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTrafficLights(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getSteps(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSteps(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setSteps(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setSteps(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getPathindex(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPathindex(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setPathindex(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPathindex(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getDuration(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDuration(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setDuration(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDuration(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getTolls(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTolls(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setTolls(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTolls(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getRestriction(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getRestriction(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setRestriction(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setRestriction(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setTMCs(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTMCs(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getTMCs(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTMCs(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getElecConsumeInfo(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getElecConsumeInfo(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setElecConsumeInfo(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setElecConsumeInfo(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getChargeStationInfo(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getChargeStationInfo(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setChargeStationInfo(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setChargeStationInfo(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getCost(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCost(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setCost(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCost(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getStrategy(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStrategy(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setStrategy(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setStrategy(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getSteps(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSteps(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setSteps(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setSteps(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getRestriction(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getRestriction(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setRestriction(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setRestriction(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getOriginId(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getOriginId(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getDestId(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDestId(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getDistance(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDistance(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getDuration(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDuration(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getErrorInfo(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getErrorInfo(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getErrorCode(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getErrorCode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setOriginId(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setOriginId(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setDestId(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDestId(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setDistance(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDistance(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setDuration(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDuration(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setErrorInfo(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setErrorInfo(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setErrorCode(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setErrorCode(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getPolyline(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPolyline(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setPolyline(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPolyline(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getDistance(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDistance(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setDistance(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDistance(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getDuration(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Long __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDuration(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setDuration(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDuration(var1.longValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setId(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setId(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setName(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setName(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getCityCode(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCityCode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setCityCode(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCityCode(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getRoadWidth(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getRoadWidth(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setRoadWidth(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setRoadWidth(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getType(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getType(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setType(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setType(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getCenterPoint(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCenterPoint(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setCenterPoint(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCenterPoint(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getId(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getId(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getName(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getName(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getDistance(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDistance(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setDistance(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDistance(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getDirection(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDirection(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setDirection(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDirection(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getFirstRoadId(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getFirstRoadId(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setFirstRoadId(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setFirstRoadId(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getFirstRoadName(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getFirstRoadName(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setFirstRoadName(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setFirstRoadName(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getSecondRoadId(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSecondRoadId(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setSecondRoadId(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setSecondRoadId(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getSecondRoadName(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSecondRoadName(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setSecondRoadName(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setSecondRoadName(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setUserID(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setUserID(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getUserID(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getUserID(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getPoint(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPoint(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setPoint(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPoint(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setTimeStamp(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTimeStamp(var1.longValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getTimeStamp(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Long __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTimeStamp(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setDistance(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDistance(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getDistance(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDistance(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setDrivingDistance(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDrivingDistance(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getDrivingDistance(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDrivingDistance(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setPoint(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPoint(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getPoint(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPoint(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setUserID(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setUserID(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getUserID(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getUserID(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getCoordType(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCoordType(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setCoordType(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCoordType(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Context var0 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + var0 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ =; + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::addNearbyListener(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.addNearbyListener(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::removeNearbyListener(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.removeNearbyListener(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::clearUserInfoAsyn(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.clearUserInfoAsyn(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setUserID(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setUserID(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + Number var2 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::startUploadNearbyInfoAuto(" + var2 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.startUploadNearbyInfoAuto(var1, var2.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::stopUploadNearbyInfoAuto(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.stopUploadNearbyInfoAuto(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::uploadNearbyInfoAsyn(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.uploadNearbyInfoAsyn(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::searchNearbyInfoAsyn(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.searchNearbyInfoAsyn(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::searchNearbyInfo(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.searchNearbyInfo(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { +; + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getNearbyInfoList(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getNearbyInfoList(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getTotalNum(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTotalNum(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setNearbyInfoList(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setNearbyInfoList(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setCenterPoint(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCenterPoint(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getCenterPoint(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCenterPoint(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getRadius(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getRadius(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setRadius(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setRadius(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // enum arg + var1 =[(int) ((Map) __args__).get("var1")]; + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setType(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setType(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getType(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getType(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setCoordType(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCoordType(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getCoordType(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCoordType(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setTimeRange(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTimeRange(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getTimeRange(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTimeRange(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getID(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getID(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setID(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setID(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getTitle(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTitle(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setTitle(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTitle(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getPoint(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPoint(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setPoint(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPoint(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getDistance(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDistance(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setDistance(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDistance(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getDuration(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDuration(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setDuration(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDuration(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setPoiSearchListener(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPoiSearchListener(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setQuery(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setQuery(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::searchRoutePOIAsyn(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.searchRoutePOIAsyn(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::searchRoutePOI(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.searchRoutePOI(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getRoutePois(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getRoutePois(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getQuery(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getQuery(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getFrom(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getFrom(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getTo(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTo(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getMode(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getSearchType(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSearchType(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getRange(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getRange(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getPolylines(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPolylines(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::clone(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.clone(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getID(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getID(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getDistance(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDistance(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setDistance(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDistance(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getTitle(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTitle(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getSnippet(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSnippet(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getLatLonPoint(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLatLonPoint(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getCreatetime(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCreatetime(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setCreatetime(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCreatetime(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getUpdatetime(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getUpdatetime(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setUpdatetime(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setUpdatetime(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getCustomfield(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.HashMap __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCustomfield(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.HashMap var1 = (java.util.HashMap) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setCustomfield(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCustomfield(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getCloudImage(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCloudImage(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setmCloudImage(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setmCloudImage(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getQueryString(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getQueryString(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setTableID(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTableID(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getTableID(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTableID(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getPageNum(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPageNum(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setPageNum(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPageNum(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setPageSize(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPageSize(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getPageSize(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPageSize(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setBound(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setBound(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getBound(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getBound(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + String var2 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::addFilterString(" + var1 + var2 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.addFilterString(var1, var2); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getFilterString(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getFilterString(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + String var2 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + String var3 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::addFilterNum(" + var1 + var2 + var3 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.addFilterNum(var1, var2, var3); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getFilterNumString(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getFilterNumString(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setSortingrules(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setSortingrules(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getSortingrules(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSortingrules(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::queryEquals(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.queryEquals(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::clone(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.clone(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var0 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + var2 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + Number var3 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + // ref arg + java.util.ArrayList var4 = (java.util.ArrayList) ((Map) __args__).get("var4"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + var0 + var1 + var2 + var3 + var4 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ =, var1.intValue(), var2, var3.intValue(), var4); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getPageCount(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPageCount(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getQuery(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getQuery(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getBound(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getBound(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getClouds(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.ArrayList __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getClouds(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getTotalCount(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTotalCount(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setOnCloudSearchListener(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setOnCloudSearchListener(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::searchCloudAsyn(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.searchCloudAsyn(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + String var2 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::searchCloudDetailAsyn(" + var1 + var2 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.searchCloudDetailAsyn(var1, var2); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getLowerLeft(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLowerLeft(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getUpperRight(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getUpperRight(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getCenter(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCenter(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getRange(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getRange(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getShape(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getShape(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getCity(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCity(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getPolyGonList(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPolyGonList(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::clone(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.clone(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getId(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getId(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + }}; + } +} diff --git a/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_search_fluttify/sub_handler/ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_search_fluttify/sub_handler/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f2cc7da --- /dev/null +++ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_search_fluttify/sub_handler/ @@ -0,0 +1,5741 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +package me.yohom.amap_search_fluttify.sub_handler; + +import android.os.Bundle; +import android.util.Log; + +import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.Collection; +import java.util.HashMap; +import java.util.List; +import java.util.Map; + +import androidx.annotation.NonNull; +import io.flutter.embedding.engine.plugins.FlutterPlugin; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.BinaryMessenger; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodCall; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodChannel; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.PluginRegistry.Registrar; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.StandardMethodCodec; +import io.flutter.plugin.platform.PlatformViewRegistry; + +import me.yohom.amap_search_fluttify.AmapSearchFluttifyPlugin.Handler; +import me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.core.FluttifyMessageCodec; + +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getEnableLog; +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getHEAP; + +@SuppressWarnings("ALL") +public class SubHandler5 { + public static Map getSubHandler(BinaryMessenger messenger) { + return new HashMap() {{ + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setId(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setId(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getPreurl(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPreurl(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setPreurl(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPreurl(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getUrl(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getUrl(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setUrl(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setUrl(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getDate(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDate(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setDate(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDate(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getWeek(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getWeek(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setWeek(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setWeek(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getDayWeather(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDayWeather(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setDayWeather(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDayWeather(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getNightWeather(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getNightWeather(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setNightWeather(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setNightWeather(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getDayTemp(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDayTemp(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setDayTemp(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDayTemp(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getNightTemp(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getNightTemp(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setNightTemp(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setNightTemp(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getDayWindDirection(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDayWindDirection(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setDayWindDirection(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDayWindDirection(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getNightWindDirection(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getNightWindDirection(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setNightWindDirection(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setNightWindDirection(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getDayWindPower(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDayWindPower(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setDayWindPower(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDayWindPower(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getNightWindPower(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getNightWindPower(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setNightWindPower(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setNightWindPower(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getCity(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCity(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getType(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getType(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::clone(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.clone(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var0 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + var0 + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ =, var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getWeatherForecastQuery(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getWeatherForecastQuery(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getForecastResult(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getForecastResult(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getProvince(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getProvince(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setProvince(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setProvince(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getCity(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCity(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setCity(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCity(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getAdCode(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAdCode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setAdCode(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAdCode(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getReportTime(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getReportTime(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setReportTime(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setReportTime(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getWeatherForecast(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getWeatherForecast(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setWeatherForecast(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setWeatherForecast(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getQuery(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getQuery(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setQuery(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setQuery(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::searchWeatherAsyn(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.searchWeatherAsyn(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setOnWeatherSearchListener(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setOnWeatherSearchListener(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getProvince(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getProvince(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getCity(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCity(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getAdCode(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAdCode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getWeather(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getWeather(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getTemperature(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTemperature(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getWindDirection(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getWindDirection(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getWindPower(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getWindPower(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getHumidity(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getHumidity(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getReportTime(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getReportTime(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setProvince(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setProvince(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setCity(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCity(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setAdCode(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAdCode(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setWeather(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setWeather(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setTemperature(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTemperature(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setWindDirection(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setWindDirection(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setWindPower(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setWindPower(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setHumidity(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setHumidity(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setReportTime(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setReportTime(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var0 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + var0 + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ =, var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getWeatherLiveQuery(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getWeatherLiveQuery(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getLiveResult(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLiveResult(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getCenterPoint(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCenterPoint(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setCenterPoint(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCenterPoint(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getName(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getName(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setName(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setName(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getLocationName(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLocationName(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setLocationName(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setLocationName(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getCity(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCity(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setCity(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCity(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getCountry(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCountry(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setCountry(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCountry(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getFromLocation(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getFromLocation(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getFromLocationName(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getFromLocationName(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setOnGeocodeSearchListener(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setOnGeocodeSearchListener(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getFromLocationAsyn(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.getFromLocationAsyn(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getFromLocationNameAsyn(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.getFromLocationNameAsyn(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getRegeocodeQuery(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getRegeocodeQuery(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setRegeocodeQuery(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setRegeocodeQuery(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getRegeocodeAddress(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getRegeocodeAddress(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setRegeocodeAddress(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setRegeocodeAddress(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getGeocodeQuery(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getGeocodeQuery(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setGeocodeQuery(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setGeocodeQuery(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getGeocodeAddressList(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getGeocodeAddressList(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setGeocodeAddressList(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setGeocodeAddressList(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getAoiId(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAoiId(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getAoiName(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAoiName(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getAdCode(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAdCode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getAoiCenterPoint(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAoiCenterPoint(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getAoiArea(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAoiArea(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setId(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setId(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setName(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setName(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setAdcode(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAdcode(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setLocation(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setLocation(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setArea(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setArea(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getId(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getId(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setId(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setId(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getName(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getName(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setName(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setName(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getDistance(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDistance(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setDistance(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDistance(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getDirection(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDirection(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setDirection(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDirection(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getLatLngPoint(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLatLngPoint(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setLatLngPoint(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setLatLngPoint(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getFormatAddress(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getFormatAddress(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setFormatAddress(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setFormatAddress(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getProvince(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getProvince(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setProvince(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setProvince(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getCity(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCity(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setCity(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCity(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getDistrict(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDistrict(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setDistrict(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDistrict(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getTownship(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTownship(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setTownship(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTownship(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getNeighborhood(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getNeighborhood(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setNeighborhood(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setNeighborhood(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getBuilding(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getBuilding(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setBuilding(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setBuilding(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getAdcode(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAdcode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setAdcode(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAdcode(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getLatLonPoint(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLatLonPoint(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setLatLonPoint(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setLatLonPoint(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getLevel(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLevel(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setLevel(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setLevel(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getCountry(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCountry(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setCountry(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCountry(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getPostcode(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPostcode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setPostcode(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPostcode(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getPoint(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPoint(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setPoint(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPoint(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getRadius(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getRadius(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setRadius(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setRadius(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getLatLonType(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLatLonType(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setLatLonType(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setLatLonType(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getPoiType(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPoiType(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setPoiType(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPoiType(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getMode(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setMode(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setMode(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getExtensions(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getExtensions(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setExtensions(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setExtensions(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getStreet(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStreet(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setStreet(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setStreet(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getNumber(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getNumber(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setNumber(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setNumber(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getLatLonPoint(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLatLonPoint(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setLatLonPoint(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setLatLonPoint(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getDirection(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDirection(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setDirection(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDirection(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getDistance(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDistance(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setDistance(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDistance(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getFormatAddress(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getFormatAddress(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setFormatAddress(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setFormatAddress(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getProvince(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getProvince(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setProvince(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setProvince(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getCity(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCity(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setCity(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCity(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getCityCode(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCityCode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setCityCode(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCityCode(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getAdCode(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAdCode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setAdCode(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAdCode(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getDistrict(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDistrict(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setDistrict(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDistrict(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getTownship(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTownship(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setTownship(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTownship(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getNeighborhood(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getNeighborhood(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setNeighborhood(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setNeighborhood(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getBuilding(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getBuilding(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setBuilding(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setBuilding(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getStreetNumber(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStreetNumber(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setStreetNumber(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setStreetNumber(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getRoads(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getRoads(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setRoads(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setRoads(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getPois(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPois(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setPois(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPois(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getCrossroads(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCrossroads(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setCrossroads(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCrossroads(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getBusinessAreas(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getBusinessAreas(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setBusinessAreas(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setBusinessAreas(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getAois(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAois(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setAois(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAois(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getTowncode(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTowncode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setTowncode(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTowncode(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setCountry(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCountry(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getCountry(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCountry(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getCountryCode(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCountryCode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setCountryCode(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCountryCode(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setShowBoundary(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setShowBoundary(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::isShowBoundary(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isShowBoundary(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getPageNum(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPageNum(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setPageNum(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPageNum(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getPageSize(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPageSize(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setPageSize(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPageSize(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getKeywords(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getKeywords(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setKeywords(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setKeywords(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getKeywordsLevel(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getKeywordsLevel(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + }}; + } +} diff --git a/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_search_fluttify/sub_handler/ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_search_fluttify/sub_handler/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fb5fb09 --- /dev/null +++ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_search_fluttify/sub_handler/ @@ -0,0 +1,6072 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +package me.yohom.amap_search_fluttify.sub_handler; + +import android.os.Bundle; +import android.util.Log; + +import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.Collection; +import java.util.HashMap; +import java.util.List; +import java.util.Map; + +import androidx.annotation.NonNull; +import io.flutter.embedding.engine.plugins.FlutterPlugin; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.BinaryMessenger; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodCall; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodChannel; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.PluginRegistry.Registrar; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.StandardMethodCodec; +import io.flutter.plugin.platform.PlatformViewRegistry; + +import me.yohom.amap_search_fluttify.AmapSearchFluttifyPlugin.Handler; +import me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.core.FluttifyMessageCodec; + +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getEnableLog; +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getHEAP; + +@SuppressWarnings("ALL") +public class SubHandler6 { + public static Map getSubHandler(BinaryMessenger messenger) { + return new HashMap() {{ + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setKeywordsLevel(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setKeywordsLevel(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::isShowChild(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isShowChild(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setShowChild(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setShowChild(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getSubDistrict(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSubDistrict(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setSubDistrict(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setSubDistrict(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::isShowBusinessArea(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isShowBusinessArea(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setShowBusinessArea(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setShowBusinessArea(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::checkLevels(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.checkLevels(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::checkKeyWords(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.checkKeyWords(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::weakEquals(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.weakEquals(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::clone(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.clone(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getQuery(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getQuery(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setQuery(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setQuery(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::searchDistrict(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.searchDistrict(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::searchDistrictAsyn(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.searchDistrictAsyn(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::searchDistrictAnsy(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.searchDistrictAnsy(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setOnDistrictSearchListener(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setOnDistrictSearchListener(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getDistrict(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.ArrayList __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDistrict(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.ArrayList var1 = (java.util.ArrayList) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setDistrict(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDistrict(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getQuery(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getQuery(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setQuery(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setQuery(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getPageCount(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPageCount(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setPageCount(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPageCount(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getAMapException(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAMapException(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setAMapException(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAMapException(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String[] var1 = (String[]) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setDistrictBoundary(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDistrictBoundary(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::districtBoundary(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String[] __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.districtBoundary(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getCitycode(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCitycode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setCitycode(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCitycode(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getAdcode(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAdcode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setAdcode(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAdcode(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getName(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getName(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setName(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setName(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getCenter(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCenter(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setCenter(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCenter(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getLevel(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLevel(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setLevel(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setLevel(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getSubDistrict(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSubDistrict(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + java.util.ArrayList var1 = (java.util.ArrayList) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setSubDistrict(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setSubDistrict(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getPoiID(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPoiID(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setID(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setID(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getPoint(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPoint(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setPostion(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPostion(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getName(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getName(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setName(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setName(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getDistrict(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDistrict(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setDistrict(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDistrict(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getAdcode(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAdcode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setAdcode(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAdcode(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getAddress(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAddress(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setAddress(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAddress(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setTypeCode(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTypeCode(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getTypeCode(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTypeCode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getKeyword(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getKeyword(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getCity(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCity(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setType(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setType(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getType(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getType(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setCityLimit(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCityLimit(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getCityLimit(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCityLimit(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setLocation(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setLocation(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getLocation(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLocation(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getQuery(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getQuery(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setQuery(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setQuery(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setInputtipsListener(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setInputtipsListener(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::requestInputtipsAsyn(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.requestInputtipsAsyn(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::requestInputtips(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.requestInputtips(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + String var2 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::requestInputtips(" + var1 + var2 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.requestInputtips(var1, var2); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + String var2 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + String var3 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::requestInputtips(" + var1 + var2 + var3 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.requestInputtips(var1, var2, var3); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getFromAndTo(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getFromAndTo(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getNaviMode(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getNaviMode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getBusMode(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getBusMode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getShareFromAndTo(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getShareFromAndTo(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setOnShareSearchListener(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setOnShareSearchListener(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::searchPoiShareUrlAsyn(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.searchPoiShareUrlAsyn(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::searchBusRouteShareUrlAsyn(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.searchBusRouteShareUrlAsyn(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::searchWalkRouteShareUrlAsyn(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.searchWalkRouteShareUrlAsyn(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::searchDrivingRouteShareUrlAsyn(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.searchDrivingRouteShareUrlAsyn(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::searchNaviShareUrlAsyn(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.searchNaviShareUrlAsyn(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::searchLocationShareUrlAsyn(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.searchLocationShareUrlAsyn(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::searchPoiShareUrl(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.searchPoiShareUrl(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::searchNaviShareUrl(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.searchNaviShareUrl(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::searchLocationShareUrl(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.searchLocationShareUrl(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::searchBusRouteShareUrl(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.searchBusRouteShareUrl(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::searchDrivingRouteShareUrl(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.searchDrivingRouteShareUrl(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::searchWalkRouteShareUrl(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.searchWalkRouteShareUrl(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setFromName(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setFromName(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::setToName(" + var1 + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setToName(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getFrom(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getFrom(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getTo(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTo(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getFromName(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getFromName(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getToName(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getToName(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getWalkMode(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getWalkMode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getShareFromAndTo(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getShareFromAndTo(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getDrivingMode(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDrivingMode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__args__, __methodResult__) -> { + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // print log + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("fluttify-java", "fluttify-java:" + __this__ + "::getShareFromAndTo(" + "" + ")"); + } + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getShareFromAndTo(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __methodResult__.success(__result__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDistance(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDistance(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getBusLineName(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setBusLineName(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getBusLineType(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setBusLineType(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCityCode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCityCode(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDirectionsCoordinates(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDirectionsCoordinates(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getBounds(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setBounds(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getBusLineId(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setBusLineId(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getOriginatingStation(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setOriginatingStation(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTerminalStation(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTerminalStation(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getBusCompany(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setBusCompany(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getBasicPrice(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setBasicPrice(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTotalPrice(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTotalPrice(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getBusStations(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setBusStations(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var0 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + java.util.List var2 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + java.util.List var3 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + // ref arg + java.util.ArrayList var4 = (java.util.ArrayList) ((Map) __args__).get("var4"); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ =, var1.intValue(), var2, var3, var4); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPageCount(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getQuery(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSearchSuggestionKeywords(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSearchSuggestionCities(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getBusStations(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.searchBusStation(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.searchBusStationAsyn(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setQuery(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getQuery(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.searchBusLine(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.searchBusLineAsyn(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setQuery(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getQuery(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCategory(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getQueryString(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setQueryString(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCity(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCity(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPageSize(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPageSize(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPageNumber(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPageNumber(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // enum arg + var1 =[(int) ((Map) __args__).get("var1")]; + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCategory(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getExtensions(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setExtensions(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.clone(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.weakEquals(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var0 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + java.util.List var2 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + java.util.List var3 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + // ref arg + java.util.ArrayList var4 = (java.util.ArrayList) ((Map) __args__).get("var4"); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ =, var1.intValue(), var2, var3, var4); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPageCount(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getQuery(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSearchSuggestionKeywords(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSearchSuggestionCities(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getBusLines(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getBusStationId(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setBusStationId(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getBusStationName(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setBusStationName(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLatLonPoint(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setLatLonPoint(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCityCode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCityCode(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAdCode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAdCode(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getBusLineItems(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setBusLineItems(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getQueryString(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCity(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPageSize(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPageNumber(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setQueryString(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCity(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPageSize(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPageNumber(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.clone(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.weakEquals(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getErrorLevel(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getErrorType(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getErrorMessage(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getErrorCode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getConnectionTimeOut(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSoTimeOut(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setConnectionTimeOut(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setSoTimeOut(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ =; + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setLanguage(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setProtocol(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLanguage(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getProtocol(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setApiKey(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.destroyInnerAsynThreadPool(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Context var0 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + boolean var2 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { +, var1, var2); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Context var0 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { +, var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Context var0 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ =; + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + android.content.Context var0 = (android.content.Context) ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ =; + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ =; + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSharePointName(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setSharePointName(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Double __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLongitude(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + }}; + } +} diff --git a/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_search_fluttify/sub_handler/ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_search_fluttify/sub_handler/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ed5e7f6 --- /dev/null +++ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_search_fluttify/sub_handler/ @@ -0,0 +1,6340 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +package me.yohom.amap_search_fluttify.sub_handler; + +import android.os.Bundle; +import android.util.Log; + +import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.Collection; +import java.util.HashMap; +import java.util.List; +import java.util.Map; + +import androidx.annotation.NonNull; +import io.flutter.embedding.engine.plugins.FlutterPlugin; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.BinaryMessenger; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodCall; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodChannel; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.PluginRegistry.Registrar; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.StandardMethodCodec; +import io.flutter.plugin.platform.PlatformViewRegistry; + +import me.yohom.amap_search_fluttify.AmapSearchFluttifyPlugin.Handler; +import me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.core.FluttifyMessageCodec; + +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getEnableLog; +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getHEAP; + +@SuppressWarnings("ALL") +public class SubHandler7 { + public static Map getSubHandler(BinaryMessenger messenger) { + return new HashMap() {{ + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setLongitude(var1.doubleValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Double __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLatitude(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setLatitude(var1.doubleValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.copy(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getBusinessArea(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setBusinessArea(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAdName(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAdName(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCityName(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCityName(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getProvinceName(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setProvinceName(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTypeDes(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTypeDes(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTel(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTel(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAdCode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAdCode(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPoiId(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDistance(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDistance(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTitle(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSnippet(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLatLonPoint(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCityCode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCityCode(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getEnter(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setEnter(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getExit(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setExit(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getWebsite(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setWebsite(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPostcode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPostcode(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getEmail(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setEmail(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDirection(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDirection(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setIndoorMap(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isIndoorMap(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setProvinceCode(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getProvinceCode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setParkingType(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getParkingType(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setSubPois(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSubPois(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getIndoorData(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setIndoorDate(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPhotos(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPhotos(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPoiExtension(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPoiExtension(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTypeCode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTypeCode(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getShopID(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setShopID(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCityName(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCityName(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCityCode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCityCode(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAdCode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAdCode(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSuggestionNum(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setSuggestionNum(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTitle(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTitle(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getUrl(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setUrl(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPoiId(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPoiId(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTitle(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTitle(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSubName(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setSubName(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDistance(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDistance(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLatLonPoint(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setLatLonPoint(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSnippet(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setSnippet(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSubTypeDes(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setSubTypeDes(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getOpentime(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getmRating(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLowerLeft(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getUpperRight(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCenter(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getRange(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getShape(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isDistanceSort(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPolyGonList(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.clone(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var0 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var0"); + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + // ref arg + java.util.List var2 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var2"); + // ref arg + java.util.List var3 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var3"); + // ref arg + Number var4 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var4"); + // ref arg + Number var5 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var5"); + // ref arg + java.util.ArrayList var6 = (java.util.ArrayList) ((Map) __args__).get("var6"); + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ =, var1, var2, var3, var4.intValue(), var5.intValue(), var6); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPageCount(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getQuery(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getBound(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.ArrayList __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPois(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSearchSuggestionKeywords(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSearchSuggestionCitys(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setLanguage(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLanguage(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.searchPOI(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.searchPOIAsyn(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.searchPOIId(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.searchPOIIdAsyn(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setQuery(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setBound(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getQuery(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getBound(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getBuilding(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setBuilding(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getQueryString(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setQueryLanguage(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCategory(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCity(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPageNum(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPageNum(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPageSize(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPageSize(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCityLimit(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCityLimit(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.requireSubPois(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isRequireSubPois(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isDistanceSort(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDistanceSort(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLocation(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setLocation(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isSpecial(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setSpecial(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getExtensions(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setExtensions(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.queryEquals(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.clone(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPoiId(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPoiId(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getFloor(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setFloor(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getFloorName(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setFloorName(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getID(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getName(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setID(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setName(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCost(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCost(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isNightBus(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setNightBus(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getWalkDistance(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setWalkDistance(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getBusDistance(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setBusDistance(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSteps(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setSteps(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPaths(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPaths(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTimeInfos(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTimeInfos(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDrivePlanQuery(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setMode(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTruckSize(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTruckHeight(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTruckWidth(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTruckLoad(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTruckWeight(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTruckAxis(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getFromAndTo(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getExtensions(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setExtensions(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.hasPassPoint(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPassedByPoints(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPassedPointStr(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTruckSize(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTruckHeight(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTruckWidth(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTruckLoad(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTruckWeight(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTruckAxis(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.clone(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDistance(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStatus(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDistance(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setStatus(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPolyline(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPolyline(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getOrigin(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setOrigin(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDestination(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDestination(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStartPos(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setStartPos(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTargetPos(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTargetPos(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.calculateWalkRoute(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.calculateWalkRouteAsyn(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.calculateBusRoute(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.calculateBusRouteAsyn(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.calculateDriveRoute(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.calculateDriveRouteAsyn(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.calculateRideRouteAsyn(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + }}; + } +} diff --git a/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_search_fluttify/sub_handler/ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_search_fluttify/sub_handler/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4a48357 --- /dev/null +++ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_search_fluttify/sub_handler/ @@ -0,0 +1,6331 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +package me.yohom.amap_search_fluttify.sub_handler; + +import android.os.Bundle; +import android.util.Log; + +import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.Collection; +import java.util.HashMap; +import java.util.List; +import java.util.Map; + +import androidx.annotation.NonNull; +import io.flutter.embedding.engine.plugins.FlutterPlugin; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.BinaryMessenger; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodCall; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodChannel; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.PluginRegistry.Registrar; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.StandardMethodCodec; +import io.flutter.plugin.platform.PlatformViewRegistry; + +import me.yohom.amap_search_fluttify.AmapSearchFluttifyPlugin.Handler; +import me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.core.FluttifyMessageCodec; + +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getEnableLog; +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getHEAP; + +@SuppressWarnings("ALL") +public class SubHandler8 { + public static Map getSubHandler(BinaryMessenger messenger) { + return new HashMap() {{ + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.calculateRideRoute(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.calculateTruckRoute(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.calculateTruckRouteAsyn(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.calculateDrivePlan(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.calculateDrivePlanAsyn(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getWalk(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setWalk(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getBusLine(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getBusLines(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setBusLine(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setBusLines(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getEntrance(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setEntrance(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getExit(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setExit(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getRailway(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setRailway(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTaxi(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTaxi(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getOrigin(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDestination(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDistance(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDuration(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getmSname(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getmTname(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setOrigin(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDestination(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDistance(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDuration(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setSname(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTname(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTaxiCost(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTaxiCost(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPaths(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPaths(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getBusQuery(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setBusQuery(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStartPos(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setStartPos(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTargetPos(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTargetPos(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCost(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTruckQuery(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPaths(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setStartPos(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTargetPos(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTruckQuery(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPaths(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStartPos(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTargetPos(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getFromAndTo(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getExtensions(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setExtensions(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.clone(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getFromAndTo(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCarType(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPassedByPoints(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAvoidRoad(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPassedPointStr(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.hasPassPoint(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAvoidpolygonsStr(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.hasAvoidpolygons(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.hasAvoidRoad(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getExclude(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setExclude(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getExtensions(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setExtensions(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.clone(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isUseFerry(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setUseFerry(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCarType(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getKey(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setKey(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCustomCostMode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCustomCostMode(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMaxVehicleCharge(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setMaxVehicleCharge(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getVehicleCharge(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setVehicleCharge(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLoad(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setLoad(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLeavingPercent(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setLeavingPercent(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getArrivingPercent(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setArrivingPercent(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.buildParam(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAccess(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAccess(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDecess(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDecess(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTime(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTrip(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDistance(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getType(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDeparturestop(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getArrivalstop(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getViastops(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAlters(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSpaces(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTime(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTrip(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDistance(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setType(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDeparturestop(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setArrivalstop(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setViastops(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAlters(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setSpaces(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.calculateDriveRoute(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.calculateDriveRouteAsyn(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSpeed(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setSpeed(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getValue(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setValue(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getInstruction(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setInstruction(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getOrientation(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setOrientation(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getRoad(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setRoad(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDistance(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDistance(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDuration(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDuration(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPolyline(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPolyline(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAction(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAction(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAssistantAction(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAssistantAction(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAccess(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAccess(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getValue(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setValue(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getUp(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setUp(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDown(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDown(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getID(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getName(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLocation(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAdcode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTime(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isStart(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isEnd(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getWait(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setID(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setName(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setLocation(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAdcode(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTime(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setisStart(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setisEnd(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setWait(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPaths(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPaths(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getRideQuery(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setRideQuery(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStepIndex(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setStepIndex(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getShowPoint(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setShowPoint(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getProjectivePoint(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setProjectivePoint(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPoiId(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPoiId(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getName(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setName(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getBrandName(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setBrandName(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMaxPower(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setMaxPower(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getChargePercent(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setChargePercent(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getChargeTime(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setChargeTime(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getRemainingCapacity(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setRemainingCapacity(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getVoltage(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setVoltage(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAmperage(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAmperage(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getFrom(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTo(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStartPoiID(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setStartPoiID(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDestinationPoiID(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDestinationPoiID(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getOriginType(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setOriginType(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDestinationType(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDestinationType(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPlateProvince(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPlateProvince(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPlateNumber(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPlateNumber(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.clone(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + }}; + } +} diff --git a/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_search_fluttify/sub_handler/ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_search_fluttify/sub_handler/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6e50293 --- /dev/null +++ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_search_fluttify/sub_handler/ @@ -0,0 +1,6325 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +package me.yohom.amap_search_fluttify.sub_handler; + +import android.os.Bundle; +import android.util.Log; + +import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.Collection; +import java.util.HashMap; +import java.util.List; +import java.util.Map; + +import androidx.annotation.NonNull; +import io.flutter.embedding.engine.plugins.FlutterPlugin; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.BinaryMessenger; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodCall; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodChannel; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.PluginRegistry.Registrar; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.StandardMethodCodec; +import io.flutter.plugin.platform.PlatformViewRegistry; + +import me.yohom.amap_search_fluttify.AmapSearchFluttifyPlugin.Handler; +import me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.core.FluttifyMessageCodec; + +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getEnableLog; +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getHEAP; + +@SuppressWarnings("ALL") +public class SubHandler9 { + public static Map getSubHandler(BinaryMessenger messenger) { + return new HashMap() {{ + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSteps(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setSteps(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getFromAndTo(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCity(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getNightFlag(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCityd(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCityd(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getExtensions(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setExtensions(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.clone(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getInstruction(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setInstruction(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getOrientation(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setOrientation(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getRoad(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setRoad(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDistance(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDistance(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDuration(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDuration(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPolyline(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPolyline(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAction(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAction(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAssistantAction(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAssistantAction(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getNewEnergy(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setNewEnergy(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getFromAndTo(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCarType(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPassedByPoints(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAvoidRoad(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPassedPointStr(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.hasPassPoint(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAvoidpolygonsStr(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.hasAvoidpolygons(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.hasAvoidRoad(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getExclude(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setExclude(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getShowFields(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setShowFields(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.clone(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.isUseFerry(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setUseFerry(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCarType(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPowerDemand(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPowerDemand(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPowerDemandValue(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPowerDemandValue(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSpeed(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setSpeed(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSpeedValue(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setSpeedValue(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDistricts(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDistricts(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAction(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAction(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAssistantAction(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAssistantAction(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDuration(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDuration(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTollDistance(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTollDistance(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTollRoad(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTollRoad(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTolls(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTolls(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTrafficLights(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTrafficLights(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDistanceQuery(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDistanceQuery(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDistanceResults(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDistanceResults(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getFromAndTo(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getExtensions(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setExtensions(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.clone(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDistrictName(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDistrictName(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDistrictAdcode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDistrictAdcode(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTaxiCost(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTaxiCost(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPaths(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPaths(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDriveQuery(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDriveQuery(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPaths(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPaths(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getWalkQuery(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setWalkQuery(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.clone(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getType(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getOrigins(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDestination(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setType(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setOrigins(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.addOrigins(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDestination(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getExtensions(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setExtensions(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setMode(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSearchCityName(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setSearchCityName(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSearchCitycode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setSearchCitycode(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSearchCityAdCode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setSearchCityhAdCode(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.calculateRouteDistance(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.calculateRouteDistanceAsyn(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSteps(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setSteps(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getConsumeEnergy(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setConsumeEnergy(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getRunOutStepIndex(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setRunOutStepIndex(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getRunOutPoint(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setRunOutPoint(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getLeftEnergy(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setLeftEnergy(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getNavi(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setNavi(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCostDetail(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCostDetail(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStepDistance(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setStepDistance(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getInstruction(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setInstruction(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getOrientation(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setOrientation(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getRoad(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setRoad(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPolyline(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPolyline(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getRouteSearchCityList(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setRouteSearchCityList(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTMCs(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTMCs(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDepartureBusStation(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDepartureBusStation(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getArrivalBusStation(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setArrivalBusStation(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPolyline(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPolyline(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPassStationNum(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPassStationNum(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPassStations(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPassStations(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDuration(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDuration(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getFromAndTo(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDestParentPoiID(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getMode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCarType(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getFirstTime(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getInterval(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Integer __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCount(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.clone(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDestParentPoiID(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setMode(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCarType(var1.intValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSpeedCosts(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setSpeedCosts(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getCurveCost(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setCurveCost(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getSlopeCost(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setSlopeCost(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAuxCost(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAuxCost(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTransCost(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setTransCost(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getFerryCost(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setFerryCost(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPowerTrainLosses(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + var1 = ( ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPowerTrainLosses(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.toJson(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getRoad(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setAdCode(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getAdCode(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setRoad(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Float __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDistance(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDistance(var1.floatValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Boolean __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getToll(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + boolean var1 = (boolean) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setToll(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getPolyline(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setPolyline(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Long __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStartTime(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + Number var1 = (Number) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setStartTime(var1.longValue()); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List> __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + java.util.List __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getElements(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + java.util.List var1 = (java.util.List) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setElements(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getFrom(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getTo(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getStartPoiID(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setStartPoiID(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + String __result__ = null; + try { + __result__ = __this__.getDestinationPoiID(); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + // method + put("", (__argsBatch__, __methodResult__) -> { + List __resultList__ = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((List>) __argsBatch__).size(); __i__++) { + Map __args__ = ((List>) __argsBatch__).get(__i__); + + // args + // ref arg + String var1 = (String) ((Map) __args__).get("var1"); + + // ref + __this__ = ( ((Map) __args__).get("__this__"); + + // invoke native method + Void __result__ = null; + try { + __this__.setDestinationPoiID(var1); + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + __methodResult__.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + __resultList__.add(__result__); + } + + __methodResult__.success(__resultList__); + }); + }}; + } +} diff --git a/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_search_fluttify/sub_handler/custom/ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_search_fluttify/sub_handler/custom/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b0917ee --- /dev/null +++ b/android/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_search_fluttify/sub_handler/custom/ @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +package me.yohom.amap_search_fluttify.sub_handler.custom; + +import android.os.Bundle; +import android.util.Log; + +import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.Collection; +import java.util.HashMap; +import java.util.List; +import java.util.Map; + +import androidx.annotation.NonNull; +import io.flutter.embedding.engine.plugins.FlutterPlugin; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.BinaryMessenger; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodCall; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodChannel; +import io.flutter.plugin.common.PluginRegistry.Registrar; +import io.flutter.plugin.platform.PlatformViewRegistry; + +import me.yohom.amap_search_fluttify.AmapSearchFluttifyPlugin.Handler; + +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getEnableLog; +import static me.yohom.foundation_fluttify.FoundationFluttifyPluginKt.getHEAP; + +@SuppressWarnings("ALL") +public class SubHandlerCustom { + + public static final SubHandlerCustom instance = new SubHandlerCustom(); + + private SubHandlerCustom() { } + + public Map getSubHandler(BinaryMessenger messenger, activity) { + return new HashMap() {{ + put("", (args, methodResult) -> { + // args + + // ref + + // invoke native method + try { + + } catch (Throwable throwable) { + throwable.printStackTrace(); + if (getEnableLog()) { + Log.d("Current HEAP: ", getHEAP().toString()); + } + methodResult.error(throwable.getMessage(), null, null); + return; + } + + // convert result to jsonable result + String jsonableResult = "success"; + + methodResult.success(jsonableResult); + }); + }}; + } +} diff --git a/example/.gitignore b/example/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000..29a3a50 --- /dev/null +++ b/example/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +# Miscellaneous +*.class +*.log +*.pyc +*.swp +.DS_Store +.atom/ +.buildlog/ +.history +.svn/ +migrate_working_dir/ + +# IntelliJ related +*.iml +*.ipr +*.iws +.idea/ + +# The .vscode folder contains launch configuration and tasks you configure in +# VS Code which you may wish to be included in version control, so this line +# is commented out by default. +#.vscode/ + +# Flutter/Dart/Pub related +**/doc/api/ +**/ios/Flutter/.last_build_id +.dart_tool/ +.flutter-plugins +.flutter-plugins-dependencies +/build/ + +# Symbolication related +app.*.symbols + +# Obfuscation related +app.*.map.json + +# Android Studio will place build artifacts here +/android/app/debug +/android/app/profile +/android/app/release diff --git a/example/ b/example/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4d9e41f --- /dev/null +++ b/example/ @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +# amap_search_fluttify_example + +Demonstrates how to use the amap_search_fluttify plugin. + +## Getting Started + +This project is a starting point for a Flutter application. + +A few resources to get you started if this is your first Flutter project: + +- [Lab: Write your first Flutter app]( +- [Cookbook: Useful Flutter samples]( + +For help getting started with Flutter development, view the +[online documentation](, which offers tutorials, +samples, guidance on mobile development, and a full API reference. diff --git a/example/analysis_options.yaml b/example/analysis_options.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..61b6c4d --- /dev/null +++ b/example/analysis_options.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +# This file configures the analyzer, which statically analyzes Dart code to +# check for errors, warnings, and lints. +# +# The issues identified by the analyzer are surfaced in the UI of Dart-enabled +# IDEs ( The analyzer can also be +# invoked from the command line by running `flutter analyze`. + +# The following line activates a set of recommended lints for Flutter apps, +# packages, and plugins designed to encourage good coding practices. +include: package:flutter_lints/flutter.yaml + +linter: + # The lint rules applied to this project can be customized in the + # section below to disable rules from the `package:flutter_lints/flutter.yaml` + # included above or to enable additional rules. A list of all available lints + # and their documentation is published at + # + # + # Instead of disabling a lint rule for the entire project in the + # section below, it can also be suppressed for a single line of code + # or a specific dart file by using the `// ignore: name_of_lint` and + # `// ignore_for_file: name_of_lint` syntax on the line or in the file + # producing the lint. + rules: + # avoid_print: false # Uncomment to disable the `avoid_print` rule + # prefer_single_quotes: true # Uncomment to enable the `prefer_single_quotes` rule + +# Additional information about this file can be found at +# diff --git a/example/android/app/build.gradle b/example/android/app/build.gradle new file mode 100644 index 0000000..891fcb4 --- /dev/null +++ b/example/android/app/build.gradle @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +def localProperties = new Properties() +def localPropertiesFile = rootProject.file('') +if (localPropertiesFile.exists()) { + localPropertiesFile.withReader('UTF-8') { reader -> + localProperties.load(reader) + } +} + +def flutterRoot = localProperties.getProperty('flutter.sdk') +if (flutterRoot == null) { + throw new GradleException("Flutter SDK not found. Define location with flutter.sdk in the file.") +} + +def flutterVersionCode = localProperties.getProperty('flutter.versionCode') +if (flutterVersionCode == null) { + flutterVersionCode = '1' +} + +def flutterVersionName = localProperties.getProperty('flutter.versionName') +if (flutterVersionName == null) { + flutterVersionName = '1.0' +} + +apply plugin: '' +apply plugin: 'kotlin-android' +apply from: "$flutterRoot/packages/flutter_tools/gradle/flutter.gradle" + +android { + compileSdkVersion flutter.compileSdkVersion + ndkVersion flutter.ndkVersion + + compileOptions { + sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8 + targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8 + } + + defaultConfig { + // TODO: Specify your own unique Application ID ( + applicationId "me.yohom.amap_search_fluttify_example" + // You can update the following values to match your application needs. + // For more information, see: + minSdkVersion 21 + targetSdkVersion flutter.targetSdkVersion + versionCode flutterVersionCode.toInteger() + versionName flutterVersionName + } + + signingConfigs { + release { + keyAlias 'amap_search_test' + keyPassword 'amap_search_test' + storeFile file('../amap_search_test.jks') + storePassword 'amap_search_test' + } + } + + buildTypes { + debug { + signingConfig signingConfigs.release + } + release { + signingConfig signingConfigs.release + } + } +} + +flutter { + source '../..' +} diff --git a/example/android/app/src/debug/AndroidManifest.xml b/example/android/app/src/debug/AndroidManifest.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..059c7da --- /dev/null +++ b/example/android/app/src/debug/AndroidManifest.xml @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + diff --git a/example/android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml b/example/android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7697408 --- /dev/null +++ b/example/android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/example/android/app/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_search_fluttify_example/ b/example/android/app/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_search_fluttify_example/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..493e826 --- /dev/null +++ b/example/android/app/src/main/java/me/yohom/amap_search_fluttify_example/ @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +package me.yohom.amap_search_fluttify_example; + +import; + +public class MainActivity extends FlutterActivity { +} diff --git a/example/android/app/src/main/res/drawable-v21/launch_background.xml b/example/android/app/src/main/res/drawable-v21/launch_background.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f74085f --- /dev/null +++ b/example/android/app/src/main/res/drawable-v21/launch_background.xml @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ + + + + + + + + diff --git a/example/android/app/src/main/res/drawable/launch_background.xml b/example/android/app/src/main/res/drawable/launch_background.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..304732f --- /dev/null +++ b/example/android/app/src/main/res/drawable/launch_background.xml @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ + + + + + + + + diff --git a/example/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-hdpi/ic_launcher.png b/example/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-hdpi/ic_launcher.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..db77bb4b7b0906d62b1847e87f15cdcacf6a4f29 GIT binary patch literal 544 zcmeAS@N?(olHy`uVBq!ia0vp^9w5xY3?!3`olAj~WQl7;NpOBzNqJ&XDuZK6ep0G} zXKrG8YEWuoN@d~6R2!h8bpbvhu0Wd6uZuB!w&u2PAxD2eNXD>P5D~Wn-+_Wa#27Xc zC?Zj|6r#X(-D3u$NCt}(Ms06KgJ4FxJVv{GM)!I~&n8Bnc94O7-Hd)cjDZswgC;Qs zO=b+9!WcT8F?0rF7!Uys2bs@gozCP?z~o%U|N3vA*22NaGQG zlg@K`O_XuxvZ&Ks^m&R!`&1=spLvfx7oGDKDwpwW`#iqdw@AL`7MR}m`rwr|mZgU`8P7SBkL78fFf!WnuYWm$5Z0 zNXhDbCv&49sM544K|?c)WrFfiZvCi9h0O)B3Pgg&ebxsLQ05GG~ AQ2+n{ literal 0 HcmV?d00001 diff --git a/example/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-mdpi/ic_launcher.png b/example/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-mdpi/ic_launcher.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..17987b79bb8a35cc66c3c1fd44f5a5526c1b78be GIT binary patch literal 442 zcmeAS@N?(olHy`uVBq!ia0vp^1|ZDA3?vioaBc-sk|nMYCBgY=CFO}lsSJ)O`AMk? zp1FzXsX?iUDV2pMQ*D5Xx&nMcT!A!W`0S9QKQy;}1Cl^CgaH=;G9cpY;r$Q>i*pfB zP2drbID<_#qf;rPZx^FqH)F_D#*k@@q03KywUtLX8Ua?`H+NMzkczFPK3lFz@i_kW%1NOn0|D2I9n9wzH8m|-tHjsw|9>@K=iMBhxvkv6m8Y-l zytQ?X=U+MF$@3 zt`~i=@j|6y)RWMK--}M|=T`o&^Ni>IoWKHEbBXz7?A@mgWoL>!*SXo`SZH-*HSdS+ yn*9;$7;m`l>wYBC5bq;=U}IMqLzqbYCidGC!)_gkIk_C@Uy!y&wkt5C($~2D>~)O*cj@FGjOCM)M>_ixfudOh)?xMu#Fs z#}Y=@YDTwOM)x{K_j*Q;dPdJ?Mz0n|pLRx{4n|)f>SXlmV)XB04CrSJn#dS5nK2lM zrZ9#~WelCp7&e13Y$jvaEXHskn$2V!!DN-nWS__6T*l;H&Fopn?A6HZ-6WRLFP=R` zqG+CE#d4|IbyAI+rJJ`&x9*T`+a=p|0O(+s{UBcyZdkhj=yS1>AirP+0R;mf2uMgM zC}@~JfByORAh4SyRgi&!(cja>F(l*O+nd+@4m$|6K6KDn_&uvCpV23&>G9HJp{xgg zoq1^2_p9@|WEo z*X_Uko@K)qYYv~>43eQGMdbiGbo>E~Q& zrYBH{QP^@Sti!`2)uG{irBBq@y*$B zi#&(U-*=fp74j)RyIw49+0MRPMRU)+a2r*PJ$L5roHt2$UjExCTZSbq%V!HeS7J$N zdG@vOZB4v_lF7Plrx+hxo7(fCV&}fHq)$ literal 0 HcmV?d00001 diff --git a/example/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxhdpi/ic_launcher.png b/example/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxhdpi/ic_launcher.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d5f1c8d34e7a88e3f88bea192c3a370d44689c3c GIT binary patch literal 1031 zcmeAS@N?(olHy`uVBq!ia0vp^6F``Q8Ax83A=Cw=BuiW)N`mv#O3D+9QW+dm@{>{( zJaZG%Q-e|yQz{EjrrIztFa`(sgt!6~Yi|1%a`XoT0ojZ}lNrNjb9xjc(B0U1_% zz5^97Xt*%oq$rQy4?0GKNfJ44uvxI)gC`h-NZ|&0-7(qS@?b!5r36oQ}zyZrNO3 zMO=Or+<~>+A&uN&E!^Sl+>xE!QC-|oJv`ApDhqC^EWD|@=#J`=d#Xzxs4ah}w&Jnc z$|q_opQ^2TrnVZ0o~wh<3t%W&flvYGe#$xqda2bR_R zvPYgMcHgjZ5nSA^lJr%;<&0do;O^tDDh~=pIxA#coaCY>&N%M2^tq^U%3DB@ynvKo}b?yu-bFc-u0JHzced$sg7S3zqI(2 z#Km{dPr7I=pQ5>FuK#)QwK?Y`E`B?nP+}U)I#c1+FM*1kNvWG|a(TpksZQ3B@sD~b zpQ2)*V*TdwjFOtHvV|;OsiDqHi=6%)o4b!)x$)%9pGTsE z-JL={-Ffv+T87W(Xpooq<`r*VzWQcgBN$$`u}f>-ZQI1BB8ykN*=e4rIsJx9>z}*o zo~|9I;xof literal 0 HcmV?d00001 diff --git a/example/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxxhdpi/ic_launcher.png b/example/android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-xxxhdpi/ic_launcher.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4d6372eebdb28e45604e46eeda8dd24651419bc0 GIT binary patch literal 1443 zcmb`G{WsKk6vsdJTdFg%tJav9_E4vzrOaqkWF|A724Nly!y+?N9`YV6wZ}5(X(D_N(?!*n3`|_r0Hc?=PQw&*vnU?QTFY zB_MsH|!j$PP;I}?dppoE_gA(4uc!jV&0!l7_;&p2^pxNo>PEcNJv za5_RT$o2Mf!<+r?&EbHH6nMoTsDOa;mN(wv8RNsHpG)`^ymG-S5By8=l9iVXzN_eG%Xg2@Xeq76tTZ*dGh~Lo9vl;Zfs+W#BydUw zCkZ$o1LqWQO$FC9aKlLl*7x9^0q%0}$OMlp@Kk_jHXOjofdePND+j!A{q!8~Jn+s3 z?~~w@4?egS02}8NuulUA=L~QQfm;MzCGd)XhiftT;+zFO&JVyp2mBww?;QByS_1w! zrQlx%{^cMj0|Bo1FjwY@Q8?Hx0cIPF*@-ZRFpPc#bBw{5@tD(5%sClzIfl8WU~V#u zm5Q;_F!wa$BSpqhN>W@2De?TKWR*!ujY;Yylk_X5#~V!L*Gw~;$%4Q8~Mad z@`-kG?yb$a9cHIApZDVZ^U6Xkp<*4rU82O7%}0jjHlK{id@?-wpN*fCHXyXh(bLt* zPc}H-x0e4E&nQ>y%B-(EL=9}RyC%MyX=upHuFhAk&MLbsF0LP-q`XnH78@fT+pKPW zu72MW`|?8ht^tz$iC}ZwLp4tB;Q49K!QCF3@!iB1qOI=?w z7In!}F~ij(18UYUjnbmC!qKhPo%24?8U1x{7o(+?^Zu0Hx81|FuS?bJ0jgBhEMzf< zCgUq7r2OCB(`XkKcN-TL>u5y#dD6D!)5W?`O5)V^>jb)P)GBdy%t$uUMpf$SNV31$ zb||OojAbvMP?T@$h_ZiFLFVHDmbyMhJF|-_)HX3%m=CDI+ID$0^C>kzxprBW)hw(v zr!Gmda);ICoQyhV_oP5+C%?jcG8v+D@9f?Dk*!BxY}dazmrT@64UrP3hlslANK)bq z$67n83eh}OeW&SV@HG95P|bjfqJ7gw$e+`Hxo!4cx`jdK1bJ>YDSpGKLPZ^1cv$ek zIB?0S<#tX?SJCLWdMd{-ME?$hc7A$zBOdIJ)4!KcAwb=VMov)nK;9z>x~rfT1>dS+ zZ6#`2v@`jgbqq)P22H)Tx2CpmM^o1$B+xT6`(v%5xJ(?j#>Q$+rx_R|7TzDZe{J6q zG1*EcU%tE?!kO%^M;3aM6JN*LAKUVb^xz8-Pxo#jR5(-KBeLJvA@-gxNHx0M-ZJLl z;#JwQoh~9V?`UVo#}{6ka@II>++D@%KqGpMdlQ}?9E*wFcf5(#XQnP$Dk5~%iX^>f z%$y;?M0BLp{O3a(-4A?ewryHrrD%cx#Q^%KY1H zNre$ve+vceSLZcNY4U(RBX&)oZn*Py()h)XkE?PL$!bNb{N5FVI2Y%LKEm%yvpyTP z(1P?z~7YxD~Rf<(a@_y` literal 0 HcmV?d00001 diff --git a/example/android/app/src/main/res/values-night/styles.xml b/example/android/app/src/main/res/values-night/styles.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..06952be --- /dev/null +++ b/example/android/app/src/main/res/values-night/styles.xml @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ + + + + + + + diff --git a/example/android/app/src/main/res/values/styles.xml b/example/android/app/src/main/res/values/styles.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cb1ef88 --- /dev/null +++ b/example/android/app/src/main/res/values/styles.xml @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ + + + + + + + diff --git a/example/android/app/src/profile/AndroidManifest.xml b/example/android/app/src/profile/AndroidManifest.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..059c7da --- /dev/null +++ b/example/android/app/src/profile/AndroidManifest.xml @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + diff --git a/example/android/build.gradle b/example/android/build.gradle new file mode 100644 index 0000000..83ae220 --- /dev/null +++ b/example/android/build.gradle @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +buildscript { + ext.kotlin_version = '1.6.10' + repositories { + google() + mavenCentral() + } + + dependencies { + classpath '' + classpath "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:$kotlin_version" + } +} + +allprojects { + repositories { + google() + mavenCentral() + } +} + +rootProject.buildDir = '../build' +subprojects { + project.buildDir = "${rootProject.buildDir}/${}" +} +subprojects { + project.evaluationDependsOn(':app') +} + +task clean(type: Delete) { + delete rootProject.buildDir +} diff --git a/example/android/ b/example/android/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..94adc3a --- /dev/null +++ b/example/android/ @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +org.gradle.jvmargs=-Xmx1536M +android.useAndroidX=true +android.enableJetifier=true diff --git a/example/android/gradle/wrapper/ b/example/android/gradle/wrapper/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cc5527d --- /dev/null +++ b/example/android/gradle/wrapper/ @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +#Fri Jun 23 08:50:38 CEST 2017 +distributionBase=GRADLE_USER_HOME +distributionPath=wrapper/dists +zipStoreBase=GRADLE_USER_HOME +zipStorePath=wrapper/dists +distributionUrl=https\:// diff --git a/example/android/settings.gradle b/example/android/settings.gradle new file mode 100644 index 0000000..44e62bc --- /dev/null +++ b/example/android/settings.gradle @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +include ':app' + +def localPropertiesFile = new File(rootProject.projectDir, "") +def properties = new Properties() + +assert localPropertiesFile.exists() +localPropertiesFile.withReader("UTF-8") { reader -> properties.load(reader) } + +def flutterSdkPath = properties.getProperty("flutter.sdk") +assert flutterSdkPath != null, "flutter.sdk not set in" +apply from: "$flutterSdkPath/packages/flutter_tools/gradle/app_plugin_loader.gradle" diff --git a/example/ios/Flutter/AppFrameworkInfo.plist b/example/ios/Flutter/AppFrameworkInfo.plist new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8d4492f --- /dev/null +++ b/example/ios/Flutter/AppFrameworkInfo.plist @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ + + + + + CFBundleDevelopmentRegion + en + CFBundleExecutable + App + CFBundleIdentifier + + CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion + 6.0 + CFBundleName + App + CFBundlePackageType + FMWK + CFBundleShortVersionString + 1.0 + CFBundleSignature + ???? + CFBundleVersion + 1.0 + MinimumOSVersion + 9.0 + + diff --git a/example/ios/Flutter/Debug.xcconfig b/example/ios/Flutter/Debug.xcconfig new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ec97fc6 --- /dev/null +++ b/example/ios/Flutter/Debug.xcconfig @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +#include? "Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-Runner/Pods-Runner.debug.xcconfig" +#include "Generated.xcconfig" diff --git a/example/ios/Flutter/Release.xcconfig b/example/ios/Flutter/Release.xcconfig new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c4855bf --- /dev/null +++ b/example/ios/Flutter/Release.xcconfig @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +#include? "Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-Runner/Pods-Runner.release.xcconfig" +#include "Generated.xcconfig" diff --git a/example/ios/Podfile b/example/ios/Podfile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2bfb458 --- /dev/null +++ b/example/ios/Podfile @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +source '' # 指定源 + +# Uncomment this line to define a global platform for your project +# platform :ios, '9.0' + +# CocoaPods analytics sends network stats synchronously affecting flutter build latency. +ENV['COCOAPODS_DISABLE_STATS'] = 'true' + +project 'Runner', { + 'Debug' => :debug, + 'Profile' => :release, + 'Release' => :release, +} + +def flutter_root + generated_xcode_build_settings_path = File.expand_path(File.join('..', 'Flutter', 'Generated.xcconfig'), __FILE__) + unless File.exist?(generated_xcode_build_settings_path) + raise "#{generated_xcode_build_settings_path} must exist. If you're running pod install manually, make sure flutter pub get is executed first" + end + + File.foreach(generated_xcode_build_settings_path) do |line| + matches = line.match(/FLUTTER_ROOT\=(.*)/) + return matches[1].strip if matches + end + raise "FLUTTER_ROOT not found in #{generated_xcode_build_settings_path}. Try deleting Generated.xcconfig, then run flutter pub get" +end + +require File.expand_path(File.join('packages', 'flutter_tools', 'bin', 'podhelper'), flutter_root) + +flutter_ios_podfile_setup + +target 'Runner' do + flutter_install_all_ios_pods File.dirname(File.realpath(__FILE__)) +end + +post_install do |installer| + installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target| + flutter_additional_ios_build_settings(target) + end +end diff --git a/example/ios/Podfile.lock b/example/ios/Podfile.lock new file mode 100644 index 0000000..384d6d7 --- /dev/null +++ b/example/ios/Podfile.lock @@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ +PODS: + - amap_core_fluttify (0.0.1): + - AMapFoundation-NO-IDFA (~> 1.6.9) + - Flutter + - foundation_fluttify + - amap_search_fluttify (0.0.1): + - AMapSearch-NO-IDFA (= 9.2.0) + - Flutter + - foundation_fluttify + - AMapFoundation-NO-IDFA (1.6.9) + - AMapSearch-NO-IDFA (9.2.0): + - AMapFoundation-NO-IDFA (~> 1.6.9) + - core_location_fluttify (0.0.1): + - Flutter + - foundation_fluttify + - Flutter (1.0.0) + - FMDB (2.7.5): + - FMDB/standard (= 2.7.5) + - FMDB/standard (2.7.5) + - foundation_fluttify (0.0.1): + - Flutter + - path_provider_ios (0.0.1): + - Flutter + - permission_handler_apple (9.0.4): + - Flutter + - sqflite (0.0.2): + - Flutter + - FMDB (>= 2.7.5) + +DEPENDENCIES: + - amap_core_fluttify (from `.symlinks/plugins/amap_core_fluttify/ios`) + - amap_search_fluttify (from `.symlinks/plugins/amap_search_fluttify/ios`) + - core_location_fluttify (from `.symlinks/plugins/core_location_fluttify/ios`) + - Flutter (from `Flutter`) + - foundation_fluttify (from `.symlinks/plugins/foundation_fluttify/ios`) + - path_provider_ios (from `.symlinks/plugins/path_provider_ios/ios`) + - permission_handler_apple (from `.symlinks/plugins/permission_handler_apple/ios`) + - sqflite (from `.symlinks/plugins/sqflite/ios`) + +SPEC REPOS: + + - AMapFoundation-NO-IDFA + - AMapSearch-NO-IDFA + - FMDB + +EXTERNAL SOURCES: + amap_core_fluttify: + :path: ".symlinks/plugins/amap_core_fluttify/ios" + amap_search_fluttify: + :path: ".symlinks/plugins/amap_search_fluttify/ios" + core_location_fluttify: + :path: ".symlinks/plugins/core_location_fluttify/ios" + Flutter: + :path: Flutter + foundation_fluttify: + :path: ".symlinks/plugins/foundation_fluttify/ios" + path_provider_ios: + :path: ".symlinks/plugins/path_provider_ios/ios" + permission_handler_apple: + :path: ".symlinks/plugins/permission_handler_apple/ios" + sqflite: + :path: ".symlinks/plugins/sqflite/ios" + +SPEC CHECKSUMS: + amap_core_fluttify: b84657ba39ee287a4b96bbcc0a6e67612cc3808f + amap_search_fluttify: cfab91aa65730337fff54705aae0423ea752fc91 + AMapFoundation-NO-IDFA: cc2ec7a2828ef292358ad594b7ee0ae21a7f097b + AMapSearch-NO-IDFA: 9df378c88d50083346412ee3e0a10e2c451c7139 + core_location_fluttify: 9466a411ea7d22c6349c7e6a767ae4623f01eb1d + Flutter: 50d75fe2f02b26cc09d224853bb45737f8b3214a + FMDB: 2ce00b547f966261cd18927a3ddb07cb6f3db82a + foundation_fluttify: 0c45145e3fad1fb99188e4979daed5b24cd9b278 + path_provider_ios: 14f3d2fd28c4fdb42f44e0f751d12861c43cee02 + permission_handler_apple: 44366e37eaf29454a1e7b1b7d736c2cceaeb17ce + sqflite: 6d358c025f5b867b29ed92fc697fd34924e11904 + +PODFILE CHECKSUM: febb83c8a930141d95caab555982aeda42924994 + +COCOAPODS: 1.11.3 diff --git a/example/ios/Runner.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj b/example/ios/Runner.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fcb8739 --- /dev/null +++ b/example/ios/Runner.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj @@ -0,0 +1,533 @@ +// !$*UTF8*$! +{ + archiveVersion = 1; + classes = { + }; + objectVersion = 50; + objects = { + +/* Begin PBXBuildFile section */ + 1498D2341E8E89220040F4C2 /* GeneratedPluginRegistrant.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 1498D2331E8E89220040F4C2 /* GeneratedPluginRegistrant.m */; }; + 3B3967161E833CAA004F5970 /* AppFrameworkInfo.plist in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 3B3967151E833CAA004F5970 /* AppFrameworkInfo.plist */; }; + 978B8F6F1D3862AE00F588F7 /* AppDelegate.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 7AFFD8EE1D35381100E5BB4D /* AppDelegate.m */; }; + 97C146F31CF9000F007C117D /* main.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 97C146F21CF9000F007C117D /* main.m */; }; + 97C146FC1CF9000F007C117D /* Main.storyboard in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 97C146FA1CF9000F007C117D /* Main.storyboard */; }; + 97C146FE1CF9000F007C117D /* Assets.xcassets in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 97C146FD1CF9000F007C117D /* Assets.xcassets */; }; + 97C147011CF9000F007C117D /* LaunchScreen.storyboard in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 97C146FF1CF9000F007C117D /* LaunchScreen.storyboard */; }; + C0B36C54DB5DBC10D79240BB /* libPods-Runner.a in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 180D186A924BD5A7CCAAEA21 /* libPods-Runner.a */; }; +/* End PBXBuildFile section */ + +/* Begin PBXCopyFilesBuildPhase section */ + 9705A1C41CF9048500538489 /* Embed Frameworks */ = { + isa = PBXCopyFilesBuildPhase; + buildActionMask = 2147483647; + dstPath = ""; + dstSubfolderSpec = 10; + files = ( + ); + name = "Embed Frameworks"; + runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0; + }; +/* End PBXCopyFilesBuildPhase section */ + +/* Begin PBXFileReference section */ + 1498D2321E8E86230040F4C2 /* GeneratedPluginRegistrant.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = GeneratedPluginRegistrant.h; sourceTree = ""; }; + 1498D2331E8E89220040F4C2 /* GeneratedPluginRegistrant.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = GeneratedPluginRegistrant.m; sourceTree = ""; }; + 180D186A924BD5A7CCAAEA21 /* libPods-Runner.a */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; explicitFileType =; includeInIndex = 0; path = "libPods-Runner.a"; sourceTree = BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR; }; + 28AD679E3FA43023F7CCD9D8 /* Pods-Runner.debug.xcconfig */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; includeInIndex = 1; lastKnownFileType = text.xcconfig; name = "Pods-Runner.debug.xcconfig"; path = "Target Support Files/Pods-Runner/Pods-Runner.debug.xcconfig"; sourceTree = ""; }; + 3B3967151E833CAA004F5970 /* AppFrameworkInfo.plist */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.xml; name = AppFrameworkInfo.plist; path = Flutter/AppFrameworkInfo.plist; sourceTree = ""; }; + 7AFA3C8E1D35360C0083082E /* Release.xcconfig */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.xcconfig; name = Release.xcconfig; path = Flutter/Release.xcconfig; sourceTree = ""; }; + 7AFFD8ED1D35381100E5BB4D /* AppDelegate.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = AppDelegate.h; sourceTree = ""; }; + 7AFFD8EE1D35381100E5BB4D /* AppDelegate.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = AppDelegate.m; sourceTree = ""; }; + 9740EEB21CF90195004384FC /* Debug.xcconfig */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text.xcconfig; name = Debug.xcconfig; path = Flutter/Debug.xcconfig; sourceTree = ""; }; + 9740EEB31CF90195004384FC /* Generated.xcconfig */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text.xcconfig; name = Generated.xcconfig; path = Flutter/Generated.xcconfig; sourceTree = ""; }; + 97C146EE1CF9000F007C117D /* */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; explicitFileType = wrapper.application; includeInIndex = 0; path =; sourceTree = BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR; }; + 97C146F21CF9000F007C117D /* main.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = main.m; sourceTree = ""; }; + 97C146FB1CF9000F007C117D /* Base */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = file.storyboard; name = Base; path = Base.lproj/Main.storyboard; sourceTree = ""; }; + 97C146FD1CF9000F007C117D /* Assets.xcassets */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = folder.assetcatalog; path = Assets.xcassets; sourceTree = ""; }; + 97C147001CF9000F007C117D /* Base */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = file.storyboard; name = Base; path = Base.lproj/LaunchScreen.storyboard; sourceTree = ""; }; + 97C147021CF9000F007C117D /* Info.plist */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.xml; path = Info.plist; sourceTree = ""; }; + E1197FAC12FF2CEA10980272 /* Pods-Runner.profile.xcconfig */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; includeInIndex = 1; lastKnownFileType = text.xcconfig; name = "Pods-Runner.profile.xcconfig"; path = "Target Support Files/Pods-Runner/Pods-Runner.profile.xcconfig"; sourceTree = ""; }; + F82654A1512C05C7ABC37DB9 /* Pods-Runner.release.xcconfig */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; includeInIndex = 1; lastKnownFileType = text.xcconfig; name = "Pods-Runner.release.xcconfig"; path = "Target Support Files/Pods-Runner/Pods-Runner.release.xcconfig"; sourceTree = ""; }; +/* End PBXFileReference section */ + +/* Begin PBXFrameworksBuildPhase section */ + 97C146EB1CF9000F007C117D /* Frameworks */ = { + isa = PBXFrameworksBuildPhase; + buildActionMask = 2147483647; + files = ( + C0B36C54DB5DBC10D79240BB /* libPods-Runner.a in Frameworks */, + ); + runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0; + }; +/* End PBXFrameworksBuildPhase section */ + +/* Begin PBXGroup section */ + 13127E28C69117CB1D457D3D /* Pods */ = { + isa = PBXGroup; + children = ( + 28AD679E3FA43023F7CCD9D8 /* Pods-Runner.debug.xcconfig */, + F82654A1512C05C7ABC37DB9 /* Pods-Runner.release.xcconfig */, + E1197FAC12FF2CEA10980272 /* Pods-Runner.profile.xcconfig */, + ); + name = Pods; + path = Pods; + sourceTree = ""; + }; + 7F0C698E17349BD2A011B0D9 /* Frameworks */ = { + isa = PBXGroup; + children = ( + 180D186A924BD5A7CCAAEA21 /* libPods-Runner.a */, + ); + name = Frameworks; + sourceTree = ""; + }; + 9740EEB11CF90186004384FC /* Flutter */ = { + isa = PBXGroup; + children = ( + 3B3967151E833CAA004F5970 /* AppFrameworkInfo.plist */, + 9740EEB21CF90195004384FC /* Debug.xcconfig */, + 7AFA3C8E1D35360C0083082E /* Release.xcconfig */, + 9740EEB31CF90195004384FC /* Generated.xcconfig */, + ); + name = Flutter; + sourceTree = ""; + }; + 97C146E51CF9000F007C117D = { + isa = PBXGroup; + children = ( + 9740EEB11CF90186004384FC /* Flutter */, + 97C146F01CF9000F007C117D /* Runner */, + 97C146EF1CF9000F007C117D /* Products */, + 13127E28C69117CB1D457D3D /* Pods */, + 7F0C698E17349BD2A011B0D9 /* Frameworks */, + ); + sourceTree = ""; + }; + 97C146EF1CF9000F007C117D /* Products */ = { + isa = PBXGroup; + children = ( + 97C146EE1CF9000F007C117D /* */, + ); + name = Products; + sourceTree = ""; + }; + 97C146F01CF9000F007C117D /* Runner */ = { + isa = PBXGroup; + children = ( + 7AFFD8ED1D35381100E5BB4D /* AppDelegate.h */, + 7AFFD8EE1D35381100E5BB4D /* AppDelegate.m */, + 97C146FA1CF9000F007C117D /* Main.storyboard */, + 97C146FD1CF9000F007C117D /* Assets.xcassets */, + 97C146FF1CF9000F007C117D /* LaunchScreen.storyboard */, + 97C147021CF9000F007C117D /* Info.plist */, + 97C146F11CF9000F007C117D /* Supporting Files */, + 1498D2321E8E86230040F4C2 /* GeneratedPluginRegistrant.h */, + 1498D2331E8E89220040F4C2 /* GeneratedPluginRegistrant.m */, + ); + path = Runner; + sourceTree = ""; + }; + 97C146F11CF9000F007C117D /* Supporting Files */ = { + isa = PBXGroup; + children = ( + 97C146F21CF9000F007C117D /* main.m */, + ); + name = "Supporting Files"; + sourceTree = ""; + }; +/* End PBXGroup section */ + +/* Begin PBXNativeTarget section */ + 97C146ED1CF9000F007C117D /* Runner */ = { + isa = PBXNativeTarget; + buildConfigurationList = 97C147051CF9000F007C117D /* Build configuration list for PBXNativeTarget "Runner" */; + buildPhases = ( + 63C43029C85D2994500C7A9F /* [CP] Check Pods Manifest.lock */, + 9740EEB61CF901F6004384FC /* Run Script */, + 97C146EA1CF9000F007C117D /* Sources */, + 97C146EB1CF9000F007C117D /* Frameworks */, + 97C146EC1CF9000F007C117D /* Resources */, + 9705A1C41CF9048500538489 /* Embed Frameworks */, + 3B06AD1E1E4923F5004D2608 /* Thin Binary */, + ); + buildRules = ( + ); + dependencies = ( + ); + name = Runner; + productName = Runner; + productReference = 97C146EE1CF9000F007C117D /* */; + productType = ""; + }; +/* End PBXNativeTarget section */ + +/* Begin PBXProject section */ + 97C146E61CF9000F007C117D /* Project object */ = { + isa = PBXProject; + attributes = { + LastUpgradeCheck = 1300; + ORGANIZATIONNAME = ""; + TargetAttributes = { + 97C146ED1CF9000F007C117D = { + CreatedOnToolsVersion = 7.3.1; + }; + }; + }; + buildConfigurationList = 97C146E91CF9000F007C117D /* Build configuration list for PBXProject "Runner" */; + compatibilityVersion = "Xcode 9.3"; + developmentRegion = en; + hasScannedForEncodings = 0; + knownRegions = ( + en, + Base, + ); + mainGroup = 97C146E51CF9000F007C117D; + productRefGroup = 97C146EF1CF9000F007C117D /* Products */; + projectDirPath = ""; + projectRoot = ""; + targets = ( + 97C146ED1CF9000F007C117D /* Runner */, + ); + }; +/* End PBXProject section */ + +/* Begin PBXResourcesBuildPhase section */ + 97C146EC1CF9000F007C117D /* Resources */ = { + isa = PBXResourcesBuildPhase; + buildActionMask = 2147483647; + files = ( + 97C147011CF9000F007C117D /* LaunchScreen.storyboard in Resources */, + 3B3967161E833CAA004F5970 /* AppFrameworkInfo.plist in Resources */, + 97C146FE1CF9000F007C117D /* Assets.xcassets in Resources */, + 97C146FC1CF9000F007C117D /* Main.storyboard in Resources */, + ); + runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0; + }; +/* End PBXResourcesBuildPhase section */ + +/* Begin PBXShellScriptBuildPhase section */ + 3B06AD1E1E4923F5004D2608 /* Thin Binary */ = { + isa = PBXShellScriptBuildPhase; + buildActionMask = 2147483647; + files = ( + ); + inputPaths = ( + ); + name = "Thin Binary"; + outputPaths = ( + ); + runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0; + shellPath = /bin/sh; + shellScript = "/bin/sh \"$FLUTTER_ROOT/packages/flutter_tools/bin/\" embed_and_thin"; + }; + 63C43029C85D2994500C7A9F /* [CP] Check Pods Manifest.lock */ = { + isa = PBXShellScriptBuildPhase; + buildActionMask = 2147483647; + files = ( + ); + inputFileListPaths = ( + ); + inputPaths = ( + "${PODS_PODFILE_DIR_PATH}/Podfile.lock", + "${PODS_ROOT}/Manifest.lock", + ); + name = "[CP] Check Pods Manifest.lock"; + outputFileListPaths = ( + ); + outputPaths = ( + "$(DERIVED_FILE_DIR)/Pods-Runner-checkManifestLockResult.txt", + ); + runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0; + shellPath = /bin/sh; + shellScript = "diff \"${PODS_PODFILE_DIR_PATH}/Podfile.lock\" \"${PODS_ROOT}/Manifest.lock\" > /dev/null\nif [ $? != 0 ] ; then\n # print error to STDERR\n echo \"error: The sandbox is not in sync with the Podfile.lock. Run 'pod install' or update your CocoaPods installation.\" >&2\n exit 1\nfi\n# This output is used by Xcode 'outputs' to avoid re-running this script phase.\necho \"SUCCESS\" > \"${SCRIPT_OUTPUT_FILE_0}\"\n"; + showEnvVarsInLog = 0; + }; + 9740EEB61CF901F6004384FC /* Run Script */ = { + isa = PBXShellScriptBuildPhase; + buildActionMask = 2147483647; + files = ( + ); + inputPaths = ( + ); + name = "Run Script"; + outputPaths = ( + ); + runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0; + shellPath = /bin/sh; + shellScript = "/bin/sh \"$FLUTTER_ROOT/packages/flutter_tools/bin/\" build"; + }; +/* End PBXShellScriptBuildPhase section */ + +/* Begin PBXSourcesBuildPhase section */ + 97C146EA1CF9000F007C117D /* Sources */ = { + isa = PBXSourcesBuildPhase; + buildActionMask = 2147483647; + files = ( + 978B8F6F1D3862AE00F588F7 /* AppDelegate.m in Sources */, + 97C146F31CF9000F007C117D /* main.m in Sources */, + 1498D2341E8E89220040F4C2 /* GeneratedPluginRegistrant.m in Sources */, + ); + runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0; + }; +/* End PBXSourcesBuildPhase section */ + +/* Begin PBXVariantGroup section */ + 97C146FA1CF9000F007C117D /* Main.storyboard */ = { + isa = PBXVariantGroup; + children = ( + 97C146FB1CF9000F007C117D /* Base */, + ); + name = Main.storyboard; + sourceTree = ""; + }; + 97C146FF1CF9000F007C117D /* LaunchScreen.storyboard */ = { + isa = PBXVariantGroup; + children = ( + 97C147001CF9000F007C117D /* Base */, + ); + name = LaunchScreen.storyboard; + sourceTree = ""; + }; +/* End PBXVariantGroup section */ + +/* Begin XCBuildConfiguration section */ + 249021D3217E4FDB00AE95B9 /* Profile */ = { + isa = XCBuildConfiguration; + buildSettings = { + ALWAYS_SEARCH_USER_PATHS = NO; + CLANG_ANALYZER_NONNULL = YES; + CLANG_CXX_LANGUAGE_STANDARD = "gnu++0x"; + CLANG_CXX_LIBRARY = "libc++"; + CLANG_ENABLE_MODULES = YES; + CLANG_ENABLE_OBJC_ARC = YES; + CLANG_WARN_BLOCK_CAPTURE_AUTORELEASING = YES; + CLANG_WARN_BOOL_CONVERSION = YES; + CLANG_WARN_COMMA = YES; + CLANG_WARN_CONSTANT_CONVERSION = YES; + CLANG_WARN_DEPRECATED_OBJC_IMPLEMENTATIONS = YES; + CLANG_WARN_DIRECT_OBJC_ISA_USAGE = YES_ERROR; + CLANG_WARN_EMPTY_BODY = YES; + CLANG_WARN_ENUM_CONVERSION = YES; + CLANG_WARN_INFINITE_RECURSION = YES; + CLANG_WARN_INT_CONVERSION = YES; + CLANG_WARN_NON_LITERAL_NULL_CONVERSION = YES; + CLANG_WARN_OBJC_IMPLICIT_RETAIN_SELF = YES; + CLANG_WARN_OBJC_LITERAL_CONVERSION = YES; + CLANG_WARN_OBJC_ROOT_CLASS = YES_ERROR; + CLANG_WARN_RANGE_LOOP_ANALYSIS = YES; + CLANG_WARN_STRICT_PROTOTYPES = YES; + CLANG_WARN_SUSPICIOUS_MOVE = YES; + CLANG_WARN_UNREACHABLE_CODE = YES; + CLANG_WARN__DUPLICATE_METHOD_MATCH = YES; + "CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY[sdk=iphoneos*]" = "iPhone Developer"; + COPY_PHASE_STRIP = NO; + DEBUG_INFORMATION_FORMAT = "dwarf-with-dsym"; + ENABLE_NS_ASSERTIONS = NO; + ENABLE_STRICT_OBJC_MSGSEND = YES; + GCC_C_LANGUAGE_STANDARD = gnu99; + GCC_NO_COMMON_BLOCKS = YES; + GCC_WARN_64_TO_32_BIT_CONVERSION = YES; + GCC_WARN_ABOUT_RETURN_TYPE = YES_ERROR; + GCC_WARN_UNDECLARED_SELECTOR = YES; + GCC_WARN_UNINITIALIZED_AUTOS = YES_AGGRESSIVE; + GCC_WARN_UNUSED_FUNCTION = YES; + GCC_WARN_UNUSED_VARIABLE = YES; + IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET = 9.0; + MTL_ENABLE_DEBUG_INFO = NO; + SDKROOT = iphoneos; + SUPPORTED_PLATFORMS = iphoneos; + TARGETED_DEVICE_FAMILY = "1,2"; + VALIDATE_PRODUCT = YES; + }; + name = Profile; + }; + 249021D4217E4FDB00AE95B9 /* Profile */ = { + isa = XCBuildConfiguration; + baseConfigurationReference = 7AFA3C8E1D35360C0083082E /* Release.xcconfig */; + buildSettings = { + ASSETCATALOG_COMPILER_APPICON_NAME = AppIcon; + CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION = "$(FLUTTER_BUILD_NUMBER)"; + DEVELOPMENT_TEAM = X5P24RK5QW; + ENABLE_BITCODE = NO; + INFOPLIST_FILE = Runner/Info.plist; + LD_RUNPATH_SEARCH_PATHS = ( + "$(inherited)", + "@executable_path/Frameworks", + ); + PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = me.yohom.amapSearchFluttifyExample; + PRODUCT_NAME = "$(TARGET_NAME)"; + VERSIONING_SYSTEM = "apple-generic"; + }; + name = Profile; + }; + 97C147031CF9000F007C117D /* Debug */ = { + isa = XCBuildConfiguration; + buildSettings = { + ALWAYS_SEARCH_USER_PATHS = NO; + CLANG_ANALYZER_NONNULL = YES; + CLANG_CXX_LANGUAGE_STANDARD = "gnu++0x"; + CLANG_CXX_LIBRARY = "libc++"; + CLANG_ENABLE_MODULES = YES; + CLANG_ENABLE_OBJC_ARC = YES; + CLANG_WARN_BLOCK_CAPTURE_AUTORELEASING = YES; + CLANG_WARN_BOOL_CONVERSION = YES; + CLANG_WARN_COMMA = YES; + CLANG_WARN_CONSTANT_CONVERSION = YES; + CLANG_WARN_DEPRECATED_OBJC_IMPLEMENTATIONS = YES; + CLANG_WARN_DIRECT_OBJC_ISA_USAGE = YES_ERROR; + CLANG_WARN_EMPTY_BODY = YES; + CLANG_WARN_ENUM_CONVERSION = YES; + CLANG_WARN_INFINITE_RECURSION = YES; + CLANG_WARN_INT_CONVERSION = YES; + CLANG_WARN_NON_LITERAL_NULL_CONVERSION = YES; + CLANG_WARN_OBJC_IMPLICIT_RETAIN_SELF = YES; + CLANG_WARN_OBJC_LITERAL_CONVERSION = YES; + CLANG_WARN_OBJC_ROOT_CLASS = YES_ERROR; + CLANG_WARN_RANGE_LOOP_ANALYSIS = YES; + CLANG_WARN_STRICT_PROTOTYPES = YES; + CLANG_WARN_SUSPICIOUS_MOVE = YES; + CLANG_WARN_UNREACHABLE_CODE = YES; + CLANG_WARN__DUPLICATE_METHOD_MATCH = YES; + "CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY[sdk=iphoneos*]" = "iPhone Developer"; + COPY_PHASE_STRIP = NO; + DEBUG_INFORMATION_FORMAT = dwarf; + ENABLE_STRICT_OBJC_MSGSEND = YES; + ENABLE_TESTABILITY = YES; + GCC_C_LANGUAGE_STANDARD = gnu99; + GCC_DYNAMIC_NO_PIC = NO; + GCC_NO_COMMON_BLOCKS = YES; + GCC_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL = 0; + GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS = ( + "DEBUG=1", + "$(inherited)", + ); + GCC_WARN_64_TO_32_BIT_CONVERSION = YES; + GCC_WARN_ABOUT_RETURN_TYPE = YES_ERROR; + GCC_WARN_UNDECLARED_SELECTOR = YES; + GCC_WARN_UNINITIALIZED_AUTOS = YES_AGGRESSIVE; + GCC_WARN_UNUSED_FUNCTION = YES; + GCC_WARN_UNUSED_VARIABLE = YES; + IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET = 9.0; + MTL_ENABLE_DEBUG_INFO = YES; + ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH = YES; + SDKROOT = iphoneos; + TARGETED_DEVICE_FAMILY = "1,2"; + }; + name = Debug; + }; + 97C147041CF9000F007C117D /* Release */ = { + isa = XCBuildConfiguration; + buildSettings = { + ALWAYS_SEARCH_USER_PATHS = NO; + CLANG_ANALYZER_NONNULL = YES; + CLANG_CXX_LANGUAGE_STANDARD = "gnu++0x"; + CLANG_CXX_LIBRARY = "libc++"; + CLANG_ENABLE_MODULES = YES; + CLANG_ENABLE_OBJC_ARC = YES; + CLANG_WARN_BLOCK_CAPTURE_AUTORELEASING = YES; + CLANG_WARN_BOOL_CONVERSION = YES; + CLANG_WARN_COMMA = YES; + CLANG_WARN_CONSTANT_CONVERSION = YES; + CLANG_WARN_DEPRECATED_OBJC_IMPLEMENTATIONS = YES; + CLANG_WARN_DIRECT_OBJC_ISA_USAGE = YES_ERROR; + CLANG_WARN_EMPTY_BODY = YES; + CLANG_WARN_ENUM_CONVERSION = YES; + CLANG_WARN_INFINITE_RECURSION = YES; + CLANG_WARN_INT_CONVERSION = YES; + CLANG_WARN_NON_LITERAL_NULL_CONVERSION = YES; + CLANG_WARN_OBJC_IMPLICIT_RETAIN_SELF = YES; + CLANG_WARN_OBJC_LITERAL_CONVERSION = YES; + CLANG_WARN_OBJC_ROOT_CLASS = YES_ERROR; + CLANG_WARN_RANGE_LOOP_ANALYSIS = YES; + CLANG_WARN_STRICT_PROTOTYPES = YES; + CLANG_WARN_SUSPICIOUS_MOVE = YES; + CLANG_WARN_UNREACHABLE_CODE = YES; + CLANG_WARN__DUPLICATE_METHOD_MATCH = YES; + "CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY[sdk=iphoneos*]" = "iPhone Developer"; + COPY_PHASE_STRIP = NO; + DEBUG_INFORMATION_FORMAT = "dwarf-with-dsym"; + ENABLE_NS_ASSERTIONS = NO; + ENABLE_STRICT_OBJC_MSGSEND = YES; + GCC_C_LANGUAGE_STANDARD = gnu99; + GCC_NO_COMMON_BLOCKS = YES; + GCC_WARN_64_TO_32_BIT_CONVERSION = YES; + GCC_WARN_ABOUT_RETURN_TYPE = YES_ERROR; + GCC_WARN_UNDECLARED_SELECTOR = YES; + GCC_WARN_UNINITIALIZED_AUTOS = YES_AGGRESSIVE; + GCC_WARN_UNUSED_FUNCTION = YES; + GCC_WARN_UNUSED_VARIABLE = YES; + IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET = 9.0; + MTL_ENABLE_DEBUG_INFO = NO; + SDKROOT = iphoneos; + SUPPORTED_PLATFORMS = iphoneos; + TARGETED_DEVICE_FAMILY = "1,2"; + VALIDATE_PRODUCT = YES; + }; + name = Release; + }; + 97C147061CF9000F007C117D /* Debug */ = { + isa = XCBuildConfiguration; + baseConfigurationReference = 9740EEB21CF90195004384FC /* Debug.xcconfig */; + buildSettings = { + ASSETCATALOG_COMPILER_APPICON_NAME = AppIcon; + CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION = "$(FLUTTER_BUILD_NUMBER)"; + DEVELOPMENT_TEAM = X5P24RK5QW; + ENABLE_BITCODE = NO; + INFOPLIST_FILE = Runner/Info.plist; + LD_RUNPATH_SEARCH_PATHS = ( + "$(inherited)", + "@executable_path/Frameworks", + ); + PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = me.yohom.amapSearchFluttifyExample; + PRODUCT_NAME = "$(TARGET_NAME)"; + VERSIONING_SYSTEM = "apple-generic"; + }; + name = Debug; + }; + 97C147071CF9000F007C117D /* Release */ = { + isa = XCBuildConfiguration; + baseConfigurationReference = 7AFA3C8E1D35360C0083082E /* Release.xcconfig */; + buildSettings = { + ASSETCATALOG_COMPILER_APPICON_NAME = AppIcon; + CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION = "$(FLUTTER_BUILD_NUMBER)"; + DEVELOPMENT_TEAM = X5P24RK5QW; + ENABLE_BITCODE = NO; + INFOPLIST_FILE = Runner/Info.plist; + LD_RUNPATH_SEARCH_PATHS = ( + "$(inherited)", + "@executable_path/Frameworks", + ); + PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = me.yohom.amapSearchFluttifyExample; + PRODUCT_NAME = "$(TARGET_NAME)"; + VERSIONING_SYSTEM = "apple-generic"; + }; + name = Release; + }; +/* End XCBuildConfiguration section */ + +/* Begin XCConfigurationList section */ + 97C146E91CF9000F007C117D /* Build configuration list for PBXProject "Runner" */ = { + isa = XCConfigurationList; + buildConfigurations = ( + 97C147031CF9000F007C117D /* Debug */, + 97C147041CF9000F007C117D /* Release */, + 249021D3217E4FDB00AE95B9 /* Profile */, + ); + defaultConfigurationIsVisible = 0; + defaultConfigurationName = Release; + }; + 97C147051CF9000F007C117D /* Build configuration list for PBXNativeTarget "Runner" */ = { + isa = XCConfigurationList; + buildConfigurations = ( + 97C147061CF9000F007C117D /* Debug */, + 97C147071CF9000F007C117D /* Release */, + 249021D4217E4FDB00AE95B9 /* Profile */, + ); + defaultConfigurationIsVisible = 0; + defaultConfigurationName = Release; + }; +/* End XCConfigurationList section */ + }; + rootObject = 97C146E61CF9000F007C117D /* Project object */; +} diff --git a/example/ios/Runner.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/contents.xcworkspacedata b/example/ios/Runner.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/contents.xcworkspacedata new file mode 100644 index 0000000..919434a --- /dev/null +++ b/example/ios/Runner.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/contents.xcworkspacedata @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ + + + + + diff --git a/example/ios/Runner.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/IDEWorkspaceChecks.plist b/example/ios/Runner.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/IDEWorkspaceChecks.plist new file mode 100644 index 0000000..18d9810 --- /dev/null +++ b/example/ios/Runner.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/IDEWorkspaceChecks.plist @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + + IDEDidComputeMac32BitWarning + + + diff --git a/example/ios/Runner.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/WorkspaceSettings.xcsettings b/example/ios/Runner.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/WorkspaceSettings.xcsettings new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f9b0d7c --- /dev/null +++ b/example/ios/Runner.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/WorkspaceSettings.xcsettings @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + + PreviewsEnabled + + + diff --git a/example/ios/Runner.xcodeproj/xcshareddata/xcschemes/Runner.xcscheme b/example/ios/Runner.xcodeproj/xcshareddata/xcschemes/Runner.xcscheme new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c87d15a --- /dev/null +++ b/example/ios/Runner.xcodeproj/xcshareddata/xcschemes/Runner.xcscheme @@ -0,0 +1,87 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/example/ios/Runner.xcworkspace/contents.xcworkspacedata b/example/ios/Runner.xcworkspace/contents.xcworkspacedata new file mode 100644 index 0000000..21a3cc1 --- /dev/null +++ b/example/ios/Runner.xcworkspace/contents.xcworkspacedata @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ + + + + + + + diff --git a/example/ios/Runner.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/IDEWorkspaceChecks.plist b/example/ios/Runner.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/IDEWorkspaceChecks.plist new file mode 100644 index 0000000..18d9810 --- /dev/null +++ b/example/ios/Runner.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/IDEWorkspaceChecks.plist @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + + IDEDidComputeMac32BitWarning + + + diff --git a/example/ios/Runner.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/WorkspaceSettings.xcsettings b/example/ios/Runner.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/WorkspaceSettings.xcsettings new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f9b0d7c --- /dev/null +++ b/example/ios/Runner.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/WorkspaceSettings.xcsettings @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + + + + + PreviewsEnabled + + + diff --git a/example/ios/Runner/AppDelegate.h b/example/ios/Runner/AppDelegate.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..36e21bb --- /dev/null +++ b/example/ios/Runner/AppDelegate.h @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +#import +#import + +@interface AppDelegate : FlutterAppDelegate + +@end diff --git a/example/ios/Runner/AppDelegate.m b/example/ios/Runner/AppDelegate.m new file mode 100644 index 0000000..70e8393 --- /dev/null +++ b/example/ios/Runner/AppDelegate.m @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +#import "AppDelegate.h" +#import "GeneratedPluginRegistrant.h" + +@implementation AppDelegate + +- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application + didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions { + [GeneratedPluginRegistrant registerWithRegistry:self]; + // Override point for customization after application launch. + return [super application:application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:launchOptions]; +} + +@end diff --git a/example/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Contents.json b/example/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Contents.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d36b1fa --- /dev/null +++ b/example/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Contents.json @@ -0,0 +1,122 @@ +{ + "images" : [ + { + "size" : "20x20", + "idiom" : "iphone", + "filename" : "Icon-App-20x20@2x.png", + "scale" : "2x" + }, + { + "size" : "20x20", + "idiom" : "iphone", + "filename" : "Icon-App-20x20@3x.png", + "scale" : "3x" + }, + { + "size" : "29x29", + "idiom" : "iphone", + "filename" : "Icon-App-29x29@1x.png", + "scale" : "1x" + }, + { + "size" : "29x29", + "idiom" : "iphone", + "filename" : "Icon-App-29x29@2x.png", + "scale" : "2x" + }, + { + "size" : "29x29", + "idiom" : "iphone", + "filename" : "Icon-App-29x29@3x.png", + "scale" : "3x" + }, + { + "size" : "40x40", + "idiom" : "iphone", + "filename" : "Icon-App-40x40@2x.png", + "scale" : "2x" + }, + { + "size" : "40x40", + "idiom" : "iphone", + "filename" : "Icon-App-40x40@3x.png", + "scale" : "3x" + }, + { + "size" : "60x60", + "idiom" : "iphone", + "filename" : "Icon-App-60x60@2x.png", + "scale" : "2x" + }, + { + "size" : "60x60", + "idiom" : "iphone", + "filename" : "Icon-App-60x60@3x.png", + "scale" : "3x" + }, + { + "size" : "20x20", + "idiom" : "ipad", + "filename" : "Icon-App-20x20@1x.png", + "scale" : "1x" + }, + { + "size" : "20x20", + "idiom" : "ipad", + "filename" : "Icon-App-20x20@2x.png", + "scale" : "2x" + }, + { + "size" : "29x29", + "idiom" : "ipad", + "filename" : "Icon-App-29x29@1x.png", + "scale" : "1x" + }, + { + "size" : "29x29", + "idiom" : "ipad", + "filename" : "Icon-App-29x29@2x.png", + "scale" : "2x" + }, + { + "size" : "40x40", + "idiom" : "ipad", + "filename" : "Icon-App-40x40@1x.png", + "scale" : "1x" + }, + { + "size" : "40x40", + "idiom" : "ipad", + "filename" : "Icon-App-40x40@2x.png", + "scale" : "2x" + }, + { + "size" : "76x76", + "idiom" : "ipad", + "filename" : "Icon-App-76x76@1x.png", + "scale" : "1x" + }, + { + "size" : "76x76", + "idiom" : "ipad", + "filename" : "Icon-App-76x76@2x.png", + "scale" : "2x" + }, + { + "size" : "83.5x83.5", + "idiom" : "ipad", + "filename" : "Icon-App-83.5x83.5@2x.png", + "scale" : "2x" + }, + { + "size" : "1024x1024", + "idiom" : "ios-marketing", + "filename" : "Icon-App-1024x1024@1x.png", + "scale" : "1x" + } + ], + "info" : { + "version" : 1, + "author" : "xcode" + } +} diff --git a/example/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-1024x1024@1x.png b/example/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Icon-App-1024x1024@1x.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dc9ada4725e9b0ddb1deab583e5b5102493aa332 GIT binary patch literal 10932 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HcmV?d00001 diff --git a/example/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/LaunchImage.imageset/LaunchImage@3x.png b/example/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/LaunchImage.imageset/LaunchImage@3x.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9da19eacad3b03bb08bbddbbf4ac48dd78b3d838 GIT binary patch literal 68 zcmeAS@N?(olHy`uVBq!ia0vp^j3CUx0wlM}@Gt=>Zci7-kcv6Uzs@r-FtIZ-&5|)J Q1PU{Fy85}Sb4q9e0B4a5jsO4v literal 0 HcmV?d00001 diff --git a/example/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/LaunchImage.imageset/ b/example/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/LaunchImage.imageset/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..89c2725 --- /dev/null +++ b/example/ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/LaunchImage.imageset/ @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +# Launch Screen Assets + +You can customize the launch screen with your own desired assets by replacing the image files in this directory. + +You can also do it by opening your Flutter project's Xcode project with `open ios/Runner.xcworkspace`, selecting `Runner/Assets.xcassets` in the Project Navigator and dropping in the desired images. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/example/ios/Runner/Base.lproj/LaunchScreen.storyboard b/example/ios/Runner/Base.lproj/LaunchScreen.storyboard new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f2e259c --- /dev/null +++ b/example/ios/Runner/Base.lproj/LaunchScreen.storyboard @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/example/ios/Runner/Base.lproj/Main.storyboard b/example/ios/Runner/Base.lproj/Main.storyboard new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f3c2851 --- /dev/null +++ b/example/ios/Runner/Base.lproj/Main.storyboard @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/example/ios/Runner/Info.plist b/example/ios/Runner/Info.plist new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ca6c17d --- /dev/null +++ b/example/ios/Runner/Info.plist @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ + + + + + CFBundleDevelopmentRegion + $(DEVELOPMENT_LANGUAGE) + CFBundleExecutable + $(EXECUTABLE_NAME) + CFBundleIdentifier + $(PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER) + CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion + 6.0 + CFBundleName + amap_search_fluttify_example + CFBundlePackageType + APPL + CFBundleShortVersionString + $(FLUTTER_BUILD_NAME) + CFBundleSignature + ???? + CFBundleVersion + $(FLUTTER_BUILD_NUMBER) + LSRequiresIPhoneOS + + UILaunchStoryboardName + LaunchScreen + UIMainStoryboardFile + Main + UISupportedInterfaceOrientations + + UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait + UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeLeft + UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight + + UISupportedInterfaceOrientations~ipad + + UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait + UIInterfaceOrientationPortraitUpsideDown + UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeLeft + UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight + + UIViewControllerBasedStatusBarAppearance + + CADisableMinimumFrameDurationOnPhone + + + diff --git a/example/ios/Runner/main.m b/example/ios/Runner/main.m new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dff6597 --- /dev/null +++ b/example/ios/Runner/main.m @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +#import +#import +#import "AppDelegate.h" + +int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { + @autoreleasepool { + return UIApplicationMain(argc, argv, nil, NSStringFromClass([AppDelegate class])); + } +} diff --git a/example/lib/get_map_data/get_address_desc.screen.dart b/example/lib/get_map_data/get_address_desc.screen.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d06df7f --- /dev/null +++ b/example/lib/get_map_data/get_address_desc.screen.dart @@ -0,0 +1,145 @@ +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify_example/widgets/function_item.widget.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:decorated_flutter/decorated_flutter.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; + +class GetAddressDescScreen extends StatelessWidget { + @override + Widget build(BuildContext context) { + return Scaffold( + resizeToAvoidBottomInset: false, + appBar: AppBar(title: const Text('获取地址描述数据')), + body: ListView( + children: [ + const FunctionItem( + label: '地理编码(地址转坐标)', + sublabel: 'AddressEncodeScreen', + target: AddressEncodeScreen(), + ), + FunctionItem( + label: '逆地理编码(坐标转地址)', + sublabel: 'AddressDecodeScreen', + target: AddressDecodeScreen(), + ), + ], + ), + ); + } +} + +/// 地理编码(地址转坐标) +class AddressEncodeScreen extends StatefulWidget { + const AddressEncodeScreen({Key? key}) : super(key: key); + + @override + _AddressEncodeScreenState createState() => _AddressEncodeScreenState(); +} + +class _AddressEncodeScreenState extends State { + final _keywordController = TextEditingController(text: '阿里巴巴'); + final _cityController = TextEditingController(text: '杭州'); + + List _geocodeList = []; + + @override + Widget build(BuildContext context) { + return Scaffold( + resizeToAvoidBottomInset: false, + appBar: AppBar(title: const Text('地理编码(地址转坐标)')), + body: DecoratedColumn( + padding: const EdgeInsets.all(kSpace16), + children: [ + TextFormField( + controller: _keywordController, + decoration: const InputDecoration(hintText: '输入关键字'), + ), + TextFormField( + controller: _cityController, + decoration: const InputDecoration(hintText: '输入城市'), + ), + RaisedButton( + onPressed: () async { + final geocodeList = await AmapSearch.instance.searchGeocode( + _keywordController.text, + city: _cityController.text, + ); + setState(() { + _geocodeList = geocodeList; + }); + }, + child: const Text('搜索'), + ), + if (_geocodeList.isNotEmpty) Text(_geocodeList.toString()), + ], + ), + ); + } +} + +/// 逆地理编码(坐标转地址) +class AddressDecodeScreen extends StatefulWidget { + @override + _AddressDecodeScreenState createState() => _AddressDecodeScreenState(); +} + +class _AddressDecodeScreenState extends State { + final _latController = TextEditingController(text: '39.9824'); + final _lngController = TextEditingController(text: '116.3053'); + final _radiusController = TextEditingController(text: '200.0'); + + ReGeocode? _reGeocode; + + @override + Widget build(BuildContext context) { + return Scaffold( + resizeToAvoidBottomInset: false, + appBar: AppBar(title: const Text('逆地理编码(坐标转地址)')), + body: DecoratedColumn( + padding: const EdgeInsets.all(kSpace16), + children: [ + DecoratedRow( + children: [ + Flexible( + child: TextFormField( + controller: _latController, + decoration: const InputDecoration(hintText: '输入纬度'), + ), + ), + Flexible( + child: TextFormField( + controller: _lngController, + decoration: const InputDecoration(hintText: '输入经度'), + ), + ), + ], + ), + TextFormField( + controller: _radiusController, + decoration: const InputDecoration(hintText: '输入范围半径'), + ), + RaisedButton( + onPressed: () async { + final reGeocodeList = await AmapSearch.instance.searchReGeocode( + LatLng( + double.parse(_latController.text), + double.parse(_lngController.text), + ), + radius: 200.0, + ); + setState(() { + _reGeocode = reGeocodeList; + }); + }, + child: const Text('搜索'), + ), + Expanded( + child: SingleChildScrollView( + child: Text(_reGeocode?.toString() ?? ''), + ), + ), + ], + ), + ); + } +} diff --git a/example/lib/get_map_data/get_bus_info.screen.dart b/example/lib/get_map_data/get_bus_info.screen.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8da01b5 --- /dev/null +++ b/example/lib/get_map_data/get_bus_info.screen.dart @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify_example/widgets/scrollable_text.widget.dart'; +import 'package:decorated_flutter/decorated_flutter.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; + +/// 获取公交数据 +class GetBusInfoScreen extends StatefulWidget { + @override + _GetBusInfoScreenState createState() => _GetBusInfoScreenState(); +} + +class _GetBusInfoScreenState extends State { + final _keywordController = TextEditingController(text: '武林广场'); + final _cityController = TextEditingController(text: '杭州'); + + String _busStation = ''; + + @override + Widget build(BuildContext context) { + return Scaffold( + resizeToAvoidBottomInset: false, + appBar: AppBar(title: const Text('获取公交数据')), + body: DecoratedColumn( + padding: const EdgeInsets.all(kSpace16), + children: [ + TextFormField( + controller: _keywordController, + decoration: const InputDecoration(hintText: '输入公交站点名称'), + ), + TextFormField( + controller: _cityController, + decoration: const InputDecoration(hintText: '输入城市'), + ), + RaisedButton( + onPressed: () async { + final busStation = await AmapSearch.instance.searchBusStation( + stationName: _keywordController.text, + city: _cityController.text, + ); + _busStation = await busStation.toFutureString(); + setState(() {}); + }, + child: const Text('搜索'), + ), + Expanded(child: ScrollableText(_busStation)), + ], + ), + ); + } +} diff --git a/example/lib/get_map_data/get_district_info.screen.dart b/example/lib/get_map_data/get_district_info.screen.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b63c8c9 --- /dev/null +++ b/example/lib/get_map_data/get_district_info.screen.dart @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:decorated_flutter/decorated_flutter.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; + +/// 获取行政区划数据 +class GetDistrictInfoScreen extends StatefulWidget { + @override + _GetDistrictInfoScreenState createState() => _GetDistrictInfoScreenState(); +} + +class _GetDistrictInfoScreenState extends State { + final _keywordController = TextEditingController(text: '西湖区'); + + String _district = ''; + + @override + Widget build(BuildContext context) { + return Scaffold( + resizeToAvoidBottomInset: false, + appBar: AppBar(title: const Text('获取行政区划数据')), + body: DecoratedColumn( + padding: const EdgeInsets.all(kSpace16), + children: [ + TextFormField( + controller: _keywordController, + decoration: const InputDecoration(hintText: '输入地区'), + ), + RaisedButton( + onPressed: () async { + final district = await AmapSearch.instance.searchDistrict( + _keywordController.text, + showBoundary: true, + showChild: true, + ); + _district = district.toString(); + setState(() {}); + }, + child: const Text('搜索'), + ), + Expanded(child: SingleChildScrollView(child: Text(_district))), + ], + ), + ); + } +} diff --git a/example/lib/get_map_data/get_poi.screen.dart b/example/lib/get_map_data/get_poi.screen.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dba9831 --- /dev/null +++ b/example/lib/get_map_data/get_poi.screen.dart @@ -0,0 +1,234 @@ +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify_example/widgets/function_item.widget.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify_example/widgets/scrollable_text.widget.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:decorated_flutter/decorated_flutter.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; + +class GetPoiScreen extends StatelessWidget { + @override + Widget build(BuildContext context) { + return Scaffold( + resizeToAvoidBottomInset: false, + appBar: AppBar(title: const Text('获取POI数据')), + body: ListView( + children: [ + FunctionItem( + label: '关键字检索POI', + sublabel: 'KeywordPoiScreen', + target: KeywordPoiScreen(), + ), + FunctionItem( + label: '周边检索POI', + sublabel: 'AroundPoiScreen', + target: AroundPoiScreen(), + ), + FunctionItem( + label: '输入提示', + sublabel: 'InputTipScreen', + target: InputTipScreen(), + ), + ], + ), + ); + } +} + +/// 关键字检索POI +class KeywordPoiScreen extends StatefulWidget { + @override + _KeywordPoiScreenState createState() => _KeywordPoiScreenState(); +} + +class _KeywordPoiScreenState extends State { + final _keywordController = TextEditingController(text: '肯德基'); + final _cityController = TextEditingController(text: '杭州'); + int _page = 1; + + List _poiTitleList = []; + + @override + Widget build(BuildContext context) { + return Scaffold( + resizeToAvoidBottomInset: false, + appBar: AppBar(title: const Text('关键字检索POI')), + body: DecoratedColumn( + padding: const EdgeInsets.all(kSpace16), + children: [ + TextFormField( + controller: _keywordController, + decoration: const InputDecoration(hintText: '输入关键字'), + ), + TextFormField( + controller: _cityController, + decoration: const InputDecoration(hintText: '输入城市'), + ), + ElevatedButton( + onPressed: () async { + final poiList = await AmapSearch.instance.searchKeyword( + _keywordController.text, + city: _cityController.text, + ); + + setState(() { + _poiTitleList = => it.toString()).toList(); + }); + }, + child: const Text('搜索'), + ), + ElevatedButton( + onPressed: () async { + final poiList = await AmapSearch.instance.searchKeyword( + _keywordController.text, + city: _cityController.text, + page: ++_page, + ); + + setState(() { + _poiTitleList = => it.toString()).toList(); + }); + }, + child: const Text('下一页'), + ), + Expanded(child: ScrollableText(_poiTitleList.join("\n"))), + ], + ), + ); + } +} + +/// 附近检索POI +class AroundPoiScreen extends StatefulWidget { + @override + _AroundPoiScreenState createState() => _AroundPoiScreenState(); +} + +class _AroundPoiScreenState extends State { + final _keywordController = TextEditingController(); + final _typeController = TextEditingController(); + final _latController = TextEditingController(text: '29.08'); + final _lngController = TextEditingController(text: '119.65'); + int _page = 1; + + List _poiTitleList = []; + + @override + Widget build(BuildContext context) { + return Scaffold( + resizeToAvoidBottomInset: false, + appBar: AppBar(title: const Text('周边检索POI')), + body: DecoratedColumn( + padding: const EdgeInsets.all(kSpace16), + children: [ + TextFormField( + controller: _keywordController, + decoration: const InputDecoration(hintText: '输入关键字'), + ), + TextFormField( + controller: _typeController, + decoration: const InputDecoration(hintText: '输入类别'), + ), + DecoratedRow( + children: [ + Flexible( + child: TextField( + controller: _latController, + decoration: const InputDecoration(hintText: '输入纬度'), + ), + ), + SPACE_4_HORIZONTAL, + Flexible( + child: TextField( + controller: _lngController, + decoration: const InputDecoration(hintText: '输入经度'), + ), + ), + ], + ), + RaisedButton( + onPressed: () async { + final poiList = await AmapSearch.instance.searchAround( + LatLng( + double.tryParse(_latController.text) ?? 29.08, + double.tryParse(_lngController.text) ?? 119.65, + ), + keyword: _keywordController.text, + type: _typeController.text, + ); + + setState(() { + _poiTitleList = => it.toString()).toList(); + }); + }, + child: const Text('搜索'), + ), + RaisedButton( + onPressed: () async { + final poiList = await AmapSearch.instance.searchAround( + LatLng( + double.tryParse(_latController.text) ?? 29.08, + double.tryParse(_lngController.text) ?? 119.65, + ), + keyword: _keywordController.text, + type: _typeController.text, + page: ++_page, + ); + + setState(() { + _poiTitleList = => it.toString()).toList(); + }); + }, + child: const Text('下一页'), + ), + Expanded(child: ScrollableText(_poiTitleList.join("\n"))), + ], + ), + ); + } +} + +/// 输入提示 +class InputTipScreen extends StatefulWidget { + @override + _InputTipScreenState createState() => _InputTipScreenState(); +} + +class _InputTipScreenState extends State { + final _keywordController = TextEditingController(text: '肯德基'); + final _cityController = TextEditingController(text: '杭州'); + + List _inputTipList = []; + + @override + Widget build(BuildContext context) { + return Scaffold( + resizeToAvoidBottomInset: false, + appBar: AppBar(title: const Text('输入内容自动提示')), + body: DecoratedColumn( + padding: const EdgeInsets.all(kSpace16), + children: [ + TextFormField( + controller: _keywordController, + decoration: const InputDecoration(hintText: '输入关键字'), + ), + TextFormField( + controller: _cityController, + decoration: const InputDecoration(hintText: '输入所在城市'), + ), + RaisedButton( + onPressed: () async { + final inputTipList = await AmapSearch.instance.fetchInputTips( + _keywordController.text, + city: _cityController.text, + ); + + setState(() => _inputTipList = inputTipList); + }, + child: const Text('搜索'), + ), + Expanded(child: ScrollableText(_inputTipList.join("\n"))), + ], + ), + ); + } +} diff --git a/example/lib/get_map_data/get_weather_info.screen.dart b/example/lib/get_map_data/get_weather_info.screen.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..45793aa --- /dev/null +++ b/example/lib/get_map_data/get_weather_info.screen.dart @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:decorated_flutter/decorated_flutter.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; + +/// 获取天气数据 +class GetWeatherInfoScreen extends StatefulWidget { + @override + _GetWeatherInfoScreenState createState() => _GetWeatherInfoScreenState(); +} + +class _GetWeatherInfoScreenState extends State { + final _keywordController = TextEditingController(text: '杭州'); + + String _district = ''; + + @override + Widget build(BuildContext context) { + return Scaffold( + resizeToAvoidBottomInset: false, + appBar: AppBar(title: const Text('获取天气数据')), + body: DecoratedColumn( + padding: const EdgeInsets.all(kSpace16), + children: [ + TextFormField( + controller: _keywordController, + decoration: const InputDecoration(hintText: '输入地区'), + ), + RaisedButton( + onPressed: () async { + final district = await AmapSearch.instance + .searchDistrict(_keywordController.text); + _district = district.toString(); + setState(() {}); + }, + child: const Text('搜索'), + ), + Expanded(child: SingleChildScrollView(child: Text(_district))), + ], + ), + ); + } +} diff --git a/example/lib/main.dart b/example/lib/main.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a74ffd6 --- /dev/null +++ b/example/lib/main.dart @@ -0,0 +1,129 @@ +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; + +import 'get_map_data/get_address_desc.screen.dart'; +import 'get_map_data/get_bus_info.screen.dart'; +import 'get_map_data/get_district_info.screen.dart'; +import 'get_map_data/get_poi.screen.dart'; +import 'get_map_data/get_weather_info.screen.dart'; +import 'route_plan/route_bus.screen.dart'; +import 'route_plan/route_drive.screen.dart'; +import 'route_plan/route_ride.screen.dart'; +import 'route_plan/route_walk.screen.dart'; +import 'widgets/function_group.widget.dart'; +import 'widgets/function_item.widget.dart'; +import 'widgets/todo.screen.dart'; + +void main() async { + WidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized(); + + await AmapSearch.instance.init('f583e0d5b70400167993615c3adc3ced'); + await AmapSearch.instance.updatePrivacyShow(true); + await AmapSearch.instance.updatePrivacyAgree(true); + + runApp(MyApp()); +} + +class MyApp extends StatefulWidget { + @override + _MyAppState createState() => _MyAppState(); +} + +class _MyAppState extends State { + @override + Widget build(BuildContext context) { + return const MaterialApp(home: Home()); + } +} + +class Home extends StatelessWidget { + const Home({ + Key? key, + }) : super(key: key); + + @override + Widget build(BuildContext context) { + return Scaffold( + appBar: AppBar(title: const Text('AMaps examples')), + body: ListView( + children: [ + FunctionGroup( + headLabel: '获取地图数据', + children: [ + FunctionItem( + label: '获取POI数据', + sublabel: 'GetPoiScreen', + target: GetPoiScreen(), + ), + FunctionItem( + label: '获取地址描述数据', + sublabel: 'GetAddressDescScreen', + target: GetAddressDescScreen(), + ), + FunctionItem( + label: '获取行政区划数据', + sublabel: 'GetDistrictInfoScreen', + target: GetDistrictInfoScreen(), + ), + FunctionItem( + label: '获取公交数据', + sublabel: 'GetBusInfoScreenScreen', + target: GetBusInfoScreen(), + ), + FunctionItem( + label: '后获取天气数据', + sublabel: 'GetWeatherInfoScreen', + target: GetWeatherInfoScreen(), + ), + FunctionItem( + label: '获取业务数据(云图功能)', + sublabel: 'TODO', + target: TodoScreen(), + ), + FunctionItem( + label: '获取交通态势信息', + sublabel: 'TODO', + target: TodoScreen(), + ), + ], + ), + FunctionGroup( + headLabel: '出行路线规划', + children: [ + FunctionItem( + label: '驾车出行路线规划', + sublabel: 'RouteDriveScreen', + target: RouteDriveScreen(), + ), + FunctionItem( + label: '步行出行路线规划', + sublabel: 'RouteWalkScreen', + target: RouteWalkScreen(), + ), + FunctionItem( + label: '公交出行路线规划', + sublabel: 'RouteBusScreen', + target: RouteBusScreen(), + ), + FunctionItem( + label: '骑行出行路线规划', + sublabel: 'RouteRideScreen', + target: RouteRideScreen(), + ), + FunctionItem( + label: '货车出行路线规划', + sublabel: 'TODO', + target: TodoScreen(), + ), + FunctionItem( + label: '未来出行路线规划', + sublabel: 'TODO', + target: TodoScreen(), + ), + ], + ), + ], + ), + ); + } +} diff --git a/example/lib/route_plan/route_bus.screen.dart b/example/lib/route_plan/route_bus.screen.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..02d37aa --- /dev/null +++ b/example/lib/route_plan/route_bus.screen.dart @@ -0,0 +1,97 @@ +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:decorated_flutter/decorated_flutter.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; + +/// 公交路线规划 +class RouteBusScreen extends StatefulWidget { + @override + _RouteBusScreenState createState() => _RouteBusScreenState(); +} + +class _RouteBusScreenState extends State { + final _fromLatController = TextEditingController(text: '30.219933'); + final _fromLngController = TextEditingController(text: '120.023728'); + + final _toLatController = TextEditingController(text: '30.27065'); + final _toLngController = TextEditingController(text: '120.163117'); + + String _routeResult = ''; + + @override + Widget build(BuildContext context) { + return Scaffold( + resizeToAvoidBottomInset: false, + appBar: AppBar(title: const Text('公交路线规划')), + body: DecoratedColumn( + padding: const EdgeInsets.all(kSpace16), + children: [ + DecoratedRow( + itemSpacing: kSpace8, + children: [ + const Text('起点:'), + Flexible( + child: TextFormField( + controller: _fromLatController, + keyboardType: TextInputType.number, + decoration: const InputDecoration(hintText: '输入出发点纬度'), + ), + ), + Flexible( + child: TextFormField( + controller: _fromLngController, + keyboardType: TextInputType.number, + decoration: const InputDecoration(hintText: '输入出发点经度'), + ), + ), + ], + ), + DecoratedRow( + itemSpacing: kSpace8, + children: [ + const Text('终点:'), + Flexible( + child: TextFormField( + controller: _toLatController, + keyboardType: TextInputType.number, + decoration: const InputDecoration(hintText: '输入终点纬度'), + ), + ), + Flexible( + child: TextFormField( + controller: _toLngController, + keyboardType: TextInputType.number, + decoration: const InputDecoration(hintText: '输入终点经度'), + ), + ), + ], + ), + RaisedButton( + onPressed: () async { + final routeResult = await AmapSearch.instance.searchBusRoute( + from: LatLng( + double.parse(_fromLatController.text), + double.parse(_fromLngController.text), + ), + to: LatLng( + double.parse(_toLatController.text), + double.parse(_toLngController.text), + ), + city: '杭州', + ); + routeResult + .toFutureString() + .then((it) => setState(() => _routeResult = it)); + }, + child: const Text('搜索'), + ), + Expanded( + child: SingleChildScrollView( + child: Text(_routeResult), + ), + ), + ], + ), + ); + } +} diff --git a/example/lib/route_plan/route_drive.screen.dart b/example/lib/route_plan/route_drive.screen.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fc08dcd --- /dev/null +++ b/example/lib/route_plan/route_drive.screen.dart @@ -0,0 +1,100 @@ +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:decorated_flutter/decorated_flutter.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; + +/// 驾车路线规划 +class RouteDriveScreen extends StatefulWidget { + @override + _RouteDriveScreenState createState() => _RouteDriveScreenState(); +} + +class _RouteDriveScreenState extends State { + final _fromLatController = TextEditingController(text: '30.219933'); + final _fromLngController = TextEditingController(text: '120.023728'); + + final _toLatController = TextEditingController(text: '30.27065'); + final _toLngController = TextEditingController(text: '120.163117'); + + String _routeResult = ''; + + @override + Widget build(BuildContext context) { + return Scaffold( + resizeToAvoidBottomInset: false, + appBar: AppBar(title: const Text('驾车路线规划')), + body: DecoratedColumn( + padding: const EdgeInsets.all(kSpace16), + children: [ + DecoratedRow( + itemSpacing: kSpace8, + children: [ + const Text('起点:'), + Flexible( + child: TextFormField( + controller: _fromLatController, + keyboardType: TextInputType.number, + decoration: const InputDecoration(hintText: '输入出发点纬度'), + ), + ), + Flexible( + child: TextFormField( + controller: _fromLngController, + keyboardType: TextInputType.number, + decoration: const InputDecoration(hintText: '输入出发点经度'), + ), + ), + ], + ), + DecoratedRow( + itemSpacing: kSpace8, + children: [ + const Text('终点:'), + Flexible( + child: TextFormField( + controller: _toLatController, + keyboardType: TextInputType.number, + decoration: const InputDecoration(hintText: '输入终点纬度'), + ), + ), + Flexible( + child: TextFormField( + controller: _toLngController, + keyboardType: TextInputType.number, + decoration: const InputDecoration(hintText: '输入终点经度'), + ), + ), + ], + ), + RaisedButton( + onPressed: () async { + try { + final routeResult = await AmapSearch.instance.searchDriveRoute( + from: LatLng( + double.parse(_fromLatController.text), + double.parse(_fromLngController.text), + ), + to: LatLng( + double.parse(_toLatController.text), + double.parse(_toLngController.text), + ), + ); + routeResult + .toFutureString() + .then((it) => setState(() => _routeResult = it)); + } catch (e) { + setState(() => _routeResult = e.toString()); + } + }, + child: const Text('搜索'), + ), + Expanded( + child: SingleChildScrollView( + child: Text(_routeResult), + ), + ), + ], + ), + ); + } +} diff --git a/example/lib/route_plan/route_ride.screen.dart b/example/lib/route_plan/route_ride.screen.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7058292 --- /dev/null +++ b/example/lib/route_plan/route_ride.screen.dart @@ -0,0 +1,92 @@ +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:decorated_flutter/decorated_flutter.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; + +/// 骑行路线规划 +class RouteRideScreen extends StatefulWidget { + @override + _RouteRideScreenState createState() => _RouteRideScreenState(); +} + +class _RouteRideScreenState extends State { + final _fromLatController = TextEditingController(text: '30.219933'); + final _fromLngController = TextEditingController(text: '120.023728'); + + final _toLatController = TextEditingController(text: '30.27065'); + final _toLngController = TextEditingController(text: '120.163117'); + + String _routeResult = ''; + + @override + Widget build(BuildContext context) { + return Scaffold( + resizeToAvoidBottomInset: false, + appBar: AppBar(title: const Text('骑行路线规划')), + body: DecoratedColumn( + padding: const EdgeInsets.all(kSpace16), + children: [ + DecoratedRow( + itemSpacing: kSpace8, + children: [ + const Text('起点:'), + Flexible( + child: TextFormField( + controller: _fromLatController, + keyboardType: TextInputType.number, + decoration: const InputDecoration(hintText: '输入出发点纬度'), + ), + ), + Flexible( + child: TextFormField( + controller: _fromLngController, + keyboardType: TextInputType.number, + decoration: const InputDecoration(hintText: '输入出发点经度'), + ), + ), + ], + ), + DecoratedRow( + itemSpacing: kSpace8, + children: [ + const Text('终点:'), + Flexible( + child: TextFormField( + controller: _toLatController, + keyboardType: TextInputType.number, + decoration: const InputDecoration(hintText: '输入终点纬度'), + ), + ), + Flexible( + child: TextFormField( + controller: _toLngController, + keyboardType: TextInputType.number, + decoration: const InputDecoration(hintText: '输入终点经度'), + ), + ), + ], + ), + RaisedButton( + onPressed: () async { + final routeResult = await AmapSearch.instance.searchRideRoute( + from: LatLng( + double.parse(_fromLatController.text), + double.parse(_fromLngController.text), + ), + to: LatLng( + double.parse(_toLatController.text), + double.parse(_toLngController.text), + ), + ); + routeResult + .toFutureString() + .then((it) => setState(() => _routeResult = it)); + }, + child: const Text('搜索'), + ), + Expanded(child: SingleChildScrollView(child: Text(_routeResult))), + ], + ), + ); + } +} diff --git a/example/lib/route_plan/route_walk.screen.dart b/example/lib/route_plan/route_walk.screen.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ae05dc7 --- /dev/null +++ b/example/lib/route_plan/route_walk.screen.dart @@ -0,0 +1,96 @@ +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/amap_search_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:decorated_flutter/decorated_flutter.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; + +/// 步行路线规划 +class RouteWalkScreen extends StatefulWidget { + @override + _RouteWalkScreenState createState() => _RouteWalkScreenState(); +} + +class _RouteWalkScreenState extends State { + final _fromLatController = TextEditingController(text: '30.219933'); + final _fromLngController = TextEditingController(text: '120.023728'); + + final _toLatController = TextEditingController(text: '30.27065'); + final _toLngController = TextEditingController(text: '120.163117'); + + String _routeResult = ''; + + @override + Widget build(BuildContext context) { + return Scaffold( + resizeToAvoidBottomInset: false, + appBar: AppBar(title: const Text('步行路线规划')), + body: DecoratedColumn( + padding: const EdgeInsets.all(kSpace16), + children: [ + DecoratedRow( + itemSpacing: kSpace8, + children: [ + const Text('起点:'), + Flexible( + child: TextFormField( + controller: _fromLatController, + keyboardType: TextInputType.number, + decoration: const InputDecoration(hintText: '输入出发点纬度'), + ), + ), + Flexible( + child: TextFormField( + controller: _fromLngController, + keyboardType: TextInputType.number, + decoration: const InputDecoration(hintText: '输入出发点经度'), + ), + ), + ], + ), + DecoratedRow( + itemSpacing: kSpace8, + children: [ + const Text('终点:'), + Flexible( + child: TextFormField( + controller: _toLatController, + keyboardType: TextInputType.number, + decoration: const InputDecoration(hintText: '输入终点纬度'), + ), + ), + Flexible( + child: TextFormField( + controller: _toLngController, + keyboardType: TextInputType.number, + decoration: const InputDecoration(hintText: '输入终点经度'), + ), + ), + ], + ), + RaisedButton( + onPressed: () async { + final routeResult = await AmapSearch.instance.searchWalkRoute( + from: LatLng( + double.parse(_fromLatController.text), + double.parse(_fromLngController.text), + ), + to: LatLng( + double.parse(_toLatController.text), + double.parse(_toLngController.text), + ), + ); + routeResult + .toFutureString() + .then((it) => setState(() => _routeResult = it)); + }, + child: const Text('搜索'), + ), + Expanded( + child: SingleChildScrollView( + child: Text(_routeResult), + ), + ), + ], + ), + ); + } +} diff --git a/example/lib/utils/misc.dart b/example/lib/utils/misc.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1c90208 --- /dev/null +++ b/example/lib/utils/misc.dart @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +import 'package:decorated_flutter/decorated_flutter.dart'; +import 'package:permission_handler/permission_handler.dart'; + +Future requestPermission() async { + final status = await Permission.location.request(); + + if (status == PermissionStatus.granted) { + return true; + } else { + toast('需要定位权限!'); + return false; + } +} diff --git a/example/lib/utils/utils.export.dart b/example/lib/utils/utils.export.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6a83080 --- /dev/null +++ b/example/lib/utils/utils.export.dart @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +export 'misc.dart'; diff --git a/example/lib/widgets/button.widget.dart b/example/lib/widgets/button.widget.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4004b30 --- /dev/null +++ b/example/lib/widgets/button.widget.dart @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; + +class Button extends StatelessWidget { + const Button({ + Key? key, + required this.label, + required this.onPressed, + }) : super(key: key); + + final String label; + final ValueChanged onPressed; + + @override + Widget build(BuildContext context) { + return RaisedButton( + padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(vertical: 16), + color:, + onPressed: () => onPressed(context), + shape: const StadiumBorder(), + child: Text( + label, + style: const TextStyle(color: Colors.white, fontSize: 15), + ), + ); + } +} diff --git a/example/lib/widgets/dimens.dart b/example/lib/widgets/dimens.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1d520c0 --- /dev/null +++ b/example/lib/widgets/dimens.dart @@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ +import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; + +//region space +const kSpaceZero = 0.0; +const kSpaceTiny = 1.0; +const kSpaceSmall = 4.0; +const kSpace8 = 8.0; +const kSpaceLittleBig = 12.0; +const kSpace16 = 16.0; +const kSpaceLarge = 24.0; +const kSpaceHuge = 32.0; +const kSpaceGiant = 64.0; + +const SPACE_ZERO = SizedBox.shrink(); + +const SPACE_TINY = SizedBox(width: kSpaceTiny, height: kSpaceTiny); +const SPACE_TINY_HORIZONTAL = SizedBox(width: kSpaceTiny, height: kSpaceZero); +const SPACE_TINY_VERTICAL = SizedBox(width: kSpaceZero, height: kSpaceTiny); + +const SPACE_SMALL = SizedBox(width: kSpaceSmall, height: kSpaceSmall); +const SPACE_4_HORIZONTAL = SizedBox(width: kSpaceSmall, height: kSpaceZero); +const SPACE_SMALL_VERTICAL = SizedBox(width: kSpaceZero, height: kSpaceSmall); + +const SPACE_NORMAL = SizedBox(width: kSpace8, height: kSpace8); +const SPACE_NORMAL_HORIZONTAL = SizedBox(width: kSpace8, height: kSpaceZero); +const SPACE_NORMAL_VERTICAL = SizedBox(width: kSpaceZero, height: kSpace8); + +const SPACE_LITTLE_BIG = + SizedBox(width: kSpaceLittleBig, height: kSpaceLittleBig); +const SPACE_LITTLE_BIG_HORIZONTAL = + SizedBox(width: kSpaceLittleBig, height: kSpaceZero); +const SPACE_LITTLE_BIG_VERTICAL = + SizedBox(width: kSpaceZero, height: kSpaceLittleBig); + +const SPACE_BIG = SizedBox(width: kSpace16, height: kSpace16); +const SPACE_BIG_HORIZONTAL = SizedBox(width: kSpace16, height: kSpaceZero); +const SPACE_BIG_VERTICAL = SizedBox(width: kSpaceZero, height: kSpace16); + +const SPACE_LARGE = SizedBox(width: kSpaceLarge, height: kSpaceLarge); +const SPACE_LARGE_HORIZONTAL = SizedBox(width: kSpaceLarge, height: kSpaceZero); +const SPACE_LARGE_VERTICAL = SizedBox(width: kSpaceZero, height: kSpaceLarge); + +const SPACE_HUGE = SizedBox(width: kSpaceHuge, height: kSpaceHuge); +const SPACE_HUGE_HORIZONTAL = SizedBox(width: kSpaceHuge, height: kSpaceZero); +const SPACE_HUGE_VERTICAL = SizedBox(width: kSpaceZero, height: kSpaceHuge); + +const SPACE_GIANT = SizedBox(width: kSpaceGiant, height: kSpaceGiant); +const SPACE_GIANT_HORIZONTAL = SizedBox(width: kSpaceGiant, height: kSpaceZero); +const SPACE_GIANT_VERTICAL = SizedBox(width: kSpaceZero, height: kSpaceGiant); + +const kDividerTiny = Divider(height: kSpaceTiny); +const kDividerSmall = Divider(height: kSpaceSmall); +const kDividerNormal = Divider(); +const kDividerLittleBig = Divider(height: kSpaceLittleBig); +const kDividerBig = Divider(height: kSpace16); +const kDividerLarge = Divider(height: kSpaceLarge); +const kDividerHuge = Divider(height: kSpaceHuge); +const kDividerGiant = Divider(height: kSpaceGiant); +//endregion + +//region text +const kTextNormal = 16.0; +const kTextBig = 18.0; +//endregion + +//region elevation +const kElevationZero = 0.0; +const kElevationTiny = 1.0; +const kElevationSmall = 2.0; +const kElevationNormal = 4.0; +const kElevationBig = 8.0; +const kElevationHuge = 16.0; +const kElevationGiant = 32.0; +//endregion diff --git a/example/lib/widgets/function_group.widget.dart b/example/lib/widgets/function_group.widget.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..76e5f78 --- /dev/null +++ b/example/lib/widgets/function_group.widget.dart @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; + +class FunctionGroup extends StatelessWidget { + const FunctionGroup({ + Key? key, + required this.headLabel, + this.children = const [], + }) : super(key: key); + + final String headLabel; + final List children; + + @override + Widget build(BuildContext context) { + return Container( + color: Colors.white, + child: Column( + crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, + children: [ + Column( + crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, + children: [ + Padding( + padding: + const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 16, vertical: 8), + child: Text(headLabel, + style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.headline6), + ), + const Divider(height: 1, indent: 16), + ], + ), ...children, + ], + ), + ); + } +} diff --git a/example/lib/widgets/function_item.widget.dart b/example/lib/widgets/function_item.widget.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0901ded --- /dev/null +++ b/example/lib/widgets/function_item.widget.dart @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; + +class FunctionItem extends StatelessWidget { + const FunctionItem({ + Key? key, + required this.label, + required this.sublabel, + required, + }) : super(key: key); + + final String label; + final String sublabel; + final Widget target; + + @override + Widget build(BuildContext context) { + return Column( + children: [ + ListTile( + title: Text(label), + subtitle: Text(sublabel), + trailing: const Icon(Icons.keyboard_arrow_right), + onTap: () { + Navigator.push( + context, + MaterialPageRoute(builder: (_) => target), + ); + }, + ), + const Divider(height: 1, indent: 16), + ], + ); + } +} diff --git a/example/lib/widgets/future.widget.dart b/example/lib/widgets/future.widget.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9746940 --- /dev/null +++ b/example/lib/widgets/future.widget.dart @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +import 'package:decorated_flutter/decorated_flutter.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; + +class FutureText extends StatelessWidget { + const FutureText(, {Key? key}) : super(key: key); + + final Future data; + + @override + Widget build(BuildContext context) { + return SingleSubscriber( + future: data, + showLoading: false, + builder: (data) => Text(data), + ); + } +} diff --git a/example/lib/widgets/scrollable_text.widget.dart b/example/lib/widgets/scrollable_text.widget.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..63aa409 --- /dev/null +++ b/example/lib/widgets/scrollable_text.widget.dart @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; + +class ScrollableText extends StatelessWidget { + final String data; + + const ScrollableText(, {Key? key}) : super(key: key); + + @override + Widget build(BuildContext context) { + return SingleChildScrollView(child: Text(data)); + } +} diff --git a/example/lib/widgets/setting.widget.dart b/example/lib/widgets/setting.widget.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fbad18a --- /dev/null +++ b/example/lib/widgets/setting.widget.dart @@ -0,0 +1,209 @@ +import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; + +const SPACE_NORMAL = SizedBox(width: 8, height: 8); +const kDividerTiny = Divider(height: 1); + +/// 连续设置 +class ContinuousSetting extends StatefulWidget { + const ContinuousSetting({ + Key? key, + required this.head, + required this.onChanged, + this.min = 0, + this.max = 1, + }) : super(key: key); + + final String head; + final ValueChanged onChanged; + final double min; + final double max; + + @override + _ContinuousSettingState createState() => _ContinuousSettingState(); +} + +class _ContinuousSettingState extends State { + late double _value; + + @override + void initState() { + super.initState(); + _value = 0; + } + + @override + Widget build(BuildContext context) { + return Padding( + padding: const EdgeInsets.only( + left: 16, + top: 16, + right: 16, + ), + child: Column( + crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, + children: [ + Text(widget.head, style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.subtitle1), + SPACE_NORMAL, + Slider( + value: _value, + min: widget.min, + max: widget.max, + onChanged: (_) {}, + onChangeEnd: (value) { + setState(() { + _value = value; + widget.onChanged(value); + }); + }, + ), + kDividerTiny, + ], + ), + ); + } +} + +/// 离散设置 +class DiscreteSetting extends StatelessWidget { + const DiscreteSetting({ + Key? key, + required this.head, + required this.options, + required this.onSelected, + }) : super(key: key); + + final String head; + final List options; + final ValueChanged onSelected; + + @override + Widget build(BuildContext context) { + return Column( + children: [ + PopupMenuButton( + onSelected: onSelected, + child: Padding( + padding: const EdgeInsets.all(16), + child: Text(head, style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.subtitle1), + ), + itemBuilder: (context) { + return options + .map((value) => PopupMenuItem( + value: value, + child: Text(value), + )) + .toList(); + }, + ), + kDividerTiny, + ], + ); + } +} + +/// 颜色设置 +class ColorSetting extends StatelessWidget { + const ColorSetting({ + Key? key, + required this.head, + required this.onSelected, + }) : super(key: key); + + final String head; + final ValueChanged onSelected; + + @override + Widget build(BuildContext context) { + return DiscreteSetting( + head: head, + options: const ['绿色', '红色', '黄色'], + onSelected: (value) { + Color? color; + switch (value) { + case '绿色': + color =; + break; + case '红色': + color =; + break; + case '黄色': + color = Colors.yellow.withOpacity(0.6); + break; + } + + onSelected(color); + }, + ); + } +} + +/// 二元设置 +class BooleanSetting extends StatefulWidget { + const BooleanSetting({ + Key? key, + required this.head, + required this.onSelected, + this.selected = false, + }) : super(key: key); + + final String head; + final ValueChanged onSelected; + final bool selected; + + @override + _BooleanSettingState createState() => _BooleanSettingState(); +} + +class _BooleanSettingState extends State { + late bool _selected; + + @override + void initState() { + super.initState(); + + _selected = widget.selected; + } + + @override + Widget build(BuildContext context) { + return Column( + children: [ + SwitchListTile( + title: Text(widget.head), + value: _selected, + onChanged: (selected) { + setState(() { + _selected = selected; + widget.onSelected(selected); + }); + }, + ), + kDividerTiny, + ], + ); + } +} + +/// 输入文字 +class TextSetting extends StatelessWidget { + final String leadingString; + final String hintString; + + const TextSetting({ + Key? key, + required this.leadingString, + required this.hintString, + }) : super(key: key); + + @override + Widget build(BuildContext context) { + return ListTile( + leading: Text(leadingString), + title: TextFormField( + decoration: InputDecoration( + hintText: hintString, + ), + ), + ); + } +} diff --git a/example/lib/widgets/todo.screen.dart b/example/lib/widgets/todo.screen.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..29626c2 --- /dev/null +++ b/example/lib/widgets/todo.screen.dart @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; + +class TodoScreen extends StatelessWidget { + @override + Widget build(BuildContext context) { + return Scaffold( + appBar: AppBar(title: const Text('Todo')), + body: const Center(child: Text('Todo')), + ); + } +} diff --git a/example/pubspec.yaml b/example/pubspec.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..332437b --- /dev/null +++ b/example/pubspec.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +name: amap_search_fluttify_example +description: Demonstrates how to use the amap_search_fluttify plugin. +publish_to: 'none' # Remove this line if you wish to publish to + +environment: + sdk: ">=2.17.1 <3.0.0" + +dependencies: + flutter: + sdk: flutter + permission_handler: ^9.2.0 + decorated_flutter: ^0.40.0-dev.0 + amap_search_fluttify: + path: ../ + +dev_dependencies: + flutter_test: + sdk: flutter + flutter_lints: ^2.0.0 + +flutter: + uses-material-design: true diff --git a/example/test/widget_test.dart b/example/test/widget_test.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8b13789 --- /dev/null +++ b/example/test/widget_test.dart @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + diff --git a/ios/Classes/AmapSearchFluttifyPlugin.h b/ios/Classes/AmapSearchFluttifyPlugin.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d359e07 --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Classes/AmapSearchFluttifyPlugin.h @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +#import + +typedef void (^Handler)(NSObject *, id, FlutterResult); + +@interface AmapSearchFluttifyPlugin : NSObject + +- (instancetype) initWithFlutterPluginRegistrar: (NSObject *) registrar; + +@property(nonatomic) NSObject* registrar; + +@end diff --git a/ios/Classes/AmapSearchFluttifyPlugin.m b/ios/Classes/AmapSearchFluttifyPlugin.m new file mode 100644 index 0000000..08b7316 --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Classes/AmapSearchFluttifyPlugin.m @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +#import "AmapSearchFluttifyPlugin.h" +#import +#import "SubHandler/SubHandler0.h" +#import "SubHandler/SubHandler1.h" +#import "SubHandler/SubHandler2.h" +#import "SubHandler/SubHandler3.h" +#import "SubHandler/SubHandler4.h" +#import "SubHandler/SubHandler5.h" +#import "SubHandler/SubHandler6.h" +#import "SubHandler/SubHandler7.h" +#import "SubHandler/SubHandler8.h" +#import "SubHandler/SubHandler9.h" +#import "SubHandler/SubHandler10.h" +#import "SubHandler/SubHandler11.h" +#import "SubHandler/Custom/SubHandlerCustom.h" +#import "FluttifyMessageCodec.h" +#import + +// Dart端一次方法调用所存在的栈, 只有当MethodChannel传递参数受限时, 再启用这个容器 +extern NSMutableDictionary* STACK; +// Dart端随机存取对象的容器 +extern NSMutableDictionary* HEAP; +// 日志打印开关 +extern BOOL enableLog; + +@implementation AmapSearchFluttifyPlugin { + NSMutableDictionary* _handlerMap; +} + +- (instancetype) initWithFlutterPluginRegistrar: (NSObject *) registrar { + self = [super init]; + if (self) { + _registrar = registrar; + // 处理方法们 + _handlerMap = @{}.mutableCopy; + + [_handlerMap addEntriesFromDictionary: [self getSubHandler0]]; + [_handlerMap addEntriesFromDictionary: [self getSubHandler1]]; + [_handlerMap addEntriesFromDictionary: [self getSubHandler2]]; + [_handlerMap addEntriesFromDictionary: [self getSubHandler3]]; + [_handlerMap addEntriesFromDictionary: [self getSubHandler4]]; + [_handlerMap addEntriesFromDictionary: [self getSubHandler5]]; + [_handlerMap addEntriesFromDictionary: [self getSubHandler6]]; + [_handlerMap addEntriesFromDictionary: [self getSubHandler7]]; + [_handlerMap addEntriesFromDictionary: [self getSubHandler8]]; + [_handlerMap addEntriesFromDictionary: [self getSubHandler9]]; + [_handlerMap addEntriesFromDictionary: [self getSubHandler10]]; + [_handlerMap addEntriesFromDictionary: [self getSubHandler11]]; + [_handlerMap addEntriesFromDictionary: [self getSubHandlerCustom]]; + } + + return self; +} + ++ (void)registerWithRegistrar:(NSObject *)registrar { + FlutterMethodChannel *channel = [FlutterMethodChannel + methodChannelWithName:@"me.yohom/amap_search_fluttify" + binaryMessenger:[registrar messenger] + codec:[FlutterStandardMethodCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]]; + + [registrar addMethodCallDelegate:[[AmapSearchFluttifyPlugin alloc] initWithFlutterPluginRegistrar:registrar] + channel:channel]; + + // 注册View + +} + +// Method Handlers +- (void)handleMethodCall:(FlutterMethodCall *)methodCall result:(FlutterResult)methodResult { + if (_handlerMap[methodCall.method] != nil) { + _handlerMap[methodCall.method](_registrar, [methodCall arguments], methodResult); + } else { + methodResult(FlutterMethodNotImplemented); + } +} + +@end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ios/Classes/Anonymous/AMapNearbySearchManagerDelegate_Anonymous.h b/ios/Classes/Anonymous/AMapNearbySearchManagerDelegate_Anonymous.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6df912d --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Classes/Anonymous/AMapNearbySearchManagerDelegate_Anonymous.h @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +#import +#import + +@protocol FlutterPluginRegistrar; + +NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN + +@interface AMapNearbySearchManagerDelegate_Anonymous : NSObject + +- (instancetype) initWithFlutterPluginRegistrar: (NSObject *) registrar; + +@property(nonatomic) NSObject* registrar; + +@end + +NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END + diff --git a/ios/Classes/Anonymous/AMapNearbySearchManagerDelegate_Anonymous.m b/ios/Classes/Anonymous/AMapNearbySearchManagerDelegate_Anonymous.m new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1e5007f --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Classes/Anonymous/AMapNearbySearchManagerDelegate_Anonymous.m @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +#import "AMapNearbySearchManagerDelegate_Anonymous.h" +#import +#import "FluttifyMessageCodec.h" +#import + +// Dart端一次方法调用所存在的栈, 只有当MethodChannel传递参数受限时, 再启用这个容器 +extern NSMutableDictionary* STACK; +// Dart端随机存取对象的容器 +extern NSMutableDictionary* HEAP; +// 日志打印开关 +extern BOOL enableLog; + +@implementation AMapNearbySearchManagerDelegate_Anonymous + +- (instancetype) initWithFlutterPluginRegistrar: (NSObject *) registrar { + self = [super init]; + if (self) { + _registrar = registrar; + } + + return self; +} + +- (AMapNearbyUploadInfo*)nearbyInfoForUploading : (AMapNearbySearchManager*)manager +{ + FlutterMethodChannel *channel = [FlutterMethodChannel + methodChannelWithName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"AMapNearbySearchManagerDelegate::Callback@%@:%@", NSStringFromClass([self class]), @(self.hash)] + binaryMessenger:[_registrar messenger] + codec:[FlutterStandardMethodCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]]; + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapNearbySearchManagerDelegate::nearbyInfoForUploading"); + } + + // convert to jsonable arg + // ref callback arg + AMapNearbySearchManager* argmanager = manager; + + dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ + [channel invokeMethod:@"nearbyInfoForUploading" + arguments:@{@"manager": argmanager == nil ? [NSNull null] : argmanager} + result:^(id result) {}]; // 由于结果是异步返回, 这里用不上, 所以就不生成代码了 + }); + + // 由于flutter无法同步调用method channel, 所以暂不支持有返回值的回调方法 + // 相关issue + NSLog(@"暂不支持有返回值的回调方法"); + + ////////////////////////////如果需要手写代码, 请写在这里///////////////////////////// + + //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + + return (AMapNearbyUploadInfo*) nil; +} + +- (void)onNearbyInfoUploadedWithError : (NSError*)error +{ + FlutterMethodChannel *channel = [FlutterMethodChannel + methodChannelWithName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"AMapNearbySearchManagerDelegate::Callback@%@:%@", NSStringFromClass([self class]), @(self.hash)] + binaryMessenger:[_registrar messenger] + codec:[FlutterStandardMethodCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]]; + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapNearbySearchManagerDelegate::onNearbyInfoUploadedWithError"); + } + + // convert to jsonable arg + // ref callback arg + NSError* argerror = error; + + dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ + [channel invokeMethod:@"onNearbyInfoUploadedWithError" arguments:@{@"error": argerror == nil ? [NSNull null] : argerror}]; + }); + +} + +- (void)onUserInfoClearedWithError : (NSError*)error +{ + FlutterMethodChannel *channel = [FlutterMethodChannel + methodChannelWithName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"AMapNearbySearchManagerDelegate::Callback@%@:%@", NSStringFromClass([self class]), @(self.hash)] + binaryMessenger:[_registrar messenger] + codec:[FlutterStandardMethodCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]]; + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapNearbySearchManagerDelegate::onUserInfoClearedWithError"); + } + + // convert to jsonable arg + // ref callback arg + NSError* argerror = error; + + dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ + [channel invokeMethod:@"onUserInfoClearedWithError" arguments:@{@"error": argerror == nil ? [NSNull null] : argerror}]; + }); + +} + + +@end diff --git a/ios/Classes/Anonymous/AMapSearchDelegate_Anonymous.h b/ios/Classes/Anonymous/AMapSearchDelegate_Anonymous.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..daea293 --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Classes/Anonymous/AMapSearchDelegate_Anonymous.h @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +#import +#import + +@protocol FlutterPluginRegistrar; + +NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN + +@interface AMapSearchDelegate_Anonymous : NSObject + +- (instancetype) initWithFlutterPluginRegistrar: (NSObject *) registrar; + +@property(nonatomic) NSObject* registrar; + +@end + +NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END + diff --git a/ios/Classes/Anonymous/AMapSearchDelegate_Anonymous.m b/ios/Classes/Anonymous/AMapSearchDelegate_Anonymous.m new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ea64355 --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Classes/Anonymous/AMapSearchDelegate_Anonymous.m @@ -0,0 +1,397 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +#import "AMapSearchDelegate_Anonymous.h" +#import +#import "FluttifyMessageCodec.h" +#import + +// Dart端一次方法调用所存在的栈, 只有当MethodChannel传递参数受限时, 再启用这个容器 +extern NSMutableDictionary* STACK; +// Dart端随机存取对象的容器 +extern NSMutableDictionary* HEAP; +// 日志打印开关 +extern BOOL enableLog; + +@implementation AMapSearchDelegate_Anonymous + +- (instancetype) initWithFlutterPluginRegistrar: (NSObject *) registrar { + self = [super init]; + if (self) { + _registrar = registrar; + } + + return self; +} + +- (void)AMapSearchRequest : (id)request didFailWithError: (NSError*)error +{ + FlutterMethodChannel *channel = [FlutterMethodChannel + methodChannelWithName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"AMapSearchDelegate::Callback@%@:%@", NSStringFromClass([self class]), @(self.hash)] + binaryMessenger:[_registrar messenger] + codec:[FlutterStandardMethodCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]]; + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapSearchDelegate::AMapSearchRequest_didFailWithError"); + } + + // convert to jsonable arg + // ref callback arg + id argrequest = request; + // ref callback arg + NSError* argerror = error; + + dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ + [channel invokeMethod:@"AMapSearchRequest_didFailWithError" arguments:@{@"request": argrequest == nil ? [NSNull null] : argrequest, @"error": argerror == nil ? [NSNull null] : argerror}]; + }); + +} + +- (void)onPOISearchDone : (AMapPOISearchBaseRequest*)request response: (AMapPOISearchResponse*)response +{ + FlutterMethodChannel *channel = [FlutterMethodChannel + methodChannelWithName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"AMapSearchDelegate::Callback@%@:%@", NSStringFromClass([self class]), @(self.hash)] + binaryMessenger:[_registrar messenger] + codec:[FlutterStandardMethodCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]]; + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapSearchDelegate::onPOISearchDone_response"); + } + + // convert to jsonable arg + // ref callback arg + AMapPOISearchBaseRequest* argrequest = request; + // ref callback arg + AMapPOISearchResponse* argresponse = response; + + dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ + [channel invokeMethod:@"onPOISearchDone_response" arguments:@{@"request": argrequest == nil ? [NSNull null] : argrequest, @"response": argresponse == nil ? [NSNull null] : argresponse}]; + }); + +} + +- (void)onRoutePOISearchDone : (AMapRoutePOISearchRequest*)request response: (AMapRoutePOISearchResponse*)response +{ + FlutterMethodChannel *channel = [FlutterMethodChannel + methodChannelWithName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"AMapSearchDelegate::Callback@%@:%@", NSStringFromClass([self class]), @(self.hash)] + binaryMessenger:[_registrar messenger] + codec:[FlutterStandardMethodCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]]; + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapSearchDelegate::onRoutePOISearchDone_response"); + } + + // convert to jsonable arg + // ref callback arg + AMapRoutePOISearchRequest* argrequest = request; + // ref callback arg + AMapRoutePOISearchResponse* argresponse = response; + + dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ + [channel invokeMethod:@"onRoutePOISearchDone_response" arguments:@{@"request": argrequest == nil ? [NSNull null] : argrequest, @"response": argresponse == nil ? [NSNull null] : argresponse}]; + }); + +} + +- (void)onGeocodeSearchDone : (AMapGeocodeSearchRequest*)request response: (AMapGeocodeSearchResponse*)response +{ + FlutterMethodChannel *channel = [FlutterMethodChannel + methodChannelWithName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"AMapSearchDelegate::Callback@%@:%@", NSStringFromClass([self class]), @(self.hash)] + binaryMessenger:[_registrar messenger] + codec:[FlutterStandardMethodCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]]; + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapSearchDelegate::onGeocodeSearchDone_response"); + } + + // convert to jsonable arg + // ref callback arg + AMapGeocodeSearchRequest* argrequest = request; + // ref callback arg + AMapGeocodeSearchResponse* argresponse = response; + + dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ + [channel invokeMethod:@"onGeocodeSearchDone_response" arguments:@{@"request": argrequest == nil ? [NSNull null] : argrequest, @"response": argresponse == nil ? [NSNull null] : argresponse}]; + }); + +} + +- (void)onReGeocodeSearchDone : (AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest*)request response: (AMapReGeocodeSearchResponse*)response +{ + FlutterMethodChannel *channel = [FlutterMethodChannel + methodChannelWithName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"AMapSearchDelegate::Callback@%@:%@", NSStringFromClass([self class]), @(self.hash)] + binaryMessenger:[_registrar messenger] + codec:[FlutterStandardMethodCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]]; + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapSearchDelegate::onReGeocodeSearchDone_response"); + } + + // convert to jsonable arg + // ref callback arg + AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest* argrequest = request; + // ref callback arg + AMapReGeocodeSearchResponse* argresponse = response; + + dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ + [channel invokeMethod:@"onReGeocodeSearchDone_response" arguments:@{@"request": argrequest == nil ? [NSNull null] : argrequest, @"response": argresponse == nil ? [NSNull null] : argresponse}]; + }); + +} + +- (void)onInputTipsSearchDone : (AMapInputTipsSearchRequest*)request response: (AMapInputTipsSearchResponse*)response +{ + FlutterMethodChannel *channel = [FlutterMethodChannel + methodChannelWithName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"AMapSearchDelegate::Callback@%@:%@", NSStringFromClass([self class]), @(self.hash)] + binaryMessenger:[_registrar messenger] + codec:[FlutterStandardMethodCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]]; + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapSearchDelegate::onInputTipsSearchDone_response"); + } + + // convert to jsonable arg + // ref callback arg + AMapInputTipsSearchRequest* argrequest = request; + // ref callback arg + AMapInputTipsSearchResponse* argresponse = response; + + dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ + [channel invokeMethod:@"onInputTipsSearchDone_response" arguments:@{@"request": argrequest == nil ? [NSNull null] : argrequest, @"response": argresponse == nil ? [NSNull null] : argresponse}]; + }); + +} + +- (void)onBusStopSearchDone : (AMapBusStopSearchRequest*)request response: (AMapBusStopSearchResponse*)response +{ + FlutterMethodChannel *channel = [FlutterMethodChannel + methodChannelWithName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"AMapSearchDelegate::Callback@%@:%@", NSStringFromClass([self class]), @(self.hash)] + binaryMessenger:[_registrar messenger] + codec:[FlutterStandardMethodCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]]; + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapSearchDelegate::onBusStopSearchDone_response"); + } + + // convert to jsonable arg + // ref callback arg + AMapBusStopSearchRequest* argrequest = request; + // ref callback arg + AMapBusStopSearchResponse* argresponse = response; + + dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ + [channel invokeMethod:@"onBusStopSearchDone_response" arguments:@{@"request": argrequest == nil ? [NSNull null] : argrequest, @"response": argresponse == nil ? [NSNull null] : argresponse}]; + }); + +} + +- (void)onBusLineSearchDone : (AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest*)request response: (AMapBusLineSearchResponse*)response +{ + FlutterMethodChannel *channel = [FlutterMethodChannel + methodChannelWithName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"AMapSearchDelegate::Callback@%@:%@", NSStringFromClass([self class]), @(self.hash)] + binaryMessenger:[_registrar messenger] + codec:[FlutterStandardMethodCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]]; + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapSearchDelegate::onBusLineSearchDone_response"); + } + + // convert to jsonable arg + // ref callback arg + AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest* argrequest = request; + // ref callback arg + AMapBusLineSearchResponse* argresponse = response; + + dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ + [channel invokeMethod:@"onBusLineSearchDone_response" arguments:@{@"request": argrequest == nil ? [NSNull null] : argrequest, @"response": argresponse == nil ? [NSNull null] : argresponse}]; + }); + +} + +- (void)onDistrictSearchDone : (AMapDistrictSearchRequest*)request response: (AMapDistrictSearchResponse*)response +{ + FlutterMethodChannel *channel = [FlutterMethodChannel + methodChannelWithName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"AMapSearchDelegate::Callback@%@:%@", NSStringFromClass([self class]), @(self.hash)] + binaryMessenger:[_registrar messenger] + codec:[FlutterStandardMethodCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]]; + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapSearchDelegate::onDistrictSearchDone_response"); + } + + // convert to jsonable arg + // ref callback arg + AMapDistrictSearchRequest* argrequest = request; + // ref callback arg + AMapDistrictSearchResponse* argresponse = response; + + dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ + [channel invokeMethod:@"onDistrictSearchDone_response" arguments:@{@"request": argrequest == nil ? [NSNull null] : argrequest, @"response": argresponse == nil ? [NSNull null] : argresponse}]; + }); + +} + +- (void)onRouteSearchDone : (AMapRouteSearchBaseRequest*)request response: (AMapRouteSearchResponse*)response +{ + FlutterMethodChannel *channel = [FlutterMethodChannel + methodChannelWithName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"AMapSearchDelegate::Callback@%@:%@", NSStringFromClass([self class]), @(self.hash)] + binaryMessenger:[_registrar messenger] + codec:[FlutterStandardMethodCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]]; + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapSearchDelegate::onRouteSearchDone_response"); + } + + // convert to jsonable arg + // ref callback arg + AMapRouteSearchBaseRequest* argrequest = request; + // ref callback arg + AMapRouteSearchResponse* argresponse = response; + + dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ + [channel invokeMethod:@"onRouteSearchDone_response" arguments:@{@"request": argrequest == nil ? [NSNull null] : argrequest, @"response": argresponse == nil ? [NSNull null] : argresponse}]; + }); + +} + +- (void)onFutureRouteSearchDone : (AMapRouteSearchBaseRequest*)request response: (AMapFutureRouteSearchResponse*)response +{ + FlutterMethodChannel *channel = [FlutterMethodChannel + methodChannelWithName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"AMapSearchDelegate::Callback@%@:%@", NSStringFromClass([self class]), @(self.hash)] + binaryMessenger:[_registrar messenger] + codec:[FlutterStandardMethodCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]]; + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapSearchDelegate::onFutureRouteSearchDone_response"); + } + + // convert to jsonable arg + // ref callback arg + AMapRouteSearchBaseRequest* argrequest = request; + // ref callback arg + AMapFutureRouteSearchResponse* argresponse = response; + + dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ + [channel invokeMethod:@"onFutureRouteSearchDone_response" arguments:@{@"request": argrequest == nil ? [NSNull null] : argrequest, @"response": argresponse == nil ? [NSNull null] : argresponse}]; + }); + +} + +- (void)onDistanceSearchDone : (AMapDistanceSearchRequest*)request response: (AMapDistanceSearchResponse*)response +{ + FlutterMethodChannel *channel = [FlutterMethodChannel + methodChannelWithName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"AMapSearchDelegate::Callback@%@:%@", NSStringFromClass([self class]), @(self.hash)] + binaryMessenger:[_registrar messenger] + codec:[FlutterStandardMethodCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]]; + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapSearchDelegate::onDistanceSearchDone_response"); + } + + // convert to jsonable arg + // ref callback arg + AMapDistanceSearchRequest* argrequest = request; + // ref callback arg + AMapDistanceSearchResponse* argresponse = response; + + dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ + [channel invokeMethod:@"onDistanceSearchDone_response" arguments:@{@"request": argrequest == nil ? [NSNull null] : argrequest, @"response": argresponse == nil ? [NSNull null] : argresponse}]; + }); + +} + +- (void)onWeatherSearchDone : (AMapWeatherSearchRequest*)request response: (AMapWeatherSearchResponse*)response +{ + FlutterMethodChannel *channel = [FlutterMethodChannel + methodChannelWithName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"AMapSearchDelegate::Callback@%@:%@", NSStringFromClass([self class]), @(self.hash)] + binaryMessenger:[_registrar messenger] + codec:[FlutterStandardMethodCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]]; + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapSearchDelegate::onWeatherSearchDone_response"); + } + + // convert to jsonable arg + // ref callback arg + AMapWeatherSearchRequest* argrequest = request; + // ref callback arg + AMapWeatherSearchResponse* argresponse = response; + + dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ + [channel invokeMethod:@"onWeatherSearchDone_response" arguments:@{@"request": argrequest == nil ? [NSNull null] : argrequest, @"response": argresponse == nil ? [NSNull null] : argresponse}]; + }); + +} + +- (void)onNearbySearchDone : (AMapNearbySearchRequest*)request response: (AMapNearbySearchResponse*)response +{ + FlutterMethodChannel *channel = [FlutterMethodChannel + methodChannelWithName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"AMapSearchDelegate::Callback@%@:%@", NSStringFromClass([self class]), @(self.hash)] + binaryMessenger:[_registrar messenger] + codec:[FlutterStandardMethodCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]]; + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapSearchDelegate::onNearbySearchDone_response"); + } + + // convert to jsonable arg + // ref callback arg + AMapNearbySearchRequest* argrequest = request; + // ref callback arg + AMapNearbySearchResponse* argresponse = response; + + dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ + [channel invokeMethod:@"onNearbySearchDone_response" arguments:@{@"request": argrequest == nil ? [NSNull null] : argrequest, @"response": argresponse == nil ? [NSNull null] : argresponse}]; + }); + +} + +- (void)onCloudSearchDone : (AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest*)request response: (AMapCloudPOISearchResponse*)response +{ + FlutterMethodChannel *channel = [FlutterMethodChannel + methodChannelWithName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"AMapSearchDelegate::Callback@%@:%@", NSStringFromClass([self class]), @(self.hash)] + binaryMessenger:[_registrar messenger] + codec:[FlutterStandardMethodCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]]; + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapSearchDelegate::onCloudSearchDone_response"); + } + + // convert to jsonable arg + // ref callback arg + AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest* argrequest = request; + // ref callback arg + AMapCloudPOISearchResponse* argresponse = response; + + dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ + [channel invokeMethod:@"onCloudSearchDone_response" arguments:@{@"request": argrequest == nil ? [NSNull null] : argrequest, @"response": argresponse == nil ? [NSNull null] : argresponse}]; + }); + +} + +- (void)onShareSearchDone : (AMapShareSearchBaseRequest*)request response: (AMapShareSearchResponse*)response +{ + FlutterMethodChannel *channel = [FlutterMethodChannel + methodChannelWithName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"AMapSearchDelegate::Callback@%@:%@", NSStringFromClass([self class]), @(self.hash)] + binaryMessenger:[_registrar messenger] + codec:[FlutterStandardMethodCodec codecWithReaderWriter:[[FluttifyReaderWriter alloc] init]]]; + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapSearchDelegate::onShareSearchDone_response"); + } + + // convert to jsonable arg + // ref callback arg + AMapShareSearchBaseRequest* argrequest = request; + // ref callback arg + AMapShareSearchResponse* argresponse = response; + + dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ + [channel invokeMethod:@"onShareSearchDone_response" arguments:@{@"request": argrequest == nil ? [NSNull null] : argrequest, @"response": argresponse == nil ? [NSNull null] : argresponse}]; + }); + +} + + +@end diff --git a/ios/Classes/SubHandler/Custom/SubHandlerCustom.h b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/Custom/SubHandlerCustom.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..950af8f --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/Custom/SubHandlerCustom.h @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +#import "AmapSearchFluttifyPlugin.h" + +NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN + +@interface AmapSearchFluttifyPlugin (SubHandlerCustom) +- (NSDictionary*) getSubHandlerCustom; +@end + +NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END diff --git a/ios/Classes/SubHandler/Custom/SubHandlerCustom.m b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/Custom/SubHandlerCustom.m new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d8a7661 --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/Custom/SubHandlerCustom.m @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +#import "SubHandlerCustom.h" +#import "FluttifyMessageCodec.h" + +// Dart端一次方法调用所存在的栈, 只有当MethodChannel传递参数受限时, 再启用这个容器 +extern NSMutableDictionary* STACK; +// Dart端随机存取对象的容器 +extern NSMutableDictionary* HEAP; +// 日志打印开关 +extern BOOL enableLog; + +@implementation AmapSearchFluttifyPlugin (SubHandlerCustom) +- (NSDictionary*) getSubHandlerCustom { + __weak __typeof(self)weakSelf = self; + return @{ + + }; +} + +@end diff --git a/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler0.h b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler0.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c6bff75 --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler0.h @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +#import "AmapSearchFluttifyPlugin.h" + +NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN + +@interface AmapSearchFluttifyPlugin (SubHandler0) +- (NSDictionary*) getSubHandler0; +@end + +NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END diff --git a/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler0.m b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler0.m new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fbdb5c3 --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler0.m @@ -0,0 +1,4998 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +#import "SubHandler0.h" +#import "FluttifyMessageCodec.h" +#import +#import "AMapNearbySearchManagerDelegate_Anonymous.h" +#import "AMapSearchDelegate_Anonymous.h" + +// Dart端一次方法调用所存在的栈, 只有当MethodChannel传递参数受限时, 再启用这个容器 +extern NSMutableDictionary* STACK; +// Dart端随机存取对象的容器 +extern NSMutableDictionary* HEAP; +// 日志打印开关 +extern BOOL enableLog; + +@implementation AmapSearchFluttifyPlugin (SubHandler0) +- (NSDictionary*) getSubHandler0 { + __weak __typeof(self)weakSelf = self; + return @{ + @"AMapSearchObject::formattedDescription": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapSearchObject::formattedDescription(%@)", args); + } + + // args + + + // ref + AMapSearchObject* ref = (AMapSearchObject*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = [ref formattedDescription]; + + // result + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"AMapGeoPoint::locationWithLatitude_longitude": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapGeoPoint::locationWithLatitude_longitude(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat lat = [args[@"lat"] floatValue]; + // jsonable arg + CGFloat lon = [args[@"lon"] floatValue]; + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + AMapGeoPoint* result = [AMapGeoPoint locationWithLatitude: lat longitude: lon]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"AMapGeoPolygon::polygonWithPoints": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapGeoPolygon::polygonWithPoints(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* points = (NSArray*) args[@"points"]; + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + AMapGeoPolygon* result = [AMapGeoPolygon polygonWithPoints: points]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"AMapSearchError::errorInfoWithCode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapSearchError::errorInfoWithCode(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // enum arg + AMapSearchErrorCode errorCode = (AMapSearchErrorCode) [args[@"errorCode"] integerValue]; + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = [AMapSearchError errorInfoWithCode: errorCode]; + + // result + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"AMapNearbySearchManager::sharedInstance": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapNearbySearchManager::sharedInstance(%@)", args); + } + + // args + + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + AMapNearbySearchManager* result = [AMapNearbySearchManager sharedInstance]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"AMapNearbySearchManager::startAutoUploadNearbyInfo": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapNearbySearchManager::startAutoUploadNearbyInfo(%@)", args); + } + + // args + + + // ref + AMapNearbySearchManager* ref = (AMapNearbySearchManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref startAutoUploadNearbyInfo ]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"AMapNearbySearchManager::stopAutoUploadNearbyInfo": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapNearbySearchManager::stopAutoUploadNearbyInfo(%@)", args); + } + + // args + + + // ref + AMapNearbySearchManager* ref = (AMapNearbySearchManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref stopAutoUploadNearbyInfo ]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"AMapNearbySearchManager::uploadNearbyInfo": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapNearbySearchManager::uploadNearbyInfo(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapNearbyUploadInfo* info = (AMapNearbyUploadInfo*) (args[@"info"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"info"]); + + // ref + AMapNearbySearchManager* ref = (AMapNearbySearchManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = [ref uploadNearbyInfo: info]; + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"AMapNearbySearchManager::clearUserInfoWithID": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapNearbySearchManager::clearUserInfoWithID(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* userID = (NSString*) args[@"userID"]; + + // ref + AMapNearbySearchManager* ref = (AMapNearbySearchManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = [ref clearUserInfoWithID: userID]; + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"AMapSearchAPI::init": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapSearchAPI::init(%@)", args); + } + + // args + + + // ref + AMapSearchAPI* ref = (AMapSearchAPI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + AMapSearchAPI* result = [ref init]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"AMapSearchAPI::cancelAllRequests": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapSearchAPI::cancelAllRequests(%@)", args); + } + + // args + + + // ref + AMapSearchAPI* ref = (AMapSearchAPI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref cancelAllRequests ]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"AMapSearchAPI::updatePrivacyShow_privacyInfo": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapSearchAPI::updatePrivacyShow_privacyInfo(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // enum arg + AMapPrivacyShowStatus showStatus = (AMapPrivacyShowStatus) [args[@"showStatus"] integerValue]; + // enum arg + AMapPrivacyInfoStatus containStatus = (AMapPrivacyInfoStatus) [args[@"containStatus"] integerValue]; + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + [AMapSearchAPI updatePrivacyShow: showStatus privacyInfo: containStatus]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"AMapSearchAPI::updatePrivacyAgree": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapSearchAPI::updatePrivacyAgree(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // enum arg + AMapPrivacyAgreeStatus agreeStatus = (AMapPrivacyAgreeStatus) [args[@"agreeStatus"] integerValue]; + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + [AMapSearchAPI updatePrivacyAgree: agreeStatus]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"AMapSearchAPI::AMapPOIIDSearch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapSearchAPI::AMapPOIIDSearch(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapPOIIDSearchRequest* request = (AMapPOIIDSearchRequest*) (args[@"request"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"request"]); + + // ref + AMapSearchAPI* ref = (AMapSearchAPI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref AMapPOIIDSearch : request]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"AMapSearchAPI::AMapPOIKeywordsSearch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapSearchAPI::AMapPOIKeywordsSearch(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest* request = (AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest*) (args[@"request"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"request"]); + + // ref + AMapSearchAPI* ref = (AMapSearchAPI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref AMapPOIKeywordsSearch : request]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"AMapSearchAPI::AMapPOIAroundSearch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapSearchAPI::AMapPOIAroundSearch(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest* request = (AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest*) (args[@"request"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"request"]); + + // ref + AMapSearchAPI* ref = (AMapSearchAPI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref AMapPOIAroundSearch : request]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"AMapSearchAPI::AMapPOIPolygonSearch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapSearchAPI::AMapPOIPolygonSearch(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapPOIPolygonSearchRequest* request = (AMapPOIPolygonSearchRequest*) (args[@"request"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"request"]); + + // ref + AMapSearchAPI* ref = (AMapSearchAPI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref AMapPOIPolygonSearch : request]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"AMapSearchAPI::AMapRoutePOISearch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapSearchAPI::AMapRoutePOISearch(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapRoutePOISearchRequest* request = (AMapRoutePOISearchRequest*) (args[@"request"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"request"]); + + // ref + AMapSearchAPI* ref = (AMapSearchAPI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref AMapRoutePOISearch : request]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"AMapSearchAPI::AMapGeocodeSearch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapSearchAPI::AMapGeocodeSearch(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeocodeSearchRequest* request = (AMapGeocodeSearchRequest*) (args[@"request"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"request"]); + + // ref + AMapSearchAPI* ref = (AMapSearchAPI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref AMapGeocodeSearch : request]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"AMapSearchAPI::AMapReGoecodeSearch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapSearchAPI::AMapReGoecodeSearch(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest* request = (AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest*) (args[@"request"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"request"]); + + // ref + AMapSearchAPI* ref = (AMapSearchAPI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref AMapReGoecodeSearch : request]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"AMapSearchAPI::AMapInputTipsSearch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapSearchAPI::AMapInputTipsSearch(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapInputTipsSearchRequest* request = (AMapInputTipsSearchRequest*) (args[@"request"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"request"]); + + // ref + AMapSearchAPI* ref = (AMapSearchAPI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref AMapInputTipsSearch : request]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"AMapSearchAPI::AMapBusStopSearch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapSearchAPI::AMapBusStopSearch(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapBusStopSearchRequest* request = (AMapBusStopSearchRequest*) (args[@"request"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"request"]); + + // ref + AMapSearchAPI* ref = (AMapSearchAPI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref AMapBusStopSearch : request]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"AMapSearchAPI::AMapBusLineIDSearch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapSearchAPI::AMapBusLineIDSearch(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapBusLineIDSearchRequest* request = (AMapBusLineIDSearchRequest*) (args[@"request"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"request"]); + + // ref + AMapSearchAPI* ref = (AMapSearchAPI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref AMapBusLineIDSearch : request]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"AMapSearchAPI::AMapBusLineNameSearch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapSearchAPI::AMapBusLineNameSearch(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapBusLineNameSearchRequest* request = (AMapBusLineNameSearchRequest*) (args[@"request"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"request"]); + + // ref + AMapSearchAPI* ref = (AMapSearchAPI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref AMapBusLineNameSearch : request]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"AMapSearchAPI::AMapDistrictSearch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapSearchAPI::AMapDistrictSearch(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapDistrictSearchRequest* request = (AMapDistrictSearchRequest*) (args[@"request"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"request"]); + + // ref + AMapSearchAPI* ref = (AMapSearchAPI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref AMapDistrictSearch : request]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"AMapSearchAPI::AMapDrivingRouteSearch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapSearchAPI::AMapDrivingRouteSearch(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest* request = (AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest*) (args[@"request"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"request"]); + + // ref + AMapSearchAPI* ref = (AMapSearchAPI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref AMapDrivingRouteSearch : request]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"AMapSearchAPI::AMapDrivingV2RouteSearch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapSearchAPI::AMapDrivingV2RouteSearch(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest* request = (AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest*) (args[@"request"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"request"]); + + // ref + AMapSearchAPI* ref = (AMapSearchAPI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref AMapDrivingV2RouteSearch : request]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"AMapSearchAPI::AMapWalkingRouteSearch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapSearchAPI::AMapWalkingRouteSearch(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapWalkingRouteSearchRequest* request = (AMapWalkingRouteSearchRequest*) (args[@"request"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"request"]); + + // ref + AMapSearchAPI* ref = (AMapSearchAPI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref AMapWalkingRouteSearch : request]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"AMapSearchAPI::AMapTransitRouteSearch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapSearchAPI::AMapTransitRouteSearch(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest* request = (AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest*) (args[@"request"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"request"]); + + // ref + AMapSearchAPI* ref = (AMapSearchAPI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref AMapTransitRouteSearch : request]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"AMapSearchAPI::AMapRidingRouteSearch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapSearchAPI::AMapRidingRouteSearch(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapRidingRouteSearchRequest* request = (AMapRidingRouteSearchRequest*) (args[@"request"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"request"]); + + // ref + AMapSearchAPI* ref = (AMapSearchAPI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref AMapRidingRouteSearch : request]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"AMapSearchAPI::AMapTruckRouteSearch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapSearchAPI::AMapTruckRouteSearch(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest* request = (AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest*) (args[@"request"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"request"]); + + // ref + AMapSearchAPI* ref = (AMapSearchAPI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref AMapTruckRouteSearch : request]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"AMapSearchAPI::AMapFutureRouteSearch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapSearchAPI::AMapFutureRouteSearch(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest* request = (AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest*) (args[@"request"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"request"]); + + // ref + AMapSearchAPI* ref = (AMapSearchAPI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref AMapFutureRouteSearch : request]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"AMapSearchAPI::AMapWeatherSearch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapSearchAPI::AMapWeatherSearch(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapWeatherSearchRequest* request = (AMapWeatherSearchRequest*) (args[@"request"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"request"]); + + // ref + AMapSearchAPI* ref = (AMapSearchAPI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref AMapWeatherSearch : request]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"AMapSearchAPI::AMapDistanceSearch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapSearchAPI::AMapDistanceSearch(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapDistanceSearchRequest* request = (AMapDistanceSearchRequest*) (args[@"request"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"request"]); + + // ref + AMapSearchAPI* ref = (AMapSearchAPI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref AMapDistanceSearch : request]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"AMapSearchAPI::AMapNearbySearch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapSearchAPI::AMapNearbySearch(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapNearbySearchRequest* request = (AMapNearbySearchRequest*) (args[@"request"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"request"]); + + // ref + AMapSearchAPI* ref = (AMapSearchAPI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref AMapNearbySearch : request]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"AMapSearchAPI::AMapCloudPOIAroundSearch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapSearchAPI::AMapCloudPOIAroundSearch(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapCloudPOIAroundSearchRequest* request = (AMapCloudPOIAroundSearchRequest*) (args[@"request"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"request"]); + + // ref + AMapSearchAPI* ref = (AMapSearchAPI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref AMapCloudPOIAroundSearch : request]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"AMapSearchAPI::AMapCloudPOIPolygonSearch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapSearchAPI::AMapCloudPOIPolygonSearch(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapCloudPOIPolygonSearchRequest* request = (AMapCloudPOIPolygonSearchRequest*) (args[@"request"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"request"]); + + // ref + AMapSearchAPI* ref = (AMapSearchAPI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref AMapCloudPOIPolygonSearch : request]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"AMapSearchAPI::AMapCloudPOIIDSearch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapSearchAPI::AMapCloudPOIIDSearch(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapCloudPOIIDSearchRequest* request = (AMapCloudPOIIDSearchRequest*) (args[@"request"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"request"]); + + // ref + AMapSearchAPI* ref = (AMapSearchAPI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref AMapCloudPOIIDSearch : request]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"AMapSearchAPI::AMapCloudPOILocalSearch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapSearchAPI::AMapCloudPOILocalSearch(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapCloudPOILocalSearchRequest* request = (AMapCloudPOILocalSearchRequest*) (args[@"request"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"request"]); + + // ref + AMapSearchAPI* ref = (AMapSearchAPI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref AMapCloudPOILocalSearch : request]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"AMapSearchAPI::AMapLocationShareSearch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapSearchAPI::AMapLocationShareSearch(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapLocationShareSearchRequest* request = (AMapLocationShareSearchRequest*) (args[@"request"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"request"]); + + // ref + AMapSearchAPI* ref = (AMapSearchAPI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref AMapLocationShareSearch : request]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"AMapSearchAPI::AMapPOIShareSearch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapSearchAPI::AMapPOIShareSearch(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapPOIShareSearchRequest* request = (AMapPOIShareSearchRequest*) (args[@"request"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"request"]); + + // ref + AMapSearchAPI* ref = (AMapSearchAPI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref AMapPOIShareSearch : request]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"AMapSearchAPI::AMapRouteShareSearch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapSearchAPI::AMapRouteShareSearch(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapRouteShareSearchRequest* request = (AMapRouteShareSearchRequest*) (args[@"request"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"request"]); + + // ref + AMapSearchAPI* ref = (AMapSearchAPI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref AMapRouteShareSearch : request]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"AMapSearchAPI::AMapNavigationShareSearch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapSearchAPI::AMapNavigationShareSearch(%@)", args); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapNavigationShareSearchRequest* request = (AMapNavigationShareSearchRequest*) (args[@"request"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"request"]); + + // ref + AMapSearchAPI* ref = (AMapSearchAPI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref AMapNavigationShareSearch : request]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"AMapSearchObject::formattedDescription_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapSearchObject::formattedDescription(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + + + // ref + AMapSearchObject* ref = (AMapSearchObject*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = [ref formattedDescription]; + + // result + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"AMapGeoPoint::locationWithLatitude_longitude_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapGeoPoint::locationWithLatitude_longitude(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat lat = [args[@"lat"] floatValue]; + // jsonable arg + CGFloat lon = [args[@"lon"] floatValue]; + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + AMapGeoPoint* result = [AMapGeoPoint locationWithLatitude: lat longitude: lon]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"AMapGeoPolygon::polygonWithPoints_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapGeoPolygon::polygonWithPoints(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* points = (NSArray*) args[@"points"]; + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + AMapGeoPolygon* result = [AMapGeoPolygon polygonWithPoints: points]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"AMapSearchError::errorInfoWithCode_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapSearchError::errorInfoWithCode(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // enum arg + AMapSearchErrorCode errorCode = (AMapSearchErrorCode) [args[@"errorCode"] integerValue]; + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = [AMapSearchError errorInfoWithCode: errorCode]; + + // result + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"AMapNearbySearchManager::sharedInstance_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapNearbySearchManager::sharedInstance(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + AMapNearbySearchManager* result = [AMapNearbySearchManager sharedInstance]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"AMapNearbySearchManager::startAutoUploadNearbyInfo_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapNearbySearchManager::startAutoUploadNearbyInfo(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + + + // ref + AMapNearbySearchManager* ref = (AMapNearbySearchManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref startAutoUploadNearbyInfo ]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"AMapNearbySearchManager::stopAutoUploadNearbyInfo_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapNearbySearchManager::stopAutoUploadNearbyInfo(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + + + // ref + AMapNearbySearchManager* ref = (AMapNearbySearchManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref stopAutoUploadNearbyInfo ]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"AMapNearbySearchManager::uploadNearbyInfo_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapNearbySearchManager::uploadNearbyInfo(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapNearbyUploadInfo* info = (AMapNearbyUploadInfo*) (args[@"info"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"info"]); + + // ref + AMapNearbySearchManager* ref = (AMapNearbySearchManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = [ref uploadNearbyInfo: info]; + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"AMapNearbySearchManager::clearUserInfoWithID_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapNearbySearchManager::clearUserInfoWithID(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* userID = (NSString*) args[@"userID"]; + + // ref + AMapNearbySearchManager* ref = (AMapNearbySearchManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = [ref clearUserInfoWithID: userID]; + + // result + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"AMapSearchAPI::init_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapSearchAPI::init(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + + + // ref + AMapSearchAPI* ref = (AMapSearchAPI*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + AMapSearchAPI* result = [ref init]; + + // result + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"AMapSearchAPI::cancelAllRequests_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapSearchAPI::cancelAllRequests(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + + + // ref + AMapSearchAPI* ref = (AMapSearchAPI*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref cancelAllRequests ]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"AMapSearchAPI::updatePrivacyShow_privacyInfo_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapSearchAPI::updatePrivacyShow_privacyInfo(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // enum arg + AMapPrivacyShowStatus showStatus = (AMapPrivacyShowStatus) [args[@"showStatus"] integerValue]; + // enum arg + AMapPrivacyInfoStatus containStatus = (AMapPrivacyInfoStatus) [args[@"containStatus"] integerValue]; + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + [AMapSearchAPI updatePrivacyShow: showStatus privacyInfo: containStatus]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"AMapSearchAPI::updatePrivacyAgree_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapSearchAPI::updatePrivacyAgree(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // enum arg + AMapPrivacyAgreeStatus agreeStatus = (AMapPrivacyAgreeStatus) [args[@"agreeStatus"] integerValue]; + + // ref + + + // invoke native method + [AMapSearchAPI updatePrivacyAgree: agreeStatus]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"AMapSearchAPI::AMapPOIIDSearch_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapSearchAPI::AMapPOIIDSearch(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapPOIIDSearchRequest* request = (AMapPOIIDSearchRequest*) (args[@"request"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"request"]); + + // ref + AMapSearchAPI* ref = (AMapSearchAPI*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref AMapPOIIDSearch : request]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"AMapSearchAPI::AMapPOIKeywordsSearch_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapSearchAPI::AMapPOIKeywordsSearch(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest* request = (AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest*) (args[@"request"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"request"]); + + // ref + AMapSearchAPI* ref = (AMapSearchAPI*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref AMapPOIKeywordsSearch : request]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"AMapSearchAPI::AMapPOIAroundSearch_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapSearchAPI::AMapPOIAroundSearch(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest* request = (AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest*) (args[@"request"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"request"]); + + // ref + AMapSearchAPI* ref = (AMapSearchAPI*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref AMapPOIAroundSearch : request]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"AMapSearchAPI::AMapPOIPolygonSearch_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapSearchAPI::AMapPOIPolygonSearch(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapPOIPolygonSearchRequest* request = (AMapPOIPolygonSearchRequest*) (args[@"request"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"request"]); + + // ref + AMapSearchAPI* ref = (AMapSearchAPI*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref AMapPOIPolygonSearch : request]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"AMapSearchAPI::AMapRoutePOISearch_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapSearchAPI::AMapRoutePOISearch(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapRoutePOISearchRequest* request = (AMapRoutePOISearchRequest*) (args[@"request"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"request"]); + + // ref + AMapSearchAPI* ref = (AMapSearchAPI*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref AMapRoutePOISearch : request]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"AMapSearchAPI::AMapGeocodeSearch_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapSearchAPI::AMapGeocodeSearch(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeocodeSearchRequest* request = (AMapGeocodeSearchRequest*) (args[@"request"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"request"]); + + // ref + AMapSearchAPI* ref = (AMapSearchAPI*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref AMapGeocodeSearch : request]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"AMapSearchAPI::AMapReGoecodeSearch_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapSearchAPI::AMapReGoecodeSearch(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest* request = (AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest*) (args[@"request"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"request"]); + + // ref + AMapSearchAPI* ref = (AMapSearchAPI*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref AMapReGoecodeSearch : request]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"AMapSearchAPI::AMapInputTipsSearch_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapSearchAPI::AMapInputTipsSearch(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapInputTipsSearchRequest* request = (AMapInputTipsSearchRequest*) (args[@"request"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"request"]); + + // ref + AMapSearchAPI* ref = (AMapSearchAPI*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref AMapInputTipsSearch : request]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"AMapSearchAPI::AMapBusStopSearch_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapSearchAPI::AMapBusStopSearch(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapBusStopSearchRequest* request = (AMapBusStopSearchRequest*) (args[@"request"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"request"]); + + // ref + AMapSearchAPI* ref = (AMapSearchAPI*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref AMapBusStopSearch : request]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"AMapSearchAPI::AMapBusLineIDSearch_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapSearchAPI::AMapBusLineIDSearch(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapBusLineIDSearchRequest* request = (AMapBusLineIDSearchRequest*) (args[@"request"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"request"]); + + // ref + AMapSearchAPI* ref = (AMapSearchAPI*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref AMapBusLineIDSearch : request]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"AMapSearchAPI::AMapBusLineNameSearch_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapSearchAPI::AMapBusLineNameSearch(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapBusLineNameSearchRequest* request = (AMapBusLineNameSearchRequest*) (args[@"request"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"request"]); + + // ref + AMapSearchAPI* ref = (AMapSearchAPI*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref AMapBusLineNameSearch : request]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"AMapSearchAPI::AMapDistrictSearch_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapSearchAPI::AMapDistrictSearch(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapDistrictSearchRequest* request = (AMapDistrictSearchRequest*) (args[@"request"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"request"]); + + // ref + AMapSearchAPI* ref = (AMapSearchAPI*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref AMapDistrictSearch : request]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"AMapSearchAPI::AMapDrivingRouteSearch_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapSearchAPI::AMapDrivingRouteSearch(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest* request = (AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest*) (args[@"request"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"request"]); + + // ref + AMapSearchAPI* ref = (AMapSearchAPI*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref AMapDrivingRouteSearch : request]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"AMapSearchAPI::AMapDrivingV2RouteSearch_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapSearchAPI::AMapDrivingV2RouteSearch(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest* request = (AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest*) (args[@"request"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"request"]); + + // ref + AMapSearchAPI* ref = (AMapSearchAPI*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref AMapDrivingV2RouteSearch : request]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"AMapSearchAPI::AMapWalkingRouteSearch_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapSearchAPI::AMapWalkingRouteSearch(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapWalkingRouteSearchRequest* request = (AMapWalkingRouteSearchRequest*) (args[@"request"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"request"]); + + // ref + AMapSearchAPI* ref = (AMapSearchAPI*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref AMapWalkingRouteSearch : request]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"AMapSearchAPI::AMapTransitRouteSearch_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapSearchAPI::AMapTransitRouteSearch(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest* request = (AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest*) (args[@"request"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"request"]); + + // ref + AMapSearchAPI* ref = (AMapSearchAPI*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref AMapTransitRouteSearch : request]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"AMapSearchAPI::AMapRidingRouteSearch_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapSearchAPI::AMapRidingRouteSearch(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapRidingRouteSearchRequest* request = (AMapRidingRouteSearchRequest*) (args[@"request"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"request"]); + + // ref + AMapSearchAPI* ref = (AMapSearchAPI*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref AMapRidingRouteSearch : request]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"AMapSearchAPI::AMapTruckRouteSearch_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapSearchAPI::AMapTruckRouteSearch(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest* request = (AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest*) (args[@"request"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"request"]); + + // ref + AMapSearchAPI* ref = (AMapSearchAPI*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref AMapTruckRouteSearch : request]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"AMapSearchAPI::AMapFutureRouteSearch_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapSearchAPI::AMapFutureRouteSearch(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest* request = (AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest*) (args[@"request"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"request"]); + + // ref + AMapSearchAPI* ref = (AMapSearchAPI*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref AMapFutureRouteSearch : request]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"AMapSearchAPI::AMapWeatherSearch_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapSearchAPI::AMapWeatherSearch(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapWeatherSearchRequest* request = (AMapWeatherSearchRequest*) (args[@"request"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"request"]); + + // ref + AMapSearchAPI* ref = (AMapSearchAPI*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref AMapWeatherSearch : request]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"AMapSearchAPI::AMapDistanceSearch_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapSearchAPI::AMapDistanceSearch(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapDistanceSearchRequest* request = (AMapDistanceSearchRequest*) (args[@"request"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"request"]); + + // ref + AMapSearchAPI* ref = (AMapSearchAPI*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref AMapDistanceSearch : request]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"AMapSearchAPI::AMapNearbySearch_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapSearchAPI::AMapNearbySearch(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapNearbySearchRequest* request = (AMapNearbySearchRequest*) (args[@"request"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"request"]); + + // ref + AMapSearchAPI* ref = (AMapSearchAPI*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref AMapNearbySearch : request]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"AMapSearchAPI::AMapCloudPOIAroundSearch_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapSearchAPI::AMapCloudPOIAroundSearch(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapCloudPOIAroundSearchRequest* request = (AMapCloudPOIAroundSearchRequest*) (args[@"request"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"request"]); + + // ref + AMapSearchAPI* ref = (AMapSearchAPI*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref AMapCloudPOIAroundSearch : request]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"AMapSearchAPI::AMapCloudPOIPolygonSearch_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapSearchAPI::AMapCloudPOIPolygonSearch(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapCloudPOIPolygonSearchRequest* request = (AMapCloudPOIPolygonSearchRequest*) (args[@"request"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"request"]); + + // ref + AMapSearchAPI* ref = (AMapSearchAPI*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref AMapCloudPOIPolygonSearch : request]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"AMapSearchAPI::AMapCloudPOIIDSearch_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapSearchAPI::AMapCloudPOIIDSearch(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapCloudPOIIDSearchRequest* request = (AMapCloudPOIIDSearchRequest*) (args[@"request"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"request"]); + + // ref + AMapSearchAPI* ref = (AMapSearchAPI*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref AMapCloudPOIIDSearch : request]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"AMapSearchAPI::AMapCloudPOILocalSearch_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapSearchAPI::AMapCloudPOILocalSearch(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapCloudPOILocalSearchRequest* request = (AMapCloudPOILocalSearchRequest*) (args[@"request"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"request"]); + + // ref + AMapSearchAPI* ref = (AMapSearchAPI*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref AMapCloudPOILocalSearch : request]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"AMapSearchAPI::AMapLocationShareSearch_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapSearchAPI::AMapLocationShareSearch(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapLocationShareSearchRequest* request = (AMapLocationShareSearchRequest*) (args[@"request"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"request"]); + + // ref + AMapSearchAPI* ref = (AMapSearchAPI*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref AMapLocationShareSearch : request]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"AMapSearchAPI::AMapPOIShareSearch_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapSearchAPI::AMapPOIShareSearch(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapPOIShareSearchRequest* request = (AMapPOIShareSearchRequest*) (args[@"request"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"request"]); + + // ref + AMapSearchAPI* ref = (AMapSearchAPI*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref AMapPOIShareSearch : request]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"AMapSearchAPI::AMapRouteShareSearch_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapSearchAPI::AMapRouteShareSearch(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapRouteShareSearchRequest* request = (AMapRouteShareSearchRequest*) (args[@"request"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"request"]); + + // ref + AMapSearchAPI* ref = (AMapSearchAPI*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref AMapRouteShareSearch : request]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + @"AMapSearchAPI::AMapNavigationShareSearch_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"fluttify-objc: AMapSearchAPI::AMapNavigationShareSearch(%@)", argsBatch); + } + + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapNavigationShareSearchRequest* request = (AMapNavigationShareSearchRequest*) (args[@"request"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"request"]); + + // ref + AMapSearchAPI* ref = (AMapSearchAPI*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + // invoke native method + [ref AMapNavigationShareSearch : request]; + + // result + // 无返回值 + NSString* __result__ = @"success"; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + // top constant + @"getAMapSearchErrorDomain": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // result + // 返回值: jsonable + id __AMapSearchErrorDomain__ = AMapSearchErrorDomain; + + methodResult(__AMapSearchErrorDomain__); + }, + @"AMapPOISearchBaseRequest::get_types": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOISearchBaseRequest::get_types"); + } + + // ref object + AMapPOISearchBaseRequest* ref = (AMapPOISearchBaseRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.types; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapPOISearchBaseRequest::get_sortrule": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOISearchBaseRequest::get_sortrule"); + } + + // ref object + AMapPOISearchBaseRequest* ref = (AMapPOISearchBaseRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.sortrule; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapPOISearchBaseRequest::get_offset": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOISearchBaseRequest::get_offset"); + } + + // ref object + AMapPOISearchBaseRequest* ref = (AMapPOISearchBaseRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.offset; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapPOISearchBaseRequest::get_page": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOISearchBaseRequest::get_page"); + } + + // ref object + AMapPOISearchBaseRequest* ref = (AMapPOISearchBaseRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result =; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapPOISearchBaseRequest::get_building": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOISearchBaseRequest::get_building"); + } + + // ref object + AMapPOISearchBaseRequest* ref = (AMapPOISearchBaseRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.building; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapPOISearchBaseRequest::get_requireExtension": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOISearchBaseRequest::get_requireExtension"); + } + + // ref object + AMapPOISearchBaseRequest* ref = (AMapPOISearchBaseRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = ref.requireExtension; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapPOISearchBaseRequest::get_requireSubPOIs": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOISearchBaseRequest::get_requireSubPOIs"); + } + + // ref object + AMapPOISearchBaseRequest* ref = (AMapPOISearchBaseRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = ref.requireSubPOIs; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapPOIIDSearchRequest::get_uid": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOIIDSearchRequest::get_uid"); + } + + // ref object + AMapPOIIDSearchRequest* ref = (AMapPOIIDSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.uid; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest::get_keywords": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest::get_keywords"); + } + + // ref object + AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest* ref = (AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.keywords; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest::get_city": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest::get_city"); + } + + // ref object + AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest* ref = (AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest::get_cityLimit": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest::get_cityLimit"); + } + + // ref object + AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest* ref = (AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = ref.cityLimit; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest::get_location": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest::get_location"); + } + + // ref object + AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest* ref = (AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + AMapGeoPoint* result = ref.location; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest::get_keywords": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest::get_keywords"); + } + + // ref object + AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest* ref = (AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.keywords; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest::get_location": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest::get_location"); + } + + // ref object + AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest* ref = (AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + AMapGeoPoint* result = ref.location; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest::get_radius": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest::get_radius"); + } + + // ref object + AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest* ref = (AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.radius; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest::get_city": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest::get_city"); + } + + // ref object + AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest* ref = (AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest::get_special": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest::get_special"); + } + + // ref object + AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest* ref = (AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = ref.special; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapPOIPolygonSearchRequest::get_keywords": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOIPolygonSearchRequest::get_keywords"); + } + + // ref object + AMapPOIPolygonSearchRequest* ref = (AMapPOIPolygonSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.keywords; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapPOIPolygonSearchRequest::get_polygon": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOIPolygonSearchRequest::get_polygon"); + } + + // ref object + AMapPOIPolygonSearchRequest* ref = (AMapPOIPolygonSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + AMapGeoPolygon* result = ref.polygon; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapPOISearchResponse::get_count": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOISearchResponse::get_count"); + } + + // ref object + AMapPOISearchResponse* ref = (AMapPOISearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.count; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapPOISearchResponse::get_suggestion": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOISearchResponse::get_suggestion"); + } + + // ref object + AMapPOISearchResponse* ref = (AMapPOISearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + AMapSuggestion* result = ref.suggestion; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapPOISearchResponse::get_pois": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOISearchResponse::get_pois"); + } + + // ref object + AMapPOISearchResponse* ref = (AMapPOISearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = ref.pois; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapRoutePOISearchRequest::get_origin": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRoutePOISearchRequest::get_origin"); + } + + // ref object + AMapRoutePOISearchRequest* ref = (AMapRoutePOISearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + AMapGeoPoint* result = ref.origin; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapRoutePOISearchRequest::get_destination": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRoutePOISearchRequest::get_destination"); + } + + // ref object + AMapRoutePOISearchRequest* ref = (AMapRoutePOISearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + AMapGeoPoint* result = ref.destination; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapRoutePOISearchRequest::get_searchType": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRoutePOISearchRequest::get_searchType"); + } + + // ref object + AMapRoutePOISearchRequest* ref = (AMapRoutePOISearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + AMapRoutePOISearchType result = ref.searchType; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapRoutePOISearchRequest::get_strategy": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRoutePOISearchRequest::get_strategy"); + } + + // ref object + AMapRoutePOISearchRequest* ref = (AMapRoutePOISearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.strategy; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapRoutePOISearchRequest::get_range": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRoutePOISearchRequest::get_range"); + } + + // ref object + AMapRoutePOISearchRequest* ref = (AMapRoutePOISearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.range; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapRoutePOISearchRequest::get_polylineStr": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRoutePOISearchRequest::get_polylineStr"); + } + + // ref object + AMapRoutePOISearchRequest* ref = (AMapRoutePOISearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.polylineStr; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapRoutePOISearchRequest::get_polyline": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRoutePOISearchRequest::get_polyline"); + } + + // ref object + AMapRoutePOISearchRequest* ref = (AMapRoutePOISearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = ref.polyline; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapRoutePOISearchResponse::get_count": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRoutePOISearchResponse::get_count"); + } + + // ref object + AMapRoutePOISearchResponse* ref = (AMapRoutePOISearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.count; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapRoutePOISearchResponse::get_pois": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRoutePOISearchResponse::get_pois"); + } + + // ref object + AMapRoutePOISearchResponse* ref = (AMapRoutePOISearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = ref.pois; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapInputTipsSearchRequest::get_keywords": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapInputTipsSearchRequest::get_keywords"); + } + + // ref object + AMapInputTipsSearchRequest* ref = (AMapInputTipsSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.keywords; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapInputTipsSearchRequest::get_city": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapInputTipsSearchRequest::get_city"); + } + + // ref object + AMapInputTipsSearchRequest* ref = (AMapInputTipsSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapInputTipsSearchRequest::get_types": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapInputTipsSearchRequest::get_types"); + } + + // ref object + AMapInputTipsSearchRequest* ref = (AMapInputTipsSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.types; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapInputTipsSearchRequest::get_cityLimit": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapInputTipsSearchRequest::get_cityLimit"); + } + + // ref object + AMapInputTipsSearchRequest* ref = (AMapInputTipsSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = ref.cityLimit; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapInputTipsSearchRequest::get_location": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapInputTipsSearchRequest::get_location"); + } + + // ref object + AMapInputTipsSearchRequest* ref = (AMapInputTipsSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.location; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapInputTipsSearchResponse::get_count": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapInputTipsSearchResponse::get_count"); + } + + // ref object + AMapInputTipsSearchResponse* ref = (AMapInputTipsSearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.count; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapInputTipsSearchResponse::get_tips": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapInputTipsSearchResponse::get_tips"); + } + + // ref object + AMapInputTipsSearchResponse* ref = (AMapInputTipsSearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result =; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapGeocodeSearchRequest::get_address": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapGeocodeSearchRequest::get_address"); + } + + // ref object + AMapGeocodeSearchRequest* ref = (AMapGeocodeSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.address; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapGeocodeSearchRequest::get_city": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapGeocodeSearchRequest::get_city"); + } + + // ref object + AMapGeocodeSearchRequest* ref = (AMapGeocodeSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapGeocodeSearchRequest::get_country": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapGeocodeSearchRequest::get_country"); + } + + // ref object + AMapGeocodeSearchRequest* ref = (AMapGeocodeSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapGeocodeSearchResponse::get_count": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapGeocodeSearchResponse::get_count"); + } + + // ref object + AMapGeocodeSearchResponse* ref = (AMapGeocodeSearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.count; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapGeocodeSearchResponse::get_geocodes": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapGeocodeSearchResponse::get_geocodes"); + } + + // ref object + AMapGeocodeSearchResponse* ref = (AMapGeocodeSearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = ref.geocodes; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest::get_requireExtension": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest::get_requireExtension"); + } + + // ref object + AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest* ref = (AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = ref.requireExtension; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest::get_location": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest::get_location"); + } + + // ref object + AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest* ref = (AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + AMapGeoPoint* result = ref.location; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest::get_radius": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest::get_radius"); + } + + // ref object + AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest* ref = (AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.radius; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest::get_poitype": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest::get_poitype"); + } + + // ref object + AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest* ref = (AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.poitype; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest::get_mode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest::get_mode"); + } + + // ref object + AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest* ref = (AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.mode; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapReGeocodeSearchResponse::get_regeocode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapReGeocodeSearchResponse::get_regeocode"); + } + + // ref object + AMapReGeocodeSearchResponse* ref = (AMapReGeocodeSearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + AMapReGeocode* result = ref.regeocode; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapBusStopSearchRequest::get_keywords": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapBusStopSearchRequest::get_keywords"); + } + + // ref object + AMapBusStopSearchRequest* ref = (AMapBusStopSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.keywords; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapBusStopSearchRequest::get_city": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapBusStopSearchRequest::get_city"); + } + + // ref object + AMapBusStopSearchRequest* ref = (AMapBusStopSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapBusStopSearchRequest::get_offset": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapBusStopSearchRequest::get_offset"); + } + + // ref object + AMapBusStopSearchRequest* ref = (AMapBusStopSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.offset; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapBusStopSearchRequest::get_page": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapBusStopSearchRequest::get_page"); + } + + // ref object + AMapBusStopSearchRequest* ref = (AMapBusStopSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result =; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapBusStopSearchResponse::get_count": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapBusStopSearchResponse::get_count"); + } + + // ref object + AMapBusStopSearchResponse* ref = (AMapBusStopSearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.count; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapBusStopSearchResponse::get_suggestion": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapBusStopSearchResponse::get_suggestion"); + } + + // ref object + AMapBusStopSearchResponse* ref = (AMapBusStopSearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + AMapSuggestion* result = ref.suggestion; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapBusStopSearchResponse::get_busstops": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapBusStopSearchResponse::get_busstops"); + } + + // ref object + AMapBusStopSearchResponse* ref = (AMapBusStopSearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = ref.busstops; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest::get_city": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest::get_city"); + } + + // ref object + AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest* ref = (AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest::get_requireExtension": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest::get_requireExtension"); + } + + // ref object + AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest* ref = (AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = ref.requireExtension; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest::get_offset": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest::get_offset"); + } + + // ref object + AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest* ref = (AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.offset; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest::get_page": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest::get_page"); + } + + // ref object + AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest* ref = (AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result =; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapBusLineNameSearchRequest::get_keywords": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapBusLineNameSearchRequest::get_keywords"); + } + + // ref object + AMapBusLineNameSearchRequest* ref = (AMapBusLineNameSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.keywords; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapBusLineIDSearchRequest::get_uid": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapBusLineIDSearchRequest::get_uid"); + } + + // ref object + AMapBusLineIDSearchRequest* ref = (AMapBusLineIDSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.uid; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapBusLineSearchResponse::get_count": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapBusLineSearchResponse::get_count"); + } + + // ref object + AMapBusLineSearchResponse* ref = (AMapBusLineSearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.count; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapBusLineSearchResponse::get_suggestion": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapBusLineSearchResponse::get_suggestion"); + } + + // ref object + AMapBusLineSearchResponse* ref = (AMapBusLineSearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + AMapSuggestion* result = ref.suggestion; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapBusLineSearchResponse::get_buslines": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapBusLineSearchResponse::get_buslines"); + } + + // ref object + AMapBusLineSearchResponse* ref = (AMapBusLineSearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = ref.buslines; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapDistrictSearchRequest::get_keywords": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDistrictSearchRequest::get_keywords"); + } + + // ref object + AMapDistrictSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDistrictSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.keywords; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapDistrictSearchRequest::get_requireExtension": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDistrictSearchRequest::get_requireExtension"); + } + + // ref object + AMapDistrictSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDistrictSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = ref.requireExtension; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapDistrictSearchRequest::get_showBusinessArea": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDistrictSearchRequest::get_showBusinessArea"); + } + + // ref object + AMapDistrictSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDistrictSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = ref.showBusinessArea; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapDistrictSearchResponse::get_count": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDistrictSearchResponse::get_count"); + } + + // ref object + AMapDistrictSearchResponse* ref = (AMapDistrictSearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.count; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapDistrictSearchResponse::get_districts": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDistrictSearchResponse::get_districts"); + } + + // ref object + AMapDistrictSearchResponse* ref = (AMapDistrictSearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = ref.districts; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapRouteSearchBaseRequest::get_origin": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRouteSearchBaseRequest::get_origin"); + } + + // ref object + AMapRouteSearchBaseRequest* ref = (AMapRouteSearchBaseRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + AMapGeoPoint* result = ref.origin; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapRouteSearchBaseRequest::get_destination": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRouteSearchBaseRequest::get_destination"); + } + + // ref object + AMapRouteSearchBaseRequest* ref = (AMapRouteSearchBaseRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + AMapGeoPoint* result = ref.destination; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::get_strategy": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::get_strategy"); + } + + // ref object + AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.strategy; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::get_waypoints": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::get_waypoints"); + } + + // ref object + AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = ref.waypoints; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::get_avoidpolygons": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::get_avoidpolygons"); + } + + // ref object + AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = ref.avoidpolygons; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::get_avoidroad": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::get_avoidroad"); + } + + // ref object + AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.avoidroad; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::get_originId": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::get_originId"); + } + + // ref object + AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.originId; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::get_destinationId": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::get_destinationId"); + } + + // ref object + AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.destinationId; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::get_origintype": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::get_origintype"); + } + + // ref object + AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.origintype; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::get_destinationtype": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::get_destinationtype"); + } + + // ref object + AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.destinationtype; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::get_plate": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::get_plate"); + } + + // ref object + AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.plate; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::get_ferry": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::get_ferry"); + } + + // ref object + AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.ferry; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::get_cartype": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::get_cartype"); + } + + // ref object + AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.cartype; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::get_showFieldType": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::get_showFieldType"); + } + + // ref object + AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + AMapDrivingRouteShowFieldType result = ref.showFieldType; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::get_strategy": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::get_strategy"); + } + + // ref object + AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.strategy; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::get_waypoints": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::get_waypoints"); + } + + // ref object + AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = ref.waypoints; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::get_avoidpolygons": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::get_avoidpolygons"); + } + + // ref object + AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = ref.avoidpolygons; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::get_avoidroad": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::get_avoidroad"); + } + + // ref object + AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.avoidroad; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::get_originId": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::get_originId"); + } + + // ref object + AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.originId; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::get_destinationId": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::get_destinationId"); + } + + // ref object + AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.destinationId; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::get_origintype": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::get_origintype"); + } + + // ref object + AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.origintype; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::get_destinationtype": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::get_destinationtype"); + } + + // ref object + AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.destinationtype; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::get_requireExtension": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::get_requireExtension"); + } + + // ref object + AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = ref.requireExtension; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::get_plateProvince": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::get_plateProvince"); + } + + // ref object + AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.plateProvince; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::get_plateNumber": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::get_plateNumber"); + } + + // ref object + AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.plateNumber; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::get_ferry": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::get_ferry"); + } + + // ref object + AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.ferry; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::get_cartype": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::get_cartype"); + } + + // ref object + AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.cartype; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::get_exclude": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::get_exclude"); + } + + // ref object + AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + AMapDrivingRouteExcludeType result = ref.exclude; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapWalkingRouteSearchRequest::get_multipath": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapWalkingRouteSearchRequest::get_multipath"); + } + + // ref object + AMapWalkingRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapWalkingRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.multipath; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest::get_strategy": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest::get_strategy"); + } + + // ref object + AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.strategy; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest::get_city": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest::get_city"); + } + + // ref object + AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest::get_destinationCity": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest::get_destinationCity"); + } + + // ref object + AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.destinationCity; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest::get_nightflag": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest::get_nightflag"); + } + + // ref object + AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = ref.nightflag; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest::get_requireExtension": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest::get_requireExtension"); + } + + // ref object + AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = ref.requireExtension; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapRidingRouteSearchRequest::get_type": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRidingRouteSearchRequest::get_type"); + } + + // ref object + AMapRidingRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapRidingRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.type; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapRidingRouteSearchRequest::get_requireExtension": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRidingRouteSearchRequest::get_requireExtension"); + } + + // ref object + AMapRidingRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapRidingRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = ref.requireExtension; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapRouteSearchResponse::get_count": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRouteSearchResponse::get_count"); + } + + // ref object + AMapRouteSearchResponse* ref = (AMapRouteSearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.count; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapRouteSearchResponse::get_route": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRouteSearchResponse::get_route"); + } + + // ref object + AMapRouteSearchResponse* ref = (AMapRouteSearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + AMapRoute* result = ref.route; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::get_strategy": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::get_strategy"); + } + + // ref object + AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.strategy; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::get_waypoints": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::get_waypoints"); + } + + // ref object + AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = ref.waypoints; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::get_originId": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::get_originId"); + } + + // ref object + AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.originId; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::get_destinationId": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::get_destinationId"); + } + + // ref object + AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.destinationId; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::get_origintype": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::get_origintype"); + } + + // ref object + AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.origintype; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + }; +} + +@end diff --git a/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler1.h b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler1.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3df21ac --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler1.h @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +#import "AmapSearchFluttifyPlugin.h" + +NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN + +@interface AmapSearchFluttifyPlugin (SubHandler1) +- (NSDictionary*) getSubHandler1; +@end + +NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END diff --git a/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler1.m b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler1.m new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0aff09f --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler1.m @@ -0,0 +1,4425 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +#import "SubHandler1.h" +#import "FluttifyMessageCodec.h" +#import +#import "AMapNearbySearchManagerDelegate_Anonymous.h" +#import "AMapSearchDelegate_Anonymous.h" + +// Dart端一次方法调用所存在的栈, 只有当MethodChannel传递参数受限时, 再启用这个容器 +extern NSMutableDictionary* STACK; +// Dart端随机存取对象的容器 +extern NSMutableDictionary* HEAP; +// 日志打印开关 +extern BOOL enableLog; + +@implementation AmapSearchFluttifyPlugin (SubHandler1) +- (NSDictionary*) getSubHandler1 { + __weak __typeof(self)weakSelf = self; + return @{ + @"AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::get_destinationtype": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::get_destinationtype"); + } + + // ref object + AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.destinationtype; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::get_plateProvince": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::get_plateProvince"); + } + + // ref object + AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.plateProvince; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::get_plateNumber": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::get_plateNumber"); + } + + // ref object + AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.plateNumber; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::get_size": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::get_size"); + } + + // ref object + AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + AMapTruckSizeType result = ref.size; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::get_height": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::get_height"); + } + + // ref object + AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CGFloat result = ref.height; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::get_width": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::get_width"); + } + + // ref object + AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CGFloat result = ref.width; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::get_load": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::get_load"); + } + + // ref object + AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CGFloat result = ref.load; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::get_weight": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::get_weight"); + } + + // ref object + AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CGFloat result = ref.weight; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::get_axis": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::get_axis"); + } + + // ref object + AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.axis; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::get_requireExtension": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::get_requireExtension"); + } + + // ref object + AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = ref.requireExtension; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapDistanceSearchRequest::get_origins": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDistanceSearchRequest::get_origins"); + } + + // ref object + AMapDistanceSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDistanceSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result =; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapDistanceSearchRequest::get_destination": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDistanceSearchRequest::get_destination"); + } + + // ref object + AMapDistanceSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDistanceSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + AMapGeoPoint* result = ref.destination; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapDistanceSearchRequest::get_type": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDistanceSearchRequest::get_type"); + } + + // ref object + AMapDistanceSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDistanceSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + AMapDistanceSearchType result = ref.type; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapDistanceSearchRequest::get_strategy": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDistanceSearchRequest::get_strategy"); + } + + // ref object + AMapDistanceSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDistanceSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.strategy; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapDistanceSearchRequest::get_requireExtension": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDistanceSearchRequest::get_requireExtension"); + } + + // ref object + AMapDistanceSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDistanceSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = ref.requireExtension; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapDistanceSearchResponse::get_results": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDistanceSearchResponse::get_results"); + } + + // ref object + AMapDistanceSearchResponse* ref = (AMapDistanceSearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = ref.results; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapWeatherSearchRequest::get_city": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapWeatherSearchRequest::get_city"); + } + + // ref object + AMapWeatherSearchRequest* ref = (AMapWeatherSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapWeatherSearchRequest::get_type": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapWeatherSearchRequest::get_type"); + } + + // ref object + AMapWeatherSearchRequest* ref = (AMapWeatherSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + AMapWeatherType result = ref.type; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapWeatherSearchResponse::get_lives": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapWeatherSearchResponse::get_lives"); + } + + // ref object + AMapWeatherSearchResponse* ref = (AMapWeatherSearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = ref.lives; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapWeatherSearchResponse::get_forecasts": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapWeatherSearchResponse::get_forecasts"); + } + + // ref object + AMapWeatherSearchResponse* ref = (AMapWeatherSearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = ref.forecasts; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapNearbySearchRequest::get_center": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapNearbySearchRequest::get_center"); + } + + // ref object + AMapNearbySearchRequest* ref = (AMapNearbySearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + AMapGeoPoint* result =; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapNearbySearchRequest::get_radius": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapNearbySearchRequest::get_radius"); + } + + // ref object + AMapNearbySearchRequest* ref = (AMapNearbySearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.radius; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapNearbySearchRequest::get_searchType": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapNearbySearchRequest::get_searchType"); + } + + // ref object + AMapNearbySearchRequest* ref = (AMapNearbySearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + AMapNearbySearchType result = ref.searchType; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapNearbySearchRequest::get_timeRange": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapNearbySearchRequest::get_timeRange"); + } + + // ref object + AMapNearbySearchRequest* ref = (AMapNearbySearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.timeRange; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapNearbySearchRequest::get_limit": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapNearbySearchRequest::get_limit"); + } + + // ref object + AMapNearbySearchRequest* ref = (AMapNearbySearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.limit; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapNearbySearchResponse::get_count": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapNearbySearchResponse::get_count"); + } + + // ref object + AMapNearbySearchResponse* ref = (AMapNearbySearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.count; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapNearbySearchResponse::get_infos": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapNearbySearchResponse::get_infos"); + } + + // ref object + AMapNearbySearchResponse* ref = (AMapNearbySearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = ref.infos; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest::get_tableID": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest::get_tableID"); + } + + // ref object + AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest* ref = (AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.tableID; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest::get_filter": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest::get_filter"); + } + + // ref object + AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest* ref = (AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = ref.filter; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest::get_sortFields": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest::get_sortFields"); + } + + // ref object + AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest* ref = (AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.sortFields; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest::get_sortType": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest::get_sortType"); + } + + // ref object + AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest* ref = (AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + AMapCloudSortType result = ref.sortType; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest::get_offset": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest::get_offset"); + } + + // ref object + AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest* ref = (AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.offset; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest::get_page": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest::get_page"); + } + + // ref object + AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest* ref = (AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result =; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapCloudPOIAroundSearchRequest::get_center": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapCloudPOIAroundSearchRequest::get_center"); + } + + // ref object + AMapCloudPOIAroundSearchRequest* ref = (AMapCloudPOIAroundSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + AMapGeoPoint* result =; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapCloudPOIAroundSearchRequest::get_radius": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapCloudPOIAroundSearchRequest::get_radius"); + } + + // ref object + AMapCloudPOIAroundSearchRequest* ref = (AMapCloudPOIAroundSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.radius; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapCloudPOIAroundSearchRequest::get_keywords": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapCloudPOIAroundSearchRequest::get_keywords"); + } + + // ref object + AMapCloudPOIAroundSearchRequest* ref = (AMapCloudPOIAroundSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.keywords; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapCloudPOIPolygonSearchRequest::get_polygon": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapCloudPOIPolygonSearchRequest::get_polygon"); + } + + // ref object + AMapCloudPOIPolygonSearchRequest* ref = (AMapCloudPOIPolygonSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + AMapGeoPolygon* result = ref.polygon; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapCloudPOIPolygonSearchRequest::get_keywords": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapCloudPOIPolygonSearchRequest::get_keywords"); + } + + // ref object + AMapCloudPOIPolygonSearchRequest* ref = (AMapCloudPOIPolygonSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.keywords; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapCloudPOIIDSearchRequest::get_uid": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapCloudPOIIDSearchRequest::get_uid"); + } + + // ref object + AMapCloudPOIIDSearchRequest* ref = (AMapCloudPOIIDSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.uid; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapCloudPOILocalSearchRequest::get_keywords": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapCloudPOILocalSearchRequest::get_keywords"); + } + + // ref object + AMapCloudPOILocalSearchRequest* ref = (AMapCloudPOILocalSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.keywords; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapCloudPOILocalSearchRequest::get_city": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapCloudPOILocalSearchRequest::get_city"); + } + + // ref object + AMapCloudPOILocalSearchRequest* ref = (AMapCloudPOILocalSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapCloudPOISearchResponse::get_count": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapCloudPOISearchResponse::get_count"); + } + + // ref object + AMapCloudPOISearchResponse* ref = (AMapCloudPOISearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.count; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapCloudPOISearchResponse::get_POIs": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapCloudPOISearchResponse::get_POIs"); + } + + // ref object + AMapCloudPOISearchResponse* ref = (AMapCloudPOISearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = ref.POIs; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapLocationShareSearchRequest::get_location": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationShareSearchRequest::get_location"); + } + + // ref object + AMapLocationShareSearchRequest* ref = (AMapLocationShareSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + AMapGeoPoint* result = ref.location; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapLocationShareSearchRequest::get_name": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationShareSearchRequest::get_name"); + } + + // ref object + AMapLocationShareSearchRequest* ref = (AMapLocationShareSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapPOIShareSearchRequest::get_uid": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOIShareSearchRequest::get_uid"); + } + + // ref object + AMapPOIShareSearchRequest* ref = (AMapPOIShareSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.uid; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapPOIShareSearchRequest::get_location": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOIShareSearchRequest::get_location"); + } + + // ref object + AMapPOIShareSearchRequest* ref = (AMapPOIShareSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + AMapGeoPoint* result = ref.location; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapPOIShareSearchRequest::get_name": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOIShareSearchRequest::get_name"); + } + + // ref object + AMapPOIShareSearchRequest* ref = (AMapPOIShareSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapPOIShareSearchRequest::get_address": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOIShareSearchRequest::get_address"); + } + + // ref object + AMapPOIShareSearchRequest* ref = (AMapPOIShareSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.address; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapRouteShareSearchRequest::get_strategy": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRouteShareSearchRequest::get_strategy"); + } + + // ref object + AMapRouteShareSearchRequest* ref = (AMapRouteShareSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.strategy; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapRouteShareSearchRequest::get_type": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRouteShareSearchRequest::get_type"); + } + + // ref object + AMapRouteShareSearchRequest* ref = (AMapRouteShareSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.type; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapRouteShareSearchRequest::get_startCoordinate": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRouteShareSearchRequest::get_startCoordinate"); + } + + // ref object + AMapRouteShareSearchRequest* ref = (AMapRouteShareSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + AMapGeoPoint* result = ref.startCoordinate; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapRouteShareSearchRequest::get_destinationCoordinate": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRouteShareSearchRequest::get_destinationCoordinate"); + } + + // ref object + AMapRouteShareSearchRequest* ref = (AMapRouteShareSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + AMapGeoPoint* result = ref.destinationCoordinate; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapRouteShareSearchRequest::get_startName": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRouteShareSearchRequest::get_startName"); + } + + // ref object + AMapRouteShareSearchRequest* ref = (AMapRouteShareSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.startName; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapRouteShareSearchRequest::get_destinationName": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRouteShareSearchRequest::get_destinationName"); + } + + // ref object + AMapRouteShareSearchRequest* ref = (AMapRouteShareSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.destinationName; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapNavigationShareSearchRequest::get_strategy": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapNavigationShareSearchRequest::get_strategy"); + } + + // ref object + AMapNavigationShareSearchRequest* ref = (AMapNavigationShareSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.strategy; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapNavigationShareSearchRequest::get_startCoordinate": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapNavigationShareSearchRequest::get_startCoordinate"); + } + + // ref object + AMapNavigationShareSearchRequest* ref = (AMapNavigationShareSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + AMapGeoPoint* result = ref.startCoordinate; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapNavigationShareSearchRequest::get_destinationCoordinate": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapNavigationShareSearchRequest::get_destinationCoordinate"); + } + + // ref object + AMapNavigationShareSearchRequest* ref = (AMapNavigationShareSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + AMapGeoPoint* result = ref.destinationCoordinate; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapShareSearchResponse::get_shareURL": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapShareSearchResponse::get_shareURL"); + } + + // ref object + AMapShareSearchResponse* ref = (AMapShareSearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.shareURL; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::get_beginTime": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::get_beginTime"); + } + + // ref object + AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.beginTime; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::get_interval": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::get_interval"); + } + + // ref object + AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.interval; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::get_timeCount": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::get_timeCount"); + } + + // ref object + AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.timeCount; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::get_strategy": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::get_strategy"); + } + + // ref object + AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.strategy; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::get_originId": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::get_originId"); + } + + // ref object + AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.originId; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::get_destinationId": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::get_destinationId"); + } + + // ref object + AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.destinationId; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::get_origintype": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::get_origintype"); + } + + // ref object + AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.origintype; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::get_destinationtype": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::get_destinationtype"); + } + + // ref object + AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.destinationtype; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::get_parentId": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::get_parentId"); + } + + // ref object + AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.parentId; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::get_plateProvince": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::get_plateProvince"); + } + + // ref object + AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.plateProvince; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::get_plateNumber": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::get_plateNumber"); + } + + // ref object + AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.plateNumber; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::get_cartype": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::get_cartype"); + } + + // ref object + AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.cartype; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapFutureRouteSearchResponse::get_paths": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapFutureRouteSearchResponse::get_paths"); + } + + // ref object + AMapFutureRouteSearchResponse* ref = (AMapFutureRouteSearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = ref.paths; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapFutureRouteSearchResponse::get_timeInfos": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapFutureRouteSearchResponse::get_timeInfos"); + } + + // ref object + AMapFutureRouteSearchResponse* ref = (AMapFutureRouteSearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = ref.timeInfos; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapGeoPoint::get_latitude": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapGeoPoint::get_latitude"); + } + + // ref object + AMapGeoPoint* ref = (AMapGeoPoint*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CGFloat result = ref.latitude; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapGeoPoint::get_longitude": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapGeoPoint::get_longitude"); + } + + // ref object + AMapGeoPoint* ref = (AMapGeoPoint*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CGFloat result = ref.longitude; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapGeoPolygon::get_points": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapGeoPolygon::get_points"); + } + + // ref object + AMapGeoPolygon* ref = (AMapGeoPolygon*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = ref.points; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapCity::get_city": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapCity::get_city"); + } + + // ref object + AMapCity* ref = (AMapCity*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapCity::get_citycode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapCity::get_citycode"); + } + + // ref object + AMapCity* ref = (AMapCity*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.citycode; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapCity::get_adcode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapCity::get_adcode"); + } + + // ref object + AMapCity* ref = (AMapCity*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.adcode; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapCity::get_num": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapCity::get_num"); + } + + // ref object + AMapCity* ref = (AMapCity*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.num; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapCity::get_districts": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapCity::get_districts"); + } + + // ref object + AMapCity* ref = (AMapCity*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = ref.districts; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapSuggestion::get_keywords": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapSuggestion::get_keywords"); + } + + // ref object + AMapSuggestion* ref = (AMapSuggestion*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = ref.keywords; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapSuggestion::get_cities": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapSuggestion::get_cities"); + } + + // ref object + AMapSuggestion* ref = (AMapSuggestion*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = ref.cities; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapTip::get_uid": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTip::get_uid"); + } + + // ref object + AMapTip* ref = (AMapTip*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.uid; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapTip::get_name": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTip::get_name"); + } + + // ref object + AMapTip* ref = (AMapTip*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapTip::get_adcode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTip::get_adcode"); + } + + // ref object + AMapTip* ref = (AMapTip*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.adcode; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapTip::get_district": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTip::get_district"); + } + + // ref object + AMapTip* ref = (AMapTip*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.district; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapTip::get_address": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTip::get_address"); + } + + // ref object + AMapTip* ref = (AMapTip*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.address; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapTip::get_location": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTip::get_location"); + } + + // ref object + AMapTip* ref = (AMapTip*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + AMapGeoPoint* result = ref.location; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapTip::get_typecode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTip::get_typecode"); + } + + // ref object + AMapTip* ref = (AMapTip*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.typecode; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapImage::get_title": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapImage::get_title"); + } + + // ref object + AMapImage* ref = (AMapImage*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.title; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapImage::get_url": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapImage::get_url"); + } + + // ref object + AMapImage* ref = (AMapImage*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.url; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapPOIExtension::get_rating": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOIExtension::get_rating"); + } + + // ref object + AMapPOIExtension* ref = (AMapPOIExtension*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CGFloat result = ref.rating; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapPOIExtension::get_cost": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOIExtension::get_cost"); + } + + // ref object + AMapPOIExtension* ref = (AMapPOIExtension*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CGFloat result = ref.cost; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapPOIExtension::get_openTime": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOIExtension::get_openTime"); + } + + // ref object + AMapPOIExtension* ref = (AMapPOIExtension*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.openTime; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapIndoorData::get_floor": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapIndoorData::get_floor"); + } + + // ref object + AMapIndoorData* ref = (AMapIndoorData*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.floor; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapIndoorData::get_floorName": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapIndoorData::get_floorName"); + } + + // ref object + AMapIndoorData* ref = (AMapIndoorData*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.floorName; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapIndoorData::get_pid": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapIndoorData::get_pid"); + } + + // ref object + AMapIndoorData* ref = (AMapIndoorData*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapSubPOI::get_uid": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapSubPOI::get_uid"); + } + + // ref object + AMapSubPOI* ref = (AMapSubPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.uid; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapSubPOI::get_name": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapSubPOI::get_name"); + } + + // ref object + AMapSubPOI* ref = (AMapSubPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapSubPOI::get_sname": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapSubPOI::get_sname"); + } + + // ref object + AMapSubPOI* ref = (AMapSubPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.sname; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapSubPOI::get_location": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapSubPOI::get_location"); + } + + // ref object + AMapSubPOI* ref = (AMapSubPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + AMapGeoPoint* result = ref.location; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapSubPOI::get_address": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapSubPOI::get_address"); + } + + // ref object + AMapSubPOI* ref = (AMapSubPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.address; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapSubPOI::get_distance": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapSubPOI::get_distance"); + } + + // ref object + AMapSubPOI* ref = (AMapSubPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.distance; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapSubPOI::get_subtype": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapSubPOI::get_subtype"); + } + + // ref object + AMapSubPOI* ref = (AMapSubPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.subtype; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapRoutePOI::get_uid": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRoutePOI::get_uid"); + } + + // ref object + AMapRoutePOI* ref = (AMapRoutePOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.uid; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapRoutePOI::get_name": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRoutePOI::get_name"); + } + + // ref object + AMapRoutePOI* ref = (AMapRoutePOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapRoutePOI::get_location": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRoutePOI::get_location"); + } + + // ref object + AMapRoutePOI* ref = (AMapRoutePOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + AMapGeoPoint* result = ref.location; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapRoutePOI::get_distance": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRoutePOI::get_distance"); + } + + // ref object + AMapRoutePOI* ref = (AMapRoutePOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.distance; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapRoutePOI::get_duration": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRoutePOI::get_duration"); + } + + // ref object + AMapRoutePOI* ref = (AMapRoutePOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.duration; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::get_uid": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOI::get_uid"); + } + + // ref object + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.uid; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::get_name": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOI::get_name"); + } + + // ref object + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::get_type": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOI::get_type"); + } + + // ref object + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.type; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::get_typecode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOI::get_typecode"); + } + + // ref object + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.typecode; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::get_location": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOI::get_location"); + } + + // ref object + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + AMapGeoPoint* result = ref.location; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::get_address": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOI::get_address"); + } + + // ref object + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.address; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::get_tel": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOI::get_tel"); + } + + // ref object + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::get_distance": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOI::get_distance"); + } + + // ref object + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.distance; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::get_parkingType": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOI::get_parkingType"); + } + + // ref object + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.parkingType; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::get_shopID": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOI::get_shopID"); + } + + // ref object + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.shopID; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::get_postcode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOI::get_postcode"); + } + + // ref object + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.postcode; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::get_website": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOI::get_website"); + } + + // ref object + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::get_email": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOI::get_email"); + } + + // ref object + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::get_province": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOI::get_province"); + } + + // ref object + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.province; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::get_pcode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOI::get_pcode"); + } + + // ref object + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.pcode; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::get_city": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOI::get_city"); + } + + // ref object + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::get_citycode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOI::get_citycode"); + } + + // ref object + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.citycode; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::get_district": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOI::get_district"); + } + + // ref object + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.district; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::get_adcode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOI::get_adcode"); + } + + // ref object + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.adcode; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::get_gridcode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOI::get_gridcode"); + } + + // ref object + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.gridcode; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::get_enterLocation": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOI::get_enterLocation"); + } + + // ref object + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + AMapGeoPoint* result = ref.enterLocation; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::get_exitLocation": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOI::get_exitLocation"); + } + + // ref object + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + AMapGeoPoint* result = ref.exitLocation; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::get_direction": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOI::get_direction"); + } + + // ref object + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.direction; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::get_hasIndoorMap": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOI::get_hasIndoorMap"); + } + + // ref object + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = ref.hasIndoorMap; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::get_businessArea": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOI::get_businessArea"); + } + + // ref object + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.businessArea; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::get_indoorData": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOI::get_indoorData"); + } + + // ref object + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + AMapIndoorData* result = ref.indoorData; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::get_subPOIs": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOI::get_subPOIs"); + } + + // ref object + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = ref.subPOIs; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::get_images": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOI::get_images"); + } + + // ref object + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = ref.images; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::get_extensionInfo": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOI::get_extensionInfo"); + } + + // ref object + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + AMapPOIExtension* result = ref.extensionInfo; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapAOI::get_uid": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapAOI::get_uid"); + } + + // ref object + AMapAOI* ref = (AMapAOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.uid; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapAOI::get_name": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapAOI::get_name"); + } + + // ref object + AMapAOI* ref = (AMapAOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapAOI::get_adcode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapAOI::get_adcode"); + } + + // ref object + AMapAOI* ref = (AMapAOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.adcode; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapAOI::get_location": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapAOI::get_location"); + } + + // ref object + AMapAOI* ref = (AMapAOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + AMapGeoPoint* result = ref.location; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapAOI::get_area": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapAOI::get_area"); + } + + // ref object + AMapAOI* ref = (AMapAOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CGFloat result = ref.area; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapRoad::get_uid": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRoad::get_uid"); + } + + // ref object + AMapRoad* ref = (AMapRoad*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.uid; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapRoad::get_name": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRoad::get_name"); + } + + // ref object + AMapRoad* ref = (AMapRoad*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapRoad::get_distance": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRoad::get_distance"); + } + + // ref object + AMapRoad* ref = (AMapRoad*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.distance; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapRoad::get_direction": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRoad::get_direction"); + } + + // ref object + AMapRoad* ref = (AMapRoad*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.direction; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapRoad::get_location": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRoad::get_location"); + } + + // ref object + AMapRoad* ref = (AMapRoad*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + AMapGeoPoint* result = ref.location; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapRoadInter::get_distance": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRoadInter::get_distance"); + } + + // ref object + AMapRoadInter* ref = (AMapRoadInter*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.distance; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapRoadInter::get_direction": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRoadInter::get_direction"); + } + + // ref object + AMapRoadInter* ref = (AMapRoadInter*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.direction; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapRoadInter::get_location": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRoadInter::get_location"); + } + + // ref object + AMapRoadInter* ref = (AMapRoadInter*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + AMapGeoPoint* result = ref.location; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapRoadInter::get_firstId": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRoadInter::get_firstId"); + } + + // ref object + AMapRoadInter* ref = (AMapRoadInter*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.firstId; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapRoadInter::get_firstName": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRoadInter::get_firstName"); + } + + // ref object + AMapRoadInter* ref = (AMapRoadInter*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.firstName; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapRoadInter::get_secondId": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRoadInter::get_secondId"); + } + + // ref object + AMapRoadInter* ref = (AMapRoadInter*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.secondId; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapRoadInter::get_secondName": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRoadInter::get_secondName"); + } + + // ref object + AMapRoadInter* ref = (AMapRoadInter*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.secondName; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapStreetNumber::get_street": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapStreetNumber::get_street"); + } + + // ref object + AMapStreetNumber* ref = (AMapStreetNumber*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.street; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapStreetNumber::get_number": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapStreetNumber::get_number"); + } + + // ref object + AMapStreetNumber* ref = (AMapStreetNumber*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.number; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapStreetNumber::get_location": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapStreetNumber::get_location"); + } + + // ref object + AMapStreetNumber* ref = (AMapStreetNumber*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + AMapGeoPoint* result = ref.location; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapStreetNumber::get_distance": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapStreetNumber::get_distance"); + } + + // ref object + AMapStreetNumber* ref = (AMapStreetNumber*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.distance; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapStreetNumber::get_direction": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapStreetNumber::get_direction"); + } + + // ref object + AMapStreetNumber* ref = (AMapStreetNumber*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.direction; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapBusinessArea::get_name": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapBusinessArea::get_name"); + } + + // ref object + AMapBusinessArea* ref = (AMapBusinessArea*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapBusinessArea::get_location": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapBusinessArea::get_location"); + } + + // ref object + AMapBusinessArea* ref = (AMapBusinessArea*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + AMapGeoPoint* result = ref.location; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapAddressComponent::get_country": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapAddressComponent::get_country"); + } + + // ref object + AMapAddressComponent* ref = (AMapAddressComponent*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapAddressComponent::get_countryCode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapAddressComponent::get_countryCode"); + } + + // ref object + AMapAddressComponent* ref = (AMapAddressComponent*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.countryCode; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapAddressComponent::get_province": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapAddressComponent::get_province"); + } + + // ref object + AMapAddressComponent* ref = (AMapAddressComponent*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.province; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapAddressComponent::get_city": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapAddressComponent::get_city"); + } + + // ref object + AMapAddressComponent* ref = (AMapAddressComponent*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapAddressComponent::get_citycode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapAddressComponent::get_citycode"); + } + + // ref object + AMapAddressComponent* ref = (AMapAddressComponent*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.citycode; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapAddressComponent::get_district": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapAddressComponent::get_district"); + } + + // ref object + AMapAddressComponent* ref = (AMapAddressComponent*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.district; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapAddressComponent::get_adcode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapAddressComponent::get_adcode"); + } + + // ref object + AMapAddressComponent* ref = (AMapAddressComponent*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.adcode; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapAddressComponent::get_township": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapAddressComponent::get_township"); + } + + // ref object + AMapAddressComponent* ref = (AMapAddressComponent*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.township; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapAddressComponent::get_towncode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapAddressComponent::get_towncode"); + } + + // ref object + AMapAddressComponent* ref = (AMapAddressComponent*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.towncode; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapAddressComponent::get_neighborhood": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapAddressComponent::get_neighborhood"); + } + + // ref object + AMapAddressComponent* ref = (AMapAddressComponent*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.neighborhood; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapAddressComponent::get_building": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapAddressComponent::get_building"); + } + + // ref object + AMapAddressComponent* ref = (AMapAddressComponent*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.building; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapAddressComponent::get_streetNumber": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapAddressComponent::get_streetNumber"); + } + + // ref object + AMapAddressComponent* ref = (AMapAddressComponent*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + AMapStreetNumber* result = ref.streetNumber; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapAddressComponent::get_businessAreas": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapAddressComponent::get_businessAreas"); + } + + // ref object + AMapAddressComponent* ref = (AMapAddressComponent*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = ref.businessAreas; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapReGeocode::get_formattedAddress": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapReGeocode::get_formattedAddress"); + } + + // ref object + AMapReGeocode* ref = (AMapReGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.formattedAddress; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapReGeocode::get_addressComponent": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapReGeocode::get_addressComponent"); + } + + // ref object + AMapReGeocode* ref = (AMapReGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + AMapAddressComponent* result = ref.addressComponent; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapReGeocode::get_roads": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapReGeocode::get_roads"); + } + + // ref object + AMapReGeocode* ref = (AMapReGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = ref.roads; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapReGeocode::get_roadinters": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapReGeocode::get_roadinters"); + } + + // ref object + AMapReGeocode* ref = (AMapReGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = ref.roadinters; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapReGeocode::get_pois": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapReGeocode::get_pois"); + } + + // ref object + AMapReGeocode* ref = (AMapReGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = ref.pois; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapReGeocode::get_aois": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapReGeocode::get_aois"); + } + + // ref object + AMapReGeocode* ref = (AMapReGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = ref.aois; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapGeocode::get_formattedAddress": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapGeocode::get_formattedAddress"); + } + + // ref object + AMapGeocode* ref = (AMapGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.formattedAddress; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapGeocode::get_province": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapGeocode::get_province"); + } + + // ref object + AMapGeocode* ref = (AMapGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.province; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapGeocode::get_city": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapGeocode::get_city"); + } + + // ref object + AMapGeocode* ref = (AMapGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapGeocode::get_citycode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapGeocode::get_citycode"); + } + + // ref object + AMapGeocode* ref = (AMapGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.citycode; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapGeocode::get_district": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapGeocode::get_district"); + } + + // ref object + AMapGeocode* ref = (AMapGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.district; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapGeocode::get_adcode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapGeocode::get_adcode"); + } + + // ref object + AMapGeocode* ref = (AMapGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.adcode; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapGeocode::get_township": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapGeocode::get_township"); + } + + // ref object + AMapGeocode* ref = (AMapGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.township; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapGeocode::get_neighborhood": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapGeocode::get_neighborhood"); + } + + // ref object + AMapGeocode* ref = (AMapGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.neighborhood; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapGeocode::get_building": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapGeocode::get_building"); + } + + // ref object + AMapGeocode* ref = (AMapGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.building; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapGeocode::get_location": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapGeocode::get_location"); + } + + // ref object + AMapGeocode* ref = (AMapGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + AMapGeoPoint* result = ref.location; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapGeocode::get_level": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapGeocode::get_level"); + } + + // ref object + AMapGeocode* ref = (AMapGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.level; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapGeocode::get_country": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapGeocode::get_country"); + } + + // ref object + AMapGeocode* ref = (AMapGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapGeocode::get_postcode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapGeocode::get_postcode"); + } + + // ref object + AMapGeocode* ref = (AMapGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.postcode; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapBusStop::get_uid": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapBusStop::get_uid"); + } + + // ref object + AMapBusStop* ref = (AMapBusStop*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.uid; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapBusStop::get_adcode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapBusStop::get_adcode"); + } + + // ref object + AMapBusStop* ref = (AMapBusStop*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.adcode; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapBusStop::get_name": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapBusStop::get_name"); + } + + // ref object + AMapBusStop* ref = (AMapBusStop*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapBusStop::get_citycode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapBusStop::get_citycode"); + } + + // ref object + AMapBusStop* ref = (AMapBusStop*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.citycode; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapBusStop::get_location": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapBusStop::get_location"); + } + + // ref object + AMapBusStop* ref = (AMapBusStop*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + AMapGeoPoint* result = ref.location; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + }; +} + +@end diff --git a/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler10.h b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler10.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b11c527 --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler10.h @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +#import "AmapSearchFluttifyPlugin.h" + +NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN + +@interface AmapSearchFluttifyPlugin (SubHandler10) +- (NSDictionary*) getSubHandler10; +@end + +NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END diff --git a/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler10.m b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler10.m new file mode 100644 index 0000000..37abfae --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler10.m @@ -0,0 +1,2861 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +#import "SubHandler10.h" +#import "FluttifyMessageCodec.h" +#import +#import "AMapNearbySearchManagerDelegate_Anonymous.h" +#import "AMapSearchDelegate_Anonymous.h" + +// Dart端一次方法调用所存在的栈, 只有当MethodChannel传递参数受限时, 再启用这个容器 +extern NSMutableDictionary* STACK; +// Dart端随机存取对象的容器 +extern NSMutableDictionary* HEAP; +// 日志打印开关 +extern BOOL enableLog; + +@implementation AmapSearchFluttifyPlugin (SubHandler10) +- (NSDictionary*) getSubHandler10 { + __weak __typeof(self)weakSelf = self; + return @{ + @"AMapLocalWeatherLive::set_city_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* city = (NSString*) args[@"city"]; + + // ref + AMapLocalWeatherLive* ref = (AMapLocalWeatherLive*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = city;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocalWeatherLive::set_weather_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* weather = (NSString*) args[@"weather"]; + + // ref + AMapLocalWeatherLive* ref = (AMapLocalWeatherLive*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = weather;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocalWeatherLive::set_temperature_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* temperature = (NSString*) args[@"temperature"]; + + // ref + AMapLocalWeatherLive* ref = (AMapLocalWeatherLive*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.temperature = temperature;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocalWeatherLive::set_windDirection_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* windDirection = (NSString*) args[@"windDirection"]; + + // ref + AMapLocalWeatherLive* ref = (AMapLocalWeatherLive*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.windDirection = windDirection;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocalWeatherLive::set_windPower_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* windPower = (NSString*) args[@"windPower"]; + + // ref + AMapLocalWeatherLive* ref = (AMapLocalWeatherLive*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.windPower = windPower;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocalWeatherLive::set_humidity_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* humidity = (NSString*) args[@"humidity"]; + + // ref + AMapLocalWeatherLive* ref = (AMapLocalWeatherLive*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.humidity = humidity;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocalWeatherLive::set_reportTime_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* reportTime = (NSString*) args[@"reportTime"]; + + // ref + AMapLocalWeatherLive* ref = (AMapLocalWeatherLive*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.reportTime = reportTime;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::set_date_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* date = (NSString*) args[@"date"]; + + // ref + AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast* ref = (AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = date;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::set_week_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* week = (NSString*) args[@"week"]; + + // ref + AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast* ref = (AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.week = week;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::set_dayWeather_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* dayWeather = (NSString*) args[@"dayWeather"]; + + // ref + AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast* ref = (AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.dayWeather = dayWeather;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::set_nightWeather_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* nightWeather = (NSString*) args[@"nightWeather"]; + + // ref + AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast* ref = (AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.nightWeather = nightWeather;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::set_dayTemp_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* dayTemp = (NSString*) args[@"dayTemp"]; + + // ref + AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast* ref = (AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.dayTemp = dayTemp;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::set_nightTemp_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* nightTemp = (NSString*) args[@"nightTemp"]; + + // ref + AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast* ref = (AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.nightTemp = nightTemp;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::set_dayWind_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* dayWind = (NSString*) args[@"dayWind"]; + + // ref + AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast* ref = (AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.dayWind = dayWind;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::set_nightWind_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* nightWind = (NSString*) args[@"nightWind"]; + + // ref + AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast* ref = (AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.nightWind = nightWind;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::set_dayPower_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* dayPower = (NSString*) args[@"dayPower"]; + + // ref + AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast* ref = (AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.dayPower = dayPower;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::set_nightPower_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* nightPower = (NSString*) args[@"nightPower"]; + + // ref + AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast* ref = (AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.nightPower = nightPower;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocalWeatherForecast::set_adcode_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* adcode = (NSString*) args[@"adcode"]; + + // ref + AMapLocalWeatherForecast* ref = (AMapLocalWeatherForecast*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.adcode = adcode;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocalWeatherForecast::set_province_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* province = (NSString*) args[@"province"]; + + // ref + AMapLocalWeatherForecast* ref = (AMapLocalWeatherForecast*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.province = province;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocalWeatherForecast::set_city_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* city = (NSString*) args[@"city"]; + + // ref + AMapLocalWeatherForecast* ref = (AMapLocalWeatherForecast*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = city;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocalWeatherForecast::set_reportTime_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* reportTime = (NSString*) args[@"reportTime"]; + + // ref + AMapLocalWeatherForecast* ref = (AMapLocalWeatherForecast*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.reportTime = reportTime;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocalWeatherForecast::set_casts_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* casts = (NSArray*) args[@"casts"]; + + // ref + AMapLocalWeatherForecast* ref = (AMapLocalWeatherForecast*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.casts = casts;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapNearbyUserInfo::set_userID_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* userID = (NSString*) args[@"userID"]; + + // ref + AMapNearbyUserInfo* ref = (AMapNearbyUserInfo*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.userID = userID;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapNearbyUserInfo::set_location_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoPoint* location = (AMapGeoPoint*) (args[@"location"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"location"]); + + // ref + AMapNearbyUserInfo* ref = (AMapNearbyUserInfo*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.location = location;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapNearbyUserInfo::set_distance_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat distance = [args[@"distance"] floatValue]; + + // ref + AMapNearbyUserInfo* ref = (AMapNearbyUserInfo*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.distance = distance;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapNearbyUserInfo::set_updatetime_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSTimeInterval updatetime = [args[@"updatetime"] doubleValue]; + + // ref + AMapNearbyUserInfo* ref = (AMapNearbyUserInfo*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.updatetime = updatetime;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTrafficEvaluation::set_evaluationDescription_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* evaluationDescription = (NSString*) args[@"evaluationDescription"]; + + // ref + AMapTrafficEvaluation* ref = (AMapTrafficEvaluation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.evaluationDescription = evaluationDescription;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTrafficEvaluation::set_status_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger status = [args[@"status"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapTrafficEvaluation* ref = (AMapTrafficEvaluation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.status = status;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTrafficEvaluation::set_expedite_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* expedite = (NSString*) args[@"expedite"]; + + // ref + AMapTrafficEvaluation* ref = (AMapTrafficEvaluation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.expedite = expedite;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTrafficEvaluation::set_congested_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* congested = (NSString*) args[@"congested"]; + + // ref + AMapTrafficEvaluation* ref = (AMapTrafficEvaluation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.congested = congested;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTrafficEvaluation::set_blocked_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* blocked = (NSString*) args[@"blocked"]; + + // ref + AMapTrafficEvaluation* ref = (AMapTrafficEvaluation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.blocked = blocked;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTrafficEvaluation::set_unknown_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* unknown = (NSString*) args[@"unknown"]; + + // ref + AMapTrafficEvaluation* ref = (AMapTrafficEvaluation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.unknown = unknown;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTrafficRoad::set_name_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* name = (NSString*) args[@"name"]; + + // ref + AMapTrafficRoad* ref = (AMapTrafficRoad*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = name;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTrafficRoad::set_status_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger status = [args[@"status"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapTrafficRoad* ref = (AMapTrafficRoad*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.status = status;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTrafficRoad::set_direction_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* direction = (NSString*) args[@"direction"]; + + // ref + AMapTrafficRoad* ref = (AMapTrafficRoad*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.direction = direction;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTrafficRoad::set_angle_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + float angle = [args[@"angle"] floatValue]; + + // ref + AMapTrafficRoad* ref = (AMapTrafficRoad*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.angle = angle;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTrafficRoad::set_speed_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + float speed = [args[@"speed"] floatValue]; + + // ref + AMapTrafficRoad* ref = (AMapTrafficRoad*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.speed = speed;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTrafficRoad::set_polyline_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* polyline = (NSString*) args[@"polyline"]; + + // ref + AMapTrafficRoad* ref = (AMapTrafficRoad*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.polyline = polyline;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTrafficInfo::set_statusDescription_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* statusDescription = (NSString*) args[@"statusDescription"]; + + // ref + AMapTrafficInfo* ref = (AMapTrafficInfo*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.statusDescription = statusDescription;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTrafficInfo::set_evaluation_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapTrafficEvaluation* evaluation = (AMapTrafficEvaluation*) (args[@"evaluation"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"evaluation"]); + + // ref + AMapTrafficInfo* ref = (AMapTrafficInfo*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.evaluation = evaluation;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTrafficInfo::set_roads_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* roads = (NSArray*) args[@"roads"]; + + // ref + AMapTrafficInfo* ref = (AMapTrafficInfo*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.roads = roads;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapCloudImage::set_uid_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* uid = (NSString*) args[@"uid"]; + + // ref + AMapCloudImage* ref = (AMapCloudImage*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.uid = uid;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapCloudImage::set_preurl_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* preurl = (NSString*) args[@"preurl"]; + + // ref + AMapCloudImage* ref = (AMapCloudImage*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.preurl = preurl;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapCloudImage::set_url_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* url = (NSString*) args[@"url"]; + + // ref + AMapCloudImage* ref = (AMapCloudImage*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.url = url;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapCloudPOI::set_uid_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger uid = [args[@"uid"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapCloudPOI* ref = (AMapCloudPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.uid = uid;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapCloudPOI::set_name_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* name = (NSString*) args[@"name"]; + + // ref + AMapCloudPOI* ref = (AMapCloudPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = name;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapCloudPOI::set_location_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoPoint* location = (AMapGeoPoint*) (args[@"location"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"location"]); + + // ref + AMapCloudPOI* ref = (AMapCloudPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.location = location;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapCloudPOI::set_address_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* address = (NSString*) args[@"address"]; + + // ref + AMapCloudPOI* ref = (AMapCloudPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.address = address;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapCloudPOI::set_customFields_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSDictionary* customFields = (NSDictionary*) args[@"customFields"]; + + // ref + AMapCloudPOI* ref = (AMapCloudPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.customFields = customFields;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapCloudPOI::set_createTime_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* createTime = (NSString*) args[@"createTime"]; + + // ref + AMapCloudPOI* ref = (AMapCloudPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.createTime = createTime;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapCloudPOI::set_updateTime_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* updateTime = (NSString*) args[@"updateTime"]; + + // ref + AMapCloudPOI* ref = (AMapCloudPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.updateTime = updateTime;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapCloudPOI::set_distance_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger distance = [args[@"distance"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapCloudPOI* ref = (AMapCloudPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.distance = distance;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapCloudPOI::set_images_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* images = (NSArray*) args[@"images"]; + + // ref + AMapCloudPOI* ref = (AMapCloudPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.images = images;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapNearbyUploadInfo::set_userID_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* userID = (NSString*) args[@"userID"]; + + // ref + AMapNearbyUploadInfo* ref = (AMapNearbyUploadInfo*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.userID = userID;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapNearbyUploadInfo::set_coordinateType_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // enum arg + AMapSearchCoordinateType coordinateType = (AMapSearchCoordinateType) [args[@"coordinateType"] integerValue]; + + // ref + AMapNearbyUploadInfo* ref = (AMapNearbyUploadInfo*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.coordinateType = coordinateType;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapNearbyUploadInfo::set_coordinate_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* coordinateValue = (NSValue*) args[@"coordinate"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate; + if (coordinateValue != nil && (NSNull*) coordinateValue != [NSNull null]) { + [coordinateValue getValue:&coordinate]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"coordinate不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + AMapNearbyUploadInfo* ref = (AMapNearbyUploadInfo*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.coordinate = coordinate;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapNearbySearchManager::set_uploadTimeInterval_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSTimeInterval uploadTimeInterval = [args[@"uploadTimeInterval"] doubleValue]; + + // ref + AMapNearbySearchManager* ref = (AMapNearbySearchManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.uploadTimeInterval = uploadTimeInterval;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapSearchAPI::set_timeout_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger timeout = [args[@"timeout"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapSearchAPI* ref = (AMapSearchAPI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.timeout = timeout;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapSearchAPI::set_language_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* language = (NSString*) args[@"language"]; + + // ref + AMapSearchAPI* ref = (AMapSearchAPI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.language = language;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapPOISearchBaseRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapPOISearchBaseRequest class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapPOIIDSearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapPOIIDSearchRequest class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapPOIAroundSearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapPOIPolygonSearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapPOIPolygonSearchRequest class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapPOISearchResponse": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapPOISearchResponse class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapRoutePOISearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapRoutePOISearchRequest class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapRoutePOISearchResponse": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapRoutePOISearchResponse class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapInputTipsSearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapInputTipsSearchRequest class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapInputTipsSearchResponse": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapInputTipsSearchResponse class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapGeocodeSearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapGeocodeSearchRequest class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapGeocodeSearchResponse": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapGeocodeSearchResponse class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapReGeocodeSearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapReGeocodeSearchResponse": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapReGeocodeSearchResponse class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapBusStopSearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapBusStopSearchRequest class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapBusStopSearchResponse": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapBusStopSearchResponse class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapBusLineNameSearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapBusLineNameSearchRequest class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapBusLineIDSearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapBusLineIDSearchRequest class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapBusLineSearchResponse": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapBusLineSearchResponse class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapDistrictSearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapDistrictSearchRequest class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapDistrictSearchResponse": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapDistrictSearchResponse class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapRouteSearchBaseRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapRouteSearchBaseRequest class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapWalkingRouteSearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapWalkingRouteSearchRequest class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapTransitRouteSearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapRidingRouteSearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapRidingRouteSearchRequest class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapRouteSearchResponse": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapRouteSearchResponse class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapRidingRouteSearchResponse": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapRidingRouteSearchResponse class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapTruckRouteSearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapDistanceSearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapDistanceSearchRequest class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapDistanceSearchResponse": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapDistanceSearchResponse class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapWeatherSearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapWeatherSearchRequest class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapWeatherSearchResponse": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapWeatherSearchResponse class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapNearbySearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapNearbySearchRequest class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapNearbySearchResponse": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapNearbySearchResponse class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapCloudSearchBaseRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapCloudPOIAroundSearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapCloudPOIAroundSearchRequest class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapCloudPOIPolygonSearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapCloudPOIPolygonSearchRequest class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapCloudPOIIDSearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapCloudPOIIDSearchRequest class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapCloudPOILocalSearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapCloudPOILocalSearchRequest class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapCloudPOISearchResponse": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapCloudPOISearchResponse class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapShareSearchBaseRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapShareSearchBaseRequest class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapLocationShareSearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapLocationShareSearchRequest class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapPOIShareSearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapPOIShareSearchRequest class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapRouteShareSearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapRouteShareSearchRequest class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapNavigationShareSearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapNavigationShareSearchRequest class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapShareSearchResponse": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapShareSearchResponse class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapFutureRouteSearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapFutureRouteSearchResponse": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapFutureRouteSearchResponse class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapSearchObject": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapSearchObject class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapGeoPoint": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapGeoPoint class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapGeoPolygon": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapGeoPolygon class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapCity": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapCity class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapSuggestion": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapSuggestion class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapTip": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapTip class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapImage": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapImage class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapPOIExtension": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapPOIExtension class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapIndoorData": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapIndoorData class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapSubPOI": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapSubPOI class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapRoutePOI": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapRoutePOI class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapPOI": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapPOI class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapAOI": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapAOI class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapRoad": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapRoad class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapRoadInter": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapRoadInter class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapStreetNumber": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapStreetNumber class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapBusinessArea": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapBusinessArea class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapAddressComponent": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapAddressComponent class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapReGeocode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapReGeocode class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapGeocode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapGeocode class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapBusStop": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapBusStop class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapBusLine": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapBusLine class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapDistrict": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapDistrict class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapTMC": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapTMC class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapStep": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapStep class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapPath": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapPath class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapFutureTimeInfoElement": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapFutureTimeInfoElement class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapFutureTimeInfo": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapFutureTimeInfo class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapWalking": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapWalking class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapTaxi": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapTaxi class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapRailwayStation": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapRailwayStation class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapRailwaySpace": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapRailwaySpace class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapRailway": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapRailway class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapSegment": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapSegment class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapTransit": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapTransit class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapRoute": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapRoute class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapDistanceResult": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapDistanceResult class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapLocalWeatherLive": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapLocalWeatherLive class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapLocalDayWeatherForecast": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapLocalWeatherForecast": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapLocalWeatherForecast class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapNearbyUserInfo": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapNearbyUserInfo class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapTrafficEvaluation": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapTrafficEvaluation class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapTrafficRoad": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapTrafficRoad class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapTrafficInfo": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapTrafficInfo class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapCloudImage": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapCloudImage class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapCloudPOI": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapCloudPOI class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapSearchError": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapSearchError class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapNearbyUploadInfo": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapNearbyUploadInfo class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapNearbySearchManager": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapNearbySearchManager class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"RefClass::isKindOfAMapSearchAPI": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // 引用对象 + NSObject* __this__ = ((NSDictionary*) args)[@"__this__"]; + + BOOL isTargetType = [__this__ isKindOfClass:[AMapSearchAPI class]]; + methodResult(@(isTargetType)); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapPOISearchBaseRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapPOISearchBaseRequest"); + } + + AMapPOISearchBaseRequest* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapPOISearchBaseRequest alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapPOISearchBaseRequest alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapPOIIDSearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapPOIIDSearchRequest"); + } + + AMapPOIIDSearchRequest* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapPOIIDSearchRequest alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapPOIIDSearchRequest alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest"); + } + + AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapPOIAroundSearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapPOIAroundSearchRequest"); + } + + AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapPOIPolygonSearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapPOIPolygonSearchRequest"); + } + + AMapPOIPolygonSearchRequest* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapPOIPolygonSearchRequest alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapPOIPolygonSearchRequest alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapPOISearchResponse": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapPOISearchResponse"); + } + + AMapPOISearchResponse* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapPOISearchResponse alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapPOISearchResponse alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapRoutePOISearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapRoutePOISearchRequest"); + } + + AMapRoutePOISearchRequest* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapRoutePOISearchRequest alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapRoutePOISearchRequest alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapRoutePOISearchResponse": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapRoutePOISearchResponse"); + } + + AMapRoutePOISearchResponse* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapRoutePOISearchResponse alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapRoutePOISearchResponse alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapInputTipsSearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapInputTipsSearchRequest"); + } + + AMapInputTipsSearchRequest* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapInputTipsSearchRequest alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapInputTipsSearchRequest alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapInputTipsSearchResponse": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapInputTipsSearchResponse"); + } + + AMapInputTipsSearchResponse* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapInputTipsSearchResponse alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapInputTipsSearchResponse alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapGeocodeSearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapGeocodeSearchRequest"); + } + + AMapGeocodeSearchRequest* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapGeocodeSearchRequest alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapGeocodeSearchRequest alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapGeocodeSearchResponse": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapGeocodeSearchResponse"); + } + + AMapGeocodeSearchResponse* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapGeocodeSearchResponse alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapGeocodeSearchResponse alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapReGeocodeSearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapReGeocodeSearchRequest"); + } + + AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapReGeocodeSearchResponse": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapReGeocodeSearchResponse"); + } + + AMapReGeocodeSearchResponse* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapReGeocodeSearchResponse alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapReGeocodeSearchResponse alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapBusStopSearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapBusStopSearchRequest"); + } + + AMapBusStopSearchRequest* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapBusStopSearchRequest alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapBusStopSearchRequest alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapBusStopSearchResponse": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapBusStopSearchResponse"); + } + + AMapBusStopSearchResponse* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapBusStopSearchResponse alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapBusStopSearchResponse alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest"); + } + + AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapBusLineNameSearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapBusLineNameSearchRequest"); + } + + AMapBusLineNameSearchRequest* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapBusLineNameSearchRequest alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapBusLineNameSearchRequest alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapBusLineIDSearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapBusLineIDSearchRequest"); + } + + AMapBusLineIDSearchRequest* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapBusLineIDSearchRequest alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapBusLineIDSearchRequest alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapBusLineSearchResponse": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapBusLineSearchResponse"); + } + + AMapBusLineSearchResponse* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapBusLineSearchResponse alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapBusLineSearchResponse alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapDistrictSearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapDistrictSearchRequest"); + } + + AMapDistrictSearchRequest* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapDistrictSearchRequest alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapDistrictSearchRequest alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapDistrictSearchResponse": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapDistrictSearchResponse"); + } + + AMapDistrictSearchResponse* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapDistrictSearchResponse alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapDistrictSearchResponse alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapRouteSearchBaseRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapRouteSearchBaseRequest"); + } + + AMapRouteSearchBaseRequest* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapRouteSearchBaseRequest alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapRouteSearchBaseRequest alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest"); + } + + AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest"); + } + + AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapWalkingRouteSearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapWalkingRouteSearchRequest"); + } + + AMapWalkingRouteSearchRequest* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapWalkingRouteSearchRequest alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapWalkingRouteSearchRequest alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapTransitRouteSearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapTransitRouteSearchRequest"); + } + + AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapRidingRouteSearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapRidingRouteSearchRequest"); + } + + AMapRidingRouteSearchRequest* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapRidingRouteSearchRequest alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapRidingRouteSearchRequest alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapRouteSearchResponse": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapRouteSearchResponse"); + } + + AMapRouteSearchResponse* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapRouteSearchResponse alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapRouteSearchResponse alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapRidingRouteSearchResponse": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapRidingRouteSearchResponse"); + } + + AMapRidingRouteSearchResponse* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapRidingRouteSearchResponse alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapRidingRouteSearchResponse alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapTruckRouteSearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapTruckRouteSearchRequest"); + } + + AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapDistanceSearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapDistanceSearchRequest"); + } + + AMapDistanceSearchRequest* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapDistanceSearchRequest alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapDistanceSearchRequest alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapDistanceSearchResponse": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapDistanceSearchResponse"); + } + + AMapDistanceSearchResponse* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapDistanceSearchResponse alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapDistanceSearchResponse alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapWeatherSearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapWeatherSearchRequest"); + } + + AMapWeatherSearchRequest* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapWeatherSearchRequest alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapWeatherSearchRequest alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapWeatherSearchResponse": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapWeatherSearchResponse"); + } + + AMapWeatherSearchResponse* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapWeatherSearchResponse alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapWeatherSearchResponse alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapNearbySearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapNearbySearchRequest"); + } + + AMapNearbySearchRequest* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapNearbySearchRequest alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapNearbySearchRequest alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapNearbySearchResponse": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapNearbySearchResponse"); + } + + AMapNearbySearchResponse* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapNearbySearchResponse alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapNearbySearchResponse alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapCloudSearchBaseRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapCloudSearchBaseRequest"); + } + + AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapCloudPOIAroundSearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapCloudPOIAroundSearchRequest"); + } + + AMapCloudPOIAroundSearchRequest* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapCloudPOIAroundSearchRequest alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapCloudPOIAroundSearchRequest alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapCloudPOIPolygonSearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapCloudPOIPolygonSearchRequest"); + } + + AMapCloudPOIPolygonSearchRequest* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapCloudPOIPolygonSearchRequest alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapCloudPOIPolygonSearchRequest alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + }; +} + +@end diff --git a/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler11.h b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler11.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..986ebdd --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler11.h @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +#import "AmapSearchFluttifyPlugin.h" + +NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN + +@interface AmapSearchFluttifyPlugin (SubHandler11) +- (NSDictionary*) getSubHandler11; +@end + +NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END diff --git a/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler11.m b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler11.m new file mode 100644 index 0000000..026d5bb --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler11.m @@ -0,0 +1,3113 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +#import "SubHandler11.h" +#import "FluttifyMessageCodec.h" +#import +#import "AMapNearbySearchManagerDelegate_Anonymous.h" +#import "AMapSearchDelegate_Anonymous.h" + +// Dart端一次方法调用所存在的栈, 只有当MethodChannel传递参数受限时, 再启用这个容器 +extern NSMutableDictionary* STACK; +// Dart端随机存取对象的容器 +extern NSMutableDictionary* HEAP; +// 日志打印开关 +extern BOOL enableLog; + +@implementation AmapSearchFluttifyPlugin (SubHandler11) +- (NSDictionary*) getSubHandler11 { + __weak __typeof(self)weakSelf = self; + return @{ + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapCloudPOIIDSearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapCloudPOIIDSearchRequest"); + } + + AMapCloudPOIIDSearchRequest* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapCloudPOIIDSearchRequest alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapCloudPOIIDSearchRequest alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapCloudPOILocalSearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapCloudPOILocalSearchRequest"); + } + + AMapCloudPOILocalSearchRequest* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapCloudPOILocalSearchRequest alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapCloudPOILocalSearchRequest alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapCloudPOISearchResponse": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapCloudPOISearchResponse"); + } + + AMapCloudPOISearchResponse* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapCloudPOISearchResponse alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapCloudPOISearchResponse alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapShareSearchBaseRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapShareSearchBaseRequest"); + } + + AMapShareSearchBaseRequest* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapShareSearchBaseRequest alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapShareSearchBaseRequest alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapLocationShareSearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapLocationShareSearchRequest"); + } + + AMapLocationShareSearchRequest* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapLocationShareSearchRequest alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapLocationShareSearchRequest alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapPOIShareSearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapPOIShareSearchRequest"); + } + + AMapPOIShareSearchRequest* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapPOIShareSearchRequest alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapPOIShareSearchRequest alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapRouteShareSearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapRouteShareSearchRequest"); + } + + AMapRouteShareSearchRequest* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapRouteShareSearchRequest alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapRouteShareSearchRequest alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapNavigationShareSearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapNavigationShareSearchRequest"); + } + + AMapNavigationShareSearchRequest* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapNavigationShareSearchRequest alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapNavigationShareSearchRequest alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapShareSearchResponse": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapShareSearchResponse"); + } + + AMapShareSearchResponse* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapShareSearchResponse alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapShareSearchResponse alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapFutureRouteSearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapFutureRouteSearchRequest"); + } + + AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapFutureRouteSearchResponse": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapFutureRouteSearchResponse"); + } + + AMapFutureRouteSearchResponse* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapFutureRouteSearchResponse alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapFutureRouteSearchResponse alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapSearchObject": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapSearchObject"); + } + + AMapSearchObject* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapSearchObject alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapSearchObject alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapGeoPoint": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapGeoPoint"); + } + + AMapGeoPoint* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapGeoPoint alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapGeoPoint alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapGeoPolygon": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapGeoPolygon"); + } + + AMapGeoPolygon* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapGeoPolygon alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapGeoPolygon alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapCity": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapCity"); + } + + AMapCity* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapCity alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapCity alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapSuggestion": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapSuggestion"); + } + + AMapSuggestion* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapSuggestion alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapSuggestion alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapTip": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapTip"); + } + + AMapTip* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapTip alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapTip alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapImage": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapImage"); + } + + AMapImage* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapImage alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapImage alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapPOIExtension": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapPOIExtension"); + } + + AMapPOIExtension* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapPOIExtension alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapPOIExtension alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapIndoorData": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapIndoorData"); + } + + AMapIndoorData* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapIndoorData alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapIndoorData alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapSubPOI": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapSubPOI"); + } + + AMapSubPOI* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapSubPOI alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapSubPOI alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapRoutePOI": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapRoutePOI"); + } + + AMapRoutePOI* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapRoutePOI alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapRoutePOI alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapPOI": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapPOI"); + } + + AMapPOI* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapPOI alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapPOI alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapAOI": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapAOI"); + } + + AMapAOI* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapAOI alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapAOI alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapRoad": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapRoad"); + } + + AMapRoad* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapRoad alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapRoad alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapRoadInter": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapRoadInter"); + } + + AMapRoadInter* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapRoadInter alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapRoadInter alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapStreetNumber": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapStreetNumber"); + } + + AMapStreetNumber* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapStreetNumber alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapStreetNumber alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapBusinessArea": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapBusinessArea"); + } + + AMapBusinessArea* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapBusinessArea alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapBusinessArea alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapAddressComponent": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapAddressComponent"); + } + + AMapAddressComponent* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapAddressComponent alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapAddressComponent alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapReGeocode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapReGeocode"); + } + + AMapReGeocode* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapReGeocode alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapReGeocode alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapGeocode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapGeocode"); + } + + AMapGeocode* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapGeocode alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapGeocode alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapBusStop": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapBusStop"); + } + + AMapBusStop* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapBusStop alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapBusStop alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapBusLine": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapBusLine"); + } + + AMapBusLine* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapBusLine alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapBusLine alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapDistrict": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapDistrict"); + } + + AMapDistrict* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapDistrict alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapDistrict alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapTMC": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapTMC"); + } + + AMapTMC* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapTMC alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapTMC alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapStep": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapStep"); + } + + AMapStep* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapStep alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapStep alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapPath": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapPath"); + } + + AMapPath* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapPath alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapPath alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapFutureTimeInfoElement": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapFutureTimeInfoElement"); + } + + AMapFutureTimeInfoElement* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapFutureTimeInfoElement alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapFutureTimeInfoElement alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapFutureTimeInfo": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapFutureTimeInfo"); + } + + AMapFutureTimeInfo* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapFutureTimeInfo alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapFutureTimeInfo alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapWalking": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapWalking"); + } + + AMapWalking* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapWalking alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapWalking alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapTaxi": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapTaxi"); + } + + AMapTaxi* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapTaxi alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapTaxi alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapRailwayStation": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapRailwayStation"); + } + + AMapRailwayStation* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapRailwayStation alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapRailwayStation alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapRailwaySpace": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapRailwaySpace"); + } + + AMapRailwaySpace* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapRailwaySpace alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapRailwaySpace alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapRailway": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapRailway"); + } + + AMapRailway* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapRailway alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapRailway alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapSegment": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapSegment"); + } + + AMapSegment* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapSegment alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapSegment alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapTransit": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapTransit"); + } + + AMapTransit* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapTransit alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapTransit alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapRoute": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapRoute"); + } + + AMapRoute* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapRoute alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapRoute alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapDistanceResult": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapDistanceResult"); + } + + AMapDistanceResult* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapDistanceResult alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapDistanceResult alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapLocalWeatherLive": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapLocalWeatherLive"); + } + + AMapLocalWeatherLive* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapLocalWeatherLive alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapLocalWeatherLive alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapLocalDayWeatherForecast": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapLocalDayWeatherForecast"); + } + + AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapLocalWeatherForecast": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapLocalWeatherForecast"); + } + + AMapLocalWeatherForecast* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapLocalWeatherForecast alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapLocalWeatherForecast alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapNearbyUserInfo": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapNearbyUserInfo"); + } + + AMapNearbyUserInfo* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapNearbyUserInfo alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapNearbyUserInfo alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapTrafficEvaluation": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapTrafficEvaluation"); + } + + AMapTrafficEvaluation* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapTrafficEvaluation alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapTrafficEvaluation alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapTrafficRoad": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapTrafficRoad"); + } + + AMapTrafficRoad* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapTrafficRoad alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapTrafficRoad alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapTrafficInfo": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapTrafficInfo"); + } + + AMapTrafficInfo* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapTrafficInfo alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapTrafficInfo alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapCloudImage": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapCloudImage"); + } + + AMapCloudImage* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapCloudImage alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapCloudImage alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapCloudPOI": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapCloudPOI"); + } + + AMapCloudPOI* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapCloudPOI alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapCloudPOI alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapSearchError": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapSearchError"); + } + + AMapSearchError* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapSearchError alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapSearchError alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapNearbyUploadInfo": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapNearbyUploadInfo"); + } + + AMapNearbyUploadInfo* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapNearbyUploadInfo alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapNearbyUploadInfo alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::createAMapSearchAPI": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"ObjectFactory::createAMapSearchAPI"); + } + + AMapSearchAPI* __this__; + if ([((NSDictionary*) args)[@"init"] boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapSearchAPI alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapSearchAPI alloc]; + } + + methodResult(__this__); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapPOISearchBaseRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapPOISearchBaseRequest* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapPOISearchBaseRequest alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapPOISearchBaseRequest alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapPOIIDSearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapPOIIDSearchRequest* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapPOIIDSearchRequest alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapPOIIDSearchRequest alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapPOIAroundSearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapPOIPolygonSearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapPOIPolygonSearchRequest* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapPOIPolygonSearchRequest alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapPOIPolygonSearchRequest alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapPOISearchResponse": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapPOISearchResponse* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapPOISearchResponse alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapPOISearchResponse alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapRoutePOISearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapRoutePOISearchRequest* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapRoutePOISearchRequest alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapRoutePOISearchRequest alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapRoutePOISearchResponse": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapRoutePOISearchResponse* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapRoutePOISearchResponse alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapRoutePOISearchResponse alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapInputTipsSearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapInputTipsSearchRequest* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapInputTipsSearchRequest alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapInputTipsSearchRequest alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapInputTipsSearchResponse": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapInputTipsSearchResponse* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapInputTipsSearchResponse alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapInputTipsSearchResponse alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapGeocodeSearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapGeocodeSearchRequest* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapGeocodeSearchRequest alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapGeocodeSearchRequest alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapGeocodeSearchResponse": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapGeocodeSearchResponse* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapGeocodeSearchResponse alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapGeocodeSearchResponse alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapReGeocodeSearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapReGeocodeSearchResponse": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapReGeocodeSearchResponse* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapReGeocodeSearchResponse alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapReGeocodeSearchResponse alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapBusStopSearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapBusStopSearchRequest* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapBusStopSearchRequest alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapBusStopSearchRequest alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapBusStopSearchResponse": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapBusStopSearchResponse* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapBusStopSearchResponse alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapBusStopSearchResponse alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapBusLineNameSearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapBusLineNameSearchRequest* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapBusLineNameSearchRequest alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapBusLineNameSearchRequest alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapBusLineIDSearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapBusLineIDSearchRequest* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapBusLineIDSearchRequest alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapBusLineIDSearchRequest alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapBusLineSearchResponse": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapBusLineSearchResponse* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapBusLineSearchResponse alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapBusLineSearchResponse alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapDistrictSearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapDistrictSearchRequest* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapDistrictSearchRequest alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapDistrictSearchRequest alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapDistrictSearchResponse": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapDistrictSearchResponse* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapDistrictSearchResponse alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapDistrictSearchResponse alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapRouteSearchBaseRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapRouteSearchBaseRequest* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapRouteSearchBaseRequest alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapRouteSearchBaseRequest alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapWalkingRouteSearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapWalkingRouteSearchRequest* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapWalkingRouteSearchRequest alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapWalkingRouteSearchRequest alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapTransitRouteSearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapRidingRouteSearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapRidingRouteSearchRequest* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapRidingRouteSearchRequest alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapRidingRouteSearchRequest alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapRouteSearchResponse": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapRouteSearchResponse* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapRouteSearchResponse alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapRouteSearchResponse alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapRidingRouteSearchResponse": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapRidingRouteSearchResponse* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapRidingRouteSearchResponse alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapRidingRouteSearchResponse alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapTruckRouteSearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapDistanceSearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapDistanceSearchRequest* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapDistanceSearchRequest alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapDistanceSearchRequest alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapDistanceSearchResponse": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapDistanceSearchResponse* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapDistanceSearchResponse alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapDistanceSearchResponse alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapWeatherSearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapWeatherSearchRequest* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapWeatherSearchRequest alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapWeatherSearchRequest alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapWeatherSearchResponse": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapWeatherSearchResponse* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapWeatherSearchResponse alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapWeatherSearchResponse alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapNearbySearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapNearbySearchRequest* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapNearbySearchRequest alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapNearbySearchRequest alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapNearbySearchResponse": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapNearbySearchResponse* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapNearbySearchResponse alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapNearbySearchResponse alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapCloudSearchBaseRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapCloudPOIAroundSearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapCloudPOIAroundSearchRequest* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapCloudPOIAroundSearchRequest alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapCloudPOIAroundSearchRequest alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapCloudPOIPolygonSearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapCloudPOIPolygonSearchRequest* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapCloudPOIPolygonSearchRequest alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapCloudPOIPolygonSearchRequest alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapCloudPOIIDSearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapCloudPOIIDSearchRequest* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapCloudPOIIDSearchRequest alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapCloudPOIIDSearchRequest alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapCloudPOILocalSearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapCloudPOILocalSearchRequest* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapCloudPOILocalSearchRequest alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapCloudPOILocalSearchRequest alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapCloudPOISearchResponse": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapCloudPOISearchResponse* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapCloudPOISearchResponse alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapCloudPOISearchResponse alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapShareSearchBaseRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapShareSearchBaseRequest* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapShareSearchBaseRequest alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapShareSearchBaseRequest alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapLocationShareSearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapLocationShareSearchRequest* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapLocationShareSearchRequest alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapLocationShareSearchRequest alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapPOIShareSearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapPOIShareSearchRequest* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapPOIShareSearchRequest alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapPOIShareSearchRequest alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapRouteShareSearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapRouteShareSearchRequest* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapRouteShareSearchRequest alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapRouteShareSearchRequest alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapNavigationShareSearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapNavigationShareSearchRequest* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapNavigationShareSearchRequest alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapNavigationShareSearchRequest alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapShareSearchResponse": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapShareSearchResponse* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapShareSearchResponse alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapShareSearchResponse alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapFutureRouteSearchRequest": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapFutureRouteSearchResponse": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapFutureRouteSearchResponse* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapFutureRouteSearchResponse alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapFutureRouteSearchResponse alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapSearchObject": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapSearchObject* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapSearchObject alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapSearchObject alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapGeoPoint": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapGeoPoint* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapGeoPoint alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapGeoPoint alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapGeoPolygon": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapGeoPolygon* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapGeoPolygon alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapGeoPolygon alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapCity": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapCity* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapCity alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapCity alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapSuggestion": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapSuggestion* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapSuggestion alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapSuggestion alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapTip": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapTip* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapTip alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapTip alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapImage": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapImage* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapImage alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapImage alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapPOIExtension": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapPOIExtension* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapPOIExtension alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapPOIExtension alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapIndoorData": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapIndoorData* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapIndoorData alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapIndoorData alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapSubPOI": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapSubPOI* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapSubPOI alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapSubPOI alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapRoutePOI": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapRoutePOI* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapRoutePOI alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapRoutePOI alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapPOI": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapPOI* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapPOI alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapPOI alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapAOI": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapAOI* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapAOI alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapAOI alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapRoad": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapRoad* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapRoad alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapRoad alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapRoadInter": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapRoadInter* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapRoadInter alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapRoadInter alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapStreetNumber": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapStreetNumber* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapStreetNumber alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapStreetNumber alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapBusinessArea": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapBusinessArea* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapBusinessArea alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapBusinessArea alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapAddressComponent": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapAddressComponent* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapAddressComponent alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapAddressComponent alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapReGeocode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapReGeocode* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapReGeocode alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapReGeocode alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapGeocode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapGeocode* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapGeocode alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapGeocode alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapBusStop": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapBusStop* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapBusStop alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapBusStop alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapBusLine": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapBusLine* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapBusLine alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapBusLine alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapDistrict": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapDistrict* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapDistrict alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapDistrict alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapTMC": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapTMC* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapTMC alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapTMC alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapStep": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapStep* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapStep alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapStep alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapPath": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapPath* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapPath alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapPath alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapFutureTimeInfoElement": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapFutureTimeInfoElement* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapFutureTimeInfoElement alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapFutureTimeInfoElement alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapFutureTimeInfo": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapFutureTimeInfo* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapFutureTimeInfo alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapFutureTimeInfo alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapWalking": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapWalking* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapWalking alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapWalking alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapTaxi": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapTaxi* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapTaxi alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapTaxi alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapRailwayStation": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapRailwayStation* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapRailwayStation alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapRailwayStation alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapRailwaySpace": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapRailwaySpace* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapRailwaySpace alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapRailwaySpace alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapRailway": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapRailway* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapRailway alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapRailway alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapSegment": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapSegment* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapSegment alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapSegment alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapTransit": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapTransit* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapTransit alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapTransit alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapRoute": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapRoute* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapRoute alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapRoute alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapDistanceResult": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapDistanceResult* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapDistanceResult alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapDistanceResult alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapLocalWeatherLive": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapLocalWeatherLive* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapLocalWeatherLive alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapLocalWeatherLive alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapLocalDayWeatherForecast": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapLocalWeatherForecast": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapLocalWeatherForecast* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapLocalWeatherForecast alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapLocalWeatherForecast alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapNearbyUserInfo": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapNearbyUserInfo* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapNearbyUserInfo alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapNearbyUserInfo alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapTrafficEvaluation": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapTrafficEvaluation* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapTrafficEvaluation alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapTrafficEvaluation alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapTrafficRoad": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapTrafficRoad* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapTrafficRoad alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapTrafficRoad alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapTrafficInfo": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapTrafficInfo* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapTrafficInfo alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapTrafficInfo alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapCloudImage": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapCloudImage* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapCloudImage alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapCloudImage alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapCloudPOI": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapCloudPOI* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapCloudPOI alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapCloudPOI alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapSearchError": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapSearchError* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapSearchError alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapSearchError alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapNearbyUploadInfo": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapNearbyUploadInfo* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapNearbyUploadInfo alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapNearbyUploadInfo alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapSearchAPI": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + NSNumber* length = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"length"]; + NSNumber* init = (NSNumber*) ((NSDictionary*) argsBatch)[@"init"]; + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < [length integerValue]; __i__++) { + AMapSearchAPI* __this__; + if ([init boolValue]) { + __this__ = [[AMapSearchAPI alloc] init]; + } else { + __this__ = [AMapSearchAPI alloc]; + } + [resultList addObject:__this__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + + if (enableLog) NSLog(@"HEAP: %@", HEAP); + }, + + @"AMapNearbySearchManagerDelegate::createAnonymous__": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + id __result__ = [[AMapNearbySearchManagerDelegate_Anonymous alloc] initWithFlutterPluginRegistrar:registrar]; + methodResult(__result__); + }, + @"AMapSearchDelegate::createAnonymous__": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + id __result__ = [[AMapSearchDelegate_Anonymous alloc] initWithFlutterPluginRegistrar:registrar]; + methodResult(__result__); + }, + }; +} + +@end diff --git a/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler2.h b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler2.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b7ed42c --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler2.h @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +#import "AmapSearchFluttifyPlugin.h" + +NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN + +@interface AmapSearchFluttifyPlugin (SubHandler2) +- (NSDictionary*) getSubHandler2; +@end + +NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END diff --git a/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler2.m b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler2.m new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fd94945 --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler2.m @@ -0,0 +1,4485 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +#import "SubHandler2.h" +#import "FluttifyMessageCodec.h" +#import +#import "AMapNearbySearchManagerDelegate_Anonymous.h" +#import "AMapSearchDelegate_Anonymous.h" + +// Dart端一次方法调用所存在的栈, 只有当MethodChannel传递参数受限时, 再启用这个容器 +extern NSMutableDictionary* STACK; +// Dart端随机存取对象的容器 +extern NSMutableDictionary* HEAP; +// 日志打印开关 +extern BOOL enableLog; + +@implementation AmapSearchFluttifyPlugin (SubHandler2) +- (NSDictionary*) getSubHandler2 { + __weak __typeof(self)weakSelf = self; + return @{ + @"AMapBusStop::get_buslines": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapBusStop::get_buslines"); + } + + // ref object + AMapBusStop* ref = (AMapBusStop*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = ref.buslines; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapBusStop::get_sequence": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapBusStop::get_sequence"); + } + + // ref object + AMapBusStop* ref = (AMapBusStop*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.sequence; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapBusLine::get_uid": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapBusLine::get_uid"); + } + + // ref object + AMapBusLine* ref = (AMapBusLine*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.uid; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapBusLine::get_type": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapBusLine::get_type"); + } + + // ref object + AMapBusLine* ref = (AMapBusLine*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.type; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapBusLine::get_name": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapBusLine::get_name"); + } + + // ref object + AMapBusLine* ref = (AMapBusLine*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapBusLine::get_polyline": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapBusLine::get_polyline"); + } + + // ref object + AMapBusLine* ref = (AMapBusLine*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.polyline; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapBusLine::get_citycode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapBusLine::get_citycode"); + } + + // ref object + AMapBusLine* ref = (AMapBusLine*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.citycode; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapBusLine::get_startStop": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapBusLine::get_startStop"); + } + + // ref object + AMapBusLine* ref = (AMapBusLine*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.startStop; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapBusLine::get_endStop": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapBusLine::get_endStop"); + } + + // ref object + AMapBusLine* ref = (AMapBusLine*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.endStop; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapBusLine::get_location": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapBusLine::get_location"); + } + + // ref object + AMapBusLine* ref = (AMapBusLine*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + AMapGeoPoint* result = ref.location; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapBusLine::get_startTime": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapBusLine::get_startTime"); + } + + // ref object + AMapBusLine* ref = (AMapBusLine*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.startTime; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapBusLine::get_endTime": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapBusLine::get_endTime"); + } + + // ref object + AMapBusLine* ref = (AMapBusLine*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.endTime; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapBusLine::get_company": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapBusLine::get_company"); + } + + // ref object + AMapBusLine* ref = (AMapBusLine*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapBusLine::get_distance": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapBusLine::get_distance"); + } + + // ref object + AMapBusLine* ref = (AMapBusLine*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CGFloat result = ref.distance; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapBusLine::get_basicPrice": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapBusLine::get_basicPrice"); + } + + // ref object + AMapBusLine* ref = (AMapBusLine*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CGFloat result = ref.basicPrice; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapBusLine::get_totalPrice": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapBusLine::get_totalPrice"); + } + + // ref object + AMapBusLine* ref = (AMapBusLine*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CGFloat result = ref.totalPrice; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapBusLine::get_bounds": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapBusLine::get_bounds"); + } + + // ref object + AMapBusLine* ref = (AMapBusLine*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + AMapGeoPolygon* result = ref.bounds; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapBusLine::get_busStops": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapBusLine::get_busStops"); + } + + // ref object + AMapBusLine* ref = (AMapBusLine*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = ref.busStops; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapBusLine::get_departureStop": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapBusLine::get_departureStop"); + } + + // ref object + AMapBusLine* ref = (AMapBusLine*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + AMapBusStop* result = ref.departureStop; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapBusLine::get_arrivalStop": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapBusLine::get_arrivalStop"); + } + + // ref object + AMapBusLine* ref = (AMapBusLine*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + AMapBusStop* result = ref.arrivalStop; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapBusLine::get_viaBusStops": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapBusLine::get_viaBusStops"); + } + + // ref object + AMapBusLine* ref = (AMapBusLine*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = ref.viaBusStops; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapBusLine::get_duration": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapBusLine::get_duration"); + } + + // ref object + AMapBusLine* ref = (AMapBusLine*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.duration; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapDistrict::get_adcode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDistrict::get_adcode"); + } + + // ref object + AMapDistrict* ref = (AMapDistrict*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.adcode; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapDistrict::get_citycode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDistrict::get_citycode"); + } + + // ref object + AMapDistrict* ref = (AMapDistrict*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.citycode; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapDistrict::get_name": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDistrict::get_name"); + } + + // ref object + AMapDistrict* ref = (AMapDistrict*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapDistrict::get_level": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDistrict::get_level"); + } + + // ref object + AMapDistrict* ref = (AMapDistrict*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.level; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapDistrict::get_center": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDistrict::get_center"); + } + + // ref object + AMapDistrict* ref = (AMapDistrict*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + AMapGeoPoint* result =; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapDistrict::get_districts": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDistrict::get_districts"); + } + + // ref object + AMapDistrict* ref = (AMapDistrict*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = ref.districts; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapDistrict::get_polylines": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDistrict::get_polylines"); + } + + // ref object + AMapDistrict* ref = (AMapDistrict*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = ref.polylines; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapTMC::get_distance": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTMC::get_distance"); + } + + // ref object + AMapTMC* ref = (AMapTMC*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.distance; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapTMC::get_status": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTMC::get_status"); + } + + // ref object + AMapTMC* ref = (AMapTMC*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.status; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapTMC::get_polyline": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTMC::get_polyline"); + } + + // ref object + AMapTMC* ref = (AMapTMC*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.polyline; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapStep::get_instruction": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapStep::get_instruction"); + } + + // ref object + AMapStep* ref = (AMapStep*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.instruction; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapStep::get_orientation": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapStep::get_orientation"); + } + + // ref object + AMapStep* ref = (AMapStep*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.orientation; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapStep::get_road": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapStep::get_road"); + } + + // ref object + AMapStep* ref = (AMapStep*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.road; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapStep::get_distance": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapStep::get_distance"); + } + + // ref object + AMapStep* ref = (AMapStep*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.distance; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapStep::get_duration": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapStep::get_duration"); + } + + // ref object + AMapStep* ref = (AMapStep*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.duration; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapStep::get_polyline": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapStep::get_polyline"); + } + + // ref object + AMapStep* ref = (AMapStep*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.polyline; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapStep::get_action": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapStep::get_action"); + } + + // ref object + AMapStep* ref = (AMapStep*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.action; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapStep::get_assistantAction": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapStep::get_assistantAction"); + } + + // ref object + AMapStep* ref = (AMapStep*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.assistantAction; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapStep::get_tolls": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapStep::get_tolls"); + } + + // ref object + AMapStep* ref = (AMapStep*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CGFloat result = ref.tolls; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapStep::get_tollDistance": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapStep::get_tollDistance"); + } + + // ref object + AMapStep* ref = (AMapStep*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.tollDistance; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapStep::get_tollRoad": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapStep::get_tollRoad"); + } + + // ref object + AMapStep* ref = (AMapStep*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.tollRoad; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapStep::get_totalTrafficLights": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapStep::get_totalTrafficLights"); + } + + // ref object + AMapStep* ref = (AMapStep*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.totalTrafficLights; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapStep::get_cities": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapStep::get_cities"); + } + + // ref object + AMapStep* ref = (AMapStep*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = ref.cities; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapStep::get_tmcs": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapStep::get_tmcs"); + } + + // ref object + AMapStep* ref = (AMapStep*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = ref.tmcs; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapPath::get_distance": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPath::get_distance"); + } + + // ref object + AMapPath* ref = (AMapPath*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.distance; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapPath::get_duration": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPath::get_duration"); + } + + // ref object + AMapPath* ref = (AMapPath*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.duration; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapPath::get_strategy": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPath::get_strategy"); + } + + // ref object + AMapPath* ref = (AMapPath*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.strategy; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapPath::get_steps": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPath::get_steps"); + } + + // ref object + AMapPath* ref = (AMapPath*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = ref.steps; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapPath::get_tolls": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPath::get_tolls"); + } + + // ref object + AMapPath* ref = (AMapPath*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CGFloat result = ref.tolls; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapPath::get_tollDistance": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPath::get_tollDistance"); + } + + // ref object + AMapPath* ref = (AMapPath*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.tollDistance; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapPath::get_totalTrafficLights": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPath::get_totalTrafficLights"); + } + + // ref object + AMapPath* ref = (AMapPath*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.totalTrafficLights; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapPath::get_restriction": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPath::get_restriction"); + } + + // ref object + AMapPath* ref = (AMapPath*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.restriction; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapPath::get_polyline": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPath::get_polyline"); + } + + // ref object + AMapPath* ref = (AMapPath*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.polyline; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapFutureTimeInfoElement::get_duration": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapFutureTimeInfoElement::get_duration"); + } + + // ref object + AMapFutureTimeInfoElement* ref = (AMapFutureTimeInfoElement*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.duration; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapFutureTimeInfoElement::get_pathindex": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapFutureTimeInfoElement::get_pathindex"); + } + + // ref object + AMapFutureTimeInfoElement* ref = (AMapFutureTimeInfoElement*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.pathindex; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapFutureTimeInfoElement::get_restriction": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapFutureTimeInfoElement::get_restriction"); + } + + // ref object + AMapFutureTimeInfoElement* ref = (AMapFutureTimeInfoElement*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.restriction; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapFutureTimeInfoElement::get_tmcs": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapFutureTimeInfoElement::get_tmcs"); + } + + // ref object + AMapFutureTimeInfoElement* ref = (AMapFutureTimeInfoElement*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = ref.tmcs; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapFutureTimeInfo::get_startTime": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapFutureTimeInfo::get_startTime"); + } + + // ref object + AMapFutureTimeInfo* ref = (AMapFutureTimeInfo*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.startTime; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapFutureTimeInfo::get_elements": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapFutureTimeInfo::get_elements"); + } + + // ref object + AMapFutureTimeInfo* ref = (AMapFutureTimeInfo*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = ref.elements; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapWalking::get_origin": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapWalking::get_origin"); + } + + // ref object + AMapWalking* ref = (AMapWalking*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + AMapGeoPoint* result = ref.origin; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapWalking::get_destination": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapWalking::get_destination"); + } + + // ref object + AMapWalking* ref = (AMapWalking*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + AMapGeoPoint* result = ref.destination; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapWalking::get_distance": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapWalking::get_distance"); + } + + // ref object + AMapWalking* ref = (AMapWalking*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.distance; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapWalking::get_duration": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapWalking::get_duration"); + } + + // ref object + AMapWalking* ref = (AMapWalking*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.duration; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapWalking::get_steps": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapWalking::get_steps"); + } + + // ref object + AMapWalking* ref = (AMapWalking*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = ref.steps; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapTaxi::get_origin": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTaxi::get_origin"); + } + + // ref object + AMapTaxi* ref = (AMapTaxi*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + AMapGeoPoint* result = ref.origin; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapTaxi::get_destination": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTaxi::get_destination"); + } + + // ref object + AMapTaxi* ref = (AMapTaxi*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + AMapGeoPoint* result = ref.destination; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapTaxi::get_distance": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTaxi::get_distance"); + } + + // ref object + AMapTaxi* ref = (AMapTaxi*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.distance; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapTaxi::get_duration": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTaxi::get_duration"); + } + + // ref object + AMapTaxi* ref = (AMapTaxi*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.duration; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapTaxi::get_sname": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTaxi::get_sname"); + } + + // ref object + AMapTaxi* ref = (AMapTaxi*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.sname; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapTaxi::get_tname": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTaxi::get_tname"); + } + + // ref object + AMapTaxi* ref = (AMapTaxi*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.tname; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapRailwayStation::get_uid": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRailwayStation::get_uid"); + } + + // ref object + AMapRailwayStation* ref = (AMapRailwayStation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.uid; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapRailwayStation::get_name": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRailwayStation::get_name"); + } + + // ref object + AMapRailwayStation* ref = (AMapRailwayStation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapRailwayStation::get_location": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRailwayStation::get_location"); + } + + // ref object + AMapRailwayStation* ref = (AMapRailwayStation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + AMapGeoPoint* result = ref.location; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapRailwayStation::get_adcode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRailwayStation::get_adcode"); + } + + // ref object + AMapRailwayStation* ref = (AMapRailwayStation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.adcode; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapRailwayStation::get_time": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRailwayStation::get_time"); + } + + // ref object + AMapRailwayStation* ref = (AMapRailwayStation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.time; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapRailwayStation::get_wait": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRailwayStation::get_wait"); + } + + // ref object + AMapRailwayStation* ref = (AMapRailwayStation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.wait; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapRailwayStation::get_isStart": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRailwayStation::get_isStart"); + } + + // ref object + AMapRailwayStation* ref = (AMapRailwayStation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = ref.isStart; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapRailwayStation::get_isEnd": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRailwayStation::get_isEnd"); + } + + // ref object + AMapRailwayStation* ref = (AMapRailwayStation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = ref.isEnd; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapRailwaySpace::get_code": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRailwaySpace::get_code"); + } + + // ref object + AMapRailwaySpace* ref = (AMapRailwaySpace*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.code; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapRailwaySpace::get_cost": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRailwaySpace::get_cost"); + } + + // ref object + AMapRailwaySpace* ref = (AMapRailwaySpace*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CGFloat result = ref.cost; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapRailway::get_uid": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRailway::get_uid"); + } + + // ref object + AMapRailway* ref = (AMapRailway*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.uid; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapRailway::get_name": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRailway::get_name"); + } + + // ref object + AMapRailway* ref = (AMapRailway*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapRailway::get_trip": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRailway::get_trip"); + } + + // ref object + AMapRailway* ref = (AMapRailway*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.trip; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapRailway::get_type": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRailway::get_type"); + } + + // ref object + AMapRailway* ref = (AMapRailway*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.type; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapRailway::get_distance": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRailway::get_distance"); + } + + // ref object + AMapRailway* ref = (AMapRailway*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.distance; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapRailway::get_time": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRailway::get_time"); + } + + // ref object + AMapRailway* ref = (AMapRailway*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.time; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapRailway::get_departureStation": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRailway::get_departureStation"); + } + + // ref object + AMapRailway* ref = (AMapRailway*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + AMapRailwayStation* result = ref.departureStation; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapRailway::get_arrivalStation": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRailway::get_arrivalStation"); + } + + // ref object + AMapRailway* ref = (AMapRailway*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + AMapRailwayStation* result = ref.arrivalStation; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapRailway::get_spaces": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRailway::get_spaces"); + } + + // ref object + AMapRailway* ref = (AMapRailway*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = ref.spaces; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapRailway::get_viaStops": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRailway::get_viaStops"); + } + + // ref object + AMapRailway* ref = (AMapRailway*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = ref.viaStops; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapRailway::get_alters": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRailway::get_alters"); + } + + // ref object + AMapRailway* ref = (AMapRailway*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = ref.alters; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapSegment::get_walking": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapSegment::get_walking"); + } + + // ref object + AMapSegment* ref = (AMapSegment*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + AMapWalking* result = ref.walking; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapSegment::get_buslines": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapSegment::get_buslines"); + } + + // ref object + AMapSegment* ref = (AMapSegment*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = ref.buslines; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapSegment::get_taxi": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapSegment::get_taxi"); + } + + // ref object + AMapSegment* ref = (AMapSegment*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + AMapTaxi* result =; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapSegment::get_railway": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapSegment::get_railway"); + } + + // ref object + AMapSegment* ref = (AMapSegment*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + AMapRailway* result = ref.railway; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapSegment::get_enterName": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapSegment::get_enterName"); + } + + // ref object + AMapSegment* ref = (AMapSegment*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.enterName; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapSegment::get_enterLocation": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapSegment::get_enterLocation"); + } + + // ref object + AMapSegment* ref = (AMapSegment*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + AMapGeoPoint* result = ref.enterLocation; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapSegment::get_exitName": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapSegment::get_exitName"); + } + + // ref object + AMapSegment* ref = (AMapSegment*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.exitName; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapSegment::get_exitLocation": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapSegment::get_exitLocation"); + } + + // ref object + AMapSegment* ref = (AMapSegment*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + AMapGeoPoint* result = ref.exitLocation; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapTransit::get_cost": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTransit::get_cost"); + } + + // ref object + AMapTransit* ref = (AMapTransit*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CGFloat result = ref.cost; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapTransit::get_duration": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTransit::get_duration"); + } + + // ref object + AMapTransit* ref = (AMapTransit*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.duration; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapTransit::get_nightflag": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTransit::get_nightflag"); + } + + // ref object + AMapTransit* ref = (AMapTransit*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = ref.nightflag; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapTransit::get_walkingDistance": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTransit::get_walkingDistance"); + } + + // ref object + AMapTransit* ref = (AMapTransit*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.walkingDistance; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapTransit::get_segments": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTransit::get_segments"); + } + + // ref object + AMapTransit* ref = (AMapTransit*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = ref.segments; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapTransit::get_distance": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTransit::get_distance"); + } + + // ref object + AMapTransit* ref = (AMapTransit*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.distance; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapRoute::get_origin": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRoute::get_origin"); + } + + // ref object + AMapRoute* ref = (AMapRoute*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + AMapGeoPoint* result = ref.origin; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapRoute::get_destination": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRoute::get_destination"); + } + + // ref object + AMapRoute* ref = (AMapRoute*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + AMapGeoPoint* result = ref.destination; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapRoute::get_taxiCost": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRoute::get_taxiCost"); + } + + // ref object + AMapRoute* ref = (AMapRoute*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CGFloat result = ref.taxiCost; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapRoute::get_paths": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRoute::get_paths"); + } + + // ref object + AMapRoute* ref = (AMapRoute*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = ref.paths; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapRoute::get_transits": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRoute::get_transits"); + } + + // ref object + AMapRoute* ref = (AMapRoute*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = ref.transits; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapDistanceResult::get_originID": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDistanceResult::get_originID"); + } + + // ref object + AMapDistanceResult* ref = (AMapDistanceResult*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.originID; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapDistanceResult::get_destID": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDistanceResult::get_destID"); + } + + // ref object + AMapDistanceResult* ref = (AMapDistanceResult*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.destID; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapDistanceResult::get_distance": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDistanceResult::get_distance"); + } + + // ref object + AMapDistanceResult* ref = (AMapDistanceResult*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.distance; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapDistanceResult::get_duration": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDistanceResult::get_duration"); + } + + // ref object + AMapDistanceResult* ref = (AMapDistanceResult*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.duration; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapDistanceResult::get_info": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDistanceResult::get_info"); + } + + // ref object + AMapDistanceResult* ref = (AMapDistanceResult*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapDistanceResult::get_code": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDistanceResult::get_code"); + } + + // ref object + AMapDistanceResult* ref = (AMapDistanceResult*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.code; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapLocalWeatherLive::get_adcode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocalWeatherLive::get_adcode"); + } + + // ref object + AMapLocalWeatherLive* ref = (AMapLocalWeatherLive*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.adcode; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapLocalWeatherLive::get_province": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocalWeatherLive::get_province"); + } + + // ref object + AMapLocalWeatherLive* ref = (AMapLocalWeatherLive*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.province; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapLocalWeatherLive::get_city": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocalWeatherLive::get_city"); + } + + // ref object + AMapLocalWeatherLive* ref = (AMapLocalWeatherLive*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapLocalWeatherLive::get_weather": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocalWeatherLive::get_weather"); + } + + // ref object + AMapLocalWeatherLive* ref = (AMapLocalWeatherLive*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapLocalWeatherLive::get_temperature": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocalWeatherLive::get_temperature"); + } + + // ref object + AMapLocalWeatherLive* ref = (AMapLocalWeatherLive*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.temperature; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapLocalWeatherLive::get_windDirection": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocalWeatherLive::get_windDirection"); + } + + // ref object + AMapLocalWeatherLive* ref = (AMapLocalWeatherLive*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.windDirection; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapLocalWeatherLive::get_windPower": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocalWeatherLive::get_windPower"); + } + + // ref object + AMapLocalWeatherLive* ref = (AMapLocalWeatherLive*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.windPower; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapLocalWeatherLive::get_humidity": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocalWeatherLive::get_humidity"); + } + + // ref object + AMapLocalWeatherLive* ref = (AMapLocalWeatherLive*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.humidity; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapLocalWeatherLive::get_reportTime": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocalWeatherLive::get_reportTime"); + } + + // ref object + AMapLocalWeatherLive* ref = (AMapLocalWeatherLive*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.reportTime; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::get_date": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::get_date"); + } + + // ref object + AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast* ref = (AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::get_week": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::get_week"); + } + + // ref object + AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast* ref = (AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.week; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::get_dayWeather": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::get_dayWeather"); + } + + // ref object + AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast* ref = (AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.dayWeather; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::get_nightWeather": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::get_nightWeather"); + } + + // ref object + AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast* ref = (AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.nightWeather; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::get_dayTemp": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::get_dayTemp"); + } + + // ref object + AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast* ref = (AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.dayTemp; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::get_nightTemp": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::get_nightTemp"); + } + + // ref object + AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast* ref = (AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.nightTemp; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::get_dayWind": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::get_dayWind"); + } + + // ref object + AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast* ref = (AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.dayWind; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::get_nightWind": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::get_nightWind"); + } + + // ref object + AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast* ref = (AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.nightWind; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::get_dayPower": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::get_dayPower"); + } + + // ref object + AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast* ref = (AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.dayPower; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::get_nightPower": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::get_nightPower"); + } + + // ref object + AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast* ref = (AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.nightPower; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapLocalWeatherForecast::get_adcode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocalWeatherForecast::get_adcode"); + } + + // ref object + AMapLocalWeatherForecast* ref = (AMapLocalWeatherForecast*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.adcode; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapLocalWeatherForecast::get_province": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocalWeatherForecast::get_province"); + } + + // ref object + AMapLocalWeatherForecast* ref = (AMapLocalWeatherForecast*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.province; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapLocalWeatherForecast::get_city": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocalWeatherForecast::get_city"); + } + + // ref object + AMapLocalWeatherForecast* ref = (AMapLocalWeatherForecast*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapLocalWeatherForecast::get_reportTime": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocalWeatherForecast::get_reportTime"); + } + + // ref object + AMapLocalWeatherForecast* ref = (AMapLocalWeatherForecast*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.reportTime; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapLocalWeatherForecast::get_casts": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocalWeatherForecast::get_casts"); + } + + // ref object + AMapLocalWeatherForecast* ref = (AMapLocalWeatherForecast*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = ref.casts; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapNearbyUserInfo::get_userID": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapNearbyUserInfo::get_userID"); + } + + // ref object + AMapNearbyUserInfo* ref = (AMapNearbyUserInfo*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.userID; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapNearbyUserInfo::get_location": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapNearbyUserInfo::get_location"); + } + + // ref object + AMapNearbyUserInfo* ref = (AMapNearbyUserInfo*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + AMapGeoPoint* result = ref.location; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapNearbyUserInfo::get_distance": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapNearbyUserInfo::get_distance"); + } + + // ref object + AMapNearbyUserInfo* ref = (AMapNearbyUserInfo*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CGFloat result = ref.distance; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapNearbyUserInfo::get_updatetime": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapNearbyUserInfo::get_updatetime"); + } + + // ref object + AMapNearbyUserInfo* ref = (AMapNearbyUserInfo*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSTimeInterval result = ref.updatetime; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapTrafficEvaluation::get_evaluationDescription": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTrafficEvaluation::get_evaluationDescription"); + } + + // ref object + AMapTrafficEvaluation* ref = (AMapTrafficEvaluation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.evaluationDescription; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapTrafficEvaluation::get_status": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTrafficEvaluation::get_status"); + } + + // ref object + AMapTrafficEvaluation* ref = (AMapTrafficEvaluation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.status; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapTrafficEvaluation::get_expedite": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTrafficEvaluation::get_expedite"); + } + + // ref object + AMapTrafficEvaluation* ref = (AMapTrafficEvaluation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.expedite; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapTrafficEvaluation::get_congested": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTrafficEvaluation::get_congested"); + } + + // ref object + AMapTrafficEvaluation* ref = (AMapTrafficEvaluation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.congested; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapTrafficEvaluation::get_blocked": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTrafficEvaluation::get_blocked"); + } + + // ref object + AMapTrafficEvaluation* ref = (AMapTrafficEvaluation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.blocked; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapTrafficEvaluation::get_unknown": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTrafficEvaluation::get_unknown"); + } + + // ref object + AMapTrafficEvaluation* ref = (AMapTrafficEvaluation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.unknown; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapTrafficRoad::get_name": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTrafficRoad::get_name"); + } + + // ref object + AMapTrafficRoad* ref = (AMapTrafficRoad*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapTrafficRoad::get_status": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTrafficRoad::get_status"); + } + + // ref object + AMapTrafficRoad* ref = (AMapTrafficRoad*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.status; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapTrafficRoad::get_direction": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTrafficRoad::get_direction"); + } + + // ref object + AMapTrafficRoad* ref = (AMapTrafficRoad*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.direction; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapTrafficRoad::get_angle": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTrafficRoad::get_angle"); + } + + // ref object + AMapTrafficRoad* ref = (AMapTrafficRoad*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + float result = ref.angle; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapTrafficRoad::get_speed": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTrafficRoad::get_speed"); + } + + // ref object + AMapTrafficRoad* ref = (AMapTrafficRoad*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + float result = ref.speed; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapTrafficRoad::get_polyline": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTrafficRoad::get_polyline"); + } + + // ref object + AMapTrafficRoad* ref = (AMapTrafficRoad*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.polyline; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapTrafficInfo::get_statusDescription": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTrafficInfo::get_statusDescription"); + } + + // ref object + AMapTrafficInfo* ref = (AMapTrafficInfo*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.statusDescription; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapTrafficInfo::get_evaluation": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTrafficInfo::get_evaluation"); + } + + // ref object + AMapTrafficInfo* ref = (AMapTrafficInfo*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + AMapTrafficEvaluation* result = ref.evaluation; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapTrafficInfo::get_roads": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTrafficInfo::get_roads"); + } + + // ref object + AMapTrafficInfo* ref = (AMapTrafficInfo*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = ref.roads; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapCloudImage::get_uid": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapCloudImage::get_uid"); + } + + // ref object + AMapCloudImage* ref = (AMapCloudImage*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.uid; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapCloudImage::get_preurl": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapCloudImage::get_preurl"); + } + + // ref object + AMapCloudImage* ref = (AMapCloudImage*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.preurl; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapCloudImage::get_url": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapCloudImage::get_url"); + } + + // ref object + AMapCloudImage* ref = (AMapCloudImage*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.url; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapCloudPOI::get_uid": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapCloudPOI::get_uid"); + } + + // ref object + AMapCloudPOI* ref = (AMapCloudPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.uid; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapCloudPOI::get_name": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapCloudPOI::get_name"); + } + + // ref object + AMapCloudPOI* ref = (AMapCloudPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapCloudPOI::get_location": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapCloudPOI::get_location"); + } + + // ref object + AMapCloudPOI* ref = (AMapCloudPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + AMapGeoPoint* result = ref.location; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapCloudPOI::get_address": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapCloudPOI::get_address"); + } + + // ref object + AMapCloudPOI* ref = (AMapCloudPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.address; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapCloudPOI::get_customFields": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapCloudPOI::get_customFields"); + } + + // ref object + AMapCloudPOI* ref = (AMapCloudPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSDictionary* result = ref.customFields; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapCloudPOI::get_createTime": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapCloudPOI::get_createTime"); + } + + // ref object + AMapCloudPOI* ref = (AMapCloudPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.createTime; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapCloudPOI::get_updateTime": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapCloudPOI::get_updateTime"); + } + + // ref object + AMapCloudPOI* ref = (AMapCloudPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.updateTime; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapCloudPOI::get_distance": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapCloudPOI::get_distance"); + } + + // ref object + AMapCloudPOI* ref = (AMapCloudPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.distance; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapCloudPOI::get_images": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapCloudPOI::get_images"); + } + + // ref object + AMapCloudPOI* ref = (AMapCloudPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSArray* result = ref.images; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapNearbyUploadInfo::get_userID": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapNearbyUploadInfo::get_userID"); + } + + // ref object + AMapNearbyUploadInfo* ref = (AMapNearbyUploadInfo*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.userID; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapNearbyUploadInfo::get_coordinateType": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapNearbyUploadInfo::get_coordinateType"); + } + + // ref object + AMapNearbyUploadInfo* ref = (AMapNearbyUploadInfo*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + AMapSearchCoordinateType result = ref.coordinateType; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapNearbyUploadInfo::get_coordinate": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapNearbyUploadInfo::get_coordinate"); + } + + // ref object + AMapNearbyUploadInfo* ref = (AMapNearbyUploadInfo*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + CLLocationCoordinate2D result = ref.coordinate; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CLLocationCoordinate2D)]; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapNearbySearchManager::get_uploadTimeInterval": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapNearbySearchManager::get_uploadTimeInterval"); + } + + // ref object + AMapNearbySearchManager* ref = (AMapNearbySearchManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSTimeInterval result = ref.uploadTimeInterval; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapNearbySearchManager::get_isAutoUploading": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapNearbySearchManager::get_isAutoUploading"); + } + + // ref object + AMapNearbySearchManager* ref = (AMapNearbySearchManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + BOOL result = ref.isAutoUploading; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapSearchAPI::get_timeout": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapSearchAPI::get_timeout"); + } + + // ref object + AMapSearchAPI* ref = (AMapSearchAPI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSInteger result = ref.timeout; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapSearchAPI::get_language": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapSearchAPI::get_language"); + } + + // ref object + AMapSearchAPI* ref = (AMapSearchAPI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + // invoke native method + NSString* result = ref.language; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + methodResult(__result__); + }, + + @"AMapPOISearchBaseRequest::get_types_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapPOISearchBaseRequest* ref = (AMapPOISearchBaseRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.types; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapPOISearchBaseRequest::get_sortrule_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapPOISearchBaseRequest* ref = (AMapPOISearchBaseRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.sortrule; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapPOISearchBaseRequest::get_offset_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapPOISearchBaseRequest* ref = (AMapPOISearchBaseRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.offset; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapPOISearchBaseRequest::get_page_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapPOISearchBaseRequest* ref = (AMapPOISearchBaseRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result =; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapPOISearchBaseRequest::get_building_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapPOISearchBaseRequest* ref = (AMapPOISearchBaseRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.building; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapPOISearchBaseRequest::get_requireExtension_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapPOISearchBaseRequest* ref = (AMapPOISearchBaseRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + BOOL result = ref.requireExtension; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapPOISearchBaseRequest::get_requireSubPOIs_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapPOISearchBaseRequest* ref = (AMapPOISearchBaseRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + BOOL result = ref.requireSubPOIs; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapPOIIDSearchRequest::get_uid_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapPOIIDSearchRequest* ref = (AMapPOIIDSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.uid; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest::get_keywords_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest* ref = (AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.keywords; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest::get_city_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest* ref = (AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest::get_cityLimit_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest* ref = (AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + BOOL result = ref.cityLimit; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest::get_location_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest* ref = (AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + AMapGeoPoint* result = ref.location; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest::get_keywords_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest* ref = (AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.keywords; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest::get_location_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest* ref = (AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + AMapGeoPoint* result = ref.location; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest::get_radius_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest* ref = (AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.radius; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest::get_city_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest* ref = (AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest::get_special_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest* ref = (AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + BOOL result = ref.special; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapPOIPolygonSearchRequest::get_keywords_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapPOIPolygonSearchRequest* ref = (AMapPOIPolygonSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.keywords; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapPOIPolygonSearchRequest::get_polygon_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapPOIPolygonSearchRequest* ref = (AMapPOIPolygonSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + AMapGeoPolygon* result = ref.polygon; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapPOISearchResponse::get_count_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapPOISearchResponse* ref = (AMapPOISearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.count; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + }; +} + +@end diff --git a/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler3.h b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler3.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8ee7ab1 --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler3.h @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +#import "AmapSearchFluttifyPlugin.h" + +NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN + +@interface AmapSearchFluttifyPlugin (SubHandler3) +- (NSDictionary*) getSubHandler3; +@end + +NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END diff --git a/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler3.m b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler3.m new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b312faf --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler3.m @@ -0,0 +1,5025 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +#import "SubHandler3.h" +#import "FluttifyMessageCodec.h" +#import +#import "AMapNearbySearchManagerDelegate_Anonymous.h" +#import "AMapSearchDelegate_Anonymous.h" + +// Dart端一次方法调用所存在的栈, 只有当MethodChannel传递参数受限时, 再启用这个容器 +extern NSMutableDictionary* STACK; +// Dart端随机存取对象的容器 +extern NSMutableDictionary* HEAP; +// 日志打印开关 +extern BOOL enableLog; + +@implementation AmapSearchFluttifyPlugin (SubHandler3) +- (NSDictionary*) getSubHandler3 { + __weak __typeof(self)weakSelf = self; + return @{ + @"AMapPOISearchResponse::get_suggestion_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapPOISearchResponse* ref = (AMapPOISearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + AMapSuggestion* result = ref.suggestion; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapPOISearchResponse::get_pois_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapPOISearchResponse* ref = (AMapPOISearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSArray* result = ref.pois; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapRoutePOISearchRequest::get_origin_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapRoutePOISearchRequest* ref = (AMapRoutePOISearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + AMapGeoPoint* result = ref.origin; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapRoutePOISearchRequest::get_destination_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapRoutePOISearchRequest* ref = (AMapRoutePOISearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + AMapGeoPoint* result = ref.destination; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapRoutePOISearchRequest::get_searchType_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapRoutePOISearchRequest* ref = (AMapRoutePOISearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + AMapRoutePOISearchType result = ref.searchType; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapRoutePOISearchRequest::get_strategy_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapRoutePOISearchRequest* ref = (AMapRoutePOISearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.strategy; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapRoutePOISearchRequest::get_range_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapRoutePOISearchRequest* ref = (AMapRoutePOISearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.range; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapRoutePOISearchRequest::get_polylineStr_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapRoutePOISearchRequest* ref = (AMapRoutePOISearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.polylineStr; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapRoutePOISearchRequest::get_polyline_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapRoutePOISearchRequest* ref = (AMapRoutePOISearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSArray* result = ref.polyline; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapRoutePOISearchResponse::get_count_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapRoutePOISearchResponse* ref = (AMapRoutePOISearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.count; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapRoutePOISearchResponse::get_pois_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapRoutePOISearchResponse* ref = (AMapRoutePOISearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSArray* result = ref.pois; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapInputTipsSearchRequest::get_keywords_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapInputTipsSearchRequest* ref = (AMapInputTipsSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.keywords; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapInputTipsSearchRequest::get_city_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapInputTipsSearchRequest* ref = (AMapInputTipsSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapInputTipsSearchRequest::get_types_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapInputTipsSearchRequest* ref = (AMapInputTipsSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.types; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapInputTipsSearchRequest::get_cityLimit_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapInputTipsSearchRequest* ref = (AMapInputTipsSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + BOOL result = ref.cityLimit; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapInputTipsSearchRequest::get_location_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapInputTipsSearchRequest* ref = (AMapInputTipsSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.location; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapInputTipsSearchResponse::get_count_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapInputTipsSearchResponse* ref = (AMapInputTipsSearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.count; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapInputTipsSearchResponse::get_tips_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapInputTipsSearchResponse* ref = (AMapInputTipsSearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSArray* result =; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapGeocodeSearchRequest::get_address_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapGeocodeSearchRequest* ref = (AMapGeocodeSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.address; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapGeocodeSearchRequest::get_city_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapGeocodeSearchRequest* ref = (AMapGeocodeSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapGeocodeSearchRequest::get_country_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapGeocodeSearchRequest* ref = (AMapGeocodeSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapGeocodeSearchResponse::get_count_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapGeocodeSearchResponse* ref = (AMapGeocodeSearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.count; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapGeocodeSearchResponse::get_geocodes_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapGeocodeSearchResponse* ref = (AMapGeocodeSearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSArray* result = ref.geocodes; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest::get_requireExtension_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest* ref = (AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + BOOL result = ref.requireExtension; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest::get_location_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest* ref = (AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + AMapGeoPoint* result = ref.location; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest::get_radius_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest* ref = (AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.radius; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest::get_poitype_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest* ref = (AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.poitype; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest::get_mode_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest* ref = (AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.mode; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapReGeocodeSearchResponse::get_regeocode_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapReGeocodeSearchResponse* ref = (AMapReGeocodeSearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + AMapReGeocode* result = ref.regeocode; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapBusStopSearchRequest::get_keywords_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapBusStopSearchRequest* ref = (AMapBusStopSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.keywords; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapBusStopSearchRequest::get_city_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapBusStopSearchRequest* ref = (AMapBusStopSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapBusStopSearchRequest::get_offset_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapBusStopSearchRequest* ref = (AMapBusStopSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.offset; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapBusStopSearchRequest::get_page_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapBusStopSearchRequest* ref = (AMapBusStopSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result =; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapBusStopSearchResponse::get_count_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapBusStopSearchResponse* ref = (AMapBusStopSearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.count; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapBusStopSearchResponse::get_suggestion_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapBusStopSearchResponse* ref = (AMapBusStopSearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + AMapSuggestion* result = ref.suggestion; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapBusStopSearchResponse::get_busstops_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapBusStopSearchResponse* ref = (AMapBusStopSearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSArray* result = ref.busstops; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest::get_city_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest* ref = (AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest::get_requireExtension_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest* ref = (AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + BOOL result = ref.requireExtension; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest::get_offset_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest* ref = (AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.offset; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest::get_page_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest* ref = (AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result =; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapBusLineNameSearchRequest::get_keywords_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapBusLineNameSearchRequest* ref = (AMapBusLineNameSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.keywords; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapBusLineIDSearchRequest::get_uid_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapBusLineIDSearchRequest* ref = (AMapBusLineIDSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.uid; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapBusLineSearchResponse::get_count_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapBusLineSearchResponse* ref = (AMapBusLineSearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.count; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapBusLineSearchResponse::get_suggestion_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapBusLineSearchResponse* ref = (AMapBusLineSearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + AMapSuggestion* result = ref.suggestion; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapBusLineSearchResponse::get_buslines_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapBusLineSearchResponse* ref = (AMapBusLineSearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSArray* result = ref.buslines; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapDistrictSearchRequest::get_keywords_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapDistrictSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDistrictSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.keywords; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapDistrictSearchRequest::get_requireExtension_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapDistrictSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDistrictSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + BOOL result = ref.requireExtension; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapDistrictSearchRequest::get_showBusinessArea_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapDistrictSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDistrictSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + BOOL result = ref.showBusinessArea; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapDistrictSearchResponse::get_count_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapDistrictSearchResponse* ref = (AMapDistrictSearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.count; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapDistrictSearchResponse::get_districts_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapDistrictSearchResponse* ref = (AMapDistrictSearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSArray* result = ref.districts; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapRouteSearchBaseRequest::get_origin_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapRouteSearchBaseRequest* ref = (AMapRouteSearchBaseRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + AMapGeoPoint* result = ref.origin; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapRouteSearchBaseRequest::get_destination_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapRouteSearchBaseRequest* ref = (AMapRouteSearchBaseRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + AMapGeoPoint* result = ref.destination; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::get_strategy_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.strategy; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::get_waypoints_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSArray* result = ref.waypoints; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::get_avoidpolygons_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSArray* result = ref.avoidpolygons; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::get_avoidroad_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.avoidroad; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::get_originId_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.originId; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::get_destinationId_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.destinationId; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::get_origintype_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.origintype; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::get_destinationtype_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.destinationtype; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::get_plate_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.plate; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::get_ferry_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.ferry; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::get_cartype_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.cartype; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::get_showFieldType_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + AMapDrivingRouteShowFieldType result = ref.showFieldType; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::get_strategy_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.strategy; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::get_waypoints_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSArray* result = ref.waypoints; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::get_avoidpolygons_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSArray* result = ref.avoidpolygons; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::get_avoidroad_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.avoidroad; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::get_originId_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.originId; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::get_destinationId_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.destinationId; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::get_origintype_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.origintype; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::get_destinationtype_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.destinationtype; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::get_requireExtension_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + BOOL result = ref.requireExtension; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::get_plateProvince_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.plateProvince; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::get_plateNumber_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.plateNumber; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::get_ferry_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.ferry; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::get_cartype_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.cartype; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::get_exclude_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + AMapDrivingRouteExcludeType result = ref.exclude; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapWalkingRouteSearchRequest::get_multipath_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapWalkingRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapWalkingRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.multipath; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest::get_strategy_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.strategy; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest::get_city_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest::get_destinationCity_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.destinationCity; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest::get_nightflag_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + BOOL result = ref.nightflag; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest::get_requireExtension_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + BOOL result = ref.requireExtension; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapRidingRouteSearchRequest::get_type_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapRidingRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapRidingRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.type; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapRidingRouteSearchRequest::get_requireExtension_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapRidingRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapRidingRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + BOOL result = ref.requireExtension; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapRouteSearchResponse::get_count_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapRouteSearchResponse* ref = (AMapRouteSearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.count; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapRouteSearchResponse::get_route_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapRouteSearchResponse* ref = (AMapRouteSearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + AMapRoute* result = ref.route; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::get_strategy_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.strategy; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::get_waypoints_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSArray* result = ref.waypoints; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::get_originId_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.originId; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::get_destinationId_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.destinationId; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::get_origintype_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.origintype; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::get_destinationtype_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.destinationtype; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::get_plateProvince_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.plateProvince; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::get_plateNumber_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.plateNumber; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::get_size_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + AMapTruckSizeType result = ref.size; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::get_height_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CGFloat result = ref.height; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::get_width_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CGFloat result = ref.width; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::get_load_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CGFloat result = ref.load; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::get_weight_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CGFloat result = ref.weight; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::get_axis_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.axis; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::get_requireExtension_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + BOOL result = ref.requireExtension; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapDistanceSearchRequest::get_origins_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapDistanceSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDistanceSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSArray* result =; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapDistanceSearchRequest::get_destination_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapDistanceSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDistanceSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + AMapGeoPoint* result = ref.destination; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapDistanceSearchRequest::get_type_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapDistanceSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDistanceSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + AMapDistanceSearchType result = ref.type; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapDistanceSearchRequest::get_strategy_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapDistanceSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDistanceSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.strategy; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapDistanceSearchRequest::get_requireExtension_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapDistanceSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDistanceSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + BOOL result = ref.requireExtension; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapDistanceSearchResponse::get_results_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapDistanceSearchResponse* ref = (AMapDistanceSearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSArray* result = ref.results; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapWeatherSearchRequest::get_city_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapWeatherSearchRequest* ref = (AMapWeatherSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapWeatherSearchRequest::get_type_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapWeatherSearchRequest* ref = (AMapWeatherSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + AMapWeatherType result = ref.type; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapWeatherSearchResponse::get_lives_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapWeatherSearchResponse* ref = (AMapWeatherSearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSArray* result = ref.lives; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapWeatherSearchResponse::get_forecasts_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapWeatherSearchResponse* ref = (AMapWeatherSearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSArray* result = ref.forecasts; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapNearbySearchRequest::get_center_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapNearbySearchRequest* ref = (AMapNearbySearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + AMapGeoPoint* result =; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapNearbySearchRequest::get_radius_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapNearbySearchRequest* ref = (AMapNearbySearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.radius; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapNearbySearchRequest::get_searchType_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapNearbySearchRequest* ref = (AMapNearbySearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + AMapNearbySearchType result = ref.searchType; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapNearbySearchRequest::get_timeRange_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapNearbySearchRequest* ref = (AMapNearbySearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.timeRange; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapNearbySearchRequest::get_limit_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapNearbySearchRequest* ref = (AMapNearbySearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.limit; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapNearbySearchResponse::get_count_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapNearbySearchResponse* ref = (AMapNearbySearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.count; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapNearbySearchResponse::get_infos_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapNearbySearchResponse* ref = (AMapNearbySearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSArray* result = ref.infos; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest::get_tableID_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest* ref = (AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.tableID; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest::get_filter_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest* ref = (AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSArray* result = ref.filter; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest::get_sortFields_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest* ref = (AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.sortFields; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest::get_sortType_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest* ref = (AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + AMapCloudSortType result = ref.sortType; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest::get_offset_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest* ref = (AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.offset; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest::get_page_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest* ref = (AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result =; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapCloudPOIAroundSearchRequest::get_center_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapCloudPOIAroundSearchRequest* ref = (AMapCloudPOIAroundSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + AMapGeoPoint* result =; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapCloudPOIAroundSearchRequest::get_radius_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapCloudPOIAroundSearchRequest* ref = (AMapCloudPOIAroundSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.radius; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapCloudPOIAroundSearchRequest::get_keywords_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapCloudPOIAroundSearchRequest* ref = (AMapCloudPOIAroundSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.keywords; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapCloudPOIPolygonSearchRequest::get_polygon_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapCloudPOIPolygonSearchRequest* ref = (AMapCloudPOIPolygonSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + AMapGeoPolygon* result = ref.polygon; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapCloudPOIPolygonSearchRequest::get_keywords_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapCloudPOIPolygonSearchRequest* ref = (AMapCloudPOIPolygonSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.keywords; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapCloudPOIIDSearchRequest::get_uid_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapCloudPOIIDSearchRequest* ref = (AMapCloudPOIIDSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.uid; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapCloudPOILocalSearchRequest::get_keywords_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapCloudPOILocalSearchRequest* ref = (AMapCloudPOILocalSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.keywords; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapCloudPOILocalSearchRequest::get_city_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapCloudPOILocalSearchRequest* ref = (AMapCloudPOILocalSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapCloudPOISearchResponse::get_count_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapCloudPOISearchResponse* ref = (AMapCloudPOISearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.count; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapCloudPOISearchResponse::get_POIs_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapCloudPOISearchResponse* ref = (AMapCloudPOISearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSArray* result = ref.POIs; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapLocationShareSearchRequest::get_location_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapLocationShareSearchRequest* ref = (AMapLocationShareSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + AMapGeoPoint* result = ref.location; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapLocationShareSearchRequest::get_name_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapLocationShareSearchRequest* ref = (AMapLocationShareSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapPOIShareSearchRequest::get_uid_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapPOIShareSearchRequest* ref = (AMapPOIShareSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.uid; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapPOIShareSearchRequest::get_location_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapPOIShareSearchRequest* ref = (AMapPOIShareSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + AMapGeoPoint* result = ref.location; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapPOIShareSearchRequest::get_name_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapPOIShareSearchRequest* ref = (AMapPOIShareSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapPOIShareSearchRequest::get_address_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapPOIShareSearchRequest* ref = (AMapPOIShareSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.address; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapRouteShareSearchRequest::get_strategy_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapRouteShareSearchRequest* ref = (AMapRouteShareSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.strategy; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapRouteShareSearchRequest::get_type_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapRouteShareSearchRequest* ref = (AMapRouteShareSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.type; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapRouteShareSearchRequest::get_startCoordinate_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapRouteShareSearchRequest* ref = (AMapRouteShareSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + AMapGeoPoint* result = ref.startCoordinate; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapRouteShareSearchRequest::get_destinationCoordinate_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapRouteShareSearchRequest* ref = (AMapRouteShareSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + AMapGeoPoint* result = ref.destinationCoordinate; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapRouteShareSearchRequest::get_startName_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapRouteShareSearchRequest* ref = (AMapRouteShareSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.startName; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapRouteShareSearchRequest::get_destinationName_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapRouteShareSearchRequest* ref = (AMapRouteShareSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.destinationName; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapNavigationShareSearchRequest::get_strategy_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapNavigationShareSearchRequest* ref = (AMapNavigationShareSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.strategy; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapNavigationShareSearchRequest::get_startCoordinate_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapNavigationShareSearchRequest* ref = (AMapNavigationShareSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + AMapGeoPoint* result = ref.startCoordinate; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapNavigationShareSearchRequest::get_destinationCoordinate_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapNavigationShareSearchRequest* ref = (AMapNavigationShareSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + AMapGeoPoint* result = ref.destinationCoordinate; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapShareSearchResponse::get_shareURL_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapShareSearchResponse* ref = (AMapShareSearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.shareURL; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::get_beginTime_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.beginTime; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::get_interval_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.interval; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::get_timeCount_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.timeCount; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::get_strategy_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.strategy; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::get_originId_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.originId; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::get_destinationId_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.destinationId; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::get_origintype_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.origintype; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::get_destinationtype_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.destinationtype; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::get_parentId_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.parentId; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::get_plateProvince_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.plateProvince; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::get_plateNumber_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.plateNumber; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::get_cartype_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.cartype; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapFutureRouteSearchResponse::get_paths_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapFutureRouteSearchResponse* ref = (AMapFutureRouteSearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSArray* result = ref.paths; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapFutureRouteSearchResponse::get_timeInfos_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapFutureRouteSearchResponse* ref = (AMapFutureRouteSearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSArray* result = ref.timeInfos; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapGeoPoint::get_latitude_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapGeoPoint* ref = (AMapGeoPoint*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CGFloat result = ref.latitude; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapGeoPoint::get_longitude_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapGeoPoint* ref = (AMapGeoPoint*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CGFloat result = ref.longitude; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapGeoPolygon::get_points_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapGeoPolygon* ref = (AMapGeoPolygon*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSArray* result = ref.points; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapCity::get_city_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapCity* ref = (AMapCity*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapCity::get_citycode_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapCity* ref = (AMapCity*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.citycode; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapCity::get_adcode_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapCity* ref = (AMapCity*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.adcode; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapCity::get_num_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapCity* ref = (AMapCity*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.num; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapCity::get_districts_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapCity* ref = (AMapCity*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSArray* result = ref.districts; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapSuggestion::get_keywords_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapSuggestion* ref = (AMapSuggestion*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSArray* result = ref.keywords; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapSuggestion::get_cities_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapSuggestion* ref = (AMapSuggestion*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSArray* result = ref.cities; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapTip::get_uid_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapTip* ref = (AMapTip*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.uid; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapTip::get_name_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapTip* ref = (AMapTip*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapTip::get_adcode_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapTip* ref = (AMapTip*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.adcode; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapTip::get_district_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapTip* ref = (AMapTip*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.district; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapTip::get_address_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapTip* ref = (AMapTip*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.address; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapTip::get_location_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapTip* ref = (AMapTip*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + AMapGeoPoint* result = ref.location; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapTip::get_typecode_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapTip* ref = (AMapTip*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.typecode; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapImage::get_title_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapImage* ref = (AMapImage*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.title; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapImage::get_url_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapImage* ref = (AMapImage*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.url; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapPOIExtension::get_rating_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapPOIExtension* ref = (AMapPOIExtension*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CGFloat result = ref.rating; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapPOIExtension::get_cost_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapPOIExtension* ref = (AMapPOIExtension*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CGFloat result = ref.cost; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapPOIExtension::get_openTime_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapPOIExtension* ref = (AMapPOIExtension*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.openTime; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapIndoorData::get_floor_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapIndoorData* ref = (AMapIndoorData*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.floor; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapIndoorData::get_floorName_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapIndoorData* ref = (AMapIndoorData*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.floorName; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapIndoorData::get_pid_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapIndoorData* ref = (AMapIndoorData*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapSubPOI::get_uid_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapSubPOI* ref = (AMapSubPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.uid; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapSubPOI::get_name_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapSubPOI* ref = (AMapSubPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapSubPOI::get_sname_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapSubPOI* ref = (AMapSubPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.sname; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapSubPOI::get_location_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapSubPOI* ref = (AMapSubPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + AMapGeoPoint* result = ref.location; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapSubPOI::get_address_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapSubPOI* ref = (AMapSubPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.address; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapSubPOI::get_distance_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapSubPOI* ref = (AMapSubPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.distance; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapSubPOI::get_subtype_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapSubPOI* ref = (AMapSubPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.subtype; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapRoutePOI::get_uid_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapRoutePOI* ref = (AMapRoutePOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.uid; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapRoutePOI::get_name_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapRoutePOI* ref = (AMapRoutePOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + }; +} + +@end diff --git a/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler4.h b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler4.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c0f2149 --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler4.h @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +#import "AmapSearchFluttifyPlugin.h" + +NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN + +@interface AmapSearchFluttifyPlugin (SubHandler4) +- (NSDictionary*) getSubHandler4; +@end + +NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END diff --git a/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler4.m b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler4.m new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5ac2b09 --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler4.m @@ -0,0 +1,5025 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +#import "SubHandler4.h" +#import "FluttifyMessageCodec.h" +#import +#import "AMapNearbySearchManagerDelegate_Anonymous.h" +#import "AMapSearchDelegate_Anonymous.h" + +// Dart端一次方法调用所存在的栈, 只有当MethodChannel传递参数受限时, 再启用这个容器 +extern NSMutableDictionary* STACK; +// Dart端随机存取对象的容器 +extern NSMutableDictionary* HEAP; +// 日志打印开关 +extern BOOL enableLog; + +@implementation AmapSearchFluttifyPlugin (SubHandler4) +- (NSDictionary*) getSubHandler4 { + __weak __typeof(self)weakSelf = self; + return @{ + @"AMapRoutePOI::get_location_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapRoutePOI* ref = (AMapRoutePOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + AMapGeoPoint* result = ref.location; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapRoutePOI::get_distance_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapRoutePOI* ref = (AMapRoutePOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.distance; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapRoutePOI::get_duration_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapRoutePOI* ref = (AMapRoutePOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.duration; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::get_uid_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.uid; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::get_name_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::get_type_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.type; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::get_typecode_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.typecode; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::get_location_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + AMapGeoPoint* result = ref.location; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::get_address_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.address; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::get_tel_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::get_distance_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.distance; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::get_parkingType_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.parkingType; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::get_shopID_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.shopID; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::get_postcode_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.postcode; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::get_website_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::get_email_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::get_province_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.province; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::get_pcode_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.pcode; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::get_city_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::get_citycode_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.citycode; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::get_district_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.district; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::get_adcode_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.adcode; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::get_gridcode_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.gridcode; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::get_enterLocation_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + AMapGeoPoint* result = ref.enterLocation; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::get_exitLocation_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + AMapGeoPoint* result = ref.exitLocation; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::get_direction_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.direction; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::get_hasIndoorMap_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + BOOL result = ref.hasIndoorMap; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::get_businessArea_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.businessArea; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::get_indoorData_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + AMapIndoorData* result = ref.indoorData; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::get_subPOIs_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSArray* result = ref.subPOIs; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::get_images_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSArray* result = ref.images; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::get_extensionInfo_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + AMapPOIExtension* result = ref.extensionInfo; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapAOI::get_uid_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapAOI* ref = (AMapAOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.uid; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapAOI::get_name_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapAOI* ref = (AMapAOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapAOI::get_adcode_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapAOI* ref = (AMapAOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.adcode; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapAOI::get_location_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapAOI* ref = (AMapAOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + AMapGeoPoint* result = ref.location; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapAOI::get_area_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapAOI* ref = (AMapAOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CGFloat result = ref.area; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapRoad::get_uid_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapRoad* ref = (AMapRoad*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.uid; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapRoad::get_name_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapRoad* ref = (AMapRoad*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapRoad::get_distance_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapRoad* ref = (AMapRoad*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.distance; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapRoad::get_direction_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapRoad* ref = (AMapRoad*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.direction; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapRoad::get_location_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapRoad* ref = (AMapRoad*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + AMapGeoPoint* result = ref.location; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapRoadInter::get_distance_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapRoadInter* ref = (AMapRoadInter*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.distance; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapRoadInter::get_direction_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapRoadInter* ref = (AMapRoadInter*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.direction; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapRoadInter::get_location_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapRoadInter* ref = (AMapRoadInter*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + AMapGeoPoint* result = ref.location; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapRoadInter::get_firstId_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapRoadInter* ref = (AMapRoadInter*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.firstId; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapRoadInter::get_firstName_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapRoadInter* ref = (AMapRoadInter*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.firstName; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapRoadInter::get_secondId_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapRoadInter* ref = (AMapRoadInter*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.secondId; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapRoadInter::get_secondName_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapRoadInter* ref = (AMapRoadInter*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.secondName; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapStreetNumber::get_street_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapStreetNumber* ref = (AMapStreetNumber*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.street; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapStreetNumber::get_number_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapStreetNumber* ref = (AMapStreetNumber*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.number; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapStreetNumber::get_location_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapStreetNumber* ref = (AMapStreetNumber*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + AMapGeoPoint* result = ref.location; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapStreetNumber::get_distance_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapStreetNumber* ref = (AMapStreetNumber*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.distance; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapStreetNumber::get_direction_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapStreetNumber* ref = (AMapStreetNumber*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.direction; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapBusinessArea::get_name_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapBusinessArea* ref = (AMapBusinessArea*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapBusinessArea::get_location_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapBusinessArea* ref = (AMapBusinessArea*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + AMapGeoPoint* result = ref.location; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapAddressComponent::get_country_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapAddressComponent* ref = (AMapAddressComponent*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapAddressComponent::get_countryCode_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapAddressComponent* ref = (AMapAddressComponent*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.countryCode; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapAddressComponent::get_province_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapAddressComponent* ref = (AMapAddressComponent*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.province; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapAddressComponent::get_city_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapAddressComponent* ref = (AMapAddressComponent*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapAddressComponent::get_citycode_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapAddressComponent* ref = (AMapAddressComponent*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.citycode; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapAddressComponent::get_district_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapAddressComponent* ref = (AMapAddressComponent*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.district; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapAddressComponent::get_adcode_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapAddressComponent* ref = (AMapAddressComponent*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.adcode; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapAddressComponent::get_township_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapAddressComponent* ref = (AMapAddressComponent*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.township; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapAddressComponent::get_towncode_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapAddressComponent* ref = (AMapAddressComponent*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.towncode; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapAddressComponent::get_neighborhood_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapAddressComponent* ref = (AMapAddressComponent*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.neighborhood; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapAddressComponent::get_building_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapAddressComponent* ref = (AMapAddressComponent*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.building; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapAddressComponent::get_streetNumber_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapAddressComponent* ref = (AMapAddressComponent*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + AMapStreetNumber* result = ref.streetNumber; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapAddressComponent::get_businessAreas_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapAddressComponent* ref = (AMapAddressComponent*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSArray* result = ref.businessAreas; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapReGeocode::get_formattedAddress_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapReGeocode* ref = (AMapReGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.formattedAddress; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapReGeocode::get_addressComponent_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapReGeocode* ref = (AMapReGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + AMapAddressComponent* result = ref.addressComponent; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapReGeocode::get_roads_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapReGeocode* ref = (AMapReGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSArray* result = ref.roads; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapReGeocode::get_roadinters_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapReGeocode* ref = (AMapReGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSArray* result = ref.roadinters; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapReGeocode::get_pois_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapReGeocode* ref = (AMapReGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSArray* result = ref.pois; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapReGeocode::get_aois_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapReGeocode* ref = (AMapReGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSArray* result = ref.aois; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapGeocode::get_formattedAddress_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapGeocode* ref = (AMapGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.formattedAddress; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapGeocode::get_province_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapGeocode* ref = (AMapGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.province; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapGeocode::get_city_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapGeocode* ref = (AMapGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapGeocode::get_citycode_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapGeocode* ref = (AMapGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.citycode; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapGeocode::get_district_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapGeocode* ref = (AMapGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.district; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapGeocode::get_adcode_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapGeocode* ref = (AMapGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.adcode; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapGeocode::get_township_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapGeocode* ref = (AMapGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.township; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapGeocode::get_neighborhood_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapGeocode* ref = (AMapGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.neighborhood; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapGeocode::get_building_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapGeocode* ref = (AMapGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.building; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapGeocode::get_location_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapGeocode* ref = (AMapGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + AMapGeoPoint* result = ref.location; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapGeocode::get_level_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapGeocode* ref = (AMapGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.level; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapGeocode::get_country_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapGeocode* ref = (AMapGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapGeocode::get_postcode_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapGeocode* ref = (AMapGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.postcode; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapBusStop::get_uid_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapBusStop* ref = (AMapBusStop*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.uid; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapBusStop::get_adcode_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapBusStop* ref = (AMapBusStop*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.adcode; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapBusStop::get_name_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapBusStop* ref = (AMapBusStop*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapBusStop::get_citycode_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapBusStop* ref = (AMapBusStop*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.citycode; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapBusStop::get_location_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapBusStop* ref = (AMapBusStop*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + AMapGeoPoint* result = ref.location; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapBusStop::get_buslines_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapBusStop* ref = (AMapBusStop*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSArray* result = ref.buslines; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapBusStop::get_sequence_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapBusStop* ref = (AMapBusStop*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.sequence; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapBusLine::get_uid_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapBusLine* ref = (AMapBusLine*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.uid; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapBusLine::get_type_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapBusLine* ref = (AMapBusLine*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.type; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapBusLine::get_name_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapBusLine* ref = (AMapBusLine*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapBusLine::get_polyline_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapBusLine* ref = (AMapBusLine*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.polyline; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapBusLine::get_citycode_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapBusLine* ref = (AMapBusLine*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.citycode; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapBusLine::get_startStop_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapBusLine* ref = (AMapBusLine*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.startStop; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapBusLine::get_endStop_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapBusLine* ref = (AMapBusLine*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.endStop; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapBusLine::get_location_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapBusLine* ref = (AMapBusLine*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + AMapGeoPoint* result = ref.location; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapBusLine::get_startTime_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapBusLine* ref = (AMapBusLine*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.startTime; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapBusLine::get_endTime_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapBusLine* ref = (AMapBusLine*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.endTime; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapBusLine::get_company_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapBusLine* ref = (AMapBusLine*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapBusLine::get_distance_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapBusLine* ref = (AMapBusLine*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CGFloat result = ref.distance; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapBusLine::get_basicPrice_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapBusLine* ref = (AMapBusLine*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CGFloat result = ref.basicPrice; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapBusLine::get_totalPrice_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapBusLine* ref = (AMapBusLine*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CGFloat result = ref.totalPrice; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapBusLine::get_bounds_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapBusLine* ref = (AMapBusLine*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + AMapGeoPolygon* result = ref.bounds; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapBusLine::get_busStops_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapBusLine* ref = (AMapBusLine*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSArray* result = ref.busStops; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapBusLine::get_departureStop_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapBusLine* ref = (AMapBusLine*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + AMapBusStop* result = ref.departureStop; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapBusLine::get_arrivalStop_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapBusLine* ref = (AMapBusLine*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + AMapBusStop* result = ref.arrivalStop; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapBusLine::get_viaBusStops_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapBusLine* ref = (AMapBusLine*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSArray* result = ref.viaBusStops; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapBusLine::get_duration_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapBusLine* ref = (AMapBusLine*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.duration; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapDistrict::get_adcode_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapDistrict* ref = (AMapDistrict*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.adcode; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapDistrict::get_citycode_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapDistrict* ref = (AMapDistrict*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.citycode; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapDistrict::get_name_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapDistrict* ref = (AMapDistrict*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapDistrict::get_level_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapDistrict* ref = (AMapDistrict*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.level; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapDistrict::get_center_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapDistrict* ref = (AMapDistrict*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + AMapGeoPoint* result =; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapDistrict::get_districts_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapDistrict* ref = (AMapDistrict*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSArray* result = ref.districts; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapDistrict::get_polylines_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapDistrict* ref = (AMapDistrict*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSArray* result = ref.polylines; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapTMC::get_distance_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapTMC* ref = (AMapTMC*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.distance; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapTMC::get_status_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapTMC* ref = (AMapTMC*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.status; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapTMC::get_polyline_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapTMC* ref = (AMapTMC*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.polyline; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapStep::get_instruction_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapStep* ref = (AMapStep*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.instruction; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapStep::get_orientation_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapStep* ref = (AMapStep*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.orientation; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapStep::get_road_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapStep* ref = (AMapStep*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.road; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapStep::get_distance_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapStep* ref = (AMapStep*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.distance; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapStep::get_duration_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapStep* ref = (AMapStep*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.duration; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapStep::get_polyline_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapStep* ref = (AMapStep*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.polyline; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapStep::get_action_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapStep* ref = (AMapStep*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.action; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapStep::get_assistantAction_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapStep* ref = (AMapStep*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.assistantAction; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapStep::get_tolls_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapStep* ref = (AMapStep*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CGFloat result = ref.tolls; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapStep::get_tollDistance_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapStep* ref = (AMapStep*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.tollDistance; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapStep::get_tollRoad_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapStep* ref = (AMapStep*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.tollRoad; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapStep::get_totalTrafficLights_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapStep* ref = (AMapStep*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.totalTrafficLights; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapStep::get_cities_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapStep* ref = (AMapStep*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSArray* result = ref.cities; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapStep::get_tmcs_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapStep* ref = (AMapStep*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSArray* result = ref.tmcs; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapPath::get_distance_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapPath* ref = (AMapPath*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.distance; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapPath::get_duration_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapPath* ref = (AMapPath*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.duration; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapPath::get_strategy_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapPath* ref = (AMapPath*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.strategy; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapPath::get_steps_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapPath* ref = (AMapPath*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSArray* result = ref.steps; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapPath::get_tolls_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapPath* ref = (AMapPath*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CGFloat result = ref.tolls; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapPath::get_tollDistance_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapPath* ref = (AMapPath*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.tollDistance; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapPath::get_totalTrafficLights_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapPath* ref = (AMapPath*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.totalTrafficLights; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapPath::get_restriction_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapPath* ref = (AMapPath*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.restriction; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapPath::get_polyline_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapPath* ref = (AMapPath*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.polyline; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapFutureTimeInfoElement::get_duration_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapFutureTimeInfoElement* ref = (AMapFutureTimeInfoElement*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.duration; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapFutureTimeInfoElement::get_pathindex_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapFutureTimeInfoElement* ref = (AMapFutureTimeInfoElement*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.pathindex; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapFutureTimeInfoElement::get_restriction_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapFutureTimeInfoElement* ref = (AMapFutureTimeInfoElement*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.restriction; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapFutureTimeInfoElement::get_tmcs_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapFutureTimeInfoElement* ref = (AMapFutureTimeInfoElement*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSArray* result = ref.tmcs; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapFutureTimeInfo::get_startTime_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapFutureTimeInfo* ref = (AMapFutureTimeInfo*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.startTime; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapFutureTimeInfo::get_elements_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapFutureTimeInfo* ref = (AMapFutureTimeInfo*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSArray* result = ref.elements; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapWalking::get_origin_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapWalking* ref = (AMapWalking*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + AMapGeoPoint* result = ref.origin; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapWalking::get_destination_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapWalking* ref = (AMapWalking*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + AMapGeoPoint* result = ref.destination; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapWalking::get_distance_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapWalking* ref = (AMapWalking*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.distance; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapWalking::get_duration_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapWalking* ref = (AMapWalking*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.duration; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapWalking::get_steps_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapWalking* ref = (AMapWalking*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSArray* result = ref.steps; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapTaxi::get_origin_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapTaxi* ref = (AMapTaxi*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + AMapGeoPoint* result = ref.origin; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapTaxi::get_destination_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapTaxi* ref = (AMapTaxi*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + AMapGeoPoint* result = ref.destination; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapTaxi::get_distance_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapTaxi* ref = (AMapTaxi*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.distance; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapTaxi::get_duration_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapTaxi* ref = (AMapTaxi*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.duration; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapTaxi::get_sname_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapTaxi* ref = (AMapTaxi*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.sname; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapTaxi::get_tname_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapTaxi* ref = (AMapTaxi*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.tname; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapRailwayStation::get_uid_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapRailwayStation* ref = (AMapRailwayStation*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.uid; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapRailwayStation::get_name_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapRailwayStation* ref = (AMapRailwayStation*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapRailwayStation::get_location_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapRailwayStation* ref = (AMapRailwayStation*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + AMapGeoPoint* result = ref.location; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapRailwayStation::get_adcode_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapRailwayStation* ref = (AMapRailwayStation*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.adcode; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapRailwayStation::get_time_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapRailwayStation* ref = (AMapRailwayStation*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.time; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapRailwayStation::get_wait_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapRailwayStation* ref = (AMapRailwayStation*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.wait; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapRailwayStation::get_isStart_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapRailwayStation* ref = (AMapRailwayStation*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + BOOL result = ref.isStart; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapRailwayStation::get_isEnd_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapRailwayStation* ref = (AMapRailwayStation*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + BOOL result = ref.isEnd; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapRailwaySpace::get_code_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapRailwaySpace* ref = (AMapRailwaySpace*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.code; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapRailwaySpace::get_cost_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapRailwaySpace* ref = (AMapRailwaySpace*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CGFloat result = ref.cost; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapRailway::get_uid_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapRailway* ref = (AMapRailway*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.uid; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapRailway::get_name_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapRailway* ref = (AMapRailway*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapRailway::get_trip_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapRailway* ref = (AMapRailway*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.trip; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapRailway::get_type_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapRailway* ref = (AMapRailway*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.type; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapRailway::get_distance_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapRailway* ref = (AMapRailway*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.distance; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapRailway::get_time_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapRailway* ref = (AMapRailway*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.time; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapRailway::get_departureStation_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapRailway* ref = (AMapRailway*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + AMapRailwayStation* result = ref.departureStation; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapRailway::get_arrivalStation_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapRailway* ref = (AMapRailway*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + AMapRailwayStation* result = ref.arrivalStation; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapRailway::get_spaces_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapRailway* ref = (AMapRailway*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSArray* result = ref.spaces; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapRailway::get_viaStops_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapRailway* ref = (AMapRailway*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSArray* result = ref.viaStops; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapRailway::get_alters_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapRailway* ref = (AMapRailway*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSArray* result = ref.alters; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapSegment::get_walking_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapSegment* ref = (AMapSegment*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + AMapWalking* result = ref.walking; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapSegment::get_buslines_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapSegment* ref = (AMapSegment*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSArray* result = ref.buslines; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapSegment::get_taxi_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapSegment* ref = (AMapSegment*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + AMapTaxi* result =; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapSegment::get_railway_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapSegment* ref = (AMapSegment*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + AMapRailway* result = ref.railway; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapSegment::get_enterName_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapSegment* ref = (AMapSegment*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.enterName; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapSegment::get_enterLocation_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapSegment* ref = (AMapSegment*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + AMapGeoPoint* result = ref.enterLocation; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapSegment::get_exitName_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapSegment* ref = (AMapSegment*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.exitName; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapSegment::get_exitLocation_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapSegment* ref = (AMapSegment*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + AMapGeoPoint* result = ref.exitLocation; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapTransit::get_cost_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapTransit* ref = (AMapTransit*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CGFloat result = ref.cost; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapTransit::get_duration_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapTransit* ref = (AMapTransit*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.duration; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapTransit::get_nightflag_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapTransit* ref = (AMapTransit*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + BOOL result = ref.nightflag; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapTransit::get_walkingDistance_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapTransit* ref = (AMapTransit*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.walkingDistance; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapTransit::get_segments_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapTransit* ref = (AMapTransit*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSArray* result = ref.segments; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapTransit::get_distance_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapTransit* ref = (AMapTransit*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.distance; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + }; +} + +@end diff --git a/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler5.h b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler5.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..50d74e9 --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler5.h @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +#import "AmapSearchFluttifyPlugin.h" + +NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN + +@interface AmapSearchFluttifyPlugin (SubHandler5) +- (NSDictionary*) getSubHandler5; +@end + +NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END diff --git a/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler5.m b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler5.m new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9fcd7a1 --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler5.m @@ -0,0 +1,4517 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +#import "SubHandler5.h" +#import "FluttifyMessageCodec.h" +#import +#import "AMapNearbySearchManagerDelegate_Anonymous.h" +#import "AMapSearchDelegate_Anonymous.h" + +// Dart端一次方法调用所存在的栈, 只有当MethodChannel传递参数受限时, 再启用这个容器 +extern NSMutableDictionary* STACK; +// Dart端随机存取对象的容器 +extern NSMutableDictionary* HEAP; +// 日志打印开关 +extern BOOL enableLog; + +@implementation AmapSearchFluttifyPlugin (SubHandler5) +- (NSDictionary*) getSubHandler5 { + __weak __typeof(self)weakSelf = self; + return @{ + @"AMapRoute::get_origin_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapRoute* ref = (AMapRoute*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + AMapGeoPoint* result = ref.origin; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapRoute::get_destination_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapRoute* ref = (AMapRoute*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + AMapGeoPoint* result = ref.destination; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapRoute::get_taxiCost_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapRoute* ref = (AMapRoute*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CGFloat result = ref.taxiCost; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapRoute::get_paths_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapRoute* ref = (AMapRoute*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSArray* result = ref.paths; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapRoute::get_transits_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapRoute* ref = (AMapRoute*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSArray* result = ref.transits; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapDistanceResult::get_originID_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapDistanceResult* ref = (AMapDistanceResult*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.originID; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapDistanceResult::get_destID_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapDistanceResult* ref = (AMapDistanceResult*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.destID; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapDistanceResult::get_distance_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapDistanceResult* ref = (AMapDistanceResult*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.distance; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapDistanceResult::get_duration_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapDistanceResult* ref = (AMapDistanceResult*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.duration; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapDistanceResult::get_info_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapDistanceResult* ref = (AMapDistanceResult*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapDistanceResult::get_code_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapDistanceResult* ref = (AMapDistanceResult*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.code; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapLocalWeatherLive::get_adcode_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapLocalWeatherLive* ref = (AMapLocalWeatherLive*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.adcode; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapLocalWeatherLive::get_province_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapLocalWeatherLive* ref = (AMapLocalWeatherLive*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.province; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapLocalWeatherLive::get_city_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapLocalWeatherLive* ref = (AMapLocalWeatherLive*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapLocalWeatherLive::get_weather_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapLocalWeatherLive* ref = (AMapLocalWeatherLive*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapLocalWeatherLive::get_temperature_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapLocalWeatherLive* ref = (AMapLocalWeatherLive*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.temperature; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapLocalWeatherLive::get_windDirection_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapLocalWeatherLive* ref = (AMapLocalWeatherLive*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.windDirection; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapLocalWeatherLive::get_windPower_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapLocalWeatherLive* ref = (AMapLocalWeatherLive*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.windPower; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapLocalWeatherLive::get_humidity_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapLocalWeatherLive* ref = (AMapLocalWeatherLive*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.humidity; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapLocalWeatherLive::get_reportTime_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapLocalWeatherLive* ref = (AMapLocalWeatherLive*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.reportTime; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::get_date_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast* ref = (AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::get_week_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast* ref = (AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.week; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::get_dayWeather_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast* ref = (AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.dayWeather; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::get_nightWeather_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast* ref = (AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.nightWeather; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::get_dayTemp_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast* ref = (AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.dayTemp; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::get_nightTemp_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast* ref = (AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.nightTemp; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::get_dayWind_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast* ref = (AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.dayWind; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::get_nightWind_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast* ref = (AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.nightWind; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::get_dayPower_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast* ref = (AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.dayPower; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::get_nightPower_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast* ref = (AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.nightPower; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapLocalWeatherForecast::get_adcode_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapLocalWeatherForecast* ref = (AMapLocalWeatherForecast*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.adcode; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapLocalWeatherForecast::get_province_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapLocalWeatherForecast* ref = (AMapLocalWeatherForecast*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.province; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapLocalWeatherForecast::get_city_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapLocalWeatherForecast* ref = (AMapLocalWeatherForecast*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapLocalWeatherForecast::get_reportTime_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapLocalWeatherForecast* ref = (AMapLocalWeatherForecast*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.reportTime; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapLocalWeatherForecast::get_casts_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapLocalWeatherForecast* ref = (AMapLocalWeatherForecast*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSArray* result = ref.casts; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapNearbyUserInfo::get_userID_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapNearbyUserInfo* ref = (AMapNearbyUserInfo*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.userID; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapNearbyUserInfo::get_location_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapNearbyUserInfo* ref = (AMapNearbyUserInfo*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + AMapGeoPoint* result = ref.location; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapNearbyUserInfo::get_distance_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapNearbyUserInfo* ref = (AMapNearbyUserInfo*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CGFloat result = ref.distance; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapNearbyUserInfo::get_updatetime_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapNearbyUserInfo* ref = (AMapNearbyUserInfo*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSTimeInterval result = ref.updatetime; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapTrafficEvaluation::get_evaluationDescription_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapTrafficEvaluation* ref = (AMapTrafficEvaluation*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.evaluationDescription; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapTrafficEvaluation::get_status_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapTrafficEvaluation* ref = (AMapTrafficEvaluation*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.status; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapTrafficEvaluation::get_expedite_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapTrafficEvaluation* ref = (AMapTrafficEvaluation*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.expedite; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapTrafficEvaluation::get_congested_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapTrafficEvaluation* ref = (AMapTrafficEvaluation*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.congested; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapTrafficEvaluation::get_blocked_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapTrafficEvaluation* ref = (AMapTrafficEvaluation*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.blocked; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapTrafficEvaluation::get_unknown_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapTrafficEvaluation* ref = (AMapTrafficEvaluation*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.unknown; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapTrafficRoad::get_name_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapTrafficRoad* ref = (AMapTrafficRoad*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapTrafficRoad::get_status_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapTrafficRoad* ref = (AMapTrafficRoad*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.status; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapTrafficRoad::get_direction_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapTrafficRoad* ref = (AMapTrafficRoad*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.direction; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapTrafficRoad::get_angle_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapTrafficRoad* ref = (AMapTrafficRoad*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + float result = ref.angle; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapTrafficRoad::get_speed_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapTrafficRoad* ref = (AMapTrafficRoad*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + float result = ref.speed; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapTrafficRoad::get_polyline_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapTrafficRoad* ref = (AMapTrafficRoad*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.polyline; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapTrafficInfo::get_statusDescription_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapTrafficInfo* ref = (AMapTrafficInfo*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.statusDescription; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapTrafficInfo::get_evaluation_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapTrafficInfo* ref = (AMapTrafficInfo*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + AMapTrafficEvaluation* result = ref.evaluation; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapTrafficInfo::get_roads_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapTrafficInfo* ref = (AMapTrafficInfo*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSArray* result = ref.roads; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapCloudImage::get_uid_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapCloudImage* ref = (AMapCloudImage*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.uid; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapCloudImage::get_preurl_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapCloudImage* ref = (AMapCloudImage*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.preurl; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapCloudImage::get_url_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapCloudImage* ref = (AMapCloudImage*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.url; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapCloudPOI::get_uid_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapCloudPOI* ref = (AMapCloudPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.uid; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapCloudPOI::get_name_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapCloudPOI* ref = (AMapCloudPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result =; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapCloudPOI::get_location_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapCloudPOI* ref = (AMapCloudPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + AMapGeoPoint* result = ref.location; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapCloudPOI::get_address_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapCloudPOI* ref = (AMapCloudPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.address; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapCloudPOI::get_customFields_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapCloudPOI* ref = (AMapCloudPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSDictionary* result = ref.customFields; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapCloudPOI::get_createTime_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapCloudPOI* ref = (AMapCloudPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.createTime; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapCloudPOI::get_updateTime_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapCloudPOI* ref = (AMapCloudPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.updateTime; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapCloudPOI::get_distance_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapCloudPOI* ref = (AMapCloudPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.distance; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapCloudPOI::get_images_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapCloudPOI* ref = (AMapCloudPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSArray* result = ref.images; + + // return a ref + NSObject* __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapNearbyUploadInfo::get_userID_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapNearbyUploadInfo* ref = (AMapNearbyUploadInfo*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.userID; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapNearbyUploadInfo::get_coordinateType_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapNearbyUploadInfo* ref = (AMapNearbyUploadInfo*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + AMapSearchCoordinateType result = ref.coordinateType; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapNearbyUploadInfo::get_coordinate_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapNearbyUploadInfo* ref = (AMapNearbyUploadInfo*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + CLLocationCoordinate2D result = ref.coordinate; + + // 返回值: 结构体 + NSValue* __result__ = [NSValue value:&result withObjCType:@encode(CLLocationCoordinate2D)]; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapNearbySearchManager::get_uploadTimeInterval_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapNearbySearchManager* ref = (AMapNearbySearchManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSTimeInterval result = ref.uploadTimeInterval; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapNearbySearchManager::get_isAutoUploading_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapNearbySearchManager* ref = (AMapNearbySearchManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + BOOL result = ref.isAutoUploading; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapSearchAPI::get_timeout_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapSearchAPI* ref = (AMapSearchAPI*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSInteger result = ref.timeout; + + // 返回值: Value + NSObject* __result__ = @(result); + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapSearchAPI::get_language_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + NSMutableArray* resultList = [NSMutableArray array]; + + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // ref object + AMapSearchAPI* ref = (AMapSearchAPI*) args[@"__this__"]; + // 批处理过程中出现nil引用则直接添加nil进结果列表, 然后进行下一次循环 + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + [resultList addObject: [NSNull null]]; + continue; + } + + NSString* result = ref.language; + + // 返回值: jsonable + id __result__ = result; + + [resultList addObject:__result__ == nil ? [NSNull null] : __result__]; + } + + methodResult(resultList); + }, + + @"AMapPOISearchBaseRequest::set_types": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOISearchBaseRequest::set_types"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* types = (NSString*) args[@"types"]; + + // ref + AMapPOISearchBaseRequest* ref = (AMapPOISearchBaseRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.types = types; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOISearchBaseRequest::set_sortrule": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOISearchBaseRequest::set_sortrule"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger sortrule = [args[@"sortrule"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapPOISearchBaseRequest* ref = (AMapPOISearchBaseRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.sortrule = sortrule; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOISearchBaseRequest::set_offset": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOISearchBaseRequest::set_offset"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger offset = [args[@"offset"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapPOISearchBaseRequest* ref = (AMapPOISearchBaseRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.offset = offset; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOISearchBaseRequest::set_page": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOISearchBaseRequest::set_page"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger page = [args[@"page"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapPOISearchBaseRequest* ref = (AMapPOISearchBaseRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = page; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOISearchBaseRequest::set_building": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOISearchBaseRequest::set_building"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* building = (NSString*) args[@"building"]; + + // ref + AMapPOISearchBaseRequest* ref = (AMapPOISearchBaseRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.building = building; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOISearchBaseRequest::set_requireExtension": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOISearchBaseRequest::set_requireExtension"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL requireExtension = [args[@"requireExtension"] boolValue]; + + // ref + AMapPOISearchBaseRequest* ref = (AMapPOISearchBaseRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.requireExtension = requireExtension; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOISearchBaseRequest::set_requireSubPOIs": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOISearchBaseRequest::set_requireSubPOIs"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL requireSubPOIs = [args[@"requireSubPOIs"] boolValue]; + + // ref + AMapPOISearchBaseRequest* ref = (AMapPOISearchBaseRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.requireSubPOIs = requireSubPOIs; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOIIDSearchRequest::set_uid": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOIIDSearchRequest::set_uid"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* uid = (NSString*) args[@"uid"]; + + // ref + AMapPOIIDSearchRequest* ref = (AMapPOIIDSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.uid = uid; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest::set_keywords": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest::set_keywords"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* keywords = (NSString*) args[@"keywords"]; + + // ref + AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest* ref = (AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.keywords = keywords; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest::set_city": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest::set_city"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* city = (NSString*) args[@"city"]; + + // ref + AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest* ref = (AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = city; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest::set_cityLimit": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest::set_cityLimit"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL cityLimit = [args[@"cityLimit"] boolValue]; + + // ref + AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest* ref = (AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.cityLimit = cityLimit; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest::set_location": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest::set_location"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoPoint* location = (AMapGeoPoint*) (args[@"location"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"location"]); + + // ref + AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest* ref = (AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.location = location; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest::set_keywords": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest::set_keywords"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* keywords = (NSString*) args[@"keywords"]; + + // ref + AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest* ref = (AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.keywords = keywords; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest::set_location": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest::set_location"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoPoint* location = (AMapGeoPoint*) (args[@"location"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"location"]); + + // ref + AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest* ref = (AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.location = location; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest::set_radius": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest::set_radius"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger radius = [args[@"radius"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest* ref = (AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.radius = radius; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest::set_city": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest::set_city"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* city = (NSString*) args[@"city"]; + + // ref + AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest* ref = (AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = city; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest::set_special": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest::set_special"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL special = [args[@"special"] boolValue]; + + // ref + AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest* ref = (AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.special = special; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOIPolygonSearchRequest::set_keywords": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOIPolygonSearchRequest::set_keywords"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* keywords = (NSString*) args[@"keywords"]; + + // ref + AMapPOIPolygonSearchRequest* ref = (AMapPOIPolygonSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.keywords = keywords; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOIPolygonSearchRequest::set_polygon": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOIPolygonSearchRequest::set_polygon"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoPolygon* polygon = (AMapGeoPolygon*) (args[@"polygon"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"polygon"]); + + // ref + AMapPOIPolygonSearchRequest* ref = (AMapPOIPolygonSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.polygon = polygon; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOISearchResponse::set_count": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOISearchResponse::set_count"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger count = [args[@"count"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapPOISearchResponse* ref = (AMapPOISearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.count = count; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOISearchResponse::set_suggestion": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOISearchResponse::set_suggestion"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapSuggestion* suggestion = (AMapSuggestion*) (args[@"suggestion"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"suggestion"]); + + // ref + AMapPOISearchResponse* ref = (AMapPOISearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.suggestion = suggestion; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOISearchResponse::set_pois": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOISearchResponse::set_pois"); + } + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* pois = (NSArray*) args[@"pois"]; + + // ref + AMapPOISearchResponse* ref = (AMapPOISearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.pois = pois; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRoutePOISearchRequest::set_origin": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRoutePOISearchRequest::set_origin"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoPoint* origin = (AMapGeoPoint*) (args[@"origin"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"origin"]); + + // ref + AMapRoutePOISearchRequest* ref = (AMapRoutePOISearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.origin = origin; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRoutePOISearchRequest::set_destination": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRoutePOISearchRequest::set_destination"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoPoint* destination = (AMapGeoPoint*) (args[@"destination"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"destination"]); + + // ref + AMapRoutePOISearchRequest* ref = (AMapRoutePOISearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.destination = destination; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRoutePOISearchRequest::set_searchType": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRoutePOISearchRequest::set_searchType"); + } + + // args + // enum arg + AMapRoutePOISearchType searchType = (AMapRoutePOISearchType) [args[@"searchType"] integerValue]; + + // ref + AMapRoutePOISearchRequest* ref = (AMapRoutePOISearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.searchType = searchType; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRoutePOISearchRequest::set_strategy": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRoutePOISearchRequest::set_strategy"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger strategy = [args[@"strategy"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapRoutePOISearchRequest* ref = (AMapRoutePOISearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.strategy = strategy; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRoutePOISearchRequest::set_range": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRoutePOISearchRequest::set_range"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger range = [args[@"range"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapRoutePOISearchRequest* ref = (AMapRoutePOISearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.range = range; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRoutePOISearchRequest::set_polylineStr": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRoutePOISearchRequest::set_polylineStr"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* polylineStr = (NSString*) args[@"polylineStr"]; + + // ref + AMapRoutePOISearchRequest* ref = (AMapRoutePOISearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.polylineStr = polylineStr; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRoutePOISearchRequest::set_polyline": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRoutePOISearchRequest::set_polyline"); + } + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* polyline = (NSArray*) args[@"polyline"]; + + // ref + AMapRoutePOISearchRequest* ref = (AMapRoutePOISearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.polyline = polyline; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRoutePOISearchResponse::set_count": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRoutePOISearchResponse::set_count"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger count = [args[@"count"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapRoutePOISearchResponse* ref = (AMapRoutePOISearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.count = count; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRoutePOISearchResponse::set_pois": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRoutePOISearchResponse::set_pois"); + } + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* pois = (NSArray*) args[@"pois"]; + + // ref + AMapRoutePOISearchResponse* ref = (AMapRoutePOISearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.pois = pois; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapInputTipsSearchRequest::set_keywords": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapInputTipsSearchRequest::set_keywords"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* keywords = (NSString*) args[@"keywords"]; + + // ref + AMapInputTipsSearchRequest* ref = (AMapInputTipsSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.keywords = keywords; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapInputTipsSearchRequest::set_city": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapInputTipsSearchRequest::set_city"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* city = (NSString*) args[@"city"]; + + // ref + AMapInputTipsSearchRequest* ref = (AMapInputTipsSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = city; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapInputTipsSearchRequest::set_types": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapInputTipsSearchRequest::set_types"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* types = (NSString*) args[@"types"]; + + // ref + AMapInputTipsSearchRequest* ref = (AMapInputTipsSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.types = types; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapInputTipsSearchRequest::set_cityLimit": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapInputTipsSearchRequest::set_cityLimit"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL cityLimit = [args[@"cityLimit"] boolValue]; + + // ref + AMapInputTipsSearchRequest* ref = (AMapInputTipsSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.cityLimit = cityLimit; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapInputTipsSearchRequest::set_location": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapInputTipsSearchRequest::set_location"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* location = (NSString*) args[@"location"]; + + // ref + AMapInputTipsSearchRequest* ref = (AMapInputTipsSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.location = location; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapInputTipsSearchResponse::set_count": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapInputTipsSearchResponse::set_count"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger count = [args[@"count"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapInputTipsSearchResponse* ref = (AMapInputTipsSearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.count = count; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapInputTipsSearchResponse::set_tips": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapInputTipsSearchResponse::set_tips"); + } + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* tips = (NSArray*) args[@"tips"]; + + // ref + AMapInputTipsSearchResponse* ref = (AMapInputTipsSearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = tips; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapGeocodeSearchRequest::set_address": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapGeocodeSearchRequest::set_address"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* address = (NSString*) args[@"address"]; + + // ref + AMapGeocodeSearchRequest* ref = (AMapGeocodeSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.address = address; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapGeocodeSearchRequest::set_city": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapGeocodeSearchRequest::set_city"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* city = (NSString*) args[@"city"]; + + // ref + AMapGeocodeSearchRequest* ref = (AMapGeocodeSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = city; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapGeocodeSearchRequest::set_country": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapGeocodeSearchRequest::set_country"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* country = (NSString*) args[@"country"]; + + // ref + AMapGeocodeSearchRequest* ref = (AMapGeocodeSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = country; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapGeocodeSearchResponse::set_count": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapGeocodeSearchResponse::set_count"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger count = [args[@"count"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapGeocodeSearchResponse* ref = (AMapGeocodeSearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.count = count; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapGeocodeSearchResponse::set_geocodes": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapGeocodeSearchResponse::set_geocodes"); + } + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* geocodes = (NSArray*) args[@"geocodes"]; + + // ref + AMapGeocodeSearchResponse* ref = (AMapGeocodeSearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.geocodes = geocodes; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest::set_requireExtension": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest::set_requireExtension"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL requireExtension = [args[@"requireExtension"] boolValue]; + + // ref + AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest* ref = (AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.requireExtension = requireExtension; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest::set_location": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest::set_location"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoPoint* location = (AMapGeoPoint*) (args[@"location"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"location"]); + + // ref + AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest* ref = (AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.location = location; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest::set_radius": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest::set_radius"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger radius = [args[@"radius"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest* ref = (AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.radius = radius; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest::set_poitype": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest::set_poitype"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* poitype = (NSString*) args[@"poitype"]; + + // ref + AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest* ref = (AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.poitype = poitype; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest::set_mode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest::set_mode"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* mode = (NSString*) args[@"mode"]; + + // ref + AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest* ref = (AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.mode = mode; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapReGeocodeSearchResponse::set_regeocode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapReGeocodeSearchResponse::set_regeocode"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapReGeocode* regeocode = (AMapReGeocode*) (args[@"regeocode"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"regeocode"]); + + // ref + AMapReGeocodeSearchResponse* ref = (AMapReGeocodeSearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.regeocode = regeocode; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapBusStopSearchRequest::set_keywords": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapBusStopSearchRequest::set_keywords"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* keywords = (NSString*) args[@"keywords"]; + + // ref + AMapBusStopSearchRequest* ref = (AMapBusStopSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.keywords = keywords; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapBusStopSearchRequest::set_city": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapBusStopSearchRequest::set_city"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* city = (NSString*) args[@"city"]; + + // ref + AMapBusStopSearchRequest* ref = (AMapBusStopSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = city; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapBusStopSearchRequest::set_offset": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapBusStopSearchRequest::set_offset"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger offset = [args[@"offset"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapBusStopSearchRequest* ref = (AMapBusStopSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.offset = offset; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapBusStopSearchRequest::set_page": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapBusStopSearchRequest::set_page"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger page = [args[@"page"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapBusStopSearchRequest* ref = (AMapBusStopSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = page; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapBusStopSearchResponse::set_count": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapBusStopSearchResponse::set_count"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger count = [args[@"count"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapBusStopSearchResponse* ref = (AMapBusStopSearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.count = count; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapBusStopSearchResponse::set_suggestion": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapBusStopSearchResponse::set_suggestion"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapSuggestion* suggestion = (AMapSuggestion*) (args[@"suggestion"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"suggestion"]); + + // ref + AMapBusStopSearchResponse* ref = (AMapBusStopSearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.suggestion = suggestion; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapBusStopSearchResponse::set_busstops": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapBusStopSearchResponse::set_busstops"); + } + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* busstops = (NSArray*) args[@"busstops"]; + + // ref + AMapBusStopSearchResponse* ref = (AMapBusStopSearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.busstops = busstops; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest::set_city": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest::set_city"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* city = (NSString*) args[@"city"]; + + // ref + AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest* ref = (AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = city; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest::set_requireExtension": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest::set_requireExtension"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL requireExtension = [args[@"requireExtension"] boolValue]; + + // ref + AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest* ref = (AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.requireExtension = requireExtension; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest::set_offset": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest::set_offset"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger offset = [args[@"offset"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest* ref = (AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.offset = offset; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest::set_page": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest::set_page"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger page = [args[@"page"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest* ref = (AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = page; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapBusLineNameSearchRequest::set_keywords": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapBusLineNameSearchRequest::set_keywords"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* keywords = (NSString*) args[@"keywords"]; + + // ref + AMapBusLineNameSearchRequest* ref = (AMapBusLineNameSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.keywords = keywords; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapBusLineIDSearchRequest::set_uid": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapBusLineIDSearchRequest::set_uid"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* uid = (NSString*) args[@"uid"]; + + // ref + AMapBusLineIDSearchRequest* ref = (AMapBusLineIDSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.uid = uid; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapBusLineSearchResponse::set_count": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapBusLineSearchResponse::set_count"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger count = [args[@"count"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapBusLineSearchResponse* ref = (AMapBusLineSearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.count = count; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapBusLineSearchResponse::set_suggestion": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapBusLineSearchResponse::set_suggestion"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapSuggestion* suggestion = (AMapSuggestion*) (args[@"suggestion"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"suggestion"]); + + // ref + AMapBusLineSearchResponse* ref = (AMapBusLineSearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.suggestion = suggestion; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapBusLineSearchResponse::set_buslines": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapBusLineSearchResponse::set_buslines"); + } + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* buslines = (NSArray*) args[@"buslines"]; + + // ref + AMapBusLineSearchResponse* ref = (AMapBusLineSearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.buslines = buslines; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDistrictSearchRequest::set_keywords": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDistrictSearchRequest::set_keywords"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* keywords = (NSString*) args[@"keywords"]; + + // ref + AMapDistrictSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDistrictSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.keywords = keywords; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDistrictSearchRequest::set_requireExtension": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDistrictSearchRequest::set_requireExtension"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL requireExtension = [args[@"requireExtension"] boolValue]; + + // ref + AMapDistrictSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDistrictSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.requireExtension = requireExtension; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDistrictSearchRequest::set_showBusinessArea": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDistrictSearchRequest::set_showBusinessArea"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL showBusinessArea = [args[@"showBusinessArea"] boolValue]; + + // ref + AMapDistrictSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDistrictSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.showBusinessArea = showBusinessArea; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDistrictSearchResponse::set_count": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDistrictSearchResponse::set_count"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger count = [args[@"count"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapDistrictSearchResponse* ref = (AMapDistrictSearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.count = count; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDistrictSearchResponse::set_districts": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDistrictSearchResponse::set_districts"); + } + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* districts = (NSArray*) args[@"districts"]; + + // ref + AMapDistrictSearchResponse* ref = (AMapDistrictSearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.districts = districts; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRouteSearchBaseRequest::set_origin": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRouteSearchBaseRequest::set_origin"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoPoint* origin = (AMapGeoPoint*) (args[@"origin"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"origin"]); + + // ref + AMapRouteSearchBaseRequest* ref = (AMapRouteSearchBaseRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.origin = origin; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRouteSearchBaseRequest::set_destination": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRouteSearchBaseRequest::set_destination"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoPoint* destination = (AMapGeoPoint*) (args[@"destination"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"destination"]); + + // ref + AMapRouteSearchBaseRequest* ref = (AMapRouteSearchBaseRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.destination = destination; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::set_strategy": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::set_strategy"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger strategy = [args[@"strategy"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.strategy = strategy; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::set_waypoints": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::set_waypoints"); + } + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* waypoints = (NSArray*) args[@"waypoints"]; + + // ref + AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.waypoints = waypoints; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::set_avoidpolygons": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::set_avoidpolygons"); + } + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* avoidpolygons = (NSArray*) args[@"avoidpolygons"]; + + // ref + AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.avoidpolygons = avoidpolygons; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::set_avoidroad": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::set_avoidroad"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* avoidroad = (NSString*) args[@"avoidroad"]; + + // ref + AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.avoidroad = avoidroad; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::set_originId": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::set_originId"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* originId = (NSString*) args[@"originId"]; + + // ref + AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.originId = originId; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::set_destinationId": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::set_destinationId"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* destinationId = (NSString*) args[@"destinationId"]; + + // ref + AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.destinationId = destinationId; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::set_origintype": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::set_origintype"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* origintype = (NSString*) args[@"origintype"]; + + // ref + AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.origintype = origintype; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::set_destinationtype": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::set_destinationtype"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* destinationtype = (NSString*) args[@"destinationtype"]; + + // ref + AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.destinationtype = destinationtype; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::set_plate": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::set_plate"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* plate = (NSString*) args[@"plate"]; + + // ref + AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.plate = plate; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::set_ferry": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::set_ferry"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger ferry = [args[@"ferry"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.ferry = ferry; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::set_cartype": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::set_cartype"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger cartype = [args[@"cartype"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.cartype = cartype; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::set_showFieldType": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::set_showFieldType"); + } + + // args + // enum arg + AMapDrivingRouteShowFieldType showFieldType = (AMapDrivingRouteShowFieldType) [args[@"showFieldType"] integerValue]; + + // ref + AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.showFieldType = showFieldType; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::set_strategy": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::set_strategy"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger strategy = [args[@"strategy"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.strategy = strategy; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::set_waypoints": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::set_waypoints"); + } + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* waypoints = (NSArray*) args[@"waypoints"]; + + // ref + AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.waypoints = waypoints; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::set_avoidpolygons": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::set_avoidpolygons"); + } + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* avoidpolygons = (NSArray*) args[@"avoidpolygons"]; + + // ref + AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.avoidpolygons = avoidpolygons; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::set_avoidroad": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::set_avoidroad"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* avoidroad = (NSString*) args[@"avoidroad"]; + + // ref + AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.avoidroad = avoidroad; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::set_originId": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::set_originId"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* originId = (NSString*) args[@"originId"]; + + // ref + AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.originId = originId; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::set_destinationId": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::set_destinationId"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* destinationId = (NSString*) args[@"destinationId"]; + + // ref + AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.destinationId = destinationId; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::set_origintype": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::set_origintype"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* origintype = (NSString*) args[@"origintype"]; + + // ref + AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.origintype = origintype; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::set_destinationtype": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::set_destinationtype"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* destinationtype = (NSString*) args[@"destinationtype"]; + + // ref + AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.destinationtype = destinationtype; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::set_requireExtension": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::set_requireExtension"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL requireExtension = [args[@"requireExtension"] boolValue]; + + // ref + AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.requireExtension = requireExtension; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::set_plateProvince": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::set_plateProvince"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* plateProvince = (NSString*) args[@"plateProvince"]; + + // ref + AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.plateProvince = plateProvince; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::set_plateNumber": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::set_plateNumber"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* plateNumber = (NSString*) args[@"plateNumber"]; + + // ref + AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.plateNumber = plateNumber; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::set_ferry": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::set_ferry"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger ferry = [args[@"ferry"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.ferry = ferry; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::set_cartype": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::set_cartype"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger cartype = [args[@"cartype"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.cartype = cartype; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::set_exclude": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::set_exclude"); + } + + // args + // enum arg + AMapDrivingRouteExcludeType exclude = (AMapDrivingRouteExcludeType) [args[@"exclude"] integerValue]; + + // ref + AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.exclude = exclude; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapWalkingRouteSearchRequest::set_multipath": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapWalkingRouteSearchRequest::set_multipath"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger multipath = [args[@"multipath"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapWalkingRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapWalkingRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.multipath = multipath; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest::set_strategy": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest::set_strategy"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger strategy = [args[@"strategy"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.strategy = strategy; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest::set_city": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest::set_city"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* city = (NSString*) args[@"city"]; + + // ref + AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = city; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest::set_destinationCity": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest::set_destinationCity"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* destinationCity = (NSString*) args[@"destinationCity"]; + + // ref + AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.destinationCity = destinationCity; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest::set_nightflag": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest::set_nightflag"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL nightflag = [args[@"nightflag"] boolValue]; + + // ref + AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.nightflag = nightflag; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest::set_requireExtension": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest::set_requireExtension"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL requireExtension = [args[@"requireExtension"] boolValue]; + + // ref + AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.requireExtension = requireExtension; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRidingRouteSearchRequest::set_type": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRidingRouteSearchRequest::set_type"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger type = [args[@"type"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapRidingRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapRidingRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.type = type; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRidingRouteSearchRequest::set_requireExtension": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRidingRouteSearchRequest::set_requireExtension"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL requireExtension = [args[@"requireExtension"] boolValue]; + + // ref + AMapRidingRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapRidingRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.requireExtension = requireExtension; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRouteSearchResponse::set_count": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRouteSearchResponse::set_count"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger count = [args[@"count"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapRouteSearchResponse* ref = (AMapRouteSearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.count = count; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRouteSearchResponse::set_route": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRouteSearchResponse::set_route"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapRoute* route = (AMapRoute*) (args[@"route"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"route"]); + + // ref + AMapRouteSearchResponse* ref = (AMapRouteSearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.route = route; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::set_strategy": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::set_strategy"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger strategy = [args[@"strategy"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.strategy = strategy; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::set_waypoints": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::set_waypoints"); + } + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* waypoints = (NSArray*) args[@"waypoints"]; + + // ref + AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.waypoints = waypoints; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::set_originId": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::set_originId"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* originId = (NSString*) args[@"originId"]; + + // ref + AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.originId = originId; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::set_destinationId": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::set_destinationId"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* destinationId = (NSString*) args[@"destinationId"]; + + // ref + AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.destinationId = destinationId; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::set_origintype": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::set_origintype"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* origintype = (NSString*) args[@"origintype"]; + + // ref + AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.origintype = origintype; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::set_destinationtype": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::set_destinationtype"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* destinationtype = (NSString*) args[@"destinationtype"]; + + // ref + AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.destinationtype = destinationtype; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::set_plateProvince": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::set_plateProvince"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* plateProvince = (NSString*) args[@"plateProvince"]; + + // ref + AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.plateProvince = plateProvince; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::set_plateNumber": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::set_plateNumber"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* plateNumber = (NSString*) args[@"plateNumber"]; + + // ref + AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.plateNumber = plateNumber; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::set_size": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::set_size"); + } + + // args + // enum arg + AMapTruckSizeType size = (AMapTruckSizeType) [args[@"size"] integerValue]; + + // ref + AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.size = size; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::set_height": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::set_height"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat height = [args[@"height"] floatValue]; + + // ref + AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.height = height; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::set_width": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::set_width"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat width = [args[@"width"] floatValue]; + + // ref + AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.width = width; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::set_load": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::set_load"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat load = [args[@"load"] floatValue]; + + // ref + AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.load = load; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::set_weight": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::set_weight"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat weight = [args[@"weight"] floatValue]; + + // ref + AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.weight = weight; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::set_axis": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::set_axis"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger axis = [args[@"axis"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.axis = axis; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::set_requireExtension": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::set_requireExtension"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL requireExtension = [args[@"requireExtension"] boolValue]; + + // ref + AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.requireExtension = requireExtension; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDistanceSearchRequest::set_origins": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDistanceSearchRequest::set_origins"); + } + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* origins = (NSArray*) args[@"origins"]; + + // ref + AMapDistanceSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDistanceSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = origins; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDistanceSearchRequest::set_destination": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDistanceSearchRequest::set_destination"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoPoint* destination = (AMapGeoPoint*) (args[@"destination"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"destination"]); + + // ref + AMapDistanceSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDistanceSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.destination = destination; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDistanceSearchRequest::set_type": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDistanceSearchRequest::set_type"); + } + + // args + // enum arg + AMapDistanceSearchType type = (AMapDistanceSearchType) [args[@"type"] integerValue]; + + // ref + AMapDistanceSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDistanceSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.type = type; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDistanceSearchRequest::set_strategy": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDistanceSearchRequest::set_strategy"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger strategy = [args[@"strategy"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapDistanceSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDistanceSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.strategy = strategy; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + }; +} + +@end diff --git a/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler6.h b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler6.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..215addc --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler6.h @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +#import "AmapSearchFluttifyPlugin.h" + +NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN + +@interface AmapSearchFluttifyPlugin (SubHandler6) +- (NSDictionary*) getSubHandler6; +@end + +NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END diff --git a/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler6.m b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler6.m new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f108538 --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler6.m @@ -0,0 +1,4225 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +#import "SubHandler6.h" +#import "FluttifyMessageCodec.h" +#import +#import "AMapNearbySearchManagerDelegate_Anonymous.h" +#import "AMapSearchDelegate_Anonymous.h" + +// Dart端一次方法调用所存在的栈, 只有当MethodChannel传递参数受限时, 再启用这个容器 +extern NSMutableDictionary* STACK; +// Dart端随机存取对象的容器 +extern NSMutableDictionary* HEAP; +// 日志打印开关 +extern BOOL enableLog; + +@implementation AmapSearchFluttifyPlugin (SubHandler6) +- (NSDictionary*) getSubHandler6 { + __weak __typeof(self)weakSelf = self; + return @{ + @"AMapDistanceSearchRequest::set_requireExtension": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDistanceSearchRequest::set_requireExtension"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL requireExtension = [args[@"requireExtension"] boolValue]; + + // ref + AMapDistanceSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDistanceSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.requireExtension = requireExtension; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDistanceSearchResponse::set_results": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDistanceSearchResponse::set_results"); + } + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* results = (NSArray*) args[@"results"]; + + // ref + AMapDistanceSearchResponse* ref = (AMapDistanceSearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.results = results; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapWeatherSearchRequest::set_city": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapWeatherSearchRequest::set_city"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* city = (NSString*) args[@"city"]; + + // ref + AMapWeatherSearchRequest* ref = (AMapWeatherSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = city; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapWeatherSearchRequest::set_type": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapWeatherSearchRequest::set_type"); + } + + // args + // enum arg + AMapWeatherType type = (AMapWeatherType) [args[@"type"] integerValue]; + + // ref + AMapWeatherSearchRequest* ref = (AMapWeatherSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.type = type; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapWeatherSearchResponse::set_lives": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapWeatherSearchResponse::set_lives"); + } + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* lives = (NSArray*) args[@"lives"]; + + // ref + AMapWeatherSearchResponse* ref = (AMapWeatherSearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.lives = lives; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapWeatherSearchResponse::set_forecasts": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapWeatherSearchResponse::set_forecasts"); + } + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* forecasts = (NSArray*) args[@"forecasts"]; + + // ref + AMapWeatherSearchResponse* ref = (AMapWeatherSearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.forecasts = forecasts; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapNearbySearchRequest::set_center": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapNearbySearchRequest::set_center"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoPoint* center = (AMapGeoPoint*) (args[@"center"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"center"]); + + // ref + AMapNearbySearchRequest* ref = (AMapNearbySearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = center; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapNearbySearchRequest::set_radius": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapNearbySearchRequest::set_radius"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger radius = [args[@"radius"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapNearbySearchRequest* ref = (AMapNearbySearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.radius = radius; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapNearbySearchRequest::set_searchType": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapNearbySearchRequest::set_searchType"); + } + + // args + // enum arg + AMapNearbySearchType searchType = (AMapNearbySearchType) [args[@"searchType"] integerValue]; + + // ref + AMapNearbySearchRequest* ref = (AMapNearbySearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.searchType = searchType; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapNearbySearchRequest::set_timeRange": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapNearbySearchRequest::set_timeRange"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger timeRange = [args[@"timeRange"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapNearbySearchRequest* ref = (AMapNearbySearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.timeRange = timeRange; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapNearbySearchRequest::set_limit": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapNearbySearchRequest::set_limit"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger limit = [args[@"limit"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapNearbySearchRequest* ref = (AMapNearbySearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.limit = limit; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapNearbySearchResponse::set_count": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapNearbySearchResponse::set_count"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger count = [args[@"count"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapNearbySearchResponse* ref = (AMapNearbySearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.count = count; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapNearbySearchResponse::set_infos": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapNearbySearchResponse::set_infos"); + } + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* infos = (NSArray*) args[@"infos"]; + + // ref + AMapNearbySearchResponse* ref = (AMapNearbySearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.infos = infos; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest::set_tableID": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest::set_tableID"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* tableID = (NSString*) args[@"tableID"]; + + // ref + AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest* ref = (AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.tableID = tableID; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest::set_filter": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest::set_filter"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSArray* filter = (NSArray*) args[@"filter"]; + + // ref + AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest* ref = (AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.filter = filter; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest::set_sortFields": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest::set_sortFields"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* sortFields = (NSString*) args[@"sortFields"]; + + // ref + AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest* ref = (AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.sortFields = sortFields; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest::set_sortType": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest::set_sortType"); + } + + // args + // enum arg + AMapCloudSortType sortType = (AMapCloudSortType) [args[@"sortType"] integerValue]; + + // ref + AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest* ref = (AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.sortType = sortType; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest::set_offset": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest::set_offset"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger offset = [args[@"offset"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest* ref = (AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.offset = offset; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest::set_page": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest::set_page"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger page = [args[@"page"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest* ref = (AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = page; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapCloudPOIAroundSearchRequest::set_center": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapCloudPOIAroundSearchRequest::set_center"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoPoint* center = (AMapGeoPoint*) (args[@"center"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"center"]); + + // ref + AMapCloudPOIAroundSearchRequest* ref = (AMapCloudPOIAroundSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = center; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapCloudPOIAroundSearchRequest::set_radius": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapCloudPOIAroundSearchRequest::set_radius"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger radius = [args[@"radius"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapCloudPOIAroundSearchRequest* ref = (AMapCloudPOIAroundSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.radius = radius; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapCloudPOIAroundSearchRequest::set_keywords": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapCloudPOIAroundSearchRequest::set_keywords"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* keywords = (NSString*) args[@"keywords"]; + + // ref + AMapCloudPOIAroundSearchRequest* ref = (AMapCloudPOIAroundSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.keywords = keywords; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapCloudPOIPolygonSearchRequest::set_polygon": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapCloudPOIPolygonSearchRequest::set_polygon"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoPolygon* polygon = (AMapGeoPolygon*) (args[@"polygon"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"polygon"]); + + // ref + AMapCloudPOIPolygonSearchRequest* ref = (AMapCloudPOIPolygonSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.polygon = polygon; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapCloudPOIPolygonSearchRequest::set_keywords": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapCloudPOIPolygonSearchRequest::set_keywords"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* keywords = (NSString*) args[@"keywords"]; + + // ref + AMapCloudPOIPolygonSearchRequest* ref = (AMapCloudPOIPolygonSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.keywords = keywords; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapCloudPOIIDSearchRequest::set_uid": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapCloudPOIIDSearchRequest::set_uid"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger uid = [args[@"uid"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapCloudPOIIDSearchRequest* ref = (AMapCloudPOIIDSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.uid = uid; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapCloudPOILocalSearchRequest::set_keywords": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapCloudPOILocalSearchRequest::set_keywords"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* keywords = (NSString*) args[@"keywords"]; + + // ref + AMapCloudPOILocalSearchRequest* ref = (AMapCloudPOILocalSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.keywords = keywords; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapCloudPOILocalSearchRequest::set_city": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapCloudPOILocalSearchRequest::set_city"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* city = (NSString*) args[@"city"]; + + // ref + AMapCloudPOILocalSearchRequest* ref = (AMapCloudPOILocalSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = city; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapCloudPOISearchResponse::set_count": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapCloudPOISearchResponse::set_count"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger count = [args[@"count"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapCloudPOISearchResponse* ref = (AMapCloudPOISearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.count = count; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapCloudPOISearchResponse::set_POIs": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapCloudPOISearchResponse::set_POIs"); + } + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* POIs = (NSArray*) args[@"POIs"]; + + // ref + AMapCloudPOISearchResponse* ref = (AMapCloudPOISearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.POIs = POIs; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocationShareSearchRequest::set_location": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationShareSearchRequest::set_location"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoPoint* location = (AMapGeoPoint*) (args[@"location"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"location"]); + + // ref + AMapLocationShareSearchRequest* ref = (AMapLocationShareSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.location = location; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocationShareSearchRequest::set_name": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocationShareSearchRequest::set_name"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* name = (NSString*) args[@"name"]; + + // ref + AMapLocationShareSearchRequest* ref = (AMapLocationShareSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = name; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOIShareSearchRequest::set_uid": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOIShareSearchRequest::set_uid"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* uid = (NSString*) args[@"uid"]; + + // ref + AMapPOIShareSearchRequest* ref = (AMapPOIShareSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.uid = uid; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOIShareSearchRequest::set_location": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOIShareSearchRequest::set_location"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoPoint* location = (AMapGeoPoint*) (args[@"location"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"location"]); + + // ref + AMapPOIShareSearchRequest* ref = (AMapPOIShareSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.location = location; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOIShareSearchRequest::set_name": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOIShareSearchRequest::set_name"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* name = (NSString*) args[@"name"]; + + // ref + AMapPOIShareSearchRequest* ref = (AMapPOIShareSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = name; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOIShareSearchRequest::set_address": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOIShareSearchRequest::set_address"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* address = (NSString*) args[@"address"]; + + // ref + AMapPOIShareSearchRequest* ref = (AMapPOIShareSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.address = address; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRouteShareSearchRequest::set_strategy": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRouteShareSearchRequest::set_strategy"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger strategy = [args[@"strategy"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapRouteShareSearchRequest* ref = (AMapRouteShareSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.strategy = strategy; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRouteShareSearchRequest::set_type": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRouteShareSearchRequest::set_type"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger type = [args[@"type"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapRouteShareSearchRequest* ref = (AMapRouteShareSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.type = type; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRouteShareSearchRequest::set_startCoordinate": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRouteShareSearchRequest::set_startCoordinate"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoPoint* startCoordinate = (AMapGeoPoint*) (args[@"startCoordinate"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"startCoordinate"]); + + // ref + AMapRouteShareSearchRequest* ref = (AMapRouteShareSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.startCoordinate = startCoordinate; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRouteShareSearchRequest::set_destinationCoordinate": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRouteShareSearchRequest::set_destinationCoordinate"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoPoint* destinationCoordinate = (AMapGeoPoint*) (args[@"destinationCoordinate"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"destinationCoordinate"]); + + // ref + AMapRouteShareSearchRequest* ref = (AMapRouteShareSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.destinationCoordinate = destinationCoordinate; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRouteShareSearchRequest::set_startName": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRouteShareSearchRequest::set_startName"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* startName = (NSString*) args[@"startName"]; + + // ref + AMapRouteShareSearchRequest* ref = (AMapRouteShareSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.startName = startName; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRouteShareSearchRequest::set_destinationName": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRouteShareSearchRequest::set_destinationName"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* destinationName = (NSString*) args[@"destinationName"]; + + // ref + AMapRouteShareSearchRequest* ref = (AMapRouteShareSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.destinationName = destinationName; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapNavigationShareSearchRequest::set_strategy": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapNavigationShareSearchRequest::set_strategy"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger strategy = [args[@"strategy"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapNavigationShareSearchRequest* ref = (AMapNavigationShareSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.strategy = strategy; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapNavigationShareSearchRequest::set_startCoordinate": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapNavigationShareSearchRequest::set_startCoordinate"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoPoint* startCoordinate = (AMapGeoPoint*) (args[@"startCoordinate"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"startCoordinate"]); + + // ref + AMapNavigationShareSearchRequest* ref = (AMapNavigationShareSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.startCoordinate = startCoordinate; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapNavigationShareSearchRequest::set_destinationCoordinate": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapNavigationShareSearchRequest::set_destinationCoordinate"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoPoint* destinationCoordinate = (AMapGeoPoint*) (args[@"destinationCoordinate"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"destinationCoordinate"]); + + // ref + AMapNavigationShareSearchRequest* ref = (AMapNavigationShareSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.destinationCoordinate = destinationCoordinate; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapShareSearchResponse::set_shareURL": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapShareSearchResponse::set_shareURL"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* shareURL = (NSString*) args[@"shareURL"]; + + // ref + AMapShareSearchResponse* ref = (AMapShareSearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.shareURL = shareURL; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::set_beginTime": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::set_beginTime"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* beginTime = (NSString*) args[@"beginTime"]; + + // ref + AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.beginTime = beginTime; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::set_interval": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::set_interval"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger interval = [args[@"interval"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.interval = interval; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::set_timeCount": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::set_timeCount"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger timeCount = [args[@"timeCount"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.timeCount = timeCount; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::set_strategy": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::set_strategy"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger strategy = [args[@"strategy"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.strategy = strategy; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::set_originId": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::set_originId"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* originId = (NSString*) args[@"originId"]; + + // ref + AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.originId = originId; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::set_destinationId": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::set_destinationId"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* destinationId = (NSString*) args[@"destinationId"]; + + // ref + AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.destinationId = destinationId; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::set_origintype": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::set_origintype"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* origintype = (NSString*) args[@"origintype"]; + + // ref + AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.origintype = origintype; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::set_destinationtype": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::set_destinationtype"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* destinationtype = (NSString*) args[@"destinationtype"]; + + // ref + AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.destinationtype = destinationtype; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::set_parentId": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::set_parentId"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* parentId = (NSString*) args[@"parentId"]; + + // ref + AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.parentId = parentId; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::set_plateProvince": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::set_plateProvince"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* plateProvince = (NSString*) args[@"plateProvince"]; + + // ref + AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.plateProvince = plateProvince; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::set_plateNumber": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::set_plateNumber"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* plateNumber = (NSString*) args[@"plateNumber"]; + + // ref + AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.plateNumber = plateNumber; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::set_cartype": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::set_cartype"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger cartype = [args[@"cartype"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.cartype = cartype; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapFutureRouteSearchResponse::set_paths": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapFutureRouteSearchResponse::set_paths"); + } + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* paths = (NSArray*) args[@"paths"]; + + // ref + AMapFutureRouteSearchResponse* ref = (AMapFutureRouteSearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.paths = paths; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapFutureRouteSearchResponse::set_timeInfos": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapFutureRouteSearchResponse::set_timeInfos"); + } + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* timeInfos = (NSArray*) args[@"timeInfos"]; + + // ref + AMapFutureRouteSearchResponse* ref = (AMapFutureRouteSearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.timeInfos = timeInfos; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapGeoPoint::set_latitude": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapGeoPoint::set_latitude"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat latitude = [args[@"latitude"] floatValue]; + + // ref + AMapGeoPoint* ref = (AMapGeoPoint*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.latitude = latitude; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapGeoPoint::set_longitude": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapGeoPoint::set_longitude"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat longitude = [args[@"longitude"] floatValue]; + + // ref + AMapGeoPoint* ref = (AMapGeoPoint*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.longitude = longitude; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapGeoPolygon::set_points": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapGeoPolygon::set_points"); + } + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* points = (NSArray*) args[@"points"]; + + // ref + AMapGeoPolygon* ref = (AMapGeoPolygon*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.points = points; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapCity::set_city": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapCity::set_city"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* city = (NSString*) args[@"city"]; + + // ref + AMapCity* ref = (AMapCity*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = city; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapCity::set_citycode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapCity::set_citycode"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* citycode = (NSString*) args[@"citycode"]; + + // ref + AMapCity* ref = (AMapCity*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.citycode = citycode; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapCity::set_adcode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapCity::set_adcode"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* adcode = (NSString*) args[@"adcode"]; + + // ref + AMapCity* ref = (AMapCity*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.adcode = adcode; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapCity::set_num": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapCity::set_num"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger num = [args[@"num"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapCity* ref = (AMapCity*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.num = num; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapCity::set_districts": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapCity::set_districts"); + } + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* districts = (NSArray*) args[@"districts"]; + + // ref + AMapCity* ref = (AMapCity*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.districts = districts; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapSuggestion::set_keywords": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapSuggestion::set_keywords"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSArray* keywords = (NSArray*) args[@"keywords"]; + + // ref + AMapSuggestion* ref = (AMapSuggestion*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.keywords = keywords; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapSuggestion::set_cities": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapSuggestion::set_cities"); + } + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* cities = (NSArray*) args[@"cities"]; + + // ref + AMapSuggestion* ref = (AMapSuggestion*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.cities = cities; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTip::set_uid": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTip::set_uid"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* uid = (NSString*) args[@"uid"]; + + // ref + AMapTip* ref = (AMapTip*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.uid = uid; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTip::set_name": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTip::set_name"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* name = (NSString*) args[@"name"]; + + // ref + AMapTip* ref = (AMapTip*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = name; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTip::set_adcode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTip::set_adcode"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* adcode = (NSString*) args[@"adcode"]; + + // ref + AMapTip* ref = (AMapTip*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.adcode = adcode; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTip::set_district": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTip::set_district"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* district = (NSString*) args[@"district"]; + + // ref + AMapTip* ref = (AMapTip*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.district = district; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTip::set_address": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTip::set_address"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* address = (NSString*) args[@"address"]; + + // ref + AMapTip* ref = (AMapTip*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.address = address; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTip::set_location": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTip::set_location"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoPoint* location = (AMapGeoPoint*) (args[@"location"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"location"]); + + // ref + AMapTip* ref = (AMapTip*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.location = location; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTip::set_typecode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTip::set_typecode"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* typecode = (NSString*) args[@"typecode"]; + + // ref + AMapTip* ref = (AMapTip*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.typecode = typecode; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapImage::set_title": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapImage::set_title"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* title = (NSString*) args[@"title"]; + + // ref + AMapImage* ref = (AMapImage*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.title = title; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapImage::set_url": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapImage::set_url"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* url = (NSString*) args[@"url"]; + + // ref + AMapImage* ref = (AMapImage*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.url = url; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOIExtension::set_rating": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOIExtension::set_rating"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat rating = [args[@"rating"] floatValue]; + + // ref + AMapPOIExtension* ref = (AMapPOIExtension*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.rating = rating; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOIExtension::set_cost": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOIExtension::set_cost"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat cost = [args[@"cost"] floatValue]; + + // ref + AMapPOIExtension* ref = (AMapPOIExtension*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.cost = cost; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOIExtension::set_openTime": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOIExtension::set_openTime"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* openTime = (NSString*) args[@"openTime"]; + + // ref + AMapPOIExtension* ref = (AMapPOIExtension*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.openTime = openTime; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapIndoorData::set_floor": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapIndoorData::set_floor"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger floor = [args[@"floor"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapIndoorData* ref = (AMapIndoorData*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.floor = floor; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapIndoorData::set_floorName": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapIndoorData::set_floorName"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* floorName = (NSString*) args[@"floorName"]; + + // ref + AMapIndoorData* ref = (AMapIndoorData*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.floorName = floorName; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapIndoorData::set_pid": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapIndoorData::set_pid"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* pid = (NSString*) args[@"pid"]; + + // ref + AMapIndoorData* ref = (AMapIndoorData*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = pid; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapSubPOI::set_uid": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapSubPOI::set_uid"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* uid = (NSString*) args[@"uid"]; + + // ref + AMapSubPOI* ref = (AMapSubPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.uid = uid; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapSubPOI::set_name": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapSubPOI::set_name"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* name = (NSString*) args[@"name"]; + + // ref + AMapSubPOI* ref = (AMapSubPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = name; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapSubPOI::set_sname": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapSubPOI::set_sname"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* sname = (NSString*) args[@"sname"]; + + // ref + AMapSubPOI* ref = (AMapSubPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.sname = sname; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapSubPOI::set_location": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapSubPOI::set_location"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoPoint* location = (AMapGeoPoint*) (args[@"location"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"location"]); + + // ref + AMapSubPOI* ref = (AMapSubPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.location = location; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapSubPOI::set_address": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapSubPOI::set_address"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* address = (NSString*) args[@"address"]; + + // ref + AMapSubPOI* ref = (AMapSubPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.address = address; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapSubPOI::set_distance": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapSubPOI::set_distance"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger distance = [args[@"distance"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapSubPOI* ref = (AMapSubPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.distance = distance; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapSubPOI::set_subtype": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapSubPOI::set_subtype"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* subtype = (NSString*) args[@"subtype"]; + + // ref + AMapSubPOI* ref = (AMapSubPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.subtype = subtype; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRoutePOI::set_uid": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRoutePOI::set_uid"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* uid = (NSString*) args[@"uid"]; + + // ref + AMapRoutePOI* ref = (AMapRoutePOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.uid = uid; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRoutePOI::set_name": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRoutePOI::set_name"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* name = (NSString*) args[@"name"]; + + // ref + AMapRoutePOI* ref = (AMapRoutePOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = name; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRoutePOI::set_location": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRoutePOI::set_location"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoPoint* location = (AMapGeoPoint*) (args[@"location"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"location"]); + + // ref + AMapRoutePOI* ref = (AMapRoutePOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.location = location; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRoutePOI::set_distance": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRoutePOI::set_distance"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger distance = [args[@"distance"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapRoutePOI* ref = (AMapRoutePOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.distance = distance; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRoutePOI::set_duration": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRoutePOI::set_duration"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger duration = [args[@"duration"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapRoutePOI* ref = (AMapRoutePOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.duration = duration; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::set_uid": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOI::set_uid"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* uid = (NSString*) args[@"uid"]; + + // ref + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.uid = uid; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::set_name": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOI::set_name"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* name = (NSString*) args[@"name"]; + + // ref + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = name; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::set_type": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOI::set_type"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* type = (NSString*) args[@"type"]; + + // ref + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.type = type; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::set_typecode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOI::set_typecode"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* typecode = (NSString*) args[@"typecode"]; + + // ref + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.typecode = typecode; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::set_location": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOI::set_location"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoPoint* location = (AMapGeoPoint*) (args[@"location"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"location"]); + + // ref + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.location = location; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::set_address": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOI::set_address"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* address = (NSString*) args[@"address"]; + + // ref + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.address = address; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::set_tel": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOI::set_tel"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* tel = (NSString*) args[@"tel"]; + + // ref + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = tel; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::set_distance": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOI::set_distance"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger distance = [args[@"distance"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.distance = distance; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::set_parkingType": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOI::set_parkingType"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* parkingType = (NSString*) args[@"parkingType"]; + + // ref + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.parkingType = parkingType; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::set_shopID": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOI::set_shopID"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* shopID = (NSString*) args[@"shopID"]; + + // ref + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.shopID = shopID; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::set_postcode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOI::set_postcode"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* postcode = (NSString*) args[@"postcode"]; + + // ref + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.postcode = postcode; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::set_website": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOI::set_website"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* website = (NSString*) args[@"website"]; + + // ref + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = website; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::set_email": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOI::set_email"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* email = (NSString*) args[@"email"]; + + // ref + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = email; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::set_province": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOI::set_province"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* province = (NSString*) args[@"province"]; + + // ref + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.province = province; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::set_pcode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOI::set_pcode"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* pcode = (NSString*) args[@"pcode"]; + + // ref + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.pcode = pcode; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::set_city": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOI::set_city"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* city = (NSString*) args[@"city"]; + + // ref + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = city; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::set_citycode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOI::set_citycode"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* citycode = (NSString*) args[@"citycode"]; + + // ref + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.citycode = citycode; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::set_district": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOI::set_district"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* district = (NSString*) args[@"district"]; + + // ref + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.district = district; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::set_adcode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOI::set_adcode"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* adcode = (NSString*) args[@"adcode"]; + + // ref + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.adcode = adcode; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::set_gridcode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOI::set_gridcode"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* gridcode = (NSString*) args[@"gridcode"]; + + // ref + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.gridcode = gridcode; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::set_enterLocation": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOI::set_enterLocation"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoPoint* enterLocation = (AMapGeoPoint*) (args[@"enterLocation"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"enterLocation"]); + + // ref + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.enterLocation = enterLocation; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::set_exitLocation": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOI::set_exitLocation"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoPoint* exitLocation = (AMapGeoPoint*) (args[@"exitLocation"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"exitLocation"]); + + // ref + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.exitLocation = exitLocation; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::set_direction": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOI::set_direction"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* direction = (NSString*) args[@"direction"]; + + // ref + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.direction = direction; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::set_hasIndoorMap": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOI::set_hasIndoorMap"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL hasIndoorMap = [args[@"hasIndoorMap"] boolValue]; + + // ref + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.hasIndoorMap = hasIndoorMap; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::set_businessArea": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOI::set_businessArea"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* businessArea = (NSString*) args[@"businessArea"]; + + // ref + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.businessArea = businessArea; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::set_indoorData": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOI::set_indoorData"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapIndoorData* indoorData = (AMapIndoorData*) (args[@"indoorData"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"indoorData"]); + + // ref + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.indoorData = indoorData; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::set_subPOIs": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOI::set_subPOIs"); + } + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* subPOIs = (NSArray*) args[@"subPOIs"]; + + // ref + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.subPOIs = subPOIs; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::set_images": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOI::set_images"); + } + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* images = (NSArray*) args[@"images"]; + + // ref + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.images = images; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::set_extensionInfo": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPOI::set_extensionInfo"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapPOIExtension* extensionInfo = (AMapPOIExtension*) (args[@"extensionInfo"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"extensionInfo"]); + + // ref + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.extensionInfo = extensionInfo; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapAOI::set_uid": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapAOI::set_uid"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* uid = (NSString*) args[@"uid"]; + + // ref + AMapAOI* ref = (AMapAOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.uid = uid; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapAOI::set_name": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapAOI::set_name"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* name = (NSString*) args[@"name"]; + + // ref + AMapAOI* ref = (AMapAOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = name; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapAOI::set_adcode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapAOI::set_adcode"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* adcode = (NSString*) args[@"adcode"]; + + // ref + AMapAOI* ref = (AMapAOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.adcode = adcode; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapAOI::set_location": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapAOI::set_location"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoPoint* location = (AMapGeoPoint*) (args[@"location"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"location"]); + + // ref + AMapAOI* ref = (AMapAOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.location = location; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapAOI::set_area": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapAOI::set_area"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat area = [args[@"area"] floatValue]; + + // ref + AMapAOI* ref = (AMapAOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.area = area; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRoad::set_uid": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRoad::set_uid"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* uid = (NSString*) args[@"uid"]; + + // ref + AMapRoad* ref = (AMapRoad*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.uid = uid; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRoad::set_name": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRoad::set_name"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* name = (NSString*) args[@"name"]; + + // ref + AMapRoad* ref = (AMapRoad*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = name; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRoad::set_distance": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRoad::set_distance"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger distance = [args[@"distance"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapRoad* ref = (AMapRoad*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.distance = distance; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRoad::set_direction": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRoad::set_direction"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* direction = (NSString*) args[@"direction"]; + + // ref + AMapRoad* ref = (AMapRoad*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.direction = direction; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRoad::set_location": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRoad::set_location"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoPoint* location = (AMapGeoPoint*) (args[@"location"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"location"]); + + // ref + AMapRoad* ref = (AMapRoad*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.location = location; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRoadInter::set_distance": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRoadInter::set_distance"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger distance = [args[@"distance"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapRoadInter* ref = (AMapRoadInter*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.distance = distance; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRoadInter::set_direction": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRoadInter::set_direction"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* direction = (NSString*) args[@"direction"]; + + // ref + AMapRoadInter* ref = (AMapRoadInter*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.direction = direction; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRoadInter::set_location": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRoadInter::set_location"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoPoint* location = (AMapGeoPoint*) (args[@"location"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"location"]); + + // ref + AMapRoadInter* ref = (AMapRoadInter*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.location = location; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRoadInter::set_firstId": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRoadInter::set_firstId"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* firstId = (NSString*) args[@"firstId"]; + + // ref + AMapRoadInter* ref = (AMapRoadInter*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.firstId = firstId; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRoadInter::set_firstName": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRoadInter::set_firstName"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* firstName = (NSString*) args[@"firstName"]; + + // ref + AMapRoadInter* ref = (AMapRoadInter*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.firstName = firstName; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRoadInter::set_secondId": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRoadInter::set_secondId"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* secondId = (NSString*) args[@"secondId"]; + + // ref + AMapRoadInter* ref = (AMapRoadInter*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.secondId = secondId; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRoadInter::set_secondName": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRoadInter::set_secondName"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* secondName = (NSString*) args[@"secondName"]; + + // ref + AMapRoadInter* ref = (AMapRoadInter*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.secondName = secondName; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapStreetNumber::set_street": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapStreetNumber::set_street"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* street = (NSString*) args[@"street"]; + + // ref + AMapStreetNumber* ref = (AMapStreetNumber*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.street = street; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapStreetNumber::set_number": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapStreetNumber::set_number"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* number = (NSString*) args[@"number"]; + + // ref + AMapStreetNumber* ref = (AMapStreetNumber*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.number = number; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapStreetNumber::set_location": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapStreetNumber::set_location"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoPoint* location = (AMapGeoPoint*) (args[@"location"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"location"]); + + // ref + AMapStreetNumber* ref = (AMapStreetNumber*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.location = location; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapStreetNumber::set_distance": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapStreetNumber::set_distance"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger distance = [args[@"distance"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapStreetNumber* ref = (AMapStreetNumber*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.distance = distance; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapStreetNumber::set_direction": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapStreetNumber::set_direction"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* direction = (NSString*) args[@"direction"]; + + // ref + AMapStreetNumber* ref = (AMapStreetNumber*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.direction = direction; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapBusinessArea::set_name": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapBusinessArea::set_name"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* name = (NSString*) args[@"name"]; + + // ref + AMapBusinessArea* ref = (AMapBusinessArea*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = name; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapBusinessArea::set_location": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapBusinessArea::set_location"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoPoint* location = (AMapGeoPoint*) (args[@"location"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"location"]); + + // ref + AMapBusinessArea* ref = (AMapBusinessArea*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.location = location; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapAddressComponent::set_country": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapAddressComponent::set_country"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* country = (NSString*) args[@"country"]; + + // ref + AMapAddressComponent* ref = (AMapAddressComponent*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = country; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapAddressComponent::set_countryCode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapAddressComponent::set_countryCode"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* countryCode = (NSString*) args[@"countryCode"]; + + // ref + AMapAddressComponent* ref = (AMapAddressComponent*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.countryCode = countryCode; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapAddressComponent::set_province": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapAddressComponent::set_province"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* province = (NSString*) args[@"province"]; + + // ref + AMapAddressComponent* ref = (AMapAddressComponent*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.province = province; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapAddressComponent::set_city": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapAddressComponent::set_city"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* city = (NSString*) args[@"city"]; + + // ref + AMapAddressComponent* ref = (AMapAddressComponent*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = city; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapAddressComponent::set_citycode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapAddressComponent::set_citycode"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* citycode = (NSString*) args[@"citycode"]; + + // ref + AMapAddressComponent* ref = (AMapAddressComponent*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.citycode = citycode; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapAddressComponent::set_district": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapAddressComponent::set_district"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* district = (NSString*) args[@"district"]; + + // ref + AMapAddressComponent* ref = (AMapAddressComponent*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.district = district; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapAddressComponent::set_adcode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapAddressComponent::set_adcode"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* adcode = (NSString*) args[@"adcode"]; + + // ref + AMapAddressComponent* ref = (AMapAddressComponent*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.adcode = adcode; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapAddressComponent::set_township": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapAddressComponent::set_township"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* township = (NSString*) args[@"township"]; + + // ref + AMapAddressComponent* ref = (AMapAddressComponent*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.township = township; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapAddressComponent::set_towncode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapAddressComponent::set_towncode"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* towncode = (NSString*) args[@"towncode"]; + + // ref + AMapAddressComponent* ref = (AMapAddressComponent*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.towncode = towncode; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapAddressComponent::set_neighborhood": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapAddressComponent::set_neighborhood"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* neighborhood = (NSString*) args[@"neighborhood"]; + + // ref + AMapAddressComponent* ref = (AMapAddressComponent*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.neighborhood = neighborhood; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapAddressComponent::set_building": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapAddressComponent::set_building"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* building = (NSString*) args[@"building"]; + + // ref + AMapAddressComponent* ref = (AMapAddressComponent*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.building = building; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapAddressComponent::set_streetNumber": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapAddressComponent::set_streetNumber"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapStreetNumber* streetNumber = (AMapStreetNumber*) (args[@"streetNumber"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"streetNumber"]); + + // ref + AMapAddressComponent* ref = (AMapAddressComponent*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.streetNumber = streetNumber; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapAddressComponent::set_businessAreas": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapAddressComponent::set_businessAreas"); + } + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* businessAreas = (NSArray*) args[@"businessAreas"]; + + // ref + AMapAddressComponent* ref = (AMapAddressComponent*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.businessAreas = businessAreas; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapReGeocode::set_formattedAddress": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapReGeocode::set_formattedAddress"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* formattedAddress = (NSString*) args[@"formattedAddress"]; + + // ref + AMapReGeocode* ref = (AMapReGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.formattedAddress = formattedAddress; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapReGeocode::set_addressComponent": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapReGeocode::set_addressComponent"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapAddressComponent* addressComponent = (AMapAddressComponent*) (args[@"addressComponent"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"addressComponent"]); + + // ref + AMapReGeocode* ref = (AMapReGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.addressComponent = addressComponent; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapReGeocode::set_roads": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapReGeocode::set_roads"); + } + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* roads = (NSArray*) args[@"roads"]; + + // ref + AMapReGeocode* ref = (AMapReGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.roads = roads; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapReGeocode::set_roadinters": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapReGeocode::set_roadinters"); + } + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* roadinters = (NSArray*) args[@"roadinters"]; + + // ref + AMapReGeocode* ref = (AMapReGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.roadinters = roadinters; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapReGeocode::set_pois": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapReGeocode::set_pois"); + } + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* pois = (NSArray*) args[@"pois"]; + + // ref + AMapReGeocode* ref = (AMapReGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.pois = pois; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapReGeocode::set_aois": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapReGeocode::set_aois"); + } + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* aois = (NSArray*) args[@"aois"]; + + // ref + AMapReGeocode* ref = (AMapReGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.aois = aois; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapGeocode::set_formattedAddress": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapGeocode::set_formattedAddress"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* formattedAddress = (NSString*) args[@"formattedAddress"]; + + // ref + AMapGeocode* ref = (AMapGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.formattedAddress = formattedAddress; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapGeocode::set_province": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapGeocode::set_province"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* province = (NSString*) args[@"province"]; + + // ref + AMapGeocode* ref = (AMapGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.province = province; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapGeocode::set_city": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapGeocode::set_city"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* city = (NSString*) args[@"city"]; + + // ref + AMapGeocode* ref = (AMapGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = city; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapGeocode::set_citycode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapGeocode::set_citycode"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* citycode = (NSString*) args[@"citycode"]; + + // ref + AMapGeocode* ref = (AMapGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.citycode = citycode; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapGeocode::set_district": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapGeocode::set_district"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* district = (NSString*) args[@"district"]; + + // ref + AMapGeocode* ref = (AMapGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.district = district; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapGeocode::set_adcode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapGeocode::set_adcode"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* adcode = (NSString*) args[@"adcode"]; + + // ref + AMapGeocode* ref = (AMapGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.adcode = adcode; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapGeocode::set_township": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapGeocode::set_township"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* township = (NSString*) args[@"township"]; + + // ref + AMapGeocode* ref = (AMapGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.township = township; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapGeocode::set_neighborhood": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapGeocode::set_neighborhood"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* neighborhood = (NSString*) args[@"neighborhood"]; + + // ref + AMapGeocode* ref = (AMapGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.neighborhood = neighborhood; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapGeocode::set_building": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapGeocode::set_building"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* building = (NSString*) args[@"building"]; + + // ref + AMapGeocode* ref = (AMapGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.building = building; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapGeocode::set_location": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapGeocode::set_location"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoPoint* location = (AMapGeoPoint*) (args[@"location"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"location"]); + + // ref + AMapGeocode* ref = (AMapGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.location = location; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapGeocode::set_level": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapGeocode::set_level"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* level = (NSString*) args[@"level"]; + + // ref + AMapGeocode* ref = (AMapGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.level = level; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapGeocode::set_country": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapGeocode::set_country"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* country = (NSString*) args[@"country"]; + + // ref + AMapGeocode* ref = (AMapGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = country; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapGeocode::set_postcode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapGeocode::set_postcode"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* postcode = (NSString*) args[@"postcode"]; + + // ref + AMapGeocode* ref = (AMapGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.postcode = postcode; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapBusStop::set_uid": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapBusStop::set_uid"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* uid = (NSString*) args[@"uid"]; + + // ref + AMapBusStop* ref = (AMapBusStop*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.uid = uid; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapBusStop::set_adcode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapBusStop::set_adcode"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* adcode = (NSString*) args[@"adcode"]; + + // ref + AMapBusStop* ref = (AMapBusStop*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.adcode = adcode; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapBusStop::set_name": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapBusStop::set_name"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* name = (NSString*) args[@"name"]; + + // ref + AMapBusStop* ref = (AMapBusStop*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = name; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapBusStop::set_citycode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapBusStop::set_citycode"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* citycode = (NSString*) args[@"citycode"]; + + // ref + AMapBusStop* ref = (AMapBusStop*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.citycode = citycode; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapBusStop::set_location": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapBusStop::set_location"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoPoint* location = (AMapGeoPoint*) (args[@"location"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"location"]); + + // ref + AMapBusStop* ref = (AMapBusStop*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.location = location; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapBusStop::set_buslines": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapBusStop::set_buslines"); + } + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* buslines = (NSArray*) args[@"buslines"]; + + // ref + AMapBusStop* ref = (AMapBusStop*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.buslines = buslines; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapBusStop::set_sequence": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapBusStop::set_sequence"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* sequence = (NSString*) args[@"sequence"]; + + // ref + AMapBusStop* ref = (AMapBusStop*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.sequence = sequence; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapBusLine::set_uid": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapBusLine::set_uid"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* uid = (NSString*) args[@"uid"]; + + // ref + AMapBusLine* ref = (AMapBusLine*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.uid = uid; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapBusLine::set_type": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapBusLine::set_type"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* type = (NSString*) args[@"type"]; + + // ref + AMapBusLine* ref = (AMapBusLine*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.type = type; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapBusLine::set_name": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapBusLine::set_name"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* name = (NSString*) args[@"name"]; + + // ref + AMapBusLine* ref = (AMapBusLine*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = name; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapBusLine::set_polyline": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapBusLine::set_polyline"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* polyline = (NSString*) args[@"polyline"]; + + // ref + AMapBusLine* ref = (AMapBusLine*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.polyline = polyline; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapBusLine::set_citycode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapBusLine::set_citycode"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* citycode = (NSString*) args[@"citycode"]; + + // ref + AMapBusLine* ref = (AMapBusLine*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.citycode = citycode; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapBusLine::set_startStop": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapBusLine::set_startStop"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* startStop = (NSString*) args[@"startStop"]; + + // ref + AMapBusLine* ref = (AMapBusLine*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.startStop = startStop; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapBusLine::set_endStop": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapBusLine::set_endStop"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* endStop = (NSString*) args[@"endStop"]; + + // ref + AMapBusLine* ref = (AMapBusLine*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.endStop = endStop; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapBusLine::set_location": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapBusLine::set_location"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoPoint* location = (AMapGeoPoint*) (args[@"location"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"location"]); + + // ref + AMapBusLine* ref = (AMapBusLine*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.location = location; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapBusLine::set_startTime": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapBusLine::set_startTime"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* startTime = (NSString*) args[@"startTime"]; + + // ref + AMapBusLine* ref = (AMapBusLine*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.startTime = startTime; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapBusLine::set_endTime": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapBusLine::set_endTime"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* endTime = (NSString*) args[@"endTime"]; + + // ref + AMapBusLine* ref = (AMapBusLine*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.endTime = endTime; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapBusLine::set_company": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapBusLine::set_company"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* company = (NSString*) args[@"company"]; + + // ref + AMapBusLine* ref = (AMapBusLine*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = company; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapBusLine::set_distance": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapBusLine::set_distance"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat distance = [args[@"distance"] floatValue]; + + // ref + AMapBusLine* ref = (AMapBusLine*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.distance = distance; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + }; +} + +@end diff --git a/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler7.h b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler7.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..384dfb7 --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler7.h @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +#import "AmapSearchFluttifyPlugin.h" + +NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN + +@interface AmapSearchFluttifyPlugin (SubHandler7) +- (NSDictionary*) getSubHandler7; +@end + +NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END diff --git a/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler7.m b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler7.m new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1fa7afa --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler7.m @@ -0,0 +1,4268 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +#import "SubHandler7.h" +#import "FluttifyMessageCodec.h" +#import +#import "AMapNearbySearchManagerDelegate_Anonymous.h" +#import "AMapSearchDelegate_Anonymous.h" + +// Dart端一次方法调用所存在的栈, 只有当MethodChannel传递参数受限时, 再启用这个容器 +extern NSMutableDictionary* STACK; +// Dart端随机存取对象的容器 +extern NSMutableDictionary* HEAP; +// 日志打印开关 +extern BOOL enableLog; + +@implementation AmapSearchFluttifyPlugin (SubHandler7) +- (NSDictionary*) getSubHandler7 { + __weak __typeof(self)weakSelf = self; + return @{ + @"AMapBusLine::set_basicPrice": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapBusLine::set_basicPrice"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat basicPrice = [args[@"basicPrice"] floatValue]; + + // ref + AMapBusLine* ref = (AMapBusLine*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.basicPrice = basicPrice; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapBusLine::set_totalPrice": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapBusLine::set_totalPrice"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat totalPrice = [args[@"totalPrice"] floatValue]; + + // ref + AMapBusLine* ref = (AMapBusLine*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.totalPrice = totalPrice; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapBusLine::set_bounds": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapBusLine::set_bounds"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoPolygon* bounds = (AMapGeoPolygon*) (args[@"bounds"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"bounds"]); + + // ref + AMapBusLine* ref = (AMapBusLine*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.bounds = bounds; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapBusLine::set_busStops": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapBusLine::set_busStops"); + } + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* busStops = (NSArray*) args[@"busStops"]; + + // ref + AMapBusLine* ref = (AMapBusLine*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.busStops = busStops; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapBusLine::set_departureStop": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapBusLine::set_departureStop"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapBusStop* departureStop = (AMapBusStop*) (args[@"departureStop"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"departureStop"]); + + // ref + AMapBusLine* ref = (AMapBusLine*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.departureStop = departureStop; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapBusLine::set_arrivalStop": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapBusLine::set_arrivalStop"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapBusStop* arrivalStop = (AMapBusStop*) (args[@"arrivalStop"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"arrivalStop"]); + + // ref + AMapBusLine* ref = (AMapBusLine*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.arrivalStop = arrivalStop; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapBusLine::set_viaBusStops": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapBusLine::set_viaBusStops"); + } + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* viaBusStops = (NSArray*) args[@"viaBusStops"]; + + // ref + AMapBusLine* ref = (AMapBusLine*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.viaBusStops = viaBusStops; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapBusLine::set_duration": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapBusLine::set_duration"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger duration = [args[@"duration"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapBusLine* ref = (AMapBusLine*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.duration = duration; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDistrict::set_adcode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDistrict::set_adcode"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* adcode = (NSString*) args[@"adcode"]; + + // ref + AMapDistrict* ref = (AMapDistrict*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.adcode = adcode; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDistrict::set_citycode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDistrict::set_citycode"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* citycode = (NSString*) args[@"citycode"]; + + // ref + AMapDistrict* ref = (AMapDistrict*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.citycode = citycode; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDistrict::set_name": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDistrict::set_name"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* name = (NSString*) args[@"name"]; + + // ref + AMapDistrict* ref = (AMapDistrict*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = name; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDistrict::set_level": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDistrict::set_level"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* level = (NSString*) args[@"level"]; + + // ref + AMapDistrict* ref = (AMapDistrict*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.level = level; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDistrict::set_center": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDistrict::set_center"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoPoint* center = (AMapGeoPoint*) (args[@"center"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"center"]); + + // ref + AMapDistrict* ref = (AMapDistrict*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = center; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDistrict::set_districts": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDistrict::set_districts"); + } + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* districts = (NSArray*) args[@"districts"]; + + // ref + AMapDistrict* ref = (AMapDistrict*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.districts = districts; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDistrict::set_polylines": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDistrict::set_polylines"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSArray* polylines = (NSArray*) args[@"polylines"]; + + // ref + AMapDistrict* ref = (AMapDistrict*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.polylines = polylines; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTMC::set_distance": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTMC::set_distance"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger distance = [args[@"distance"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapTMC* ref = (AMapTMC*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.distance = distance; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTMC::set_status": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTMC::set_status"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* status = (NSString*) args[@"status"]; + + // ref + AMapTMC* ref = (AMapTMC*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.status = status; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTMC::set_polyline": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTMC::set_polyline"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* polyline = (NSString*) args[@"polyline"]; + + // ref + AMapTMC* ref = (AMapTMC*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.polyline = polyline; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapStep::set_instruction": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapStep::set_instruction"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* instruction = (NSString*) args[@"instruction"]; + + // ref + AMapStep* ref = (AMapStep*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.instruction = instruction; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapStep::set_orientation": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapStep::set_orientation"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* orientation = (NSString*) args[@"orientation"]; + + // ref + AMapStep* ref = (AMapStep*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.orientation = orientation; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapStep::set_road": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapStep::set_road"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* road = (NSString*) args[@"road"]; + + // ref + AMapStep* ref = (AMapStep*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.road = road; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapStep::set_distance": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapStep::set_distance"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger distance = [args[@"distance"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapStep* ref = (AMapStep*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.distance = distance; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapStep::set_duration": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapStep::set_duration"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger duration = [args[@"duration"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapStep* ref = (AMapStep*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.duration = duration; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapStep::set_polyline": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapStep::set_polyline"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* polyline = (NSString*) args[@"polyline"]; + + // ref + AMapStep* ref = (AMapStep*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.polyline = polyline; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapStep::set_action": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapStep::set_action"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* action = (NSString*) args[@"action"]; + + // ref + AMapStep* ref = (AMapStep*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.action = action; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapStep::set_assistantAction": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapStep::set_assistantAction"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* assistantAction = (NSString*) args[@"assistantAction"]; + + // ref + AMapStep* ref = (AMapStep*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.assistantAction = assistantAction; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapStep::set_tolls": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapStep::set_tolls"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat tolls = [args[@"tolls"] floatValue]; + + // ref + AMapStep* ref = (AMapStep*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.tolls = tolls; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapStep::set_tollDistance": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapStep::set_tollDistance"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger tollDistance = [args[@"tollDistance"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapStep* ref = (AMapStep*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.tollDistance = tollDistance; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapStep::set_tollRoad": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapStep::set_tollRoad"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* tollRoad = (NSString*) args[@"tollRoad"]; + + // ref + AMapStep* ref = (AMapStep*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.tollRoad = tollRoad; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapStep::set_totalTrafficLights": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapStep::set_totalTrafficLights"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger totalTrafficLights = [args[@"totalTrafficLights"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapStep* ref = (AMapStep*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.totalTrafficLights = totalTrafficLights; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapStep::set_cities": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapStep::set_cities"); + } + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* cities = (NSArray*) args[@"cities"]; + + // ref + AMapStep* ref = (AMapStep*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.cities = cities; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapStep::set_tmcs": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapStep::set_tmcs"); + } + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* tmcs = (NSArray*) args[@"tmcs"]; + + // ref + AMapStep* ref = (AMapStep*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.tmcs = tmcs; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPath::set_distance": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPath::set_distance"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger distance = [args[@"distance"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapPath* ref = (AMapPath*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.distance = distance; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPath::set_duration": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPath::set_duration"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger duration = [args[@"duration"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapPath* ref = (AMapPath*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.duration = duration; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPath::set_strategy": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPath::set_strategy"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* strategy = (NSString*) args[@"strategy"]; + + // ref + AMapPath* ref = (AMapPath*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.strategy = strategy; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPath::set_steps": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPath::set_steps"); + } + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* steps = (NSArray*) args[@"steps"]; + + // ref + AMapPath* ref = (AMapPath*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.steps = steps; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPath::set_tolls": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPath::set_tolls"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat tolls = [args[@"tolls"] floatValue]; + + // ref + AMapPath* ref = (AMapPath*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.tolls = tolls; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPath::set_tollDistance": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPath::set_tollDistance"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger tollDistance = [args[@"tollDistance"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapPath* ref = (AMapPath*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.tollDistance = tollDistance; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPath::set_totalTrafficLights": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPath::set_totalTrafficLights"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger totalTrafficLights = [args[@"totalTrafficLights"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapPath* ref = (AMapPath*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.totalTrafficLights = totalTrafficLights; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPath::set_restriction": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPath::set_restriction"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger restriction = [args[@"restriction"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapPath* ref = (AMapPath*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.restriction = restriction; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPath::set_polyline": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapPath::set_polyline"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* polyline = (NSString*) args[@"polyline"]; + + // ref + AMapPath* ref = (AMapPath*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.polyline = polyline; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapFutureTimeInfoElement::set_duration": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapFutureTimeInfoElement::set_duration"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger duration = [args[@"duration"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapFutureTimeInfoElement* ref = (AMapFutureTimeInfoElement*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.duration = duration; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapFutureTimeInfoElement::set_pathindex": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapFutureTimeInfoElement::set_pathindex"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger pathindex = [args[@"pathindex"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapFutureTimeInfoElement* ref = (AMapFutureTimeInfoElement*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.pathindex = pathindex; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapFutureTimeInfoElement::set_restriction": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapFutureTimeInfoElement::set_restriction"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger restriction = [args[@"restriction"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapFutureTimeInfoElement* ref = (AMapFutureTimeInfoElement*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.restriction = restriction; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapFutureTimeInfoElement::set_tmcs": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapFutureTimeInfoElement::set_tmcs"); + } + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* tmcs = (NSArray*) args[@"tmcs"]; + + // ref + AMapFutureTimeInfoElement* ref = (AMapFutureTimeInfoElement*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.tmcs = tmcs; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapFutureTimeInfo::set_startTime": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapFutureTimeInfo::set_startTime"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* startTime = (NSString*) args[@"startTime"]; + + // ref + AMapFutureTimeInfo* ref = (AMapFutureTimeInfo*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.startTime = startTime; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapFutureTimeInfo::set_elements": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapFutureTimeInfo::set_elements"); + } + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* elements = (NSArray*) args[@"elements"]; + + // ref + AMapFutureTimeInfo* ref = (AMapFutureTimeInfo*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.elements = elements; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapWalking::set_origin": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapWalking::set_origin"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoPoint* origin = (AMapGeoPoint*) (args[@"origin"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"origin"]); + + // ref + AMapWalking* ref = (AMapWalking*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.origin = origin; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapWalking::set_destination": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapWalking::set_destination"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoPoint* destination = (AMapGeoPoint*) (args[@"destination"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"destination"]); + + // ref + AMapWalking* ref = (AMapWalking*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.destination = destination; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapWalking::set_distance": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapWalking::set_distance"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger distance = [args[@"distance"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapWalking* ref = (AMapWalking*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.distance = distance; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapWalking::set_duration": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapWalking::set_duration"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger duration = [args[@"duration"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapWalking* ref = (AMapWalking*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.duration = duration; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapWalking::set_steps": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapWalking::set_steps"); + } + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* steps = (NSArray*) args[@"steps"]; + + // ref + AMapWalking* ref = (AMapWalking*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.steps = steps; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTaxi::set_origin": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTaxi::set_origin"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoPoint* origin = (AMapGeoPoint*) (args[@"origin"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"origin"]); + + // ref + AMapTaxi* ref = (AMapTaxi*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.origin = origin; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTaxi::set_destination": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTaxi::set_destination"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoPoint* destination = (AMapGeoPoint*) (args[@"destination"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"destination"]); + + // ref + AMapTaxi* ref = (AMapTaxi*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.destination = destination; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTaxi::set_distance": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTaxi::set_distance"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger distance = [args[@"distance"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapTaxi* ref = (AMapTaxi*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.distance = distance; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTaxi::set_duration": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTaxi::set_duration"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger duration = [args[@"duration"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapTaxi* ref = (AMapTaxi*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.duration = duration; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTaxi::set_sname": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTaxi::set_sname"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* sname = (NSString*) args[@"sname"]; + + // ref + AMapTaxi* ref = (AMapTaxi*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.sname = sname; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTaxi::set_tname": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTaxi::set_tname"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* tname = (NSString*) args[@"tname"]; + + // ref + AMapTaxi* ref = (AMapTaxi*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.tname = tname; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRailwayStation::set_uid": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRailwayStation::set_uid"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* uid = (NSString*) args[@"uid"]; + + // ref + AMapRailwayStation* ref = (AMapRailwayStation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.uid = uid; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRailwayStation::set_name": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRailwayStation::set_name"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* name = (NSString*) args[@"name"]; + + // ref + AMapRailwayStation* ref = (AMapRailwayStation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = name; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRailwayStation::set_location": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRailwayStation::set_location"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoPoint* location = (AMapGeoPoint*) (args[@"location"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"location"]); + + // ref + AMapRailwayStation* ref = (AMapRailwayStation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.location = location; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRailwayStation::set_adcode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRailwayStation::set_adcode"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* adcode = (NSString*) args[@"adcode"]; + + // ref + AMapRailwayStation* ref = (AMapRailwayStation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.adcode = adcode; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRailwayStation::set_time": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRailwayStation::set_time"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* time = (NSString*) args[@"time"]; + + // ref + AMapRailwayStation* ref = (AMapRailwayStation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.time = time; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRailwayStation::set_wait": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRailwayStation::set_wait"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger wait = [args[@"wait"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapRailwayStation* ref = (AMapRailwayStation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.wait = wait; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRailwayStation::set_isStart": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRailwayStation::set_isStart"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL isStart = [args[@"isStart"] boolValue]; + + // ref + AMapRailwayStation* ref = (AMapRailwayStation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.isStart = isStart; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRailwayStation::set_isEnd": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRailwayStation::set_isEnd"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL isEnd = [args[@"isEnd"] boolValue]; + + // ref + AMapRailwayStation* ref = (AMapRailwayStation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.isEnd = isEnd; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRailwaySpace::set_code": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRailwaySpace::set_code"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* code = (NSString*) args[@"code"]; + + // ref + AMapRailwaySpace* ref = (AMapRailwaySpace*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.code = code; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRailwaySpace::set_cost": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRailwaySpace::set_cost"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat cost = [args[@"cost"] floatValue]; + + // ref + AMapRailwaySpace* ref = (AMapRailwaySpace*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.cost = cost; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRailway::set_uid": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRailway::set_uid"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* uid = (NSString*) args[@"uid"]; + + // ref + AMapRailway* ref = (AMapRailway*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.uid = uid; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRailway::set_name": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRailway::set_name"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* name = (NSString*) args[@"name"]; + + // ref + AMapRailway* ref = (AMapRailway*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = name; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRailway::set_trip": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRailway::set_trip"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* trip = (NSString*) args[@"trip"]; + + // ref + AMapRailway* ref = (AMapRailway*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.trip = trip; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRailway::set_type": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRailway::set_type"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* type = (NSString*) args[@"type"]; + + // ref + AMapRailway* ref = (AMapRailway*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.type = type; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRailway::set_distance": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRailway::set_distance"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger distance = [args[@"distance"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapRailway* ref = (AMapRailway*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.distance = distance; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRailway::set_time": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRailway::set_time"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger time = [args[@"time"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapRailway* ref = (AMapRailway*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.time = time; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRailway::set_departureStation": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRailway::set_departureStation"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapRailwayStation* departureStation = (AMapRailwayStation*) (args[@"departureStation"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"departureStation"]); + + // ref + AMapRailway* ref = (AMapRailway*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.departureStation = departureStation; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRailway::set_arrivalStation": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRailway::set_arrivalStation"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapRailwayStation* arrivalStation = (AMapRailwayStation*) (args[@"arrivalStation"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"arrivalStation"]); + + // ref + AMapRailway* ref = (AMapRailway*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.arrivalStation = arrivalStation; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRailway::set_spaces": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRailway::set_spaces"); + } + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* spaces = (NSArray*) args[@"spaces"]; + + // ref + AMapRailway* ref = (AMapRailway*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.spaces = spaces; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRailway::set_viaStops": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRailway::set_viaStops"); + } + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* viaStops = (NSArray*) args[@"viaStops"]; + + // ref + AMapRailway* ref = (AMapRailway*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.viaStops = viaStops; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRailway::set_alters": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRailway::set_alters"); + } + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* alters = (NSArray*) args[@"alters"]; + + // ref + AMapRailway* ref = (AMapRailway*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.alters = alters; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapSegment::set_walking": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapSegment::set_walking"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapWalking* walking = (AMapWalking*) (args[@"walking"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"walking"]); + + // ref + AMapSegment* ref = (AMapSegment*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.walking = walking; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapSegment::set_buslines": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapSegment::set_buslines"); + } + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* buslines = (NSArray*) args[@"buslines"]; + + // ref + AMapSegment* ref = (AMapSegment*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.buslines = buslines; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapSegment::set_taxi": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapSegment::set_taxi"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapTaxi* taxi = (AMapTaxi*) (args[@"taxi"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"taxi"]); + + // ref + AMapSegment* ref = (AMapSegment*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = taxi; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapSegment::set_railway": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapSegment::set_railway"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapRailway* railway = (AMapRailway*) (args[@"railway"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"railway"]); + + // ref + AMapSegment* ref = (AMapSegment*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.railway = railway; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapSegment::set_enterName": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapSegment::set_enterName"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* enterName = (NSString*) args[@"enterName"]; + + // ref + AMapSegment* ref = (AMapSegment*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.enterName = enterName; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapSegment::set_enterLocation": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapSegment::set_enterLocation"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoPoint* enterLocation = (AMapGeoPoint*) (args[@"enterLocation"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"enterLocation"]); + + // ref + AMapSegment* ref = (AMapSegment*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.enterLocation = enterLocation; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapSegment::set_exitName": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapSegment::set_exitName"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* exitName = (NSString*) args[@"exitName"]; + + // ref + AMapSegment* ref = (AMapSegment*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.exitName = exitName; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapSegment::set_exitLocation": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapSegment::set_exitLocation"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoPoint* exitLocation = (AMapGeoPoint*) (args[@"exitLocation"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"exitLocation"]); + + // ref + AMapSegment* ref = (AMapSegment*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.exitLocation = exitLocation; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTransit::set_cost": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTransit::set_cost"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat cost = [args[@"cost"] floatValue]; + + // ref + AMapTransit* ref = (AMapTransit*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.cost = cost; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTransit::set_duration": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTransit::set_duration"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger duration = [args[@"duration"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapTransit* ref = (AMapTransit*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.duration = duration; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTransit::set_nightflag": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTransit::set_nightflag"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL nightflag = [args[@"nightflag"] boolValue]; + + // ref + AMapTransit* ref = (AMapTransit*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.nightflag = nightflag; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTransit::set_walkingDistance": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTransit::set_walkingDistance"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger walkingDistance = [args[@"walkingDistance"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapTransit* ref = (AMapTransit*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.walkingDistance = walkingDistance; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTransit::set_segments": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTransit::set_segments"); + } + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* segments = (NSArray*) args[@"segments"]; + + // ref + AMapTransit* ref = (AMapTransit*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.segments = segments; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTransit::set_distance": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTransit::set_distance"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger distance = [args[@"distance"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapTransit* ref = (AMapTransit*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.distance = distance; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRoute::set_origin": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRoute::set_origin"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoPoint* origin = (AMapGeoPoint*) (args[@"origin"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"origin"]); + + // ref + AMapRoute* ref = (AMapRoute*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.origin = origin; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRoute::set_destination": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRoute::set_destination"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoPoint* destination = (AMapGeoPoint*) (args[@"destination"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"destination"]); + + // ref + AMapRoute* ref = (AMapRoute*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.destination = destination; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRoute::set_taxiCost": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRoute::set_taxiCost"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat taxiCost = [args[@"taxiCost"] floatValue]; + + // ref + AMapRoute* ref = (AMapRoute*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.taxiCost = taxiCost; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRoute::set_paths": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRoute::set_paths"); + } + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* paths = (NSArray*) args[@"paths"]; + + // ref + AMapRoute* ref = (AMapRoute*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.paths = paths; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRoute::set_transits": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapRoute::set_transits"); + } + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* transits = (NSArray*) args[@"transits"]; + + // ref + AMapRoute* ref = (AMapRoute*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.transits = transits; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDistanceResult::set_originID": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDistanceResult::set_originID"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger originID = [args[@"originID"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapDistanceResult* ref = (AMapDistanceResult*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.originID = originID; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDistanceResult::set_destID": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDistanceResult::set_destID"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger destID = [args[@"destID"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapDistanceResult* ref = (AMapDistanceResult*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.destID = destID; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDistanceResult::set_distance": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDistanceResult::set_distance"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger distance = [args[@"distance"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapDistanceResult* ref = (AMapDistanceResult*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.distance = distance; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDistanceResult::set_duration": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDistanceResult::set_duration"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger duration = [args[@"duration"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapDistanceResult* ref = (AMapDistanceResult*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.duration = duration; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDistanceResult::set_info": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDistanceResult::set_info"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* info = (NSString*) args[@"info"]; + + // ref + AMapDistanceResult* ref = (AMapDistanceResult*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = info; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDistanceResult::set_code": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapDistanceResult::set_code"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger code = [args[@"code"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapDistanceResult* ref = (AMapDistanceResult*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.code = code; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocalWeatherLive::set_adcode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocalWeatherLive::set_adcode"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* adcode = (NSString*) args[@"adcode"]; + + // ref + AMapLocalWeatherLive* ref = (AMapLocalWeatherLive*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.adcode = adcode; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocalWeatherLive::set_province": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocalWeatherLive::set_province"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* province = (NSString*) args[@"province"]; + + // ref + AMapLocalWeatherLive* ref = (AMapLocalWeatherLive*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.province = province; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocalWeatherLive::set_city": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocalWeatherLive::set_city"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* city = (NSString*) args[@"city"]; + + // ref + AMapLocalWeatherLive* ref = (AMapLocalWeatherLive*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = city; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocalWeatherLive::set_weather": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocalWeatherLive::set_weather"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* weather = (NSString*) args[@"weather"]; + + // ref + AMapLocalWeatherLive* ref = (AMapLocalWeatherLive*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = weather; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocalWeatherLive::set_temperature": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocalWeatherLive::set_temperature"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* temperature = (NSString*) args[@"temperature"]; + + // ref + AMapLocalWeatherLive* ref = (AMapLocalWeatherLive*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.temperature = temperature; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocalWeatherLive::set_windDirection": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocalWeatherLive::set_windDirection"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* windDirection = (NSString*) args[@"windDirection"]; + + // ref + AMapLocalWeatherLive* ref = (AMapLocalWeatherLive*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.windDirection = windDirection; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocalWeatherLive::set_windPower": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocalWeatherLive::set_windPower"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* windPower = (NSString*) args[@"windPower"]; + + // ref + AMapLocalWeatherLive* ref = (AMapLocalWeatherLive*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.windPower = windPower; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocalWeatherLive::set_humidity": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocalWeatherLive::set_humidity"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* humidity = (NSString*) args[@"humidity"]; + + // ref + AMapLocalWeatherLive* ref = (AMapLocalWeatherLive*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.humidity = humidity; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocalWeatherLive::set_reportTime": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocalWeatherLive::set_reportTime"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* reportTime = (NSString*) args[@"reportTime"]; + + // ref + AMapLocalWeatherLive* ref = (AMapLocalWeatherLive*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.reportTime = reportTime; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::set_date": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::set_date"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* date = (NSString*) args[@"date"]; + + // ref + AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast* ref = (AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = date; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::set_week": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::set_week"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* week = (NSString*) args[@"week"]; + + // ref + AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast* ref = (AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.week = week; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::set_dayWeather": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::set_dayWeather"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* dayWeather = (NSString*) args[@"dayWeather"]; + + // ref + AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast* ref = (AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.dayWeather = dayWeather; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::set_nightWeather": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::set_nightWeather"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* nightWeather = (NSString*) args[@"nightWeather"]; + + // ref + AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast* ref = (AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.nightWeather = nightWeather; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::set_dayTemp": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::set_dayTemp"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* dayTemp = (NSString*) args[@"dayTemp"]; + + // ref + AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast* ref = (AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.dayTemp = dayTemp; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::set_nightTemp": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::set_nightTemp"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* nightTemp = (NSString*) args[@"nightTemp"]; + + // ref + AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast* ref = (AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.nightTemp = nightTemp; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::set_dayWind": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::set_dayWind"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* dayWind = (NSString*) args[@"dayWind"]; + + // ref + AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast* ref = (AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.dayWind = dayWind; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::set_nightWind": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::set_nightWind"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* nightWind = (NSString*) args[@"nightWind"]; + + // ref + AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast* ref = (AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.nightWind = nightWind; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::set_dayPower": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::set_dayPower"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* dayPower = (NSString*) args[@"dayPower"]; + + // ref + AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast* ref = (AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.dayPower = dayPower; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::set_nightPower": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::set_nightPower"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* nightPower = (NSString*) args[@"nightPower"]; + + // ref + AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast* ref = (AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.nightPower = nightPower; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocalWeatherForecast::set_adcode": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocalWeatherForecast::set_adcode"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* adcode = (NSString*) args[@"adcode"]; + + // ref + AMapLocalWeatherForecast* ref = (AMapLocalWeatherForecast*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.adcode = adcode; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocalWeatherForecast::set_province": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocalWeatherForecast::set_province"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* province = (NSString*) args[@"province"]; + + // ref + AMapLocalWeatherForecast* ref = (AMapLocalWeatherForecast*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.province = province; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocalWeatherForecast::set_city": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocalWeatherForecast::set_city"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* city = (NSString*) args[@"city"]; + + // ref + AMapLocalWeatherForecast* ref = (AMapLocalWeatherForecast*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = city; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocalWeatherForecast::set_reportTime": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocalWeatherForecast::set_reportTime"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* reportTime = (NSString*) args[@"reportTime"]; + + // ref + AMapLocalWeatherForecast* ref = (AMapLocalWeatherForecast*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.reportTime = reportTime; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocalWeatherForecast::set_casts": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapLocalWeatherForecast::set_casts"); + } + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* casts = (NSArray*) args[@"casts"]; + + // ref + AMapLocalWeatherForecast* ref = (AMapLocalWeatherForecast*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.casts = casts; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapNearbyUserInfo::set_userID": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapNearbyUserInfo::set_userID"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* userID = (NSString*) args[@"userID"]; + + // ref + AMapNearbyUserInfo* ref = (AMapNearbyUserInfo*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.userID = userID; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapNearbyUserInfo::set_location": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapNearbyUserInfo::set_location"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoPoint* location = (AMapGeoPoint*) (args[@"location"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"location"]); + + // ref + AMapNearbyUserInfo* ref = (AMapNearbyUserInfo*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.location = location; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapNearbyUserInfo::set_distance": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapNearbyUserInfo::set_distance"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat distance = [args[@"distance"] floatValue]; + + // ref + AMapNearbyUserInfo* ref = (AMapNearbyUserInfo*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.distance = distance; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapNearbyUserInfo::set_updatetime": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapNearbyUserInfo::set_updatetime"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSTimeInterval updatetime = [args[@"updatetime"] doubleValue]; + + // ref + AMapNearbyUserInfo* ref = (AMapNearbyUserInfo*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.updatetime = updatetime; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTrafficEvaluation::set_evaluationDescription": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTrafficEvaluation::set_evaluationDescription"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* evaluationDescription = (NSString*) args[@"evaluationDescription"]; + + // ref + AMapTrafficEvaluation* ref = (AMapTrafficEvaluation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.evaluationDescription = evaluationDescription; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTrafficEvaluation::set_status": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTrafficEvaluation::set_status"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger status = [args[@"status"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapTrafficEvaluation* ref = (AMapTrafficEvaluation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.status = status; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTrafficEvaluation::set_expedite": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTrafficEvaluation::set_expedite"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* expedite = (NSString*) args[@"expedite"]; + + // ref + AMapTrafficEvaluation* ref = (AMapTrafficEvaluation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.expedite = expedite; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTrafficEvaluation::set_congested": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTrafficEvaluation::set_congested"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* congested = (NSString*) args[@"congested"]; + + // ref + AMapTrafficEvaluation* ref = (AMapTrafficEvaluation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.congested = congested; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTrafficEvaluation::set_blocked": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTrafficEvaluation::set_blocked"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* blocked = (NSString*) args[@"blocked"]; + + // ref + AMapTrafficEvaluation* ref = (AMapTrafficEvaluation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.blocked = blocked; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTrafficEvaluation::set_unknown": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTrafficEvaluation::set_unknown"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* unknown = (NSString*) args[@"unknown"]; + + // ref + AMapTrafficEvaluation* ref = (AMapTrafficEvaluation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.unknown = unknown; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTrafficRoad::set_name": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTrafficRoad::set_name"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* name = (NSString*) args[@"name"]; + + // ref + AMapTrafficRoad* ref = (AMapTrafficRoad*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = name; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTrafficRoad::set_status": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTrafficRoad::set_status"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger status = [args[@"status"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapTrafficRoad* ref = (AMapTrafficRoad*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.status = status; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTrafficRoad::set_direction": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTrafficRoad::set_direction"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* direction = (NSString*) args[@"direction"]; + + // ref + AMapTrafficRoad* ref = (AMapTrafficRoad*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.direction = direction; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTrafficRoad::set_angle": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTrafficRoad::set_angle"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + float angle = [args[@"angle"] floatValue]; + + // ref + AMapTrafficRoad* ref = (AMapTrafficRoad*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.angle = angle; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTrafficRoad::set_speed": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTrafficRoad::set_speed"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + float speed = [args[@"speed"] floatValue]; + + // ref + AMapTrafficRoad* ref = (AMapTrafficRoad*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.speed = speed; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTrafficRoad::set_polyline": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTrafficRoad::set_polyline"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* polyline = (NSString*) args[@"polyline"]; + + // ref + AMapTrafficRoad* ref = (AMapTrafficRoad*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.polyline = polyline; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTrafficInfo::set_statusDescription": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTrafficInfo::set_statusDescription"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* statusDescription = (NSString*) args[@"statusDescription"]; + + // ref + AMapTrafficInfo* ref = (AMapTrafficInfo*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.statusDescription = statusDescription; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTrafficInfo::set_evaluation": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTrafficInfo::set_evaluation"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapTrafficEvaluation* evaluation = (AMapTrafficEvaluation*) (args[@"evaluation"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"evaluation"]); + + // ref + AMapTrafficInfo* ref = (AMapTrafficInfo*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.evaluation = evaluation; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTrafficInfo::set_roads": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapTrafficInfo::set_roads"); + } + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* roads = (NSArray*) args[@"roads"]; + + // ref + AMapTrafficInfo* ref = (AMapTrafficInfo*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.roads = roads; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapCloudImage::set_uid": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapCloudImage::set_uid"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* uid = (NSString*) args[@"uid"]; + + // ref + AMapCloudImage* ref = (AMapCloudImage*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.uid = uid; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapCloudImage::set_preurl": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapCloudImage::set_preurl"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* preurl = (NSString*) args[@"preurl"]; + + // ref + AMapCloudImage* ref = (AMapCloudImage*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.preurl = preurl; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapCloudImage::set_url": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapCloudImage::set_url"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* url = (NSString*) args[@"url"]; + + // ref + AMapCloudImage* ref = (AMapCloudImage*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.url = url; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapCloudPOI::set_uid": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapCloudPOI::set_uid"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger uid = [args[@"uid"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapCloudPOI* ref = (AMapCloudPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.uid = uid; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapCloudPOI::set_name": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapCloudPOI::set_name"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* name = (NSString*) args[@"name"]; + + // ref + AMapCloudPOI* ref = (AMapCloudPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = name; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapCloudPOI::set_location": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapCloudPOI::set_location"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoPoint* location = (AMapGeoPoint*) (args[@"location"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"location"]); + + // ref + AMapCloudPOI* ref = (AMapCloudPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.location = location; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapCloudPOI::set_address": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapCloudPOI::set_address"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* address = (NSString*) args[@"address"]; + + // ref + AMapCloudPOI* ref = (AMapCloudPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.address = address; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapCloudPOI::set_customFields": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapCloudPOI::set_customFields"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSDictionary* customFields = (NSDictionary*) args[@"customFields"]; + + // ref + AMapCloudPOI* ref = (AMapCloudPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.customFields = customFields; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapCloudPOI::set_createTime": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapCloudPOI::set_createTime"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* createTime = (NSString*) args[@"createTime"]; + + // ref + AMapCloudPOI* ref = (AMapCloudPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.createTime = createTime; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapCloudPOI::set_updateTime": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapCloudPOI::set_updateTime"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* updateTime = (NSString*) args[@"updateTime"]; + + // ref + AMapCloudPOI* ref = (AMapCloudPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.updateTime = updateTime; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapCloudPOI::set_distance": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapCloudPOI::set_distance"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger distance = [args[@"distance"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapCloudPOI* ref = (AMapCloudPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.distance = distance; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapCloudPOI::set_images": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapCloudPOI::set_images"); + } + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* images = (NSArray*) args[@"images"]; + + // ref + AMapCloudPOI* ref = (AMapCloudPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.images = images; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapNearbyUploadInfo::set_userID": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapNearbyUploadInfo::set_userID"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* userID = (NSString*) args[@"userID"]; + + // ref + AMapNearbyUploadInfo* ref = (AMapNearbyUploadInfo*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.userID = userID; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapNearbyUploadInfo::set_coordinateType": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapNearbyUploadInfo::set_coordinateType"); + } + + // args + // enum arg + AMapSearchCoordinateType coordinateType = (AMapSearchCoordinateType) [args[@"coordinateType"] integerValue]; + + // ref + AMapNearbyUploadInfo* ref = (AMapNearbyUploadInfo*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.coordinateType = coordinateType; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapNearbyUploadInfo::set_coordinate": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapNearbyUploadInfo::set_coordinate"); + } + + // args + // struct arg + NSValue* coordinateValue = (NSValue*) args[@"coordinate"]; + CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate; + if (coordinateValue != nil && (NSNull*) coordinateValue != [NSNull null]) { + [coordinateValue getValue:&coordinate]; + } else { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"参数非法" + message:@"参数非法" + details:@"coordinate不能为null"]); + return; + } + + + // ref + AMapNearbyUploadInfo* ref = (AMapNearbyUploadInfo*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.coordinate = coordinate; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapNearbySearchManager::set_uploadTimeInterval": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapNearbySearchManager::set_uploadTimeInterval"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSTimeInterval uploadTimeInterval = [args[@"uploadTimeInterval"] doubleValue]; + + // ref + AMapNearbySearchManager* ref = (AMapNearbySearchManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.uploadTimeInterval = uploadTimeInterval; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapNearbySearchManager::set_delegate": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapNearbySearchManager::set_delegate"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + id delegate = (id) (args[@"delegate"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"delegate"]); + + // ref + AMapNearbySearchManager* ref = (AMapNearbySearchManager*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.delegate = delegate; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapSearchAPI::set_delegate": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapSearchAPI::set_delegate"); + } + + // args + // ref arg + id delegate = (id) (args[@"delegate"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"delegate"]); + + // ref + AMapSearchAPI* ref = (AMapSearchAPI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.delegate = delegate; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapSearchAPI::set_timeout": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapSearchAPI::set_timeout"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger timeout = [args[@"timeout"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapSearchAPI* ref = (AMapSearchAPI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.timeout = timeout; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapSearchAPI::set_language": ^(NSObject * registrar, id args, FlutterResult methodResult) { + // print log + if (enableLog) { + NSLog(@"AMapSearchAPI::set_language"); + } + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* language = (NSString*) args[@"language"]; + + // ref + AMapSearchAPI* ref = (AMapSearchAPI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.language = language; + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOISearchBaseRequest::set_types_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* types = (NSString*) args[@"types"]; + + // ref + AMapPOISearchBaseRequest* ref = (AMapPOISearchBaseRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.types = types;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOISearchBaseRequest::set_sortrule_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger sortrule = [args[@"sortrule"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapPOISearchBaseRequest* ref = (AMapPOISearchBaseRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.sortrule = sortrule;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOISearchBaseRequest::set_offset_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger offset = [args[@"offset"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapPOISearchBaseRequest* ref = (AMapPOISearchBaseRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.offset = offset;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOISearchBaseRequest::set_page_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger page = [args[@"page"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapPOISearchBaseRequest* ref = (AMapPOISearchBaseRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = page;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOISearchBaseRequest::set_building_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* building = (NSString*) args[@"building"]; + + // ref + AMapPOISearchBaseRequest* ref = (AMapPOISearchBaseRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.building = building;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOISearchBaseRequest::set_requireExtension_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL requireExtension = [args[@"requireExtension"] boolValue]; + + // ref + AMapPOISearchBaseRequest* ref = (AMapPOISearchBaseRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.requireExtension = requireExtension;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOISearchBaseRequest::set_requireSubPOIs_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL requireSubPOIs = [args[@"requireSubPOIs"] boolValue]; + + // ref + AMapPOISearchBaseRequest* ref = (AMapPOISearchBaseRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.requireSubPOIs = requireSubPOIs;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOIIDSearchRequest::set_uid_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* uid = (NSString*) args[@"uid"]; + + // ref + AMapPOIIDSearchRequest* ref = (AMapPOIIDSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.uid = uid;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest::set_keywords_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* keywords = (NSString*) args[@"keywords"]; + + // ref + AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest* ref = (AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.keywords = keywords;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest::set_city_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* city = (NSString*) args[@"city"]; + + // ref + AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest* ref = (AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = city;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest::set_cityLimit_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL cityLimit = [args[@"cityLimit"] boolValue]; + + // ref + AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest* ref = (AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.cityLimit = cityLimit;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest::set_location_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoPoint* location = (AMapGeoPoint*) (args[@"location"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"location"]); + + // ref + AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest* ref = (AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.location = location;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest::set_keywords_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* keywords = (NSString*) args[@"keywords"]; + + // ref + AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest* ref = (AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.keywords = keywords;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest::set_location_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoPoint* location = (AMapGeoPoint*) (args[@"location"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"location"]); + + // ref + AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest* ref = (AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.location = location;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest::set_radius_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger radius = [args[@"radius"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest* ref = (AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.radius = radius;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest::set_city_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* city = (NSString*) args[@"city"]; + + // ref + AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest* ref = (AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = city;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest::set_special_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL special = [args[@"special"] boolValue]; + + // ref + AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest* ref = (AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.special = special;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOIPolygonSearchRequest::set_keywords_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* keywords = (NSString*) args[@"keywords"]; + + // ref + AMapPOIPolygonSearchRequest* ref = (AMapPOIPolygonSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.keywords = keywords;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOIPolygonSearchRequest::set_polygon_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoPolygon* polygon = (AMapGeoPolygon*) (args[@"polygon"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"polygon"]); + + // ref + AMapPOIPolygonSearchRequest* ref = (AMapPOIPolygonSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.polygon = polygon;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOISearchResponse::set_count_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger count = [args[@"count"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapPOISearchResponse* ref = (AMapPOISearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.count = count;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOISearchResponse::set_suggestion_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapSuggestion* suggestion = (AMapSuggestion*) (args[@"suggestion"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"suggestion"]); + + // ref + AMapPOISearchResponse* ref = (AMapPOISearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.suggestion = suggestion;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOISearchResponse::set_pois_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* pois = (NSArray*) args[@"pois"]; + + // ref + AMapPOISearchResponse* ref = (AMapPOISearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.pois = pois;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRoutePOISearchRequest::set_origin_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoPoint* origin = (AMapGeoPoint*) (args[@"origin"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"origin"]); + + // ref + AMapRoutePOISearchRequest* ref = (AMapRoutePOISearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.origin = origin;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRoutePOISearchRequest::set_destination_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoPoint* destination = (AMapGeoPoint*) (args[@"destination"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"destination"]); + + // ref + AMapRoutePOISearchRequest* ref = (AMapRoutePOISearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.destination = destination;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRoutePOISearchRequest::set_searchType_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // enum arg + AMapRoutePOISearchType searchType = (AMapRoutePOISearchType) [args[@"searchType"] integerValue]; + + // ref + AMapRoutePOISearchRequest* ref = (AMapRoutePOISearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.searchType = searchType;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRoutePOISearchRequest::set_strategy_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger strategy = [args[@"strategy"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapRoutePOISearchRequest* ref = (AMapRoutePOISearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.strategy = strategy;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRoutePOISearchRequest::set_range_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger range = [args[@"range"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapRoutePOISearchRequest* ref = (AMapRoutePOISearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.range = range;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRoutePOISearchRequest::set_polylineStr_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* polylineStr = (NSString*) args[@"polylineStr"]; + + // ref + AMapRoutePOISearchRequest* ref = (AMapRoutePOISearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.polylineStr = polylineStr;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRoutePOISearchRequest::set_polyline_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* polyline = (NSArray*) args[@"polyline"]; + + // ref + AMapRoutePOISearchRequest* ref = (AMapRoutePOISearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.polyline = polyline;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRoutePOISearchResponse::set_count_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger count = [args[@"count"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapRoutePOISearchResponse* ref = (AMapRoutePOISearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.count = count;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRoutePOISearchResponse::set_pois_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* pois = (NSArray*) args[@"pois"]; + + // ref + AMapRoutePOISearchResponse* ref = (AMapRoutePOISearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.pois = pois;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapInputTipsSearchRequest::set_keywords_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* keywords = (NSString*) args[@"keywords"]; + + // ref + AMapInputTipsSearchRequest* ref = (AMapInputTipsSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.keywords = keywords;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapInputTipsSearchRequest::set_city_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* city = (NSString*) args[@"city"]; + + // ref + AMapInputTipsSearchRequest* ref = (AMapInputTipsSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = city;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + }; +} + +@end diff --git a/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler8.h b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler8.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3c6747a --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler8.h @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +#import "AmapSearchFluttifyPlugin.h" + +NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN + +@interface AmapSearchFluttifyPlugin (SubHandler8) +- (NSDictionary*) getSubHandler8; +@end + +NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END diff --git a/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler8.m b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler8.m new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7e08995 --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler8.m @@ -0,0 +1,4425 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +#import "SubHandler8.h" +#import "FluttifyMessageCodec.h" +#import +#import "AMapNearbySearchManagerDelegate_Anonymous.h" +#import "AMapSearchDelegate_Anonymous.h" + +// Dart端一次方法调用所存在的栈, 只有当MethodChannel传递参数受限时, 再启用这个容器 +extern NSMutableDictionary* STACK; +// Dart端随机存取对象的容器 +extern NSMutableDictionary* HEAP; +// 日志打印开关 +extern BOOL enableLog; + +@implementation AmapSearchFluttifyPlugin (SubHandler8) +- (NSDictionary*) getSubHandler8 { + __weak __typeof(self)weakSelf = self; + return @{ + @"AMapInputTipsSearchRequest::set_types_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* types = (NSString*) args[@"types"]; + + // ref + AMapInputTipsSearchRequest* ref = (AMapInputTipsSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.types = types;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapInputTipsSearchRequest::set_cityLimit_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL cityLimit = [args[@"cityLimit"] boolValue]; + + // ref + AMapInputTipsSearchRequest* ref = (AMapInputTipsSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.cityLimit = cityLimit;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapInputTipsSearchRequest::set_location_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* location = (NSString*) args[@"location"]; + + // ref + AMapInputTipsSearchRequest* ref = (AMapInputTipsSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.location = location;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapInputTipsSearchResponse::set_count_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger count = [args[@"count"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapInputTipsSearchResponse* ref = (AMapInputTipsSearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.count = count;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapInputTipsSearchResponse::set_tips_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* tips = (NSArray*) args[@"tips"]; + + // ref + AMapInputTipsSearchResponse* ref = (AMapInputTipsSearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = tips;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapGeocodeSearchRequest::set_address_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* address = (NSString*) args[@"address"]; + + // ref + AMapGeocodeSearchRequest* ref = (AMapGeocodeSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.address = address;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapGeocodeSearchRequest::set_city_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* city = (NSString*) args[@"city"]; + + // ref + AMapGeocodeSearchRequest* ref = (AMapGeocodeSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = city;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapGeocodeSearchRequest::set_country_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* country = (NSString*) args[@"country"]; + + // ref + AMapGeocodeSearchRequest* ref = (AMapGeocodeSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = country;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapGeocodeSearchResponse::set_count_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger count = [args[@"count"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapGeocodeSearchResponse* ref = (AMapGeocodeSearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.count = count;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapGeocodeSearchResponse::set_geocodes_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* geocodes = (NSArray*) args[@"geocodes"]; + + // ref + AMapGeocodeSearchResponse* ref = (AMapGeocodeSearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.geocodes = geocodes;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest::set_requireExtension_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL requireExtension = [args[@"requireExtension"] boolValue]; + + // ref + AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest* ref = (AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.requireExtension = requireExtension;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest::set_location_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoPoint* location = (AMapGeoPoint*) (args[@"location"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"location"]); + + // ref + AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest* ref = (AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.location = location;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest::set_radius_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger radius = [args[@"radius"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest* ref = (AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.radius = radius;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest::set_poitype_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* poitype = (NSString*) args[@"poitype"]; + + // ref + AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest* ref = (AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.poitype = poitype;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest::set_mode_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* mode = (NSString*) args[@"mode"]; + + // ref + AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest* ref = (AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.mode = mode;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapReGeocodeSearchResponse::set_regeocode_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapReGeocode* regeocode = (AMapReGeocode*) (args[@"regeocode"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"regeocode"]); + + // ref + AMapReGeocodeSearchResponse* ref = (AMapReGeocodeSearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.regeocode = regeocode;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapBusStopSearchRequest::set_keywords_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* keywords = (NSString*) args[@"keywords"]; + + // ref + AMapBusStopSearchRequest* ref = (AMapBusStopSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.keywords = keywords;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapBusStopSearchRequest::set_city_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* city = (NSString*) args[@"city"]; + + // ref + AMapBusStopSearchRequest* ref = (AMapBusStopSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = city;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapBusStopSearchRequest::set_offset_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger offset = [args[@"offset"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapBusStopSearchRequest* ref = (AMapBusStopSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.offset = offset;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapBusStopSearchRequest::set_page_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger page = [args[@"page"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapBusStopSearchRequest* ref = (AMapBusStopSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = page;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapBusStopSearchResponse::set_count_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger count = [args[@"count"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapBusStopSearchResponse* ref = (AMapBusStopSearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.count = count;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapBusStopSearchResponse::set_suggestion_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapSuggestion* suggestion = (AMapSuggestion*) (args[@"suggestion"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"suggestion"]); + + // ref + AMapBusStopSearchResponse* ref = (AMapBusStopSearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.suggestion = suggestion;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapBusStopSearchResponse::set_busstops_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* busstops = (NSArray*) args[@"busstops"]; + + // ref + AMapBusStopSearchResponse* ref = (AMapBusStopSearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.busstops = busstops;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest::set_city_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* city = (NSString*) args[@"city"]; + + // ref + AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest* ref = (AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = city;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest::set_requireExtension_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL requireExtension = [args[@"requireExtension"] boolValue]; + + // ref + AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest* ref = (AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.requireExtension = requireExtension;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest::set_offset_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger offset = [args[@"offset"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest* ref = (AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.offset = offset;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest::set_page_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger page = [args[@"page"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest* ref = (AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = page;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapBusLineNameSearchRequest::set_keywords_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* keywords = (NSString*) args[@"keywords"]; + + // ref + AMapBusLineNameSearchRequest* ref = (AMapBusLineNameSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.keywords = keywords;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapBusLineIDSearchRequest::set_uid_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* uid = (NSString*) args[@"uid"]; + + // ref + AMapBusLineIDSearchRequest* ref = (AMapBusLineIDSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.uid = uid;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapBusLineSearchResponse::set_count_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger count = [args[@"count"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapBusLineSearchResponse* ref = (AMapBusLineSearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.count = count;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapBusLineSearchResponse::set_suggestion_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapSuggestion* suggestion = (AMapSuggestion*) (args[@"suggestion"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"suggestion"]); + + // ref + AMapBusLineSearchResponse* ref = (AMapBusLineSearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.suggestion = suggestion;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapBusLineSearchResponse::set_buslines_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* buslines = (NSArray*) args[@"buslines"]; + + // ref + AMapBusLineSearchResponse* ref = (AMapBusLineSearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.buslines = buslines;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDistrictSearchRequest::set_keywords_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* keywords = (NSString*) args[@"keywords"]; + + // ref + AMapDistrictSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDistrictSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.keywords = keywords;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDistrictSearchRequest::set_requireExtension_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL requireExtension = [args[@"requireExtension"] boolValue]; + + // ref + AMapDistrictSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDistrictSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.requireExtension = requireExtension;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDistrictSearchRequest::set_showBusinessArea_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL showBusinessArea = [args[@"showBusinessArea"] boolValue]; + + // ref + AMapDistrictSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDistrictSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.showBusinessArea = showBusinessArea;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDistrictSearchResponse::set_count_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger count = [args[@"count"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapDistrictSearchResponse* ref = (AMapDistrictSearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.count = count;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDistrictSearchResponse::set_districts_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* districts = (NSArray*) args[@"districts"]; + + // ref + AMapDistrictSearchResponse* ref = (AMapDistrictSearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.districts = districts;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRouteSearchBaseRequest::set_origin_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoPoint* origin = (AMapGeoPoint*) (args[@"origin"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"origin"]); + + // ref + AMapRouteSearchBaseRequest* ref = (AMapRouteSearchBaseRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.origin = origin;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRouteSearchBaseRequest::set_destination_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoPoint* destination = (AMapGeoPoint*) (args[@"destination"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"destination"]); + + // ref + AMapRouteSearchBaseRequest* ref = (AMapRouteSearchBaseRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.destination = destination;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::set_strategy_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger strategy = [args[@"strategy"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.strategy = strategy;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::set_waypoints_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* waypoints = (NSArray*) args[@"waypoints"]; + + // ref + AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.waypoints = waypoints;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::set_avoidpolygons_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* avoidpolygons = (NSArray*) args[@"avoidpolygons"]; + + // ref + AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.avoidpolygons = avoidpolygons;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::set_avoidroad_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* avoidroad = (NSString*) args[@"avoidroad"]; + + // ref + AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.avoidroad = avoidroad;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::set_originId_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* originId = (NSString*) args[@"originId"]; + + // ref + AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.originId = originId;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::set_destinationId_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* destinationId = (NSString*) args[@"destinationId"]; + + // ref + AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.destinationId = destinationId;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::set_origintype_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* origintype = (NSString*) args[@"origintype"]; + + // ref + AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.origintype = origintype;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::set_destinationtype_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* destinationtype = (NSString*) args[@"destinationtype"]; + + // ref + AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.destinationtype = destinationtype;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::set_plate_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* plate = (NSString*) args[@"plate"]; + + // ref + AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.plate = plate;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::set_ferry_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger ferry = [args[@"ferry"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.ferry = ferry;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::set_cartype_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger cartype = [args[@"cartype"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.cartype = cartype;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::set_showFieldType_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // enum arg + AMapDrivingRouteShowFieldType showFieldType = (AMapDrivingRouteShowFieldType) [args[@"showFieldType"] integerValue]; + + // ref + AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.showFieldType = showFieldType;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::set_strategy_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger strategy = [args[@"strategy"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.strategy = strategy;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::set_waypoints_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* waypoints = (NSArray*) args[@"waypoints"]; + + // ref + AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.waypoints = waypoints;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::set_avoidpolygons_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* avoidpolygons = (NSArray*) args[@"avoidpolygons"]; + + // ref + AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.avoidpolygons = avoidpolygons;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::set_avoidroad_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* avoidroad = (NSString*) args[@"avoidroad"]; + + // ref + AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.avoidroad = avoidroad;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::set_originId_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* originId = (NSString*) args[@"originId"]; + + // ref + AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.originId = originId;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::set_destinationId_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* destinationId = (NSString*) args[@"destinationId"]; + + // ref + AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.destinationId = destinationId;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::set_origintype_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* origintype = (NSString*) args[@"origintype"]; + + // ref + AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.origintype = origintype;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::set_destinationtype_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* destinationtype = (NSString*) args[@"destinationtype"]; + + // ref + AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.destinationtype = destinationtype;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::set_requireExtension_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL requireExtension = [args[@"requireExtension"] boolValue]; + + // ref + AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.requireExtension = requireExtension;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::set_plateProvince_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* plateProvince = (NSString*) args[@"plateProvince"]; + + // ref + AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.plateProvince = plateProvince;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::set_plateNumber_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* plateNumber = (NSString*) args[@"plateNumber"]; + + // ref + AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.plateNumber = plateNumber;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::set_ferry_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger ferry = [args[@"ferry"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.ferry = ferry;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::set_cartype_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger cartype = [args[@"cartype"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.cartype = cartype;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::set_exclude_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // enum arg + AMapDrivingRouteExcludeType exclude = (AMapDrivingRouteExcludeType) [args[@"exclude"] integerValue]; + + // ref + AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.exclude = exclude;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapWalkingRouteSearchRequest::set_multipath_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger multipath = [args[@"multipath"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapWalkingRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapWalkingRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.multipath = multipath;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest::set_strategy_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger strategy = [args[@"strategy"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.strategy = strategy;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest::set_city_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* city = (NSString*) args[@"city"]; + + // ref + AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = city;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest::set_destinationCity_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* destinationCity = (NSString*) args[@"destinationCity"]; + + // ref + AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.destinationCity = destinationCity;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest::set_nightflag_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL nightflag = [args[@"nightflag"] boolValue]; + + // ref + AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.nightflag = nightflag;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest::set_requireExtension_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL requireExtension = [args[@"requireExtension"] boolValue]; + + // ref + AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.requireExtension = requireExtension;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRidingRouteSearchRequest::set_type_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger type = [args[@"type"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapRidingRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapRidingRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.type = type;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRidingRouteSearchRequest::set_requireExtension_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL requireExtension = [args[@"requireExtension"] boolValue]; + + // ref + AMapRidingRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapRidingRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.requireExtension = requireExtension;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRouteSearchResponse::set_count_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger count = [args[@"count"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapRouteSearchResponse* ref = (AMapRouteSearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.count = count;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRouteSearchResponse::set_route_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapRoute* route = (AMapRoute*) (args[@"route"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"route"]); + + // ref + AMapRouteSearchResponse* ref = (AMapRouteSearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.route = route;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::set_strategy_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger strategy = [args[@"strategy"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.strategy = strategy;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::set_waypoints_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* waypoints = (NSArray*) args[@"waypoints"]; + + // ref + AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.waypoints = waypoints;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::set_originId_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* originId = (NSString*) args[@"originId"]; + + // ref + AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.originId = originId;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::set_destinationId_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* destinationId = (NSString*) args[@"destinationId"]; + + // ref + AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.destinationId = destinationId;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::set_origintype_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* origintype = (NSString*) args[@"origintype"]; + + // ref + AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.origintype = origintype;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::set_destinationtype_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* destinationtype = (NSString*) args[@"destinationtype"]; + + // ref + AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.destinationtype = destinationtype;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::set_plateProvince_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* plateProvince = (NSString*) args[@"plateProvince"]; + + // ref + AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.plateProvince = plateProvince;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::set_plateNumber_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* plateNumber = (NSString*) args[@"plateNumber"]; + + // ref + AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.plateNumber = plateNumber;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::set_size_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // enum arg + AMapTruckSizeType size = (AMapTruckSizeType) [args[@"size"] integerValue]; + + // ref + AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.size = size;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::set_height_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat height = [args[@"height"] floatValue]; + + // ref + AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.height = height;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::set_width_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat width = [args[@"width"] floatValue]; + + // ref + AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.width = width;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::set_load_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat load = [args[@"load"] floatValue]; + + // ref + AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.load = load;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::set_weight_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat weight = [args[@"weight"] floatValue]; + + // ref + AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.weight = weight;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::set_axis_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger axis = [args[@"axis"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.axis = axis;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::set_requireExtension_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL requireExtension = [args[@"requireExtension"] boolValue]; + + // ref + AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.requireExtension = requireExtension;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDistanceSearchRequest::set_origins_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* origins = (NSArray*) args[@"origins"]; + + // ref + AMapDistanceSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDistanceSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = origins;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDistanceSearchRequest::set_destination_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoPoint* destination = (AMapGeoPoint*) (args[@"destination"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"destination"]); + + // ref + AMapDistanceSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDistanceSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.destination = destination;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDistanceSearchRequest::set_type_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // enum arg + AMapDistanceSearchType type = (AMapDistanceSearchType) [args[@"type"] integerValue]; + + // ref + AMapDistanceSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDistanceSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.type = type;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDistanceSearchRequest::set_strategy_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger strategy = [args[@"strategy"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapDistanceSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDistanceSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.strategy = strategy;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDistanceSearchRequest::set_requireExtension_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL requireExtension = [args[@"requireExtension"] boolValue]; + + // ref + AMapDistanceSearchRequest* ref = (AMapDistanceSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.requireExtension = requireExtension;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDistanceSearchResponse::set_results_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* results = (NSArray*) args[@"results"]; + + // ref + AMapDistanceSearchResponse* ref = (AMapDistanceSearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.results = results;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapWeatherSearchRequest::set_city_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* city = (NSString*) args[@"city"]; + + // ref + AMapWeatherSearchRequest* ref = (AMapWeatherSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = city;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapWeatherSearchRequest::set_type_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // enum arg + AMapWeatherType type = (AMapWeatherType) [args[@"type"] integerValue]; + + // ref + AMapWeatherSearchRequest* ref = (AMapWeatherSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.type = type;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapWeatherSearchResponse::set_lives_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* lives = (NSArray*) args[@"lives"]; + + // ref + AMapWeatherSearchResponse* ref = (AMapWeatherSearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.lives = lives;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapWeatherSearchResponse::set_forecasts_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* forecasts = (NSArray*) args[@"forecasts"]; + + // ref + AMapWeatherSearchResponse* ref = (AMapWeatherSearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.forecasts = forecasts;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapNearbySearchRequest::set_center_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoPoint* center = (AMapGeoPoint*) (args[@"center"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"center"]); + + // ref + AMapNearbySearchRequest* ref = (AMapNearbySearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = center;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapNearbySearchRequest::set_radius_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger radius = [args[@"radius"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapNearbySearchRequest* ref = (AMapNearbySearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.radius = radius;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapNearbySearchRequest::set_searchType_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // enum arg + AMapNearbySearchType searchType = (AMapNearbySearchType) [args[@"searchType"] integerValue]; + + // ref + AMapNearbySearchRequest* ref = (AMapNearbySearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.searchType = searchType;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapNearbySearchRequest::set_timeRange_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger timeRange = [args[@"timeRange"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapNearbySearchRequest* ref = (AMapNearbySearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.timeRange = timeRange;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapNearbySearchRequest::set_limit_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger limit = [args[@"limit"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapNearbySearchRequest* ref = (AMapNearbySearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.limit = limit;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapNearbySearchResponse::set_count_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger count = [args[@"count"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapNearbySearchResponse* ref = (AMapNearbySearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.count = count;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapNearbySearchResponse::set_infos_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* infos = (NSArray*) args[@"infos"]; + + // ref + AMapNearbySearchResponse* ref = (AMapNearbySearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.infos = infos;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest::set_tableID_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* tableID = (NSString*) args[@"tableID"]; + + // ref + AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest* ref = (AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.tableID = tableID;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest::set_filter_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSArray* filter = (NSArray*) args[@"filter"]; + + // ref + AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest* ref = (AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.filter = filter;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest::set_sortFields_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* sortFields = (NSString*) args[@"sortFields"]; + + // ref + AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest* ref = (AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.sortFields = sortFields;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest::set_sortType_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // enum arg + AMapCloudSortType sortType = (AMapCloudSortType) [args[@"sortType"] integerValue]; + + // ref + AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest* ref = (AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.sortType = sortType;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest::set_offset_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger offset = [args[@"offset"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest* ref = (AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.offset = offset;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest::set_page_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger page = [args[@"page"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest* ref = (AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = page;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapCloudPOIAroundSearchRequest::set_center_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoPoint* center = (AMapGeoPoint*) (args[@"center"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"center"]); + + // ref + AMapCloudPOIAroundSearchRequest* ref = (AMapCloudPOIAroundSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = center;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapCloudPOIAroundSearchRequest::set_radius_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger radius = [args[@"radius"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapCloudPOIAroundSearchRequest* ref = (AMapCloudPOIAroundSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.radius = radius;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapCloudPOIAroundSearchRequest::set_keywords_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* keywords = (NSString*) args[@"keywords"]; + + // ref + AMapCloudPOIAroundSearchRequest* ref = (AMapCloudPOIAroundSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.keywords = keywords;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapCloudPOIPolygonSearchRequest::set_polygon_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoPolygon* polygon = (AMapGeoPolygon*) (args[@"polygon"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"polygon"]); + + // ref + AMapCloudPOIPolygonSearchRequest* ref = (AMapCloudPOIPolygonSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.polygon = polygon;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapCloudPOIPolygonSearchRequest::set_keywords_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* keywords = (NSString*) args[@"keywords"]; + + // ref + AMapCloudPOIPolygonSearchRequest* ref = (AMapCloudPOIPolygonSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.keywords = keywords;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapCloudPOIIDSearchRequest::set_uid_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger uid = [args[@"uid"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapCloudPOIIDSearchRequest* ref = (AMapCloudPOIIDSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.uid = uid;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapCloudPOILocalSearchRequest::set_keywords_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* keywords = (NSString*) args[@"keywords"]; + + // ref + AMapCloudPOILocalSearchRequest* ref = (AMapCloudPOILocalSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.keywords = keywords;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapCloudPOILocalSearchRequest::set_city_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* city = (NSString*) args[@"city"]; + + // ref + AMapCloudPOILocalSearchRequest* ref = (AMapCloudPOILocalSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = city;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapCloudPOISearchResponse::set_count_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger count = [args[@"count"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapCloudPOISearchResponse* ref = (AMapCloudPOISearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.count = count;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapCloudPOISearchResponse::set_POIs_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* POIs = (NSArray*) args[@"POIs"]; + + // ref + AMapCloudPOISearchResponse* ref = (AMapCloudPOISearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.POIs = POIs;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocationShareSearchRequest::set_location_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoPoint* location = (AMapGeoPoint*) (args[@"location"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"location"]); + + // ref + AMapLocationShareSearchRequest* ref = (AMapLocationShareSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.location = location;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocationShareSearchRequest::set_name_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* name = (NSString*) args[@"name"]; + + // ref + AMapLocationShareSearchRequest* ref = (AMapLocationShareSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = name;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOIShareSearchRequest::set_uid_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* uid = (NSString*) args[@"uid"]; + + // ref + AMapPOIShareSearchRequest* ref = (AMapPOIShareSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.uid = uid;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOIShareSearchRequest::set_location_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoPoint* location = (AMapGeoPoint*) (args[@"location"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"location"]); + + // ref + AMapPOIShareSearchRequest* ref = (AMapPOIShareSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.location = location;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOIShareSearchRequest::set_name_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* name = (NSString*) args[@"name"]; + + // ref + AMapPOIShareSearchRequest* ref = (AMapPOIShareSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = name;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOIShareSearchRequest::set_address_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* address = (NSString*) args[@"address"]; + + // ref + AMapPOIShareSearchRequest* ref = (AMapPOIShareSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.address = address;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRouteShareSearchRequest::set_strategy_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger strategy = [args[@"strategy"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapRouteShareSearchRequest* ref = (AMapRouteShareSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.strategy = strategy;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRouteShareSearchRequest::set_type_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger type = [args[@"type"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapRouteShareSearchRequest* ref = (AMapRouteShareSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.type = type;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRouteShareSearchRequest::set_startCoordinate_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoPoint* startCoordinate = (AMapGeoPoint*) (args[@"startCoordinate"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"startCoordinate"]); + + // ref + AMapRouteShareSearchRequest* ref = (AMapRouteShareSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.startCoordinate = startCoordinate;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRouteShareSearchRequest::set_destinationCoordinate_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoPoint* destinationCoordinate = (AMapGeoPoint*) (args[@"destinationCoordinate"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"destinationCoordinate"]); + + // ref + AMapRouteShareSearchRequest* ref = (AMapRouteShareSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.destinationCoordinate = destinationCoordinate;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRouteShareSearchRequest::set_startName_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* startName = (NSString*) args[@"startName"]; + + // ref + AMapRouteShareSearchRequest* ref = (AMapRouteShareSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.startName = startName;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRouteShareSearchRequest::set_destinationName_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* destinationName = (NSString*) args[@"destinationName"]; + + // ref + AMapRouteShareSearchRequest* ref = (AMapRouteShareSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.destinationName = destinationName;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapNavigationShareSearchRequest::set_strategy_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger strategy = [args[@"strategy"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapNavigationShareSearchRequest* ref = (AMapNavigationShareSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.strategy = strategy;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapNavigationShareSearchRequest::set_startCoordinate_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoPoint* startCoordinate = (AMapGeoPoint*) (args[@"startCoordinate"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"startCoordinate"]); + + // ref + AMapNavigationShareSearchRequest* ref = (AMapNavigationShareSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.startCoordinate = startCoordinate;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapNavigationShareSearchRequest::set_destinationCoordinate_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoPoint* destinationCoordinate = (AMapGeoPoint*) (args[@"destinationCoordinate"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"destinationCoordinate"]); + + // ref + AMapNavigationShareSearchRequest* ref = (AMapNavigationShareSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.destinationCoordinate = destinationCoordinate;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapShareSearchResponse::set_shareURL_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* shareURL = (NSString*) args[@"shareURL"]; + + // ref + AMapShareSearchResponse* ref = (AMapShareSearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.shareURL = shareURL;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::set_beginTime_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* beginTime = (NSString*) args[@"beginTime"]; + + // ref + AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.beginTime = beginTime;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::set_interval_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger interval = [args[@"interval"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.interval = interval;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::set_timeCount_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger timeCount = [args[@"timeCount"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.timeCount = timeCount;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::set_strategy_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger strategy = [args[@"strategy"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.strategy = strategy;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::set_originId_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* originId = (NSString*) args[@"originId"]; + + // ref + AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.originId = originId;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::set_destinationId_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* destinationId = (NSString*) args[@"destinationId"]; + + // ref + AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.destinationId = destinationId;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::set_origintype_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* origintype = (NSString*) args[@"origintype"]; + + // ref + AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.origintype = origintype;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::set_destinationtype_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* destinationtype = (NSString*) args[@"destinationtype"]; + + // ref + AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.destinationtype = destinationtype;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::set_parentId_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* parentId = (NSString*) args[@"parentId"]; + + // ref + AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.parentId = parentId;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::set_plateProvince_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* plateProvince = (NSString*) args[@"plateProvince"]; + + // ref + AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.plateProvince = plateProvince;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::set_plateNumber_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* plateNumber = (NSString*) args[@"plateNumber"]; + + // ref + AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.plateNumber = plateNumber;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::set_cartype_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger cartype = [args[@"cartype"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest* ref = (AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.cartype = cartype;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapFutureRouteSearchResponse::set_paths_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* paths = (NSArray*) args[@"paths"]; + + // ref + AMapFutureRouteSearchResponse* ref = (AMapFutureRouteSearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.paths = paths;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapFutureRouteSearchResponse::set_timeInfos_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* timeInfos = (NSArray*) args[@"timeInfos"]; + + // ref + AMapFutureRouteSearchResponse* ref = (AMapFutureRouteSearchResponse*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.timeInfos = timeInfos;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapGeoPoint::set_latitude_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat latitude = [args[@"latitude"] floatValue]; + + // ref + AMapGeoPoint* ref = (AMapGeoPoint*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.latitude = latitude;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapGeoPoint::set_longitude_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat longitude = [args[@"longitude"] floatValue]; + + // ref + AMapGeoPoint* ref = (AMapGeoPoint*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.longitude = longitude;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapGeoPolygon::set_points_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* points = (NSArray*) args[@"points"]; + + // ref + AMapGeoPolygon* ref = (AMapGeoPolygon*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.points = points;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapCity::set_city_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* city = (NSString*) args[@"city"]; + + // ref + AMapCity* ref = (AMapCity*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = city;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapCity::set_citycode_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* citycode = (NSString*) args[@"citycode"]; + + // ref + AMapCity* ref = (AMapCity*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.citycode = citycode;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapCity::set_adcode_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* adcode = (NSString*) args[@"adcode"]; + + // ref + AMapCity* ref = (AMapCity*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.adcode = adcode;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapCity::set_num_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger num = [args[@"num"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapCity* ref = (AMapCity*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.num = num;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapCity::set_districts_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* districts = (NSArray*) args[@"districts"]; + + // ref + AMapCity* ref = (AMapCity*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.districts = districts;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapSuggestion::set_keywords_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSArray* keywords = (NSArray*) args[@"keywords"]; + + // ref + AMapSuggestion* ref = (AMapSuggestion*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.keywords = keywords;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapSuggestion::set_cities_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* cities = (NSArray*) args[@"cities"]; + + // ref + AMapSuggestion* ref = (AMapSuggestion*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.cities = cities;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTip::set_uid_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* uid = (NSString*) args[@"uid"]; + + // ref + AMapTip* ref = (AMapTip*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.uid = uid;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTip::set_name_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* name = (NSString*) args[@"name"]; + + // ref + AMapTip* ref = (AMapTip*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = name;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTip::set_adcode_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* adcode = (NSString*) args[@"adcode"]; + + // ref + AMapTip* ref = (AMapTip*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.adcode = adcode;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTip::set_district_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* district = (NSString*) args[@"district"]; + + // ref + AMapTip* ref = (AMapTip*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.district = district;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTip::set_address_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* address = (NSString*) args[@"address"]; + + // ref + AMapTip* ref = (AMapTip*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.address = address;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTip::set_location_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoPoint* location = (AMapGeoPoint*) (args[@"location"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"location"]); + + // ref + AMapTip* ref = (AMapTip*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.location = location;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTip::set_typecode_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* typecode = (NSString*) args[@"typecode"]; + + // ref + AMapTip* ref = (AMapTip*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.typecode = typecode;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapImage::set_title_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* title = (NSString*) args[@"title"]; + + // ref + AMapImage* ref = (AMapImage*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.title = title;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapImage::set_url_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* url = (NSString*) args[@"url"]; + + // ref + AMapImage* ref = (AMapImage*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.url = url;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOIExtension::set_rating_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat rating = [args[@"rating"] floatValue]; + + // ref + AMapPOIExtension* ref = (AMapPOIExtension*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.rating = rating;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOIExtension::set_cost_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat cost = [args[@"cost"] floatValue]; + + // ref + AMapPOIExtension* ref = (AMapPOIExtension*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.cost = cost;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOIExtension::set_openTime_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* openTime = (NSString*) args[@"openTime"]; + + // ref + AMapPOIExtension* ref = (AMapPOIExtension*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.openTime = openTime;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapIndoorData::set_floor_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger floor = [args[@"floor"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapIndoorData* ref = (AMapIndoorData*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.floor = floor;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapIndoorData::set_floorName_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* floorName = (NSString*) args[@"floorName"]; + + // ref + AMapIndoorData* ref = (AMapIndoorData*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.floorName = floorName;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapIndoorData::set_pid_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* pid = (NSString*) args[@"pid"]; + + // ref + AMapIndoorData* ref = (AMapIndoorData*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = pid;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapSubPOI::set_uid_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* uid = (NSString*) args[@"uid"]; + + // ref + AMapSubPOI* ref = (AMapSubPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.uid = uid;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapSubPOI::set_name_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* name = (NSString*) args[@"name"]; + + // ref + AMapSubPOI* ref = (AMapSubPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = name;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapSubPOI::set_sname_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* sname = (NSString*) args[@"sname"]; + + // ref + AMapSubPOI* ref = (AMapSubPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.sname = sname;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapSubPOI::set_location_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoPoint* location = (AMapGeoPoint*) (args[@"location"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"location"]); + + // ref + AMapSubPOI* ref = (AMapSubPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.location = location;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapSubPOI::set_address_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* address = (NSString*) args[@"address"]; + + // ref + AMapSubPOI* ref = (AMapSubPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.address = address;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapSubPOI::set_distance_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger distance = [args[@"distance"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapSubPOI* ref = (AMapSubPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.distance = distance;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapSubPOI::set_subtype_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* subtype = (NSString*) args[@"subtype"]; + + // ref + AMapSubPOI* ref = (AMapSubPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.subtype = subtype;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRoutePOI::set_uid_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* uid = (NSString*) args[@"uid"]; + + // ref + AMapRoutePOI* ref = (AMapRoutePOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.uid = uid;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRoutePOI::set_name_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* name = (NSString*) args[@"name"]; + + // ref + AMapRoutePOI* ref = (AMapRoutePOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = name;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRoutePOI::set_location_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoPoint* location = (AMapGeoPoint*) (args[@"location"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"location"]); + + // ref + AMapRoutePOI* ref = (AMapRoutePOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.location = location;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRoutePOI::set_distance_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger distance = [args[@"distance"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapRoutePOI* ref = (AMapRoutePOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.distance = distance;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRoutePOI::set_duration_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger duration = [args[@"duration"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapRoutePOI* ref = (AMapRoutePOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.duration = duration;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::set_uid_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* uid = (NSString*) args[@"uid"]; + + // ref + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.uid = uid;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::set_name_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* name = (NSString*) args[@"name"]; + + // ref + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = name;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::set_type_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* type = (NSString*) args[@"type"]; + + // ref + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.type = type;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::set_typecode_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* typecode = (NSString*) args[@"typecode"]; + + // ref + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.typecode = typecode;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::set_location_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoPoint* location = (AMapGeoPoint*) (args[@"location"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"location"]); + + // ref + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.location = location;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::set_address_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* address = (NSString*) args[@"address"]; + + // ref + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.address = address;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::set_tel_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* tel = (NSString*) args[@"tel"]; + + // ref + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = tel;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::set_distance_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger distance = [args[@"distance"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.distance = distance;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::set_parkingType_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* parkingType = (NSString*) args[@"parkingType"]; + + // ref + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.parkingType = parkingType;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::set_shopID_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* shopID = (NSString*) args[@"shopID"]; + + // ref + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.shopID = shopID;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + }; +} + +@end diff --git a/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler9.h b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler9.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ac66583 --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler9.h @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +#import "AmapSearchFluttifyPlugin.h" + +NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN + +@interface AmapSearchFluttifyPlugin (SubHandler9) +- (NSDictionary*) getSubHandler9; +@end + +NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END diff --git a/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler9.m b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler9.m new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5e1d8c1 --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/Classes/SubHandler/SubHandler9.m @@ -0,0 +1,4425 @@ +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +#import "SubHandler9.h" +#import "FluttifyMessageCodec.h" +#import +#import "AMapNearbySearchManagerDelegate_Anonymous.h" +#import "AMapSearchDelegate_Anonymous.h" + +// Dart端一次方法调用所存在的栈, 只有当MethodChannel传递参数受限时, 再启用这个容器 +extern NSMutableDictionary* STACK; +// Dart端随机存取对象的容器 +extern NSMutableDictionary* HEAP; +// 日志打印开关 +extern BOOL enableLog; + +@implementation AmapSearchFluttifyPlugin (SubHandler9) +- (NSDictionary*) getSubHandler9 { + __weak __typeof(self)weakSelf = self; + return @{ + @"AMapPOI::set_postcode_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* postcode = (NSString*) args[@"postcode"]; + + // ref + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.postcode = postcode;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::set_website_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* website = (NSString*) args[@"website"]; + + // ref + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = website;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::set_email_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* email = (NSString*) args[@"email"]; + + // ref + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = email;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::set_province_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* province = (NSString*) args[@"province"]; + + // ref + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.province = province;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::set_pcode_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* pcode = (NSString*) args[@"pcode"]; + + // ref + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.pcode = pcode;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::set_city_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* city = (NSString*) args[@"city"]; + + // ref + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = city;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::set_citycode_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* citycode = (NSString*) args[@"citycode"]; + + // ref + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.citycode = citycode;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::set_district_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* district = (NSString*) args[@"district"]; + + // ref + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.district = district;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::set_adcode_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* adcode = (NSString*) args[@"adcode"]; + + // ref + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.adcode = adcode;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::set_gridcode_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* gridcode = (NSString*) args[@"gridcode"]; + + // ref + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.gridcode = gridcode;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::set_enterLocation_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoPoint* enterLocation = (AMapGeoPoint*) (args[@"enterLocation"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"enterLocation"]); + + // ref + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.enterLocation = enterLocation;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::set_exitLocation_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoPoint* exitLocation = (AMapGeoPoint*) (args[@"exitLocation"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"exitLocation"]); + + // ref + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.exitLocation = exitLocation;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::set_direction_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* direction = (NSString*) args[@"direction"]; + + // ref + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.direction = direction;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::set_hasIndoorMap_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL hasIndoorMap = [args[@"hasIndoorMap"] boolValue]; + + // ref + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.hasIndoorMap = hasIndoorMap;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::set_businessArea_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* businessArea = (NSString*) args[@"businessArea"]; + + // ref + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.businessArea = businessArea;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::set_indoorData_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapIndoorData* indoorData = (AMapIndoorData*) (args[@"indoorData"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"indoorData"]); + + // ref + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.indoorData = indoorData;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::set_subPOIs_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* subPOIs = (NSArray*) args[@"subPOIs"]; + + // ref + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.subPOIs = subPOIs;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::set_images_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* images = (NSArray*) args[@"images"]; + + // ref + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.images = images;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPOI::set_extensionInfo_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapPOIExtension* extensionInfo = (AMapPOIExtension*) (args[@"extensionInfo"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"extensionInfo"]); + + // ref + AMapPOI* ref = (AMapPOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.extensionInfo = extensionInfo;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapAOI::set_uid_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* uid = (NSString*) args[@"uid"]; + + // ref + AMapAOI* ref = (AMapAOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.uid = uid;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapAOI::set_name_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* name = (NSString*) args[@"name"]; + + // ref + AMapAOI* ref = (AMapAOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = name;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapAOI::set_adcode_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* adcode = (NSString*) args[@"adcode"]; + + // ref + AMapAOI* ref = (AMapAOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.adcode = adcode;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapAOI::set_location_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoPoint* location = (AMapGeoPoint*) (args[@"location"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"location"]); + + // ref + AMapAOI* ref = (AMapAOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.location = location;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapAOI::set_area_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat area = [args[@"area"] floatValue]; + + // ref + AMapAOI* ref = (AMapAOI*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.area = area;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRoad::set_uid_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* uid = (NSString*) args[@"uid"]; + + // ref + AMapRoad* ref = (AMapRoad*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.uid = uid;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRoad::set_name_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* name = (NSString*) args[@"name"]; + + // ref + AMapRoad* ref = (AMapRoad*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = name;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRoad::set_distance_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger distance = [args[@"distance"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapRoad* ref = (AMapRoad*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.distance = distance;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRoad::set_direction_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* direction = (NSString*) args[@"direction"]; + + // ref + AMapRoad* ref = (AMapRoad*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.direction = direction;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRoad::set_location_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoPoint* location = (AMapGeoPoint*) (args[@"location"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"location"]); + + // ref + AMapRoad* ref = (AMapRoad*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.location = location;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRoadInter::set_distance_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger distance = [args[@"distance"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapRoadInter* ref = (AMapRoadInter*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.distance = distance;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRoadInter::set_direction_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* direction = (NSString*) args[@"direction"]; + + // ref + AMapRoadInter* ref = (AMapRoadInter*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.direction = direction;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRoadInter::set_location_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoPoint* location = (AMapGeoPoint*) (args[@"location"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"location"]); + + // ref + AMapRoadInter* ref = (AMapRoadInter*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.location = location;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRoadInter::set_firstId_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* firstId = (NSString*) args[@"firstId"]; + + // ref + AMapRoadInter* ref = (AMapRoadInter*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.firstId = firstId;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRoadInter::set_firstName_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* firstName = (NSString*) args[@"firstName"]; + + // ref + AMapRoadInter* ref = (AMapRoadInter*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.firstName = firstName;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRoadInter::set_secondId_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* secondId = (NSString*) args[@"secondId"]; + + // ref + AMapRoadInter* ref = (AMapRoadInter*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.secondId = secondId;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRoadInter::set_secondName_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* secondName = (NSString*) args[@"secondName"]; + + // ref + AMapRoadInter* ref = (AMapRoadInter*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.secondName = secondName;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapStreetNumber::set_street_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* street = (NSString*) args[@"street"]; + + // ref + AMapStreetNumber* ref = (AMapStreetNumber*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.street = street;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapStreetNumber::set_number_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* number = (NSString*) args[@"number"]; + + // ref + AMapStreetNumber* ref = (AMapStreetNumber*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.number = number;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapStreetNumber::set_location_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoPoint* location = (AMapGeoPoint*) (args[@"location"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"location"]); + + // ref + AMapStreetNumber* ref = (AMapStreetNumber*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.location = location;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapStreetNumber::set_distance_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger distance = [args[@"distance"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapStreetNumber* ref = (AMapStreetNumber*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.distance = distance;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapStreetNumber::set_direction_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* direction = (NSString*) args[@"direction"]; + + // ref + AMapStreetNumber* ref = (AMapStreetNumber*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.direction = direction;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapBusinessArea::set_name_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* name = (NSString*) args[@"name"]; + + // ref + AMapBusinessArea* ref = (AMapBusinessArea*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = name;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapBusinessArea::set_location_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoPoint* location = (AMapGeoPoint*) (args[@"location"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"location"]); + + // ref + AMapBusinessArea* ref = (AMapBusinessArea*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.location = location;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapAddressComponent::set_country_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* country = (NSString*) args[@"country"]; + + // ref + AMapAddressComponent* ref = (AMapAddressComponent*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = country;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapAddressComponent::set_countryCode_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* countryCode = (NSString*) args[@"countryCode"]; + + // ref + AMapAddressComponent* ref = (AMapAddressComponent*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.countryCode = countryCode;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapAddressComponent::set_province_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* province = (NSString*) args[@"province"]; + + // ref + AMapAddressComponent* ref = (AMapAddressComponent*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.province = province;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapAddressComponent::set_city_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* city = (NSString*) args[@"city"]; + + // ref + AMapAddressComponent* ref = (AMapAddressComponent*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = city;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapAddressComponent::set_citycode_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* citycode = (NSString*) args[@"citycode"]; + + // ref + AMapAddressComponent* ref = (AMapAddressComponent*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.citycode = citycode;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapAddressComponent::set_district_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* district = (NSString*) args[@"district"]; + + // ref + AMapAddressComponent* ref = (AMapAddressComponent*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.district = district;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapAddressComponent::set_adcode_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* adcode = (NSString*) args[@"adcode"]; + + // ref + AMapAddressComponent* ref = (AMapAddressComponent*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.adcode = adcode;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapAddressComponent::set_township_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* township = (NSString*) args[@"township"]; + + // ref + AMapAddressComponent* ref = (AMapAddressComponent*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.township = township;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapAddressComponent::set_towncode_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* towncode = (NSString*) args[@"towncode"]; + + // ref + AMapAddressComponent* ref = (AMapAddressComponent*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.towncode = towncode;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapAddressComponent::set_neighborhood_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* neighborhood = (NSString*) args[@"neighborhood"]; + + // ref + AMapAddressComponent* ref = (AMapAddressComponent*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.neighborhood = neighborhood;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapAddressComponent::set_building_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* building = (NSString*) args[@"building"]; + + // ref + AMapAddressComponent* ref = (AMapAddressComponent*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.building = building;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapAddressComponent::set_streetNumber_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapStreetNumber* streetNumber = (AMapStreetNumber*) (args[@"streetNumber"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"streetNumber"]); + + // ref + AMapAddressComponent* ref = (AMapAddressComponent*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.streetNumber = streetNumber;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapAddressComponent::set_businessAreas_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* businessAreas = (NSArray*) args[@"businessAreas"]; + + // ref + AMapAddressComponent* ref = (AMapAddressComponent*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.businessAreas = businessAreas;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapReGeocode::set_formattedAddress_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* formattedAddress = (NSString*) args[@"formattedAddress"]; + + // ref + AMapReGeocode* ref = (AMapReGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.formattedAddress = formattedAddress;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapReGeocode::set_addressComponent_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapAddressComponent* addressComponent = (AMapAddressComponent*) (args[@"addressComponent"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"addressComponent"]); + + // ref + AMapReGeocode* ref = (AMapReGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.addressComponent = addressComponent;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapReGeocode::set_roads_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* roads = (NSArray*) args[@"roads"]; + + // ref + AMapReGeocode* ref = (AMapReGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.roads = roads;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapReGeocode::set_roadinters_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* roadinters = (NSArray*) args[@"roadinters"]; + + // ref + AMapReGeocode* ref = (AMapReGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.roadinters = roadinters;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapReGeocode::set_pois_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* pois = (NSArray*) args[@"pois"]; + + // ref + AMapReGeocode* ref = (AMapReGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.pois = pois;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapReGeocode::set_aois_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* aois = (NSArray*) args[@"aois"]; + + // ref + AMapReGeocode* ref = (AMapReGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.aois = aois;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapGeocode::set_formattedAddress_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* formattedAddress = (NSString*) args[@"formattedAddress"]; + + // ref + AMapGeocode* ref = (AMapGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.formattedAddress = formattedAddress;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapGeocode::set_province_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* province = (NSString*) args[@"province"]; + + // ref + AMapGeocode* ref = (AMapGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.province = province;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapGeocode::set_city_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* city = (NSString*) args[@"city"]; + + // ref + AMapGeocode* ref = (AMapGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = city;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapGeocode::set_citycode_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* citycode = (NSString*) args[@"citycode"]; + + // ref + AMapGeocode* ref = (AMapGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.citycode = citycode;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapGeocode::set_district_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* district = (NSString*) args[@"district"]; + + // ref + AMapGeocode* ref = (AMapGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.district = district;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapGeocode::set_adcode_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* adcode = (NSString*) args[@"adcode"]; + + // ref + AMapGeocode* ref = (AMapGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.adcode = adcode;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapGeocode::set_township_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* township = (NSString*) args[@"township"]; + + // ref + AMapGeocode* ref = (AMapGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.township = township;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapGeocode::set_neighborhood_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* neighborhood = (NSString*) args[@"neighborhood"]; + + // ref + AMapGeocode* ref = (AMapGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.neighborhood = neighborhood;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapGeocode::set_building_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* building = (NSString*) args[@"building"]; + + // ref + AMapGeocode* ref = (AMapGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.building = building;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapGeocode::set_location_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoPoint* location = (AMapGeoPoint*) (args[@"location"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"location"]); + + // ref + AMapGeocode* ref = (AMapGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.location = location;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapGeocode::set_level_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* level = (NSString*) args[@"level"]; + + // ref + AMapGeocode* ref = (AMapGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.level = level;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapGeocode::set_country_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* country = (NSString*) args[@"country"]; + + // ref + AMapGeocode* ref = (AMapGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = country;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapGeocode::set_postcode_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* postcode = (NSString*) args[@"postcode"]; + + // ref + AMapGeocode* ref = (AMapGeocode*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.postcode = postcode;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapBusStop::set_uid_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* uid = (NSString*) args[@"uid"]; + + // ref + AMapBusStop* ref = (AMapBusStop*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.uid = uid;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapBusStop::set_adcode_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* adcode = (NSString*) args[@"adcode"]; + + // ref + AMapBusStop* ref = (AMapBusStop*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.adcode = adcode;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapBusStop::set_name_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* name = (NSString*) args[@"name"]; + + // ref + AMapBusStop* ref = (AMapBusStop*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = name;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapBusStop::set_citycode_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* citycode = (NSString*) args[@"citycode"]; + + // ref + AMapBusStop* ref = (AMapBusStop*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.citycode = citycode;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapBusStop::set_location_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoPoint* location = (AMapGeoPoint*) (args[@"location"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"location"]); + + // ref + AMapBusStop* ref = (AMapBusStop*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.location = location;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapBusStop::set_buslines_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* buslines = (NSArray*) args[@"buslines"]; + + // ref + AMapBusStop* ref = (AMapBusStop*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.buslines = buslines;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapBusStop::set_sequence_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* sequence = (NSString*) args[@"sequence"]; + + // ref + AMapBusStop* ref = (AMapBusStop*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.sequence = sequence;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapBusLine::set_uid_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* uid = (NSString*) args[@"uid"]; + + // ref + AMapBusLine* ref = (AMapBusLine*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.uid = uid;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapBusLine::set_type_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* type = (NSString*) args[@"type"]; + + // ref + AMapBusLine* ref = (AMapBusLine*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.type = type;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapBusLine::set_name_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* name = (NSString*) args[@"name"]; + + // ref + AMapBusLine* ref = (AMapBusLine*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = name;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapBusLine::set_polyline_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* polyline = (NSString*) args[@"polyline"]; + + // ref + AMapBusLine* ref = (AMapBusLine*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.polyline = polyline;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapBusLine::set_citycode_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* citycode = (NSString*) args[@"citycode"]; + + // ref + AMapBusLine* ref = (AMapBusLine*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.citycode = citycode;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapBusLine::set_startStop_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* startStop = (NSString*) args[@"startStop"]; + + // ref + AMapBusLine* ref = (AMapBusLine*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.startStop = startStop;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapBusLine::set_endStop_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* endStop = (NSString*) args[@"endStop"]; + + // ref + AMapBusLine* ref = (AMapBusLine*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.endStop = endStop;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapBusLine::set_location_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoPoint* location = (AMapGeoPoint*) (args[@"location"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"location"]); + + // ref + AMapBusLine* ref = (AMapBusLine*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.location = location;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapBusLine::set_startTime_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* startTime = (NSString*) args[@"startTime"]; + + // ref + AMapBusLine* ref = (AMapBusLine*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.startTime = startTime;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapBusLine::set_endTime_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* endTime = (NSString*) args[@"endTime"]; + + // ref + AMapBusLine* ref = (AMapBusLine*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.endTime = endTime;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapBusLine::set_company_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* company = (NSString*) args[@"company"]; + + // ref + AMapBusLine* ref = (AMapBusLine*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = company;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapBusLine::set_distance_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat distance = [args[@"distance"] floatValue]; + + // ref + AMapBusLine* ref = (AMapBusLine*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.distance = distance;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapBusLine::set_basicPrice_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat basicPrice = [args[@"basicPrice"] floatValue]; + + // ref + AMapBusLine* ref = (AMapBusLine*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.basicPrice = basicPrice;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapBusLine::set_totalPrice_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat totalPrice = [args[@"totalPrice"] floatValue]; + + // ref + AMapBusLine* ref = (AMapBusLine*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.totalPrice = totalPrice;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapBusLine::set_bounds_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoPolygon* bounds = (AMapGeoPolygon*) (args[@"bounds"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"bounds"]); + + // ref + AMapBusLine* ref = (AMapBusLine*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.bounds = bounds;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapBusLine::set_busStops_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* busStops = (NSArray*) args[@"busStops"]; + + // ref + AMapBusLine* ref = (AMapBusLine*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.busStops = busStops;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapBusLine::set_departureStop_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapBusStop* departureStop = (AMapBusStop*) (args[@"departureStop"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"departureStop"]); + + // ref + AMapBusLine* ref = (AMapBusLine*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.departureStop = departureStop;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapBusLine::set_arrivalStop_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapBusStop* arrivalStop = (AMapBusStop*) (args[@"arrivalStop"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"arrivalStop"]); + + // ref + AMapBusLine* ref = (AMapBusLine*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.arrivalStop = arrivalStop;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapBusLine::set_viaBusStops_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* viaBusStops = (NSArray*) args[@"viaBusStops"]; + + // ref + AMapBusLine* ref = (AMapBusLine*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.viaBusStops = viaBusStops;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapBusLine::set_duration_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger duration = [args[@"duration"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapBusLine* ref = (AMapBusLine*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.duration = duration;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDistrict::set_adcode_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* adcode = (NSString*) args[@"adcode"]; + + // ref + AMapDistrict* ref = (AMapDistrict*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.adcode = adcode;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDistrict::set_citycode_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* citycode = (NSString*) args[@"citycode"]; + + // ref + AMapDistrict* ref = (AMapDistrict*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.citycode = citycode;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDistrict::set_name_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* name = (NSString*) args[@"name"]; + + // ref + AMapDistrict* ref = (AMapDistrict*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = name;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDistrict::set_level_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* level = (NSString*) args[@"level"]; + + // ref + AMapDistrict* ref = (AMapDistrict*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.level = level;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDistrict::set_center_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoPoint* center = (AMapGeoPoint*) (args[@"center"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"center"]); + + // ref + AMapDistrict* ref = (AMapDistrict*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = center;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDistrict::set_districts_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* districts = (NSArray*) args[@"districts"]; + + // ref + AMapDistrict* ref = (AMapDistrict*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.districts = districts;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDistrict::set_polylines_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSArray* polylines = (NSArray*) args[@"polylines"]; + + // ref + AMapDistrict* ref = (AMapDistrict*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.polylines = polylines;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTMC::set_distance_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger distance = [args[@"distance"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapTMC* ref = (AMapTMC*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.distance = distance;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTMC::set_status_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* status = (NSString*) args[@"status"]; + + // ref + AMapTMC* ref = (AMapTMC*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.status = status;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTMC::set_polyline_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* polyline = (NSString*) args[@"polyline"]; + + // ref + AMapTMC* ref = (AMapTMC*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.polyline = polyline;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapStep::set_instruction_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* instruction = (NSString*) args[@"instruction"]; + + // ref + AMapStep* ref = (AMapStep*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.instruction = instruction;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapStep::set_orientation_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* orientation = (NSString*) args[@"orientation"]; + + // ref + AMapStep* ref = (AMapStep*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.orientation = orientation;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapStep::set_road_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* road = (NSString*) args[@"road"]; + + // ref + AMapStep* ref = (AMapStep*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.road = road;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapStep::set_distance_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger distance = [args[@"distance"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapStep* ref = (AMapStep*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.distance = distance;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapStep::set_duration_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger duration = [args[@"duration"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapStep* ref = (AMapStep*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.duration = duration;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapStep::set_polyline_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* polyline = (NSString*) args[@"polyline"]; + + // ref + AMapStep* ref = (AMapStep*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.polyline = polyline;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapStep::set_action_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* action = (NSString*) args[@"action"]; + + // ref + AMapStep* ref = (AMapStep*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.action = action;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapStep::set_assistantAction_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* assistantAction = (NSString*) args[@"assistantAction"]; + + // ref + AMapStep* ref = (AMapStep*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.assistantAction = assistantAction;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapStep::set_tolls_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat tolls = [args[@"tolls"] floatValue]; + + // ref + AMapStep* ref = (AMapStep*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.tolls = tolls;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapStep::set_tollDistance_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger tollDistance = [args[@"tollDistance"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapStep* ref = (AMapStep*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.tollDistance = tollDistance;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapStep::set_tollRoad_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* tollRoad = (NSString*) args[@"tollRoad"]; + + // ref + AMapStep* ref = (AMapStep*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.tollRoad = tollRoad;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapStep::set_totalTrafficLights_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger totalTrafficLights = [args[@"totalTrafficLights"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapStep* ref = (AMapStep*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.totalTrafficLights = totalTrafficLights;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapStep::set_cities_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* cities = (NSArray*) args[@"cities"]; + + // ref + AMapStep* ref = (AMapStep*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.cities = cities;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapStep::set_tmcs_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* tmcs = (NSArray*) args[@"tmcs"]; + + // ref + AMapStep* ref = (AMapStep*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.tmcs = tmcs;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPath::set_distance_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger distance = [args[@"distance"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapPath* ref = (AMapPath*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.distance = distance;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPath::set_duration_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger duration = [args[@"duration"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapPath* ref = (AMapPath*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.duration = duration;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPath::set_strategy_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* strategy = (NSString*) args[@"strategy"]; + + // ref + AMapPath* ref = (AMapPath*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.strategy = strategy;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPath::set_steps_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* steps = (NSArray*) args[@"steps"]; + + // ref + AMapPath* ref = (AMapPath*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.steps = steps;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPath::set_tolls_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat tolls = [args[@"tolls"] floatValue]; + + // ref + AMapPath* ref = (AMapPath*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.tolls = tolls;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPath::set_tollDistance_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger tollDistance = [args[@"tollDistance"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapPath* ref = (AMapPath*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.tollDistance = tollDistance;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPath::set_totalTrafficLights_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger totalTrafficLights = [args[@"totalTrafficLights"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapPath* ref = (AMapPath*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.totalTrafficLights = totalTrafficLights;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPath::set_restriction_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger restriction = [args[@"restriction"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapPath* ref = (AMapPath*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.restriction = restriction;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapPath::set_polyline_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* polyline = (NSString*) args[@"polyline"]; + + // ref + AMapPath* ref = (AMapPath*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.polyline = polyline;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapFutureTimeInfoElement::set_duration_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger duration = [args[@"duration"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapFutureTimeInfoElement* ref = (AMapFutureTimeInfoElement*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.duration = duration;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapFutureTimeInfoElement::set_pathindex_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger pathindex = [args[@"pathindex"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapFutureTimeInfoElement* ref = (AMapFutureTimeInfoElement*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.pathindex = pathindex;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapFutureTimeInfoElement::set_restriction_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger restriction = [args[@"restriction"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapFutureTimeInfoElement* ref = (AMapFutureTimeInfoElement*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.restriction = restriction;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapFutureTimeInfoElement::set_tmcs_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* tmcs = (NSArray*) args[@"tmcs"]; + + // ref + AMapFutureTimeInfoElement* ref = (AMapFutureTimeInfoElement*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.tmcs = tmcs;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapFutureTimeInfo::set_startTime_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* startTime = (NSString*) args[@"startTime"]; + + // ref + AMapFutureTimeInfo* ref = (AMapFutureTimeInfo*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.startTime = startTime;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapFutureTimeInfo::set_elements_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* elements = (NSArray*) args[@"elements"]; + + // ref + AMapFutureTimeInfo* ref = (AMapFutureTimeInfo*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.elements = elements;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapWalking::set_origin_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoPoint* origin = (AMapGeoPoint*) (args[@"origin"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"origin"]); + + // ref + AMapWalking* ref = (AMapWalking*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.origin = origin;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapWalking::set_destination_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoPoint* destination = (AMapGeoPoint*) (args[@"destination"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"destination"]); + + // ref + AMapWalking* ref = (AMapWalking*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.destination = destination;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapWalking::set_distance_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger distance = [args[@"distance"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapWalking* ref = (AMapWalking*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.distance = distance;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapWalking::set_duration_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger duration = [args[@"duration"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapWalking* ref = (AMapWalking*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.duration = duration;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapWalking::set_steps_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* steps = (NSArray*) args[@"steps"]; + + // ref + AMapWalking* ref = (AMapWalking*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.steps = steps;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTaxi::set_origin_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoPoint* origin = (AMapGeoPoint*) (args[@"origin"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"origin"]); + + // ref + AMapTaxi* ref = (AMapTaxi*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.origin = origin;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTaxi::set_destination_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoPoint* destination = (AMapGeoPoint*) (args[@"destination"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"destination"]); + + // ref + AMapTaxi* ref = (AMapTaxi*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.destination = destination;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTaxi::set_distance_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger distance = [args[@"distance"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapTaxi* ref = (AMapTaxi*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.distance = distance;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTaxi::set_duration_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger duration = [args[@"duration"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapTaxi* ref = (AMapTaxi*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.duration = duration;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTaxi::set_sname_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* sname = (NSString*) args[@"sname"]; + + // ref + AMapTaxi* ref = (AMapTaxi*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.sname = sname;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTaxi::set_tname_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* tname = (NSString*) args[@"tname"]; + + // ref + AMapTaxi* ref = (AMapTaxi*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.tname = tname;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRailwayStation::set_uid_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* uid = (NSString*) args[@"uid"]; + + // ref + AMapRailwayStation* ref = (AMapRailwayStation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.uid = uid;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRailwayStation::set_name_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* name = (NSString*) args[@"name"]; + + // ref + AMapRailwayStation* ref = (AMapRailwayStation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = name;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRailwayStation::set_location_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoPoint* location = (AMapGeoPoint*) (args[@"location"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"location"]); + + // ref + AMapRailwayStation* ref = (AMapRailwayStation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.location = location;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRailwayStation::set_adcode_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* adcode = (NSString*) args[@"adcode"]; + + // ref + AMapRailwayStation* ref = (AMapRailwayStation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.adcode = adcode;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRailwayStation::set_time_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* time = (NSString*) args[@"time"]; + + // ref + AMapRailwayStation* ref = (AMapRailwayStation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.time = time;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRailwayStation::set_wait_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger wait = [args[@"wait"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapRailwayStation* ref = (AMapRailwayStation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.wait = wait;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRailwayStation::set_isStart_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL isStart = [args[@"isStart"] boolValue]; + + // ref + AMapRailwayStation* ref = (AMapRailwayStation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.isStart = isStart;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRailwayStation::set_isEnd_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL isEnd = [args[@"isEnd"] boolValue]; + + // ref + AMapRailwayStation* ref = (AMapRailwayStation*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.isEnd = isEnd;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRailwaySpace::set_code_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* code = (NSString*) args[@"code"]; + + // ref + AMapRailwaySpace* ref = (AMapRailwaySpace*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.code = code;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRailwaySpace::set_cost_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat cost = [args[@"cost"] floatValue]; + + // ref + AMapRailwaySpace* ref = (AMapRailwaySpace*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.cost = cost;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRailway::set_uid_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* uid = (NSString*) args[@"uid"]; + + // ref + AMapRailway* ref = (AMapRailway*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.uid = uid;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRailway::set_name_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* name = (NSString*) args[@"name"]; + + // ref + AMapRailway* ref = (AMapRailway*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = name;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRailway::set_trip_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* trip = (NSString*) args[@"trip"]; + + // ref + AMapRailway* ref = (AMapRailway*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.trip = trip;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRailway::set_type_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* type = (NSString*) args[@"type"]; + + // ref + AMapRailway* ref = (AMapRailway*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.type = type;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRailway::set_distance_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger distance = [args[@"distance"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapRailway* ref = (AMapRailway*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.distance = distance;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRailway::set_time_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger time = [args[@"time"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapRailway* ref = (AMapRailway*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.time = time;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRailway::set_departureStation_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapRailwayStation* departureStation = (AMapRailwayStation*) (args[@"departureStation"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"departureStation"]); + + // ref + AMapRailway* ref = (AMapRailway*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.departureStation = departureStation;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRailway::set_arrivalStation_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapRailwayStation* arrivalStation = (AMapRailwayStation*) (args[@"arrivalStation"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"arrivalStation"]); + + // ref + AMapRailway* ref = (AMapRailway*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.arrivalStation = arrivalStation;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRailway::set_spaces_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* spaces = (NSArray*) args[@"spaces"]; + + // ref + AMapRailway* ref = (AMapRailway*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.spaces = spaces;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRailway::set_viaStops_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* viaStops = (NSArray*) args[@"viaStops"]; + + // ref + AMapRailway* ref = (AMapRailway*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.viaStops = viaStops;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRailway::set_alters_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* alters = (NSArray*) args[@"alters"]; + + // ref + AMapRailway* ref = (AMapRailway*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.alters = alters;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapSegment::set_walking_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapWalking* walking = (AMapWalking*) (args[@"walking"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"walking"]); + + // ref + AMapSegment* ref = (AMapSegment*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.walking = walking;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapSegment::set_buslines_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* buslines = (NSArray*) args[@"buslines"]; + + // ref + AMapSegment* ref = (AMapSegment*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.buslines = buslines;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapSegment::set_taxi_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapTaxi* taxi = (AMapTaxi*) (args[@"taxi"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"taxi"]); + + // ref + AMapSegment* ref = (AMapSegment*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = taxi;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapSegment::set_railway_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapRailway* railway = (AMapRailway*) (args[@"railway"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"railway"]); + + // ref + AMapSegment* ref = (AMapSegment*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.railway = railway;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapSegment::set_enterName_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* enterName = (NSString*) args[@"enterName"]; + + // ref + AMapSegment* ref = (AMapSegment*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.enterName = enterName;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapSegment::set_enterLocation_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoPoint* enterLocation = (AMapGeoPoint*) (args[@"enterLocation"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"enterLocation"]); + + // ref + AMapSegment* ref = (AMapSegment*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.enterLocation = enterLocation;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapSegment::set_exitName_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* exitName = (NSString*) args[@"exitName"]; + + // ref + AMapSegment* ref = (AMapSegment*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.exitName = exitName;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapSegment::set_exitLocation_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoPoint* exitLocation = (AMapGeoPoint*) (args[@"exitLocation"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"exitLocation"]); + + // ref + AMapSegment* ref = (AMapSegment*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.exitLocation = exitLocation;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTransit::set_cost_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat cost = [args[@"cost"] floatValue]; + + // ref + AMapTransit* ref = (AMapTransit*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.cost = cost;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTransit::set_duration_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger duration = [args[@"duration"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapTransit* ref = (AMapTransit*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.duration = duration;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTransit::set_nightflag_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + BOOL nightflag = [args[@"nightflag"] boolValue]; + + // ref + AMapTransit* ref = (AMapTransit*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.nightflag = nightflag;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTransit::set_walkingDistance_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger walkingDistance = [args[@"walkingDistance"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapTransit* ref = (AMapTransit*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.walkingDistance = walkingDistance;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTransit::set_segments_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* segments = (NSArray*) args[@"segments"]; + + // ref + AMapTransit* ref = (AMapTransit*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.segments = segments;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapTransit::set_distance_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger distance = [args[@"distance"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapTransit* ref = (AMapTransit*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.distance = distance;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRoute::set_origin_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoPoint* origin = (AMapGeoPoint*) (args[@"origin"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"origin"]); + + // ref + AMapRoute* ref = (AMapRoute*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.origin = origin;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRoute::set_destination_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // ref arg + AMapGeoPoint* destination = (AMapGeoPoint*) (args[@"destination"] == [NSNull null] ? nil : args[@"destination"]); + + // ref + AMapRoute* ref = (AMapRoute*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.destination = destination;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRoute::set_taxiCost_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + CGFloat taxiCost = [args[@"taxiCost"] floatValue]; + + // ref + AMapRoute* ref = (AMapRoute*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.taxiCost = taxiCost;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRoute::set_paths_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* paths = (NSArray*) args[@"paths"]; + + // ref + AMapRoute* ref = (AMapRoute*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.paths = paths;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapRoute::set_transits_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // list arg + NSArray* transits = (NSArray*) args[@"transits"]; + + // ref + AMapRoute* ref = (AMapRoute*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.transits = transits;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDistanceResult::set_originID_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger originID = [args[@"originID"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapDistanceResult* ref = (AMapDistanceResult*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.originID = originID;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDistanceResult::set_destID_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger destID = [args[@"destID"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapDistanceResult* ref = (AMapDistanceResult*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.destID = destID;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDistanceResult::set_distance_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger distance = [args[@"distance"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapDistanceResult* ref = (AMapDistanceResult*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.distance = distance;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDistanceResult::set_duration_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger duration = [args[@"duration"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapDistanceResult* ref = (AMapDistanceResult*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.duration = duration;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDistanceResult::set_info_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* info = (NSString*) args[@"info"]; + + // ref + AMapDistanceResult* ref = (AMapDistanceResult*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + = info;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapDistanceResult::set_code_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSInteger code = [args[@"code"] longValue]; + + // ref + AMapDistanceResult* ref = (AMapDistanceResult*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.code = code;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocalWeatherLive::set_adcode_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* adcode = (NSString*) args[@"adcode"]; + + // ref + AMapLocalWeatherLive* ref = (AMapLocalWeatherLive*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.adcode = adcode;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + @"AMapLocalWeatherLive::set_province_batch": ^(NSObject * registrar, id argsBatch, FlutterResult methodResult) { + for (NSUInteger __i__ = 0; __i__ < ((NSArray*>*) argsBatch).count; __i__++) { + NSDictionary* args = [((NSArray*>*) argsBatch) objectAtIndex:__i__]; + + // args + // jsonable arg + NSString* province = (NSString*) args[@"province"]; + + // ref + AMapLocalWeatherLive* ref = (AMapLocalWeatherLive*) args[@"__this__"]; + if ((NSNull *) ref == [NSNull null] || ref == nil) { + methodResult([FlutterError errorWithCode:@"目标对象为nil" message:@"目标对象为nil" details:@"目标对象为nil"]); + return; + } + + ref.province = province;; + methodResult(@"success"); + } + + methodResult(@"success"); + }, + + }; +} + +@end diff --git a/ios/amap_search_fluttify.podspec b/ios/amap_search_fluttify.podspec new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2d8ed66 --- /dev/null +++ b/ios/amap_search_fluttify.podspec @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +# +# To learn more about a Podspec see +# do |s| + = 'amap_search_fluttify' + s.version = '0.0.1' + s.summary = 'An `Amap Search` Map Component, Powered By `Fluttify`, A Compiler Generating Dart Bindings For Native SDK.' + s.description = <<-DESC +A new flutter plugin project. + DESC + s.homepage = '' + s.license = { :file => '../LICENSE' } + = { 'yohom' => '' } + s.source = { :path => '.' } + s.source_files = 'Classes/**/*' + s.public_header_files = ['Classes/**/*.h', 'Vendors/*.h'] # 只接收顶层的.h文件, 防止framework下面的.h文件被包含 + s.dependency 'Flutter' + s.dependency 'foundation_fluttify' + # flutter plugin dependency + + # sdk dependency + s.dependency 'AMapSearch-NO-IDFA', '9.2.0' + + s.static_framework = true + s.ios.deployment_target = '8.0' + # include project framework + s.vendored_frameworks = 'Vendors/*.framework' + # include project .a + s.vendored_libraries = 'Vendors/*.a' + # ios system framework + s.frameworks = [ + + ] + # ios system library + s.libraries = [ + + ] + # resources + s.resources = 'Vendors/**/*.bundle' + # s.resource_bundles = { + # 'amap_search_fluttify' => ['Vendors/*.framework/*.bundle'] + # } +end + diff --git a/lib/amap_search_fluttify.dart b/lib/amap_search_fluttify.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a1e710a --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/amap_search_fluttify.dart @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +library amap_search_fluttify; + +export 'src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +export 'src/facade/amap_search.dart'; +export 'src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; diff --git a/lib/src/android/android.export.g.dart b/lib/src/android/android.export.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f3a3ab9 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/android.export.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,164 @@ +export 'type_op.g.dart'; +export 'constants.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/busline/BusLineResult.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/busline/BusStationResult.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/busline/BusLineQuery.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/busline/BusLineSearch.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/busline/BusStationSearch.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/busline/BusStationQuery.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/busline/BusStationItem.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/busline/BusStationSearch/OnBusStationSearchListener.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/busline/BusLineQuery/SearchType.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/busline/BusLineItem.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/busline/BusLineSearch/OnBusLineSearchListener.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/core/AMapException.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/core/LatLonPoint.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/core/PoiItem.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/core/SuggestionCity.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/core/LatLonSharePoint.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/core/ServiceSettings.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/core/SearchUtils.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/poisearch/PoiSearch/Query.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/poisearch/PoiSearch/OnPoiSearchListener.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/poisearch/PoiSearch/SearchBound.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/poisearch/IndoorData.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/poisearch/PoiSearch.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/poisearch/Photo.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/poisearch/SubPoiItem.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/poisearch/PoiItemExtension.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/poisearch/PoiResult.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/route/District.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/route/RouteBusWalkItem.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/route/DrivePathV2.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearch/FromAndTo.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearch/OnTruckRouteSearchListener.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearch/RideRouteQuery.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearch/TruckRouteQuery.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearch/OnRoutePlanSearchListener.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearch/OnRouteSearchListener.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearch/DrivePlanQuery.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearch/BusRouteQuery.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearch/DriveRouteQuery.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearch/WalkRouteQuery.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/route/BusRouteResult.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/route/RailwayStationItem.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/route/DriveRouteResult.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/route/RailwaySpace.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/route/DriveRouteResultV2.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/route/TaxiItem.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/route/DriveStep.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/route/RoutePlanResult.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/route/DriveStepV2.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/route/ChargeStationInfo.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/route/DrivePath.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/route/Navi.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/route/RideRouteResult.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/route/RouteRailwayItem.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/route/SearchCity.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearchV2.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/route/Doorway.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/route/TimeInfosElement.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/route/DrivePlanStep.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/route/TruckPath.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/route/DistanceItem.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearchV2/FromAndTo.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearchV2/NewEnergy.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearchV2/SlopeCost.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearchV2/OnTruckRouteSearchListener.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearchV2/OnRoutePlanSearchListener.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearchV2/ShowFields.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearchV2/CustomCostMode.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearchV2/CurveCost.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearchV2/OnRouteSearchListener.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearchV2/PowerTrainLoss.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearchV2/TransCost.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearchV2/DrivingStrategy.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearchV2/SpeedCost.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearchV2/DriveRouteQuery.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/route/DistanceResult.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/route/RouteResult.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/route/TruckRouteRestult.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/route/Cost.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/route/DrivePlanPath.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/route/TruckStep.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/route/ElecConsumeInfo.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/route/Path.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/route/BusPath.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/route/WalkRouteResult.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearchCity.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/route/WalkPath.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/route/DriveRoutePlanResult.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/route/Railway.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/route/RouteBusLineItem.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/route/RideStep.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/route/BusStep.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/route/TMC.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/route/WalkStep.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/route/TimeInfo.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/route/DistanceSearch/DistanceQuery.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/route/DistanceSearch/OnDistanceSearchListener.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearch.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/route/DistanceSearch.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/route/RidePath.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/road/Crossroad.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/road/Road.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/nearby/NearbyInfo.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/nearby/NearbySearchResult.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/nearby/NearbySearchFunctionType.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/nearby/UploadInfoCallback.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/nearby/UploadInfo.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/nearby/NearbySearch/NearbyQuery.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/nearby/NearbySearch/NearbyListener.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/nearby/NearbySearch.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/routepoisearch/RoutePOIItem.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/routepoisearch/RoutePOISearchResult.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/routepoisearch/RoutePOISearch.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/routepoisearch/RoutePOISearch/OnRoutePOISearchListener.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/routepoisearch/RoutePOISearch/RoutePOISearchType.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/routepoisearch/RoutePOISearchQuery.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/cloud/CloudImage.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/cloud/CloudSearch.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/cloud/CloudItem.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/cloud/CloudResult.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/cloud/CloudSearch/Query.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/cloud/CloudSearch/Sortingrules.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/cloud/CloudSearch/SearchBound.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/cloud/CloudSearch/OnCloudSearchListener.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/cloud/CloudItemDetail.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/weather/LocalWeatherLiveResult.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/weather/WeatherSearch/OnWeatherSearchListener.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/weather/WeatherSearch.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/weather/WeatherSearchQuery.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/weather/LocalWeatherForecast.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/weather/LocalWeatherLive.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/weather/LocalWeatherForecastResult.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/weather/LocalDayWeatherForecast.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/geocoder/GeocodeSearch.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/geocoder/RegeocodeResult.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/geocoder/RegeocodeRoad.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/geocoder/GeocodeResult.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/geocoder/GeocodeAddress.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/geocoder/StreetNumber.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/geocoder/GeocodeSearch/OnGeocodeSearchListener.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/geocoder/RegeocodeQuery.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/geocoder/BusinessArea.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/geocoder/AoiItem.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/geocoder/GeocodeQuery.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/geocoder/RegeocodeAddress.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/district/DistrictItem.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/district/DistrictSearch.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/district/DistrictResult.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/district/DistrictSearchQuery.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/district/DistrictSearch/OnDistrictSearchListener.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/help/Inputtips.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/help/Inputtips/InputtipsListener.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/help/InputtipsQuery.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/help/Tip.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/share/ShareSearch/ShareFromAndTo.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/share/ShareSearch/ShareDrivingRouteQuery.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/share/ShareSearch/ShareWalkRouteQuery.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/share/ShareSearch/OnShareSearchListener.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/share/ShareSearch/ShareBusRouteQuery.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/share/ShareSearch/ShareNaviQuery.g.dart'; +export 'com/amap/api/services/share/ShareSearch.g.dart'; +export '../facade/shared.g.dart'; diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/busline/BusLineItem.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/busline/BusLineItem.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..67e2329 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/busline/BusLineItem.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,811 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineItem extends java_lang_Object with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineItem__', + + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineItem__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getDistance() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getDistance([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setDistance(double var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setDistance([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getBusLineName() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getBusLineName([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setBusLineName(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setBusLineName([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getBusLineType() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getBusLineType([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setBusLineType(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setBusLineType([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getCityCode() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getCityCode([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setCityCode(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setCityCode([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future?> getDirectionsCoordinates() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getDirectionsCoordinates([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future setDirectionsCoordinates(List var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setDirectionsCoordinates([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future?> getBounds() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getBounds([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future setBounds(List var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setBounds([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getBusLineId() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getBusLineId([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setBusLineId(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setBusLineId([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getOriginatingStation() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getOriginatingStation([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setOriginatingStation(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setOriginatingStation([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getTerminalStation() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getTerminalStation([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setTerminalStation(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setTerminalStation([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getBusCompany() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getBusCompany([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setBusCompany(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setBusCompany([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getBasicPrice() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getBasicPrice([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setBasicPrice(double var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setBasicPrice([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getTotalPrice() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getTotalPrice([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setTotalPrice(double var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setTotalPrice([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future?> getBusStations() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getBusStations([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future setBusStations(List var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setBusStations([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineItem{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineItem_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getDistance_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setDistance_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getBusLineName_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setBusLineName_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getBusLineType_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setBusLineType_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getCityCode_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setCityCode_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getDirectionsCoordinates_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> setDirectionsCoordinates_batch(List> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getBounds_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> setBounds_batch(List> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getBusLineId_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setBusLineId_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getOriginatingStation_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setOriginatingStation_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getTerminalStation_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setTerminalStation_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getBusCompany_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setBusCompany_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getBasicPrice_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setBasicPrice_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getTotalPrice_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setTotalPrice_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getBusStations_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> setBusStations_batch(List> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/busline/BusLineQuery.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/busline/BusLineQuery.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..18f9ff5 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/busline/BusLineQuery.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,475 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineQuery extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__String__com_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineQuery_SearchType__String(String var1, com_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineQuery_SearchType var2, String var3) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineQuery__String__com_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineQuery_SearchType__String', + {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "var3": var3} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__String__com_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineQuery_SearchType__String(List var1, List var2, List var3) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length && var2.length == var3.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineQuery__String__com_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineQuery_SearchType__String', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "var3": var3[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getCategory() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getCategory([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as int).tocom_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineQuery_SearchType(); + } + + + Future getQueryString() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getQueryString([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setQueryString(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setQueryString([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getCity() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getCity([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setCity(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setCity([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getPageSize() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getPageSize([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setPageSize(int var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setPageSize([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getPageNumber() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getPageNumber([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setPageNumber(int var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setPageNumber([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setCategory(com_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineQuery_SearchType var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setCategory([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1.toValue(), "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getExtensions() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getExtensions([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setExtensions(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setExtensions([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future clone() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::clone([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future weakEquals(com_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineQuery var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::weakEquals([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineQuery{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineQuery_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getCategory_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as int).tocom_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineQuery_SearchType()).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getQueryString_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setQueryString_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getCity_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setCity_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getPageSize_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setPageSize_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getPageNumber_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setPageNumber_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setCategory_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__].toValue(), "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getExtensions_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setExtensions_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> clone_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> weakEquals_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/busline/BusLineQuery/SearchType.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/busline/BusLineQuery/SearchType.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c00fa8c --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/busline/BusLineQuery/SearchType.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +enum com_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineQuery_SearchType { + BY_LINE_ID /* null */, + BY_LINE_NAME /* null */ +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineQuery_SearchTypeToX on com_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineQuery_SearchType { + int toValue() { + switch (this) { + case com_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineQuery_SearchType.BY_LINE_ID: return com_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineQuery_SearchType.BY_LINE_ID.index + 0; + case com_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineQuery_SearchType.BY_LINE_NAME: return com_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineQuery_SearchType.BY_LINE_NAME.index + 0; + default: return 0; + } + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineQuery_SearchTypeFromX on int { + com_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineQuery_SearchType tocom_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineQuery_SearchType() { + switch (this) { + + default: return com_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineQuery_SearchType.values[this + 0]; + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/busline/BusLineResult.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/busline/BusLineResult.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f25f0f4 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/busline/BusLineResult.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,231 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineResult extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + static Future createPagedResult(com_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineQuery var0, int var1, List var2, List var3, List var4) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:[\'var1\':$var1, \'var3\':$var3])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var0": var0, "var1": var1, "var2": var2, "var3": var3, "var4": var4}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getPageCount() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getPageCount([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getQuery() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getQuery([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future?> getSearchSuggestionKeywords() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getSearchSuggestionKeywords([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.cast(); + } + + + Future?> getSearchSuggestionCities() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getSearchSuggestionCities([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?> getBusLines() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getBusLines([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineResult{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineResult_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + static Future> createPagedResult_batch(List var0, List var1, List> var2, List> var3, List> var4) async { + assert(var0.length == var1.length && var1.length == var2.length && var2.length == var3.length && var3.length == var4.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var0.length; __i__++) {"var0": var0[__i__], "var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "var3": var3[__i__], "var4": var4[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getPageCount_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getQuery_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getSearchSuggestionKeywords_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.cast()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getSearchSuggestionCities_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getBusLines_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/busline/BusLineSearch.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/busline/BusLineSearch.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dbb21ab --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/busline/BusLineSearch.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,213 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineSearch extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + static final String EXTENSIONS_ALL = "all"; + static final String EXTENSIONS_BASE = "base"; + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__android_content_Context__com_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineQuery(android_content_Context var1, com_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineQuery var2) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineSearch__android_content_Context__com_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineQuery', + {"var1": var1, "var2": var2} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__android_content_Context__com_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineQuery(List var1, List var2) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineSearch__android_content_Context__com_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineQuery', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future searchBusLine() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::searchBusLine([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setOnBusLineSearchListener(com_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineSearch_OnBusLineSearchListener var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setOnBusLineSearchListener([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future searchBusLineAsyn() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::searchBusLineAsyn([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setQuery(com_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineQuery var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setQuery([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getQuery() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getQuery([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineSearch{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineSearch_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> searchBusLine_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> searchBusLineAsyn_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setQuery_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getQuery_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/busline/BusLineSearch/OnBusLineSearchListener.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/busline/BusLineSearch/OnBusLineSearchListener.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d4c58f1 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/busline/BusLineSearch/OnBusLineSearchListener.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class _com_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineSearch_OnBusLineSearchListener_SUB extends java_lang_Object with com_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineSearch_OnBusLineSearchListener {} + +mixin com_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineSearch_OnBusLineSearchListener on java_lang_Object { + + + static com_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineSearch_OnBusLineSearchListener subInstance() => _com_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineSearch_OnBusLineSearchListener_SUB(); + + static Future anonymous__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod(''); + + final __object__ = AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + + // handle callback + MethodChannel('${__object__.refId}', kAmapSearchFluttifyMethodCodec) + .setMethodCallHandler((methodCall) async { + try { + final args = methodCall.arguments as Map; + switch (methodCall.method) { + case 'onBusLineSearched_': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onBusLineSearched?.call([\'var1\':${args['var1']}, \'var2\':${args['var2']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onBusLineSearched?.call(AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(args['var1']), args['var2']); + break; + default: + throw MissingPluginException('方法${methodCall.method}未实现'); + break; + } + } catch (e) { + debugPrint(e.toString()); + rethrow; + } + }); + + return __object__; + } + + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + + + + Future Function(com_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineResult? var1, int? var2)? onBusLineSearched; + +} + diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/busline/BusStationItem.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/busline/BusStationItem.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..af1d32d --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/busline/BusStationItem.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,419 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_busline_BusStationItem extends java_lang_Object with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_busline_BusStationItem__', + + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_busline_BusStationItem__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getBusStationId() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getBusStationId([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setBusStationId(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setBusStationId([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getBusStationName() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getBusStationName([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setBusStationName(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setBusStationName([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getLatLonPoint() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getLatLonPoint([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setLatLonPoint(com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setLatLonPoint([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getCityCode() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getCityCode([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setCityCode(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setCityCode([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getAdCode() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getAdCode([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setAdCode(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setAdCode([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future?> getBusLineItems() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getBusLineItems([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future setBusLineItems(List var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setBusLineItems([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_busline_BusStationItem{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_busline_BusStationItem_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getBusStationId_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setBusStationId_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getBusStationName_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setBusStationName_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getLatLonPoint_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setLatLonPoint_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getCityCode_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setCityCode_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getAdCode_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setAdCode_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getBusLineItems_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> setBusLineItems_batch(List> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/busline/BusStationQuery.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/busline/BusStationQuery.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..db46e2d --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/busline/BusStationQuery.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,363 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_busline_BusStationQuery extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__String__String(String var1, String var2) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_busline_BusStationQuery__String__String', + {"var1": var1, "var2": var2} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__String__String(List var1, List var2) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_busline_BusStationQuery__String__String', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getQueryString() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getQueryString([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getCity() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getCity([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getPageSize() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getPageSize([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getPageNumber() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getPageNumber([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setQueryString(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setQueryString([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setCity(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setCity([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setPageSize(int var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setPageSize([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setPageNumber(int var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setPageNumber([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future clone() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::clone([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future weakEquals(com_amap_api_services_busline_BusStationQuery var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::weakEquals([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_busline_BusStationQuery{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_busline_BusStationQuery_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getQueryString_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getCity_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getPageSize_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getPageNumber_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setQueryString_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setCity_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setPageSize_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setPageNumber_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> clone_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> weakEquals_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/busline/BusStationResult.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/busline/BusStationResult.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..aa5c57c --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/busline/BusStationResult.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,231 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_busline_BusStationResult extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + static Future createPagedResult(com_amap_api_services_busline_BusStationQuery var0, int var1, List var2, List var3, List var4) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:[\'var1\':$var1, \'var3\':$var3])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var0": var0, "var1": var1, "var2": var2, "var3": var3, "var4": var4}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getPageCount() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getPageCount([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getQuery() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getQuery([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future?> getSearchSuggestionKeywords() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getSearchSuggestionKeywords([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.cast(); + } + + + Future?> getSearchSuggestionCities() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getSearchSuggestionCities([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?> getBusStations() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getBusStations([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_busline_BusStationResult{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_busline_BusStationResult_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + static Future> createPagedResult_batch(List var0, List var1, List> var2, List> var3, List> var4) async { + assert(var0.length == var1.length && var1.length == var2.length && var2.length == var3.length && var3.length == var4.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var0.length; __i__++) {"var0": var0[__i__], "var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "var3": var3[__i__], "var4": var4[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getPageCount_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getQuery_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getSearchSuggestionKeywords_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.cast()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getSearchSuggestionCities_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getBusStations_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/busline/BusStationSearch.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/busline/BusStationSearch.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0c9435e --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/busline/BusStationSearch.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,212 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_busline_BusStationSearch extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__android_content_Context__com_amap_api_services_busline_BusStationQuery(android_content_Context var1, com_amap_api_services_busline_BusStationQuery var2) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_busline_BusStationSearch__android_content_Context__com_amap_api_services_busline_BusStationQuery', + {"var1": var1, "var2": var2} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__android_content_Context__com_amap_api_services_busline_BusStationQuery(List var1, List var2) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_busline_BusStationSearch__android_content_Context__com_amap_api_services_busline_BusStationQuery', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future searchBusStation() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::searchBusStation([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setOnBusStationSearchListener(com_amap_api_services_busline_BusStationSearch_OnBusStationSearchListener var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setOnBusStationSearchListener([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future searchBusStationAsyn() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::searchBusStationAsyn([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setQuery(com_amap_api_services_busline_BusStationQuery var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setQuery([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getQuery() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getQuery([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_busline_BusStationSearch{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_busline_BusStationSearch_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> searchBusStation_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> searchBusStationAsyn_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setQuery_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getQuery_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/busline/BusStationSearch/OnBusStationSearchListener.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/busline/BusStationSearch/OnBusStationSearchListener.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..aa48d69 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/busline/BusStationSearch/OnBusStationSearchListener.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class _com_amap_api_services_busline_BusStationSearch_OnBusStationSearchListener_SUB extends java_lang_Object with com_amap_api_services_busline_BusStationSearch_OnBusStationSearchListener {} + +mixin com_amap_api_services_busline_BusStationSearch_OnBusStationSearchListener on java_lang_Object { + + + static com_amap_api_services_busline_BusStationSearch_OnBusStationSearchListener subInstance() => _com_amap_api_services_busline_BusStationSearch_OnBusStationSearchListener_SUB(); + + static Future anonymous__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod(''); + + final __object__ = AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + + // handle callback + MethodChannel('${__object__.refId}', kAmapSearchFluttifyMethodCodec) + .setMethodCallHandler((methodCall) async { + try { + final args = methodCall.arguments as Map; + switch (methodCall.method) { + case 'onBusStationSearched_': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onBusStationSearched?.call([\'var1\':${args['var1']}, \'var2\':${args['var2']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onBusStationSearched?.call(AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(args['var1']), args['var2']); + break; + default: + throw MissingPluginException('方法${methodCall.method}未实现'); + break; + } + } catch (e) { + debugPrint(e.toString()); + rethrow; + } + }); + + return __object__; + } + + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + + + + Future Function(com_amap_api_services_busline_BusStationResult? var1, int? var2)? onBusStationSearched; + +} + diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/cloud/CloudImage.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/cloud/CloudImage.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..08138dc --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/cloud/CloudImage.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,251 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudImage extends java_lang_Object with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__String__String__String(String var1, String var2, String var3) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudImage__String__String__String', + {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "var3": var3} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__String__String__String(List var1, List var2, List var3) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length && var2.length == var3.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudImage__String__String__String', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "var3": var3[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getId() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getId([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setId(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setId([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getPreurl() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getPreurl([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setPreurl(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setPreurl([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getUrl() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getUrl([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setUrl(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setUrl([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudImage{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudImage_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getId_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setId_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getPreurl_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setPreurl_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getUrl_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setUrl_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/cloud/CloudItem.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/cloud/CloudItem.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b677b57 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/cloud/CloudItem.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,475 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudItem extends java_lang_Object with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__String__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__String__String(String var1, com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint var2, String var3, String var4) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudItem__String__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__String__String', + {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "var3": var3, "var4": var4} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__String__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__String__String(List var1, List var2, List var3, List var4) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length && var2.length == var3.length && var3.length == var4.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudItem__String__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__String__String', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "var3": var3[__i__], "var4": var4[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getID() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getID([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getDistance() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getDistance([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setDistance(int var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setDistance([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getTitle() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getTitle([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getSnippet() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getSnippet([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getLatLonPoint() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getLatLonPoint([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getCreatetime() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getCreatetime([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setCreatetime(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setCreatetime([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getUpdatetime() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getUpdatetime([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setUpdatetime(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setUpdatetime([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future?> getCustomfield() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getCustomfield([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setCustomfield(Map var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setCustomfield([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future?> getCloudImage() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getCloudImage([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future setmCloudImage(List var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setmCloudImage([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudItem{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudItem_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getID_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getDistance_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setDistance_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getTitle_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getSnippet_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getLatLonPoint_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getCreatetime_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setCreatetime_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getUpdatetime_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setUpdatetime_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getCustomfield_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> setCustomfield_batch(List> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getCloudImage_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> setmCloudImage_batch(List> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/cloud/CloudItemDetail.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/cloud/CloudItemDetail.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fdce3f0 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/cloud/CloudItemDetail.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,85 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudItemDetail extends com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudItem with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__String__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__String__String(String var1, com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint var2, String var3, String var4) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudItemDetail__String__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__String__String', + {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "var3": var3, "var4": var4} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__String__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__String__String(List var1, List var2, List var3, List var4) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length && var2.length == var3.length && var3.length == var4.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudItemDetail__String__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__String__String', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "var3": var3[__i__], "var4": var4[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudItemDetail{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudItemDetail_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/cloud/CloudResult.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/cloud/CloudResult.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..df6e681 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/cloud/CloudResult.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,231 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudResult extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + static Future createPagedResult(com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch_Query var0, int var1, com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch_SearchBound var2, int var3, List var4) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:[\'var1\':$var1, \'var3\':$var3])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var0": var0, "var1": var1, "var2": var2, "var3": var3, "var4": var4}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getPageCount() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getPageCount([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getQuery() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getQuery([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getBound() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getBound([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future?> getClouds() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getClouds([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future getTotalCount() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getTotalCount([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudResult{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudResult_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + static Future> createPagedResult_batch(List var0, List var1, List var2, List var3, List> var4) async { + assert(var0.length == var1.length && var1.length == var2.length && var2.length == var3.length && var3.length == var4.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var0.length; __i__++) {"var0": var0[__i__], "var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "var3": var3[__i__], "var4": var4[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getPageCount_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getQuery_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getBound_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getClouds_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> getTotalCount_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/cloud/CloudSearch.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/cloud/CloudSearch.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0f852b9 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/cloud/CloudSearch.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,156 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__android_content_Context(android_content_Context var1) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch__android_content_Context', + {"var1": var1} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__android_content_Context(List var1) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch__android_content_Context', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future setOnCloudSearchListener(com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch_OnCloudSearchListener var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setOnCloudSearchListener([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future searchCloudAsyn(com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch_Query var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::searchCloudAsyn([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future searchCloudDetailAsyn(String var1, String var2) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::searchCloudDetailAsyn([\'var1\':$var1, \'var2\':$var2])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> searchCloudAsyn_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> searchCloudDetailAsyn_batch(List var1, List var2) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/cloud/CloudSearch/OnCloudSearchListener.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/cloud/CloudSearch/OnCloudSearchListener.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c3beb24 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/cloud/CloudSearch/OnCloudSearchListener.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,78 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class _com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch_OnCloudSearchListener_SUB extends java_lang_Object with com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch_OnCloudSearchListener {} + +mixin com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch_OnCloudSearchListener on java_lang_Object { + + + static com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch_OnCloudSearchListener subInstance() => _com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch_OnCloudSearchListener_SUB(); + + static Future anonymous__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod(''); + + final __object__ = AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + + // handle callback + MethodChannel('${__object__.refId}', kAmapSearchFluttifyMethodCodec) + .setMethodCallHandler((methodCall) async { + try { + final args = methodCall.arguments as Map; + switch (methodCall.method) { + case 'onCloudSearched_': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onCloudSearched?.call([\'var1\':${args['var1']}, \'var2\':${args['var2']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onCloudSearched?.call(AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(args['var1']), args['var2']); + break; + case 'onCloudItemDetailSearched_': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onCloudItemDetailSearched?.call([\'var1\':${args['var1']}, \'var2\':${args['var2']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onCloudItemDetailSearched?.call(AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(args['var1']), args['var2']); + break; + default: + throw MissingPluginException('方法${methodCall.method}未实现'); + break; + } + } catch (e) { + debugPrint(e.toString()); + rethrow; + } + }); + + return __object__; + } + + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + + + + Future Function(com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudResult? var1, int? var2)? onCloudSearched; + + Future Function(com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudItemDetail? var1, int? var2)? onCloudItemDetailSearched; + +} + diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/cloud/CloudSearch/Query.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/cloud/CloudSearch/Query.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2bbda44 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/cloud/CloudSearch/Query.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,559 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch_Query extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__String__String__com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch_SearchBound(String var1, String var2, com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch_SearchBound var3) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch_Query__String__String__com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch_SearchBound', + {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "var3": var3} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__String__String__com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch_SearchBound(List var1, List var2, List var3) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length && var2.length == var3.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch_Query__String__String__com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch_SearchBound', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "var3": var3[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getQueryString() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getQueryString([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setTableID(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setTableID([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getTableID() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getTableID([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getPageNum() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getPageNum([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setPageNum(int var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setPageNum([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setPageSize(int var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setPageSize([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getPageSize() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getPageSize([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setBound(com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch_SearchBound var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setBound([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getBound() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getBound([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future addFilterString(String var1, String var2) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::addFilterString([\'var1\':$var1, \'var2\':$var2])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getFilterString() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getFilterString([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future addFilterNum(String var1, String var2, String var3) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::addFilterNum([\'var1\':$var1, \'var2\':$var2, \'var3\':$var3])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "var3": var3, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getFilterNumString() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getFilterNumString([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setSortingrules(com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch_Sortingrules var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setSortingrules([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getSortingrules() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getSortingrules([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future queryEquals(com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch_Query var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::queryEquals([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future clone() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::clone([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch_Query{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch_Query_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getQueryString_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setTableID_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getTableID_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getPageNum_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setPageNum_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setPageSize_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getPageSize_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setBound_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getBound_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> addFilterString_batch(List var1, List var2) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getFilterString_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> addFilterNum_batch(List var1, List var2, List var3) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length && var2.length == var3.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "var3": var3[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getFilterNumString_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setSortingrules_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getSortingrules_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> queryEquals_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> clone_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/cloud/CloudSearch/SearchBound.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/cloud/CloudSearch/SearchBound.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..718931a --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/cloud/CloudSearch/SearchBound.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,373 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch_SearchBound extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + static final String BOUND_SHAPE = "Bound"; + static final String POLYGON_SHAPE = "Polygon"; + static final String RECTANGLE_SHAPE = "Rectangle"; + static final String LOCAL_SHAPE = "Local"; + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__int(com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint var1, int var2) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch_SearchBound__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__int', + {"var1": var1, "var2": var2} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future create__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint(com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint var1, com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint var2) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch_SearchBound__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint', + {"var1": var1, "var2": var2} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future create__List_java_util_List_com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__(List var1) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch_SearchBound__java_util_List_com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint_', + {"var1": var1} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future create__String(String var1) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch_SearchBound__String', + {"var1": var1} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__int(List var1, List var2) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch_SearchBound__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__int', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + static Future> create_batch__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint(List var1, List var2) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch_SearchBound__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + static Future> create_batch__List_java_util_List_com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__(List> var1) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch_SearchBound__java_util_List_com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint_', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + static Future> create_batch__String(List var1) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch_SearchBound__String', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getLowerLeft() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getLowerLeft([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getUpperRight() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getUpperRight([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getCenter() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getCenter([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getRange() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getRange([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getShape() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getShape([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getCity() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getCity([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future?> getPolyGonList() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getPolyGonList([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future clone() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::clone([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch_SearchBound{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch_SearchBound_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getLowerLeft_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getUpperRight_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getCenter_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getRange_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getShape_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getCity_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getPolyGonList_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> clone_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/cloud/CloudSearch/Sortingrules.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/cloud/CloudSearch/Sortingrules.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6ac04a8 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/cloud/CloudSearch/Sortingrules.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,107 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch_Sortingrules extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + static final int WEIGHT = 0; + static final int DISTANCE = 1; + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__String__boolean(String var1, bool var2) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch_Sortingrules__String__boolean', + {"var1": var1, "var2": var2} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future create__int(int var1) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch_Sortingrules__int', + {"var1": var1} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__String__boolean(List var1, List var2) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch_Sortingrules__String__boolean', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + static Future> create_batch__int(List var1) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch_Sortingrules__int', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch_Sortingrules{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch_Sortingrules_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/core/AMapException.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/core/AMapException.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ea691a5 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/core/AMapException.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,372 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_core_AMapException extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + static final int CODE_AMAP_SUCCESS = 1000; + static final String AMAP_SIGNATURE_ERROR = "用户签名未通过"; + static final String AMAP_INVALID_USER_KEY = "用户key不正确或过期"; + static final String AMAP_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILBALE = "请求服务不存在"; + static final String AMAP_DAILY_QUERY_OVER_LIMIT = "访问已超出日访问量"; + static final String AMAP_ACCESS_TOO_FREQUENT = "用户访问过于频繁"; + static final String AMAP_INVALID_USER_IP = "用户IP无效"; + static final String AMAP_INVALID_USER_DOMAIN = "用户域名无效"; + static final String AMAP_INVALID_USER_SCODE = "用户MD5安全码未通过"; + static final String AMAP_USERKEY_PLAT_NOMATCH = "请求key与绑定平台不符"; + static final String AMAP_IP_QUERY_OVER_LIMIT = "IP访问超限"; + static final String AMAP_NOT_SUPPORT_HTTPS = "服务不支持https请求"; + static final String AMAP_INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGES = "权限不足,服务请求被拒绝"; + static final String AMAP_USER_KEY_RECYCLED = "开发者删除了key,key被删除后无法正常使用"; + static final String AMAP_ENGINE_RESPONSE_ERROR = "请求服务响应错误"; + static final String AMAP_ENGINE_RESPONSE_DATA_ERROR = "引擎返回数据异常"; + static final String AMAP_ENGINE_CONNECT_TIMEOUT = "服务端请求链接超时"; + static final String AMAP_ENGINE_RETURN_TIMEOUT = "读取服务结果超时"; + static final String AMAP_SERVICE_INVALID_PARAMS = "请求参数非法"; + static final String AMAP_SERVICE_MISSING_REQUIRED_PARAMS = "缺少必填参数"; + static final String AMAP_SERVICE_ILLEGAL_REQUEST = "请求协议非法"; + static final String AMAP_SERVICE_UNKNOWN_ERROR = "其他未知错误"; + static final String AMAP_CLIENT_ERROR_PROTOCOL = "协议解析错误 - ProtocolException"; + static final String AMAP_CLIENT_SOCKET_TIMEOUT_EXCEPTION = "socket 连接超时 - SocketTimeoutException"; + static final String AMAP_CLIENT_URL_EXCEPTION = "url异常 - MalformedURLException"; + static final String AMAP_CLIENT_UNKNOWHOST_EXCEPTION = "未知主机 - UnKnowHostException"; + static final String AMAP_CLIENT_NETWORK_EXCEPTION = "http或socket连接失败 - ConnectionException"; + static final String AMAP_CLIENT_UNKNOWN_ERROR = "未知错误"; + static final String AMAP_CLIENT_UNKNOWN_ERROR_TYPE = "CLIENT_UNKNOWN_ERROR"; + static final String AMAP_CLIENT_INVALID_PARAMETER = "无效的参数 - IllegalArgumentException"; + static final String AMAP_CLIENT_IO_EXCEPTION = "IO 操作异常 - IOException"; + static final String AMAP_CLIENT_NULLPOINT_EXCEPTION = "空指针异常 - NullPointException"; + static final String AMAP_CLIENT_ERRORCODE_MISSSING = "没有对应的错误"; + static final String AMAP_CLIENT_ERRORCODE_MISSSING_TPPE = "AMAP_CLIENT_ERRORCODE_MISSSING"; + static final String AMAP_SERVICE_TABLEID_NOT_EXIST = "tableID格式不正确不存在"; + static final String AMAP_ID_NOT_EXIST = "ID不存在"; + static final String AMAP_SERVICE_MAINTENANCE = "服务器维护中"; + static final String AMAP_ENGINE_TABLEID_NOT_EXIST = "key对应的tableID不存在"; + static final String AMAP_NEARBY_INVALID_USERID = "找不到对应的userid信息,请检查您提供的userid是否存在"; + static final String AMAP_NEARBY_KEY_NOT_BIND = "App key未开通“附近”功能,请注册附近KEY"; + static final String AMAP_CLIENT_UPLOADAUTO_STARTED_ERROR = "已开启自动上传"; + static final String AMAP_CLIENT_USERID_ILLEGAL = "USERID非法"; + static final String AMAP_CLIENT_NEARBY_NULL_RESULT = "NearbyInfo对象为空"; + static final String AMAP_CLIENT_UPLOAD_TOO_FREQUENT = "两次单次上传的间隔低于7秒"; + static final String AMAP_CLIENT_UPLOAD_LOCATION_ERROR = "Point为空,或与前次上传的相同"; + static final String AMAP_ROUTE_OUT_OF_SERVICE = "规划点(包括起点、终点、途经点)不在中国陆地范围内"; + static final String AMAP_ROUTE_NO_ROADS_NEARBY = "规划点(起点、终点、途经点)附近搜不到路"; + static final String AMAP_ROUTE_FAIL = "路线计算失败,通常是由于道路连通关系导致"; + static final String AMAP_OVER_DIRECTION_RANGE = "起点终点距离过长"; + static final String AMAP_SHARE_LICENSE_IS_EXPIRED = "短串分享认证失败"; + static final String AMAP_CLIENT_OVER_PASSBY_MAX_COUNT_EXCEPTION = "途经点个数超限"; + static final String AMAP_CLIENT_OVER_PASSAREA_MAX_COUNT_EXCEPTION = "避让区域个数超限"; + static final String AMAP_CLIENT_OVER_PASSAREA_MAX_AREA_EXCEPTION = "避让区域大小超限"; + static final String AMAP_CLIENT_OVER_PASSAREA_ITEM_POINT_COUNT_EXCEPTION = "避让区域点个数超限"; + static final String AMAP_CLIENT_OVER_KEYWORD_LEN_MAX_COUNT_EXCEPTION = "关键字过长"; + static final String AMAP_SHARE_FAILURE = "短串请求失败"; + static final String AMAP_SHARE_SIGNATURE_FAILURE = "用户签名未通过"; + static final int CODE_AMAP_SIGNATURE_ERROR = 1001; + static final int CODE_AMAP_INVALID_USER_KEY = 1002; + static final int CODE_AMAP_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILBALE = 1003; + static final int CODE_AMAP_DAILY_QUERY_OVER_LIMIT = 1004; + static final int CODE_AMAP_ACCESS_TOO_FREQUENT = 1005; + static final int CODE_AMAP_INVALID_USER_IP = 1006; + static final int CODE_AMAP_INVALID_USER_DOMAIN = 1007; + static final int CODE_AMAP_INVALID_USER_SCODE = 1008; + static final int CODE_AMAP_USERKEY_PLAT_NOMATCH = 1009; + static final int CODE_AMAP_IP_QUERY_OVER_LIMIT = 1010; + static final int CODE_AMAP_NOT_SUPPORT_HTTPS = 1011; + static final int CODE_AMAP_INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGES = 1012; + static final int CODE_AMAP_USER_KEY_RECYCLED = 1013; + static final int CODE_AMAP_ENGINE_RESPONSE_ERROR = 1100; + static final int CODE_AMAP_ENGINE_RESPONSE_DATA_ERROR = 1101; + static final int CODE_AMAP_ENGINE_CONNECT_TIMEOUT = 1102; + static final int CODE_AMAP_ENGINE_RETURN_TIMEOUT = 1103; + static final int CODE_AMAP_SERVICE_INVALID_PARAMS = 1200; + static final int CODE_AMAP_SERVICE_MISSING_REQUIRED_PARAMS = 1201; + static final int CODE_AMAP_SERVICE_ILLEGAL_REQUEST = 1202; + static final int CODE_AMAP_SERVICE_UNKNOWN_ERROR = 1203; + static final int CODE_AMAP_CLIENT_ERRORCODE_MISSSING = 1800; + static final int CODE_AMAP_CLIENT_ERROR_PROTOCOL = 1801; + static final int CODE_AMAP_CLIENT_SOCKET_TIMEOUT_EXCEPTION = 1802; + static final int CODE_AMAP_CLIENT_URL_EXCEPTION = 1803; + static final int CODE_AMAP_CLIENT_UNKNOWHOST_EXCEPTION = 1804; + static final int CODE_AMAP_CLIENT_NETWORK_EXCEPTION = 1806; + static final int CODE_AMAP_CLIENT_OVER_PASSBY_MAX_COUNT_EXCEPTION = 1809; + static final int CODE_AMAP_CLIENT_OVER_PASSAREA_MAX_COUNT_EXCEPTION = 1810; + static final int CODE_AMAP_CLIENT_OVER_PASSAREA_MAX_AREA_EXCEPTION = 1811; + static final int CODE_AMAP_CLIENT_OVER_PASSAREA_ITEM_POINT_COUNT_EXCEPTION = 1812; + static final int CODE_AMAP_CLIENT_OVER_KEYWORD_LEN_MAX_COUNT_EXCEPTION = 1813; + static final int CODE_AMAP_CLIENT_UNKNOWN_ERROR = 1900; + static final int CODE_AMAP_CLIENT_INVALID_PARAMETER = 1901; + static final int CODE_AMAP_CLIENT_IO_EXCEPTION = 1902; + static final int CODE_AMAP_CLIENT_NULLPOINT_EXCEPTION = 1903; + static final int CODE_AMAP_SERVICE_TABLEID_NOT_EXIST = 2000; + static final int CODE_AMAP_ID_NOT_EXIST = 2001; + static final int CODE_AMAP_SERVICE_MAINTENANCE = 2002; + static final int CODE_AMAP_ENGINE_TABLEID_NOT_EXIST = 2003; + static final int CODE_AMAP_NEARBY_INVALID_USERID = 2100; + static final int CODE_AMAP_NEARBY_KEY_NOT_BIND = 2101; + static final int CODE_AMAP_CLIENT_UPLOADAUTO_STARTED_ERROR = 2200; + static final int CODE_AMAP_CLIENT_USERID_ILLEGAL = 2201; + static final int CODE_AMAP_CLIENT_NEARBY_NULL_RESULT = 2202; + static final int CODE_AMAP_CLIENT_UPLOAD_TOO_FREQUENT = 2203; + static final int CODE_AMAP_CLIENT_UPLOAD_LOCATION_ERROR = 2204; + static final int CODE_AMAP_ROUTE_OUT_OF_SERVICE = 3000; + static final int CODE_AMAP_ROUTE_NO_ROADS_NEARBY = 3001; + static final int CODE_AMAP_ROUTE_FAIL = 3002; + static final int CODE_AMAP_OVER_DIRECTION_RANGE = 3003; + static final int CODE_AMAP_SHARE_LICENSE_IS_EXPIRED = 4000; + static final int CODE_AMAP_SHARE_FAILURE = 4001; + static final int CODE_AMAP_SHARE_SIGNATURE_FAILURE = 4002; + static final int AMAP_ERROR_REST = 2; + static final int AMAP_ERROR_CORE = 1; + static final int AMAP_ERROR_LOCAL = 0; + static final int AMAP_ERROR_LOCAL_STANDARDIZED = 4; + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__String(String var1) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_core_AMapException__String', + {"var1": var1} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future create__String__int__String(String var1, int var2, String var3) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_core_AMapException__String__int__String', + {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "var3": var3} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future create__String__int__String__int(String var1, int var2, String var3, int var4) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_core_AMapException__String__int__String__int', + {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "var3": var3, "var4": var4} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_core_AMapException__', + + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__String(List var1) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_core_AMapException__String', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + static Future> create_batch__String__int__String(List var1, List var2, List var3) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length && var2.length == var3.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_core_AMapException__String__int__String', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "var3": var3[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + static Future> create_batch__String__int__String__int(List var1, List var2, List var3, List var4) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length && var2.length == var3.length && var3.length == var4.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_core_AMapException__String__int__String__int', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "var3": var3[__i__], "var4": var4[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_core_AMapException__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getErrorLevel() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getErrorLevel([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getErrorType() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getErrorType([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getErrorMessage() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getErrorMessage([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getErrorCode() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getErrorCode([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_core_AMapException{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_core_AMapException_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getErrorLevel_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getErrorType_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getErrorMessage_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getErrorCode_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/core/LatLonPoint.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/core/LatLonPoint.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..43e96bb --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/core/LatLonPoint.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,223 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint extends java_lang_Object with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__double__double(double var1, double var3) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__double__double', + {"var1": var1, "var3": var3} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__double__double(List var1, List var3) async { + assert(var1.length == var3.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__double__double', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var3": var3[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getLongitude() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getLongitude([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setLongitude(double var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setLongitude([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getLatitude() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getLatitude([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setLatitude(double var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setLatitude([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future copy() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::copy([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getLongitude_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setLongitude_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getLatitude_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setLatitude_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> copy_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/core/LatLonSharePoint.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/core/LatLonSharePoint.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3d017cd --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/core/LatLonSharePoint.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,139 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonSharePoint extends com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__double__double__String(double var1, double var3, String var5) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_core_LatLonSharePoint__double__double__String', + {"var1": var1, "var3": var3, "var5": var5} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__double__double__String(List var1, List var3, List var5) async { + assert(var1.length == var3.length && var3.length == var5.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_core_LatLonSharePoint__double__double__String', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var3": var3[__i__], "var5": var5[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getSharePointName() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getSharePointName([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setSharePointName(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setSharePointName([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonSharePoint{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonSharePoint_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getSharePointName_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setSharePointName_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/core/PoiItem.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/core/PoiItem.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..53a152b --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/core/PoiItem.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,1539 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_core_PoiItem extends java_lang_Object with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__String__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__String__String(String var1, com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint var2, String var3, String var4) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_core_PoiItem__String__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__String__String', + {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "var3": var3, "var4": var4} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__String__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__String__String(List var1, List var2, List var3, List var4) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length && var2.length == var3.length && var3.length == var4.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_core_PoiItem__String__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__String__String', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "var3": var3[__i__], "var4": var4[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getBusinessArea() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getBusinessArea([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setBusinessArea(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setBusinessArea([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getAdName() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getAdName([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setAdName(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setAdName([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getCityName() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getCityName([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setCityName(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setCityName([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getProvinceName() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getProvinceName([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setProvinceName(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setProvinceName([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getTypeDes() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getTypeDes([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setTypeDes(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setTypeDes([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getTel() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getTel([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setTel(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setTel([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getAdCode() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getAdCode([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setAdCode(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setAdCode([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getPoiId() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getPoiId([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getDistance() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getDistance([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setDistance(int var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setDistance([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getTitle() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getTitle([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getSnippet() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getSnippet([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getLatLonPoint() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getLatLonPoint([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getCityCode() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getCityCode([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setCityCode(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setCityCode([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getEnter() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getEnter([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setEnter(com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setEnter([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getExit() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getExit([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setExit(com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setExit([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getWebsite() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getWebsite([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setWebsite(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setWebsite([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getPostcode() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getPostcode([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setPostcode(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setPostcode([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getEmail() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getEmail([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setEmail(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setEmail([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getDirection() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getDirection([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setDirection(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setDirection([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setIndoorMap(bool var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setIndoorMap([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future isIndoorMap() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::isIndoorMap([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setProvinceCode(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setProvinceCode([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getProvinceCode() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getProvinceCode([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setParkingType(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setParkingType([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getParkingType() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getParkingType([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setSubPois(List var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setSubPois([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future?> getSubPois() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getSubPois([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future getIndoorData() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getIndoorData([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setIndoorDate(com_amap_api_services_poisearch_IndoorData var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setIndoorDate([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future?> getPhotos() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getPhotos([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future setPhotos(List var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setPhotos([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getPoiExtension() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getPoiExtension([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setPoiExtension(com_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiItemExtension var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setPoiExtension([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getTypeCode() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getTypeCode([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setTypeCode(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setTypeCode([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getShopID() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getShopID([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setShopID(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setShopID([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_core_PoiItem{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_core_PoiItem_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getBusinessArea_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setBusinessArea_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getAdName_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setAdName_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getCityName_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setCityName_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getProvinceName_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setProvinceName_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getTypeDes_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setTypeDes_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getTel_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setTel_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getAdCode_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setAdCode_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getPoiId_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getDistance_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setDistance_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getTitle_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getSnippet_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getLatLonPoint_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getCityCode_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setCityCode_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getEnter_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setEnter_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getExit_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setExit_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getWebsite_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setWebsite_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getPostcode_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setPostcode_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getEmail_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setEmail_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getDirection_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setDirection_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setIndoorMap_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isIndoorMap_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setProvinceCode_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getProvinceCode_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setParkingType_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getParkingType_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setSubPois_batch(List> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getSubPois_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> getIndoorData_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setIndoorDate_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getPhotos_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> setPhotos_batch(List> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getPoiExtension_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setPoiExtension_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getTypeCode_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setTypeCode_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getShopID_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setShopID_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/core/SearchUtils.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/core/SearchUtils.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..494024f --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/core/SearchUtils.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,167 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_core_SearchUtils extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_core_SearchUtils__', + + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_core_SearchUtils__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + static Future getSHA1(android_content_Context var0) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:[])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var0": var0}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + static Future getPkgName(android_content_Context var0) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:[])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var0": var0}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + static Future getVersion() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:[])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', ); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_core_SearchUtils{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_core_SearchUtils_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + static Future> getSHA1_batch(List var0) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var0.length; __i__++) {"var0": var0[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> getPkgName_batch(List var0) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var0.length; __i__++) {"var0": var0[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> getVersion_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', ); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/core/ServiceSettings.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/core/ServiceSettings.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9fa956c --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/core/ServiceSettings.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,430 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_core_ServiceSettings extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + static final String ENGLISH = "en"; + static final String CHINESE = "zh-CN"; + static final int HTTP = 1; + static final int HTTPS = 2; + //endregion + + //region creators + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getConnectionTimeOut() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getConnectionTimeOut([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getSoTimeOut() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getSoTimeOut([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setConnectionTimeOut(int var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setConnectionTimeOut([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setSoTimeOut(int var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setSoTimeOut([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + static Future getInstance() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:[])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', ); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setLanguage(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setLanguage([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setProtocol(int var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setProtocol([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getLanguage() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getLanguage([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getProtocol() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getProtocol([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setApiKey(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setApiKey([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future destroyInnerAsynThreadPool() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::destroyInnerAsynThreadPool([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + static Future updatePrivacyShow(android_content_Context var0, bool var1, bool var2) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:[\'var1\':$var1, \'var2\':$var2])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var0": var0, "var1": var1, "var2": var2}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + static Future updatePrivacyAgree(android_content_Context var0, bool var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:[\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var0": var0, "var1": var1}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_core_ServiceSettings{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_core_ServiceSettings_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getConnectionTimeOut_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getSoTimeOut_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setConnectionTimeOut_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setSoTimeOut_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> getInstance_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', ); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setLanguage_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setProtocol_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getLanguage_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getProtocol_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setApiKey_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> destroyInnerAsynThreadPool_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> updatePrivacyShow_batch(List var0, List var1, List var2) async { + assert(var0.length == var1.length && var1.length == var2.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var0.length; __i__++) {"var0": var0[__i__], "var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> updatePrivacyAgree_batch(List var0, List var1) async { + assert(var0.length == var1.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var0.length; __i__++) {"var0": var0[__i__], "var1": var1[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/core/SuggestionCity.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/core/SuggestionCity.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8ec130a --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/core/SuggestionCity.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,307 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_core_SuggestionCity extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__String__String__String__int(String var1, String var2, String var3, int var4) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_core_SuggestionCity__String__String__String__int', + {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "var3": var3, "var4": var4} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__String__String__String__int(List var1, List var2, List var3, List var4) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length && var2.length == var3.length && var3.length == var4.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_core_SuggestionCity__String__String__String__int', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "var3": var3[__i__], "var4": var4[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getCityName() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getCityName([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setCityName(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setCityName([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getCityCode() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getCityCode([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setCityCode(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setCityCode([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getAdCode() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getAdCode([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setAdCode(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setAdCode([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getSuggestionNum() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getSuggestionNum([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setSuggestionNum(int var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setSuggestionNum([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_core_SuggestionCity{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_core_SuggestionCity_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getCityName_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setCityName_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getCityCode_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setCityCode_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getAdCode_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setAdCode_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getSuggestionNum_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setSuggestionNum_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/district/DistrictItem.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/district/DistrictItem.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c235c4a --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/district/DistrictItem.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,496 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_district_DistrictItem extends java_lang_Object with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_district_DistrictItem__', + + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future create__String__String__String__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__String(String var1, String var2, String var3, com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint var4, String var5) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_district_DistrictItem__String__String__String__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__String', + {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "var3": var3, "var4": var4, "var5": var5} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_district_DistrictItem__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + static Future> create_batch__String__String__String__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__String(List var1, List var2, List var3, List var4, List var5) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length && var2.length == var3.length && var3.length == var4.length && var4.length == var5.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_district_DistrictItem__String__String__String__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__String', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "var3": var3[__i__], "var4": var4[__i__], "var5": var5[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future setDistrictBoundary(List var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setDistrictBoundary([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": Array.ofList(var1), "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future?> districtBoundary() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::districtBoundary([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.cast(); + } + + + Future getCitycode() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getCitycode([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setCitycode(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setCitycode([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getAdcode() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getAdcode([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setAdcode(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setAdcode([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getName() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getName([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setName(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setName([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getCenter() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getCenter([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setCenter(com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setCenter([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getLevel() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getLevel([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setLevel(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setLevel([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future?> getSubDistrict() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getSubDistrict([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future setSubDistrict(List var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setSubDistrict([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_district_DistrictItem{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_district_DistrictItem_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> setDistrictBoundary_batch(List> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> districtBoundary_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.cast()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> getCitycode_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setCitycode_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getAdcode_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setAdcode_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getName_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setName_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getCenter_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setCenter_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getLevel_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setLevel_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getSubDistrict_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> setSubDistrict_batch(List> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/district/DistrictResult.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/district/DistrictResult.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3a4cc68 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/district/DistrictResult.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,328 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_district_DistrictResult extends java_lang_Object with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__com_amap_api_services_district_DistrictSearchQuery__List_java_util_ArrayList_com_amap_api_services_district_DistrictItem__(com_amap_api_services_district_DistrictSearchQuery var1, List var2) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_district_DistrictResult__com_amap_api_services_district_DistrictSearchQuery__java_util_ArrayList_com_amap_api_services_district_DistrictItem_', + {"var1": var1, "var2": var2} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_district_DistrictResult__', + + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__com_amap_api_services_district_DistrictSearchQuery__List_java_util_ArrayList_com_amap_api_services_district_DistrictItem__(List var1, List> var2) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_district_DistrictResult__com_amap_api_services_district_DistrictSearchQuery__java_util_ArrayList_com_amap_api_services_district_DistrictItem_', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_district_DistrictResult__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future?> getDistrict() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getDistrict([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future setDistrict(List var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setDistrict([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getQuery() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getQuery([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setQuery(com_amap_api_services_district_DistrictSearchQuery var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setQuery([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getPageCount() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getPageCount([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setPageCount(int var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setPageCount([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getAMapException() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getAMapException([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setAMapException(com_amap_api_services_core_AMapException var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setAMapException([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_district_DistrictResult{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_district_DistrictResult_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future?>> getDistrict_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> setDistrict_batch(List> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getQuery_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setQuery_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getPageCount_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setPageCount_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getAMapException_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setAMapException_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/district/DistrictSearch.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/district/DistrictSearch.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..70c6a84 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/district/DistrictSearch.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,240 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_district_DistrictSearch extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__android_content_Context(android_content_Context var1) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_district_DistrictSearch__android_content_Context', + {"var1": var1} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__android_content_Context(List var1) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_district_DistrictSearch__android_content_Context', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getQuery() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getQuery([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setQuery(com_amap_api_services_district_DistrictSearchQuery var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setQuery([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future searchDistrict() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::searchDistrict([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future searchDistrictAsyn() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::searchDistrictAsyn([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future searchDistrictAnsy() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::searchDistrictAnsy([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setOnDistrictSearchListener(com_amap_api_services_district_DistrictSearch_OnDistrictSearchListener var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setOnDistrictSearchListener([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_district_DistrictSearch{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_district_DistrictSearch_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getQuery_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setQuery_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> searchDistrict_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> searchDistrictAsyn_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> searchDistrictAnsy_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/district/DistrictSearch/OnDistrictSearchListener.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/district/DistrictSearch/OnDistrictSearchListener.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..651d259 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/district/DistrictSearch/OnDistrictSearchListener.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class _com_amap_api_services_district_DistrictSearch_OnDistrictSearchListener_SUB extends java_lang_Object with com_amap_api_services_district_DistrictSearch_OnDistrictSearchListener {} + +mixin com_amap_api_services_district_DistrictSearch_OnDistrictSearchListener on java_lang_Object { + + + static com_amap_api_services_district_DistrictSearch_OnDistrictSearchListener subInstance() => _com_amap_api_services_district_DistrictSearch_OnDistrictSearchListener_SUB(); + + static Future anonymous__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod(''); + + final __object__ = AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + + // handle callback + MethodChannel('${__object__.refId}', kAmapSearchFluttifyMethodCodec) + .setMethodCallHandler((methodCall) async { + try { + final args = methodCall.arguments as Map; + switch (methodCall.method) { + case 'onDistrictSearched': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onDistrictSearched?.call([\'var1\':${args['var1']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onDistrictSearched?.call(AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(args['var1'])); + break; + default: + throw MissingPluginException('方法${methodCall.method}未实现'); + break; + } + } catch (e) { + debugPrint(e.toString()); + rethrow; + } + }); + + return __object__; + } + + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + + + + Future Function(com_amap_api_services_district_DistrictResult? var1)? onDistrictSearched; + +} + diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/district/DistrictSearchQuery.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/district/DistrictSearchQuery.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f8615b7 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/district/DistrictSearchQuery.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,689 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_district_DistrictSearchQuery extends java_lang_Object with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + static final String KEYWORDS_COUNTRY = "country"; + static final String KEYWORDS_PROVINCE = "province"; + static final String KEYWORDS_CITY = "city"; + static final String KEYWORDS_DISTRICT = "district"; + static final String KEYWORDS_BUSINESS = "biz_area"; + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_district_DistrictSearchQuery__', + + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future create__String__String__int(String var1, String var2, int var3) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_district_DistrictSearchQuery__String__String__int', + {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "var3": var3} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future create__String__String__int__boolean__int(String var1, String var2, int var3, bool var4, int var5) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_district_DistrictSearchQuery__String__String__int__boolean__int', + {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "var3": var3, "var4": var4, "var5": var5} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_district_DistrictSearchQuery__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + static Future> create_batch__String__String__int(List var1, List var2, List var3) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length && var2.length == var3.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_district_DistrictSearchQuery__String__String__int', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "var3": var3[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + static Future> create_batch__String__String__int__boolean__int(List var1, List var2, List var3, List var4, List var5) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length && var2.length == var3.length && var3.length == var4.length && var4.length == var5.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_district_DistrictSearchQuery__String__String__int__boolean__int', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "var3": var3[__i__], "var4": var4[__i__], "var5": var5[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future setShowBoundary(bool var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setShowBoundary([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future isShowBoundary() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::isShowBoundary([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getPageNum() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getPageNum([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setPageNum(int var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setPageNum([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getPageSize() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getPageSize([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setPageSize(int var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setPageSize([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getKeywords() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getKeywords([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setKeywords(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setKeywords([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getKeywordsLevel() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getKeywordsLevel([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setKeywordsLevel(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setKeywordsLevel([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future isShowChild() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::isShowChild([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setShowChild(bool var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setShowChild([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getSubDistrict() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getSubDistrict([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setSubDistrict(int var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setSubDistrict([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future isShowBusinessArea() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::isShowBusinessArea([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setShowBusinessArea(bool var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setShowBusinessArea([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future checkLevels() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::checkLevels([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future checkKeyWords() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::checkKeyWords([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future weakEquals(com_amap_api_services_district_DistrictSearchQuery var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::weakEquals([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future clone() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::clone([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_district_DistrictSearchQuery{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_district_DistrictSearchQuery_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> setShowBoundary_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isShowBoundary_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getPageNum_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setPageNum_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getPageSize_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setPageSize_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getKeywords_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setKeywords_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getKeywordsLevel_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setKeywordsLevel_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isShowChild_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setShowChild_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getSubDistrict_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setSubDistrict_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isShowBusinessArea_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setShowBusinessArea_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> checkLevels_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> checkKeyWords_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> weakEquals_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> clone_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/geocoder/AoiItem.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/geocoder/AoiItem.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b51bfea --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/geocoder/AoiItem.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,363 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_geocoder_AoiItem extends java_lang_Object with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_geocoder_AoiItem__', + + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_geocoder_AoiItem__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getAoiId() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getAoiId([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getAoiName() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getAoiName([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getAdCode() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getAdCode([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getAoiCenterPoint() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getAoiCenterPoint([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getAoiArea() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getAoiArea([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setId(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setId([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setName(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setName([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setAdcode(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setAdcode([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setLocation(com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setLocation([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setArea(double var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setArea([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_geocoder_AoiItem{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_geocoder_AoiItem_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getAoiId_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getAoiName_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getAdCode_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getAoiCenterPoint_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getAoiArea_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setId_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setName_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setAdcode_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setLocation_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setArea_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/geocoder/BusinessArea.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/geocoder/BusinessArea.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..56192d8 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/geocoder/BusinessArea.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,195 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_geocoder_BusinessArea extends java_lang_Object with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_geocoder_BusinessArea__', + + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_geocoder_BusinessArea__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getCenterPoint() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getCenterPoint([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setCenterPoint(com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setCenterPoint([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getName() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getName([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setName(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setName([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_geocoder_BusinessArea{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_geocoder_BusinessArea_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getCenterPoint_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setCenterPoint_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getName_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setName_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/geocoder/GeocodeAddress.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/geocoder/GeocodeAddress.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0e4485b --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/geocoder/GeocodeAddress.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,755 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_geocoder_GeocodeAddress extends java_lang_Object with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_geocoder_GeocodeAddress__', + + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_geocoder_GeocodeAddress__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getFormatAddress() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getFormatAddress([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setFormatAddress(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setFormatAddress([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getProvince() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getProvince([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setProvince(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setProvince([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getCity() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getCity([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setCity(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setCity([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getDistrict() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getDistrict([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setDistrict(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setDistrict([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getTownship() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getTownship([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setTownship(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setTownship([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getNeighborhood() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getNeighborhood([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setNeighborhood(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setNeighborhood([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getBuilding() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getBuilding([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setBuilding(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setBuilding([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getAdcode() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getAdcode([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setAdcode(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setAdcode([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getLatLonPoint() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getLatLonPoint([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setLatLonPoint(com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setLatLonPoint([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getLevel() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getLevel([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setLevel(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setLevel([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getCountry() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getCountry([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setCountry(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setCountry([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getPostcode() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getPostcode([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setPostcode(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setPostcode([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_geocoder_GeocodeAddress{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_geocoder_GeocodeAddress_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getFormatAddress_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setFormatAddress_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getProvince_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setProvince_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getCity_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setCity_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getDistrict_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setDistrict_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getTownship_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setTownship_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getNeighborhood_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setNeighborhood_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getBuilding_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setBuilding_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getAdcode_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setAdcode_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getLatLonPoint_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setLatLonPoint_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getLevel_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setLevel_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getCountry_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setCountry_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getPostcode_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setPostcode_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/geocoder/GeocodeQuery.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/geocoder/GeocodeQuery.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8b4d187 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/geocoder/GeocodeQuery.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,251 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_geocoder_GeocodeQuery extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__String__String(String var1, String var2) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_geocoder_GeocodeQuery__String__String', + {"var1": var1, "var2": var2} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__String__String(List var1, List var2) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_geocoder_GeocodeQuery__String__String', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getLocationName() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getLocationName([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setLocationName(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setLocationName([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getCity() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getCity([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setCity(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setCity([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getCountry() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getCountry([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setCountry(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setCountry([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_geocoder_GeocodeQuery{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_geocoder_GeocodeQuery_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getLocationName_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setLocationName_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getCity_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setCity_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getCountry_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setCountry_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/geocoder/GeocodeResult.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/geocoder/GeocodeResult.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d2490b3 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/geocoder/GeocodeResult.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,195 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_geocoder_GeocodeResult extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__com_amap_api_services_geocoder_GeocodeQuery__List_java_util_List_com_amap_api_services_geocoder_GeocodeAddress__(com_amap_api_services_geocoder_GeocodeQuery var1, List var2) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_geocoder_GeocodeResult__com_amap_api_services_geocoder_GeocodeQuery__java_util_List_com_amap_api_services_geocoder_GeocodeAddress_', + {"var1": var1, "var2": var2} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__com_amap_api_services_geocoder_GeocodeQuery__List_java_util_List_com_amap_api_services_geocoder_GeocodeAddress__(List var1, List> var2) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_geocoder_GeocodeResult__com_amap_api_services_geocoder_GeocodeQuery__java_util_List_com_amap_api_services_geocoder_GeocodeAddress_', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getGeocodeQuery() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getGeocodeQuery([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setGeocodeQuery(com_amap_api_services_geocoder_GeocodeQuery var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setGeocodeQuery([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future?> getGeocodeAddressList() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getGeocodeAddressList([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future setGeocodeAddressList(List var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setGeocodeAddressList([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_geocoder_GeocodeResult{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_geocoder_GeocodeResult_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getGeocodeQuery_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setGeocodeQuery_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getGeocodeAddressList_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> setGeocodeAddressList_batch(List> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/geocoder/GeocodeSearch.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/geocoder/GeocodeSearch.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..899e90e --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/geocoder/GeocodeSearch.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,215 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_geocoder_GeocodeSearch extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + static final String GPS = "gps"; + static final String AMAP = "autonavi"; + static final String EXTENSIONS_ALL = "all"; + static final String EXTENSIONS_BASE = "base"; + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__android_content_Context(android_content_Context var1) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_geocoder_GeocodeSearch__android_content_Context', + {"var1": var1} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__android_content_Context(List var1) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_geocoder_GeocodeSearch__android_content_Context', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getFromLocation(com_amap_api_services_geocoder_RegeocodeQuery var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getFromLocation([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future?> getFromLocationName(com_amap_api_services_geocoder_GeocodeQuery var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getFromLocationName([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future setOnGeocodeSearchListener(com_amap_api_services_geocoder_GeocodeSearch_OnGeocodeSearchListener var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setOnGeocodeSearchListener([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getFromLocationAsyn(com_amap_api_services_geocoder_RegeocodeQuery var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getFromLocationAsyn([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getFromLocationNameAsyn(com_amap_api_services_geocoder_GeocodeQuery var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getFromLocationNameAsyn([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_geocoder_GeocodeSearch{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_geocoder_GeocodeSearch_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getFromLocation_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getFromLocationName_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> getFromLocationAsyn_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getFromLocationNameAsyn_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/geocoder/GeocodeSearch/OnGeocodeSearchListener.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/geocoder/GeocodeSearch/OnGeocodeSearchListener.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..79c44a1 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/geocoder/GeocodeSearch/OnGeocodeSearchListener.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,78 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class _com_amap_api_services_geocoder_GeocodeSearch_OnGeocodeSearchListener_SUB extends java_lang_Object with com_amap_api_services_geocoder_GeocodeSearch_OnGeocodeSearchListener {} + +mixin com_amap_api_services_geocoder_GeocodeSearch_OnGeocodeSearchListener on java_lang_Object { + + + static com_amap_api_services_geocoder_GeocodeSearch_OnGeocodeSearchListener subInstance() => _com_amap_api_services_geocoder_GeocodeSearch_OnGeocodeSearchListener_SUB(); + + static Future anonymous__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod(''); + + final __object__ = AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + + // handle callback + MethodChannel('${__object__.refId}', kAmapSearchFluttifyMethodCodec) + .setMethodCallHandler((methodCall) async { + try { + final args = methodCall.arguments as Map; + switch (methodCall.method) { + case 'onRegeocodeSearched_': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onRegeocodeSearched?.call([\'var1\':${args['var1']}, \'var2\':${args['var2']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onRegeocodeSearched?.call(AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(args['var1']), args['var2']); + break; + case 'onGeocodeSearched_': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onGeocodeSearched?.call([\'var1\':${args['var1']}, \'var2\':${args['var2']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onGeocodeSearched?.call(AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(args['var1']), args['var2']); + break; + default: + throw MissingPluginException('方法${methodCall.method}未实现'); + break; + } + } catch (e) { + debugPrint(e.toString()); + rethrow; + } + }); + + return __object__; + } + + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + + + + Future Function(com_amap_api_services_geocoder_RegeocodeResult? var1, int? var2)? onRegeocodeSearched; + + Future Function(com_amap_api_services_geocoder_GeocodeResult? var1, int? var2)? onGeocodeSearched; + +} + diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/geocoder/RegeocodeAddress.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/geocoder/RegeocodeAddress.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..abbb765 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/geocoder/RegeocodeAddress.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,1091 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_geocoder_RegeocodeAddress extends java_lang_Object with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_geocoder_RegeocodeAddress__', + + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_geocoder_RegeocodeAddress__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getFormatAddress() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getFormatAddress([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setFormatAddress(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setFormatAddress([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getProvince() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getProvince([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setProvince(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setProvince([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getCity() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getCity([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setCity(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setCity([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getCityCode() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getCityCode([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setCityCode(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setCityCode([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getAdCode() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getAdCode([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setAdCode(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setAdCode([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getDistrict() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getDistrict([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setDistrict(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setDistrict([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getTownship() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getTownship([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setTownship(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setTownship([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getNeighborhood() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getNeighborhood([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setNeighborhood(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setNeighborhood([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getBuilding() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getBuilding([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setBuilding(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setBuilding([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getStreetNumber() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getStreetNumber([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setStreetNumber(com_amap_api_services_geocoder_StreetNumber var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setStreetNumber([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future?> getRoads() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getRoads([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future setRoads(List var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setRoads([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future?> getPois() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getPois([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future setPois(List var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setPois([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future?> getCrossroads() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getCrossroads([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future setCrossroads(List var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setCrossroads([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future?> getBusinessAreas() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getBusinessAreas([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future setBusinessAreas(List var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setBusinessAreas([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future?> getAois() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getAois([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future setAois(List var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setAois([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getTowncode() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getTowncode([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setTowncode(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setTowncode([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setCountry(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setCountry([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getCountry() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getCountry([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getCountryCode() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getCountryCode([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setCountryCode(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setCountryCode([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_geocoder_RegeocodeAddress{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_geocoder_RegeocodeAddress_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getFormatAddress_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setFormatAddress_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getProvince_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setProvince_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getCity_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setCity_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getCityCode_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setCityCode_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getAdCode_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setAdCode_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getDistrict_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setDistrict_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getTownship_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setTownship_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getNeighborhood_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setNeighborhood_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getBuilding_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setBuilding_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getStreetNumber_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setStreetNumber_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getRoads_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> setRoads_batch(List> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getPois_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> setPois_batch(List> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getCrossroads_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> setCrossroads_batch(List> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getBusinessAreas_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> setBusinessAreas_batch(List> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getAois_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> setAois_batch(List> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getTowncode_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setTowncode_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setCountry_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getCountry_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getCountryCode_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setCountryCode_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/geocoder/RegeocodeQuery.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/geocoder/RegeocodeQuery.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b4c048c --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/geocoder/RegeocodeQuery.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,419 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_geocoder_RegeocodeQuery extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__float__String(com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint var1, double var2, String var3) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_geocoder_RegeocodeQuery__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__float__String', + {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "var3": var3} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__float__String(List var1, List var2, List var3) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length && var2.length == var3.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_geocoder_RegeocodeQuery__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__float__String', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "var3": var3[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getPoint() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getPoint([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setPoint(com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setPoint([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getRadius() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getRadius([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setRadius(double var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setRadius([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getLatLonType() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getLatLonType([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setLatLonType(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setLatLonType([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getPoiType() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getPoiType([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setPoiType(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setPoiType([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getMode() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getMode([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setMode(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setMode([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getExtensions() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getExtensions([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setExtensions(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setExtensions([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_geocoder_RegeocodeQuery{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_geocoder_RegeocodeQuery_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getPoint_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setPoint_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getRadius_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setRadius_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getLatLonType_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setLatLonType_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getPoiType_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setPoiType_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getMode_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setMode_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getExtensions_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setExtensions_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/geocoder/RegeocodeResult.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/geocoder/RegeocodeResult.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1abd66e --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/geocoder/RegeocodeResult.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,195 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_geocoder_RegeocodeResult extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__com_amap_api_services_geocoder_RegeocodeQuery__com_amap_api_services_geocoder_RegeocodeAddress(com_amap_api_services_geocoder_RegeocodeQuery var1, com_amap_api_services_geocoder_RegeocodeAddress var2) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_geocoder_RegeocodeResult__com_amap_api_services_geocoder_RegeocodeQuery__com_amap_api_services_geocoder_RegeocodeAddress', + {"var1": var1, "var2": var2} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__com_amap_api_services_geocoder_RegeocodeQuery__com_amap_api_services_geocoder_RegeocodeAddress(List var1, List var2) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_geocoder_RegeocodeResult__com_amap_api_services_geocoder_RegeocodeQuery__com_amap_api_services_geocoder_RegeocodeAddress', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getRegeocodeQuery() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getRegeocodeQuery([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setRegeocodeQuery(com_amap_api_services_geocoder_RegeocodeQuery var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setRegeocodeQuery([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getRegeocodeAddress() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getRegeocodeAddress([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setRegeocodeAddress(com_amap_api_services_geocoder_RegeocodeAddress var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setRegeocodeAddress([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_geocoder_RegeocodeResult{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_geocoder_RegeocodeResult_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getRegeocodeQuery_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setRegeocodeQuery_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getRegeocodeAddress_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setRegeocodeAddress_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/geocoder/RegeocodeRoad.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/geocoder/RegeocodeRoad.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7fb8435 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/geocoder/RegeocodeRoad.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,363 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_geocoder_RegeocodeRoad extends java_lang_Object with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_geocoder_RegeocodeRoad__', + + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_geocoder_RegeocodeRoad__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getId() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getId([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setId(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setId([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getName() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getName([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setName(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setName([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getDistance() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getDistance([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setDistance(double var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setDistance([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getDirection() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getDirection([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setDirection(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setDirection([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getLatLngPoint() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getLatLngPoint([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setLatLngPoint(com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setLatLngPoint([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_geocoder_RegeocodeRoad{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_geocoder_RegeocodeRoad_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getId_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setId_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getName_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setName_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getDistance_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setDistance_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getDirection_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setDirection_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getLatLngPoint_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setLatLngPoint_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/geocoder/StreetNumber.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/geocoder/StreetNumber.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f69d08f --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/geocoder/StreetNumber.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,363 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_geocoder_StreetNumber extends java_lang_Object with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_geocoder_StreetNumber__', + + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_geocoder_StreetNumber__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getStreet() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getStreet([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setStreet(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setStreet([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getNumber() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getNumber([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setNumber(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setNumber([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getLatLonPoint() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getLatLonPoint([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setLatLonPoint(com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setLatLonPoint([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getDirection() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getDirection([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setDirection(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setDirection([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getDistance() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getDistance([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setDistance(double var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setDistance([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_geocoder_StreetNumber{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_geocoder_StreetNumber_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getStreet_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setStreet_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getNumber_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setNumber_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getLatLonPoint_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setLatLonPoint_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getDirection_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setDirection_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getDistance_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setDistance_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/help/Inputtips.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/help/Inputtips.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cd5bcd3 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/help/Inputtips.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,268 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_help_Inputtips extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__android_content_Context__com_amap_api_services_help_InputtipsQuery(android_content_Context var1, com_amap_api_services_help_InputtipsQuery var2) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_help_Inputtips__android_content_Context__com_amap_api_services_help_InputtipsQuery', + {"var1": var1, "var2": var2} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__android_content_Context__com_amap_api_services_help_InputtipsQuery(List var1, List var2) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_help_Inputtips__android_content_Context__com_amap_api_services_help_InputtipsQuery', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getQuery() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getQuery([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setQuery(com_amap_api_services_help_InputtipsQuery var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setQuery([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setInputtipsListener(com_amap_api_services_help_Inputtips_InputtipsListener var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setInputtipsListener([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future requestInputtipsAsyn() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::requestInputtipsAsyn([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future?> requestInputtips() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::requestInputtips([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future requestInputtips__String__String(String var1, String var2) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::requestInputtips([\'var1\':$var1, \'var2\':$var2])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future requestInputtips__String__String__String(String var1, String var2, String var3) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::requestInputtips([\'var1\':$var1, \'var2\':$var2, \'var3\':$var3])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "var3": var3, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_help_Inputtips{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_help_Inputtips_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getQuery_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setQuery_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> requestInputtipsAsyn_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> requestInputtips_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> requestInputtips__String__String_batch(List var1, List var2) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> requestInputtips__String__String__String_batch(List var1, List var2, List var3) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length && var2.length == var3.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "var3": var3[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/help/Inputtips/InputtipsListener.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/help/Inputtips/InputtipsListener.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a5efa80 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/help/Inputtips/InputtipsListener.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class _com_amap_api_services_help_Inputtips_InputtipsListener_SUB extends java_lang_Object with com_amap_api_services_help_Inputtips_InputtipsListener {} + +mixin com_amap_api_services_help_Inputtips_InputtipsListener on java_lang_Object { + + + static com_amap_api_services_help_Inputtips_InputtipsListener subInstance() => _com_amap_api_services_help_Inputtips_InputtipsListener_SUB(); + + static Future anonymous__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod(''); + + final __object__ = AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + + // handle callback + MethodChannel('${__object__.refId}', kAmapSearchFluttifyMethodCodec) + .setMethodCallHandler((methodCall) async { + try { + final args = methodCall.arguments as Map; + switch (methodCall.method) { + case 'onGetInputtips_': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onGetInputtips?.call([\'var1\':${args['var1']}, \'var2\':${args['var2']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onGetInputtips?.call((args['var1'] as List? ?? []).map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(), args['var2']); + break; + default: + throw MissingPluginException('方法${methodCall.method}未实现'); + break; + } + } catch (e) { + debugPrint(e.toString()); + rethrow; + } + }); + + return __object__; + } + + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + + + + Future Function(List? var1, int? var2)? onGetInputtips; + +} + diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/help/InputtipsQuery.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/help/InputtipsQuery.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a4b433f --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/help/InputtipsQuery.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,307 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_help_InputtipsQuery extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__String__String(String var1, String var2) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_help_InputtipsQuery__String__String', + {"var1": var1, "var2": var2} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__String__String(List var1, List var2) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_help_InputtipsQuery__String__String', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getKeyword() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getKeyword([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getCity() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getCity([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setType(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setType([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getType() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getType([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setCityLimit(bool var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setCityLimit([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getCityLimit() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getCityLimit([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setLocation(com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setLocation([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getLocation() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getLocation([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_help_InputtipsQuery{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_help_InputtipsQuery_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getKeyword_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getCity_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setType_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getType_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setCityLimit_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getCityLimit_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setLocation_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getLocation_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/help/Tip.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/help/Tip.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4eaf4af --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/help/Tip.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,475 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_help_Tip extends java_lang_Object with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_help_Tip__', + + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_help_Tip__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getPoiID() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getPoiID([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setID(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setID([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getPoint() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getPoint([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setPostion(com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setPostion([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getName() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getName([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setName(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setName([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getDistrict() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getDistrict([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setDistrict(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setDistrict([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getAdcode() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getAdcode([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setAdcode(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setAdcode([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getAddress() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getAddress([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setAddress(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setAddress([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setTypeCode(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setTypeCode([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getTypeCode() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getTypeCode([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_help_Tip{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_help_Tip_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getPoiID_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setID_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getPoint_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setPostion_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getName_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setName_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getDistrict_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setDistrict_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getAdcode_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setAdcode_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getAddress_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setAddress_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setTypeCode_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getTypeCode_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/nearby/NearbyInfo.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/nearby/NearbyInfo.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a63350a --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/nearby/NearbyInfo.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,363 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_nearby_NearbyInfo extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_nearby_NearbyInfo__', + + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_nearby_NearbyInfo__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future setUserID(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setUserID([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getUserID() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getUserID([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getPoint() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getPoint([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setPoint(com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setPoint([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setTimeStamp(int var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setTimeStamp([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getTimeStamp() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getTimeStamp([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setDistance(int var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setDistance([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getDistance() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getDistance([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setDrivingDistance(int var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setDrivingDistance([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getDrivingDistance() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getDrivingDistance([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_nearby_NearbyInfo{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_nearby_NearbyInfo_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> setUserID_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getUserID_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getPoint_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setPoint_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setTimeStamp_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getTimeStamp_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setDistance_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getDistance_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setDrivingDistance_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getDrivingDistance_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/nearby/NearbySearch.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/nearby/NearbySearch.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9c95c7e --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/nearby/NearbySearch.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,339 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_nearby_NearbySearch extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + static final int GPS = 0; + static final int AMAP = 1; + //endregion + + //region creators + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + static Future getInstance(android_content_Context var0) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:[])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var0": var0}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future addNearbyListener(com_amap_api_services_nearby_NearbySearch_NearbyListener var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::addNearbyListener([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future removeNearbyListener(com_amap_api_services_nearby_NearbySearch_NearbyListener var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::removeNearbyListener([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future clearUserInfoAsyn() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::clearUserInfoAsyn([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setUserID(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setUserID([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future startUploadNearbyInfoAuto(com_amap_api_services_nearby_UploadInfoCallback var1, int var2) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::startUploadNearbyInfoAuto([\'var2\':$var2])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future stopUploadNearbyInfoAuto() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::stopUploadNearbyInfoAuto([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future uploadNearbyInfoAsyn(com_amap_api_services_nearby_UploadInfo var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::uploadNearbyInfoAsyn([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future searchNearbyInfoAsyn(com_amap_api_services_nearby_NearbySearch_NearbyQuery var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::searchNearbyInfoAsyn([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future searchNearbyInfo(com_amap_api_services_nearby_NearbySearch_NearbyQuery var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::searchNearbyInfo([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + static Future destroy() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:[])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', ); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_nearby_NearbySearch{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_nearby_NearbySearch_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + static Future> getInstance_batch(List var0) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var0.length; __i__++) {"var0": var0[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> clearUserInfoAsyn_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setUserID_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> stopUploadNearbyInfoAuto_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> uploadNearbyInfoAsyn_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> searchNearbyInfoAsyn_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> searchNearbyInfo_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> destroy_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', ); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/nearby/NearbySearch/NearbyListener.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/nearby/NearbySearch/NearbyListener.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..535dd9b --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/nearby/NearbySearch/NearbyListener.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,89 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class _com_amap_api_services_nearby_NearbySearch_NearbyListener_SUB extends java_lang_Object with com_amap_api_services_nearby_NearbySearch_NearbyListener {} + +mixin com_amap_api_services_nearby_NearbySearch_NearbyListener on java_lang_Object { + + + static com_amap_api_services_nearby_NearbySearch_NearbyListener subInstance() => _com_amap_api_services_nearby_NearbySearch_NearbyListener_SUB(); + + static Future anonymous__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod(''); + + final __object__ = AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + + // handle callback + MethodChannel('${__object__.refId}', kAmapSearchFluttifyMethodCodec) + .setMethodCallHandler((methodCall) async { + try { + final args = methodCall.arguments as Map; + switch (methodCall.method) { + case 'onUserInfoCleared': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onUserInfoCleared?.call([\'var1\':${args['var1']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onUserInfoCleared?.call(args['var1']); + break; + case 'onNearbyInfoSearched_': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onNearbyInfoSearched?.call([\'var1\':${args['var1']}, \'var2\':${args['var2']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onNearbyInfoSearched?.call(AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(args['var1']), args['var2']); + break; + case 'onNearbyInfoUploaded': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onNearbyInfoUploaded?.call([\'var1\':${args['var1']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onNearbyInfoUploaded?.call(args['var1']); + break; + default: + throw MissingPluginException('方法${methodCall.method}未实现'); + break; + } + } catch (e) { + debugPrint(e.toString()); + rethrow; + } + }); + + return __object__; + } + + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + + + + Future Function(int? var1)? onUserInfoCleared; + + Future Function(com_amap_api_services_nearby_NearbySearchResult? var1, int? var2)? onNearbyInfoSearched; + + Future Function(int? var1)? onNearbyInfoUploaded; + +} + diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/nearby/NearbySearch/NearbyQuery.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/nearby/NearbySearch/NearbyQuery.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..be3dc03 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/nearby/NearbySearch/NearbyQuery.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,363 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_nearby_NearbySearch_NearbyQuery extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_nearby_NearbySearch_NearbyQuery__', + + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_nearby_NearbySearch_NearbyQuery__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future setCenterPoint(com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setCenterPoint([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getCenterPoint() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getCenterPoint([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getRadius() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getRadius([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setRadius(int var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setRadius([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setType(com_amap_api_services_nearby_NearbySearchFunctionType var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setType([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1.toValue(), "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getType() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getType([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setCoordType(int var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setCoordType([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getCoordType() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getCoordType([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setTimeRange(int var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setTimeRange([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getTimeRange() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getTimeRange([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_nearby_NearbySearch_NearbyQuery{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_nearby_NearbySearch_NearbyQuery_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> setCenterPoint_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getCenterPoint_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getRadius_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setRadius_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setType_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__].toValue(), "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getType_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setCoordType_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getCoordType_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setTimeRange_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getTimeRange_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/nearby/NearbySearchFunctionType.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/nearby/NearbySearchFunctionType.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c492a37 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/nearby/NearbySearchFunctionType.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +enum com_amap_api_services_nearby_NearbySearchFunctionType { + DISTANCE_SEARCH /* null */, + DRIVING_DISTANCE_SEARCH /* null */ +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_nearby_NearbySearchFunctionTypeToX on com_amap_api_services_nearby_NearbySearchFunctionType { + int toValue() { + switch (this) { + case com_amap_api_services_nearby_NearbySearchFunctionType.DISTANCE_SEARCH: return com_amap_api_services_nearby_NearbySearchFunctionType.DISTANCE_SEARCH.index + 0; + case com_amap_api_services_nearby_NearbySearchFunctionType.DRIVING_DISTANCE_SEARCH: return com_amap_api_services_nearby_NearbySearchFunctionType.DRIVING_DISTANCE_SEARCH.index + 0; + default: return 0; + } + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_nearby_NearbySearchFunctionTypeFromX on int { + com_amap_api_services_nearby_NearbySearchFunctionType tocom_amap_api_services_nearby_NearbySearchFunctionType() { + switch (this) { + + default: return com_amap_api_services_nearby_NearbySearchFunctionType.values[this + 0]; + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/nearby/NearbySearchResult.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/nearby/NearbySearchResult.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b8f0acf --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/nearby/NearbySearchResult.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,167 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_nearby_NearbySearchResult extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_nearby_NearbySearchResult__', + + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_nearby_NearbySearchResult__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future?> getNearbyInfoList() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getNearbyInfoList([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future getTotalNum() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getTotalNum([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setNearbyInfoList(List var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setNearbyInfoList([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_nearby_NearbySearchResult{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_nearby_NearbySearchResult_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future?>> getNearbyInfoList_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> getTotalNum_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setNearbyInfoList_batch(List> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/nearby/UploadInfo.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/nearby/UploadInfo.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1bf3099 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/nearby/UploadInfo.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,251 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_nearby_UploadInfo extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_nearby_UploadInfo__', + + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_nearby_UploadInfo__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future setPoint(com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setPoint([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getPoint() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getPoint([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setUserID(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setUserID([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getUserID() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getUserID([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getCoordType() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getCoordType([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setCoordType(int var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setCoordType([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_nearby_UploadInfo{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_nearby_UploadInfo_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> setPoint_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getPoint_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setUserID_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getUserID_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getCoordType_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setCoordType_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/nearby/UploadInfoCallback.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/nearby/UploadInfoCallback.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..64c9737 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/nearby/UploadInfoCallback.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class _com_amap_api_services_nearby_UploadInfoCallback_SUB extends java_lang_Object with com_amap_api_services_nearby_UploadInfoCallback {} + +mixin com_amap_api_services_nearby_UploadInfoCallback on java_lang_Object { + + + static com_amap_api_services_nearby_UploadInfoCallback subInstance() => _com_amap_api_services_nearby_UploadInfoCallback_SUB(); + + static Future anonymous__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod(''); + + final __object__ = AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + + // handle callback + MethodChannel('${__object__.refId}', kAmapSearchFluttifyMethodCodec) + .setMethodCallHandler((methodCall) async { + try { + final args = methodCall.arguments as Map; + switch (methodCall.method) { + case 'OnUploadInfoCallback': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.OnUploadInfoCallback?.call([])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.OnUploadInfoCallback?.call(); + break; + default: + throw MissingPluginException('方法${methodCall.method}未实现'); + break; + } + } catch (e) { + debugPrint(e.toString()); + rethrow; + } + }); + + return __object__; + } + + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + + + + Future Function()? OnUploadInfoCallback; + +} + diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/poisearch/IndoorData.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/poisearch/IndoorData.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ff7fd09 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/poisearch/IndoorData.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,251 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_poisearch_IndoorData extends java_lang_Object with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__String__int__String(String var1, int var2, String var3) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_poisearch_IndoorData__String__int__String', + {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "var3": var3} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__String__int__String(List var1, List var2, List var3) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length && var2.length == var3.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_poisearch_IndoorData__String__int__String', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "var3": var3[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getPoiId() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getPoiId([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setPoiId(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setPoiId([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getFloor() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getFloor([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setFloor(int var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setFloor([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getFloorName() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getFloorName([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setFloorName(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setFloorName([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_poisearch_IndoorData{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_poisearch_IndoorData_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getPoiId_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setPoiId_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getFloor_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setFloor_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getFloorName_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setFloorName_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/poisearch/Photo.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/poisearch/Photo.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cee3a37 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/poisearch/Photo.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,216 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_poisearch_Photo extends java_lang_Object with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_poisearch_Photo__', + + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future create__String__String(String var1, String var2) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_poisearch_Photo__String__String', + {"var1": var1, "var2": var2} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_poisearch_Photo__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + static Future> create_batch__String__String(List var1, List var2) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_poisearch_Photo__String__String', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getTitle() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getTitle([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setTitle(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setTitle([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getUrl() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getUrl([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setUrl(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setUrl([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_poisearch_Photo{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_poisearch_Photo_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getTitle_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setTitle_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getUrl_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setUrl_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/poisearch/PoiItemExtension.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/poisearch/PoiItemExtension.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3d8ce25 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/poisearch/PoiItemExtension.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,139 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiItemExtension extends java_lang_Object with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__String__String(String var1, String var2) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiItemExtension__String__String', + {"var1": var1, "var2": var2} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__String__String(List var1, List var2) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiItemExtension__String__String', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getOpentime() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getOpentime([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getmRating() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getmRating([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiItemExtension{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiItemExtension_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getOpentime_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getmRating_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/poisearch/PoiResult.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/poisearch/PoiResult.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6ca8f6a --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/poisearch/PoiResult.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,259 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiResult extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + static Future createPagedResult(com_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch_Query var0, com_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch_SearchBound var1, List var2, List var3, int var4, int var5, List var6) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:[\'var2\':$var2, \'var4\':$var4, \'var5\':$var5])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var0": var0, "var1": var1, "var2": var2, "var3": var3, "var4": var4, "var5": var5, "var6": var6}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getPageCount() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getPageCount([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getQuery() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getQuery([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getBound() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getBound([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future?> getPois() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getPois([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?> getSearchSuggestionKeywords() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getSearchSuggestionKeywords([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.cast(); + } + + + Future?> getSearchSuggestionCitys() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getSearchSuggestionCitys([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiResult{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiResult_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + static Future> createPagedResult_batch(List var0, List var1, List> var2, List> var3, List var4, List var5, List> var6) async { + assert(var0.length == var1.length && var1.length == var2.length && var2.length == var3.length && var3.length == var4.length && var4.length == var5.length && var5.length == var6.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var0.length; __i__++) {"var0": var0[__i__], "var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "var3": var3[__i__], "var4": var4[__i__], "var5": var5[__i__], "var6": var6[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getPageCount_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getQuery_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getBound_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getPois_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getSearchSuggestionKeywords_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.cast()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getSearchSuggestionCitys_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/poisearch/PoiSearch.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/poisearch/PoiSearch.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..af0bafe --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/poisearch/PoiSearch.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,383 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + static final String ENGLISH = "en"; + static final String CHINESE = "zh-CN"; + static final String EXTENSIONS_ALL = "all"; + static final String EXTENSIONS_BASE = "base"; + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__android_content_Context__com_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch_Query(android_content_Context var1, com_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch_Query var2) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch__android_content_Context__com_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch_Query', + {"var1": var1, "var2": var2} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__android_content_Context__com_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch_Query(List var1, List var2) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch__android_content_Context__com_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch_Query', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future setOnPoiSearchListener(com_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch_OnPoiSearchListener var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setOnPoiSearchListener([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setLanguage(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setLanguage([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getLanguage() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getLanguage([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future searchPOI() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::searchPOI([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future searchPOIAsyn() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::searchPOIAsyn([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future searchPOIId(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::searchPOIId([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future searchPOIIdAsyn(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::searchPOIIdAsyn([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setQuery(com_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch_Query var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setQuery([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setBound(com_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch_SearchBound var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setBound([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getQuery() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getQuery([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getBound() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getBound([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> setLanguage_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getLanguage_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> searchPOI_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> searchPOIAsyn_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> searchPOIId_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> searchPOIIdAsyn_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setQuery_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setBound_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getQuery_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getBound_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/poisearch/PoiSearch/OnPoiSearchListener.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/poisearch/PoiSearch/OnPoiSearchListener.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..80a3094 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/poisearch/PoiSearch/OnPoiSearchListener.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,78 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class _com_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch_OnPoiSearchListener_SUB extends java_lang_Object with com_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch_OnPoiSearchListener {} + +mixin com_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch_OnPoiSearchListener on java_lang_Object { + + + static com_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch_OnPoiSearchListener subInstance() => _com_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch_OnPoiSearchListener_SUB(); + + static Future anonymous__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod(''); + + final __object__ = AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + + // handle callback + MethodChannel('${__object__.refId}', kAmapSearchFluttifyMethodCodec) + .setMethodCallHandler((methodCall) async { + try { + final args = methodCall.arguments as Map; + switch (methodCall.method) { + case 'onPoiSearched_': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onPoiSearched?.call([\'var1\':${args['var1']}, \'var2\':${args['var2']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onPoiSearched?.call(AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(args['var1']), args['var2']); + break; + case 'onPoiItemSearched_': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onPoiItemSearched?.call([\'var1\':${args['var1']}, \'var2\':${args['var2']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onPoiItemSearched?.call(AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(args['var1']), args['var2']); + break; + default: + throw MissingPluginException('方法${methodCall.method}未实现'); + break; + } + } catch (e) { + debugPrint(e.toString()); + rethrow; + } + }); + + return __object__; + } + + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + + + + Future Function(com_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiResult? var1, int? var2)? onPoiSearched; + + Future Function(com_amap_api_services_core_PoiItem? var1, int? var2)? onPoiItemSearched; + +} + diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/poisearch/PoiSearch/Query.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/poisearch/PoiSearch/Query.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..40c3d8f --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/poisearch/PoiSearch/Query.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,776 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch_Query extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__String__String(String var1, String var2) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch_Query__String__String', + {"var1": var1, "var2": var2} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future create__String__String__String(String var1, String var2, String var3) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch_Query__String__String__String', + {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "var3": var3} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__String__String(List var1, List var2) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch_Query__String__String', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + static Future> create_batch__String__String__String(List var1, List var2, List var3) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length && var2.length == var3.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch_Query__String__String__String', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "var3": var3[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getBuilding() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getBuilding([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setBuilding(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setBuilding([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getQueryString() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getQueryString([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setQueryLanguage(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setQueryLanguage([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getCategory() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getCategory([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getCity() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getCity([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getPageNum() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getPageNum([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setPageNum(int var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setPageNum([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setPageSize(int var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setPageSize([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getPageSize() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getPageSize([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setCityLimit(bool var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setCityLimit([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getCityLimit() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getCityLimit([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future requireSubPois(bool var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::requireSubPois([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future isRequireSubPois() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::isRequireSubPois([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future isDistanceSort() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::isDistanceSort([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setDistanceSort(bool var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setDistanceSort([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getLocation() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getLocation([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setLocation(com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setLocation([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future isSpecial() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::isSpecial([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setSpecial(bool var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setSpecial([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getExtensions() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getExtensions([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setExtensions(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setExtensions([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future queryEquals(com_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch_Query var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::queryEquals([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future clone() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::clone([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch_Query{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch_Query_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getBuilding_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setBuilding_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getQueryString_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setQueryLanguage_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getCategory_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getCity_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getPageNum_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setPageNum_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setPageSize_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getPageSize_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setCityLimit_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getCityLimit_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> requireSubPois_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isRequireSubPois_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isDistanceSort_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setDistanceSort_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getLocation_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setLocation_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isSpecial_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setSpecial_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getExtensions_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setExtensions_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> queryEquals_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> clone_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/poisearch/PoiSearch/SearchBound.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/poisearch/PoiSearch/SearchBound.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9ae33f9 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/poisearch/PoiSearch/SearchBound.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,373 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch_SearchBound extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + static final String BOUND_SHAPE = "Bound"; + static final String POLYGON_SHAPE = "Polygon"; + static final String RECTANGLE_SHAPE = "Rectangle"; + static final String ELLIPSE_SHAPE = "Ellipse"; + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__int(com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint var1, int var2) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch_SearchBound__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__int', + {"var1": var1, "var2": var2} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future create__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__int__boolean(com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint var1, int var2, bool var3) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch_SearchBound__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__int__boolean', + {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "var3": var3} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future create__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint(com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint var1, com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint var2) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch_SearchBound__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint', + {"var1": var1, "var2": var2} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future create__List_java_util_List_com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__(List var1) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch_SearchBound__java_util_List_com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint_', + {"var1": var1} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__int(List var1, List var2) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch_SearchBound__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__int', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + static Future> create_batch__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__int__boolean(List var1, List var2, List var3) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length && var2.length == var3.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch_SearchBound__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__int__boolean', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "var3": var3[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + static Future> create_batch__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint(List var1, List var2) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch_SearchBound__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + static Future> create_batch__List_java_util_List_com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__(List> var1) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch_SearchBound__java_util_List_com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint_', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getLowerLeft() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getLowerLeft([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getUpperRight() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getUpperRight([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getCenter() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getCenter([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getRange() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getRange([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getShape() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getShape([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future isDistanceSort() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::isDistanceSort([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future?> getPolyGonList() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getPolyGonList([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future clone() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::clone([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch_SearchBound{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch_SearchBound_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getLowerLeft_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getUpperRight_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getCenter_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getRange_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getShape_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isDistanceSort_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getPolyGonList_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> clone_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/poisearch/SubPoiItem.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/poisearch/SubPoiItem.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a1ce7e7 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/poisearch/SubPoiItem.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,475 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_poisearch_SubPoiItem extends java_lang_Object with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__String__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__String__String(String var1, com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint var2, String var3, String var4) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_poisearch_SubPoiItem__String__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__String__String', + {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "var3": var3, "var4": var4} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__String__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__String__String(List var1, List var2, List var3, List var4) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length && var2.length == var3.length && var3.length == var4.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_poisearch_SubPoiItem__String__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__String__String', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "var3": var3[__i__], "var4": var4[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getPoiId() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getPoiId([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setPoiId(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setPoiId([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getTitle() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getTitle([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setTitle(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setTitle([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getSubName() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getSubName([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setSubName(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setSubName([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getDistance() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getDistance([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setDistance(int var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setDistance([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getLatLonPoint() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getLatLonPoint([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setLatLonPoint(com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setLatLonPoint([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getSnippet() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getSnippet([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setSnippet(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setSnippet([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getSubTypeDes() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getSubTypeDes([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setSubTypeDes(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setSubTypeDes([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_poisearch_SubPoiItem{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_poisearch_SubPoiItem_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getPoiId_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setPoiId_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getTitle_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setTitle_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getSubName_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setSubName_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getDistance_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setDistance_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getLatLonPoint_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setLatLonPoint_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getSnippet_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setSnippet_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getSubTypeDes_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setSubTypeDes_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/road/Crossroad.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/road/Crossroad.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ffc086e --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/road/Crossroad.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,419 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_road_Crossroad extends com_amap_api_services_road_Road with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_road_Crossroad__', + + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_road_Crossroad__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getDistance() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getDistance([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setDistance(double var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setDistance([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getDirection() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getDirection([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setDirection(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setDirection([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getFirstRoadId() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getFirstRoadId([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setFirstRoadId(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setFirstRoadId([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getFirstRoadName() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getFirstRoadName([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setFirstRoadName(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setFirstRoadName([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getSecondRoadId() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getSecondRoadId([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setSecondRoadId(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setSecondRoadId([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getSecondRoadName() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getSecondRoadName([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setSecondRoadName(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setSecondRoadName([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_road_Crossroad{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_road_Crossroad_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getDistance_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setDistance_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getDirection_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setDirection_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getFirstRoadId_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setFirstRoadId_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getFirstRoadName_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setFirstRoadName_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getSecondRoadId_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setSecondRoadId_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getSecondRoadName_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setSecondRoadName_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/road/Road.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/road/Road.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9648b05 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/road/Road.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,440 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_road_Road extends java_lang_Object with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_road_Road__', + + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future create__String__String(String var1, String var2) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_road_Road__String__String', + {"var1": var1, "var2": var2} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_road_Road__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + static Future> create_batch__String__String(List var1, List var2) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_road_Road__String__String', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future setId(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setId([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setName(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setName([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getCityCode() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getCityCode([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setCityCode(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setCityCode([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getRoadWidth() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getRoadWidth([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setRoadWidth(double var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setRoadWidth([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getType() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getType([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setType(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setType([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getCenterPoint() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getCenterPoint([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setCenterPoint(com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setCenterPoint([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getId() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getId([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getName() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getName([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_road_Road{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_road_Road_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> setId_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setName_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getCityCode_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setCityCode_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getRoadWidth_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setRoadWidth_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getType_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setType_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getCenterPoint_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setCenterPoint_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getId_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getName_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/BusPath.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/BusPath.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..84c302f --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/BusPath.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,363 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_route_BusPath extends com_amap_api_services_route_Path with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_BusPath__', + + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_BusPath__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getCost() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getCost([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setCost(double var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setCost([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future isNightBus() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::isNightBus([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setNightBus(bool var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setNightBus([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getWalkDistance() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getWalkDistance([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setWalkDistance(double var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setWalkDistance([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getBusDistance() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getBusDistance([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setBusDistance(double var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setBusDistance([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future?> getSteps() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getSteps([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future setSteps(List var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setSteps([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_route_BusPath{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_route_BusPath_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getCost_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setCost_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isNightBus_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setNightBus_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getWalkDistance_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setWalkDistance_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getBusDistance_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setBusDistance_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getSteps_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> setSteps_batch(List> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/BusRouteResult.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/BusRouteResult.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d4a11c1 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/BusRouteResult.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,251 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_route_BusRouteResult extends com_amap_api_services_route_RouteResult with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_BusRouteResult__', + + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_BusRouteResult__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getTaxiCost() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getTaxiCost([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setTaxiCost(double var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setTaxiCost([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future?> getPaths() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getPaths([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future setPaths(List var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setPaths([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getBusQuery() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getBusQuery([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setBusQuery(com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_BusRouteQuery var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setBusQuery([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_route_BusRouteResult{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_route_BusRouteResult_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getTaxiCost_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setTaxiCost_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getPaths_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> setPaths_batch(List> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getBusQuery_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setBusQuery_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/BusStep.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/BusStep.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8d9ee0e --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/BusStep.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,475 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_route_BusStep extends java_lang_Object with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_BusStep__', + + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_BusStep__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getWalk() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getWalk([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setWalk(com_amap_api_services_route_RouteBusWalkItem var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setWalk([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + @deprecated + Future getBusLine() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getBusLine([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future?> getBusLines() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getBusLines([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + @deprecated + Future setBusLine(com_amap_api_services_route_RouteBusLineItem var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setBusLine([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setBusLines(List var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setBusLines([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getEntrance() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getEntrance([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setEntrance(com_amap_api_services_route_Doorway var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setEntrance([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getExit() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getExit([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setExit(com_amap_api_services_route_Doorway var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setExit([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getRailway() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getRailway([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setRailway(com_amap_api_services_route_RouteRailwayItem var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setRailway([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getTaxi() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getTaxi([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setTaxi(com_amap_api_services_route_TaxiItem var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setTaxi([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_route_BusStep{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_route_BusStep_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getWalk_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setWalk_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + @deprecated + Future> getBusLine_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getBusLines_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + @deprecated + Future> setBusLine_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setBusLines_batch(List> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getEntrance_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setEntrance_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getExit_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setExit_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getRailway_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setRailway_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getTaxi_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setTaxi_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/ChargeStationInfo.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/ChargeStationInfo.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0a3c86b --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/ChargeStationInfo.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,755 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_route_ChargeStationInfo extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_ChargeStationInfo__', + + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_ChargeStationInfo__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getStepIndex() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getStepIndex([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setStepIndex(int var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setStepIndex([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getShowPoint() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getShowPoint([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setShowPoint(com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setShowPoint([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getProjectivePoint() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getProjectivePoint([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setProjectivePoint(com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setProjectivePoint([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getPoiId() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getPoiId([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setPoiId(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setPoiId([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getName() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getName([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setName(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setName([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getBrandName() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getBrandName([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setBrandName(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setBrandName([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getMaxPower() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getMaxPower([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setMaxPower(int var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setMaxPower([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getChargePercent() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getChargePercent([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setChargePercent(int var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setChargePercent([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getChargeTime() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getChargeTime([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setChargeTime(int var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setChargeTime([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getRemainingCapacity() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getRemainingCapacity([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setRemainingCapacity(int var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setRemainingCapacity([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getVoltage() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getVoltage([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setVoltage(int var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setVoltage([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getAmperage() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getAmperage([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setAmperage(int var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setAmperage([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_route_ChargeStationInfo{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_route_ChargeStationInfo_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getStepIndex_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setStepIndex_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getShowPoint_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setShowPoint_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getProjectivePoint_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setProjectivePoint_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getPoiId_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setPoiId_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getName_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setName_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getBrandName_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setBrandName_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getMaxPower_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setMaxPower_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getChargePercent_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setChargePercent_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getChargeTime_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setChargeTime_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getRemainingCapacity_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setRemainingCapacity_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getVoltage_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setVoltage_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getAmperage_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setAmperage_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/Cost.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/Cost.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3433950 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/Cost.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,363 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_route_Cost extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_Cost__', + + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_Cost__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getDuration() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getDuration([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setDuration(double var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setDuration([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getTollDistance() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getTollDistance([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setTollDistance(double var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setTollDistance([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getTollRoad() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getTollRoad([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setTollRoad(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setTollRoad([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getTolls() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getTolls([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setTolls(double var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setTolls([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getTrafficLights() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getTrafficLights([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setTrafficLights(int var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setTrafficLights([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_route_Cost{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_route_Cost_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getDuration_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setDuration_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getTollDistance_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setTollDistance_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getTollRoad_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setTollRoad_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getTolls_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setTolls_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getTrafficLights_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setTrafficLights_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/DistanceItem.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/DistanceItem.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f6a0bee --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/DistanceItem.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,447 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_route_DistanceItem extends java_lang_Object with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_DistanceItem__', + + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_DistanceItem__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_ERROR_CODE_NO_DRIVE() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_ERROR_CODE_TOO_FAR() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_ERROR_CODE_NOT_IN_CHINA() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getOriginId() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getOriginId([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getDestId() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getDestId([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getDistance() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getDistance([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getDuration() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getDuration([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getErrorInfo() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getErrorInfo([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getErrorCode() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getErrorCode([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setOriginId(int var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setOriginId([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setDestId(int var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setDestId([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setDistance(double var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setDistance([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setDuration(double var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setDuration([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setErrorInfo(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setErrorInfo([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setErrorCode(int var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setErrorCode([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_route_DistanceItem{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_route_DistanceItem_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_ERROR_CODE_NO_DRIVE_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_ERROR_CODE_TOO_FAR_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_ERROR_CODE_NOT_IN_CHINA_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getOriginId_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getDestId_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getDistance_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getDuration_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getErrorInfo_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getErrorCode_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setOriginId_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setDestId_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setDistance_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setDuration_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setErrorInfo_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setErrorCode_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/DistanceResult.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/DistanceResult.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..347fee3 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/DistanceResult.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,195 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_route_DistanceResult extends java_lang_Object with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_DistanceResult__', + + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_DistanceResult__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future setDistanceQuery(com_amap_api_services_route_DistanceSearch_DistanceQuery var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setDistanceQuery([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getDistanceQuery() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getDistanceQuery([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future?> getDistanceResults() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getDistanceResults([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future setDistanceResults(List var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setDistanceResults([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_route_DistanceResult{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_route_DistanceResult_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> setDistanceQuery_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getDistanceQuery_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getDistanceResults_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> setDistanceResults_batch(List> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/DistanceSearch.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/DistanceSearch.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..41f8868 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/DistanceSearch.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,160 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_route_DistanceSearch extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + static final int TYPE_DISTANCE = 0; + static final int TYPE_DRIVING_DISTANCE = 1; + static final int TYPE_WALK_DISTANCE = 3; + static final String EXTENSIONS_ALL = "all"; + static final String EXTENSIONS_BASE = "base"; + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__android_content_Context(android_content_Context var1) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_DistanceSearch__android_content_Context', + {"var1": var1} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__android_content_Context(List var1) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_DistanceSearch__android_content_Context', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future setDistanceSearchListener(com_amap_api_services_route_DistanceSearch_OnDistanceSearchListener var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setDistanceSearchListener([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future calculateRouteDistance(com_amap_api_services_route_DistanceSearch_DistanceQuery var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::calculateRouteDistance([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future calculateRouteDistanceAsyn(com_amap_api_services_route_DistanceSearch_DistanceQuery var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::calculateRouteDistanceAsyn([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_route_DistanceSearch{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_route_DistanceSearch_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> calculateRouteDistance_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> calculateRouteDistanceAsyn_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/DistanceSearch/DistanceQuery.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/DistanceSearch/DistanceQuery.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3e643da --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/DistanceSearch/DistanceQuery.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,419 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_route_DistanceSearch_DistanceQuery extends java_lang_Object with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_DistanceSearch_DistanceQuery__', + + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_DistanceSearch_DistanceQuery__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future clone() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::clone([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getType() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getType([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future?> getOrigins() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getOrigins([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future getDestination() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getDestination([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setType(int var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setType([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setOrigins(List var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setOrigins([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future addOrigins(com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::addOrigins([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setDestination(com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setDestination([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getExtensions() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getExtensions([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setExtensions(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setExtensions([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getMode() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getMode([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setMode(int var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setMode([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_route_DistanceSearch_DistanceQuery{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_route_DistanceSearch_DistanceQuery_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> clone_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getType_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getOrigins_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> getDestination_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setType_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setOrigins_batch(List> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> addOrigins_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setDestination_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getExtensions_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setExtensions_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getMode_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setMode_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/DistanceSearch/OnDistanceSearchListener.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/DistanceSearch/OnDistanceSearchListener.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..12f78a9 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/DistanceSearch/OnDistanceSearchListener.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class _com_amap_api_services_route_DistanceSearch_OnDistanceSearchListener_SUB extends java_lang_Object with com_amap_api_services_route_DistanceSearch_OnDistanceSearchListener {} + +mixin com_amap_api_services_route_DistanceSearch_OnDistanceSearchListener on java_lang_Object { + + + static com_amap_api_services_route_DistanceSearch_OnDistanceSearchListener subInstance() => _com_amap_api_services_route_DistanceSearch_OnDistanceSearchListener_SUB(); + + static Future anonymous__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod(''); + + final __object__ = AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + + // handle callback + MethodChannel('${__object__.refId}', kAmapSearchFluttifyMethodCodec) + .setMethodCallHandler((methodCall) async { + try { + final args = methodCall.arguments as Map; + switch (methodCall.method) { + case 'onDistanceSearched_': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onDistanceSearched?.call([\'var1\':${args['var1']}, \'var2\':${args['var2']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onDistanceSearched?.call(AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(args['var1']), args['var2']); + break; + default: + throw MissingPluginException('方法${methodCall.method}未实现'); + break; + } + } catch (e) { + debugPrint(e.toString()); + rethrow; + } + }); + + return __object__; + } + + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + + + + Future Function(com_amap_api_services_route_DistanceResult? var1, int? var2)? onDistanceSearched; + +} + diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/District.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/District.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9251c74 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/District.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,195 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_route_District extends java_lang_Object with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_District__', + + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_District__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getDistrictName() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getDistrictName([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setDistrictName(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setDistrictName([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getDistrictAdcode() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getDistrictAdcode([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setDistrictAdcode(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setDistrictAdcode([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_route_District{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_route_District_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getDistrictName_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setDistrictName_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getDistrictAdcode_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setDistrictAdcode_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/Doorway.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/Doorway.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7fa536e --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/Doorway.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,195 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_route_Doorway extends java_lang_Object with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_Doorway__', + + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_Doorway__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getName() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getName([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setName(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setName([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getLatLonPoint() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getLatLonPoint([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setLatLonPoint(com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setLatLonPoint([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_route_Doorway{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_route_Doorway_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getName_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setName_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getLatLonPoint_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setLatLonPoint_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/DrivePath.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/DrivePath.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ed8f73c --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/DrivePath.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,419 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_route_DrivePath extends com_amap_api_services_route_Path with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_DrivePath__', + + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_DrivePath__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getStrategy() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getStrategy([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setStrategy(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setStrategy([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getTolls() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getTolls([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setTolls(double var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setTolls([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getTollDistance() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getTollDistance([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setTollDistance(double var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setTollDistance([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getTotalTrafficlights() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getTotalTrafficlights([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setTotalTrafficlights(int var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setTotalTrafficlights([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future?> getSteps() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getSteps([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future setSteps(List var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setSteps([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getRestriction() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getRestriction([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setRestriction(int var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setRestriction([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_route_DrivePath{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_route_DrivePath_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getStrategy_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setStrategy_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getTolls_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setTolls_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getTollDistance_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setTollDistance_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getTotalTrafficlights_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setTotalTrafficlights_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getSteps_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> setSteps_batch(List> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getRestriction_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setRestriction_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/DrivePathV2.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/DrivePathV2.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ed98812 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/DrivePathV2.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,419 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_route_DrivePathV2 extends com_amap_api_services_route_Path with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_DrivePathV2__', + + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_DrivePathV2__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getElecConsumeInfo() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getElecConsumeInfo([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setElecConsumeInfo(com_amap_api_services_route_ElecConsumeInfo var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setElecConsumeInfo([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future?> getChargeStationInfo() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getChargeStationInfo([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future setChargeStationInfo(List var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setChargeStationInfo([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getCost() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getCost([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setCost(com_amap_api_services_route_Cost var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setCost([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getStrategy() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getStrategy([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setStrategy(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setStrategy([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future?> getSteps() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getSteps([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future setSteps(List var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setSteps([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getRestriction() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getRestriction([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setRestriction(int var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setRestriction([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_route_DrivePathV2{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_route_DrivePathV2_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getElecConsumeInfo_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setElecConsumeInfo_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getChargeStationInfo_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> setChargeStationInfo_batch(List> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getCost_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setCost_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getStrategy_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setStrategy_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getSteps_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> setSteps_batch(List> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getRestriction_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setRestriction_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/DrivePlanPath.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/DrivePlanPath.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..416e826 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/DrivePlanPath.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,251 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_route_DrivePlanPath extends java_lang_Object with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_DrivePlanPath__', + + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_DrivePlanPath__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getDistance() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getDistance([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setDistance(double var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setDistance([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getTrafficLights() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getTrafficLights([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setTrafficLights(int var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setTrafficLights([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future?> getSteps() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getSteps([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future setSteps(List var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setSteps([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_route_DrivePlanPath{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_route_DrivePlanPath_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getDistance_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setDistance_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getTrafficLights_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setTrafficLights_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getSteps_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> setSteps_batch(List> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/DrivePlanStep.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/DrivePlanStep.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..063a4b1 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/DrivePlanStep.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,363 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_route_DrivePlanStep extends java_lang_Object with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_DrivePlanStep__', + + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_DrivePlanStep__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getRoad() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getRoad([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setAdCode(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setAdCode([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getAdCode() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getAdCode([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setRoad(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setRoad([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getDistance() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getDistance([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setDistance(double var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setDistance([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getToll() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getToll([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setToll(bool var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setToll([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future?> getPolyline() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getPolyline([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future setPolyline(List var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setPolyline([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_route_DrivePlanStep{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_route_DrivePlanStep_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getRoad_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setAdCode_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getAdCode_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setRoad_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getDistance_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setDistance_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getToll_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setToll_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getPolyline_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> setPolyline_batch(List> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/DriveRoutePlanResult.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/DriveRoutePlanResult.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..107b531 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/DriveRoutePlanResult.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,223 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_route_DriveRoutePlanResult extends com_amap_api_services_route_RoutePlanResult with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_DriveRoutePlanResult__', + + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_DriveRoutePlanResult__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future?> getPaths() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getPaths([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future setPaths(List var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setPaths([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future?> getTimeInfos() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getTimeInfos([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future setTimeInfos(List var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setTimeInfos([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setDrivePlanQuery(com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_DrivePlanQuery var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setDrivePlanQuery([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_route_DriveRoutePlanResult{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_route_DriveRoutePlanResult_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future?>> getPaths_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> setPaths_batch(List> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getTimeInfos_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> setTimeInfos_batch(List> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setDrivePlanQuery_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/DriveRouteResult.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/DriveRouteResult.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5e900f9 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/DriveRouteResult.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,251 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_route_DriveRouteResult extends com_amap_api_services_route_RouteResult with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_DriveRouteResult__', + + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_DriveRouteResult__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getTaxiCost() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getTaxiCost([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setTaxiCost(double var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setTaxiCost([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future?> getPaths() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getPaths([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future setPaths(List var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setPaths([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getDriveQuery() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getDriveQuery([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setDriveQuery(com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_DriveRouteQuery var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setDriveQuery([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_route_DriveRouteResult{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_route_DriveRouteResult_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getTaxiCost_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setTaxiCost_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getPaths_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> setPaths_batch(List> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getDriveQuery_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setDriveQuery_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/DriveRouteResultV2.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/DriveRouteResultV2.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7afd147 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/DriveRouteResultV2.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,251 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_route_DriveRouteResultV2 extends com_amap_api_services_route_RouteResult with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_DriveRouteResultV2__', + + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_DriveRouteResultV2__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getTaxiCost() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getTaxiCost([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setTaxiCost(double var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setTaxiCost([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future?> getPaths() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getPaths([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future setPaths(List var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setPaths([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getDriveQuery() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getDriveQuery([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setDriveQuery(com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_DriveRouteQuery var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setDriveQuery([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_route_DriveRouteResultV2{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_route_DriveRouteResultV2_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getTaxiCost_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setTaxiCost_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getPaths_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> setPaths_batch(List> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getDriveQuery_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setDriveQuery_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/DriveStep.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/DriveStep.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c6fa49f --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/DriveStep.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,811 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_route_DriveStep extends java_lang_Object with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_DriveStep__', + + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_DriveStep__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getInstruction() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getInstruction([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setInstruction(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setInstruction([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getOrientation() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getOrientation([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setOrientation(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setOrientation([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getRoad() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getRoad([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setRoad(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setRoad([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getDistance() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getDistance([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setDistance(double var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setDistance([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getTolls() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getTolls([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setTolls(double var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setTolls([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getTollDistance() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getTollDistance([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setTollDistance(double var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setTollDistance([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getTollRoad() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getTollRoad([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setTollRoad(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setTollRoad([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getDuration() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getDuration([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setDuration(double var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setDuration([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future?> getPolyline() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getPolyline([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future setPolyline(List var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setPolyline([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getAction() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getAction([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setAction(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setAction([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getAssistantAction() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getAssistantAction([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setAssistantAction(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setAssistantAction([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future?> getRouteSearchCityList() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getRouteSearchCityList([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future setRouteSearchCityList(List var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setRouteSearchCityList([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future?> getTMCs() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getTMCs([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future setTMCs(List var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setTMCs([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_route_DriveStep{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_route_DriveStep_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getInstruction_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setInstruction_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getOrientation_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setOrientation_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getRoad_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setRoad_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getDistance_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setDistance_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getTolls_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setTolls_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getTollDistance_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setTollDistance_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getTollRoad_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setTollRoad_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getDuration_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setDuration_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getPolyline_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> setPolyline_batch(List> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getAction_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setAction_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getAssistantAction_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setAssistantAction_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getRouteSearchCityList_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> setRouteSearchCityList_batch(List> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getTMCs_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> setTMCs_batch(List> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/DriveStepV2.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/DriveStepV2.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e7a7eef --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/DriveStepV2.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,587 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_route_DriveStepV2 extends java_lang_Object with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_DriveStepV2__', + + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_DriveStepV2__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getNavi() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getNavi([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setNavi(com_amap_api_services_route_Navi var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setNavi([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getCostDetail() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getCostDetail([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setCostDetail(com_amap_api_services_route_Cost var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setCostDetail([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getStepDistance() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getStepDistance([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setStepDistance(int var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setStepDistance([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getInstruction() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getInstruction([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setInstruction(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setInstruction([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getOrientation() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getOrientation([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setOrientation(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setOrientation([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getRoad() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getRoad([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setRoad(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setRoad([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future?> getPolyline() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getPolyline([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future setPolyline(List var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setPolyline([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future?> getRouteSearchCityList() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getRouteSearchCityList([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future setRouteSearchCityList(List var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setRouteSearchCityList([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future?> getTMCs() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getTMCs([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future setTMCs(List var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setTMCs([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_route_DriveStepV2{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_route_DriveStepV2_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getNavi_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setNavi_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getCostDetail_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setCostDetail_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getStepDistance_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setStepDistance_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getInstruction_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setInstruction_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getOrientation_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setOrientation_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getRoad_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setRoad_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getPolyline_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> setPolyline_batch(List> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getRouteSearchCityList_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> setRouteSearchCityList_batch(List> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getTMCs_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> setTMCs_batch(List> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/ElecConsumeInfo.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/ElecConsumeInfo.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..90e14a7 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/ElecConsumeInfo.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,307 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_route_ElecConsumeInfo extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_ElecConsumeInfo__', + + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_ElecConsumeInfo__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getConsumeEnergy() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getConsumeEnergy([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setConsumeEnergy(int var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setConsumeEnergy([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getRunOutStepIndex() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getRunOutStepIndex([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setRunOutStepIndex(int var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setRunOutStepIndex([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getRunOutPoint() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getRunOutPoint([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setRunOutPoint(com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setRunOutPoint([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future?> getLeftEnergy() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getLeftEnergy([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.cast(); + } + + + Future setLeftEnergy(List var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setLeftEnergy([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_route_ElecConsumeInfo{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_route_ElecConsumeInfo_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getConsumeEnergy_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setConsumeEnergy_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getRunOutStepIndex_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setRunOutStepIndex_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getRunOutPoint_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setRunOutPoint_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getLeftEnergy_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.cast()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> setLeftEnergy_batch(List> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/Navi.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/Navi.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..008a74b --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/Navi.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,195 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_route_Navi extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_Navi__', + + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_Navi__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getAction() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getAction([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setAction(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setAction([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getAssistantAction() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getAssistantAction([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setAssistantAction(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setAssistantAction([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_route_Navi{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_route_Navi_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getAction_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setAction_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getAssistantAction_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setAssistantAction_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/Path.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/Path.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0b7b939 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/Path.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,251 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_route_Path extends java_lang_Object with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_Path__', + + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_Path__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future?> getPolyline() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getPolyline([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future setPolyline(List var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setPolyline([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getDistance() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getDistance([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setDistance(double var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setDistance([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getDuration() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getDuration([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setDuration(int var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setDuration([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_route_Path{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_route_Path_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future?>> getPolyline_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> setPolyline_batch(List> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getDistance_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setDistance_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getDuration_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setDuration_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/Railway.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/Railway.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..10f0a49 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/Railway.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,195 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_route_Railway extends java_lang_Object with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_Railway__', + + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_Railway__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getID() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getID([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getName() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getName([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setID(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setID([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setName(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setName([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_route_Railway{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_route_Railway_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getID_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getName_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setID_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setName_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RailwaySpace.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RailwaySpace.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..809524d --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RailwaySpace.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,139 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_route_RailwaySpace extends java_lang_Object with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__String__float(String var1, double var2) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_RailwaySpace__String__float', + {"var1": var1, "var2": var2} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__String__float(List var1, List var2) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_RailwaySpace__String__float', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getCode() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getCode([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getCost() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getCost([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_route_RailwaySpace{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_route_RailwaySpace_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getCode_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getCost_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RailwayStationItem.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RailwayStationItem.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ddef0fa --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RailwayStationItem.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,531 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_route_RailwayStationItem extends java_lang_Object with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_RailwayStationItem__', + + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_RailwayStationItem__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getID() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getID([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getName() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getName([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getLocation() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getLocation([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getAdcode() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getAdcode([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getTime() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getTime([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future isStart() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::isStart([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future isEnd() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::isEnd([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getWait() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getWait([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setID(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setID([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setName(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setName([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setLocation(com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setLocation([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setAdcode(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setAdcode([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setTime(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setTime([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setisStart(bool var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setisStart([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setisEnd(bool var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setisEnd([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setWait(double var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setWait([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_route_RailwayStationItem{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_route_RailwayStationItem_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getID_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getName_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getLocation_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getAdcode_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getTime_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isStart_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isEnd_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getWait_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setID_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setName_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setLocation_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setAdcode_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setTime_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setisStart_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setisEnd_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setWait_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RidePath.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RidePath.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cde2560 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RidePath.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,139 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_route_RidePath extends com_amap_api_services_route_Path with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_RidePath__', + + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_RidePath__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future?> getSteps() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getSteps([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future setSteps(List var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setSteps([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_route_RidePath{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_route_RidePath_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future?>> getSteps_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> setSteps_batch(List> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RideRouteResult.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RideRouteResult.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4ac3656 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RideRouteResult.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,195 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_route_RideRouteResult extends com_amap_api_services_route_RouteResult with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_RideRouteResult__', + + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_RideRouteResult__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future?> getPaths() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getPaths([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future setPaths(List var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setPaths([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getRideQuery() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getRideQuery([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setRideQuery(com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_RideRouteQuery var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setRideQuery([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_route_RideRouteResult{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_route_RideRouteResult_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future?>> getPaths_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> setPaths_batch(List> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getRideQuery_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setRideQuery_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RideStep.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RideStep.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3e29ceb --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RideStep.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,531 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_route_RideStep extends java_lang_Object with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_RideStep__', + + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_RideStep__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getInstruction() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getInstruction([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setInstruction(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setInstruction([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getOrientation() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getOrientation([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setOrientation(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setOrientation([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getRoad() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getRoad([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setRoad(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setRoad([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getDistance() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getDistance([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setDistance(double var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setDistance([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getDuration() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getDuration([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setDuration(double var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setDuration([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future?> getPolyline() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getPolyline([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future setPolyline(List var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setPolyline([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getAction() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getAction([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setAction(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setAction([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getAssistantAction() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getAssistantAction([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setAssistantAction(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setAssistantAction([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_route_RideStep{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_route_RideStep_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getInstruction_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setInstruction_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getOrientation_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setOrientation_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getRoad_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setRoad_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getDistance_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setDistance_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getDuration_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setDuration_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getPolyline_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> setPolyline_batch(List> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getAction_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setAction_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getAssistantAction_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setAssistantAction_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteBusLineItem.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteBusLineItem.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8a19878 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteBusLineItem.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,419 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_route_RouteBusLineItem extends com_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineItem with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteBusLineItem__', + + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteBusLineItem__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getDepartureBusStation() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getDepartureBusStation([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setDepartureBusStation(com_amap_api_services_busline_BusStationItem var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setDepartureBusStation([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getArrivalBusStation() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getArrivalBusStation([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setArrivalBusStation(com_amap_api_services_busline_BusStationItem var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setArrivalBusStation([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future?> getPolyline() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getPolyline([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future setPolyline(List var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setPolyline([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getPassStationNum() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getPassStationNum([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setPassStationNum(int var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setPassStationNum([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future?> getPassStations() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getPassStations([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future setPassStations(List var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setPassStations([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getDuration() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getDuration([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setDuration(double var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setDuration([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_route_RouteBusLineItem{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_route_RouteBusLineItem_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getDepartureBusStation_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setDepartureBusStation_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getArrivalBusStation_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setArrivalBusStation_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getPolyline_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> setPolyline_batch(List> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getPassStationNum_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setPassStationNum_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getPassStations_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> setPassStations_batch(List> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getDuration_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setDuration_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteBusWalkItem.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteBusWalkItem.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3b1ef09 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteBusWalkItem.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,195 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_route_RouteBusWalkItem extends com_amap_api_services_route_WalkPath with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteBusWalkItem__', + + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteBusWalkItem__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getOrigin() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getOrigin([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setOrigin(com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setOrigin([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getDestination() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getDestination([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setDestination(com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setDestination([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_route_RouteBusWalkItem{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_route_RouteBusWalkItem_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getOrigin_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setOrigin_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getDestination_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setDestination_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RoutePlanResult.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RoutePlanResult.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a30b661 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RoutePlanResult.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,195 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_route_RoutePlanResult extends java_lang_Object with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_RoutePlanResult__', + + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_RoutePlanResult__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getStartPos() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getStartPos([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setStartPos(com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setStartPos([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getTargetPos() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getTargetPos([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setTargetPos(com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setTargetPos([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_route_RoutePlanResult{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_route_RoutePlanResult_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getStartPos_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setStartPos_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getTargetPos_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setTargetPos_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteRailwayItem.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteRailwayItem.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..184718d --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteRailwayItem.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,587 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_route_RouteRailwayItem extends com_amap_api_services_route_Railway with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteRailwayItem__', + + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteRailwayItem__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getTime() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getTime([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getTrip() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getTrip([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getDistance() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getDistance([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getType() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getType([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getDeparturestop() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getDeparturestop([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getArrivalstop() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getArrivalstop([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future?> getViastops() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getViastops([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?> getAlters() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getAlters([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?> getSpaces() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getSpaces([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future setTime(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setTime([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setTrip(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setTrip([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setDistance(double var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setDistance([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setType(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setType([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setDeparturestop(com_amap_api_services_route_RailwayStationItem var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setDeparturestop([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setArrivalstop(com_amap_api_services_route_RailwayStationItem var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setArrivalstop([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setViastops(List var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setViastops([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setAlters(List var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setAlters([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setSpaces(List var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setSpaces([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_route_RouteRailwayItem{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_route_RouteRailwayItem_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getTime_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getTrip_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getDistance_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getType_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getDeparturestop_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getArrivalstop_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getViastops_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getAlters_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getSpaces_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> setTime_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setTrip_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setDistance_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setType_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setDeparturestop_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setArrivalstop_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setViastops_batch(List> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setAlters_batch(List> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setSpaces_batch(List> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteResult.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteResult.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5448b36 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteResult.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,195 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_route_RouteResult extends java_lang_Object with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteResult__', + + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteResult__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getStartPos() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getStartPos([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setStartPos(com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setStartPos([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getTargetPos() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getTargetPos([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setTargetPos(com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setTargetPos([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_route_RouteResult{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_route_RouteResult_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getStartPos_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setStartPos_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getTargetPos_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setTargetPos_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearch.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearch.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ea8d3de --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearch.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,554 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + static final int BusDefault = 0; + static final int BusSaveMoney = 1; + static final int BusLeaseChange = 2; + static final int BusLeaseWalk = 3; + static final int BusComfortable = 4; + static final int BusNoSubway = 5; + static final int DrivingDefault = 0; + static final int DrivingSaveMoney = 1; + static final int DrivingShortDistance = 2; + static final int DrivingNoExpressways = 3; + static final int DrivingAvoidCongestion = 4; + static final int DrivingMultiStrategy = 5; + static final int DrivingNoHighWay = 6; + static final int DrivingNoHighWaySaveMoney = 7; + static final int DrivingSaveMoneyAvoidCongestion = 8; + static final int DrivingNoHighAvoidCongestionSaveMoney = 9; + static final int WalkDefault = 0; + static final int WalkMultipath = 1; + static final int RidingDefault = 0; + static final int RidingRecommend = 1; + static final int RidingFast = 2; + static final int BUS_DEFAULT = 0; + static final int BUS_SAVE_MONEY = 1; + static final int BUS_LEASE_CHANGE = 2; + static final int BUS_LEASE_WALK = 3; + static final int BUS_COMFORTABLE = 4; + static final int BUS_NO_SUBWAY = 5; + static final int WALK_DEFAULT = 0; + static final int WALK_MULTI_PATH = 1; + static final int RIDING_DEFAULT = 0; + static final int RIDING_RECOMMEND = 1; + static final int RIDING_FAST = 2; + static final int DRIVING_SINGLE_DEFAULT = 0; + static final int DRIVING_SINGLE_SAVE_MONEY = 1; + static final int DRIVING_SINGLE_SHORTEST = 2; + static final int DRIVING_SINGLE_NO_EXPRESSWAYS = 3; + static final int DRIVING_SINGLE_AVOID_CONGESTION = 4; + static final int DRIVING_MULTI_STRATEGY_FASTEST_SAVE_MONEY_SHORTEST = 5; + static final int DRIVING_SINGLE_NO_HIGHWAY = 6; + static final int DRIVING_SINGLE_NO_HIGHWAY_SAVE_MONEY = 7; + static final int DRIVING_SINGLE_SAVE_MONEY_AVOID_CONGESTION = 8; + static final int DRIVING_SINGLE_NO_HIGHWAY_SAVE_MONEY_AVOID_CONGESTION = 9; + static final int DRIVING_MULTI_STRATEGY_FASTEST_SHORTEST_AVOID_CONGESTION = 10; + static final int DRIVING_MULTI_STRATEGY_FASTEST_SHORTEST = 11; + static final int DRIVING_MULTI_CHOICE_AVOID_CONGESTION = 12; + static final int DRIVING_MULTI_CHOICE_NO_HIGHWAY = 13; + static final int DRIVING_MULTI_CHOICE_SAVE_MONEY = 14; + static final int DRIVING_MULTI_CHOICE_AVOID_CONGESTION_NO_HIGHWAY = 15; + static final int DRIVING_MULTI_CHOICE_SAVE_MONEY_NO_HIGHWAY = 16; + static final int DRIVING_MULTI_CHOICE_AVOID_CONGESTION_SAVE_MONEY = 17; + static final int DRIVING_MULTI_CHOICE_AVOID_CONGESTION_NO_HIGHWAY_SAVE_MONEY = 18; + static final int DRIVING_MULTI_CHOICE_HIGHWAY = 19; + static final int DRIVING_MULTI_CHOICE_HIGHWAY_AVOID_CONGESTION = 20; + static final int DRIVING_NORMAL_CAR = 0; + static final int DRIVING_PURE_ELECTRIC_VEHICLE = 1; + static final int DRIVING_PLUGIN_HYBRID_CAR = 2; + static final int TRUCK_AVOID_CONGESTION = 1; + static final int TRUCK_NO_HIGHWAY = 2; + static final int TRUCK_SAVE_MONEY = 3; + static final int TRUCK_AVOID_CONGESTION_NO_HIGHWAY = 4; + static final int TRUCK_SAVE_MONEY_NO_HIGHWAY = 5; + static final int TRUCK_AVOID_CONGESTION__SAVE_MONEY = 6; + static final int TRUCK_AVOID_CONGESTION__SAVE_MONEY_NO_HIGHWAY = 7; + static final int TRUCK_CHOICE_HIGHWAY = 8; + static final int TRUCK_AVOID_CONGESTION_CHOICE_HIGHWAY = 9; + static final int TRUCK_SIZE_MINI = 1; + static final int TRUCK_SIZE_LIGHT = 2; + static final int TRUCK_SIZE_MEDIUM = 3; + static final int TRUCK_SIZE_HEAVY = 4; + static final int DRIVEING_PLAN_DEFAULT = 1; + static final int DRIVEING_PLAN_NO_HIGHWAY = 2; + static final int DRIVEING_PLAN_SAVE_MONEY = 3; + static final int DRIVEING_PLAN_AVOID_CONGESTION_NO_HIGHWAY = 4; + static final int DRIVEING_PLAN_SAVE_MONEY_NO_HIGHWAY = 5; + static final int DRIVEING_PLAN_AVOID_CONGESTION_SAVE_MONEY = 6; + static final int DRIVEING_PLAN_AVOID_CONGESTION_SAVE_MONEY_NO_HIGHWAY = 7; + static final int DRIVEING_PLAN_CHOICE_HIGHWAY = 8; + static final int DRIVEING_PLAN_AVOID_CONGESTION_CHOICE_HIGHWAY = 9; + static final int DRIVEING_PLAN_FASTEST_SHORTEST = 10; + static final int DRIVEING_PLAN_AVOID_CONGESTION_FASTEST_SAVE_MONEY = 11; + static final String DRIVING_EXCLUDE_TOLL = "toll"; + static final String DRIVING_EXCLUDE_MOTORWAY = "motorway"; + static final String DRIVING_EXCLUDE_FERRY = "ferry"; + static final String EXTENSIONS_ALL = "all"; + static final String EXTENSIONS_BASE = "base"; + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__android_content_Context(android_content_Context var1) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch__android_content_Context', + {"var1": var1} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__android_content_Context(List var1) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch__android_content_Context', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future setRouteSearchListener(com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_OnRouteSearchListener var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setRouteSearchListener([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setOnTruckRouteSearchListener(com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_OnTruckRouteSearchListener var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setOnTruckRouteSearchListener([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setOnRoutePlanSearchListener(com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_OnRoutePlanSearchListener var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setOnRoutePlanSearchListener([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future calculateWalkRoute(com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_WalkRouteQuery var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::calculateWalkRoute([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future calculateWalkRouteAsyn(com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_WalkRouteQuery var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::calculateWalkRouteAsyn([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future calculateBusRoute(com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_BusRouteQuery var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::calculateBusRoute([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future calculateBusRouteAsyn(com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_BusRouteQuery var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::calculateBusRouteAsyn([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future calculateDriveRoute(com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_DriveRouteQuery var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::calculateDriveRoute([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future calculateDriveRouteAsyn(com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_DriveRouteQuery var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::calculateDriveRouteAsyn([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future calculateRideRouteAsyn(com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_RideRouteQuery var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::calculateRideRouteAsyn([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future calculateRideRoute(com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_RideRouteQuery var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::calculateRideRoute([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future calculateTruckRoute(com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_TruckRouteQuery var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::calculateTruckRoute([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future calculateTruckRouteAsyn(com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_TruckRouteQuery var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::calculateTruckRouteAsyn([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future calculateDrivePlan(com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_DrivePlanQuery var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::calculateDrivePlan([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future calculateDrivePlanAsyn(com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_DrivePlanQuery var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::calculateDrivePlanAsyn([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> calculateWalkRoute_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> calculateWalkRouteAsyn_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> calculateBusRoute_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> calculateBusRouteAsyn_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> calculateDriveRoute_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> calculateDriveRouteAsyn_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> calculateRideRouteAsyn_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> calculateRideRoute_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> calculateTruckRoute_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> calculateTruckRouteAsyn_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> calculateDrivePlan_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> calculateDrivePlanAsyn_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearch/BusRouteQuery.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearch/BusRouteQuery.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1f1f645 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearch/BusRouteQuery.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,356 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_BusRouteQuery extends java_lang_Object with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_FromAndTo__int__String__int(com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_FromAndTo var1, int var2, String var3, int var4) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_BusRouteQuery__com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_FromAndTo__int__String__int', + {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "var3": var3, "var4": var4} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_BusRouteQuery__', + + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_FromAndTo__int__String__int(List var1, List var2, List var3, List var4) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length && var2.length == var3.length && var3.length == var4.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_BusRouteQuery__com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_FromAndTo__int__String__int', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "var3": var3[__i__], "var4": var4[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_BusRouteQuery__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getFromAndTo() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getFromAndTo([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getMode() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getMode([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getCity() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getCity([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getNightFlag() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getNightFlag([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getCityd() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getCityd([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setCityd(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setCityd([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getExtensions() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getExtensions([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setExtensions(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setExtensions([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future clone() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::clone([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_BusRouteQuery{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_BusRouteQuery_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getFromAndTo_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getMode_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getCity_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getNightFlag_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getCityd_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setCityd_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getExtensions_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setExtensions_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> clone_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearch/DrivePlanQuery.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearch/DrivePlanQuery.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1e2134a --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearch/DrivePlanQuery.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,412 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_DrivePlanQuery extends java_lang_Object with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_FromAndTo__int__int__int(com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_FromAndTo var1, int var2, int var3, int var4) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_DrivePlanQuery__com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_FromAndTo__int__int__int', + {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "var3": var3, "var4": var4} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_DrivePlanQuery__', + + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_FromAndTo__int__int__int(List var1, List var2, List var3, List var4) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length && var2.length == var3.length && var3.length == var4.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_DrivePlanQuery__com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_FromAndTo__int__int__int', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "var3": var3[__i__], "var4": var4[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_DrivePlanQuery__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getFromAndTo() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getFromAndTo([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getDestParentPoiID() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getDestParentPoiID([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getMode() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getMode([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getCarType() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getCarType([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getFirstTime() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getFirstTime([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getInterval() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getInterval([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getCount() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getCount([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future clone() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::clone([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setDestParentPoiID(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setDestParentPoiID([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setMode(int var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setMode([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setCarType(int var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setCarType([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_DrivePlanQuery{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_DrivePlanQuery_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getFromAndTo_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getDestParentPoiID_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getMode_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getCarType_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getFirstTime_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getInterval_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getCount_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> clone_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setDestParentPoiID_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setMode_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setCarType_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearch/DriveRouteQuery.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearch/DriveRouteQuery.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ad3ce80 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearch/DriveRouteQuery.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,608 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_DriveRouteQuery extends java_lang_Object with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_FromAndTo__int__List_java_util_List_com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint____List_List_java_util_List_java_util_List_com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint______String(com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_FromAndTo var1, int var2, List var3, List> var4, String var5) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_DriveRouteQuery__com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_FromAndTo__int__java_util_List_com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint___java_util_List_java_util_List_com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint____String', + {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "var3": var3, "var4": var4, "var5": var5} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_DriveRouteQuery__', + + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_FromAndTo__int__List_java_util_List_com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint____List_List_java_util_List_java_util_List_com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint______String(List var1, List var2, List> var3, List>> var4, List var5) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length && var2.length == var3.length && var3.length == var4.length && var4.length == var5.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_DriveRouteQuery__com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_FromAndTo__int__java_util_List_com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint___java_util_List_java_util_List_com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint____String', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "var3": var3[__i__], "var4": var4[__i__], "var5": var5[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_DriveRouteQuery__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getFromAndTo() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getFromAndTo([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getMode() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getMode([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getCarType() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getCarType([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future?> getPassedByPoints() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getPassedByPoints([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future getAvoidRoad() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getAvoidRoad([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getPassedPointStr() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getPassedPointStr([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future hasPassPoint() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::hasPassPoint([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getAvoidpolygonsStr() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getAvoidpolygonsStr([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future hasAvoidpolygons() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::hasAvoidpolygons([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future hasAvoidRoad() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::hasAvoidRoad([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getExclude() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getExclude([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setExclude(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setExclude([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getExtensions() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getExtensions([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setExtensions(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setExtensions([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future clone() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::clone([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future isUseFerry() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::isUseFerry([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setUseFerry(bool var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setUseFerry([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setCarType(int var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setCarType([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_DriveRouteQuery{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_DriveRouteQuery_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getFromAndTo_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getMode_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getCarType_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getPassedByPoints_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> getAvoidRoad_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getPassedPointStr_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> hasPassPoint_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getAvoidpolygonsStr_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> hasAvoidpolygons_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> hasAvoidRoad_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getExclude_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setExclude_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getExtensions_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setExtensions_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> clone_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isUseFerry_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setUseFerry_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setCarType_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearch/FromAndTo.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearch/FromAndTo.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..13edb46 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearch/FromAndTo.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,524 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_FromAndTo extends java_lang_Object with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint(com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint var1, com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint var2) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_FromAndTo__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint', + {"var1": var1, "var2": var2} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_FromAndTo__', + + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint(List var1, List var2) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_FromAndTo__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_FromAndTo__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getFrom() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getFrom([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getTo() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getTo([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getStartPoiID() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getStartPoiID([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setStartPoiID(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setStartPoiID([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getDestinationPoiID() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getDestinationPoiID([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setDestinationPoiID(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setDestinationPoiID([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getOriginType() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getOriginType([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setOriginType(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setOriginType([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getDestinationType() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getDestinationType([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setDestinationType(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setDestinationType([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getPlateProvince() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getPlateProvince([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setPlateProvince(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setPlateProvince([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getPlateNumber() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getPlateNumber([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setPlateNumber(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setPlateNumber([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future clone() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::clone([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_FromAndTo{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_FromAndTo_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getFrom_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getTo_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getStartPoiID_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setStartPoiID_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getDestinationPoiID_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setDestinationPoiID_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getOriginType_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setOriginType_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getDestinationType_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setDestinationType_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getPlateProvince_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setPlateProvince_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getPlateNumber_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setPlateNumber_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> clone_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearch/OnRoutePlanSearchListener.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearch/OnRoutePlanSearchListener.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..32763b3 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearch/OnRoutePlanSearchListener.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class _com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_OnRoutePlanSearchListener_SUB extends java_lang_Object with com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_OnRoutePlanSearchListener {} + +mixin com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_OnRoutePlanSearchListener on java_lang_Object { + + + static com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_OnRoutePlanSearchListener subInstance() => _com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_OnRoutePlanSearchListener_SUB(); + + static Future anonymous__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod(''); + + final __object__ = AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + + // handle callback + MethodChannel('${__object__.refId}', kAmapSearchFluttifyMethodCodec) + .setMethodCallHandler((methodCall) async { + try { + final args = methodCall.arguments as Map; + switch (methodCall.method) { + case 'onDriveRoutePlanSearched_': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onDriveRoutePlanSearched?.call([\'var1\':${args['var1']}, \'var2\':${args['var2']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onDriveRoutePlanSearched?.call(AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(args['var1']), args['var2']); + break; + default: + throw MissingPluginException('方法${methodCall.method}未实现'); + break; + } + } catch (e) { + debugPrint(e.toString()); + rethrow; + } + }); + + return __object__; + } + + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + + + + Future Function(com_amap_api_services_route_DriveRoutePlanResult? var1, int? var2)? onDriveRoutePlanSearched; + +} + diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearch/OnRouteSearchListener.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearch/OnRouteSearchListener.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a0de877 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearch/OnRouteSearchListener.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,100 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class _com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_OnRouteSearchListener_SUB extends java_lang_Object with com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_OnRouteSearchListener {} + +mixin com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_OnRouteSearchListener on java_lang_Object { + + + static com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_OnRouteSearchListener subInstance() => _com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_OnRouteSearchListener_SUB(); + + static Future anonymous__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod(''); + + final __object__ = AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + + // handle callback + MethodChannel('${__object__.refId}', kAmapSearchFluttifyMethodCodec) + .setMethodCallHandler((methodCall) async { + try { + final args = methodCall.arguments as Map; + switch (methodCall.method) { + case 'onBusRouteSearched_': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onBusRouteSearched?.call([\'var1\':${args['var1']}, \'var2\':${args['var2']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onBusRouteSearched?.call(AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(args['var1']), args['var2']); + break; + case 'onDriveRouteSearched_': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onDriveRouteSearched?.call([\'var1\':${args['var1']}, \'var2\':${args['var2']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onDriveRouteSearched?.call(AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(args['var1']), args['var2']); + break; + case 'onWalkRouteSearched_': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onWalkRouteSearched?.call([\'var1\':${args['var1']}, \'var2\':${args['var2']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onWalkRouteSearched?.call(AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(args['var1']), args['var2']); + break; + case 'onRideRouteSearched_': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onRideRouteSearched?.call([\'var1\':${args['var1']}, \'var2\':${args['var2']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onRideRouteSearched?.call(AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(args['var1']), args['var2']); + break; + default: + throw MissingPluginException('方法${methodCall.method}未实现'); + break; + } + } catch (e) { + debugPrint(e.toString()); + rethrow; + } + }); + + return __object__; + } + + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + + + + Future Function(com_amap_api_services_route_BusRouteResult? var1, int? var2)? onBusRouteSearched; + + Future Function(com_amap_api_services_route_DriveRouteResult? var1, int? var2)? onDriveRouteSearched; + + Future Function(com_amap_api_services_route_WalkRouteResult? var1, int? var2)? onWalkRouteSearched; + + Future Function(com_amap_api_services_route_RideRouteResult? var1, int? var2)? onRideRouteSearched; + +} + diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearch/OnTruckRouteSearchListener.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearch/OnTruckRouteSearchListener.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9f0bdd9 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearch/OnTruckRouteSearchListener.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class _com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_OnTruckRouteSearchListener_SUB extends java_lang_Object with com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_OnTruckRouteSearchListener {} + +mixin com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_OnTruckRouteSearchListener on java_lang_Object { + + + static com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_OnTruckRouteSearchListener subInstance() => _com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_OnTruckRouteSearchListener_SUB(); + + static Future anonymous__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod(''); + + final __object__ = AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + + // handle callback + MethodChannel('${__object__.refId}', kAmapSearchFluttifyMethodCodec) + .setMethodCallHandler((methodCall) async { + try { + final args = methodCall.arguments as Map; + switch (methodCall.method) { + case 'onTruckRouteSearched_': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onTruckRouteSearched?.call([\'var1\':${args['var1']}, \'var2\':${args['var2']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onTruckRouteSearched?.call(AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(args['var1']), args['var2']); + break; + default: + throw MissingPluginException('方法${methodCall.method}未实现'); + break; + } + } catch (e) { + debugPrint(e.toString()); + rethrow; + } + }); + + return __object__; + } + + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + + + + Future Function(com_amap_api_services_route_TruckRouteRestult? var1, int? var2)? onTruckRouteSearched; + +} + diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearch/RideRouteQuery.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearch/RideRouteQuery.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bb0af06 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearch/RideRouteQuery.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,265 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_RideRouteQuery extends java_lang_Object with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_FromAndTo__int(com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_FromAndTo var1, int var2) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_RideRouteQuery__com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_FromAndTo__int', + {"var1": var1, "var2": var2} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future create__com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_FromAndTo(com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_FromAndTo var1) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_RideRouteQuery__com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_FromAndTo', + {"var1": var1} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_RideRouteQuery__', + + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_FromAndTo__int(List var1, List var2) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_RideRouteQuery__com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_FromAndTo__int', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + static Future> create_batch__com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_FromAndTo(List var1) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_RideRouteQuery__com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_FromAndTo', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_RideRouteQuery__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getFromAndTo() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getFromAndTo([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getMode() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getMode([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getExtensions() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getExtensions([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setExtensions(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setExtensions([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future clone() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::clone([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_RideRouteQuery{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_RideRouteQuery_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getFromAndTo_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getMode_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getExtensions_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setExtensions_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> clone_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearch/TruckRouteQuery.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearch/TruckRouteQuery.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..546dea9 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearch/TruckRouteQuery.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,671 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_TruckRouteQuery extends java_lang_Object with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_FromAndTo__int__List_java_util_List_com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint____int(com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_FromAndTo var1, int var2, List var3, int var4) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_TruckRouteQuery__com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_FromAndTo__int__java_util_List_com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint___int', + {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "var3": var3, "var4": var4} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_FromAndTo__int__List_java_util_List_com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint____int(List var1, List var2, List> var3, List var4) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length && var2.length == var3.length && var3.length == var4.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_TruckRouteQuery__com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_FromAndTo__int__java_util_List_com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint___int', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "var3": var3[__i__], "var4": var4[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future setMode(int var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setMode([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setTruckSize(int var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setTruckSize([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setTruckHeight(double var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setTruckHeight([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setTruckWidth(double var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setTruckWidth([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setTruckLoad(double var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setTruckLoad([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setTruckWeight(double var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setTruckWeight([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setTruckAxis(double var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setTruckAxis([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getFromAndTo() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getFromAndTo([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getMode() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getMode([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getExtensions() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getExtensions([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setExtensions(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setExtensions([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future hasPassPoint() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::hasPassPoint([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future?> getPassedByPoints() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getPassedByPoints([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future getPassedPointStr() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getPassedPointStr([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getTruckSize() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getTruckSize([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getTruckHeight() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getTruckHeight([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getTruckWidth() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getTruckWidth([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getTruckLoad() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getTruckLoad([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getTruckWeight() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getTruckWeight([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getTruckAxis() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getTruckAxis([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future clone() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::clone([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_TruckRouteQuery{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_TruckRouteQuery_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> setMode_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setTruckSize_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setTruckHeight_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setTruckWidth_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setTruckLoad_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setTruckWeight_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setTruckAxis_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getFromAndTo_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getMode_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getExtensions_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setExtensions_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> hasPassPoint_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getPassedByPoints_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> getPassedPointStr_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getTruckSize_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getTruckHeight_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getTruckWidth_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getTruckLoad_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getTruckWeight_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getTruckAxis_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> clone_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearch/WalkRouteQuery.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearch/WalkRouteQuery.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..378ec8b --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearch/WalkRouteQuery.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,265 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_WalkRouteQuery extends java_lang_Object with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_FromAndTo__int(com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_FromAndTo var1, int var2) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_WalkRouteQuery__com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_FromAndTo__int', + {"var1": var1, "var2": var2} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future create__com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_FromAndTo(com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_FromAndTo var1) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_WalkRouteQuery__com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_FromAndTo', + {"var1": var1} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_WalkRouteQuery__', + + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_FromAndTo__int(List var1, List var2) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_WalkRouteQuery__com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_FromAndTo__int', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + static Future> create_batch__com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_FromAndTo(List var1) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_WalkRouteQuery__com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_FromAndTo', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_WalkRouteQuery__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getFromAndTo() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getFromAndTo([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getMode() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getMode([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getExtensions() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getExtensions([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setExtensions(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setExtensions([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future clone() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::clone([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_WalkRouteQuery{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_WalkRouteQuery_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getFromAndTo_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getMode_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getExtensions_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setExtensions_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> clone_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearchCity.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearchCity.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8293006 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearchCity.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,139 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchCity extends com_amap_api_services_route_SearchCity with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchCity__', + + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchCity__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future?> getDistricts() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getDistricts([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future setDistricts(List var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setDistricts([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchCity{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchCity_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future?>> getDistricts_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> setDistricts_batch(List> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearchV2.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearchV2.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..26d6c36 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearchV2.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,156 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2 extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__android_content_Context(android_content_Context var1) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2__android_content_Context', + {"var1": var1} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__android_content_Context(List var1) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2__android_content_Context', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future setRouteSearchListener(com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_OnRouteSearchListener var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setRouteSearchListener([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future calculateDriveRoute(com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_DriveRouteQuery var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::calculateDriveRoute([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future calculateDriveRouteAsyn(com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_DriveRouteQuery var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::calculateDriveRouteAsyn([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> calculateDriveRoute_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> calculateDriveRouteAsyn_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearchV2/CurveCost.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearchV2/CurveCost.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6acc70b --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearchV2/CurveCost.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,195 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_CurveCost extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_CurveCost__', + + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_CurveCost__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getAccess() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getAccess([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setAccess(double var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setAccess([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getValue() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getValue([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setValue(double var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setValue([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_CurveCost{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_CurveCost_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getAccess_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setAccess_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getValue_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setValue_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearchV2/CustomCostMode.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearchV2/CustomCostMode.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ff7a21b --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearchV2/CustomCostMode.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,503 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_CustomCostMode extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_CustomCostMode__', + + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_CustomCostMode__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future?> getSpeedCosts() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getSpeedCosts([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future setSpeedCosts(List var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setSpeedCosts([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getCurveCost() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getCurveCost([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setCurveCost(com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_CurveCost var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setCurveCost([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getSlopeCost() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getSlopeCost([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setSlopeCost(com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_SlopeCost var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setSlopeCost([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getAuxCost() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getAuxCost([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setAuxCost(double var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setAuxCost([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getTransCost() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getTransCost([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setTransCost(com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_TransCost var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setTransCost([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getFerryCost() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getFerryCost([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setFerryCost(double var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setFerryCost([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getPowerTrainLosses() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getPowerTrainLosses([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setPowerTrainLosses(com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_PowerTrainLoss var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setPowerTrainLosses([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future toJson() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::toJson([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_CustomCostMode{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_CustomCostMode_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future?>> getSpeedCosts_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> setSpeedCosts_batch(List> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getCurveCost_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setCurveCost_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getSlopeCost_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setSlopeCost_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getAuxCost_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setAuxCost_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getTransCost_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setTransCost_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getFerryCost_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setFerryCost_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getPowerTrainLosses_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setPowerTrainLosses_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> toJson_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearchV2/DriveRouteQuery.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearchV2/DriveRouteQuery.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..77d5d40 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearchV2/DriveRouteQuery.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,664 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_DriveRouteQuery extends java_lang_Object with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_FromAndTo__com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_DrivingStrategy__List_java_util_List_com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint____List_List_java_util_List_java_util_List_com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint______String(com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_FromAndTo var1, com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_DrivingStrategy var2, List var3, List> var4, String var5) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_DriveRouteQuery__com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_FromAndTo__com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_DrivingStrategy__java_util_List_com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint___java_util_List_java_util_List_com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint____String', + {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "var3": var3, "var4": var4, "var5": var5} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_DriveRouteQuery__', + + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_FromAndTo__com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_DrivingStrategy__List_java_util_List_com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint____List_List_java_util_List_java_util_List_com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint______String(List var1, List var2, List> var3, List>> var4, List var5) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length && var2.length == var3.length && var3.length == var4.length && var4.length == var5.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_DriveRouteQuery__com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_FromAndTo__com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_DrivingStrategy__java_util_List_com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint___java_util_List_java_util_List_com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint____String', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "var3": var3[__i__], "var4": var4[__i__], "var5": var5[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_DriveRouteQuery__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getNewEnergy() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getNewEnergy([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setNewEnergy(com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_NewEnergy var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setNewEnergy([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getFromAndTo() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getFromAndTo([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getMode() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getMode([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as int).tocom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_DrivingStrategy(); + } + + + Future getCarType() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getCarType([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future?> getPassedByPoints() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getPassedByPoints([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future getAvoidRoad() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getAvoidRoad([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getPassedPointStr() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getPassedPointStr([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future hasPassPoint() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::hasPassPoint([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getAvoidpolygonsStr() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getAvoidpolygonsStr([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future hasAvoidpolygons() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::hasAvoidpolygons([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future hasAvoidRoad() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::hasAvoidRoad([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getExclude() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getExclude([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setExclude(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setExclude([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getShowFields() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getShowFields([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setShowFields(int var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setShowFields([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future clone() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::clone([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future isUseFerry() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::isUseFerry([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setUseFerry(bool var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setUseFerry([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setCarType(int var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setCarType([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_DriveRouteQuery{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_DriveRouteQuery_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getNewEnergy_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setNewEnergy_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getFromAndTo_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getMode_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as int).tocom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_DrivingStrategy()).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getCarType_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getPassedByPoints_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> getAvoidRoad_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getPassedPointStr_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> hasPassPoint_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getAvoidpolygonsStr_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> hasAvoidpolygons_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> hasAvoidRoad_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getExclude_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setExclude_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getShowFields_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setShowFields_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> clone_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> isUseFerry_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setUseFerry_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setCarType_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearchV2/DrivingStrategy.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearchV2/DrivingStrategy.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3100ac5 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearchV2/DrivingStrategy.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +enum com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_DrivingStrategy { + DEFAULT /* null */, + AVOID_CONGESTION /* null */, + HIGHWAY_PRIORITY /* null */, + AVOID_HIGHWAY /* null */, + LESS_CHARGE /* null */, + ROAD_PRIORITY /* null */, + SPEED_PRIORITY /* null */, + AVOID_CONGESTION_HIGHWAY_PRIORITY /* null */, + AVOID_CONGESTION_AVOID_HIGHWAY /* null */, + AVOID_CONGESTION_LESS_CHARGE /* null */, + LESS_CHARGE_AVOID_HIGHWAY /* null */, + AVOID_CONGESTION_LESS_CHARGE_AVOID_HIGHWAY /* null */, + AVOID_CONGESTION_ROAD_PRIORITY /* null */, + AVOID_CONGESTION_SPEED_PRIORITY /* null */ +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_DrivingStrategyToX on com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_DrivingStrategy { + int toValue() { + switch (this) { + case com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_DrivingStrategy.DEFAULT: return com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_DrivingStrategy.DEFAULT.index + 0; + case com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_DrivingStrategy.AVOID_CONGESTION: return com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_DrivingStrategy.AVOID_CONGESTION.index + 0; + case com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_DrivingStrategy.HIGHWAY_PRIORITY: return com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_DrivingStrategy.HIGHWAY_PRIORITY.index + 0; + case com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_DrivingStrategy.AVOID_HIGHWAY: return com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_DrivingStrategy.AVOID_HIGHWAY.index + 0; + case com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_DrivingStrategy.LESS_CHARGE: return com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_DrivingStrategy.LESS_CHARGE.index + 0; + case com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_DrivingStrategy.ROAD_PRIORITY: return com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_DrivingStrategy.ROAD_PRIORITY.index + 0; + case com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_DrivingStrategy.SPEED_PRIORITY: return com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_DrivingStrategy.SPEED_PRIORITY.index + 0; + case com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_DrivingStrategy.AVOID_CONGESTION_HIGHWAY_PRIORITY: return com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_DrivingStrategy.AVOID_CONGESTION_HIGHWAY_PRIORITY.index + 0; + case com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_DrivingStrategy.AVOID_CONGESTION_AVOID_HIGHWAY: return com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_DrivingStrategy.AVOID_CONGESTION_AVOID_HIGHWAY.index + 0; + case com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_DrivingStrategy.AVOID_CONGESTION_LESS_CHARGE: return com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_DrivingStrategy.AVOID_CONGESTION_LESS_CHARGE.index + 0; + case com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_DrivingStrategy.LESS_CHARGE_AVOID_HIGHWAY: return com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_DrivingStrategy.LESS_CHARGE_AVOID_HIGHWAY.index + 0; + case com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_DrivingStrategy.AVOID_CONGESTION_LESS_CHARGE_AVOID_HIGHWAY: return com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_DrivingStrategy.AVOID_CONGESTION_LESS_CHARGE_AVOID_HIGHWAY.index + 0; + case com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_DrivingStrategy.AVOID_CONGESTION_ROAD_PRIORITY: return com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_DrivingStrategy.AVOID_CONGESTION_ROAD_PRIORITY.index + 0; + case com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_DrivingStrategy.AVOID_CONGESTION_SPEED_PRIORITY: return com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_DrivingStrategy.AVOID_CONGESTION_SPEED_PRIORITY.index + 0; + default: return 0; + } + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_DrivingStrategyFromX on int { + com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_DrivingStrategy tocom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_DrivingStrategy() { + switch (this) { + + default: return com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_DrivingStrategy.values[this + 0]; + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearchV2/FromAndTo.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearchV2/FromAndTo.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f0c4196 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearchV2/FromAndTo.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,468 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_FromAndTo extends java_lang_Object with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint(com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint var1, com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint var2) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_FromAndTo__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint', + {"var1": var1, "var2": var2} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_FromAndTo__', + + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint(List var1, List var2) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_FromAndTo__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_FromAndTo__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getFrom() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getFrom([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getTo() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getTo([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getStartPoiID() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getStartPoiID([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setStartPoiID(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setStartPoiID([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getDestinationPoiID() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getDestinationPoiID([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setDestinationPoiID(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setDestinationPoiID([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getOriginType() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getOriginType([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setOriginType(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setOriginType([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getDestinationType() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getDestinationType([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setDestinationType(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setDestinationType([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getPlateNumber() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getPlateNumber([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setPlateNumber(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setPlateNumber([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future clone() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::clone([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_FromAndTo{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_FromAndTo_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getFrom_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getTo_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getStartPoiID_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setStartPoiID_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getDestinationPoiID_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setDestinationPoiID_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getOriginType_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setOriginType_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getDestinationType_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setDestinationType_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getPlateNumber_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setPlateNumber_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> clone_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearchV2/NewEnergy.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearchV2/NewEnergy.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3e8f348 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearchV2/NewEnergy.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,503 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_NewEnergy extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_NewEnergy__', + + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_NewEnergy__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getKey() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getKey([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setKey(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setKey([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getCustomCostMode() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getCustomCostMode([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setCustomCostMode(com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_CustomCostMode var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setCustomCostMode([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getMaxVehicleCharge() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getMaxVehicleCharge([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setMaxVehicleCharge(double var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setMaxVehicleCharge([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getVehicleCharge() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getVehicleCharge([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setVehicleCharge(double var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setVehicleCharge([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getLoad() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getLoad([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setLoad(double var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setLoad([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getLeavingPercent() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getLeavingPercent([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setLeavingPercent(double var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setLeavingPercent([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getArrivingPercent() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getArrivingPercent([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setArrivingPercent(double var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setArrivingPercent([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future buildParam() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::buildParam([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_NewEnergy{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_NewEnergy_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getKey_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setKey_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getCustomCostMode_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setCustomCostMode_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getMaxVehicleCharge_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setMaxVehicleCharge_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getVehicleCharge_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setVehicleCharge_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getLoad_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setLoad_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getLeavingPercent_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setLeavingPercent_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getArrivingPercent_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setArrivingPercent_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> buildParam_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearchV2/OnRoutePlanSearchListener.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearchV2/OnRoutePlanSearchListener.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..eda0457 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearchV2/OnRoutePlanSearchListener.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class _com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_OnRoutePlanSearchListener_SUB extends java_lang_Object with com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_OnRoutePlanSearchListener {} + +mixin com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_OnRoutePlanSearchListener on java_lang_Object { + + + static com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_OnRoutePlanSearchListener subInstance() => _com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_OnRoutePlanSearchListener_SUB(); + + static Future anonymous__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod(''); + + final __object__ = AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + + // handle callback + MethodChannel('${__object__.refId}', kAmapSearchFluttifyMethodCodec) + .setMethodCallHandler((methodCall) async { + try { + final args = methodCall.arguments as Map; + switch (methodCall.method) { + case 'onDriveRoutePlanSearched_': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onDriveRoutePlanSearched?.call([\'var1\':${args['var1']}, \'var2\':${args['var2']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onDriveRoutePlanSearched?.call(AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(args['var1']), args['var2']); + break; + default: + throw MissingPluginException('方法${methodCall.method}未实现'); + break; + } + } catch (e) { + debugPrint(e.toString()); + rethrow; + } + }); + + return __object__; + } + + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + + + + Future Function(com_amap_api_services_route_DriveRoutePlanResult? var1, int? var2)? onDriveRoutePlanSearched; + +} + diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearchV2/OnRouteSearchListener.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearchV2/OnRouteSearchListener.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f38dcc0 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearchV2/OnRouteSearchListener.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class _com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_OnRouteSearchListener_SUB extends java_lang_Object with com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_OnRouteSearchListener {} + +mixin com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_OnRouteSearchListener on java_lang_Object { + + + static com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_OnRouteSearchListener subInstance() => _com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_OnRouteSearchListener_SUB(); + + static Future anonymous__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod(''); + + final __object__ = AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + + // handle callback + MethodChannel('${__object__.refId}', kAmapSearchFluttifyMethodCodec) + .setMethodCallHandler((methodCall) async { + try { + final args = methodCall.arguments as Map; + switch (methodCall.method) { + case 'onDriveRouteSearched_': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onDriveRouteSearched?.call([\'var1\':${args['var1']}, \'var2\':${args['var2']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onDriveRouteSearched?.call(AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(args['var1']), args['var2']); + break; + default: + throw MissingPluginException('方法${methodCall.method}未实现'); + break; + } + } catch (e) { + debugPrint(e.toString()); + rethrow; + } + }); + + return __object__; + } + + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + + + + Future Function(com_amap_api_services_route_DriveRouteResultV2? var1, int? var2)? onDriveRouteSearched; + +} + diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearchV2/OnTruckRouteSearchListener.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearchV2/OnTruckRouteSearchListener.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0553a38 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearchV2/OnTruckRouteSearchListener.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class _com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_OnTruckRouteSearchListener_SUB extends java_lang_Object with com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_OnTruckRouteSearchListener {} + +mixin com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_OnTruckRouteSearchListener on java_lang_Object { + + + static com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_OnTruckRouteSearchListener subInstance() => _com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_OnTruckRouteSearchListener_SUB(); + + static Future anonymous__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod(''); + + final __object__ = AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + + // handle callback + MethodChannel('${__object__.refId}', kAmapSearchFluttifyMethodCodec) + .setMethodCallHandler((methodCall) async { + try { + final args = methodCall.arguments as Map; + switch (methodCall.method) { + case 'onTruckRouteSearched_': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onTruckRouteSearched?.call([\'var1\':${args['var1']}, \'var2\':${args['var2']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onTruckRouteSearched?.call(AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(args['var1']), args['var2']); + break; + default: + throw MissingPluginException('方法${methodCall.method}未实现'); + break; + } + } catch (e) { + debugPrint(e.toString()); + rethrow; + } + }); + + return __object__; + } + + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + + + + Future Function(com_amap_api_services_route_TruckRouteRestult? var1, int? var2)? onTruckRouteSearched; + +} + diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearchV2/PowerTrainLoss.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearchV2/PowerTrainLoss.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6d2af41 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearchV2/PowerTrainLoss.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,307 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_PowerTrainLoss extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_PowerTrainLoss__', + + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_PowerTrainLoss__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getPowerDemand() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getPowerDemand([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setPowerDemand(int var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setPowerDemand([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getPowerDemandValue() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getPowerDemandValue([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setPowerDemandValue(double var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setPowerDemandValue([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getSpeed() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getSpeed([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setSpeed(int var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setSpeed([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getSpeedValue() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getSpeedValue([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setSpeedValue(int var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setSpeedValue([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_PowerTrainLoss{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_PowerTrainLoss_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getPowerDemand_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setPowerDemand_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getPowerDemandValue_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setPowerDemandValue_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getSpeed_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setSpeed_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getSpeedValue_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setSpeedValue_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearchV2/ShowFields.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearchV2/ShowFields.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dae1553 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearchV2/ShowFields.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,92 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_ShowFields extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + static final int COST = 1; + static final int TMCS = 2; + static final int NAVI = 4; + static final int CITIES = 8; + static final int POLINE = 16; + static final int ELEC_COSUME_INFO = 32; + static final int CHARGE_STATION_INFO = 64; + static final int ALL = -1; + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_ShowFields__', + + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_ShowFields__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_ShowFields{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_ShowFields_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearchV2/SlopeCost.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearchV2/SlopeCost.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..61643fe --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearchV2/SlopeCost.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,195 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_SlopeCost extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_SlopeCost__', + + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_SlopeCost__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getUp() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getUp([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setUp(double var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setUp([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getDown() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getDown([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setDown(double var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setDown([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_SlopeCost{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_SlopeCost_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getUp_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setUp_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getDown_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setDown_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearchV2/SpeedCost.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearchV2/SpeedCost.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b9935bb --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearchV2/SpeedCost.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,195 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_SpeedCost extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_SpeedCost__', + + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_SpeedCost__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getSpeed() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getSpeed([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setSpeed(int var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setSpeed([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getValue() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getValue([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setValue(double var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setValue([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_SpeedCost{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_SpeedCost_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getSpeed_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setSpeed_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getValue_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setValue_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearchV2/TransCost.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearchV2/TransCost.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a1bf886 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/RouteSearchV2/TransCost.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,195 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_TransCost extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_TransCost__', + + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_TransCost__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getAccess() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getAccess([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setAccess(double var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setAccess([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getDecess() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getDecess([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setDecess(double var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setDecess([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_TransCost{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_TransCost_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getAccess_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setAccess_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getDecess_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setDecess_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/SearchCity.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/SearchCity.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5c0ac28 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/SearchCity.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,251 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_route_SearchCity extends java_lang_Object with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_SearchCity__', + + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_SearchCity__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getSearchCityName() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getSearchCityName([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setSearchCityName(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setSearchCityName([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getSearchCitycode() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getSearchCitycode([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setSearchCitycode(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setSearchCitycode([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getSearchCityAdCode() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getSearchCityAdCode([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setSearchCityhAdCode(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setSearchCityhAdCode([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_route_SearchCity{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_route_SearchCity_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getSearchCityName_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setSearchCityName_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getSearchCitycode_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setSearchCitycode_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getSearchCityAdCode_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setSearchCityhAdCode_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/TMC.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/TMC.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ee27fb1 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/TMC.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,251 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_route_TMC extends java_lang_Object with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_TMC__', + + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_TMC__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getDistance() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getDistance([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getStatus() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getStatus([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setDistance(int var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setDistance([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setStatus(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setStatus([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future?> getPolyline() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getPolyline([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future setPolyline(List var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setPolyline([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_route_TMC{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_route_TMC_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getDistance_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getStatus_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setDistance_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setStatus_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getPolyline_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> setPolyline_batch(List> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/TaxiItem.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/TaxiItem.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e1d47a0 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/TaxiItem.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,419 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_route_TaxiItem extends java_lang_Object with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_TaxiItem__', + + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_TaxiItem__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getOrigin() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getOrigin([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getDestination() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getDestination([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getDistance() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getDistance([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getDuration() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getDuration([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getmSname() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getmSname([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getmTname() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getmTname([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setOrigin(com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setOrigin([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setDestination(com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setDestination([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setDistance(double var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setDistance([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setDuration(double var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setDuration([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setSname(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setSname([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setTname(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setTname([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_route_TaxiItem{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_route_TaxiItem_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getOrigin_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getDestination_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getDistance_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getDuration_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getmSname_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getmTname_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setOrigin_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setDestination_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setDistance_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setDuration_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setSname_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setTname_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/TimeInfo.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/TimeInfo.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b5a7682 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/TimeInfo.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,195 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_route_TimeInfo extends java_lang_Object with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_TimeInfo__', + + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_TimeInfo__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getStartTime() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getStartTime([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setStartTime(int var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setStartTime([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future?> getElements() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getElements([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future setElements(List var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setElements([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_route_TimeInfo{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_route_TimeInfo_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getStartTime_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setStartTime_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getElements_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> setElements_batch(List> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/TimeInfosElement.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/TimeInfosElement.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..280abd6 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/TimeInfosElement.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,363 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_route_TimeInfosElement extends java_lang_Object with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_TimeInfosElement__', + + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_TimeInfosElement__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getPathindex() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getPathindex([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setPathindex(int var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setPathindex([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getDuration() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getDuration([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setDuration(double var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setDuration([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getTolls() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getTolls([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setTolls(double var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setTolls([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getRestriction() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getRestriction([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setRestriction(int var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setRestriction([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setTMCs(List var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setTMCs([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future?> getTMCs() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getTMCs([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_route_TimeInfosElement{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_route_TimeInfosElement_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getPathindex_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setPathindex_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getDuration_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setDuration_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getTolls_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setTolls_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getRestriction_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setRestriction_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setTMCs_batch(List> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getTMCs_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/TruckPath.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/TruckPath.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5b8196c --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/TruckPath.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,531 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_route_TruckPath extends java_lang_Object with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_TruckPath__', + + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_TruckPath__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future setDistance(double var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setDistance([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setDuration(int var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setDuration([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setStrategy(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setStrategy([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setTolls(double var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setTolls([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setTollDistance(double var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setTollDistance([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setTotalTrafficlights(int var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setTotalTrafficlights([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setRestriction(int var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setRestriction([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setSteps(List var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setSteps([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getDistance() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getDistance([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getDuration() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getDuration([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getStrategy() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getStrategy([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getTolls() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getTolls([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getTollDistance() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getTollDistance([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getTotalTrafficlights() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getTotalTrafficlights([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getRestriction() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getRestriction([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future?> getSteps() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getSteps([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_route_TruckPath{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_route_TruckPath_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> setDistance_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setDuration_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setStrategy_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setTolls_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setTollDistance_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setTotalTrafficlights_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setRestriction_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setSteps_batch(List> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getDistance_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getDuration_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getStrategy_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getTolls_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getTollDistance_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getTotalTrafficlights_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getRestriction_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getSteps_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/TruckRouteRestult.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/TruckRouteRestult.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3f26159 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/TruckRouteRestult.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,307 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_route_TruckRouteRestult extends java_lang_Object with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_TruckRouteRestult__', + + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_TruckRouteRestult__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future setTruckQuery(com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_TruckRouteQuery var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setTruckQuery([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setPaths(List var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setPaths([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setStartPos(com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setStartPos([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setTargetPos(com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setTargetPos([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getTruckQuery() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getTruckQuery([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future?> getPaths() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getPaths([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future getStartPos() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getStartPos([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getTargetPos() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getTargetPos([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_route_TruckRouteRestult{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_route_TruckRouteRestult_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> setTruckQuery_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setPaths_batch(List> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setStartPos_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setTargetPos_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getTruckQuery_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getPaths_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> getStartPos_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getTargetPos_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/TruckStep.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/TruckStep.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f4c199a --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/TruckStep.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,811 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_route_TruckStep extends java_lang_Object with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_TruckStep__', + + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_TruckStep__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future setInstruction(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setInstruction([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setOrientation(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setOrientation([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setRoad(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setRoad([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setTolls(double var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setTolls([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setDistance(double var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setDistance([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setTollDistance(double var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setTollDistance([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setTollRoad(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setTollRoad([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setDuration(double var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setDuration([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setPolyline(List var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setPolyline([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setAction(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setAction([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setAssistantAction(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setAssistantAction([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setRouteSearchCityList(List var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setRouteSearchCityList([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setTMCs(List var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setTMCs([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getInstruction() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getInstruction([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getOrientation() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getOrientation([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getRoad() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getRoad([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getTolls() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getTolls([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getDistance() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getDistance([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getTollDistance() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getTollDistance([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getTollRoad() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getTollRoad([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getDuration() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getDuration([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future?> getPolyline() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getPolyline([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future getAction() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getAction([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getAssistantAction() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getAssistantAction([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future?> getRouteSearchCityList() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getRouteSearchCityList([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?> getTMCs() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getTMCs([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_route_TruckStep{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_route_TruckStep_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> setInstruction_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setOrientation_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setRoad_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setTolls_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setDistance_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setTollDistance_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setTollRoad_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setDuration_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setPolyline_batch(List> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setAction_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setAssistantAction_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setRouteSearchCityList_batch(List> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setTMCs_batch(List> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getInstruction_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getOrientation_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getRoad_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getTolls_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getDistance_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getTollDistance_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getTollRoad_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getDuration_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getPolyline_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> getAction_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getAssistantAction_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getRouteSearchCityList_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getTMCs_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/WalkPath.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/WalkPath.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..90f35e4 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/WalkPath.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,139 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_route_WalkPath extends com_amap_api_services_route_Path with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_WalkPath__', + + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_WalkPath__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future?> getSteps() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getSteps([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future setSteps(List var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setSteps([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_route_WalkPath{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_route_WalkPath_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future?>> getSteps_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> setSteps_batch(List> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/WalkRouteResult.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/WalkRouteResult.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dbe365d --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/WalkRouteResult.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,195 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_route_WalkRouteResult extends com_amap_api_services_route_RouteResult with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_WalkRouteResult__', + + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_WalkRouteResult__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future?> getPaths() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getPaths([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future setPaths(List var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setPaths([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getWalkQuery() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getWalkQuery([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setWalkQuery(com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_WalkRouteQuery var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setWalkQuery([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_route_WalkRouteResult{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_route_WalkRouteResult_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future?>> getPaths_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> setPaths_batch(List> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getWalkQuery_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setWalkQuery_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/WalkStep.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/WalkStep.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..19cbeb4 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/route/WalkStep.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,531 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_route_WalkStep extends java_lang_Object with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_route_WalkStep__', + + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_route_WalkStep__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getInstruction() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getInstruction([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setInstruction(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setInstruction([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getOrientation() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getOrientation([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setOrientation(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setOrientation([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getRoad() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getRoad([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setRoad(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setRoad([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getDistance() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getDistance([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setDistance(double var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setDistance([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getDuration() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getDuration([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setDuration(double var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setDuration([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future?> getPolyline() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getPolyline([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future setPolyline(List var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setPolyline([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getAction() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getAction([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setAction(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setAction([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getAssistantAction() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getAssistantAction([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setAssistantAction(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setAssistantAction([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_route_WalkStep{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_route_WalkStep_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getInstruction_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setInstruction_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getOrientation_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setOrientation_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getRoad_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setRoad_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getDistance_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setDistance_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getDuration_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setDuration_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getPolyline_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> setPolyline_batch(List> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getAction_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setAction_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getAssistantAction_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setAssistantAction_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/routepoisearch/RoutePOIItem.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/routepoisearch/RoutePOIItem.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..69852ea --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/routepoisearch/RoutePOIItem.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,363 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOIItem extends java_lang_Object with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOIItem__', + + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOIItem__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getID() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getID([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setID(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setID([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getTitle() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getTitle([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setTitle(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setTitle([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getPoint() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getPoint([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setPoint(com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setPoint([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getDistance() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getDistance([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setDistance(double var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setDistance([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getDuration() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getDuration([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setDuration(double var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setDuration([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOIItem{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOIItem_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getID_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setID_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getTitle_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setTitle_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getPoint_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setPoint_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getDistance_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setDistance_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getDuration_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setDuration_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/routepoisearch/RoutePOISearch.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/routepoisearch/RoutePOISearch.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..50aae94 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/routepoisearch/RoutePOISearch.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,192 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearch extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + static final int DrivingDefault = 0; + static final int DrivingSaveMoney = 1; + static final int DrivingShortDistance = 2; + static final int DrivingNoExpressways = 3; + static final int DrivingAvoidCongestion = 4; + static final int DrivingNoHighWay = 6; + static final int DrivingNoHighWaySaveMoney = 7; + static final int DrivingSaveMoneyAvoidCongestion = 8; + static final int DrivingNoHighAvoidCongestionSaveMoney = 9; + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__android_content_Context__com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearchQuery(android_content_Context var1, com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearchQuery var2) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearch__android_content_Context__com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearchQuery', + {"var1": var1, "var2": var2} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__android_content_Context__com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearchQuery(List var1, List var2) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearch__android_content_Context__com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearchQuery', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future setPoiSearchListener(com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearch_OnRoutePOISearchListener var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setPoiSearchListener([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setQuery(com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearchQuery var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setQuery([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future searchRoutePOIAsyn() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::searchRoutePOIAsyn([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future searchRoutePOI() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::searchRoutePOI([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearch{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearch_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> setQuery_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> searchRoutePOIAsyn_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> searchRoutePOI_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/routepoisearch/RoutePOISearch/OnRoutePOISearchListener.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/routepoisearch/RoutePOISearch/OnRoutePOISearchListener.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0950e04 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/routepoisearch/RoutePOISearch/OnRoutePOISearchListener.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class _com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearch_OnRoutePOISearchListener_SUB extends java_lang_Object with com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearch_OnRoutePOISearchListener {} + +mixin com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearch_OnRoutePOISearchListener on java_lang_Object { + + + static com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearch_OnRoutePOISearchListener subInstance() => _com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearch_OnRoutePOISearchListener_SUB(); + + static Future anonymous__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod(''); + + final __object__ = AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + + // handle callback + MethodChannel('${__object__.refId}', kAmapSearchFluttifyMethodCodec) + .setMethodCallHandler((methodCall) async { + try { + final args = methodCall.arguments as Map; + switch (methodCall.method) { + case 'onRoutePoiSearched_': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onRoutePoiSearched?.call([\'var1\':${args['var1']}, \'var2\':${args['var2']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onRoutePoiSearched?.call(AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(args['var1']), args['var2']); + break; + default: + throw MissingPluginException('方法${methodCall.method}未实现'); + break; + } + } catch (e) { + debugPrint(e.toString()); + rethrow; + } + }); + + return __object__; + } + + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + + + + Future Function(com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearchResult? var1, int? var2)? onRoutePoiSearched; + +} + diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/routepoisearch/RoutePOISearch/RoutePOISearchType.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/routepoisearch/RoutePOISearch/RoutePOISearchType.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..66bb272 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/routepoisearch/RoutePOISearch/RoutePOISearchType.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +enum com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearch_RoutePOISearchType { + TypeGasStation /* null */, + TypeMaintenanceStation /* null */, + TypeATM /* null */, + TypeToilet /* null */, + TypeFillingStation /* null */, + TypeServiceArea /* null */ +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearch_RoutePOISearchTypeToX on com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearch_RoutePOISearchType { + int toValue() { + switch (this) { + case com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearch_RoutePOISearchType.TypeGasStation: return com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearch_RoutePOISearchType.TypeGasStation.index + 0; + case com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearch_RoutePOISearchType.TypeMaintenanceStation: return com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearch_RoutePOISearchType.TypeMaintenanceStation.index + 0; + case com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearch_RoutePOISearchType.TypeATM: return com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearch_RoutePOISearchType.TypeATM.index + 0; + case com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearch_RoutePOISearchType.TypeToilet: return com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearch_RoutePOISearchType.TypeToilet.index + 0; + case com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearch_RoutePOISearchType.TypeFillingStation: return com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearch_RoutePOISearchType.TypeFillingStation.index + 0; + case com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearch_RoutePOISearchType.TypeServiceArea: return com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearch_RoutePOISearchType.TypeServiceArea.index + 0; + default: return 0; + } + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearch_RoutePOISearchTypeFromX on int { + com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearch_RoutePOISearchType tocom_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearch_RoutePOISearchType() { + switch (this) { + + default: return com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearch_RoutePOISearchType.values[this + 0]; + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/routepoisearch/RoutePOISearchQuery.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/routepoisearch/RoutePOISearchQuery.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0275a44 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/routepoisearch/RoutePOISearchQuery.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,300 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearchQuery extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__int__com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearch_RoutePOISearchType__int(com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint var1, com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint var2, int var3, com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearch_RoutePOISearchType var4, int var5) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearchQuery__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__int__com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearch_RoutePOISearchType__int', + {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "var3": var3, "var4": var4, "var5": var5} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future create__List_java_util_List_com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint____com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearch_RoutePOISearchType__int(List var1, com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearch_RoutePOISearchType var2, int var3) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearchQuery__java_util_List_com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint___com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearch_RoutePOISearchType__int', + {"var1": var1, "var2": var2, "var3": var3} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__int__com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearch_RoutePOISearchType__int(List var1, List var2, List var3, List var4, List var5) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length && var2.length == var3.length && var3.length == var4.length && var4.length == var5.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearchQuery__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__int__com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearch_RoutePOISearchType__int', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "var3": var3[__i__], "var4": var4[__i__], "var5": var5[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + static Future> create_batch__List_java_util_List_com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint____com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearch_RoutePOISearchType__int(List> var1, List var2, List var3) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length && var2.length == var3.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearchQuery__java_util_List_com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint___com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearch_RoutePOISearchType__int', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__], "var3": var3[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getFrom() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getFrom([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getTo() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getTo([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getMode() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getMode([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getSearchType() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getSearchType([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as int).tocom_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearch_RoutePOISearchType(); + } + + + Future getRange() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getRange([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future?> getPolylines() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getPolylines([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future clone() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::clone([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearchQuery{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearchQuery_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getFrom_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getTo_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getMode_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getSearchType_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as int).tocom_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearch_RoutePOISearchType()).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getRange_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getPolylines_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> clone_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/routepoisearch/RoutePOISearchResult.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/routepoisearch/RoutePOISearchResult.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e160411 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/routepoisearch/RoutePOISearchResult.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,139 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearchResult extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__List_java_util_ArrayList_com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOIItem____com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearchQuery(List var1, com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearchQuery var2) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearchResult__java_util_ArrayList_com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOIItem___com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearchQuery', + {"var1": var1, "var2": var2} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__List_java_util_ArrayList_com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOIItem____com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearchQuery(List> var1, List var2) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearchResult__java_util_ArrayList_com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOIItem___com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearchQuery', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future?> getRoutePois() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getRoutePois([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future getQuery() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getQuery([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearchResult{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearchResult_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future?>> getRoutePois_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> getQuery_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/share/ShareSearch.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/share/ShareSearch.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..adf873c --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/share/ShareSearch.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,459 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + static final int BusDefault = 0; + static final int BusSaveMoney = 1; + static final int BusLeaseChange = 2; + static final int BusLeaseWalk = 3; + static final int BusComfortable = 4; + static final int BusNoSubway = 5; + static final int DrivingDefault = 0; + static final int DrivingSaveMoney = 1; + static final int DrivingShortDistance = 2; + static final int DrivingNoHighWay = 3; + static final int DrivingAvoidCongestion = 4; + static final int DrivingNoHighWaySaveMoney = 5; + static final int DrivingNoHighWayAvoidCongestion = 6; + static final int DrivingSaveMoneyAvoidCongestion = 7; + static final int DrivingNoHighWaySaveMoneyAvoidCongestion = 8; + static final int NaviDefault = 0; + static final int NaviSaveMoney = 1; + static final int NaviShortDistance = 2; + static final int NaviNoHighWay = 3; + static final int NaviAvoidCongestion = 4; + static final int NaviNoHighWaySaveMoney = 5; + static final int NaviNoHighWayAvoidCongestion = 6; + static final int NaviSaveMoneyAvoidCongestion = 7; + static final int NaviNoHighWaySaveMoneyAvoidCongestion = 8; + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__android_content_Context(android_content_Context var1) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch__android_content_Context', + {"var1": var1} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__android_content_Context(List var1) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch__android_content_Context', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future setOnShareSearchListener(com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_OnShareSearchListener var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setOnShareSearchListener([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future searchPoiShareUrlAsyn(com_amap_api_services_core_PoiItem var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::searchPoiShareUrlAsyn([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future searchBusRouteShareUrlAsyn(com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareBusRouteQuery var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::searchBusRouteShareUrlAsyn([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future searchWalkRouteShareUrlAsyn(com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareWalkRouteQuery var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::searchWalkRouteShareUrlAsyn([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future searchDrivingRouteShareUrlAsyn(com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareDrivingRouteQuery var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::searchDrivingRouteShareUrlAsyn([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future searchNaviShareUrlAsyn(com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareNaviQuery var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::searchNaviShareUrlAsyn([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future searchLocationShareUrlAsyn(com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonSharePoint var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::searchLocationShareUrlAsyn([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future searchPoiShareUrl(com_amap_api_services_core_PoiItem var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::searchPoiShareUrl([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future searchNaviShareUrl(com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareNaviQuery var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::searchNaviShareUrl([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future searchLocationShareUrl(com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonSharePoint var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::searchLocationShareUrl([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future searchBusRouteShareUrl(com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareBusRouteQuery var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::searchBusRouteShareUrl([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future searchDrivingRouteShareUrl(com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareDrivingRouteQuery var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::searchDrivingRouteShareUrl([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future searchWalkRouteShareUrl(com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareWalkRouteQuery var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::searchWalkRouteShareUrl([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> searchPoiShareUrlAsyn_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> searchBusRouteShareUrlAsyn_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> searchWalkRouteShareUrlAsyn_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> searchDrivingRouteShareUrlAsyn_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> searchNaviShareUrlAsyn_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> searchLocationShareUrlAsyn_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> searchPoiShareUrl_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> searchNaviShareUrl_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> searchLocationShareUrl_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> searchBusRouteShareUrl_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> searchDrivingRouteShareUrl_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> searchWalkRouteShareUrl_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/share/ShareSearch/OnShareSearchListener.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/share/ShareSearch/OnShareSearchListener.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2f6890f --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/share/ShareSearch/OnShareSearchListener.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,122 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class _com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_OnShareSearchListener_SUB extends java_lang_Object with com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_OnShareSearchListener {} + +mixin com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_OnShareSearchListener on java_lang_Object { + + + static com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_OnShareSearchListener subInstance() => _com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_OnShareSearchListener_SUB(); + + static Future anonymous__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod(''); + + final __object__ = AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + + // handle callback + MethodChannel('${__object__.refId}', kAmapSearchFluttifyMethodCodec) + .setMethodCallHandler((methodCall) async { + try { + final args = methodCall.arguments as Map; + switch (methodCall.method) { + case 'onPoiShareUrlSearched_': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onPoiShareUrlSearched?.call([\'var1\':${args['var1']}, \'var2\':${args['var2']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onPoiShareUrlSearched?.call(args['var1'], args['var2']); + break; + case 'onLocationShareUrlSearched_': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onLocationShareUrlSearched?.call([\'var1\':${args['var1']}, \'var2\':${args['var2']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onLocationShareUrlSearched?.call(args['var1'], args['var2']); + break; + case 'onNaviShareUrlSearched_': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onNaviShareUrlSearched?.call([\'var1\':${args['var1']}, \'var2\':${args['var2']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onNaviShareUrlSearched?.call(args['var1'], args['var2']); + break; + case 'onBusRouteShareUrlSearched_': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onBusRouteShareUrlSearched?.call([\'var1\':${args['var1']}, \'var2\':${args['var2']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onBusRouteShareUrlSearched?.call(args['var1'], args['var2']); + break; + case 'onWalkRouteShareUrlSearched_': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onWalkRouteShareUrlSearched?.call([\'var1\':${args['var1']}, \'var2\':${args['var2']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onWalkRouteShareUrlSearched?.call(args['var1'], args['var2']); + break; + case 'onDrivingRouteShareUrlSearched_': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onDrivingRouteShareUrlSearched?.call([\'var1\':${args['var1']}, \'var2\':${args['var2']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onDrivingRouteShareUrlSearched?.call(args['var1'], args['var2']); + break; + default: + throw MissingPluginException('方法${methodCall.method}未实现'); + break; + } + } catch (e) { + debugPrint(e.toString()); + rethrow; + } + }); + + return __object__; + } + + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + + + + Future Function(String? var1, int? var2)? onPoiShareUrlSearched; + + Future Function(String? var1, int? var2)? onLocationShareUrlSearched; + + Future Function(String? var1, int? var2)? onNaviShareUrlSearched; + + Future Function(String? var1, int? var2)? onBusRouteShareUrlSearched; + + Future Function(String? var1, int? var2)? onWalkRouteShareUrlSearched; + + Future Function(String? var1, int? var2)? onDrivingRouteShareUrlSearched; + +} + diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/share/ShareSearch/ShareBusRouteQuery.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/share/ShareSearch/ShareBusRouteQuery.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f9ea06c --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/share/ShareSearch/ShareBusRouteQuery.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,139 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareBusRouteQuery extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareFromAndTo__int(com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareFromAndTo var1, int var2) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareBusRouteQuery__com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareFromAndTo__int', + {"var1": var1, "var2": var2} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareFromAndTo__int(List var1, List var2) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareBusRouteQuery__com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareFromAndTo__int', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getBusMode() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getBusMode([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getShareFromAndTo() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getShareFromAndTo([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareBusRouteQuery{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareBusRouteQuery_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getBusMode_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getShareFromAndTo_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/share/ShareSearch/ShareDrivingRouteQuery.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/share/ShareSearch/ShareDrivingRouteQuery.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f3dfe5c --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/share/ShareSearch/ShareDrivingRouteQuery.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,139 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareDrivingRouteQuery extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareFromAndTo__int(com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareFromAndTo var1, int var2) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareDrivingRouteQuery__com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareFromAndTo__int', + {"var1": var1, "var2": var2} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareFromAndTo__int(List var1, List var2) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareDrivingRouteQuery__com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareFromAndTo__int', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getDrivingMode() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getDrivingMode([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getShareFromAndTo() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getShareFromAndTo([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareDrivingRouteQuery{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareDrivingRouteQuery_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getDrivingMode_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getShareFromAndTo_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/share/ShareSearch/ShareFromAndTo.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/share/ShareSearch/ShareFromAndTo.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..886dd03 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/share/ShareSearch/ShareFromAndTo.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,251 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareFromAndTo extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint(com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint var1, com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint var2) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareFromAndTo__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint', + {"var1": var1, "var2": var2} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint(List var1, List var2) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareFromAndTo__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future setFromName(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setFromName([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setToName(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setToName([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getFrom() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getFrom([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getTo() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getTo([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getFromName() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getFromName([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getToName() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getToName([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareFromAndTo{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareFromAndTo_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> setFromName_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setToName_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getFrom_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getTo_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getFromName_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getToName_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/share/ShareSearch/ShareNaviQuery.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/share/ShareSearch/ShareNaviQuery.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..647471f --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/share/ShareSearch/ShareNaviQuery.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,139 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareNaviQuery extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareFromAndTo__int(com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareFromAndTo var1, int var2) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareNaviQuery__com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareFromAndTo__int', + {"var1": var1, "var2": var2} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareFromAndTo__int(List var1, List var2) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareNaviQuery__com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareFromAndTo__int', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getFromAndTo() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getFromAndTo([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getNaviMode() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getNaviMode([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareNaviQuery{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareNaviQuery_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getFromAndTo_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getNaviMode_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/share/ShareSearch/ShareWalkRouteQuery.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/share/ShareSearch/ShareWalkRouteQuery.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4c9d311 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/share/ShareSearch/ShareWalkRouteQuery.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,139 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareWalkRouteQuery extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareFromAndTo__int(com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareFromAndTo var1, int var2) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareWalkRouteQuery__com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareFromAndTo__int', + {"var1": var1, "var2": var2} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareFromAndTo__int(List var1, List var2) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareWalkRouteQuery__com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareFromAndTo__int', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getWalkMode() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getWalkMode([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getShareFromAndTo() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getShareFromAndTo([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareWalkRouteQuery{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareWalkRouteQuery_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getWalkMode_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getShareFromAndTo_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/weather/LocalDayWeatherForecast.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/weather/LocalDayWeatherForecast.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6ede132 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/weather/LocalDayWeatherForecast.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,643 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_weather_LocalDayWeatherForecast extends java_lang_Object with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_weather_LocalDayWeatherForecast__', + + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_weather_LocalDayWeatherForecast__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getDate() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getDate([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setDate(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setDate([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getWeek() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getWeek([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setWeek(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setWeek([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getDayWeather() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getDayWeather([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setDayWeather(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setDayWeather([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getNightWeather() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getNightWeather([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setNightWeather(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setNightWeather([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getDayTemp() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getDayTemp([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setDayTemp(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setDayTemp([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getNightTemp() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getNightTemp([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setNightTemp(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setNightTemp([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getDayWindDirection() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getDayWindDirection([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setDayWindDirection(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setDayWindDirection([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getNightWindDirection() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getNightWindDirection([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setNightWindDirection(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setNightWindDirection([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getDayWindPower() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getDayWindPower([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setDayWindPower(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setDayWindPower([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getNightWindPower() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getNightWindPower([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setNightWindPower(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setNightWindPower([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_weather_LocalDayWeatherForecast{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_weather_LocalDayWeatherForecast_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getDate_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setDate_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getWeek_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setWeek_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getDayWeather_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setDayWeather_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getNightWeather_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setNightWeather_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getDayTemp_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setDayTemp_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getNightTemp_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setNightTemp_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getDayWindDirection_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setDayWindDirection_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getNightWindDirection_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setNightWindDirection_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getDayWindPower_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setDayWindPower_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getNightWindPower_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setNightWindPower_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/weather/LocalWeatherForecast.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/weather/LocalWeatherForecast.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2820e30 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/weather/LocalWeatherForecast.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,363 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_weather_LocalWeatherForecast extends java_lang_Object with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_weather_LocalWeatherForecast__', + + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_weather_LocalWeatherForecast__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getProvince() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getProvince([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setProvince(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setProvince([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getCity() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getCity([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setCity(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setCity([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getAdCode() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getAdCode([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setAdCode(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setAdCode([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getReportTime() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getReportTime([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setReportTime(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setReportTime([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future?> getWeatherForecast() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getWeatherForecast([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future setWeatherForecast(List var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setWeatherForecast([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_weather_LocalWeatherForecast{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_weather_LocalWeatherForecast_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getProvince_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setProvince_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getCity_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setCity_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getAdCode_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setAdCode_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getReportTime_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setReportTime_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future?>> getWeatherForecast_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + + Future> setWeatherForecast_batch(List> var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/weather/LocalWeatherForecastResult.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/weather/LocalWeatherForecastResult.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9fd2448 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/weather/LocalWeatherForecastResult.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,147 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_weather_LocalWeatherForecastResult extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + static Future createPagedResult(com_amap_api_services_weather_WeatherSearchQuery var0, com_amap_api_services_weather_LocalWeatherForecast var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:[])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var0": var0, "var1": var1}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getWeatherForecastQuery() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getWeatherForecastQuery([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getForecastResult() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getForecastResult([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_weather_LocalWeatherForecastResult{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_weather_LocalWeatherForecastResult_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + static Future> createPagedResult_batch(List var0, List var1) async { + assert(var0.length == var1.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var0.length; __i__++) {"var0": var0[__i__], "var1": var1[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getWeatherForecastQuery_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getForecastResult_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/weather/LocalWeatherLive.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/weather/LocalWeatherLive.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..03a99cc --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/weather/LocalWeatherLive.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,587 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_weather_LocalWeatherLive extends java_lang_Object with android_os_Parcelable { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_weather_LocalWeatherLive__', + + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_weather_LocalWeatherLive__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getProvince() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getProvince([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getCity() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getCity([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getAdCode() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getAdCode([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getWeather() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getWeather([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getTemperature() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getTemperature([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getWindDirection() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getWindDirection([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getWindPower() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getWindPower([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getHumidity() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getHumidity([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getReportTime() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getReportTime([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setProvince(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setProvince([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setCity(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setCity([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setAdCode(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setAdCode([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setWeather(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setWeather([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setTemperature(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setTemperature([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setWindDirection(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setWindDirection([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setWindPower(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setWindPower([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setHumidity(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setHumidity([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setReportTime(String var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setReportTime([\'var1\':$var1])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_weather_LocalWeatherLive{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_weather_LocalWeatherLive_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getProvince_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getCity_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getAdCode_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getWeather_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getTemperature_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getWindDirection_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getWindPower_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getHumidity_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getReportTime_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setProvince_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setCity_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setAdCode_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setWeather_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setTemperature_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setWindDirection_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setWindPower_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setHumidity_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setReportTime_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/weather/LocalWeatherLiveResult.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/weather/LocalWeatherLiveResult.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bd95a44 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/weather/LocalWeatherLiveResult.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,147 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_weather_LocalWeatherLiveResult extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + static Future createPagedResult(com_amap_api_services_weather_WeatherSearchQuery var0, com_amap_api_services_weather_LocalWeatherLive var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:[])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var0": var0, "var1": var1}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getWeatherLiveQuery() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getWeatherLiveQuery([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future getLiveResult() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getLiveResult([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_weather_LocalWeatherLiveResult{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_weather_LocalWeatherLiveResult_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + static Future> createPagedResult_batch(List var0, List var1) async { + assert(var0.length == var1.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var0.length; __i__++) {"var0": var0[__i__], "var1": var1[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getWeatherLiveQuery_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getLiveResult_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/weather/WeatherSearch.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/weather/WeatherSearch.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ca19f44 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/weather/WeatherSearch.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,184 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_weather_WeatherSearch extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__android_content_Context(android_content_Context var1) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_weather_WeatherSearch__android_content_Context', + {"var1": var1} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__android_content_Context(List var1) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_weather_WeatherSearch__android_content_Context', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getQuery() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getQuery([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + + Future setQuery(com_amap_api_services_weather_WeatherSearchQuery var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setQuery([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future searchWeatherAsyn() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::searchWeatherAsyn([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future setOnWeatherSearchListener(com_amap_api_services_weather_WeatherSearch_OnWeatherSearchListener var1) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::setOnWeatherSearchListener([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"var1": var1, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_weather_WeatherSearch{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_weather_WeatherSearch_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getQuery_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> setQuery_batch(List var1) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> searchWeatherAsyn_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/weather/WeatherSearch/OnWeatherSearchListener.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/weather/WeatherSearch/OnWeatherSearchListener.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bc09c28 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/weather/WeatherSearch/OnWeatherSearchListener.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,78 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class _com_amap_api_services_weather_WeatherSearch_OnWeatherSearchListener_SUB extends java_lang_Object with com_amap_api_services_weather_WeatherSearch_OnWeatherSearchListener {} + +mixin com_amap_api_services_weather_WeatherSearch_OnWeatherSearchListener on java_lang_Object { + + + static com_amap_api_services_weather_WeatherSearch_OnWeatherSearchListener subInstance() => _com_amap_api_services_weather_WeatherSearch_OnWeatherSearchListener_SUB(); + + static Future anonymous__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod(''); + + final __object__ = AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + + // handle callback + MethodChannel('${__object__.refId}', kAmapSearchFluttifyMethodCodec) + .setMethodCallHandler((methodCall) async { + try { + final args = methodCall.arguments as Map; + switch (methodCall.method) { + case 'onWeatherLiveSearched_': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onWeatherLiveSearched?.call([\'var1\':${args['var1']}, \'var2\':${args['var2']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onWeatherLiveSearched?.call(AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(args['var1']), args['var2']); + break; + case 'onWeatherForecastSearched_': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onWeatherForecastSearched?.call([\'var1\':${args['var1']}, \'var2\':${args['var2']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onWeatherForecastSearched?.call(AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(args['var1']), args['var2']); + break; + default: + throw MissingPluginException('方法${methodCall.method}未实现'); + break; + } + } catch (e) { + debugPrint(e.toString()); + rethrow; + } + }); + + return __object__; + } + + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + + + + Future Function(com_amap_api_services_weather_LocalWeatherLiveResult? var1, int? var2)? onWeatherLiveSearched; + + Future Function(com_amap_api_services_weather_LocalWeatherForecastResult? var1, int? var2)? onWeatherForecastSearched; + +} + diff --git a/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/weather/WeatherSearchQuery.g.dart b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/weather/WeatherSearchQuery.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c0b7a6b --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/com/amap/api/services/weather/WeatherSearchQuery.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,189 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class com_amap_api_services_weather_WeatherSearchQuery extends java_lang_Object { + //region constants + static const String name__ = ''; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + static final int WEATHER_TYPE_LIVE = 1; + static final int WEATHER_TYPE_FORECAST = 2; + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__String__int(String var1, int var2) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_weather_WeatherSearchQuery__String__int', + {"var1": var1, "var2": var2} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future create__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createcom_amap_api_services_weather_WeatherSearchQuery__', + + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__String__int(List var1, List var2) async { + assert(var1.length == var2.length); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_weather_WeatherSearchQuery__String__int', + [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < var1.length; __i__++) {"var1": var1[__i__], "var2": var2[__i__]}] + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchcom_amap_api_services_weather_WeatherSearchQuery__', + {'length': length} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future getCity() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getCity([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future getType() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::getType([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future clone() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart:$refId::clone([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'com_amap_api_services_weather_WeatherSearchQuery{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension com_amap_api_services_weather_WeatherSearchQuery_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> getCity_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> getType_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> clone_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/android/constants.g.dart b/lib/src/android/constants.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..069bb52 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/constants.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; +import '../facade/shared.g.dart'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; + diff --git a/lib/src/android/type_op.g.dart b/lib/src/android/type_op.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c8ff14e --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/android/type_op.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,982 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:io'; + +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + + +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import +// type check +@optionalTypeArgs +Future AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidIs(dynamic __this__) async { + final typeName = T.toString(); + if (RegExp(r'^(List<)?(String|int|double)(>)?|(Map)$').hasMatch(typeName)) { + return __this__ is T; + } + else if (T == com_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineSearch_OnBusLineSearchListener) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineSearch_OnBusLineSearchListener', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_busline_BusStationSearch_OnBusStationSearchListener) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_busline_BusStationSearch_OnBusStationSearchListener', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineItem) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineItem', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_busline_BusStationResult) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_busline_BusStationResult', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_busline_BusStationSearch) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_busline_BusStationSearch', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineSearch) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineSearch', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineQuery) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineQuery', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineResult) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineResult', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_busline_BusStationItem) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_busline_BusStationItem', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_busline_BusStationQuery) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_busline_BusStationQuery', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_core_AMapException) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_core_AMapException', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_core_ServiceSettings) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_core_ServiceSettings', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_core_SearchUtils) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_core_SearchUtils', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonSharePoint) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_core_LatLonSharePoint', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_core_PoiItem) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_core_PoiItem', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_core_SuggestionCity) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_core_SuggestionCity', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_poisearch_Photo) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_poisearch_Photo', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_poisearch_SubPoiItem) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_poisearch_SubPoiItem', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch_OnPoiSearchListener) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch_OnPoiSearchListener', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiItemExtension) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiItemExtension', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch_SearchBound) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch_SearchBound', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiResult) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiResult', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch_Query) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch_Query', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_poisearch_IndoorData) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_poisearch_IndoorData', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_Railway) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_Railway', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_BusPath) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_BusPath', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_DriveRoutePlanResult) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_DriveRoutePlanResult', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_OnRoutePlanSearchListener) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_OnRoutePlanSearchListener', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_TruckRouteQuery) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_TruckRouteQuery', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_TMC) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_TMC', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_RouteBusWalkItem) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteBusWalkItem', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_RouteResult) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteResult', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_BusStep) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_BusStep', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_TaxiItem) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_TaxiItem', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_BusRouteResult) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_BusRouteResult', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_RoutePlanResult) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_RoutePlanResult', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_DistanceSearch_OnDistanceSearchListener) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_DistanceSearch_OnDistanceSearchListener', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_RailwaySpace) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_RailwaySpace', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_TruckRouteRestult) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_TruckRouteRestult', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_RideRouteQuery) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_RideRouteQuery', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_DriveRouteQuery) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_DriveRouteQuery', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_NewEnergy) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_NewEnergy', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_TransCost) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_TransCost', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_RouteRailwayItem) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteRailwayItem', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_SpeedCost) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_SpeedCost', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_WalkStep) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_WalkStep', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_CurveCost) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_CurveCost', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_SlopeCost) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_SlopeCost', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_RailwayStationItem) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_RailwayStationItem', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_RideRouteResult) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_RideRouteResult', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_ChargeStationInfo) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_ChargeStationInfo', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_FromAndTo) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_FromAndTo', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_RidePath) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_RidePath', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_BusRouteQuery) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_BusRouteQuery', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_RideStep) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_RideStep', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_DriveRouteQuery) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_DriveRouteQuery', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_PowerTrainLoss) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_PowerTrainLoss', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchCity) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchCity', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_OnRouteSearchListener) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_OnRouteSearchListener', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_OnTruckRouteSearchListener) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_OnTruckRouteSearchListener', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_Navi) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_Navi', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_Cost) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_Cost', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_DistanceResult) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_DistanceResult', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_WalkRouteQuery) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_WalkRouteQuery', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_District) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_District', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_DriveRouteResultV2) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_DriveRouteResultV2', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_WalkRouteResult) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_WalkRouteResult', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_DistanceSearch_DistanceQuery) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_DistanceSearch_DistanceQuery', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_SearchCity) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_SearchCity', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_OnRoutePlanSearchListener) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_OnRoutePlanSearchListener', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_DistanceSearch) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_DistanceSearch', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_WalkPath) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_WalkPath', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_OnRouteSearchListener) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_OnRouteSearchListener', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_ElecConsumeInfo) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_ElecConsumeInfo', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_DriveStepV2) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_DriveStepV2', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_RouteBusLineItem) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteBusLineItem', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_DrivePlanQuery) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_DrivePlanQuery', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_CustomCostMode) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_CustomCostMode', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_DrivePlanStep) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_DrivePlanStep', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_ShowFields) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_ShowFields', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_TimeInfo) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_TimeInfo', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_FromAndTo) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_FromAndTo', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_DriveStep) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_DriveStep', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_TruckStep) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_TruckStep', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_DriveRouteResult) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_DriveRouteResult', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_DrivePath) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_DrivePath', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_TruckPath) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_TruckPath', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_Doorway) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_Doorway', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_DrivePlanPath) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_DrivePlanPath', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_TimeInfosElement) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_TimeInfosElement', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_OnTruckRouteSearchListener) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_OnTruckRouteSearchListener', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_DrivePathV2) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_DrivePathV2', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_DistanceItem) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_DistanceItem', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_Path) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_route_Path', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_road_Road) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_road_Road', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_road_Crossroad) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_road_Crossroad', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_nearby_NearbySearch_NearbyListener) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_nearby_NearbySearch_NearbyListener', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_nearby_UploadInfoCallback) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_nearby_UploadInfoCallback', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_nearby_NearbyInfo) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_nearby_NearbyInfo', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_nearby_UploadInfo) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_nearby_UploadInfo', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_nearby_NearbySearch) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_nearby_NearbySearch', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_nearby_NearbySearchResult) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_nearby_NearbySearchResult', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_nearby_NearbySearch_NearbyQuery) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_nearby_NearbySearch_NearbyQuery', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOIItem) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOIItem', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearch) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearch', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearchResult) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearchResult', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearch_OnRoutePOISearchListener) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearch_OnRoutePOISearchListener', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearchQuery) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearchQuery', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudItem) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudItem', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch_Query) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch_Query', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudResult) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudResult', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch_SearchBound) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch_SearchBound', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudImage) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudImage', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch_Sortingrules) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch_Sortingrules', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudItemDetail) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudItemDetail', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch_OnCloudSearchListener) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch_OnCloudSearchListener', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_weather_LocalDayWeatherForecast) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_weather_LocalDayWeatherForecast', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_weather_WeatherSearchQuery) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_weather_WeatherSearchQuery', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_weather_WeatherSearch_OnWeatherSearchListener) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_weather_WeatherSearch_OnWeatherSearchListener', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_weather_LocalWeatherForecastResult) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_weather_LocalWeatherForecastResult', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_weather_LocalWeatherForecast) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_weather_LocalWeatherForecast', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_weather_WeatherSearch) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_weather_WeatherSearch', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_weather_LocalWeatherLive) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_weather_LocalWeatherLive', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_weather_LocalWeatherLiveResult) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_weather_LocalWeatherLiveResult', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_geocoder_BusinessArea) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_geocoder_BusinessArea', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_geocoder_GeocodeQuery) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_geocoder_GeocodeQuery', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_geocoder_GeocodeSearch) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_geocoder_GeocodeSearch', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_geocoder_RegeocodeResult) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_geocoder_RegeocodeResult', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_geocoder_GeocodeResult) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_geocoder_GeocodeResult', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_geocoder_AoiItem) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_geocoder_AoiItem', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_geocoder_GeocodeSearch_OnGeocodeSearchListener) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_geocoder_GeocodeSearch_OnGeocodeSearchListener', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_geocoder_RegeocodeRoad) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_geocoder_RegeocodeRoad', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_geocoder_GeocodeAddress) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_geocoder_GeocodeAddress', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_geocoder_RegeocodeQuery) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_geocoder_RegeocodeQuery', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_geocoder_StreetNumber) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_geocoder_StreetNumber', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_geocoder_RegeocodeAddress) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_geocoder_RegeocodeAddress', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_district_DistrictSearchQuery) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_district_DistrictSearchQuery', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_district_DistrictSearch) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_district_DistrictSearch', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_district_DistrictResult) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_district_DistrictResult', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_district_DistrictItem) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_district_DistrictItem', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_district_DistrictSearch_OnDistrictSearchListener) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_district_DistrictSearch_OnDistrictSearchListener', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_help_Inputtips_InputtipsListener) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_help_Inputtips_InputtipsListener', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_help_Tip) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_help_Tip', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_help_InputtipsQuery) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_help_InputtipsQuery', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_help_Inputtips) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_help_Inputtips', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareNaviQuery) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareNaviQuery', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareBusRouteQuery) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareBusRouteQuery', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareFromAndTo) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareFromAndTo', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareWalkRouteQuery) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareWalkRouteQuery', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareDrivingRouteQuery) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareDrivingRouteQuery', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_OnShareSearchListener) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfcom_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_OnShareSearchListener', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == android_content_Context) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfandroid_content_Context', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == android_content_Intent) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfandroid_content_Intent', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == android_content_ContentProvider) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfandroid_content_ContentProvider', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == android_app_Application) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfandroid_app_Application', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == android_app_Notification) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfandroid_app_Notification', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == android_app_Activity) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfandroid_app_Activity', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == android_app_PendingIntent) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfandroid_app_PendingIntent', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == android_os_Bundle) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfandroid_os_Bundle', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == android_os_Binder) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfandroid_os_Binder', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == android_view_View) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfandroid_view_View', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == android_view_SurfaceView) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfandroid_view_SurfaceView', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == android_view_SurfaceHolder) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfandroid_view_SurfaceHolder', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == android_opengl_GLSurfaceView) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfandroid_opengl_GLSurfaceView', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == android_view_View_OnApplyWindowInsetsListener) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfandroid_view_View_OnApplyWindowInsetsListener', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == android_view_ViewGroup) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfandroid_view_ViewGroup', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == android_graphics_Point) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfandroid_graphics_Point', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == android_graphics_PointF) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfandroid_graphics_PointF', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == android_graphics_Bitmap) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfandroid_graphics_Bitmap', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == android_widget_ImageView) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfandroid_widget_ImageView', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == java_io_Serializable) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfjava_io_Serializable', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == java_io_File) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfjava_io_File', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == android_location_Location) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfandroid_location_Location', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == android_view_MotionEvent) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfandroid_view_MotionEvent', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == android_graphics_drawable_Drawable) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfandroid_graphics_drawable_Drawable', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == android_widget_FrameLayout) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfandroid_widget_FrameLayout', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == android_widget_TextView) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfandroid_widget_TextView', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == android_widget_LinearLayout) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfandroid_widget_LinearLayout', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == android_widget_RelativeLayout) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfandroid_widget_RelativeLayout', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == android_os_Parcelable) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfandroid_os_Parcelable', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == android_util_Pair) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfandroid_util_Pair', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } + else { + return false; + } +} + +// type cast +// 给一个可选的泛型, 如果没有指定泛型就返回dynamic +@optionalTypeArgs +T? AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs(dynamic __this__) { + final typeName = T.toString(); + + if (__this__ == null) { + return null; + } else if (RegExp(r'^(List<)?(String|int|double)(>)?|(Map)$').hasMatch(typeName)) { + return __this__ as T; + } + else if (T == com_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineSearch_OnBusLineSearchListener) { + return (com_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineSearch_OnBusLineSearchListener.subInstance()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_busline_BusStationSearch_OnBusStationSearchListener) { + return (com_amap_api_services_busline_BusStationSearch_OnBusStationSearchListener.subInstance()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineItem) { + return (com_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineItem()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_busline_BusStationResult) { + return (com_amap_api_services_busline_BusStationResult()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_busline_BusStationSearch) { + return (com_amap_api_services_busline_BusStationSearch()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineSearch) { + return (com_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineSearch()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineQuery) { + return (com_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineQuery()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineResult) { + return (com_amap_api_services_busline_BusLineResult()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_busline_BusStationItem) { + return (com_amap_api_services_busline_BusStationItem()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_busline_BusStationQuery) { + return (com_amap_api_services_busline_BusStationQuery()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_core_AMapException) { + return (com_amap_api_services_core_AMapException()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_core_ServiceSettings) { + return (com_amap_api_services_core_ServiceSettings()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_core_SearchUtils) { + return (com_amap_api_services_core_SearchUtils()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonSharePoint) { + return (com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonSharePoint()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint) { + return (com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_core_PoiItem) { + return (com_amap_api_services_core_PoiItem()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_core_SuggestionCity) { + return (com_amap_api_services_core_SuggestionCity()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_poisearch_Photo) { + return (com_amap_api_services_poisearch_Photo()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_poisearch_SubPoiItem) { + return (com_amap_api_services_poisearch_SubPoiItem()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch_OnPoiSearchListener) { + return (com_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch_OnPoiSearchListener.subInstance()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiItemExtension) { + return (com_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiItemExtension()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch_SearchBound) { + return (com_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch_SearchBound()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiResult) { + return (com_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiResult()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch) { + return (com_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch_Query) { + return (com_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch_Query()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_poisearch_IndoorData) { + return (com_amap_api_services_poisearch_IndoorData()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_Railway) { + return (com_amap_api_services_route_Railway()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_BusPath) { + return (com_amap_api_services_route_BusPath()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_DriveRoutePlanResult) { + return (com_amap_api_services_route_DriveRoutePlanResult()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_OnRoutePlanSearchListener) { + return (com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_OnRoutePlanSearchListener.subInstance()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_TruckRouteQuery) { + return (com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_TruckRouteQuery()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_TMC) { + return (com_amap_api_services_route_TMC()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_RouteBusWalkItem) { + return (com_amap_api_services_route_RouteBusWalkItem()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_RouteResult) { + return (com_amap_api_services_route_RouteResult()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch) { + return (com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_BusStep) { + return (com_amap_api_services_route_BusStep()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_TaxiItem) { + return (com_amap_api_services_route_TaxiItem()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_BusRouteResult) { + return (com_amap_api_services_route_BusRouteResult()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_RoutePlanResult) { + return (com_amap_api_services_route_RoutePlanResult()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_DistanceSearch_OnDistanceSearchListener) { + return (com_amap_api_services_route_DistanceSearch_OnDistanceSearchListener.subInstance()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_RailwaySpace) { + return (com_amap_api_services_route_RailwaySpace()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_TruckRouteRestult) { + return (com_amap_api_services_route_TruckRouteRestult()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_RideRouteQuery) { + return (com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_RideRouteQuery()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_DriveRouteQuery) { + return (com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_DriveRouteQuery()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_NewEnergy) { + return (com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_NewEnergy()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_TransCost) { + return (com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_TransCost()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_RouteRailwayItem) { + return (com_amap_api_services_route_RouteRailwayItem()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2) { + return (com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_SpeedCost) { + return (com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_SpeedCost()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_WalkStep) { + return (com_amap_api_services_route_WalkStep()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_CurveCost) { + return (com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_CurveCost()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_SlopeCost) { + return (com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_SlopeCost()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_RailwayStationItem) { + return (com_amap_api_services_route_RailwayStationItem()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_RideRouteResult) { + return (com_amap_api_services_route_RideRouteResult()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_ChargeStationInfo) { + return (com_amap_api_services_route_ChargeStationInfo()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_FromAndTo) { + return (com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_FromAndTo()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_RidePath) { + return (com_amap_api_services_route_RidePath()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_BusRouteQuery) { + return (com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_BusRouteQuery()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_RideStep) { + return (com_amap_api_services_route_RideStep()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_DriveRouteQuery) { + return (com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_DriveRouteQuery()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_PowerTrainLoss) { + return (com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_PowerTrainLoss()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchCity) { + return (com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchCity()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_OnRouteSearchListener) { + return (com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_OnRouteSearchListener.subInstance()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_OnTruckRouteSearchListener) { + return (com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_OnTruckRouteSearchListener.subInstance()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_Navi) { + return (com_amap_api_services_route_Navi()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_Cost) { + return (com_amap_api_services_route_Cost()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_DistanceResult) { + return (com_amap_api_services_route_DistanceResult()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_WalkRouteQuery) { + return (com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_WalkRouteQuery()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_District) { + return (com_amap_api_services_route_District()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_DriveRouteResultV2) { + return (com_amap_api_services_route_DriveRouteResultV2()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_WalkRouteResult) { + return (com_amap_api_services_route_WalkRouteResult()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_DistanceSearch_DistanceQuery) { + return (com_amap_api_services_route_DistanceSearch_DistanceQuery()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_SearchCity) { + return (com_amap_api_services_route_SearchCity()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_OnRoutePlanSearchListener) { + return (com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_OnRoutePlanSearchListener.subInstance()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_DistanceSearch) { + return (com_amap_api_services_route_DistanceSearch()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_WalkPath) { + return (com_amap_api_services_route_WalkPath()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_OnRouteSearchListener) { + return (com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_OnRouteSearchListener.subInstance()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_ElecConsumeInfo) { + return (com_amap_api_services_route_ElecConsumeInfo()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_DriveStepV2) { + return (com_amap_api_services_route_DriveStepV2()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_RouteBusLineItem) { + return (com_amap_api_services_route_RouteBusLineItem()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_DrivePlanQuery) { + return (com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_DrivePlanQuery()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_CustomCostMode) { + return (com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_CustomCostMode()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_DrivePlanStep) { + return (com_amap_api_services_route_DrivePlanStep()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_ShowFields) { + return (com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_ShowFields()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_TimeInfo) { + return (com_amap_api_services_route_TimeInfo()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_FromAndTo) { + return (com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearchV2_FromAndTo()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_DriveStep) { + return (com_amap_api_services_route_DriveStep()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_TruckStep) { + return (com_amap_api_services_route_TruckStep()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_DriveRouteResult) { + return (com_amap_api_services_route_DriveRouteResult()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_DrivePath) { + return (com_amap_api_services_route_DrivePath()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_TruckPath) { + return (com_amap_api_services_route_TruckPath()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_Doorway) { + return (com_amap_api_services_route_Doorway()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_DrivePlanPath) { + return (com_amap_api_services_route_DrivePlanPath()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_TimeInfosElement) { + return (com_amap_api_services_route_TimeInfosElement()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_OnTruckRouteSearchListener) { + return (com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_OnTruckRouteSearchListener.subInstance()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_DrivePathV2) { + return (com_amap_api_services_route_DrivePathV2()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_DistanceItem) { + return (com_amap_api_services_route_DistanceItem()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_route_Path) { + return (com_amap_api_services_route_Path()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_road_Road) { + return (com_amap_api_services_road_Road()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_road_Crossroad) { + return (com_amap_api_services_road_Crossroad()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_nearby_NearbySearch_NearbyListener) { + return (com_amap_api_services_nearby_NearbySearch_NearbyListener.subInstance()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_nearby_UploadInfoCallback) { + return (com_amap_api_services_nearby_UploadInfoCallback.subInstance()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_nearby_NearbyInfo) { + return (com_amap_api_services_nearby_NearbyInfo()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_nearby_UploadInfo) { + return (com_amap_api_services_nearby_UploadInfo()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_nearby_NearbySearch) { + return (com_amap_api_services_nearby_NearbySearch()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_nearby_NearbySearchResult) { + return (com_amap_api_services_nearby_NearbySearchResult()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_nearby_NearbySearch_NearbyQuery) { + return (com_amap_api_services_nearby_NearbySearch_NearbyQuery()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOIItem) { + return (com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOIItem()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearch) { + return (com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearch()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearchResult) { + return (com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearchResult()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearch_OnRoutePOISearchListener) { + return (com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearch_OnRoutePOISearchListener.subInstance()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearchQuery) { + return (com_amap_api_services_routepoisearch_RoutePOISearchQuery()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudItem) { + return (com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudItem()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch_Query) { + return (com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch_Query()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudResult) { + return (com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudResult()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch) { + return (com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch_SearchBound) { + return (com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch_SearchBound()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudImage) { + return (com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudImage()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch_Sortingrules) { + return (com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch_Sortingrules()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudItemDetail) { + return (com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudItemDetail()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch_OnCloudSearchListener) { + return (com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch_OnCloudSearchListener.subInstance()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_weather_LocalDayWeatherForecast) { + return (com_amap_api_services_weather_LocalDayWeatherForecast()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_weather_WeatherSearchQuery) { + return (com_amap_api_services_weather_WeatherSearchQuery()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_weather_WeatherSearch_OnWeatherSearchListener) { + return (com_amap_api_services_weather_WeatherSearch_OnWeatherSearchListener.subInstance()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_weather_LocalWeatherForecastResult) { + return (com_amap_api_services_weather_LocalWeatherForecastResult()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_weather_LocalWeatherForecast) { + return (com_amap_api_services_weather_LocalWeatherForecast()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_weather_WeatherSearch) { + return (com_amap_api_services_weather_WeatherSearch()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_weather_LocalWeatherLive) { + return (com_amap_api_services_weather_LocalWeatherLive()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_weather_LocalWeatherLiveResult) { + return (com_amap_api_services_weather_LocalWeatherLiveResult()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_geocoder_BusinessArea) { + return (com_amap_api_services_geocoder_BusinessArea()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_geocoder_GeocodeQuery) { + return (com_amap_api_services_geocoder_GeocodeQuery()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_geocoder_GeocodeSearch) { + return (com_amap_api_services_geocoder_GeocodeSearch()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_geocoder_RegeocodeResult) { + return (com_amap_api_services_geocoder_RegeocodeResult()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_geocoder_GeocodeResult) { + return (com_amap_api_services_geocoder_GeocodeResult()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_geocoder_AoiItem) { + return (com_amap_api_services_geocoder_AoiItem()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_geocoder_GeocodeSearch_OnGeocodeSearchListener) { + return (com_amap_api_services_geocoder_GeocodeSearch_OnGeocodeSearchListener.subInstance()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_geocoder_RegeocodeRoad) { + return (com_amap_api_services_geocoder_RegeocodeRoad()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_geocoder_GeocodeAddress) { + return (com_amap_api_services_geocoder_GeocodeAddress()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_geocoder_RegeocodeQuery) { + return (com_amap_api_services_geocoder_RegeocodeQuery()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_geocoder_StreetNumber) { + return (com_amap_api_services_geocoder_StreetNumber()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_geocoder_RegeocodeAddress) { + return (com_amap_api_services_geocoder_RegeocodeAddress()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_district_DistrictSearchQuery) { + return (com_amap_api_services_district_DistrictSearchQuery()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_district_DistrictSearch) { + return (com_amap_api_services_district_DistrictSearch()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_district_DistrictResult) { + return (com_amap_api_services_district_DistrictResult()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_district_DistrictItem) { + return (com_amap_api_services_district_DistrictItem()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_district_DistrictSearch_OnDistrictSearchListener) { + return (com_amap_api_services_district_DistrictSearch_OnDistrictSearchListener.subInstance()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_help_Inputtips_InputtipsListener) { + return (com_amap_api_services_help_Inputtips_InputtipsListener.subInstance()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_help_Tip) { + return (com_amap_api_services_help_Tip()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_help_InputtipsQuery) { + return (com_amap_api_services_help_InputtipsQuery()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_help_Inputtips) { + return (com_amap_api_services_help_Inputtips()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareNaviQuery) { + return (com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareNaviQuery()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareBusRouteQuery) { + return (com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareBusRouteQuery()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch) { + return (com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareFromAndTo) { + return (com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareFromAndTo()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareWalkRouteQuery) { + return (com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareWalkRouteQuery()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareDrivingRouteQuery) { + return (com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_ShareDrivingRouteQuery()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_OnShareSearchListener) { + return (com_amap_api_services_share_ShareSearch_OnShareSearchListener.subInstance()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == android_content_Context) { + return (android_content_Context()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == android_content_Intent) { + return (android_content_Intent()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == android_content_ContentProvider) { + return (android_content_ContentProvider()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == android_app_Application) { + return (android_app_Application()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == android_app_Notification) { + return (android_app_Notification()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == android_app_Activity) { + return (android_app_Activity()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == android_app_PendingIntent) { + return (android_app_PendingIntent()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == android_os_Bundle) { + return (android_os_Bundle()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == android_os_Binder) { + return (android_os_Binder()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == android_view_View) { + return (android_view_View()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == android_view_SurfaceView) { + return (android_view_SurfaceView()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == android_view_SurfaceHolder) { + return (android_view_SurfaceHolder.subInstance()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == android_opengl_GLSurfaceView) { + return (android_opengl_GLSurfaceView()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == android_view_View_OnApplyWindowInsetsListener) { + return (android_view_View_OnApplyWindowInsetsListener.subInstance()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == android_view_ViewGroup) { + return (android_view_ViewGroup()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == android_graphics_Point) { + return (android_graphics_Point()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == android_graphics_PointF) { + return (android_graphics_PointF()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == android_graphics_Bitmap) { + return (android_graphics_Bitmap()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == android_widget_ImageView) { + return (android_widget_ImageView()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == java_io_Serializable) { + return (java_io_Serializable.subInstance()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == java_io_File) { + return (java_io_File()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == android_location_Location) { + return (android_location_Location()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == android_view_MotionEvent) { + return (android_view_MotionEvent()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == android_graphics_drawable_Drawable) { + return (android_graphics_drawable_Drawable()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == android_widget_FrameLayout) { + return (android_widget_FrameLayout()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == android_widget_TextView) { + return (android_widget_TextView()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == android_widget_LinearLayout) { + return (android_widget_LinearLayout()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == android_widget_RelativeLayout) { + return (android_widget_RelativeLayout()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == android_os_Parcelable) { + return (android_os_Parcelable.subInstance()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == android_util_Pair) { + return (android_util_Pair()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } + + else { + return __this__; + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/facade/amap_search.dart b/lib/src/facade/amap_search.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..21e51d5 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/facade/amap_search.dart @@ -0,0 +1,1362 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names +import 'dart:async'; + +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; + +part 'delegates.dart'; +part 'extensions.dart'; +part 'models.dart'; + +/// 高德地图 搜索组件主类 +class AmapSearch { + static AmapSearch instance = AmapSearch._(); + + AmapSearch._(); + + late AMapSearchAPI _iosSearch; + late com_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch _androidPoiSearch; + late com_amap_api_services_help_Inputtips _androidInputTip; + late com_amap_api_services_geocoder_GeocodeSearch _androidGeocodeSearch; + late com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch _androidRouteSearch; + late com_amap_api_services_busline_BusStationSearch _androidBusStationSearch; + late com_amap_api_services_district_DistrictSearch _androidDistrictSearch; + late com_amap_api_services_weather_WeatherSearch _androidWeatherSearch; + late com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch _androidCloudSearch; + + Future init(String iosKey) async { + return platform( + android: (pool) async { + // do nothing + }, + ios: (pool) async { + await AmapCore.init(iosKey); + }, + ); + } + + /// 隐私是否已经展示 + Future updatePrivacyShow(bool value) async { + return platform( + android: (pool) async { + final context = await android_app_Application.get(); + await com_amap_api_services_core_ServiceSettings.updatePrivacyShow( + context, value, true); + }, + ios: (pool) async { + AMapSearchAPI.updatePrivacyShow_privacyInfo( + value + ? AMapPrivacyShowStatus.AMapPrivacyShowStatusDidShow + : AMapPrivacyShowStatus.AMapPrivacyShowStatusNotShow, + AMapPrivacyInfoStatus.AMapPrivacyInfoStatusDidContain, + ); + }, + ); + } + + /// 隐私是否已经同意 + Future updatePrivacyAgree(bool value) async { + return platform( + android: (pool) async { + final context = await android_app_Application.get(); + await com_amap_api_services_core_ServiceSettings.updatePrivacyAgree( + context, + value, + ); + }, + ios: (pool) async { + await AMapSearchAPI.updatePrivacyAgree( + value + ? AMapPrivacyAgreeStatus.AMapPrivacyAgreeStatusDidAgree + : AMapPrivacyAgreeStatus.AMapPrivacyAgreeStatusNotAgree, + ); + }, + ); + } + + /// 关键字搜索poi + /// + /// 在城市[city]搜索关键字[keyword]的poi, 可以设置每页数量[pageSize](1-50)和第[page](1-100)页 + Future> searchKeyword( + String keyword, { + String city = '', + int pageSize = 20, + int page = 1, + }) { + assert(page > 0 && page < 100, '页数范围为1-100'); + assert(pageSize > 0 && pageSize < 50, '每页大小范围为1-50'); + final completer = Completer>.sync(); + + platform( + android: (pool) async { + // 创建查询对象 + final query = await com_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch_Query + .create__String__String__String(keyword, '', city); + // 设置分页信息 + await query.setPageSize(pageSize); + await query.setPageNum(page); + + // 获取android上下文 + final context = await android_app_Activity.get(); + + // 创建搜索对象 + _androidPoiSearch = await com_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch + .create__android_content_Context__com_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch_Query( + context, query); + + final listener = + await com_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch_OnPoiSearchListener + .anonymous__(); + listener.onPoiSearched = (poiResult, rCode) async { + completer.completeSafely( + await PoiListX.fromAndroid((await poiResult!.getPois()) ?? []), + ); + }; + + // 设置回调 + await _androidPoiSearch.setOnPoiSearchListener(listener); + + // 开始搜索 + await _androidPoiSearch.searchPOIAsyn(); + + // 局部变量从HEAP中解除引用 + pool + ..add(query) + ..add(context); + }, + ios: (pool) async { + _iosSearch = await AMapSearchAPI.create__(); + + // 设置回调 + final delegate = await AMapSearchDelegate.anonymous__(); + delegate.onPOISearchDone_response = (request, response) async { + completer.completeSafely( + await PoiListX.fromIOS((await response!.get_pois() ?? [])), + ); + }; + await _iosSearch.set_delegate(delegate); + + // 创建请求对象 + final request = await AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest.create__(); + // 设置关键字 + await request.set_keywords(keyword); + // 设置城市 + await request.set_city(city); + // 设置分页信息 + await request.set_page(page); + await request.set_offset(pageSize); + await request.set_requireExtension(true); + + // 开始搜索 + await _iosSearch.AMapPOIKeywordsSearch(request); + + // 局部变量从HEAP中解除引用 + pool..add(request); + }, + ); + return completer.future; + } + + /// 周边搜索poi + /// + /// 在中心点[center]周边搜索关键字[keyword]和城市[city]的poi, 可以设置每页数量[pageSize](1-50)和第[page](1-100)页 + Future> searchAround( + LatLng center, { + String keyword = '', + String city = '', + String type = '', + int pageSize = 20, + int page = 1, + int radius = 1000, + }) { + assert(page > 0 && page < 100, '页数范围为1-100'); + assert(pageSize > 0 && pageSize < 50, '每页大小范围为1-50'); + + return platform( + android: (pool) async { + // 创建查询对象 + final query = await com_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch_Query + .create__String__String__String(keyword, type, city); + // 设置分页信息 + await query.setPageSize(pageSize); + await query.setPageNum(page); + + // 获取android上下文 + final context = await android_app_Activity.get(); + + // 创建搜索对象 + _androidPoiSearch = await com_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch + .create__android_content_Context__com_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch_Query( + context, query); + + // 创建中心点 + final centerLatLng = await com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint + .create__double__double(center.latitude, center.longitude); + // 创建边界 + final bound = + await com_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch_SearchBound + .create__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__int( + centerLatLng, radius); + await _androidPoiSearch.setBound(bound); + // 设置搜索类型 + + final listener = + await com_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch_OnPoiSearchListener + .anonymous__(); + + final completer = Completer>(); + listener.onPoiSearched = (poiResult, rCode) async { + completer.completeSafely( + await PoiListX.fromAndroid((await poiResult!.getPois()) ?? []), + ); + }; + // 设置回调 + await _androidPoiSearch.setOnPoiSearchListener(listener); + + // 开始搜索 + await _androidPoiSearch.searchPOIAsyn(); + + // 局部变量从HEAP中解除引用 + pool + ..add(query) + ..add(centerLatLng) + ..add(bound); + + return completer.future; + }, + ios: (pool) async { + _iosSearch = await AMapSearchAPI.create__(); + + // 设置回调 + final delegate = await AMapSearchDelegate.anonymous__(); + final completer = Completer>(); + delegate.onPOISearchDone_response = (request, response) async { + completer.completeSafely( + await PoiListX.fromIOS((await response!.get_pois() ?? [])), + ); + }; + await _iosSearch.set_delegate(delegate); + + // 创建周边搜索请求 + final request = await AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest.create__(); + // 设置关键字 + await request.set_keywords(keyword); + // 设置城市 + await request.set_city(city); + // 设置搜索类别 + await request.set_types(type); + // 创建中心点 + final location = await AMapGeoPoint.create__(); + await location.set_latitude(center.latitude); + await location.set_longitude(center.longitude); + await request.set_location(location); + // 设置半径 + await request.set_radius(radius); + // 设置分页信息 + await request.set_page(page); + await request.set_offset(pageSize); + await request.set_requireExtension(true); + + // 开始搜索 + await _iosSearch.AMapPOIAroundSearch(request); + + // 局部变量从HEAP中解除引用 + pool + ..add(request) + ..add(location); + + return completer.future; + }, + ); + } + + /// id搜索poi + Future searchPoiId(String id) { + return platform( + android: (pool) async { + // 获取android上下文 + final context = await android_app_Activity.get(); + + // 创建搜索对象 + final query = await com_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch_Query + .create__String__String('', ''); + _androidPoiSearch = await com_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch + .create__android_content_Context__com_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch_Query( + context, + query, + ); + + // 开始搜索 + final result = await _androidPoiSearch.searchPOIId(id); + + pool..add(context); + + return result == null ? null : await PoiX.fromAndroid(result); + }, + ios: (pool) async { + final completer = Completer>.sync(); + + _iosSearch = await AMapSearchAPI.create__(); + + // 设置回调 + final delegate = await AMapSearchDelegate.anonymous__(); + delegate.onPOISearchDone_response = (request, response) async { + completer.completeSafely( + await PoiListX.fromIOS((await response!.get_pois() ?? [])), + ); + }; + await _iosSearch.set_delegate(delegate); + + // 创建周边搜索请求 + final request = await AMapPOIIDSearchRequest.create__(); + // 设置关键字 + await request.set_uid(id); + await request.set_requireExtension(true); + + // 开始搜索 + await _iosSearch.AMapPOIIDSearch(request); + + pool..add(request); + return completer.future.then((value) => value.first); + }, + ); + } + + /// 输入内容自动提示 + /// + /// 输入关键字[keyword], 并且限制所在城市[city] + Future> fetchInputTips( + String keyword, { + String city = '', + }) async { + final completer = Completer>.sync(); + + await platform( + android: (pool) async { + // 创建查询对象 + final query = await com_amap_api_services_help_InputtipsQuery + .create__String__String(keyword, city); + // 限制在当前城市 + await query.setCityLimit(true); + + // 获取android上下文 + final context = await android_app_Activity.get(); + + // 创建搜索对象 + _androidInputTip = await com_amap_api_services_help_Inputtips + .create__android_content_Context__com_amap_api_services_help_InputtipsQuery( + context, query); + + // 设置回调 + final listener = + await com_amap_api_services_help_Inputtips_InputtipsListener + .anonymous__(); + listener.onGetInputtips = (response, code) async { + completer + .completeSafely(await InputTipListX.fromAndroid(response ?? [])); + }; + await _androidInputTip.setInputtipsListener(listener); + + // 开始搜索 + await _androidInputTip.requestInputtipsAsyn(); + + // 局部变量从HEAP中解除引用 + pool..add(query); + }, + ios: (pool) async { + _iosSearch = await AMapSearchAPI.create__(); + + // 设置回调 + final delegate = await AMapSearchDelegate.anonymous__(); + delegate.onInputTipsSearchDone_response = (request, response) async { + completer.completeSafely( + await InputTipListX.fromIOS(await response!.get_tips() ?? []), + ); + }; + await _iosSearch.set_delegate(delegate); + + // 创建搜索请求 + final request = await AMapInputTipsSearchRequest.create__(); + // 设置关键字 + await request.set_keywords(keyword); + // 设置城市 + await request.set_city(city); + + // 开始搜索 + await _iosSearch.AMapInputTipsSearch(request); + + // 局部变量从HEAP中解除引用 + pool..add(request); + }, + ); + return completer.future; + } + + /// 地理编码(地址转坐标) + /// + /// 输入关键字[keyword], 并且限制所在城市[city] + Future> searchGeocode( + String keyword, { + String city = '', + }) async { + final completer = Completer>.sync(); + + await platform( + android: (pool) async { + // 创建查询对象 + final query = await com_amap_api_services_geocoder_GeocodeQuery + .create__String__String(keyword, city); + + // 获取android上下文 + final context = await android_app_Activity.get(); + + // 创建搜索对象 + _androidGeocodeSearch = + await com_amap_api_services_geocoder_GeocodeSearch + .create__android_content_Context(context); + + // 设置回调 + final listener = + await com_amap_api_services_geocoder_GeocodeSearch_OnGeocodeSearchListener + .anonymous__(); + listener.onGeocodeSearched = (poiResult, rCode) async { + final geocodeList = (await poiResult!.getGeocodeAddressList()) ?? []; + final coordinateBatch = await geocodeList.getLatLonPoint_batch(); + final latitudeBatch = await coordinateBatch.getLatitude_batch(); + final longitudeBatch = await coordinateBatch.getLongitude_batch(); + final geocode = [ + for (int i = 0; i < coordinateBatch.length; i++) + Geocode(LatLng(latitudeBatch[i]!, longitudeBatch[i]!)) + ]; + completer.completeSafely(geocode); + }; + await _androidGeocodeSearch.setOnGeocodeSearchListener(listener); + + // 开始搜索 + await _androidGeocodeSearch.getFromLocationNameAsyn(query); + + // 局部变量从HEAP中解除引用 + pool..add(query); + }, + ios: (pool) async { + _iosSearch = await AMapSearchAPI.create__(); + + // 设置回调 + final delegate = await AMapSearchDelegate.anonymous__(); + delegate.onGeocodeSearchDone_response = (request, response) async { + final geocodeList = await response!.get_geocodes() ?? []; + final coordinateBatch = await geocodeList.get_location_batch(); + final latitudeBatch = await coordinateBatch.get_latitude_batch(); + final longitudeBatch = await coordinateBatch.get_longitude_batch(); + final geocode = [ + for (int i = 0; i < coordinateBatch.length; i++) + Geocode(LatLng(latitudeBatch[i]!, longitudeBatch[i]!)) + ]; + completer.completeSafely(geocode); + }; + await _iosSearch.set_delegate(delegate); + + // 创建搜索请求 + final request = await AMapGeocodeSearchRequest.create__(); + // 设置关键字 + await request.set_address(keyword); + // 设置城市 + await request.set_city(city); + + // 开始搜索 + await _iosSearch.AMapGeocodeSearch(request); + + // 局部变量从HEAP中解除引用 + pool..add(request); + }, + ); + return completer.future; + } + + /// 逆地理编码(坐标转地址) + /// + /// 输入关键字[keyword], 并且限制所在城市[city] + Future searchReGeocode( + LatLng latLng, { + double radius = 200.0, + }) async { + final completer = Completer(); + + await platform( + android: (pool) async { + // 创建中心点 + final latLngPoint = await com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint + .create__double__double(latLng.latitude, latLng.longitude); + + // 创建查询对象 + final query = await com_amap_api_services_geocoder_RegeocodeQuery + .create__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__float__String( + latLngPoint, radius, 'AMAP'); + + // 获取android上下文 + final context = await android_app_Activity.get(); + + // 创建搜索对象 + _androidGeocodeSearch = + await com_amap_api_services_geocoder_GeocodeSearch + .create__android_content_Context(context); + + // 设置回调 + final listener = + await com_amap_api_services_geocoder_GeocodeSearch_OnGeocodeSearchListener + .anonymous__(); + listener.onRegeocodeSearched = (poiResult, rCode) async { + final result = (await poiResult!.getRegeocodeAddress())!; + + completer.completeSafely(ReGeocode( + provinceName: await result.getProvince(), + cityName: await result.getCity(), + cityCode: await result.getCityCode(), + adCode: await result.getAdCode(), + districtName: await result.getDistrict(), + townCode: await result.getTowncode(), + township: await result.getTownship(), + neighborhood: await result.getNeighborhood(), + building: await result.getBuilding(), + country: await result.getCountry(), + formatAddress: await result.getFormatAddress(), + roads: await RoadListX.fromAndroid(await result.getRoads() ?? []), + aoiList: await AoiListX.fromAndroid(await result.getAois() ?? []), + poiList: await PoiListX.fromAndroid(await result.getPois() ?? []), + )); + }; + await _androidGeocodeSearch.setOnGeocodeSearchListener(listener); + + // 开始搜索 + await _androidGeocodeSearch.getFromLocationAsyn(query); + + // 局部变量从HEAP中解除引用 + pool + ..add(latLngPoint) + ..add(query); + }, + ios: (pool) async { + _iosSearch = await AMapSearchAPI.create__(); + + // 创建中心点 + final amapLocation = await AMapGeoPoint.create__(); + await amapLocation.set_latitude(latLng.latitude); + await amapLocation.set_longitude(latLng.longitude); + + // 设置回调 + final delegate = await AMapSearchDelegate.anonymous__(); + delegate.onReGeocodeSearchDone_response = (request, response) async { + final result = (await response!.get_regeocode())!; + final addressComponent = (await result.get_addressComponent())!; + + completer.completeSafely(ReGeocode( + provinceName: await addressComponent.get_province(), + cityName: await addressComponent.get_city(), + cityCode: await addressComponent.get_citycode(), + adCode: await addressComponent.get_adcode(), + districtName: await addressComponent.get_district(), + townCode: await addressComponent.get_towncode(), + township: await addressComponent.get_township(), + neighborhood: await addressComponent.get_neighborhood(), + building: await addressComponent.get_building(), + country: await addressComponent.get_country(), + formatAddress: await result.get_formattedAddress(), + roads: await RoadListX.fromIOS(await result.get_roads() ?? []), + aoiList: await AoiListX.fromIOS(await result.get_aois() ?? []), + poiList: await PoiListX.fromIOS(await result.get_pois() ?? []), + )); + }; + await _iosSearch.set_delegate(delegate); + + // 创建搜索请求 + final request = await AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest.create__(); + // 设置中心点 + await request.set_location(amapLocation); + // 设置半径 + await request.set_radius(radius.toInt()); + // 获取扩展信息 如果不设置那么aoi就会为null, 但是android那边是没有这个选项一律获取aoi的 + // 所以这里也一律获扩展信息 + await request.set_requireExtension(true); + + // 开始搜索 + await _iosSearch.AMapReGoecodeSearch(request); + + // 局部变量从HEAP中解除引用 + pool + ..add(amapLocation) + ..add(request); + }, + ); + return completer.future; + } + + /// 驾车出行路线规划 + /// + /// 指定起点[from]和终点[to], 并指定途经点[passedByPoints]和避开道路名称[avoidRoad]进行搜索 + Future searchDriveRoute({ + required LatLng from, + required LatLng to, + List passedByPoints = const [], + String avoidRoad = '', + }) async { + final completer = Completer(); + + await platform( + android: (pool) async { + // 起点 + final fromLatLng = + await com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint.create__double__double( + from.latitude, + from.longitude, + ); + // 终点 + final toLatLng = + await com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint.create__double__double( + to.latitude, + to.longitude, + ); + + // 起终点 + final fromAndTo = await com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_FromAndTo + .create__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint( + fromLatLng, toLatLng); + + // 途经点 + final List passby = []; + for (var item in passedByPoints) { + passby.add(await com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint + .create__double__double( + item.latitude, + item.longitude, + )); + } + + // 创建请求对象 + final query = await com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_DriveRouteQuery + .create__com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_FromAndTo__int__List_java_util_List_com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint____List_List_java_util_List_java_util_List_com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint______String( + fromAndTo, + 0, + passby, + [], // 暂不支持多维数组 + avoidRoad, + ); + + // 获取android上下文 + final context = await android_app_Activity.get(); + + // 创建搜索对象 + _androidRouteSearch = await com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch + .create__android_content_Context(context); + + // 设置回调 + final listener = + await com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_OnRouteSearchListener + .anonymous__(); + listener.onDriveRouteSearched = (route, rCode) async { + completer.completeSafely(; + }; + await _androidRouteSearch.setRouteSearchListener(listener); + + // 开始搜索 + await _androidRouteSearch.calculateDriveRouteAsyn(query); + + // 局部变量从HEAP中解除引用 + pool + ..add(fromLatLng) + ..add(toLatLng) + ..add(fromAndTo) + ..addAll(passby) + ..add(query); + }, + ios: (pool) async { + _iosSearch = await AMapSearchAPI.create__(); + + // 创建起点 + final fromLatLng = await AMapGeoPoint.create__(); + await fromLatLng.set_latitude(from.latitude); + await fromLatLng.set_longitude(from.longitude); + // 创建终点 + final toLatLng = await AMapGeoPoint.create__(); + await toLatLng.set_latitude(to.latitude); + await toLatLng.set_longitude(to.longitude); + + // 设置回调 + final delegate = await AMapSearchDelegate.anonymous__(); + delegate.onRouteSearchDone_response = (request, response) async { + final route = DriveRouteResult.ios(await response!.get_route()); + completer.completeSafely(route); + }; + await _iosSearch.set_delegate(delegate); + + // 创建搜索请求 + final request = await AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest.create__(); + // 设置起点 + await request.set_origin(fromLatLng); + // 设置终点 + await request.set_destination(toLatLng); + // 设置避开道路 + await request.set_avoidroad(avoidRoad); + // 策略 默认0 速度优先 + await request.set_strategy(0); + // 设置途经点 + final List passby = []; + for (var item in passedByPoints) { + final geoPoint = await AMapGeoPoint.create__(); + await geoPoint.set_latitude(item.latitude); + await geoPoint.set_longitude(item.longitude); + passby.add(geoPoint); + } + await request.set_waypoints(passby); + // tmc需要设置requireExtension为true + await request.set_requireExtension(true); + // 暂不支持避开区域 +// await request.set_avoidpolygons([]); + + // 开始搜索 + await _iosSearch.AMapDrivingRouteSearch(request); + + // 局部变量从HEAP中解除引用 + pool + ..add(fromLatLng) + ..add(toLatLng) + ..addAll(passby) + ..add(request); + }, + ); + return completer.future; + } + + /// 公交出行路线规划 + /// + /// 指定起点[from]和终点[to]进行计算, 还可以指定计算路径的模式[mode], 默认为最快捷. [city]指定所在城市 + /// [nightflag]是否计算夜班车,默认为不计算,0:不计算,1:计算 + Future searchBusRoute({ + required LatLng from, + required LatLng to, + required String city, + int mode = 0, + int nightflag = 0, + }) async { + final completer = Completer(); + + await platform( + android: (pool) async { + // 起点 + final fromLatLng = + await com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint.create__double__double( + from.latitude, + from.longitude, + ); + // 终点 + final toLatLng = + await com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint.create__double__double( + to.latitude, + to.longitude, + ); + + // 起终点 + final fromAndTo = await com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_FromAndTo + .create__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint( + fromLatLng, toLatLng); + + // 创建请求对象 + final query = await com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_BusRouteQuery + .create__com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_FromAndTo__int__String__int( + fromAndTo, + mode, + city, + nightflag, + ); + + // 获取android上下文 + final context = await android_app_Activity.get(); + + // 创建搜索对象 + _androidRouteSearch = await com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch + .create__android_content_Context(context); + + // 设置回调 + final listener = + await com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_OnRouteSearchListener + .anonymous__(); + listener.onBusRouteSearched = (route, code) async { + completer.completeSafely(; + }; + await _androidRouteSearch.setRouteSearchListener(listener); + + // 开始搜索 + await _androidRouteSearch.calculateBusRouteAsyn(query); + + // 局部变量从HEAP中解除引用 + pool + ..add(fromLatLng) + ..add(toLatLng) + ..add(fromAndTo) + ..add(query); + }, + ios: (pool) async { + _iosSearch = await AMapSearchAPI.create__(); + + // 创建起点 + final fromLatLng = await AMapGeoPoint.create__(); + await fromLatLng.set_latitude(from.latitude); + await fromLatLng.set_longitude(from.longitude); + // 创建终点 + final toLatLng = await AMapGeoPoint.create__(); + await toLatLng.set_latitude(to.latitude); + await toLatLng.set_longitude(to.longitude); + + // 设置回调 + final delegate = await AMapSearchDelegate.anonymous__(); + delegate.onRouteSearchDone_response = (request, response) async { + completer + .completeSafely(BusRouteResult.ios(await response!.get_route())); + }; + await _iosSearch.set_delegate(delegate); + + // FIXME ios端的公交路线没有经纬度参数, 无法和android端统一 + // 创建搜索请求 + final request = await AMapWalkingRouteSearchRequest.create__(); + // 设置起点 + await request.set_origin(fromLatLng); + // 设置终点 + await request.set_destination(toLatLng); + + // 开始搜索 + await _iosSearch.AMapWalkingRouteSearch(request); + + // 局部变量从HEAP中解除引用 + pool + ..add(fromLatLng) + ..add(toLatLng) + ..add(request); + }, + ); + return completer.future; + } + + /// 步行路线规划 + /// + /// 指定起点[from]和终点[to]进行计算, 还可以指定计算路径的模式[mode]. SDK提供两种模式:RouteSearch.WALK_DEFAULT 和 RouteSearch.WALK_MULTI_PATH + Future searchWalkRoute({ + required LatLng from, + required LatLng to, + int mode = 0, + }) async { + final completer = Completer(); + + await platform( + android: (pool) async { + // 起点 + final fromLatLng = + await com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint.create__double__double( + from.latitude, + from.longitude, + ); + // 终点 + final toLatLng = + await com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint.create__double__double( + to.latitude, + to.longitude, + ); + + // 起终点 + final fromAndTo = await com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_FromAndTo + .create__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint( + fromLatLng, toLatLng); + + // 创建请求对象 + final query = + await com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_WalkRouteQuery + .create__com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_FromAndTo__int( + fromAndTo, + mode, + ); + + // 获取android上下文 + final context = await android_app_Activity.get(); + + // 创建搜索对象 + _androidRouteSearch = await com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch + .create__android_content_Context(context); + + // 设置回调 + final listener = + await com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_OnRouteSearchListener + .anonymous__(); + listener.onWalkRouteSearched = (route, code) async { + completer.completeSafely(; + }; + await _androidRouteSearch.setRouteSearchListener(listener); + + // 开始搜索 + await _androidRouteSearch.calculateWalkRouteAsyn(query); + + // 局部变量从HEAP中解除引用 + pool + ..add(fromLatLng) + ..add(toLatLng) + ..add(fromAndTo) + ..add(query); + }, + ios: (pool) async { + _iosSearch = await AMapSearchAPI.create__(); + + // 创建起点 + final fromLatLng = await AMapGeoPoint.create__(); + await fromLatLng.set_latitude(from.latitude); + await fromLatLng.set_longitude(from.longitude); + // 创建终点 + final toLatLng = await AMapGeoPoint.create__(); + await toLatLng.set_latitude(to.latitude); + await toLatLng.set_longitude(to.longitude); + + // 设置回调 + final delegate = await AMapSearchDelegate.anonymous__(); + delegate.onRouteSearchDone_response = (request, response) async { + completer + .completeSafely(WalkRouteResult.ios(await response!.get_route())); + }; + await _iosSearch.set_delegate(delegate); + + // 创建搜索请求 + final request = await AMapWalkingRouteSearchRequest.create__(); + // 设置起点 + await request.set_origin(fromLatLng); + // 设置终点 + await request.set_destination(toLatLng); + + // 开始搜索 + await _iosSearch.AMapWalkingRouteSearch(request); + + // 局部变量从HEAP中解除引用 + pool + ..add(fromLatLng) + ..add(toLatLng) + ..add(request); + }, + ); + return completer.future; + } + + /// 骑行路径规划 + Future searchRideRoute({ + required LatLng from, + required LatLng to, + int mode = 0, + }) async { + final completer = Completer(); + + await platform( + android: (pool) async { + // 起点 + final fromLatLng = + await com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint.create__double__double( + from.latitude, + from.longitude, + ); + // 终点 + final toLatLng = + await com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint.create__double__double( + to.latitude, + to.longitude, + ); + + // 起终点 + final fromAndTo = await com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_FromAndTo + .create__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint( + fromLatLng, toLatLng); + + // 创建请求对象 + final query = + await com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_RideRouteQuery + .create__com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_FromAndTo__int( + fromAndTo, + mode, + ); + + // 获取android上下文 + final context = await android_app_Activity.get(); + + // 创建搜索对象 + _androidRouteSearch = await com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch + .create__android_content_Context(context); + + // 设置回调 + final listener = + await com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_OnRouteSearchListener + .anonymous__(); + listener.onRideRouteSearched = (route, code) async { + completer.completeSafely(; + }; + await _androidRouteSearch.setRouteSearchListener(listener); + + // 开始搜索 + await _androidRouteSearch.calculateRideRouteAsyn(query); + + // 局部变量从HEAP中解除引用 + pool + ..add(fromLatLng) + ..add(toLatLng) + ..add(fromAndTo) + ..add(query); + }, + ios: (pool) async { + _iosSearch = await AMapSearchAPI.create__(); + + // 创建起点 + final fromLatLng = await AMapGeoPoint.create__(); + await fromLatLng.set_latitude(from.latitude); + await fromLatLng.set_longitude(from.longitude); + // 创建终点 + final toLatLng = await AMapGeoPoint.create__(); + await toLatLng.set_latitude(to.latitude); + await toLatLng.set_longitude(to.longitude); + + // 设置回调 + final delegate = await AMapSearchDelegate.anonymous__(); + delegate.onRouteSearchDone_response = (request, response) async { + completer + .completeSafely(RideRouteResult.ios(await response!.get_route())); + }; + await _iosSearch.set_delegate(delegate); + + // 创建搜索请求 + final request = await AMapRidingRouteSearchRequest.create__(); + // 设置起点 + await request.set_origin(fromLatLng); + // 设置终点 + await request.set_destination(toLatLng); + // 设置模式 + await request.set_type(mode); + + // 开始搜索 + await _iosSearch.AMapRidingRouteSearch(request); + + // 局部变量从HEAP中解除引用 + pool + ..add(fromLatLng) + ..add(toLatLng) + ..add(request); + }, + ); + return completer.future; + } + + /// 获取公交信息 + Future searchBusStation({ + required String stationName, + required String city, + }) async { + final completer = Completer(); + + await platform( + android: (pool) async { + // 创建请求对象 + final query = await com_amap_api_services_busline_BusStationQuery + .create__String__String( + stationName, + city, + ); + + // 获取android上下文 + final context = await android_app_Activity.get(); + + // 创建搜索对象 + _androidBusStationSearch = + await com_amap_api_services_busline_BusStationSearch + .create__android_content_Context__com_amap_api_services_busline_BusStationQuery( + context, + query, + ); + + // 设置回调 + final listener = + await com_amap_api_services_busline_BusStationSearch_OnBusStationSearchListener + .anonymous__(); + listener.onBusStationSearched = (result, code) async { + completer.completeSafely(; + }; + await _androidBusStationSearch.setOnBusStationSearchListener(listener); + + // 开始搜索 + await _androidBusStationSearch.searchBusStationAsyn(); + + // 局部变量从HEAP中解除引用 + pool..add(query); + }, + ios: (pool) async { + _iosSearch = await AMapSearchAPI.create__(); + + // 设置回调 + final delegate = await AMapSearchDelegate.anonymous__(); + delegate.onBusStopSearchDone_response = (request, response) async { + completer.completeSafely(BusStation.ios(response)); + }; + await _iosSearch.set_delegate(delegate); + + // 创建搜索请求 + final request = await AMapBusStopSearchRequest.create__(); + // 设置站点名称 + await request.set_keywords(stationName); + // 设置所在城市 + await request.set_city(city); + + // 开始搜索 + await _iosSearch.AMapBusStopSearch(request); + + // 局部变量从HEAP中解除引用 + pool..add(request); + }, + ); + return completer.future; + } + + /// 获取行政区划数据 + /// + /// [showBoundary]是否返回边界值 + Future searchDistrict( + String district, { + bool showBoundary = false, + bool showChild = false, + }) async { + final completer = Completer(); + + await platform( + android: (pool) async { + // 创建请求对象 + final query = + await com_amap_api_services_district_DistrictSearchQuery.create__(); + // 关键字 + await query.setKeywords(district); + // 是否显示子区域 + await query.setShowChild(showChild); + // 是否获取边界信息 + await query.setShowBoundary(showBoundary); + + // 获取android上下文 + final context = await android_app_Activity.get(); + + // 创建搜索对象 + _androidDistrictSearch = + await com_amap_api_services_district_DistrictSearch + .create__android_content_Context(context); + + // 设置请求 + await _androidDistrictSearch.setQuery(query); + + // 设置回调 + final listener = + await com_amap_api_services_district_DistrictSearch_OnDistrictSearchListener + .anonymous__(); + listener.onDistrictSearched = (result) async { + completer.completeSafely(await!)); + }; + await _androidDistrictSearch.setOnDistrictSearchListener(listener); + + // 开始搜索 + await _androidDistrictSearch.searchDistrictAsyn(); + + // 局部变量从HEAP中解除引用 + pool..add(query); + }, + ios: (pool) async { + _iosSearch = await AMapSearchAPI.create__(); + + // 设置回调 + final delegate = await AMapSearchDelegate.anonymous__(); + delegate.onDistrictSearchDone_response = (request, response) async { + completer.completeSafely(await District.ios(response!)); + }; + await _iosSearch.set_delegate(delegate); + + // 创建搜索请求 + final request = await AMapDistrictSearchRequest.create__(); + // 设置站点名称 + await request.set_keywords(district); + // 是否获取边界信息 + await request.set_requireExtension(showBoundary); + + // 开始搜索 + await _iosSearch.AMapDistrictSearch(request); + + // 局部变量从HEAP中解除引用 + pool..add(request); + }, + ); + return completer.future; + } + + /// todo 获取天气数据 + Future searchWeather(String city, {int mode = 0}) async { + final completer = Completer(); + + await platform( + android: (pool) async { + // 创建请求对象 + final query = await com_amap_api_services_weather_WeatherSearchQuery + .create__String__int( + city, + mode, + ); + + // 获取android上下文 + final context = await android_app_Activity.get(); + + // 创建搜索对象 + _androidWeatherSearch = + await com_amap_api_services_weather_WeatherSearch + .create__android_content_Context(context); + + // 设置请求 + await _androidWeatherSearch.setQuery(query); + + // 设置回调 + // final listener = + // await com_amap_api_services_weather_WeatherSearch_OnWeatherSearchListener + // .anonymous__( + // onWeatherForecastSearched: (route, code) async { + // completer.completeSafely(; + // }, + // ); + await _androidWeatherSearch + .setOnWeatherSearchListener(_AndroidSearchListener(completer)); + + // 开始搜索 + await _androidDistrictSearch.searchDistrictAsyn(); + + // 局部变量从HEAP中解除引用 + pool..add(query); + }, + ios: (pool) async { + _iosSearch = await AMapSearchAPI.create__(); + + // 设置回调 + // final delegate = await AMapSearchDelegate.anonymous__(); + // delegate.onWeatherSearchDone_response = (request, response) async { + // // completer.completeSafely(await Weather.ios(response!.get)); + // }; + await _iosSearch.set_delegate(_IOSSearchListener(completer)); + + // 创建搜索请求 + final request = await AMapWeatherSearchRequest.create__(); + // 设置站点名称 + await request.set_city(city); + await request.set_type(AMapWeatherType.values[mode]); + + // 开始搜索 + await _iosSearch.AMapWeatherSearch(request); + + // 局部变量从HEAP中解除引用 + pool..add(request); + }, + ); + return completer.future; + } + + /// 搜索云图 + Future searchCloudAround( + String tableId, + String keyword, + LatLng center, + int radius, + ) async { + final completer = Completer(); + + await platform( + android: (pool) async { + // 上下文 + final context = await android_app_Activity.get(); + // 检索范围 + final centerPoint = await com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint + .create__double__double(center.latitude, center.longitude); + final bound = await com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch_SearchBound + .create__com_amap_api_services_core_LatLonPoint__int( + centerPoint, radius); + // 查询对象 + final query = await com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch_Query + .create__String__String__com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch_SearchBound( + tableId, keyword, bound); + + // 创建搜索对象 + _androidCloudSearch = await com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch + .create__android_content_Context(context); + + // 设置回调 + final listener = + await com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch_OnCloudSearchListener + .anonymous__(); + listener.onCloudSearched = (result, code) async { + completer.completeSafely(; + }; + await _androidCloudSearch.setOnCloudSearchListener(listener); + + // 设置请求 + await _androidCloudSearch.searchCloudAsyn(query); + + // 局部变量从HEAP中解除引用 + pool + ..add(query) + ..add(context) + ..add(centerPoint) + ..add(bound); + }, + ios: (pool) async { + _iosSearch = await AMapSearchAPI.create__(); + + // 设置回调 + final delegate = await AMapSearchDelegate.anonymous__(); + delegate.onCloudSearchDone_response = (request, response) async { + completer.completeSafely(Cloud.ios(response)); + }; + await _iosSearch.set_delegate(delegate); + + // 创建搜索请求 + final request = await AMapCloudPOIAroundSearchRequest.create__(); + // 设置站点名称 + await request.set_tableID(tableId); + // 关键字 + await request.set_keywords(keyword); + // 中心点 + final centerPoint = await (AMapGeoPoint.locationWithLatitude_longitude( + center.latitude, center.longitude) as FutureOr); + await request.set_center(centerPoint); + await request.set_radius(radius); + + // 开始搜索 + await _iosSearch.AMapCloudPOIAroundSearch(request); + + // 局部变量从HEAP中解除引用 + pool + ..add(request) + ..add(centerPoint); + }, + ); + return completer.future; + } + + /// 释放原生端对应的资源, 除了[AMapServices] + Future dispose() async { + final isCurrentPlugin = (Ref it) => it.tag__ == 'amap_search_fluttify'; + await gGlobalReleasePool.where(isCurrentPlugin).release_batch(); + gGlobalReleasePool.removeWhere(isCurrentPlugin); + + await _iosSearch.release__(); + await _androidPoiSearch.release__(); + await _androidInputTip.release__(); + await _androidGeocodeSearch.release__(); + await _androidRouteSearch.release__(); + await _androidBusStationSearch.release__(); + await _androidDistrictSearch.release__(); + await _androidWeatherSearch.release__(); + } +} + +extension on Completer { + void completeSafely([FutureOr? value]) { + if (!isCompleted) { + complete(value); + } + } +} diff --git a/lib/src/facade/delegates.dart b/lib/src/facade/delegates.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..835e11e --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/facade/delegates.dart @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names +part of 'amap_search.dart'; + +/// android: 搜索监听 +@Deprecated('全部改成匿名内部类的形式') +class _AndroidSearchListener extends java_lang_Object + with + com_amap_api_services_poisearch_PoiSearch_OnPoiSearchListener, + com_amap_api_services_help_Inputtips_InputtipsListener, + com_amap_api_services_geocoder_GeocodeSearch_OnGeocodeSearchListener, + com_amap_api_services_route_RouteSearch_OnRouteSearchListener, + com_amap_api_services_busline_BusStationSearch_OnBusStationSearchListener, + com_amap_api_services_district_DistrictSearch_OnDistrictSearchListener, + com_amap_api_services_weather_WeatherSearch_OnWeatherSearchListener, + com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudSearch_OnCloudSearchListener { + _AndroidSearchListener(this._completer); + + final Completer _completer; +} + +/// ios: 搜索监听 +@Deprecated('全部改成匿名内部类的形式') +class _IOSSearchListener extends NSObject with AMapSearchDelegate { + _IOSSearchListener(this._completer); + + final Completer _completer; +} diff --git a/lib/src/facade/extensions.dart b/lib/src/facade/extensions.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..00bb5b8 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/facade/extensions.dart @@ -0,0 +1,296 @@ +part of 'amap_search.dart'; + +class PoiX { + static Future fromAndroid(com_amap_api_services_core_PoiItem poi) async { + final address = await poi.getSnippet(); + final title = await poi.getTitle(); + final latLng = await (poi.getLatLonPoint() + as FutureOr); + final latitude = await (latLng.getLatitude() as FutureOr); + final longitude = await (latLng.getLongitude() as FutureOr); + final cityName = await poi.getCityName(); + final cityCode = await poi.getCityCode(); + final provinceName = await poi.getProvinceName(); + final provinceCode = await poi.getProvinceCode(); + final tel = await poi.getTel(); + final poiId = await poi.getPoiId(); + final businessArea = await poi.getBusinessArea(); + final distance = await poi.getDistance(); + final adName = await poi.getAdName(); + final adCode = await poi.getAdCode(); + + return Poi( + address: address, + title: title, + cityName: cityName, + cityCode: cityCode, + provinceName: provinceName, + provinceCode: provinceCode, + tel: tel, + poiId: poiId, + businessArea: businessArea, + distance: distance, + adName: adName, + adCode: adCode, + latLng: LatLng(latitude, longitude), + ); + } + + static Future fromIOS(AMapPOI poi) async { + final address = await poi.get_address(); + final title = await poi.get_name(); + final latLng = await (poi.get_location() as FutureOr); + final latitude = await (latLng.get_latitude() as FutureOr); + final longitude = await (latLng.get_longitude() as FutureOr); + final cityName = await poi.get_city(); + final cityCode = await poi.get_citycode(); + final provinceName = await poi.get_province(); + final provinceCode = await poi.get_pcode(); + final tel = await poi.get_tel(); + final poiId = await poi.get_uid(); + final businessArea = await poi.get_businessArea(); + final distance = await poi.get_distance(); + final adName = await poi.get_district(); + final adCode = await poi.get_adcode(); + + return Poi( + address: address, + title: title, + cityName: cityName, + cityCode: cityCode, + provinceName: provinceName, + provinceCode: provinceCode, + tel: tel, + poiId: poiId, + businessArea: businessArea, + distance: distance, + adName: adName, + adCode: adCode, + latLng: LatLng(latitude, longitude), + ); + } +} + +class RoadListX { + static Future> fromAndroid( + List roadList, + ) async { + final idBatch = await roadList.getId_batch(); + final nameBatch = await roadList.getName_batch(); + final distanceBatch = await roadList.getDistance_batch(); + final directionBatch = await roadList.getDirection_batch(); + + final coordinateBatch = await roadList.getLatLngPoint_batch(); + final latitudeBatch = await coordinateBatch.getLatitude_batch(); + final longitudeBatch = await coordinateBatch.getLongitude_batch(); + + return [ + for (int i = 0; i < roadList.length; i++) + Road( + id: idBatch[i], + name: nameBatch[i], + distance: distanceBatch[i], + direction: directionBatch[i], + coordinate: LatLng(latitudeBatch[i]!, longitudeBatch[i]!), + ) + ]; + } + + static Future> fromIOS(List roadList) async { + final idBatch = await roadList.get_uid_batch(); + final nameBatch = await roadList.get_name_batch(); + final distanceBatch = await roadList.get_distance_batch(); + final directionBatch = await roadList.get_direction_batch(); + + final coordinateBatch = await (roadList.get_location_batch()); + final latitudeBatch = await coordinateBatch.get_latitude_batch(); + final longitudeBatch = await coordinateBatch.get_longitude_batch(); + + return [ + for (int i = 0; i < roadList.length; i++) + Road( + id: idBatch[i], + name: nameBatch[i], + distance: distanceBatch[i]!.toDouble(), + direction: directionBatch[i], + coordinate: LatLng(latitudeBatch[i]!, longitudeBatch[i]!), + ) + ]; + } +} + +class AoiListX { + static Future> fromAndroid( + List aoiList, + ) async { + final adcodeBatch = await aoiList.getAdCode_batch(); + final areaBatch = await aoiList.getAoiArea_batch(); + final idBatch = await aoiList.getAoiId_batch(); + final nameBatch = await aoiList.getAoiName_batch(); + + final coordinateBatch = await (aoiList.getAoiCenterPoint_batch()); + final latitudeBatch = await coordinateBatch.getLatitude_batch(); + final longitudeBatch = await coordinateBatch.getLongitude_batch(); + + return [ + for (int i = 0; i < aoiList.length; i++) + Aoi( + adcode: adcodeBatch[i], + area: areaBatch[i], + id: idBatch[i], + name: nameBatch[i], + centerPoint: LatLng(latitudeBatch[i]!, longitudeBatch[i]!), + ) + ]; + } + + static Future> fromIOS(List aoiList) async { + final adcodeBatch = await aoiList.get_adcode_batch(); + final areaBatch = await aoiList.get_area_batch(); + final idBatch = await aoiList.get_uid_batch(); + final nameBatch = await aoiList.get_name_batch(); + + final coordinateBatch = await (aoiList.get_location_batch()); + final latitudeBatch = await coordinateBatch.get_latitude_batch(); + final longitudeBatch = await coordinateBatch.get_longitude_batch(); + + return [ + for (int i = 0; i < aoiList.length; i++) + Aoi( + adcode: adcodeBatch[i], + area: areaBatch[i], + id: idBatch[i], + name: nameBatch[i], + centerPoint: LatLng(latitudeBatch[i]!, longitudeBatch[i]!), + ) + ]; + } +} + +class PoiListX { + static Future> fromAndroid( + List poiList, + ) async { + final addressBatch = await poiList.getSnippet_batch(); + final titleBatch = await poiList.getTitle_batch(); + final latLngBatch = await (poiList.getLatLonPoint_batch()); + final latitudeBatch = await latLngBatch.getLatitude_batch(); + final longitudeBatch = await latLngBatch.getLongitude_batch(); + final cityNameBatch = await poiList.getCityName_batch(); + final cityCodeBatch = await poiList.getCityCode_batch(); + final provinceNameBatch = await poiList.getProvinceName_batch(); + final provinceCodeBatch = await poiList.getProvinceCode_batch(); + final telBatch = await poiList.getTel_batch(); + final poiIdBatch = await poiList.getPoiId_batch(); + final businessAreaBatch = await poiList.getBusinessArea_batch(); + final distanceBatch = await poiList.getDistance_batch(); + final adNameBatch = await poiList.getAdName_batch(); + final adCodeBatch = await poiList.getAdCode_batch(); + + return [ + for (int i = 0; i < poiList.length; i++) + Poi( + address: addressBatch[i], + title: titleBatch[i], + latLng: LatLng(latitudeBatch[i]!, longitudeBatch[i]!), + cityName: cityNameBatch[i], + cityCode: cityCodeBatch[i], + provinceName: provinceNameBatch[i], + provinceCode: provinceCodeBatch[i], + tel: telBatch[i], + poiId: poiIdBatch[i], + businessArea: businessAreaBatch[i], + distance: distanceBatch[i], + adName: adNameBatch[i], + adCode: adCodeBatch[i], + ) + ]; + } + + static Future> fromIOS(List poiList) async { + final addressBatch = await poiList.get_address_batch(); + final titleBatch = await poiList.get_name_batch(); + final latLngBatch = await (poiList.get_location_batch()); + final latitudeBatch = await latLngBatch.get_latitude_batch(); + final longitudeBatch = await latLngBatch.get_longitude_batch(); + final cityNameBatch = await poiList.get_city_batch(); + final cityCodeBatch = await poiList.get_citycode_batch(); + final provinceNameBatch = await poiList.get_province_batch(); + final provinceCodeBatch = await poiList.get_pcode_batch(); + final telBatch = await poiList.get_tel_batch(); + final poiIdBatch = await poiList.get_uid_batch(); + final businessAreaBatch = await poiList.get_businessArea_batch(); + final distanceBatch = await poiList.get_distance_batch(); + final adNameBatch = await poiList.get_district_batch(); + final adCodeBatch = await poiList.get_adcode_batch(); + + return [ + for (int i = 0; i < poiList.length; i++) + Poi( + address: addressBatch[i], + title: titleBatch[i], + latLng: LatLng(latitudeBatch[i]!, longitudeBatch[i]!), + cityName: cityNameBatch[i], + cityCode: cityCodeBatch[i], + provinceName: provinceNameBatch[i], + provinceCode: provinceCodeBatch[i], + tel: telBatch[i], + poiId: poiIdBatch[i], + businessArea: businessAreaBatch[i], + distance: distanceBatch[i], + adName: adNameBatch[i], + adCode: adCodeBatch[i], + ) + ]; + } +} + +class InputTipListX { + static Future> fromAndroid( + List inputTipList, + ) async { + final nameBatch = await inputTipList.getName_batch(); + final idBatch = await inputTipList.getPoiID_batch(); + final addressBatch = await inputTipList.getAddress_batch(); + final districtBatch = await inputTipList.getDistrict_batch(); + final coordinateBatch = await inputTipList.getPoint_batch(); + final latitudeBatch = await coordinateBatch.getLatitude_batch(); + final longitudeBatch = await coordinateBatch.getLongitude_batch(); + + return [ + for (int i = 0; i < inputTipList.length; i++) + InputTip( + name: nameBatch[i], + poiId: idBatch[i], + address: addressBatch[i], + district: districtBatch[i], + coordinate: latitudeBatch[i] == null || longitudeBatch[i] == null + ? null + : LatLng(latitudeBatch[i]!, longitudeBatch[i]!), + ) + ]; + } + + static Future> fromIOS(List inputTipList) async { + final nameBatch = await inputTipList.get_name_batch(); + final idBatch = await inputTipList.get_uid_batch(); + final addressBatch = await inputTipList.get_address_batch(); + final districtBatch = await inputTipList.get_district_batch(); + final coordinateBatch = await inputTipList.get_location_batch(); + final latitudeBatch = await coordinateBatch.get_latitude_batch(); + final longitudeBatch = await coordinateBatch.get_longitude_batch(); + + return [ + for (int i = 0; i < inputTipList.length; i++) + InputTip( + name: nameBatch[i], + poiId: idBatch[i], + address: addressBatch[i], + district: districtBatch[i], + coordinate: latitudeBatch[i] == null || longitudeBatch[i] == null + ? null + : LatLng(latitudeBatch[i]!, longitudeBatch[i]!), + ) + ]; + } +} diff --git a/lib/src/facade/models.dart b/lib/src/facade/models.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1f24ee3 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/facade/models.dart @@ -0,0 +1,1456 @@ +part of 'amap_search.dart'; + +mixin _ToFutureString { + Future toFutureString(); +} + +/// 兴趣点 model +class Poi { + Poi({ + this.address, + this.title, + this.latLng, + this.cityName, + this.cityCode, + this.provinceName, + this.provinceCode, +, + this.poiId, + this.businessArea, + this.distance, + this.adName, + this.adCode, + }); + + /// 地址 + String? address; + + ///标题 + String? title; + + /// 经纬度 + LatLng? latLng; + + /// 城市名 + String? cityName; + + /// 城市编码 + String? cityCode; + + /// 省份名称 + String? provinceName; + + /// 省份编码 + String? provinceCode; + + /// 电话 + String? tel; + + /// 兴趣点id + String? poiId; + + /// 商业区 + String? businessArea; + + /// 距离 + int? distance; + + /// 行政区划名称 + String? adName; + + /// 行政区划编号 + String? adCode; + + @override + String toString() { + return 'Poi{address: $address, title: $title, latLng: $latLng, cityName: $cityName, cityCode: $cityCode, provinceName: $provinceName, provinceCode: $provinceCode, tel: $tel, poiId: $poiId, businessArea: $businessArea, distance: $distance, adName: $adName, adCode: $adCode}'; + } +} + +/// 输入提示 model +class InputTip { + InputTip({ +, + this.poiId, + this.address, + this.district, + this.coordinate, + }); + + /// 提示名称 + final String? name; + + /// 兴趣点id + final String? poiId; + + /// 地址 + final String? address; + + /// 区域 + final String? district; + + /// 经纬度 + final LatLng? coordinate; + + @override + String toString() { + return 'InputTip{name: $name, poiId: $poiId, address: $address, district: $district, coordinate: $coordinate}'; + } +} + +/// 地理编码 model +class Geocode { + Geocode(this.latLng); + + /// 经纬度 + final LatLng latLng; + + @override + String toString() { + return 'Geocode{latLng: $latLng}'; + } +} + +/// 逆地理编码 model +class ReGeocode { + ReGeocode({ + this.provinceName, + this.cityName, + this.cityCode, + this.adCode, + this.districtName, + this.townCode, + this.township, + this.neighborhood, + this.building, +, + this.formatAddress, + this.roads, + this.aoiList, + this.poiList, + }); + + /// 省份名称 + final String? provinceName; + + /// 城市名称 + final String? cityName; + + /// 城市代码 + final String? cityCode; + + /// 邮政 + final String? adCode; + + /// 区域名称 + final String? districtName; + + /// 乡镇编码 + final String? townCode; + + /// 乡镇名称 + final String? township; + + /// 社区名称 + final String? neighborhood; + + /// 建筑物 + final String? building; + + /// 国家 + final String? country; + + /// 地址全称 + final String? formatAddress; + + /// 道路列表 + final List? roads; + + /// 兴趣区域列表 + final List? aoiList; + + /// 兴趣点列表 + final List? poiList; + + @override + String toString() { + return 'ReGeocode{provinceName: $provinceName, cityName: $cityName, cityCode: $cityCode, adCode: $adCode, districtName: $districtName, townCode: $townCode, township: $township, neighborhood: $neighborhood, building: $building, country: $country, formatAddress: $formatAddress, roads: $roads, aoiList: $aoiList, poiList: $poiList}'; + } +} + +/// 道路 +class Road { + Road({ +, +, + this.distance, + this.direction, + this.coordinate, + }); + + String? id; + String? name; + double? distance; + String? direction; + LatLng? coordinate; + + @override + String toString() { + return 'Road{id: $id, name: $name, distance: $distance, direction: $direction, coordinate: $coordinate}'; + } +} + +class Aoi { + Aoi({ + this.adcode, + this.area, +, +, + this.centerPoint, + }); + + /// 邮政编码 + final String? adcode; + + /// 覆盖面积 单位平方米 + final double? area; + + /// 唯一标识 + final String? id; + + /// 名称 + final String? name; + + /// 中心点坐标 + final LatLng? centerPoint; + + @override + String toString() { + return 'Aoi{adcode: $adcode, area: $area, id: $id, name: $name, centerPoint: $centerPoint}'; + } +} + +/// 驾车路径规划 model +class DriveRouteResult with _ToFutureString { +; + + DriveRouteResult.ios(this._iosModel); + + com_amap_api_services_route_DriveRouteResult? _androidModel; + AMapRoute? _iosModel; + + /// 打的费用 + Future get taxiCost async { + return platform( + android: (pool) => _androidModel!.getTaxiCost(), + ios: (pool) => _iosModel!.get_taxiCost(), + ); + } + + /// 驾驶路径列表 + Future> get drivePathList { + return platform( + android: (pool) async { + return (await _androidModel!.getPaths())! + .map((it) => + .toList(); + }, + ios: (pool) async { + return (await _iosModel!.get_paths())! + .map((it) => DrivePath.ios(it)) + .toList(); + }, + ); + } + + @override + Future toFutureString() async { + return 'DriveRouteResult{taxiCost: ${await taxiCost}}, drivePathList: ${await _expandToString(drivePathList)}'; + } +} + +/// 行走路径规划 model +class WalkRouteResult with _ToFutureString { +; + + WalkRouteResult.ios(this._iosModel); + + com_amap_api_services_route_WalkRouteResult? _androidModel; + AMapRoute? _iosModel; + + /// 步行路径列表 + Future> get walkPathList { + return platform( + android: (pool) async { + return (await _androidModel!.getPaths())! + .map((it) => + .toList(); + }, + ios: (pool) async { + return (await _iosModel!.get_paths())! + .map((it) => WalkPath.ios(it)) + .toList(); + }, + ); + } + + @override + Future toFutureString() async { + return 'WalkRouteResult{walkPathList: ${await _expandToString(walkPathList)}'; + } +} + +/// 骑行路径规划 model +class RideRouteResult with _ToFutureString { +; + + RideRouteResult.ios(this._iosModel); + + com_amap_api_services_route_RideRouteResult? _androidModel; + AMapRoute? _iosModel; + + /// 骑行路径列表 + Future> get ridePathList { + return platform( + android: (pool) async { + return (await _androidModel!.getPaths())! + .map((it) => + .toList(); + }, + ios: (pool) async { + return (await _iosModel!.get_paths())! + .map((it) => RidePath.ios(it)) + .toList(); + }, + ); + } + + @override + Future toFutureString() async { + return 'WalkRouteResult{walkPathList: ${await _expandToString(ridePathList)}'; + } +} + +/// 公交路径规划 model +class BusRouteResult with _ToFutureString { +; + + BusRouteResult.ios(this._iosModel); + + com_amap_api_services_route_BusRouteResult? _androidModel; + AMapRoute? _iosModel; + + /// 公交路径列表 + Future> get busPathList { + return platform( + android: (pool) async { + return (await _androidModel!.getPaths()) + ?.map((it) => + .toList() ?? + []; + }, + ios: (pool) async { + return (await _iosModel!.get_transits()) + ?.map((it) => BusPath.ios(it)) + .toList() ?? + []; + }, + ); + } + + @override + Future toFutureString() async { + return 'BusRouteResult{busPathList: ${await _expandToString(busPathList)}'; + } +} + +/// 驾车路径 model +class DrivePath with _ToFutureString { +; + + DrivePath.ios(this._iosModel); + + com_amap_api_services_route_DrivePath? _androidModel; + AMapPath? _iosModel; + + /// 驾驶步骤列表 + Future> get driveStepList { + return platform(android: (pool) async { + return (await _androidModel!.getSteps())! + .map((it) => + .toList(); + }, ios: (pool) async { + return (await _iosModel!.get_steps())! + .map((it) => DriveStep.ios(it)) + .toList(); + }); + } + + @override + Future toFutureString() async { + return 'DrivePath{driveStepList: ${await _expandToString(driveStepList)}}'; + } +} + +/// 行走路径 model +class WalkPath with _ToFutureString { +; + + WalkPath.ios(this._iosModel); + + com_amap_api_services_route_WalkPath? _androidModel; + AMapPath? _iosModel; + + /// 步行步骤列表 + Future> get walkStepList { + return platform(android: (pool) async { + return (await _androidModel!.getSteps())! + .map((it) => + .toList(); + }, ios: (pool) async { + return (await _iosModel!.get_steps())! + .map((it) => WalkStep.ios(it)) + .toList(); + }); + } + + @override + Future toFutureString() async { + return 'WalkPath{walkStepList: ${await _expandToString(walkStepList)}}'; + } +} + +/// 骑行路径 model +class RidePath with _ToFutureString { +; + + RidePath.ios(this._iosModel); + + com_amap_api_services_route_RidePath? _androidModel; + AMapPath? _iosModel; + + /// 骑行步骤列表 + Future> get rideStepList { + return platform(android: (pool) async { + return (await _androidModel!.getSteps())! + .map((it) => + .toList(); + }, ios: (pool) async { + return (await _iosModel!.get_steps())! + .map((it) => RideStep.ios(it)) + .toList(); + }); + } + + @override + Future toFutureString() async { + return 'WalkPath{walkStepList: ${await _expandToString(rideStepList)}}'; + } +} + +/// 公交路径 model +class BusPath with _ToFutureString { +; + + BusPath.ios(this._iosModel); + + com_amap_api_services_route_BusPath? _androidModel; + AMapTransit? _iosModel; + + /// 公交步骤列表 + Future> get busStepList { + return platform( + android: (pool) async { + return (await _androidModel!.getSteps())! + .map((it) => + .toList(); + }, + ios: (pool) async { + return (await _iosModel!.get_segments())! + .map((it) => BusStep.ios(it)) + .toList(); + }, + ); + } + + @override + Future toFutureString() async { + return 'BusPath{busStepList: ${await _expandToString(busStepList)}}'; + } +} + +/// 驾车步骤 model +class DriveStep with _ToFutureString { +; + + DriveStep.ios(this._iosModel); + + com_amap_api_services_route_DriveStep? _androidModel; + AMapStep? _iosModel; + + /// 指令 + Future get instruction { + return platform( + android: (pool) => _androidModel!.getInstruction(), + ios: (pool) => _iosModel!.get_instruction(), + ); + } + + /// 方向 + Future get orientation { + return platform( + android: (pool) => _androidModel!.getOrientation(), + ios: (pool) => _iosModel!.get_orientation(), + ); + } + + /// 道路 + Future get road { + return platform( + android: (pool) => _androidModel!.getRoad(), + ios: (pool) => _iosModel!.get_road(), + ); + } + + /// 距离 + Future get distance { + return platform( + android: (pool) => _androidModel!.getDistance(), + ios: (pool) => _iosModel!.get_distance().then((it) => it!.toDouble()), + ); + } + + /// 通行费 + Future get tolls { + return platform( + android: (pool) => _androidModel!.getTolls(), + ios: (pool) => _iosModel!.get_tolls(), + ); + } + + /// 通行距离 + Future get tollDistance { + return platform( + android: (pool) => _androidModel!.getTollDistance(), + ios: (pool) => _iosModel!.get_tollDistance().then((it) => it!.toDouble()), + ); + } + + /// 通行道路 + Future get tollRoad { + return platform( + android: (pool) => _androidModel!.getTollRoad(), + ios: (pool) => _iosModel!.get_tollRoad(), + ); + } + + /// 时间 + Future get duration { + return platform( + android: (pool) => _androidModel!.getDuration(), + ios: (pool) => _iosModel!.get_duration().then((it) => it!.toDouble()), + ); + } + + /// 多边形 + Future> get polyline { + return platform( + android: (pool) async { + final polyline = await _androidModel!.getPolyline() ?? []; + final latitudeBatch = await polyline.getLatitude_batch(); + final longitudeBatch = await polyline.getLongitude_batch(); + return [ + for (int i = 0; i < polyline.length; i++) + LatLng(latitudeBatch[i]!, longitudeBatch[i]!) + ]; + }, + ios: (pool) async { + final latLngString = await _iosModel!.get_polyline() ?? ''; + return latLngString + .split(';') + .map((latLngPair) => latLngPair.split(',')) + .map((it) => LatLng(double.parse(it[1]), double.parse(it[0]))) + .toList(); + }, + ); + } + + /// 动作 + Future get action { + return platform( + android: (pool) => _androidModel!.getAction(), + ios: (pool) => _iosModel!.get_action(), + ); + } + + /// 辅助动作 + Future get assistantAction { + return platform( + android: (pool) => _androidModel!.getAssistantAction(), + ios: (pool) => _iosModel!.get_assistantAction(), + ); + } + + /// 交通状况列表 + Future> get tmsList { + return platform( + android: (pool) async => (await _androidModel!.getTMCs())! + .map((it) => + .toList(), + ios: (pool) async => + (await _iosModel!.get_tmcs())!.map((it) => TMC.ios(it)).toList(), + ); + } + + @override + Future toFutureString() async { + return 'DriveStep{instruction: ${await instruction}}, orientation: ${await orientation}, road: ${await road}, distance: ${await distance}, tolls: ${await tolls}, tollDistance: ${await tollDistance}, tollRoad: ${await tollRoad}, duration: ${await duration}, polyline: ${await polyline}, action: ${await action}, assistantAction: ${await assistantAction}, tmsList: ${await _expandToString(tmsList)}'; + } +} + +/// 行走步骤 model +class WalkStep with _ToFutureString { +; + + WalkStep.ios(this._iosModel); + + com_amap_api_services_route_WalkStep? _androidModel; + AMapStep? _iosModel; + + /// 指令 + Future get instruction { + return platform( + android: (pool) => _androidModel!.getInstruction(), + ios: (pool) => _iosModel!.get_instruction(), + ); + } + + /// 方向 + Future get orientation { + return platform( + android: (pool) => _androidModel!.getOrientation(), + ios: (pool) => _iosModel!.get_orientation(), + ); + } + + /// 道路 + Future get road { + return platform( + android: (pool) => _androidModel!.getRoad(), + ios: (pool) => _iosModel!.get_road(), + ); + } + + /// 距离 + Future get distance { + return platform( + android: (pool) => _androidModel!.getDistance(), + ios: (pool) => _iosModel!.get_distance().then((it) => it!.toDouble()), + ); + } + + /// 时间 + Future get duration { + return platform( + android: (pool) => _androidModel!.getDuration(), + ios: (pool) => _iosModel!.get_duration().then((it) => it!.toDouble()), + ); + } + + /// 路线 + Future> get polyline { + return platform( + android: (pool) async { + final polyline = await _androidModel!.getPolyline() ?? []; + final latitudeBatch = await polyline.getLatitude_batch(); + final longitudeBatch = await polyline.getLongitude_batch(); + return [ + for (int i = 0; i < polyline.length; i++) + LatLng(latitudeBatch[i]!, longitudeBatch[i]!) + ]; + }, + ios: (pool) async { + final latLngString = await _iosModel!.get_polyline() ?? ''; + return latLngString + .split(';') + .map((latLngPair) => latLngPair.split(',')) + .map((it) => LatLng(double.parse(it[1]), double.parse(it[0]))) + .toList(); + }, + ); + } + + /// 动作 + Future get action { + return platform( + android: (pool) => _androidModel!.getAction(), + ios: (pool) => _iosModel!.get_action(), + ); + } + + /// 辅助动作 + Future get assistantAction { + return platform( + android: (pool) => _androidModel!.getAssistantAction(), + ios: (pool) => _iosModel!.get_assistantAction(), + ); + } + + @override + Future toFutureString() async { + return 'WalkStep{instruction: ${await instruction}}, orientation: ${await orientation}, road: ${await road}, distance: ${await distance}, duration: ${await duration}, polyline: ${await polyline}, action: ${await action}, assistantAction: ${await assistantAction}'; + } +} + +/// 骑行步骤 model +class RideStep with _ToFutureString { +; + + RideStep.ios(this._iosModel); + + com_amap_api_services_route_RideStep? _androidModel; + AMapStep? _iosModel; + + /// 指令 + Future get instruction { + return platform( + android: (pool) => _androidModel!.getInstruction(), + ios: (pool) => _iosModel!.get_instruction(), + ); + } + + /// 方向 + Future get orientation { + return platform( + android: (pool) => _androidModel!.getOrientation(), + ios: (pool) => _iosModel!.get_orientation(), + ); + } + + /// 道路 + Future get road { + return platform( + android: (pool) => _androidModel!.getRoad(), + ios: (pool) => _iosModel!.get_road(), + ); + } + + /// 距离 + Future get distance { + return platform( + android: (pool) => _androidModel!.getDistance(), + ios: (pool) => _iosModel!.get_distance().then((it) => it!.toDouble()), + ); + } + + /// 时间 + Future get duration { + return platform( + android: (pool) => _androidModel!.getDuration(), + ios: (pool) => _iosModel!.get_duration().then((it) => it!.toDouble()), + ); + } + + /// 路线 + Future> get polyline { + return platform( + android: (pool) async { + final polyline = await _androidModel!.getPolyline() ?? []; + final latitudeBatch = await polyline.getLatitude_batch(); + final longitudeBatch = await polyline.getLongitude_batch(); + return [ + for (int i = 0; i < polyline.length; i++) + LatLng(latitudeBatch[i]!, longitudeBatch[i]!) + ]; + }, + ios: (pool) async { + final latLngString = await _iosModel!.get_polyline() ?? ''; + return latLngString + .split(';') + .map((latLngPair) => latLngPair.split(',')) + .map((it) => LatLng(double.parse(it[1]), double.parse(it[0]))) + .toList(); + }, + ); + } + + /// 动作 + Future get action { + return platform( + android: (pool) => _androidModel!.getAction(), + ios: (pool) => _iosModel!.get_action(), + ); + } + + /// 辅助动作 + Future get assistantAction { + return platform( + android: (pool) => _androidModel!.getAssistantAction(), + ios: (pool) => _iosModel!.get_assistantAction(), + ); + } + + @override + Future toFutureString() async { + return 'WalkStep{instruction: ${await instruction}}, orientation: ${await orientation}, road: ${await road}, distance: ${await distance}, duration: ${await duration}, polyline: ${await polyline}, action: ${await action}, assistantAction: ${await assistantAction}'; + } +} + +/// 公交步骤 model +class BusStep with _ToFutureString { +; + + BusStep.ios(this._iosModel); + + com_amap_api_services_route_BusStep? _androidModel; + AMapSegment? _iosModel; + + /// 步行 + Future get walk { + return platform( + android: (pool) async => _androidModel!.getWalk()), + ios: (pool) async => BusWalk.ios(await _iosModel!.get_walking()), + ); + } + + /// 路线 + Future> get lines { + return platform( + android: (pool) async { + final busLines = await _androidModel!.getBusLines() ?? []; + return [for (final item in busLines)]; + }, + ios: (pool) async { + final busLines = await _iosModel!.get_buslines() ?? []; + return [for (final item in busLines) BusLine.ios(item)]; + }, + ); + } + + /// 入口 + Future get entrance { + return platform( + android: (pool) async => + _androidModel!.getEntrance()), + ios: (pool) async => BusEntrance.ios( + await _iosModel!.get_enterLocation(), + await _iosModel!.get_enterName(), + ), + ); + } + + /// 出口 + Future get exit { + return platform( + android: (pool) async => _androidModel!.getExit()), + ios: (pool) async => BusExit.ios( + await _iosModel!.get_enterLocation(), + await _iosModel!.get_enterName(), + ), + ); + } + + /// 地铁 + Future get railway { + return platform( + android: (pool) async => + _androidModel!.getRailway()), + ios: (pool) async => BusRailway.ios(await _iosModel!.get_railway()), + ); + } + + /// 打的 + Future get taxi { + return platform( + android: (pool) async => _androidModel!.getTaxi()), + ios: (pool) async => BusTaxi.ios(await _iosModel!.get_taxi()), + ); + } + + @override + Future toFutureString() async { + return 'BusStep{walk: ${await _toFutureString(walk)}}, lines: ${await _expandToString(lines)}, entrance: ${await _toFutureString(entrance)}, exit: ${await _toFutureString(exit)}, railway: ${await _toFutureString(railway)}, taxi: ${await _toFutureString(taxi)}'; + } +} + +/// 驾车步行 model +class BusWalk with _ToFutureString { +; + + BusWalk.ios(this._iosModel); + + com_amap_api_services_route_RouteBusWalkItem? _androidModel; + AMapWalking? _iosModel; + + /// 起点 + Future get from { + return platform( + android: (pool) async { + final origin = await _androidModel?.getOrigin(); + if (origin == null) { + return null; + } else { + return LatLng( + await origin.getLatitude() ?? 0, + await origin.getLongitude() ?? 0, + ); + } + }, + ios: (pool) async { + final origin = await _iosModel!.get_origin(); + if (origin == null) { + return null; + } else { + return LatLng( + await origin.get_latitude() ?? 0, + await origin.get_longitude() ?? 0, + ); + } + }, + ); + } + + /// 终点 + Future get to { + return platform( + android: (pool) async { + final origin = await _androidModel?.getDestination(); + if (origin == null) { + return null; + } else { + return LatLng( + await origin.getLatitude() ?? 0, + await origin.getLongitude() ?? 0, + ); + } + }, + ios: (pool) async { + final origin = await _iosModel!.get_destination(); + if (origin == null) { + return null; + } else { + return LatLng( + await origin.get_latitude() ?? 0, + await origin.get_longitude() ?? 0, + ); + } + }, + ); + } + + @override + Future toFutureString() async { + return 'BusWalk{from: ${await from}}, to: ${await to}'; + } +} + +/// 公交路线 model +class BusLine with _ToFutureString { +; + + BusLine.ios(this._iosModel); + + com_amap_api_services_route_RouteBusLineItem? _androidModel; + AMapBusLine? _iosModel; + + /// 距离 + Future get distance { + return platform( + android: (pool) => _androidModel!.getDistance(), + ios: (pool) => _iosModel!.get_distance(), + ); + } + + /// 路线名称 + Future get busLineName { + return platform( + android: (pool) => _androidModel!.getBusLineName(), + ios: (pool) => _iosModel!.get_name(), + ); + } + + /// 路线类型 + Future get busLineType { + return platform( + android: (pool) => _androidModel!.getBusLineType(), + ios: (pool) => _iosModel!.get_type(), + ); + } + + /// 城市编码 + Future get cityCode { + return platform( + android: (pool) => _androidModel!.getCityCode(), + ios: (pool) => _iosModel!.get_citycode(), + ); + } + + /// 总价 + Future get totalPrice { + return platform( + android: (pool) => _androidModel!.getTotalPrice(), + ios: (pool) => _iosModel!.get_totalPrice(), + ); + } + + /// 起步价? + Future get basicPrice { + return platform( + android: (pool) => _androidModel!.getBasicPrice(), + ios: (pool) => _iosModel!.get_basicPrice(), + ); + } + + @override + Future toFutureString() async { + return 'BusLine{distance: ${await distance}, busLineName: ${await busLineName}, busLineType: ${await busLineType}, cityCode: ${await cityCode}, totalPrice: ${await totalPrice}, basicPrice: ${await basicPrice}'; + } +} + +/// 公交入口 model +class BusEntrance with _ToFutureString { +; + + BusEntrance.ios(this._iosModelLocation, this._iosModelName); + + com_amap_api_services_route_Doorway? _androidModel; + AMapGeoPoint? _iosModelLocation; + String? _iosModelName; + + /// 名称 + Future get name { + return platform( + android: (pool) async => _androidModel?.getName(), + ios: (pool) async => _iosModelName, + ); + } + + /// 经纬度 + Future get location { + return platform( + android: (pool) async { + final location = await _androidModel?.getLatLonPoint(); + if (location != null) { + return LatLng( + await (location.getLatitude() as FutureOr), + await (location.getLongitude() as FutureOr), + ); + } else { + return null; + } + }, + ios: (pool) async { + if (_iosModelLocation != null) { + return LatLng( + await (_iosModelLocation!.get_latitude() as FutureOr), + await (_iosModelLocation!.get_longitude() as FutureOr), + ); + } else { + return null; + } + }, + ); + } + + @override + Future toFutureString() async { + return 'BusEntrance{name: ${await name}, location: ${await location}'; + } +} + +/// 公交出口 model +class BusExit with _ToFutureString { +; + + BusExit.ios(this._iosModelLocation, this._iosModelName); + + com_amap_api_services_route_Doorway? _androidModel; + AMapGeoPoint? _iosModelLocation; + String? _iosModelName; + + /// 名称 + Future get name { + return platform( + android: (pool) async => _androidModel?.getName(), + ios: (pool) async => _iosModelName, + ); + } + + /// 经纬度 + Future get location { + return platform( + android: (pool) async { + final location = await _androidModel?.getLatLonPoint(); + if (location != null) { + return LatLng( + await (location.getLatitude() as FutureOr), + await (location.getLongitude() as FutureOr), + ); + } else { + return null; + } + }, + ios: (pool) async { + if (_iosModelLocation != null) { + return LatLng( + await (_iosModelLocation!.get_latitude() as FutureOr), + await (_iosModelLocation!.get_longitude() as FutureOr), + ); + } else { + return null; + } + }, + ); + } + + @override + Future toFutureString() async { + return 'BusEntrance{name: ${await name}, location: ${await location}'; + } +} + +/// todo 公交地铁 model +class BusRailway with _ToFutureString { +; + + BusRailway.ios(this._iosModel); + + com_amap_api_services_route_RouteRailwayItem? _androidModel; + AMapRailway? _iosModel; + + @override + Future toFutureString() async { + return ''; + } +} + +/// todo 公交出租车 model +class BusTaxi with _ToFutureString { +; + + BusTaxi.ios(this._iosModel); + + com_amap_api_services_route_TaxiItem? _androidModel; + AMapTaxi? _iosModel; + + @override + Future toFutureString() async { + return ''; + } +} + +/// 路况 model +class TMC with _ToFutureString { + : _iosModel = null; + + TMC.ios(this._iosModel) : _androidModel = null; + + final com_amap_api_services_route_TMC? _androidModel; + final AMapTMC? _iosModel; + + /// 距离 + Future get distance async { + return platform( + android: (pool) => _androidModel!.getDistance(), + ios: (pool) => _iosModel!.get_distance(), + ); + } + + /// 状态 + Future get status { + return platform( + android: (pool) => _androidModel!.getStatus(), + ios: (pool) => _iosModel!.get_status(), + ); + } + + /// 路线 + Future> get polyline { + return platform( + android: (pool) async { + final polyline = await _androidModel?.getPolyline() ?? []; + final latitudeBatch = await polyline.getLatitude_batch(); + final longitudeBatch = await polyline.getLongitude_batch(); + return [ + for (int i = 0; i < polyline.length; i++) + LatLng(latitudeBatch[i]!, longitudeBatch[i]!) + ]; + }, + ios: (pool) async { + final latLngString = await _iosModel!.get_polyline() ?? ''; + return latLngString + .split(';') + .map((latLngPair) => latLngPair.split(',')) + .map((it) => LatLng(double.parse(it[1]), double.parse(it[0]))) + .toList(); + }, + ); + } + + @override + Future toFutureString() async { + return 'TMC{distance: ${await distance}}, status: ${await status}, polyline: ${await polyline}'; + } +} + +/// 公交站列表 model +class BusStation with _ToFutureString { +; + + BusStation.ios(this._iosModel); + + com_amap_api_services_busline_BusStationResult? _androidModel; + AMapBusStopSearchResponse? _iosModel; + + /// 公交站列表 + Future> get busStationList { + return platform( + android: (pool) async { + final busStations = await _androidModel!.getBusStations() ?? []; + return [for (final item in busStations)]; + }, + ios: (pool) async { + final busStations = await _iosModel!.get_busstops() ?? []; + return [for (final item in busStations) BusStationItem.ios(item)]; + }, + ); + } + + @override + Future toFutureString() async { + return 'BusStation{busStationList: ${await _expandToString(busStationList)}'; + } +} + +/// 公交站 model +class BusStationItem with _ToFutureString { +; + + BusStationItem.ios(this._iosModel); + + com_amap_api_services_busline_BusStationItem? _androidModel; + AMapBusStop? _iosModel; + + /// 名称 + Future get name { + return platform( + android: (pool) => _androidModel!.getBusStationName(), + ios: (pool) => _iosModel!.get_name(), + ); + } + + /// 公交站id + Future get id { + return platform( + android: (pool) => _androidModel!.getBusStationId(), + ios: (pool) => _iosModel!.get_uid(), + ); + } + + /// 经纬度 + Future get location { + return platform( + android: (pool) async { + final latLng = await _androidModel!.getLatLonPoint(); + return LatLng( + await latLng!.getLatitude() ?? 0, + await latLng.getLongitude() ?? 0, + ); + }, + ios: (pool) async { + final location = await _iosModel!.get_location(); + return LatLng( + await location!.get_latitude() ?? 0, + await location.get_longitude() ?? 0, + ); + }, + ); + } + + @override + Future toFutureString() async { + return 'BusStationItem{name: ${await name}, id: ${await id}, location: ${await location}}'; + } +} + +/// 地区列表 model +class District { + static Future android( + com_amap_api_services_district_DistrictResult model, + ) async { + final result = District(); + + result._districtList = [ + for (final item in await model.getDistrict() ?? []) + await + ]; + + return result; + } + + static Future ios( + AMapDistrictSearchResponse model, + ) async { + final result = District(); + + result._districtList = [ + for (final item in await model.get_districts() ?? []) + await DistrictItem.ios(item) + ]; + + return result; + } + + /// 区域列表 + List? _districtList; + + List? get districtList => _districtList; + + @override + String toString() { + return 'District{_districtList: $_districtList}'; + } +} + +/// 地区 model +class DistrictItem { + static Future android( + com_amap_api_services_district_DistrictItem model, + ) async { + final result = DistrictItem(); + + final center = await model.getCenter(); + final rawBoundary = await model.districtBoundary() ?? []; + final subDistrictList = await model.getSubDistrict() ?? []; + + result + .._name = await model.getName() + .._cityCode = await model.getCitycode() + .._adCode = await model.getAdcode() + .._center = LatLng( + await center!.getLatitude() ?? 0, + await center.getLongitude() ?? 0, + ) + .._boundary = [ + for (final rawDistrict in rawBoundary) + for (final rawBoundary in rawDistrict.split('|')) + [ + for (final rawLatLng in rawBoundary.split(';')) + LatLng( + double.parse(rawLatLng.split(',')[1]), + double.parse(rawLatLng.split(',')[0]), + ) + ] + ] + .._subDistrictList = [ + for (final district in subDistrictList) + await + ]; + + return result; + } + + static Future ios(AMapDistrict model) async { + final result = DistrictItem(); + + final center = await (model.get_center() as FutureOr); + final rawDistrictList = await model.get_polylines() ?? []; + final subDistrictList = await model.get_districts() ?? []; + + result + .._name = await model.get_name() + .._cityCode = await model.get_citycode() + .._adCode = await model.get_adcode() + .._center = LatLng( + await center.get_latitude() ?? 0, + await center.get_longitude() ?? 0, + ) + .._boundary = [ + for (final rawDistrict in rawDistrictList) + for (final rawBoundary in rawDistrict.split('|')) + [ + for (final rawLatLng in rawBoundary.split(';')) + LatLng( + double.parse(rawLatLng.split(',')[1]), + double.parse(rawLatLng.split(',')[0]), + ) + ] + ] + .._subDistrictList = [ + for (final district in subDistrictList) await DistrictItem.ios(district) + ]; + + return result; + } + + /// 名称 + String? _name; + + String? get name => _name; + + /// 城市编码 + String? _cityCode; + + String? get cityCode => _cityCode; + + /// 邮政编码 + String? _adCode; + + String? get adCode => _adCode; + + /// 中心点 + LatLng? _center; + + LatLng? get center => _center; + + /// 边界 + List>? _boundary; + + List>? get boundary => _boundary; + + /// 子区域列表 + List? _subDistrictList; + + List? get subDistrictList => _subDistrictList; + + @override + String toString() { + return 'DistrictItem{名称: $_name, 城市编码: $_cityCode, 邮政编码: $_adCode, 中心点: $_center, 子区域: $_subDistrictList}\n'; + } +} + +/// todo 天气 model +class Weather with _ToFutureString { +; + + Weather.ios(this._iosModel); + + com_amap_api_services_weather_LocalWeatherForecastResult? _androidModel; + AMapLocalWeatherForecast? _iosModel; + + @override + Future toFutureString() async { + return 'Weather{}'; + } +} + +class Cloud { +; + + Cloud.ios(this._iosModel); + + com_amap_api_services_cloud_CloudResult? _androidModel; + AMapCloudPOISearchResponse? _iosModel; +} + +Future> _expandToString(Future> source) { + return source + .asStream() + .asyncExpand((it) => Stream.fromIterable(it)) + .asyncMap((it) => it.toFutureString()) + .toList(); +} + +Future _toFutureString(Future<_ToFutureString> source) async { + return (await source).toFutureString(); +} diff --git a/lib/src/facade/shared.g.dart b/lib/src/facade/shared.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6fb9674 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/facade/shared.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; + +const kAmapSearchFluttifyMessageCodec = FluttifyMessageCodec(tag: 'amap_search_fluttify'/*, androidCaster: AmapSearchFluttifyAndroidAs, iosCaster: AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs*/); +const kAmapSearchFluttifyMethodCodec = StandardMethodCodec(kAmapSearchFluttifyMessageCodec); +const kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel = MethodChannel('me.yohom/amap_search_fluttify', kAmapSearchFluttifyMethodCodec); +const kAmapSearchFluttifyProjectName = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + +Future releaseAmapSearchFluttifyPool() async { + final isCurrentPlugin = (Ref it) => it.tag__ == kAmapSearchFluttifyProjectName; + await gGlobalReleasePool.where(isCurrentPlugin).release_batch(); + gGlobalReleasePool.removeWhere(isCurrentPlugin); +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapAOI.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapAOI.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c06e7dc --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapAOI.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,181 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapAOI extends AMapSearchObject with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapAOI'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapAOI', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapAOI', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_uid() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapAOI::get_uid", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_name() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapAOI::get_name", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_adcode() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapAOI::get_adcode", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_location() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapAOI::get_location", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_area() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapAOI::get_area", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_uid(String uid) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapAOI::set_uid', {'__this__': this, "uid": uid}); + } + + Future set_name(String name) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapAOI::set_name', {'__this__': this, "name": name}); + } + + Future set_adcode(String adcode) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapAOI::set_adcode', {'__this__': this, "adcode": adcode}); + } + + Future set_location(AMapGeoPoint location) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapAOI::set_location', {'__this__': this, "location": location}); + } + + Future set_area(double area) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapAOI::set_area', {'__this__': this, "area": area}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapAOI{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapAOI_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_uid_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapAOI::get_uid_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_name_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapAOI::get_name_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_adcode_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapAOI::get_adcode_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_location_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapAOI::get_location_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_area_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapAOI::get_area_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_uid_batch(List uid) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapAOI::set_uid_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "uid": uid[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_name_batch(List name) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapAOI::set_name_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "name": name[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_adcode_batch(List adcode) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapAOI::set_adcode_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "adcode": adcode[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_location_batch(List location) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapAOI::set_location_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "location": location[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_area_batch(List area) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapAOI::set_area_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "area": area[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapAddressComponent.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapAddressComponent.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..811aaa2 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapAddressComponent.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,341 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapAddressComponent extends AMapSearchObject with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapAddressComponent'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapAddressComponent', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapAddressComponent', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_country() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapAddressComponent::get_country", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_countryCode() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapAddressComponent::get_countryCode", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_province() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapAddressComponent::get_province", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_city() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapAddressComponent::get_city", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_citycode() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapAddressComponent::get_citycode", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_district() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapAddressComponent::get_district", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_adcode() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapAddressComponent::get_adcode", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_township() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapAddressComponent::get_township", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_towncode() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapAddressComponent::get_towncode", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_neighborhood() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapAddressComponent::get_neighborhood", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_building() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapAddressComponent::get_building", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_streetNumber() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapAddressComponent::get_streetNumber", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future?> get_businessAreas() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapAddressComponent::get_businessAreas", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_country(String country) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapAddressComponent::set_country', {'__this__': this, "country": country}); + } + + Future set_countryCode(String countryCode) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapAddressComponent::set_countryCode', {'__this__': this, "countryCode": countryCode}); + } + + Future set_province(String province) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapAddressComponent::set_province', {'__this__': this, "province": province}); + } + + Future set_city(String city) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapAddressComponent::set_city', {'__this__': this, "city": city}); + } + + Future set_citycode(String citycode) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapAddressComponent::set_citycode', {'__this__': this, "citycode": citycode}); + } + + Future set_district(String district) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapAddressComponent::set_district', {'__this__': this, "district": district}); + } + + Future set_adcode(String adcode) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapAddressComponent::set_adcode', {'__this__': this, "adcode": adcode}); + } + + Future set_township(String township) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapAddressComponent::set_township', {'__this__': this, "township": township}); + } + + Future set_towncode(String towncode) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapAddressComponent::set_towncode', {'__this__': this, "towncode": towncode}); + } + + Future set_neighborhood(String neighborhood) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapAddressComponent::set_neighborhood', {'__this__': this, "neighborhood": neighborhood}); + } + + Future set_building(String building) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapAddressComponent::set_building', {'__this__': this, "building": building}); + } + + Future set_streetNumber(AMapStreetNumber streetNumber) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapAddressComponent::set_streetNumber', {'__this__': this, "streetNumber": streetNumber}); + } + + Future set_businessAreas(List businessAreas) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapAddressComponent::set_businessAreas', {'__this__': this, "businessAreas": businessAreas}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapAddressComponent{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapAddressComponent_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_country_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapAddressComponent::get_country_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_countryCode_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapAddressComponent::get_countryCode_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_province_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapAddressComponent::get_province_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_city_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapAddressComponent::get_city_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_citycode_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapAddressComponent::get_citycode_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_district_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapAddressComponent::get_district_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_adcode_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapAddressComponent::get_adcode_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_township_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapAddressComponent::get_township_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_towncode_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapAddressComponent::get_towncode_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_neighborhood_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapAddressComponent::get_neighborhood_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_building_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapAddressComponent::get_building_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_streetNumber_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapAddressComponent::get_streetNumber_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future?>> get_businessAreas_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapAddressComponent::get_businessAreas_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_country_batch(List country) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapAddressComponent::set_country_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "country": country[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_countryCode_batch(List countryCode) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapAddressComponent::set_countryCode_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "countryCode": countryCode[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_province_batch(List province) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapAddressComponent::set_province_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "province": province[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_city_batch(List city) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapAddressComponent::set_city_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "city": city[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_citycode_batch(List citycode) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapAddressComponent::set_citycode_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "citycode": citycode[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_district_batch(List district) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapAddressComponent::set_district_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "district": district[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_adcode_batch(List adcode) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapAddressComponent::set_adcode_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "adcode": adcode[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_township_batch(List township) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapAddressComponent::set_township_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "township": township[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_towncode_batch(List towncode) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapAddressComponent::set_towncode_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "towncode": towncode[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_neighborhood_batch(List neighborhood) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapAddressComponent::set_neighborhood_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "neighborhood": neighborhood[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_building_batch(List building) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapAddressComponent::set_building_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "building": building[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_streetNumber_batch(List streetNumber) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapAddressComponent::set_streetNumber_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "streetNumber": streetNumber[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_businessAreas_batch(List> businessAreas) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapAddressComponent::set_businessAreas_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "businessAreas": businessAreas[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapBusLine.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapBusLine.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7a3da5f --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapBusLine.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,481 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapBusLine extends AMapSearchObject with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapBusLine'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapBusLine', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapBusLine', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_uid() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapBusLine::get_uid", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_type() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapBusLine::get_type", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_name() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapBusLine::get_name", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_polyline() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapBusLine::get_polyline", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_citycode() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapBusLine::get_citycode", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_startStop() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapBusLine::get_startStop", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_endStop() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapBusLine::get_endStop", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_location() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapBusLine::get_location", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_startTime() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapBusLine::get_startTime", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_endTime() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapBusLine::get_endTime", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_company() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapBusLine::get_company", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_distance() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapBusLine::get_distance", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_basicPrice() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapBusLine::get_basicPrice", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_totalPrice() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapBusLine::get_totalPrice", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_bounds() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapBusLine::get_bounds", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future?> get_busStops() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapBusLine::get_busStops", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + Future get_departureStop() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapBusLine::get_departureStop", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_arrivalStop() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapBusLine::get_arrivalStop", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future?> get_viaBusStops() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapBusLine::get_viaBusStops", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + Future get_duration() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapBusLine::get_duration", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_uid(String uid) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapBusLine::set_uid', {'__this__': this, "uid": uid}); + } + + Future set_type(String type) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapBusLine::set_type', {'__this__': this, "type": type}); + } + + Future set_name(String name) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapBusLine::set_name', {'__this__': this, "name": name}); + } + + Future set_polyline(String polyline) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapBusLine::set_polyline', {'__this__': this, "polyline": polyline}); + } + + Future set_citycode(String citycode) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapBusLine::set_citycode', {'__this__': this, "citycode": citycode}); + } + + Future set_startStop(String startStop) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapBusLine::set_startStop', {'__this__': this, "startStop": startStop}); + } + + Future set_endStop(String endStop) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapBusLine::set_endStop', {'__this__': this, "endStop": endStop}); + } + + Future set_location(AMapGeoPoint location) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapBusLine::set_location', {'__this__': this, "location": location}); + } + + Future set_startTime(String startTime) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapBusLine::set_startTime', {'__this__': this, "startTime": startTime}); + } + + Future set_endTime(String endTime) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapBusLine::set_endTime', {'__this__': this, "endTime": endTime}); + } + + Future set_company(String company) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapBusLine::set_company', {'__this__': this, "company": company}); + } + + Future set_distance(double distance) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapBusLine::set_distance', {'__this__': this, "distance": distance}); + } + + Future set_basicPrice(double basicPrice) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapBusLine::set_basicPrice', {'__this__': this, "basicPrice": basicPrice}); + } + + Future set_totalPrice(double totalPrice) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapBusLine::set_totalPrice', {'__this__': this, "totalPrice": totalPrice}); + } + + Future set_bounds(AMapGeoPolygon bounds) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapBusLine::set_bounds', {'__this__': this, "bounds": bounds}); + } + + Future set_busStops(List busStops) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapBusLine::set_busStops', {'__this__': this, "busStops": busStops}); + } + + Future set_departureStop(AMapBusStop departureStop) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapBusLine::set_departureStop', {'__this__': this, "departureStop": departureStop}); + } + + Future set_arrivalStop(AMapBusStop arrivalStop) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapBusLine::set_arrivalStop', {'__this__': this, "arrivalStop": arrivalStop}); + } + + Future set_viaBusStops(List viaBusStops) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapBusLine::set_viaBusStops', {'__this__': this, "viaBusStops": viaBusStops}); + } + + Future set_duration(int duration) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapBusLine::set_duration', {'__this__': this, "duration": duration}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapBusLine{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapBusLine_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_uid_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapBusLine::get_uid_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_type_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapBusLine::get_type_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_name_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapBusLine::get_name_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_polyline_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapBusLine::get_polyline_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_citycode_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapBusLine::get_citycode_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_startStop_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapBusLine::get_startStop_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_endStop_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapBusLine::get_endStop_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_location_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapBusLine::get_location_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_startTime_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapBusLine::get_startTime_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_endTime_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapBusLine::get_endTime_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_company_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapBusLine::get_company_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_distance_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapBusLine::get_distance_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_basicPrice_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapBusLine::get_basicPrice_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_totalPrice_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapBusLine::get_totalPrice_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_bounds_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapBusLine::get_bounds_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future?>> get_busStops_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapBusLine::get_busStops_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + Future> get_departureStop_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapBusLine::get_departureStop_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_arrivalStop_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapBusLine::get_arrivalStop_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future?>> get_viaBusStops_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapBusLine::get_viaBusStops_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + Future> get_duration_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapBusLine::get_duration_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_uid_batch(List uid) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapBusLine::set_uid_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "uid": uid[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_type_batch(List type) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapBusLine::set_type_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "type": type[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_name_batch(List name) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapBusLine::set_name_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "name": name[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_polyline_batch(List polyline) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapBusLine::set_polyline_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "polyline": polyline[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_citycode_batch(List citycode) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapBusLine::set_citycode_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "citycode": citycode[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_startStop_batch(List startStop) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapBusLine::set_startStop_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "startStop": startStop[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_endStop_batch(List endStop) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapBusLine::set_endStop_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "endStop": endStop[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_location_batch(List location) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapBusLine::set_location_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "location": location[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_startTime_batch(List startTime) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapBusLine::set_startTime_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "startTime": startTime[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_endTime_batch(List endTime) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapBusLine::set_endTime_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "endTime": endTime[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_company_batch(List company) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapBusLine::set_company_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "company": company[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_distance_batch(List distance) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapBusLine::set_distance_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "distance": distance[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_basicPrice_batch(List basicPrice) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapBusLine::set_basicPrice_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "basicPrice": basicPrice[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_totalPrice_batch(List totalPrice) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapBusLine::set_totalPrice_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "totalPrice": totalPrice[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_bounds_batch(List bounds) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapBusLine::set_bounds_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "bounds": bounds[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_busStops_batch(List> busStops) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapBusLine::set_busStops_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "busStops": busStops[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_departureStop_batch(List departureStop) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapBusLine::set_departureStop_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "departureStop": departureStop[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_arrivalStop_batch(List arrivalStop) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapBusLine::set_arrivalStop_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "arrivalStop": arrivalStop[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_viaBusStops_batch(List> viaBusStops) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapBusLine::set_viaBusStops_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "viaBusStops": viaBusStops[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_duration_batch(List duration) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapBusLine::set_duration_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "duration": duration[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3753680 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,161 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest extends AMapSearchObject with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_city() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest::get_city", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_requireExtension() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest::get_requireExtension", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_offset() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest::get_offset", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_page() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest::get_page", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_city(String city) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest::set_city', {'__this__': this, "city": city}); + } + + Future set_requireExtension(bool requireExtension) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest::set_requireExtension', {'__this__': this, "requireExtension": requireExtension}); + } + + Future set_offset(int offset) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest::set_offset', {'__this__': this, "offset": offset}); + } + + Future set_page(int page) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest::set_page', {'__this__': this, "page": page}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_city_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest::get_city_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_requireExtension_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest::get_requireExtension_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_offset_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest::get_offset_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_page_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest::get_page_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_city_batch(List city) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest::set_city_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "city": city[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_requireExtension_batch(List requireExtension) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest::set_requireExtension_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "requireExtension": requireExtension[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_offset_batch(List offset) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest::set_offset_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "offset": offset[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_page_batch(List page) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest::set_page_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "page": page[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapBusLineIDSearchRequest.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapBusLineIDSearchRequest.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c410d2f --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapBusLineIDSearchRequest.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,101 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapBusLineIDSearchRequest extends AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapBusLineIDSearchRequest'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapBusLineIDSearchRequest', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapBusLineIDSearchRequest', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_uid() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapBusLineIDSearchRequest::get_uid", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_uid(String uid) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapBusLineIDSearchRequest::set_uid', {'__this__': this, "uid": uid}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapBusLineIDSearchRequest{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapBusLineIDSearchRequest_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_uid_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapBusLineIDSearchRequest::get_uid_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_uid_batch(List uid) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapBusLineIDSearchRequest::set_uid_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "uid": uid[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapBusLineNameSearchRequest.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapBusLineNameSearchRequest.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3c63ed6 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapBusLineNameSearchRequest.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,101 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapBusLineNameSearchRequest extends AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapBusLineNameSearchRequest'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapBusLineNameSearchRequest', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapBusLineNameSearchRequest', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_keywords() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapBusLineNameSearchRequest::get_keywords", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_keywords(String keywords) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapBusLineNameSearchRequest::set_keywords', {'__this__': this, "keywords": keywords}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapBusLineNameSearchRequest{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapBusLineNameSearchRequest_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_keywords_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapBusLineNameSearchRequest::get_keywords_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_keywords_batch(List keywords) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapBusLineNameSearchRequest::set_keywords_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "keywords": keywords[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapBusLineSearchResponse.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapBusLineSearchResponse.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6e91ec0 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapBusLineSearchResponse.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,141 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapBusLineSearchResponse extends AMapSearchObject with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapBusLineSearchResponse'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapBusLineSearchResponse', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapBusLineSearchResponse', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_count() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapBusLineSearchResponse::get_count", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_suggestion() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapBusLineSearchResponse::get_suggestion", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future?> get_buslines() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapBusLineSearchResponse::get_buslines", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_count(int count) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapBusLineSearchResponse::set_count', {'__this__': this, "count": count}); + } + + Future set_suggestion(AMapSuggestion suggestion) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapBusLineSearchResponse::set_suggestion', {'__this__': this, "suggestion": suggestion}); + } + + Future set_buslines(List buslines) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapBusLineSearchResponse::set_buslines', {'__this__': this, "buslines": buslines}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapBusLineSearchResponse{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapBusLineSearchResponse_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_count_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapBusLineSearchResponse::get_count_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_suggestion_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapBusLineSearchResponse::get_suggestion_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future?>> get_buslines_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapBusLineSearchResponse::get_buslines_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_count_batch(List count) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapBusLineSearchResponse::set_count_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "count": count[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_suggestion_batch(List suggestion) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapBusLineSearchResponse::set_suggestion_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "suggestion": suggestion[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_buslines_batch(List> buslines) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapBusLineSearchResponse::set_buslines_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "buslines": buslines[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapBusStop.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapBusStop.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bc4b727 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapBusStop.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,221 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapBusStop extends AMapSearchObject with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapBusStop'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapBusStop', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapBusStop', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_uid() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapBusStop::get_uid", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_adcode() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapBusStop::get_adcode", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_name() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapBusStop::get_name", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_citycode() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapBusStop::get_citycode", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_location() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapBusStop::get_location", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future?> get_buslines() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapBusStop::get_buslines", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + Future get_sequence() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapBusStop::get_sequence", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_uid(String uid) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapBusStop::set_uid', {'__this__': this, "uid": uid}); + } + + Future set_adcode(String adcode) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapBusStop::set_adcode', {'__this__': this, "adcode": adcode}); + } + + Future set_name(String name) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapBusStop::set_name', {'__this__': this, "name": name}); + } + + Future set_citycode(String citycode) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapBusStop::set_citycode', {'__this__': this, "citycode": citycode}); + } + + Future set_location(AMapGeoPoint location) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapBusStop::set_location', {'__this__': this, "location": location}); + } + + Future set_buslines(List buslines) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapBusStop::set_buslines', {'__this__': this, "buslines": buslines}); + } + + Future set_sequence(String sequence) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapBusStop::set_sequence', {'__this__': this, "sequence": sequence}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapBusStop{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapBusStop_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_uid_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapBusStop::get_uid_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_adcode_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapBusStop::get_adcode_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_name_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapBusStop::get_name_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_citycode_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapBusStop::get_citycode_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_location_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapBusStop::get_location_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future?>> get_buslines_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapBusStop::get_buslines_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + Future> get_sequence_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapBusStop::get_sequence_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_uid_batch(List uid) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapBusStop::set_uid_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "uid": uid[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_adcode_batch(List adcode) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapBusStop::set_adcode_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "adcode": adcode[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_name_batch(List name) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapBusStop::set_name_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "name": name[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_citycode_batch(List citycode) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapBusStop::set_citycode_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "citycode": citycode[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_location_batch(List location) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapBusStop::set_location_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "location": location[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_buslines_batch(List> buslines) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapBusStop::set_buslines_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "buslines": buslines[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_sequence_batch(List sequence) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapBusStop::set_sequence_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "sequence": sequence[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapBusStopSearchRequest.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapBusStopSearchRequest.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a7f7c1e --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapBusStopSearchRequest.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,161 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapBusStopSearchRequest extends AMapSearchObject with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapBusStopSearchRequest'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapBusStopSearchRequest', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapBusStopSearchRequest', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_keywords() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapBusStopSearchRequest::get_keywords", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_city() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapBusStopSearchRequest::get_city", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_offset() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapBusStopSearchRequest::get_offset", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_page() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapBusStopSearchRequest::get_page", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_keywords(String keywords) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapBusStopSearchRequest::set_keywords', {'__this__': this, "keywords": keywords}); + } + + Future set_city(String city) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapBusStopSearchRequest::set_city', {'__this__': this, "city": city}); + } + + Future set_offset(int offset) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapBusStopSearchRequest::set_offset', {'__this__': this, "offset": offset}); + } + + Future set_page(int page) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapBusStopSearchRequest::set_page', {'__this__': this, "page": page}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapBusStopSearchRequest{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapBusStopSearchRequest_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_keywords_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapBusStopSearchRequest::get_keywords_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_city_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapBusStopSearchRequest::get_city_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_offset_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapBusStopSearchRequest::get_offset_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_page_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapBusStopSearchRequest::get_page_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_keywords_batch(List keywords) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapBusStopSearchRequest::set_keywords_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "keywords": keywords[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_city_batch(List city) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapBusStopSearchRequest::set_city_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "city": city[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_offset_batch(List offset) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapBusStopSearchRequest::set_offset_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "offset": offset[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_page_batch(List page) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapBusStopSearchRequest::set_page_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "page": page[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapBusStopSearchResponse.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapBusStopSearchResponse.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..11a738c --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapBusStopSearchResponse.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,141 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapBusStopSearchResponse extends AMapSearchObject with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapBusStopSearchResponse'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapBusStopSearchResponse', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapBusStopSearchResponse', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_count() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapBusStopSearchResponse::get_count", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_suggestion() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapBusStopSearchResponse::get_suggestion", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future?> get_busstops() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapBusStopSearchResponse::get_busstops", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_count(int count) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapBusStopSearchResponse::set_count', {'__this__': this, "count": count}); + } + + Future set_suggestion(AMapSuggestion suggestion) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapBusStopSearchResponse::set_suggestion', {'__this__': this, "suggestion": suggestion}); + } + + Future set_busstops(List busstops) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapBusStopSearchResponse::set_busstops', {'__this__': this, "busstops": busstops}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapBusStopSearchResponse{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapBusStopSearchResponse_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_count_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapBusStopSearchResponse::get_count_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_suggestion_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapBusStopSearchResponse::get_suggestion_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future?>> get_busstops_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapBusStopSearchResponse::get_busstops_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_count_batch(List count) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapBusStopSearchResponse::set_count_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "count": count[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_suggestion_batch(List suggestion) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapBusStopSearchResponse::set_suggestion_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "suggestion": suggestion[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_busstops_batch(List> busstops) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapBusStopSearchResponse::set_busstops_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "busstops": busstops[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapBusinessArea.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapBusinessArea.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..93d3a99 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapBusinessArea.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapBusinessArea extends AMapSearchObject with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapBusinessArea'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapBusinessArea', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapBusinessArea', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_name() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapBusinessArea::get_name", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_location() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapBusinessArea::get_location", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_name(String name) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapBusinessArea::set_name', {'__this__': this, "name": name}); + } + + Future set_location(AMapGeoPoint location) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapBusinessArea::set_location', {'__this__': this, "location": location}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapBusinessArea{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapBusinessArea_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_name_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapBusinessArea::get_name_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_location_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapBusinessArea::get_location_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_name_batch(List name) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapBusinessArea::set_name_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "name": name[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_location_batch(List location) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapBusinessArea::set_location_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "location": location[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapCity.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapCity.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..674a645 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapCity.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,181 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapCity extends AMapSearchObject with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapCity'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapCity', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapCity', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_city() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapCity::get_city", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_citycode() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapCity::get_citycode", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_adcode() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapCity::get_adcode", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_num() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapCity::get_num", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future?> get_districts() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapCity::get_districts", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_city(String city) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapCity::set_city', {'__this__': this, "city": city}); + } + + Future set_citycode(String citycode) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapCity::set_citycode', {'__this__': this, "citycode": citycode}); + } + + Future set_adcode(String adcode) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapCity::set_adcode', {'__this__': this, "adcode": adcode}); + } + + Future set_num(int num) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapCity::set_num', {'__this__': this, "num": num}); + } + + Future set_districts(List districts) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapCity::set_districts', {'__this__': this, "districts": districts}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapCity{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapCity_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_city_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapCity::get_city_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_citycode_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapCity::get_citycode_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_adcode_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapCity::get_adcode_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_num_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapCity::get_num_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future?>> get_districts_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapCity::get_districts_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_city_batch(List city) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapCity::set_city_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "city": city[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_citycode_batch(List citycode) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapCity::set_citycode_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "citycode": citycode[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_adcode_batch(List adcode) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapCity::set_adcode_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "adcode": adcode[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_num_batch(List num) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapCity::set_num_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "num": num[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_districts_batch(List> districts) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapCity::set_districts_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "districts": districts[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapCloudImage.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapCloudImage.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1463061 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapCloudImage.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,141 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapCloudImage extends AMapSearchObject with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapCloudImage'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapCloudImage', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapCloudImage', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_uid() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapCloudImage::get_uid", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_preurl() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapCloudImage::get_preurl", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_url() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapCloudImage::get_url", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_uid(String uid) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapCloudImage::set_uid', {'__this__': this, "uid": uid}); + } + + Future set_preurl(String preurl) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapCloudImage::set_preurl', {'__this__': this, "preurl": preurl}); + } + + Future set_url(String url) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapCloudImage::set_url', {'__this__': this, "url": url}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapCloudImage{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapCloudImage_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_uid_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapCloudImage::get_uid_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_preurl_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapCloudImage::get_preurl_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_url_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapCloudImage::get_url_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_uid_batch(List uid) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapCloudImage::set_uid_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "uid": uid[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_preurl_batch(List preurl) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapCloudImage::set_preurl_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "preurl": preurl[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_url_batch(List url) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapCloudImage::set_url_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "url": url[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapCloudPOI.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapCloudPOI.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7360938 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapCloudPOI.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,261 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapCloudPOI extends AMapSearchObject with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapCloudPOI'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapCloudPOI', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapCloudPOI', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_uid() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapCloudPOI::get_uid", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_name() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapCloudPOI::get_name", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_location() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapCloudPOI::get_location", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_address() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapCloudPOI::get_address", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_customFields() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapCloudPOI::get_customFields", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_createTime() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapCloudPOI::get_createTime", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_updateTime() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapCloudPOI::get_updateTime", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_distance() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapCloudPOI::get_distance", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future?> get_images() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapCloudPOI::get_images", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_uid(int uid) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapCloudPOI::set_uid', {'__this__': this, "uid": uid}); + } + + Future set_name(String name) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapCloudPOI::set_name', {'__this__': this, "name": name}); + } + + Future set_location(AMapGeoPoint location) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapCloudPOI::set_location', {'__this__': this, "location": location}); + } + + Future set_address(String address) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapCloudPOI::set_address', {'__this__': this, "address": address}); + } + + Future set_customFields(Map customFields) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapCloudPOI::set_customFields', {'__this__': this, "customFields": customFields}); + } + + Future set_createTime(String createTime) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapCloudPOI::set_createTime', {'__this__': this, "createTime": createTime}); + } + + Future set_updateTime(String updateTime) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapCloudPOI::set_updateTime', {'__this__': this, "updateTime": updateTime}); + } + + Future set_distance(int distance) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapCloudPOI::set_distance', {'__this__': this, "distance": distance}); + } + + Future set_images(List images) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapCloudPOI::set_images', {'__this__': this, "images": images}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapCloudPOI{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapCloudPOI_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_uid_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapCloudPOI::get_uid_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_name_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapCloudPOI::get_name_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_location_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapCloudPOI::get_location_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_address_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapCloudPOI::get_address_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_customFields_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapCloudPOI::get_customFields_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_createTime_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapCloudPOI::get_createTime_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_updateTime_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapCloudPOI::get_updateTime_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_distance_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapCloudPOI::get_distance_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future?>> get_images_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapCloudPOI::get_images_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_uid_batch(List uid) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapCloudPOI::set_uid_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "uid": uid[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_name_batch(List name) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapCloudPOI::set_name_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "name": name[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_location_batch(List location) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapCloudPOI::set_location_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "location": location[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_address_batch(List address) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapCloudPOI::set_address_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "address": address[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_customFields_batch(List customFields) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapCloudPOI::set_customFields_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "customFields": customFields[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_createTime_batch(List createTime) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapCloudPOI::set_createTime_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "createTime": createTime[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_updateTime_batch(List updateTime) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapCloudPOI::set_updateTime_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "updateTime": updateTime[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_distance_batch(List distance) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapCloudPOI::set_distance_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "distance": distance[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_images_batch(List> images) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapCloudPOI::set_images_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "images": images[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapCloudPOIAroundSearchRequest.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapCloudPOIAroundSearchRequest.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7113327 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapCloudPOIAroundSearchRequest.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,141 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapCloudPOIAroundSearchRequest extends AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapCloudPOIAroundSearchRequest'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapCloudPOIAroundSearchRequest', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapCloudPOIAroundSearchRequest', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_center() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapCloudPOIAroundSearchRequest::get_center", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_radius() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapCloudPOIAroundSearchRequest::get_radius", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_keywords() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapCloudPOIAroundSearchRequest::get_keywords", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_center(AMapGeoPoint center) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapCloudPOIAroundSearchRequest::set_center', {'__this__': this, "center": center}); + } + + Future set_radius(int radius) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapCloudPOIAroundSearchRequest::set_radius', {'__this__': this, "radius": radius}); + } + + Future set_keywords(String keywords) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapCloudPOIAroundSearchRequest::set_keywords', {'__this__': this, "keywords": keywords}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapCloudPOIAroundSearchRequest{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapCloudPOIAroundSearchRequest_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_center_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapCloudPOIAroundSearchRequest::get_center_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_radius_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapCloudPOIAroundSearchRequest::get_radius_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_keywords_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapCloudPOIAroundSearchRequest::get_keywords_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_center_batch(List center) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapCloudPOIAroundSearchRequest::set_center_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "center": center[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_radius_batch(List radius) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapCloudPOIAroundSearchRequest::set_radius_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "radius": radius[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_keywords_batch(List keywords) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapCloudPOIAroundSearchRequest::set_keywords_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "keywords": keywords[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapCloudPOIIDSearchRequest.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapCloudPOIIDSearchRequest.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..330cb7a --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapCloudPOIIDSearchRequest.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,101 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapCloudPOIIDSearchRequest extends AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapCloudPOIIDSearchRequest'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapCloudPOIIDSearchRequest', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapCloudPOIIDSearchRequest', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_uid() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapCloudPOIIDSearchRequest::get_uid", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_uid(int uid) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapCloudPOIIDSearchRequest::set_uid', {'__this__': this, "uid": uid}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapCloudPOIIDSearchRequest{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapCloudPOIIDSearchRequest_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_uid_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapCloudPOIIDSearchRequest::get_uid_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_uid_batch(List uid) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapCloudPOIIDSearchRequest::set_uid_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "uid": uid[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapCloudPOILocalSearchRequest.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapCloudPOILocalSearchRequest.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..07292a4 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapCloudPOILocalSearchRequest.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapCloudPOILocalSearchRequest extends AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapCloudPOILocalSearchRequest'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapCloudPOILocalSearchRequest', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapCloudPOILocalSearchRequest', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_keywords() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapCloudPOILocalSearchRequest::get_keywords", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_city() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapCloudPOILocalSearchRequest::get_city", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_keywords(String keywords) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapCloudPOILocalSearchRequest::set_keywords', {'__this__': this, "keywords": keywords}); + } + + Future set_city(String city) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapCloudPOILocalSearchRequest::set_city', {'__this__': this, "city": city}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapCloudPOILocalSearchRequest{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapCloudPOILocalSearchRequest_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_keywords_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapCloudPOILocalSearchRequest::get_keywords_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_city_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapCloudPOILocalSearchRequest::get_city_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_keywords_batch(List keywords) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapCloudPOILocalSearchRequest::set_keywords_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "keywords": keywords[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_city_batch(List city) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapCloudPOILocalSearchRequest::set_city_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "city": city[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapCloudPOIPolygonSearchRequest.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapCloudPOIPolygonSearchRequest.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ed76fbb --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapCloudPOIPolygonSearchRequest.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapCloudPOIPolygonSearchRequest extends AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapCloudPOIPolygonSearchRequest'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapCloudPOIPolygonSearchRequest', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapCloudPOIPolygonSearchRequest', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_polygon() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapCloudPOIPolygonSearchRequest::get_polygon", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_keywords() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapCloudPOIPolygonSearchRequest::get_keywords", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_polygon(AMapGeoPolygon polygon) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapCloudPOIPolygonSearchRequest::set_polygon', {'__this__': this, "polygon": polygon}); + } + + Future set_keywords(String keywords) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapCloudPOIPolygonSearchRequest::set_keywords', {'__this__': this, "keywords": keywords}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapCloudPOIPolygonSearchRequest{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapCloudPOIPolygonSearchRequest_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_polygon_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapCloudPOIPolygonSearchRequest::get_polygon_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_keywords_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapCloudPOIPolygonSearchRequest::get_keywords_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_polygon_batch(List polygon) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapCloudPOIPolygonSearchRequest::set_polygon_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "polygon": polygon[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_keywords_batch(List keywords) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapCloudPOIPolygonSearchRequest::set_keywords_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "keywords": keywords[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapCloudPOISearchResponse.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapCloudPOISearchResponse.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..94d9725 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapCloudPOISearchResponse.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapCloudPOISearchResponse extends AMapSearchObject with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapCloudPOISearchResponse'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapCloudPOISearchResponse', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapCloudPOISearchResponse', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_count() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapCloudPOISearchResponse::get_count", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future?> get_POIs() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapCloudPOISearchResponse::get_POIs", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_count(int count) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapCloudPOISearchResponse::set_count', {'__this__': this, "count": count}); + } + + Future set_POIs(List POIs) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapCloudPOISearchResponse::set_POIs', {'__this__': this, "POIs": POIs}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapCloudPOISearchResponse{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapCloudPOISearchResponse_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_count_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapCloudPOISearchResponse::get_count_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future?>> get_POIs_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapCloudPOISearchResponse::get_POIs_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_count_batch(List count) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapCloudPOISearchResponse::set_count_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "count": count[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_POIs_batch(List> POIs) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapCloudPOISearchResponse::set_POIs_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "POIs": POIs[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a3ccf24 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,201 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest extends AMapSearchObject with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapCloudSearchBaseRequest', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapCloudSearchBaseRequest', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_tableID() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest::get_tableID", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future?> get_filter() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest::get_filter", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as List?)?.cast(); + } + + Future get_sortFields() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest::get_sortFields", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_sortType() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest::get_sortType", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as int).toAMapCloudSortType(); + } + + Future get_offset() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest::get_offset", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_page() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest::get_page", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_tableID(String tableID) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest::set_tableID', {'__this__': this, "tableID": tableID}); + } + + Future set_filter(List filter) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest::set_filter', {'__this__': this, "filter": filter}); + } + + Future set_sortFields(String sortFields) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest::set_sortFields', {'__this__': this, "sortFields": sortFields}); + } + + Future set_sortType(AMapCloudSortType sortType) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest::set_sortType', {'__this__': this, "sortType": sortType.toValue()}); + } + + Future set_offset(int offset) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest::set_offset', {'__this__': this, "offset": offset}); + } + + Future set_page(int page) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest::set_page', {'__this__': this, "page": page}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_tableID_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest::get_tableID_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future?>> get_filter_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest::get_filter_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.cast()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + Future> get_sortFields_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest::get_sortFields_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_sortType_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest::get_sortType_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as int).toAMapCloudSortType()).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_offset_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest::get_offset_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_page_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest::get_page_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_tableID_batch(List tableID) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest::set_tableID_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "tableID": tableID[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_filter_batch(List> filter) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest::set_filter_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "filter": filter[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_sortFields_batch(List sortFields) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest::set_sortFields_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "sortFields": sortFields[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_sortType_batch(List sortType) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest::set_sortType_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "sortType": sortType[__i__].toValue()}]); + + + } + + Future set_offset_batch(List offset) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest::set_offset_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "offset": offset[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_page_batch(List page) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest::set_page_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "page": page[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapCloudSortType.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapCloudSortType.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..68ebaf0 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapCloudSortType.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +enum AMapCloudSortType { + AMapCloudSortTypeDESC /* 0 */, + AMapCloudSortTypeASC /* 1 */ +} + +extension AMapCloudSortTypeToX on AMapCloudSortType { + int toValue() { + switch (this) { + case AMapCloudSortType.AMapCloudSortTypeDESC: return 0; + case AMapCloudSortType.AMapCloudSortTypeASC: return 1; + default: return 0; + } + } +} + +extension AMapCloudSortTypeFromX on int { + AMapCloudSortType toAMapCloudSortType() { + switch (this) { + case 0: return AMapCloudSortType.AMapCloudSortTypeDESC; + case 1: return AMapCloudSortType.AMapCloudSortTypeASC; + default: return AMapCloudSortType.values[this + 0]; + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapDistanceResult.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapDistanceResult.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a223855 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapDistanceResult.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,201 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapDistanceResult extends AMapSearchObject with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapDistanceResult'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapDistanceResult', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapDistanceResult', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_originID() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDistanceResult::get_originID", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_destID() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDistanceResult::get_destID", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_distance() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDistanceResult::get_distance", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_duration() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDistanceResult::get_duration", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_info() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDistanceResult::get_info", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_code() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDistanceResult::get_code", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_originID(int originID) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDistanceResult::set_originID', {'__this__': this, "originID": originID}); + } + + Future set_destID(int destID) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDistanceResult::set_destID', {'__this__': this, "destID": destID}); + } + + Future set_distance(int distance) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDistanceResult::set_distance', {'__this__': this, "distance": distance}); + } + + Future set_duration(int duration) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDistanceResult::set_duration', {'__this__': this, "duration": duration}); + } + + Future set_info(String info) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDistanceResult::set_info', {'__this__': this, "info": info}); + } + + Future set_code(int code) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDistanceResult::set_code', {'__this__': this, "code": code}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapDistanceResult{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapDistanceResult_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_originID_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDistanceResult::get_originID_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_destID_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDistanceResult::get_destID_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_distance_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDistanceResult::get_distance_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_duration_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDistanceResult::get_duration_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_info_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDistanceResult::get_info_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_code_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDistanceResult::get_code_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_originID_batch(List originID) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDistanceResult::set_originID_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "originID": originID[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_destID_batch(List destID) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDistanceResult::set_destID_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "destID": destID[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_distance_batch(List distance) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDistanceResult::set_distance_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "distance": distance[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_duration_batch(List duration) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDistanceResult::set_duration_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "duration": duration[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_info_batch(List info) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDistanceResult::set_info_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "info": info[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_code_batch(List code) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDistanceResult::set_code_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "code": code[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapDistanceSearchRequest.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapDistanceSearchRequest.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6f2add5 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapDistanceSearchRequest.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,181 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapDistanceSearchRequest extends AMapSearchObject with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapDistanceSearchRequest'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapDistanceSearchRequest', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapDistanceSearchRequest', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future?> get_origins() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDistanceSearchRequest::get_origins", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + Future get_destination() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDistanceSearchRequest::get_destination", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_type() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDistanceSearchRequest::get_type", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as int).toAMapDistanceSearchType(); + } + + Future get_strategy() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDistanceSearchRequest::get_strategy", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_requireExtension() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDistanceSearchRequest::get_requireExtension", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_origins(List origins) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDistanceSearchRequest::set_origins', {'__this__': this, "origins": origins}); + } + + Future set_destination(AMapGeoPoint destination) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDistanceSearchRequest::set_destination', {'__this__': this, "destination": destination}); + } + + Future set_type(AMapDistanceSearchType type) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDistanceSearchRequest::set_type', {'__this__': this, "type": type.toValue()}); + } + + Future set_strategy(int strategy) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDistanceSearchRequest::set_strategy', {'__this__': this, "strategy": strategy}); + } + + Future set_requireExtension(bool requireExtension) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDistanceSearchRequest::set_requireExtension', {'__this__': this, "requireExtension": requireExtension}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapDistanceSearchRequest{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapDistanceSearchRequest_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future?>> get_origins_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDistanceSearchRequest::get_origins_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + Future> get_destination_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDistanceSearchRequest::get_destination_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_type_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDistanceSearchRequest::get_type_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as int).toAMapDistanceSearchType()).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_strategy_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDistanceSearchRequest::get_strategy_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_requireExtension_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDistanceSearchRequest::get_requireExtension_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_origins_batch(List> origins) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDistanceSearchRequest::set_origins_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "origins": origins[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_destination_batch(List destination) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDistanceSearchRequest::set_destination_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "destination": destination[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_type_batch(List type) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDistanceSearchRequest::set_type_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "type": type[__i__].toValue()}]); + + + } + + Future set_strategy_batch(List strategy) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDistanceSearchRequest::set_strategy_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "strategy": strategy[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_requireExtension_batch(List requireExtension) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDistanceSearchRequest::set_requireExtension_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "requireExtension": requireExtension[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapDistanceSearchResponse.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapDistanceSearchResponse.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c156fe5 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapDistanceSearchResponse.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,101 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapDistanceSearchResponse extends AMapSearchObject with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapDistanceSearchResponse'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapDistanceSearchResponse', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapDistanceSearchResponse', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future?> get_results() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDistanceSearchResponse::get_results", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_results(List results) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDistanceSearchResponse::set_results', {'__this__': this, "results": results}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapDistanceSearchResponse{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapDistanceSearchResponse_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future?>> get_results_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDistanceSearchResponse::get_results_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_results_batch(List> results) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDistanceSearchResponse::set_results_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "results": results[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapDistanceSearchType.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapDistanceSearchType.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a486f69 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapDistanceSearchType.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +enum AMapDistanceSearchType { + AMapDistanceSearchTypeStraight /* 0 */, + AMapDistanceSearchTypeDrive /* 1 */, + AMapDistanceSearchTypeWalk /* 3 */ +} + +extension AMapDistanceSearchTypeToX on AMapDistanceSearchType { + int toValue() { + switch (this) { + case AMapDistanceSearchType.AMapDistanceSearchTypeStraight: return 0; + case AMapDistanceSearchType.AMapDistanceSearchTypeDrive: return 1; + case AMapDistanceSearchType.AMapDistanceSearchTypeWalk: return 3; + default: return 0; + } + } +} + +extension AMapDistanceSearchTypeFromX on int { + AMapDistanceSearchType toAMapDistanceSearchType() { + switch (this) { + case 0: return AMapDistanceSearchType.AMapDistanceSearchTypeStraight; + case 1: return AMapDistanceSearchType.AMapDistanceSearchTypeDrive; + case 3: return AMapDistanceSearchType.AMapDistanceSearchTypeWalk; + default: return AMapDistanceSearchType.values[this + 0]; + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapDistrict.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapDistrict.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..96b1b71 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapDistrict.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,221 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapDistrict extends AMapSearchObject with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapDistrict'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapDistrict', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapDistrict', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_adcode() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDistrict::get_adcode", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_citycode() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDistrict::get_citycode", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_name() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDistrict::get_name", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_level() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDistrict::get_level", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_center() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDistrict::get_center", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future?> get_districts() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDistrict::get_districts", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + Future?> get_polylines() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDistrict::get_polylines", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as List?)?.cast(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_adcode(String adcode) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDistrict::set_adcode', {'__this__': this, "adcode": adcode}); + } + + Future set_citycode(String citycode) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDistrict::set_citycode', {'__this__': this, "citycode": citycode}); + } + + Future set_name(String name) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDistrict::set_name', {'__this__': this, "name": name}); + } + + Future set_level(String level) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDistrict::set_level', {'__this__': this, "level": level}); + } + + Future set_center(AMapGeoPoint center) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDistrict::set_center', {'__this__': this, "center": center}); + } + + Future set_districts(List districts) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDistrict::set_districts', {'__this__': this, "districts": districts}); + } + + Future set_polylines(List polylines) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDistrict::set_polylines', {'__this__': this, "polylines": polylines}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapDistrict{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapDistrict_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_adcode_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDistrict::get_adcode_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_citycode_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDistrict::get_citycode_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_name_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDistrict::get_name_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_level_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDistrict::get_level_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_center_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDistrict::get_center_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future?>> get_districts_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDistrict::get_districts_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + Future?>> get_polylines_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDistrict::get_polylines_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.cast()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_adcode_batch(List adcode) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDistrict::set_adcode_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "adcode": adcode[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_citycode_batch(List citycode) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDistrict::set_citycode_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "citycode": citycode[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_name_batch(List name) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDistrict::set_name_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "name": name[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_level_batch(List level) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDistrict::set_level_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "level": level[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_center_batch(List center) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDistrict::set_center_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "center": center[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_districts_batch(List> districts) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDistrict::set_districts_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "districts": districts[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_polylines_batch(List> polylines) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDistrict::set_polylines_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "polylines": polylines[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapDistrictSearchRequest.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapDistrictSearchRequest.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..70548bd --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapDistrictSearchRequest.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,141 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapDistrictSearchRequest extends AMapSearchObject with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapDistrictSearchRequest'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapDistrictSearchRequest', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapDistrictSearchRequest', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_keywords() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDistrictSearchRequest::get_keywords", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_requireExtension() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDistrictSearchRequest::get_requireExtension", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_showBusinessArea() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDistrictSearchRequest::get_showBusinessArea", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_keywords(String keywords) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDistrictSearchRequest::set_keywords', {'__this__': this, "keywords": keywords}); + } + + Future set_requireExtension(bool requireExtension) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDistrictSearchRequest::set_requireExtension', {'__this__': this, "requireExtension": requireExtension}); + } + + Future set_showBusinessArea(bool showBusinessArea) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDistrictSearchRequest::set_showBusinessArea', {'__this__': this, "showBusinessArea": showBusinessArea}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapDistrictSearchRequest{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapDistrictSearchRequest_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_keywords_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDistrictSearchRequest::get_keywords_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_requireExtension_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDistrictSearchRequest::get_requireExtension_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_showBusinessArea_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDistrictSearchRequest::get_showBusinessArea_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_keywords_batch(List keywords) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDistrictSearchRequest::set_keywords_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "keywords": keywords[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_requireExtension_batch(List requireExtension) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDistrictSearchRequest::set_requireExtension_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "requireExtension": requireExtension[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_showBusinessArea_batch(List showBusinessArea) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDistrictSearchRequest::set_showBusinessArea_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "showBusinessArea": showBusinessArea[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapDistrictSearchResponse.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapDistrictSearchResponse.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..457e9a0 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapDistrictSearchResponse.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapDistrictSearchResponse extends AMapSearchObject with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapDistrictSearchResponse'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapDistrictSearchResponse', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapDistrictSearchResponse', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_count() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDistrictSearchResponse::get_count", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future?> get_districts() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDistrictSearchResponse::get_districts", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_count(int count) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDistrictSearchResponse::set_count', {'__this__': this, "count": count}); + } + + Future set_districts(List districts) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDistrictSearchResponse::set_districts', {'__this__': this, "districts": districts}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapDistrictSearchResponse{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapDistrictSearchResponse_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_count_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDistrictSearchResponse::get_count_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future?>> get_districts_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDistrictSearchResponse::get_districts_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_count_batch(List count) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDistrictSearchResponse::set_count_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "count": count[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_districts_batch(List> districts) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDistrictSearchResponse::set_districts_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "districts": districts[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4874875 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,321 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest extends AMapRouteSearchBaseRequest with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_strategy() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::get_strategy", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future?> get_waypoints() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::get_waypoints", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + Future?> get_avoidpolygons() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::get_avoidpolygons", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + Future get_avoidroad() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::get_avoidroad", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_originId() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::get_originId", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_destinationId() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::get_destinationId", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_origintype() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::get_origintype", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_destinationtype() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::get_destinationtype", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_plate() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::get_plate", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_ferry() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::get_ferry", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_cartype() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::get_cartype", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_showFieldType() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::get_showFieldType", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as int).toAMapDrivingRouteShowFieldType(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_strategy(int strategy) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::set_strategy', {'__this__': this, "strategy": strategy}); + } + + Future set_waypoints(List waypoints) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::set_waypoints', {'__this__': this, "waypoints": waypoints}); + } + + Future set_avoidpolygons(List avoidpolygons) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::set_avoidpolygons', {'__this__': this, "avoidpolygons": avoidpolygons}); + } + + Future set_avoidroad(String avoidroad) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::set_avoidroad', {'__this__': this, "avoidroad": avoidroad}); + } + + Future set_originId(String originId) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::set_originId', {'__this__': this, "originId": originId}); + } + + Future set_destinationId(String destinationId) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::set_destinationId', {'__this__': this, "destinationId": destinationId}); + } + + Future set_origintype(String origintype) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::set_origintype', {'__this__': this, "origintype": origintype}); + } + + Future set_destinationtype(String destinationtype) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::set_destinationtype', {'__this__': this, "destinationtype": destinationtype}); + } + + Future set_plate(String plate) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::set_plate', {'__this__': this, "plate": plate}); + } + + Future set_ferry(int ferry) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::set_ferry', {'__this__': this, "ferry": ferry}); + } + + Future set_cartype(int cartype) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::set_cartype', {'__this__': this, "cartype": cartype}); + } + + Future set_showFieldType(AMapDrivingRouteShowFieldType showFieldType) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::set_showFieldType', {'__this__': this, "showFieldType": showFieldType.toValue()}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_strategy_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::get_strategy_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future?>> get_waypoints_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::get_waypoints_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + Future?>> get_avoidpolygons_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::get_avoidpolygons_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + Future> get_avoidroad_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::get_avoidroad_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_originId_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::get_originId_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_destinationId_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::get_destinationId_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_origintype_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::get_origintype_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_destinationtype_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::get_destinationtype_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_plate_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::get_plate_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_ferry_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::get_ferry_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_cartype_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::get_cartype_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_showFieldType_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::get_showFieldType_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as int).toAMapDrivingRouteShowFieldType()).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_strategy_batch(List strategy) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::set_strategy_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "strategy": strategy[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_waypoints_batch(List> waypoints) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::set_waypoints_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "waypoints": waypoints[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_avoidpolygons_batch(List> avoidpolygons) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::set_avoidpolygons_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "avoidpolygons": avoidpolygons[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_avoidroad_batch(List avoidroad) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::set_avoidroad_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "avoidroad": avoidroad[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_originId_batch(List originId) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::set_originId_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "originId": originId[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_destinationId_batch(List destinationId) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::set_destinationId_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "destinationId": destinationId[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_origintype_batch(List origintype) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::set_origintype_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "origintype": origintype[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_destinationtype_batch(List destinationtype) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::set_destinationtype_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "destinationtype": destinationtype[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_plate_batch(List plate) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::set_plate_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "plate": plate[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_ferry_batch(List ferry) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::set_ferry_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "ferry": ferry[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_cartype_batch(List cartype) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::set_cartype_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "cartype": cartype[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_showFieldType_batch(List showFieldType) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest::set_showFieldType_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "showFieldType": showFieldType[__i__].toValue()}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapDrivingRouteExcludeType.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapDrivingRouteExcludeType.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..056e924 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapDrivingRouteExcludeType.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +enum AMapDrivingRouteExcludeType { + AMapDrivingRouteExcludeTypeNone /* 0 */, + AMapDrivingRouteExcludeTypeToll /* 1 */, + AMapDrivingRouteExcludeTypeMotorway /* 2 */, + AMapDrivingRouteExcludeTypeFerry /* 3 */ +} + +extension AMapDrivingRouteExcludeTypeToX on AMapDrivingRouteExcludeType { + int toValue() { + switch (this) { + case AMapDrivingRouteExcludeType.AMapDrivingRouteExcludeTypeNone: return 0; + case AMapDrivingRouteExcludeType.AMapDrivingRouteExcludeTypeToll: return 1; + case AMapDrivingRouteExcludeType.AMapDrivingRouteExcludeTypeMotorway: return 2; + case AMapDrivingRouteExcludeType.AMapDrivingRouteExcludeTypeFerry: return 3; + default: return 0; + } + } +} + +extension AMapDrivingRouteExcludeTypeFromX on int { + AMapDrivingRouteExcludeType toAMapDrivingRouteExcludeType() { + switch (this) { + case 0: return AMapDrivingRouteExcludeType.AMapDrivingRouteExcludeTypeNone; + case 1: return AMapDrivingRouteExcludeType.AMapDrivingRouteExcludeTypeToll; + case 2: return AMapDrivingRouteExcludeType.AMapDrivingRouteExcludeTypeMotorway; + case 3: return AMapDrivingRouteExcludeType.AMapDrivingRouteExcludeTypeFerry; + default: return AMapDrivingRouteExcludeType.values[this + 0]; + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2b3e802 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,361 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest extends AMapRouteSearchBaseRequest with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_strategy() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::get_strategy", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future?> get_waypoints() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::get_waypoints", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + Future?> get_avoidpolygons() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::get_avoidpolygons", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + Future get_avoidroad() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::get_avoidroad", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_originId() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::get_originId", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_destinationId() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::get_destinationId", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_origintype() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::get_origintype", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_destinationtype() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::get_destinationtype", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_requireExtension() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::get_requireExtension", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_plateProvince() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::get_plateProvince", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_plateNumber() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::get_plateNumber", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_ferry() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::get_ferry", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_cartype() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::get_cartype", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_exclude() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::get_exclude", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as int).toAMapDrivingRouteExcludeType(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_strategy(int strategy) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::set_strategy', {'__this__': this, "strategy": strategy}); + } + + Future set_waypoints(List waypoints) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::set_waypoints', {'__this__': this, "waypoints": waypoints}); + } + + Future set_avoidpolygons(List avoidpolygons) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::set_avoidpolygons', {'__this__': this, "avoidpolygons": avoidpolygons}); + } + + Future set_avoidroad(String avoidroad) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::set_avoidroad', {'__this__': this, "avoidroad": avoidroad}); + } + + Future set_originId(String originId) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::set_originId', {'__this__': this, "originId": originId}); + } + + Future set_destinationId(String destinationId) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::set_destinationId', {'__this__': this, "destinationId": destinationId}); + } + + Future set_origintype(String origintype) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::set_origintype', {'__this__': this, "origintype": origintype}); + } + + Future set_destinationtype(String destinationtype) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::set_destinationtype', {'__this__': this, "destinationtype": destinationtype}); + } + + Future set_requireExtension(bool requireExtension) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::set_requireExtension', {'__this__': this, "requireExtension": requireExtension}); + } + + Future set_plateProvince(String plateProvince) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::set_plateProvince', {'__this__': this, "plateProvince": plateProvince}); + } + + Future set_plateNumber(String plateNumber) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::set_plateNumber', {'__this__': this, "plateNumber": plateNumber}); + } + + Future set_ferry(int ferry) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::set_ferry', {'__this__': this, "ferry": ferry}); + } + + Future set_cartype(int cartype) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::set_cartype', {'__this__': this, "cartype": cartype}); + } + + Future set_exclude(AMapDrivingRouteExcludeType exclude) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::set_exclude', {'__this__': this, "exclude": exclude.toValue()}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_strategy_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::get_strategy_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future?>> get_waypoints_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::get_waypoints_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + Future?>> get_avoidpolygons_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::get_avoidpolygons_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + Future> get_avoidroad_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::get_avoidroad_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_originId_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::get_originId_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_destinationId_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::get_destinationId_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_origintype_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::get_origintype_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_destinationtype_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::get_destinationtype_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_requireExtension_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::get_requireExtension_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_plateProvince_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::get_plateProvince_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_plateNumber_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::get_plateNumber_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_ferry_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::get_ferry_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_cartype_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::get_cartype_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_exclude_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::get_exclude_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as int).toAMapDrivingRouteExcludeType()).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_strategy_batch(List strategy) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::set_strategy_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "strategy": strategy[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_waypoints_batch(List> waypoints) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::set_waypoints_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "waypoints": waypoints[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_avoidpolygons_batch(List> avoidpolygons) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::set_avoidpolygons_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "avoidpolygons": avoidpolygons[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_avoidroad_batch(List avoidroad) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::set_avoidroad_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "avoidroad": avoidroad[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_originId_batch(List originId) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::set_originId_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "originId": originId[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_destinationId_batch(List destinationId) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::set_destinationId_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "destinationId": destinationId[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_origintype_batch(List origintype) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::set_origintype_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "origintype": origintype[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_destinationtype_batch(List destinationtype) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::set_destinationtype_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "destinationtype": destinationtype[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_requireExtension_batch(List requireExtension) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::set_requireExtension_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "requireExtension": requireExtension[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_plateProvince_batch(List plateProvince) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::set_plateProvince_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "plateProvince": plateProvince[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_plateNumber_batch(List plateNumber) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::set_plateNumber_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "plateNumber": plateNumber[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_ferry_batch(List ferry) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::set_ferry_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "ferry": ferry[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_cartype_batch(List cartype) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::set_cartype_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "cartype": cartype[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_exclude_batch(List exclude) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest::set_exclude_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "exclude": exclude[__i__].toValue()}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapDrivingRouteShowFieldType.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapDrivingRouteShowFieldType.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..67af702 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapDrivingRouteShowFieldType.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +enum AMapDrivingRouteShowFieldType { + AMapDrivingRouteShowFieldTypeNone /* 1<<0 */, + AMapDrivingRouteShowFieldTypeCost /* 1<<1 */, + AMapDrivingRouteShowFieldTypeTmcs /* 1<<2 */, + AMapDrivingRouteShowFieldTypeNavi /* 1<<3 */, + AMapDrivingRouteShowFieldTypeCities /* 1<<4 */, + AMapDrivingRouteShowFieldTypePolyline /* 1<<5 */, + AMapDrivingRouteShowFieldTypeNewEnergy /* 1<<6 */, + AMapDrivingRouteShowFieldTypeAll /* ~0 */ +} + +extension AMapDrivingRouteShowFieldTypeToX on AMapDrivingRouteShowFieldType { + int toValue() { + switch (this) { + case AMapDrivingRouteShowFieldType.AMapDrivingRouteShowFieldTypeNone: return 1<<0; + case AMapDrivingRouteShowFieldType.AMapDrivingRouteShowFieldTypeCost: return 1<<1; + case AMapDrivingRouteShowFieldType.AMapDrivingRouteShowFieldTypeTmcs: return 1<<2; + case AMapDrivingRouteShowFieldType.AMapDrivingRouteShowFieldTypeNavi: return 1<<3; + case AMapDrivingRouteShowFieldType.AMapDrivingRouteShowFieldTypeCities: return 1<<4; + case AMapDrivingRouteShowFieldType.AMapDrivingRouteShowFieldTypePolyline: return 1<<5; + case AMapDrivingRouteShowFieldType.AMapDrivingRouteShowFieldTypeNewEnergy: return 1<<6; + case AMapDrivingRouteShowFieldType.AMapDrivingRouteShowFieldTypeAll: return ~0; + default: return 0; + } + } +} + +extension AMapDrivingRouteShowFieldTypeFromX on int { + AMapDrivingRouteShowFieldType toAMapDrivingRouteShowFieldType() { + switch (this) { + case 1<<0: return AMapDrivingRouteShowFieldType.AMapDrivingRouteShowFieldTypeNone; + case 1<<1: return AMapDrivingRouteShowFieldType.AMapDrivingRouteShowFieldTypeCost; + case 1<<2: return AMapDrivingRouteShowFieldType.AMapDrivingRouteShowFieldTypeTmcs; + case 1<<3: return AMapDrivingRouteShowFieldType.AMapDrivingRouteShowFieldTypeNavi; + case 1<<4: return AMapDrivingRouteShowFieldType.AMapDrivingRouteShowFieldTypeCities; + case 1<<5: return AMapDrivingRouteShowFieldType.AMapDrivingRouteShowFieldTypePolyline; + case 1<<6: return AMapDrivingRouteShowFieldType.AMapDrivingRouteShowFieldTypeNewEnergy; + case ~0: return AMapDrivingRouteShowFieldType.AMapDrivingRouteShowFieldTypeAll; + default: return AMapDrivingRouteShowFieldType.values[this + 1<<0]; + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..510666b --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,321 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest extends AMapRouteSearchBaseRequest with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapFutureRouteSearchRequest', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapFutureRouteSearchRequest', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_beginTime() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::get_beginTime", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_interval() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::get_interval", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_timeCount() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::get_timeCount", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_strategy() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::get_strategy", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_originId() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::get_originId", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_destinationId() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::get_destinationId", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_origintype() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::get_origintype", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_destinationtype() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::get_destinationtype", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_parentId() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::get_parentId", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_plateProvince() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::get_plateProvince", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_plateNumber() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::get_plateNumber", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_cartype() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::get_cartype", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_beginTime(String beginTime) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::set_beginTime', {'__this__': this, "beginTime": beginTime}); + } + + Future set_interval(int interval) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::set_interval', {'__this__': this, "interval": interval}); + } + + Future set_timeCount(int timeCount) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::set_timeCount', {'__this__': this, "timeCount": timeCount}); + } + + Future set_strategy(int strategy) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::set_strategy', {'__this__': this, "strategy": strategy}); + } + + Future set_originId(String originId) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::set_originId', {'__this__': this, "originId": originId}); + } + + Future set_destinationId(String destinationId) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::set_destinationId', {'__this__': this, "destinationId": destinationId}); + } + + Future set_origintype(String origintype) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::set_origintype', {'__this__': this, "origintype": origintype}); + } + + Future set_destinationtype(String destinationtype) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::set_destinationtype', {'__this__': this, "destinationtype": destinationtype}); + } + + Future set_parentId(String parentId) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::set_parentId', {'__this__': this, "parentId": parentId}); + } + + Future set_plateProvince(String plateProvince) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::set_plateProvince', {'__this__': this, "plateProvince": plateProvince}); + } + + Future set_plateNumber(String plateNumber) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::set_plateNumber', {'__this__': this, "plateNumber": plateNumber}); + } + + Future set_cartype(int cartype) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::set_cartype', {'__this__': this, "cartype": cartype}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_beginTime_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::get_beginTime_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_interval_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::get_interval_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_timeCount_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::get_timeCount_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_strategy_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::get_strategy_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_originId_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::get_originId_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_destinationId_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::get_destinationId_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_origintype_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::get_origintype_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_destinationtype_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::get_destinationtype_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_parentId_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::get_parentId_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_plateProvince_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::get_plateProvince_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_plateNumber_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::get_plateNumber_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_cartype_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::get_cartype_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_beginTime_batch(List beginTime) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::set_beginTime_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "beginTime": beginTime[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_interval_batch(List interval) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::set_interval_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "interval": interval[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_timeCount_batch(List timeCount) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::set_timeCount_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "timeCount": timeCount[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_strategy_batch(List strategy) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::set_strategy_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "strategy": strategy[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_originId_batch(List originId) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::set_originId_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "originId": originId[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_destinationId_batch(List destinationId) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::set_destinationId_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "destinationId": destinationId[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_origintype_batch(List origintype) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::set_origintype_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "origintype": origintype[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_destinationtype_batch(List destinationtype) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::set_destinationtype_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "destinationtype": destinationtype[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_parentId_batch(List parentId) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::set_parentId_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "parentId": parentId[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_plateProvince_batch(List plateProvince) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::set_plateProvince_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "plateProvince": plateProvince[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_plateNumber_batch(List plateNumber) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::set_plateNumber_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "plateNumber": plateNumber[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_cartype_batch(List cartype) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest::set_cartype_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "cartype": cartype[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapFutureRouteSearchResponse.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapFutureRouteSearchResponse.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c2c48a9 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapFutureRouteSearchResponse.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapFutureRouteSearchResponse extends AMapSearchObject with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapFutureRouteSearchResponse'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapFutureRouteSearchResponse', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapFutureRouteSearchResponse', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future?> get_paths() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapFutureRouteSearchResponse::get_paths", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + Future?> get_timeInfos() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapFutureRouteSearchResponse::get_timeInfos", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_paths(List paths) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapFutureRouteSearchResponse::set_paths', {'__this__': this, "paths": paths}); + } + + Future set_timeInfos(List timeInfos) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapFutureRouteSearchResponse::set_timeInfos', {'__this__': this, "timeInfos": timeInfos}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapFutureRouteSearchResponse{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapFutureRouteSearchResponse_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future?>> get_paths_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapFutureRouteSearchResponse::get_paths_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + Future?>> get_timeInfos_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapFutureRouteSearchResponse::get_timeInfos_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_paths_batch(List> paths) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapFutureRouteSearchResponse::set_paths_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "paths": paths[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_timeInfos_batch(List> timeInfos) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapFutureRouteSearchResponse::set_timeInfos_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "timeInfos": timeInfos[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapFutureTimeInfo.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapFutureTimeInfo.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9f59426 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapFutureTimeInfo.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapFutureTimeInfo extends AMapSearchObject with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapFutureTimeInfo'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapFutureTimeInfo', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapFutureTimeInfo', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_startTime() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapFutureTimeInfo::get_startTime", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future?> get_elements() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapFutureTimeInfo::get_elements", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_startTime(String startTime) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapFutureTimeInfo::set_startTime', {'__this__': this, "startTime": startTime}); + } + + Future set_elements(List elements) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapFutureTimeInfo::set_elements', {'__this__': this, "elements": elements}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapFutureTimeInfo{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapFutureTimeInfo_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_startTime_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapFutureTimeInfo::get_startTime_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future?>> get_elements_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapFutureTimeInfo::get_elements_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_startTime_batch(List startTime) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapFutureTimeInfo::set_startTime_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "startTime": startTime[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_elements_batch(List> elements) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapFutureTimeInfo::set_elements_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "elements": elements[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapFutureTimeInfoElement.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapFutureTimeInfoElement.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ca1cd1c --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapFutureTimeInfoElement.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,161 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapFutureTimeInfoElement extends AMapSearchObject with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapFutureTimeInfoElement'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapFutureTimeInfoElement', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapFutureTimeInfoElement', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_duration() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapFutureTimeInfoElement::get_duration", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_pathindex() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapFutureTimeInfoElement::get_pathindex", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_restriction() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapFutureTimeInfoElement::get_restriction", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future?> get_tmcs() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapFutureTimeInfoElement::get_tmcs", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_duration(int duration) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapFutureTimeInfoElement::set_duration', {'__this__': this, "duration": duration}); + } + + Future set_pathindex(int pathindex) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapFutureTimeInfoElement::set_pathindex', {'__this__': this, "pathindex": pathindex}); + } + + Future set_restriction(int restriction) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapFutureTimeInfoElement::set_restriction', {'__this__': this, "restriction": restriction}); + } + + Future set_tmcs(List tmcs) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapFutureTimeInfoElement::set_tmcs', {'__this__': this, "tmcs": tmcs}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapFutureTimeInfoElement{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapFutureTimeInfoElement_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_duration_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapFutureTimeInfoElement::get_duration_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_pathindex_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapFutureTimeInfoElement::get_pathindex_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_restriction_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapFutureTimeInfoElement::get_restriction_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future?>> get_tmcs_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapFutureTimeInfoElement::get_tmcs_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_duration_batch(List duration) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapFutureTimeInfoElement::set_duration_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "duration": duration[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_pathindex_batch(List pathindex) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapFutureTimeInfoElement::set_pathindex_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "pathindex": pathindex[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_restriction_batch(List restriction) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapFutureTimeInfoElement::set_restriction_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "restriction": restriction[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_tmcs_batch(List> tmcs) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapFutureTimeInfoElement::set_tmcs_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "tmcs": tmcs[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapGeoPoint.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapGeoPoint.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d33d0be --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapGeoPoint.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,147 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapGeoPoint extends AMapSearchObject with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapGeoPoint'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapGeoPoint', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapGeoPoint', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_latitude() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapGeoPoint::get_latitude", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_longitude() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapGeoPoint::get_longitude", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_latitude(double latitude) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeoPoint::set_latitude', {'__this__': this, "latitude": latitude}); + } + + Future set_longitude(double longitude) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeoPoint::set_longitude', {'__this__': this, "longitude": longitude}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + static Future locationWithLatitude_longitude(double lat, double lon) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: AMapGeoPoint::locationWithLatitude([\'lat\':$lat, \'lon\':$lon])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeoPoint::locationWithLatitude_longitude', {"lat": lat, "lon": lon}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapGeoPoint{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapGeoPoint_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_latitude_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapGeoPoint::get_latitude_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_longitude_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapGeoPoint::get_longitude_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_latitude_batch(List latitude) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeoPoint::set_latitude_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "latitude": latitude[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_longitude_batch(List longitude) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeoPoint::set_longitude_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "longitude": longitude[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + static Future> locationWithLatitude_longitude_batch(List lat, List lon) async { + assert(lat.length == lon.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeoPoint::locationWithLatitude_longitude_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < lat.length; __i__++) {"lat": lat[__i__], "lon": lon[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapGeoPolygon.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapGeoPolygon.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2b5e079 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapGeoPolygon.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,127 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapGeoPolygon extends AMapSearchObject with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapGeoPolygon'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapGeoPolygon', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapGeoPolygon', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future?> get_points() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapGeoPolygon::get_points", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_points(List points) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeoPolygon::set_points', {'__this__': this, "points": points}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + static Future polygonWithPoints(List points) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: AMapGeoPolygon::polygonWithPoints([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeoPolygon::polygonWithPoints', {"points": points}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapGeoPolygon{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapGeoPolygon_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future?>> get_points_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapGeoPolygon::get_points_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_points_batch(List> points) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeoPolygon::set_points_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "points": points[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + static Future> polygonWithPoints_batch(List> points) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeoPolygon::polygonWithPoints_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < points.length; __i__++) {"points": points[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapGeocode.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapGeocode.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..51964d1 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapGeocode.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,341 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapGeocode extends AMapSearchObject with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapGeocode'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapGeocode', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapGeocode', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_formattedAddress() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapGeocode::get_formattedAddress", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_province() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapGeocode::get_province", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_city() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapGeocode::get_city", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_citycode() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapGeocode::get_citycode", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_district() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapGeocode::get_district", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_adcode() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapGeocode::get_adcode", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_township() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapGeocode::get_township", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_neighborhood() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapGeocode::get_neighborhood", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_building() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapGeocode::get_building", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_location() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapGeocode::get_location", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_level() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapGeocode::get_level", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_country() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapGeocode::get_country", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_postcode() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapGeocode::get_postcode", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_formattedAddress(String formattedAddress) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeocode::set_formattedAddress', {'__this__': this, "formattedAddress": formattedAddress}); + } + + Future set_province(String province) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeocode::set_province', {'__this__': this, "province": province}); + } + + Future set_city(String city) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeocode::set_city', {'__this__': this, "city": city}); + } + + Future set_citycode(String citycode) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeocode::set_citycode', {'__this__': this, "citycode": citycode}); + } + + Future set_district(String district) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeocode::set_district', {'__this__': this, "district": district}); + } + + Future set_adcode(String adcode) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeocode::set_adcode', {'__this__': this, "adcode": adcode}); + } + + Future set_township(String township) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeocode::set_township', {'__this__': this, "township": township}); + } + + Future set_neighborhood(String neighborhood) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeocode::set_neighborhood', {'__this__': this, "neighborhood": neighborhood}); + } + + Future set_building(String building) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeocode::set_building', {'__this__': this, "building": building}); + } + + Future set_location(AMapGeoPoint location) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeocode::set_location', {'__this__': this, "location": location}); + } + + Future set_level(String level) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeocode::set_level', {'__this__': this, "level": level}); + } + + Future set_country(String country) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeocode::set_country', {'__this__': this, "country": country}); + } + + Future set_postcode(String postcode) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeocode::set_postcode', {'__this__': this, "postcode": postcode}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapGeocode{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapGeocode_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_formattedAddress_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapGeocode::get_formattedAddress_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_province_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapGeocode::get_province_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_city_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapGeocode::get_city_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_citycode_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapGeocode::get_citycode_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_district_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapGeocode::get_district_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_adcode_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapGeocode::get_adcode_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_township_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapGeocode::get_township_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_neighborhood_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapGeocode::get_neighborhood_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_building_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapGeocode::get_building_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_location_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapGeocode::get_location_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_level_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapGeocode::get_level_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_country_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapGeocode::get_country_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_postcode_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapGeocode::get_postcode_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_formattedAddress_batch(List formattedAddress) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeocode::set_formattedAddress_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "formattedAddress": formattedAddress[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_province_batch(List province) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeocode::set_province_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "province": province[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_city_batch(List city) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeocode::set_city_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "city": city[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_citycode_batch(List citycode) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeocode::set_citycode_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "citycode": citycode[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_district_batch(List district) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeocode::set_district_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "district": district[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_adcode_batch(List adcode) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeocode::set_adcode_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "adcode": adcode[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_township_batch(List township) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeocode::set_township_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "township": township[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_neighborhood_batch(List neighborhood) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeocode::set_neighborhood_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "neighborhood": neighborhood[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_building_batch(List building) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeocode::set_building_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "building": building[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_location_batch(List location) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeocode::set_location_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "location": location[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_level_batch(List level) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeocode::set_level_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "level": level[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_country_batch(List country) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeocode::set_country_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "country": country[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_postcode_batch(List postcode) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeocode::set_postcode_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "postcode": postcode[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapGeocodeSearchRequest.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapGeocodeSearchRequest.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cd35446 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapGeocodeSearchRequest.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,141 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapGeocodeSearchRequest extends AMapSearchObject with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapGeocodeSearchRequest'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapGeocodeSearchRequest', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapGeocodeSearchRequest', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_address() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapGeocodeSearchRequest::get_address", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_city() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapGeocodeSearchRequest::get_city", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_country() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapGeocodeSearchRequest::get_country", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_address(String address) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeocodeSearchRequest::set_address', {'__this__': this, "address": address}); + } + + Future set_city(String city) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeocodeSearchRequest::set_city', {'__this__': this, "city": city}); + } + + Future set_country(String country) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeocodeSearchRequest::set_country', {'__this__': this, "country": country}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapGeocodeSearchRequest{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapGeocodeSearchRequest_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_address_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapGeocodeSearchRequest::get_address_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_city_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapGeocodeSearchRequest::get_city_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_country_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapGeocodeSearchRequest::get_country_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_address_batch(List address) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeocodeSearchRequest::set_address_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "address": address[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_city_batch(List city) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeocodeSearchRequest::set_city_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "city": city[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_country_batch(List country) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeocodeSearchRequest::set_country_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "country": country[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapGeocodeSearchResponse.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapGeocodeSearchResponse.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e53b6a0 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapGeocodeSearchResponse.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapGeocodeSearchResponse extends AMapSearchObject with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapGeocodeSearchResponse'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapGeocodeSearchResponse', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapGeocodeSearchResponse', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_count() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapGeocodeSearchResponse::get_count", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future?> get_geocodes() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapGeocodeSearchResponse::get_geocodes", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_count(int count) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeocodeSearchResponse::set_count', {'__this__': this, "count": count}); + } + + Future set_geocodes(List geocodes) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeocodeSearchResponse::set_geocodes', {'__this__': this, "geocodes": geocodes}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapGeocodeSearchResponse{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapGeocodeSearchResponse_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_count_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapGeocodeSearchResponse::get_count_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future?>> get_geocodes_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapGeocodeSearchResponse::get_geocodes_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_count_batch(List count) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeocodeSearchResponse::set_count_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "count": count[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_geocodes_batch(List> geocodes) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapGeocodeSearchResponse::set_geocodes_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "geocodes": geocodes[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapImage.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapImage.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7520d5b --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapImage.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapImage extends AMapSearchObject with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapImage'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapImage', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapImage', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_title() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapImage::get_title", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_url() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapImage::get_url", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_title(String title) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapImage::set_title', {'__this__': this, "title": title}); + } + + Future set_url(String url) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapImage::set_url', {'__this__': this, "url": url}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapImage{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapImage_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_title_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapImage::get_title_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_url_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapImage::get_url_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_title_batch(List title) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapImage::set_title_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "title": title[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_url_batch(List url) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapImage::set_url_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "url": url[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapIndoorData.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapIndoorData.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1fd4043 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapIndoorData.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,141 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapIndoorData extends AMapSearchObject with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapIndoorData'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapIndoorData', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapIndoorData', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_floor() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapIndoorData::get_floor", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_floorName() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapIndoorData::get_floorName", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_pid() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapIndoorData::get_pid", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_floor(int floor) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapIndoorData::set_floor', {'__this__': this, "floor": floor}); + } + + Future set_floorName(String floorName) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapIndoorData::set_floorName', {'__this__': this, "floorName": floorName}); + } + + Future set_pid(String pid) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapIndoorData::set_pid', {'__this__': this, "pid": pid}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapIndoorData{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapIndoorData_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_floor_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapIndoorData::get_floor_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_floorName_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapIndoorData::get_floorName_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_pid_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapIndoorData::get_pid_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_floor_batch(List floor) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapIndoorData::set_floor_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "floor": floor[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_floorName_batch(List floorName) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapIndoorData::set_floorName_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "floorName": floorName[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_pid_batch(List pid) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapIndoorData::set_pid_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "pid": pid[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapInputTipsSearchRequest.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapInputTipsSearchRequest.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..50026b0 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapInputTipsSearchRequest.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,181 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapInputTipsSearchRequest extends AMapSearchObject with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapInputTipsSearchRequest'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapInputTipsSearchRequest', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapInputTipsSearchRequest', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_keywords() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapInputTipsSearchRequest::get_keywords", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_city() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapInputTipsSearchRequest::get_city", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_types() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapInputTipsSearchRequest::get_types", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_cityLimit() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapInputTipsSearchRequest::get_cityLimit", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_location() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapInputTipsSearchRequest::get_location", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_keywords(String keywords) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapInputTipsSearchRequest::set_keywords', {'__this__': this, "keywords": keywords}); + } + + Future set_city(String city) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapInputTipsSearchRequest::set_city', {'__this__': this, "city": city}); + } + + Future set_types(String types) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapInputTipsSearchRequest::set_types', {'__this__': this, "types": types}); + } + + Future set_cityLimit(bool cityLimit) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapInputTipsSearchRequest::set_cityLimit', {'__this__': this, "cityLimit": cityLimit}); + } + + Future set_location(String location) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapInputTipsSearchRequest::set_location', {'__this__': this, "location": location}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapInputTipsSearchRequest{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapInputTipsSearchRequest_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_keywords_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapInputTipsSearchRequest::get_keywords_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_city_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapInputTipsSearchRequest::get_city_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_types_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapInputTipsSearchRequest::get_types_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_cityLimit_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapInputTipsSearchRequest::get_cityLimit_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_location_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapInputTipsSearchRequest::get_location_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_keywords_batch(List keywords) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapInputTipsSearchRequest::set_keywords_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "keywords": keywords[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_city_batch(List city) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapInputTipsSearchRequest::set_city_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "city": city[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_types_batch(List types) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapInputTipsSearchRequest::set_types_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "types": types[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_cityLimit_batch(List cityLimit) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapInputTipsSearchRequest::set_cityLimit_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "cityLimit": cityLimit[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_location_batch(List location) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapInputTipsSearchRequest::set_location_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "location": location[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapInputTipsSearchResponse.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapInputTipsSearchResponse.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..601daeb --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapInputTipsSearchResponse.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapInputTipsSearchResponse extends AMapSearchObject with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapInputTipsSearchResponse'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapInputTipsSearchResponse', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapInputTipsSearchResponse', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_count() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapInputTipsSearchResponse::get_count", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future?> get_tips() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapInputTipsSearchResponse::get_tips", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_count(int count) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapInputTipsSearchResponse::set_count', {'__this__': this, "count": count}); + } + + Future set_tips(List tips) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapInputTipsSearchResponse::set_tips', {'__this__': this, "tips": tips}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapInputTipsSearchResponse{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapInputTipsSearchResponse_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_count_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapInputTipsSearchResponse::get_count_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future?>> get_tips_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapInputTipsSearchResponse::get_tips_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_count_batch(List count) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapInputTipsSearchResponse::set_count_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "count": count[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_tips_batch(List> tips) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapInputTipsSearchResponse::set_tips_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "tips": tips[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f83cdec --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,281 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast extends AMapSearchObject with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapLocalDayWeatherForecast', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapLocalDayWeatherForecast', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_date() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::get_date", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_week() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::get_week", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_dayWeather() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::get_dayWeather", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_nightWeather() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::get_nightWeather", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_dayTemp() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::get_dayTemp", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_nightTemp() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::get_nightTemp", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_dayWind() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::get_dayWind", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_nightWind() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::get_nightWind", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_dayPower() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::get_dayPower", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_nightPower() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::get_nightPower", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_date(String date) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::set_date', {'__this__': this, "date": date}); + } + + Future set_week(String week) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::set_week', {'__this__': this, "week": week}); + } + + Future set_dayWeather(String dayWeather) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::set_dayWeather', {'__this__': this, "dayWeather": dayWeather}); + } + + Future set_nightWeather(String nightWeather) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::set_nightWeather', {'__this__': this, "nightWeather": nightWeather}); + } + + Future set_dayTemp(String dayTemp) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::set_dayTemp', {'__this__': this, "dayTemp": dayTemp}); + } + + Future set_nightTemp(String nightTemp) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::set_nightTemp', {'__this__': this, "nightTemp": nightTemp}); + } + + Future set_dayWind(String dayWind) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::set_dayWind', {'__this__': this, "dayWind": dayWind}); + } + + Future set_nightWind(String nightWind) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::set_nightWind', {'__this__': this, "nightWind": nightWind}); + } + + Future set_dayPower(String dayPower) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::set_dayPower', {'__this__': this, "dayPower": dayPower}); + } + + Future set_nightPower(String nightPower) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::set_nightPower', {'__this__': this, "nightPower": nightPower}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_date_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::get_date_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_week_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::get_week_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_dayWeather_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::get_dayWeather_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_nightWeather_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::get_nightWeather_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_dayTemp_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::get_dayTemp_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_nightTemp_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::get_nightTemp_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_dayWind_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::get_dayWind_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_nightWind_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::get_nightWind_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_dayPower_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::get_dayPower_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_nightPower_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::get_nightPower_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_date_batch(List date) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::set_date_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "date": date[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_week_batch(List week) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::set_week_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "week": week[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_dayWeather_batch(List dayWeather) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::set_dayWeather_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "dayWeather": dayWeather[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_nightWeather_batch(List nightWeather) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::set_nightWeather_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "nightWeather": nightWeather[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_dayTemp_batch(List dayTemp) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::set_dayTemp_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "dayTemp": dayTemp[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_nightTemp_batch(List nightTemp) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::set_nightTemp_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "nightTemp": nightTemp[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_dayWind_batch(List dayWind) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::set_dayWind_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "dayWind": dayWind[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_nightWind_batch(List nightWind) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::set_nightWind_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "nightWind": nightWind[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_dayPower_batch(List dayPower) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::set_dayPower_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "dayPower": dayPower[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_nightPower_batch(List nightPower) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast::set_nightPower_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "nightPower": nightPower[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapLocalWeatherForecast.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapLocalWeatherForecast.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b6a4565 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapLocalWeatherForecast.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,181 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapLocalWeatherForecast extends AMapSearchObject with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapLocalWeatherForecast'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapLocalWeatherForecast', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapLocalWeatherForecast', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_adcode() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocalWeatherForecast::get_adcode", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_province() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocalWeatherForecast::get_province", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_city() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocalWeatherForecast::get_city", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_reportTime() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocalWeatherForecast::get_reportTime", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future?> get_casts() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocalWeatherForecast::get_casts", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_adcode(String adcode) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocalWeatherForecast::set_adcode', {'__this__': this, "adcode": adcode}); + } + + Future set_province(String province) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocalWeatherForecast::set_province', {'__this__': this, "province": province}); + } + + Future set_city(String city) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocalWeatherForecast::set_city', {'__this__': this, "city": city}); + } + + Future set_reportTime(String reportTime) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocalWeatherForecast::set_reportTime', {'__this__': this, "reportTime": reportTime}); + } + + Future set_casts(List casts) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocalWeatherForecast::set_casts', {'__this__': this, "casts": casts}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapLocalWeatherForecast{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapLocalWeatherForecast_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_adcode_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocalWeatherForecast::get_adcode_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_province_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocalWeatherForecast::get_province_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_city_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocalWeatherForecast::get_city_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_reportTime_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocalWeatherForecast::get_reportTime_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future?>> get_casts_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocalWeatherForecast::get_casts_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_adcode_batch(List adcode) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocalWeatherForecast::set_adcode_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "adcode": adcode[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_province_batch(List province) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocalWeatherForecast::set_province_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "province": province[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_city_batch(List city) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocalWeatherForecast::set_city_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "city": city[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_reportTime_batch(List reportTime) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocalWeatherForecast::set_reportTime_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "reportTime": reportTime[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_casts_batch(List> casts) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocalWeatherForecast::set_casts_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "casts": casts[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapLocalWeatherLive.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapLocalWeatherLive.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d6bcac2 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapLocalWeatherLive.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,261 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapLocalWeatherLive extends AMapSearchObject with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapLocalWeatherLive'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapLocalWeatherLive', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapLocalWeatherLive', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_adcode() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocalWeatherLive::get_adcode", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_province() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocalWeatherLive::get_province", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_city() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocalWeatherLive::get_city", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_weather() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocalWeatherLive::get_weather", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_temperature() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocalWeatherLive::get_temperature", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_windDirection() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocalWeatherLive::get_windDirection", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_windPower() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocalWeatherLive::get_windPower", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_humidity() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocalWeatherLive::get_humidity", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_reportTime() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocalWeatherLive::get_reportTime", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_adcode(String adcode) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocalWeatherLive::set_adcode', {'__this__': this, "adcode": adcode}); + } + + Future set_province(String province) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocalWeatherLive::set_province', {'__this__': this, "province": province}); + } + + Future set_city(String city) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocalWeatherLive::set_city', {'__this__': this, "city": city}); + } + + Future set_weather(String weather) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocalWeatherLive::set_weather', {'__this__': this, "weather": weather}); + } + + Future set_temperature(String temperature) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocalWeatherLive::set_temperature', {'__this__': this, "temperature": temperature}); + } + + Future set_windDirection(String windDirection) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocalWeatherLive::set_windDirection', {'__this__': this, "windDirection": windDirection}); + } + + Future set_windPower(String windPower) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocalWeatherLive::set_windPower', {'__this__': this, "windPower": windPower}); + } + + Future set_humidity(String humidity) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocalWeatherLive::set_humidity', {'__this__': this, "humidity": humidity}); + } + + Future set_reportTime(String reportTime) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocalWeatherLive::set_reportTime', {'__this__': this, "reportTime": reportTime}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapLocalWeatherLive{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapLocalWeatherLive_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_adcode_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocalWeatherLive::get_adcode_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_province_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocalWeatherLive::get_province_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_city_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocalWeatherLive::get_city_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_weather_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocalWeatherLive::get_weather_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_temperature_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocalWeatherLive::get_temperature_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_windDirection_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocalWeatherLive::get_windDirection_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_windPower_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocalWeatherLive::get_windPower_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_humidity_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocalWeatherLive::get_humidity_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_reportTime_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocalWeatherLive::get_reportTime_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_adcode_batch(List adcode) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocalWeatherLive::set_adcode_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "adcode": adcode[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_province_batch(List province) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocalWeatherLive::set_province_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "province": province[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_city_batch(List city) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocalWeatherLive::set_city_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "city": city[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_weather_batch(List weather) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocalWeatherLive::set_weather_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "weather": weather[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_temperature_batch(List temperature) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocalWeatherLive::set_temperature_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "temperature": temperature[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_windDirection_batch(List windDirection) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocalWeatherLive::set_windDirection_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "windDirection": windDirection[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_windPower_batch(List windPower) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocalWeatherLive::set_windPower_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "windPower": windPower[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_humidity_batch(List humidity) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocalWeatherLive::set_humidity_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "humidity": humidity[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_reportTime_batch(List reportTime) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocalWeatherLive::set_reportTime_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "reportTime": reportTime[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapLocationShareSearchRequest.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapLocationShareSearchRequest.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a595373 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapLocationShareSearchRequest.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapLocationShareSearchRequest extends AMapShareSearchBaseRequest with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapLocationShareSearchRequest'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapLocationShareSearchRequest', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapLocationShareSearchRequest', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_location() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationShareSearchRequest::get_location", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_name() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationShareSearchRequest::get_name", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_location(AMapGeoPoint location) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationShareSearchRequest::set_location', {'__this__': this, "location": location}); + } + + Future set_name(String name) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationShareSearchRequest::set_name', {'__this__': this, "name": name}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapLocationShareSearchRequest{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapLocationShareSearchRequest_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_location_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationShareSearchRequest::get_location_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_name_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapLocationShareSearchRequest::get_name_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_location_batch(List location) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationShareSearchRequest::set_location_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "location": location[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_name_batch(List name) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapLocationShareSearchRequest::set_name_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "name": name[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapNavigationShareSearchRequest.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapNavigationShareSearchRequest.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1ff8ad4 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapNavigationShareSearchRequest.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,141 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapNavigationShareSearchRequest extends AMapShareSearchBaseRequest with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapNavigationShareSearchRequest'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapNavigationShareSearchRequest', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapNavigationShareSearchRequest', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_strategy() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapNavigationShareSearchRequest::get_strategy", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_startCoordinate() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapNavigationShareSearchRequest::get_startCoordinate", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_destinationCoordinate() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapNavigationShareSearchRequest::get_destinationCoordinate", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_strategy(int strategy) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapNavigationShareSearchRequest::set_strategy', {'__this__': this, "strategy": strategy}); + } + + Future set_startCoordinate(AMapGeoPoint startCoordinate) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapNavigationShareSearchRequest::set_startCoordinate', {'__this__': this, "startCoordinate": startCoordinate}); + } + + Future set_destinationCoordinate(AMapGeoPoint destinationCoordinate) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapNavigationShareSearchRequest::set_destinationCoordinate', {'__this__': this, "destinationCoordinate": destinationCoordinate}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapNavigationShareSearchRequest{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapNavigationShareSearchRequest_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_strategy_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapNavigationShareSearchRequest::get_strategy_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_startCoordinate_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapNavigationShareSearchRequest::get_startCoordinate_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_destinationCoordinate_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapNavigationShareSearchRequest::get_destinationCoordinate_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_strategy_batch(List strategy) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapNavigationShareSearchRequest::set_strategy_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "strategy": strategy[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_startCoordinate_batch(List startCoordinate) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapNavigationShareSearchRequest::set_startCoordinate_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "startCoordinate": startCoordinate[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_destinationCoordinate_batch(List destinationCoordinate) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapNavigationShareSearchRequest::set_destinationCoordinate_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "destinationCoordinate": destinationCoordinate[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapNearbySearchManager.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapNearbySearchManager.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0b030fa --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapNearbySearchManager.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,233 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapNearbySearchManager extends NSObject { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapNearbySearchManager'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_uploadTimeInterval() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapNearbySearchManager::get_uploadTimeInterval", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_isAutoUploading() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapNearbySearchManager::get_isAutoUploading", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_uploadTimeInterval(double uploadTimeInterval) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapNearbySearchManager::set_uploadTimeInterval', {'__this__': this, "uploadTimeInterval": uploadTimeInterval}); + } + + Future set_delegate(AMapNearbySearchManagerDelegate delegate) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapNearbySearchManager::set_delegate', {'__this__': this, "delegate": delegate}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + static Future sharedInstance() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: AMapNearbySearchManager::sharedInstance([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapNearbySearchManager::sharedInstance', ); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + + Future startAutoUploadNearbyInfo() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: AMapNearbySearchManager@$refId::startAutoUploadNearbyInfo([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapNearbySearchManager::startAutoUploadNearbyInfo', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future stopAutoUploadNearbyInfo() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: AMapNearbySearchManager@$refId::stopAutoUploadNearbyInfo([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapNearbySearchManager::stopAutoUploadNearbyInfo', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future uploadNearbyInfo(AMapNearbyUploadInfo info) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: AMapNearbySearchManager@$refId::uploadNearbyInfo([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapNearbySearchManager::uploadNearbyInfo', {"info": info, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future clearUserInfoWithID(String userID) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: AMapNearbySearchManager@$refId::clearUserInfoWithID([\'userID\':$userID])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapNearbySearchManager::clearUserInfoWithID', {"userID": userID, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapNearbySearchManager{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapNearbySearchManager_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_uploadTimeInterval_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapNearbySearchManager::get_uploadTimeInterval_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_isAutoUploading_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapNearbySearchManager::get_isAutoUploading_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_uploadTimeInterval_batch(List uploadTimeInterval) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapNearbySearchManager::set_uploadTimeInterval_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "uploadTimeInterval": uploadTimeInterval[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + static Future> sharedInstance_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapNearbySearchManager::sharedInstance_batch', ); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> startAutoUploadNearbyInfo_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapNearbySearchManager::startAutoUploadNearbyInfo_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> stopAutoUploadNearbyInfo_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapNearbySearchManager::stopAutoUploadNearbyInfo_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> uploadNearbyInfo_batch(List info) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapNearbySearchManager::uploadNearbyInfo_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"info": info[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> clearUserInfoWithID_batch(List userID) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapNearbySearchManager::clearUserInfoWithID_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"userID": userID[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapNearbySearchManagerDelegate.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapNearbySearchManagerDelegate.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4b63610 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapNearbySearchManagerDelegate.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,89 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class _AMapNearbySearchManagerDelegate_SUB extends NSObject with AMapNearbySearchManagerDelegate {} + +mixin AMapNearbySearchManagerDelegate on NSObject { + + + static AMapNearbySearchManagerDelegate subInstance() => _AMapNearbySearchManagerDelegate_SUB(); + + static Future anonymous__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapNearbySearchManagerDelegate::createAnonymous__'); + + final __object__ = AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + + // handle callback + MethodChannel('AMapNearbySearchManagerDelegate::Callback@${__object__.refId}', kAmapSearchFluttifyMethodCodec) + .setMethodCallHandler((methodCall) async { + try { + final args = methodCall.arguments as Map; + switch (methodCall.method) { + case 'nearbyInfoForUploading': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.nearbyInfoForUploading?.call([\'manager\':${args['manager']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.nearbyInfoForUploading?.call(AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(args['manager'])); + break; + case 'onNearbyInfoUploadedWithError': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onNearbyInfoUploadedWithError?.call([\'error\':${args['error']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onNearbyInfoUploadedWithError?.call(AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(args['error'])); + break; + case 'onUserInfoClearedWithError': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onUserInfoClearedWithError?.call([\'error\':${args['error']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onUserInfoClearedWithError?.call(AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(args['error'])); + break; + default: + throw MissingPluginException('方法${methodCall.method}未实现'); + break; + } + } catch (e) { + debugPrint(e.toString()); + rethrow; + } + }); + + return __object__; + } + + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + + + + Future Function(AMapNearbySearchManager? manager)? nearbyInfoForUploading; + + Future Function(NSError? error)? onNearbyInfoUploadedWithError; + + Future Function(NSError? error)? onUserInfoClearedWithError; + +} + diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapNearbySearchRequest.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapNearbySearchRequest.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fe870aa --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapNearbySearchRequest.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,181 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapNearbySearchRequest extends AMapSearchObject with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapNearbySearchRequest'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapNearbySearchRequest', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapNearbySearchRequest', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_center() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapNearbySearchRequest::get_center", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_radius() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapNearbySearchRequest::get_radius", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_searchType() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapNearbySearchRequest::get_searchType", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as int).toAMapNearbySearchType(); + } + + Future get_timeRange() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapNearbySearchRequest::get_timeRange", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_limit() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapNearbySearchRequest::get_limit", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_center(AMapGeoPoint center) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapNearbySearchRequest::set_center', {'__this__': this, "center": center}); + } + + Future set_radius(int radius) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapNearbySearchRequest::set_radius', {'__this__': this, "radius": radius}); + } + + Future set_searchType(AMapNearbySearchType searchType) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapNearbySearchRequest::set_searchType', {'__this__': this, "searchType": searchType.toValue()}); + } + + Future set_timeRange(int timeRange) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapNearbySearchRequest::set_timeRange', {'__this__': this, "timeRange": timeRange}); + } + + Future set_limit(int limit) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapNearbySearchRequest::set_limit', {'__this__': this, "limit": limit}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapNearbySearchRequest{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapNearbySearchRequest_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_center_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapNearbySearchRequest::get_center_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_radius_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapNearbySearchRequest::get_radius_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_searchType_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapNearbySearchRequest::get_searchType_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as int).toAMapNearbySearchType()).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_timeRange_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapNearbySearchRequest::get_timeRange_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_limit_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapNearbySearchRequest::get_limit_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_center_batch(List center) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapNearbySearchRequest::set_center_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "center": center[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_radius_batch(List radius) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapNearbySearchRequest::set_radius_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "radius": radius[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_searchType_batch(List searchType) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapNearbySearchRequest::set_searchType_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "searchType": searchType[__i__].toValue()}]); + + + } + + Future set_timeRange_batch(List timeRange) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapNearbySearchRequest::set_timeRange_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "timeRange": timeRange[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_limit_batch(List limit) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapNearbySearchRequest::set_limit_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "limit": limit[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapNearbySearchResponse.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapNearbySearchResponse.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5902502 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapNearbySearchResponse.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapNearbySearchResponse extends AMapSearchObject with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapNearbySearchResponse'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapNearbySearchResponse', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapNearbySearchResponse', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_count() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapNearbySearchResponse::get_count", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future?> get_infos() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapNearbySearchResponse::get_infos", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_count(int count) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapNearbySearchResponse::set_count', {'__this__': this, "count": count}); + } + + Future set_infos(List infos) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapNearbySearchResponse::set_infos', {'__this__': this, "infos": infos}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapNearbySearchResponse{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapNearbySearchResponse_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_count_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapNearbySearchResponse::get_count_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future?>> get_infos_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapNearbySearchResponse::get_infos_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_count_batch(List count) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapNearbySearchResponse::set_count_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "count": count[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_infos_batch(List> infos) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapNearbySearchResponse::set_infos_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "infos": infos[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapNearbySearchType.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapNearbySearchType.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7964964 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapNearbySearchType.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +enum AMapNearbySearchType { + AMapNearbySearchTypeLiner /* 0 */, + AMapNearbySearchTypeDriving /* 1 */ +} + +extension AMapNearbySearchTypeToX on AMapNearbySearchType { + int toValue() { + switch (this) { + case AMapNearbySearchType.AMapNearbySearchTypeLiner: return 0; + case AMapNearbySearchType.AMapNearbySearchTypeDriving: return 1; + default: return 0; + } + } +} + +extension AMapNearbySearchTypeFromX on int { + AMapNearbySearchType toAMapNearbySearchType() { + switch (this) { + case 0: return AMapNearbySearchType.AMapNearbySearchTypeLiner; + case 1: return AMapNearbySearchType.AMapNearbySearchTypeDriving; + default: return AMapNearbySearchType.values[this + 0]; + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapNearbyUploadInfo.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapNearbyUploadInfo.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e6bbbdb --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapNearbyUploadInfo.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,141 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapNearbyUploadInfo extends NSObject with NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapNearbyUploadInfo'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapNearbyUploadInfo', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapNearbyUploadInfo', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_userID() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapNearbyUploadInfo::get_userID", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_coordinateType() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapNearbyUploadInfo::get_coordinateType", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as int).toAMapSearchCoordinateType(); + } + + Future get_coordinate() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapNearbyUploadInfo::get_coordinate", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_userID(String userID) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapNearbyUploadInfo::set_userID', {'__this__': this, "userID": userID}); + } + + Future set_coordinateType(AMapSearchCoordinateType coordinateType) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapNearbyUploadInfo::set_coordinateType', {'__this__': this, "coordinateType": coordinateType.toValue()}); + } + + Future set_coordinate(CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapNearbyUploadInfo::set_coordinate', {'__this__': this, "coordinate": coordinate}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapNearbyUploadInfo{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapNearbyUploadInfo_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_userID_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapNearbyUploadInfo::get_userID_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_coordinateType_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapNearbyUploadInfo::get_coordinateType_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as int).toAMapSearchCoordinateType()).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_coordinate_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapNearbyUploadInfo::get_coordinate_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_userID_batch(List userID) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapNearbyUploadInfo::set_userID_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "userID": userID[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_coordinateType_batch(List coordinateType) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapNearbyUploadInfo::set_coordinateType_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "coordinateType": coordinateType[__i__].toValue()}]); + + + } + + Future set_coordinate_batch(List coordinate) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapNearbyUploadInfo::set_coordinate_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "coordinate": coordinate[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapNearbyUserInfo.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapNearbyUserInfo.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..21a6865 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapNearbyUserInfo.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,161 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapNearbyUserInfo extends AMapSearchObject with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapNearbyUserInfo'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapNearbyUserInfo', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapNearbyUserInfo', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_userID() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapNearbyUserInfo::get_userID", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_location() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapNearbyUserInfo::get_location", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_distance() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapNearbyUserInfo::get_distance", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_updatetime() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapNearbyUserInfo::get_updatetime", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_userID(String userID) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapNearbyUserInfo::set_userID', {'__this__': this, "userID": userID}); + } + + Future set_location(AMapGeoPoint location) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapNearbyUserInfo::set_location', {'__this__': this, "location": location}); + } + + Future set_distance(double distance) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapNearbyUserInfo::set_distance', {'__this__': this, "distance": distance}); + } + + Future set_updatetime(double updatetime) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapNearbyUserInfo::set_updatetime', {'__this__': this, "updatetime": updatetime}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapNearbyUserInfo{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapNearbyUserInfo_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_userID_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapNearbyUserInfo::get_userID_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_location_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapNearbyUserInfo::get_location_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_distance_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapNearbyUserInfo::get_distance_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_updatetime_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapNearbyUserInfo::get_updatetime_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_userID_batch(List userID) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapNearbyUserInfo::set_userID_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "userID": userID[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_location_batch(List location) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapNearbyUserInfo::set_location_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "location": location[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_distance_batch(List distance) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapNearbyUserInfo::set_distance_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "distance": distance[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_updatetime_batch(List updatetime) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapNearbyUserInfo::set_updatetime_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "updatetime": updatetime[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapPOI.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapPOI.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2dd26f1 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapPOI.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,661 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapPOI extends AMapSearchObject with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapPOI'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapPOI', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapPOI', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_uid() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOI::get_uid", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_name() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOI::get_name", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_type() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOI::get_type", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_typecode() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOI::get_typecode", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_location() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOI::get_location", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_address() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOI::get_address", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_tel() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOI::get_tel", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_distance() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOI::get_distance", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_parkingType() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOI::get_parkingType", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_shopID() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOI::get_shopID", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_postcode() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOI::get_postcode", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_website() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOI::get_website", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_email() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOI::get_email", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_province() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOI::get_province", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_pcode() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOI::get_pcode", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_city() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOI::get_city", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_citycode() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOI::get_citycode", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_district() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOI::get_district", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_adcode() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOI::get_adcode", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_gridcode() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOI::get_gridcode", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_enterLocation() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOI::get_enterLocation", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_exitLocation() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOI::get_exitLocation", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_direction() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOI::get_direction", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_hasIndoorMap() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOI::get_hasIndoorMap", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_businessArea() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOI::get_businessArea", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_indoorData() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOI::get_indoorData", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future?> get_subPOIs() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOI::get_subPOIs", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + Future?> get_images() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOI::get_images", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + Future get_extensionInfo() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOI::get_extensionInfo", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_uid(String uid) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOI::set_uid', {'__this__': this, "uid": uid}); + } + + Future set_name(String name) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOI::set_name', {'__this__': this, "name": name}); + } + + Future set_type(String type) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOI::set_type', {'__this__': this, "type": type}); + } + + Future set_typecode(String typecode) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOI::set_typecode', {'__this__': this, "typecode": typecode}); + } + + Future set_location(AMapGeoPoint location) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOI::set_location', {'__this__': this, "location": location}); + } + + Future set_address(String address) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOI::set_address', {'__this__': this, "address": address}); + } + + Future set_tel(String tel) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOI::set_tel', {'__this__': this, "tel": tel}); + } + + Future set_distance(int distance) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOI::set_distance', {'__this__': this, "distance": distance}); + } + + Future set_parkingType(String parkingType) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOI::set_parkingType', {'__this__': this, "parkingType": parkingType}); + } + + Future set_shopID(String shopID) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOI::set_shopID', {'__this__': this, "shopID": shopID}); + } + + Future set_postcode(String postcode) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOI::set_postcode', {'__this__': this, "postcode": postcode}); + } + + Future set_website(String website) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOI::set_website', {'__this__': this, "website": website}); + } + + Future set_email(String email) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOI::set_email', {'__this__': this, "email": email}); + } + + Future set_province(String province) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOI::set_province', {'__this__': this, "province": province}); + } + + Future set_pcode(String pcode) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOI::set_pcode', {'__this__': this, "pcode": pcode}); + } + + Future set_city(String city) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOI::set_city', {'__this__': this, "city": city}); + } + + Future set_citycode(String citycode) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOI::set_citycode', {'__this__': this, "citycode": citycode}); + } + + Future set_district(String district) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOI::set_district', {'__this__': this, "district": district}); + } + + Future set_adcode(String adcode) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOI::set_adcode', {'__this__': this, "adcode": adcode}); + } + + Future set_gridcode(String gridcode) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOI::set_gridcode', {'__this__': this, "gridcode": gridcode}); + } + + Future set_enterLocation(AMapGeoPoint enterLocation) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOI::set_enterLocation', {'__this__': this, "enterLocation": enterLocation}); + } + + Future set_exitLocation(AMapGeoPoint exitLocation) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOI::set_exitLocation', {'__this__': this, "exitLocation": exitLocation}); + } + + Future set_direction(String direction) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOI::set_direction', {'__this__': this, "direction": direction}); + } + + Future set_hasIndoorMap(bool hasIndoorMap) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOI::set_hasIndoorMap', {'__this__': this, "hasIndoorMap": hasIndoorMap}); + } + + Future set_businessArea(String businessArea) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOI::set_businessArea', {'__this__': this, "businessArea": businessArea}); + } + + Future set_indoorData(AMapIndoorData indoorData) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOI::set_indoorData', {'__this__': this, "indoorData": indoorData}); + } + + Future set_subPOIs(List subPOIs) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOI::set_subPOIs', {'__this__': this, "subPOIs": subPOIs}); + } + + Future set_images(List images) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOI::set_images', {'__this__': this, "images": images}); + } + + Future set_extensionInfo(AMapPOIExtension extensionInfo) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOI::set_extensionInfo', {'__this__': this, "extensionInfo": extensionInfo}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapPOI{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapPOI_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_uid_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOI::get_uid_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_name_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOI::get_name_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_type_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOI::get_type_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_typecode_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOI::get_typecode_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_location_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOI::get_location_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_address_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOI::get_address_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_tel_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOI::get_tel_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_distance_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOI::get_distance_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_parkingType_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOI::get_parkingType_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_shopID_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOI::get_shopID_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_postcode_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOI::get_postcode_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_website_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOI::get_website_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_email_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOI::get_email_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_province_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOI::get_province_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_pcode_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOI::get_pcode_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_city_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOI::get_city_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_citycode_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOI::get_citycode_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_district_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOI::get_district_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_adcode_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOI::get_adcode_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_gridcode_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOI::get_gridcode_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_enterLocation_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOI::get_enterLocation_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_exitLocation_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOI::get_exitLocation_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_direction_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOI::get_direction_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_hasIndoorMap_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOI::get_hasIndoorMap_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_businessArea_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOI::get_businessArea_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_indoorData_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOI::get_indoorData_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future?>> get_subPOIs_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOI::get_subPOIs_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + Future?>> get_images_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOI::get_images_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + Future> get_extensionInfo_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOI::get_extensionInfo_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_uid_batch(List uid) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOI::set_uid_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "uid": uid[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_name_batch(List name) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOI::set_name_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "name": name[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_type_batch(List type) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOI::set_type_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "type": type[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_typecode_batch(List typecode) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOI::set_typecode_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "typecode": typecode[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_location_batch(List location) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOI::set_location_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "location": location[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_address_batch(List address) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOI::set_address_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "address": address[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_tel_batch(List tel) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOI::set_tel_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "tel": tel[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_distance_batch(List distance) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOI::set_distance_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "distance": distance[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_parkingType_batch(List parkingType) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOI::set_parkingType_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "parkingType": parkingType[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_shopID_batch(List shopID) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOI::set_shopID_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "shopID": shopID[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_postcode_batch(List postcode) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOI::set_postcode_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "postcode": postcode[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_website_batch(List website) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOI::set_website_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "website": website[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_email_batch(List email) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOI::set_email_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "email": email[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_province_batch(List province) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOI::set_province_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "province": province[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_pcode_batch(List pcode) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOI::set_pcode_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "pcode": pcode[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_city_batch(List city) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOI::set_city_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "city": city[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_citycode_batch(List citycode) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOI::set_citycode_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "citycode": citycode[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_district_batch(List district) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOI::set_district_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "district": district[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_adcode_batch(List adcode) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOI::set_adcode_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "adcode": adcode[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_gridcode_batch(List gridcode) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOI::set_gridcode_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "gridcode": gridcode[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_enterLocation_batch(List enterLocation) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOI::set_enterLocation_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "enterLocation": enterLocation[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_exitLocation_batch(List exitLocation) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOI::set_exitLocation_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "exitLocation": exitLocation[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_direction_batch(List direction) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOI::set_direction_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "direction": direction[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_hasIndoorMap_batch(List hasIndoorMap) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOI::set_hasIndoorMap_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "hasIndoorMap": hasIndoorMap[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_businessArea_batch(List businessArea) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOI::set_businessArea_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "businessArea": businessArea[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_indoorData_batch(List indoorData) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOI::set_indoorData_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "indoorData": indoorData[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_subPOIs_batch(List> subPOIs) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOI::set_subPOIs_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "subPOIs": subPOIs[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_images_batch(List> images) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOI::set_images_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "images": images[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_extensionInfo_batch(List extensionInfo) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOI::set_extensionInfo_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "extensionInfo": extensionInfo[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a8d5d20 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,181 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest extends AMapPOISearchBaseRequest with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapPOIAroundSearchRequest', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapPOIAroundSearchRequest', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_keywords() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest::get_keywords", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_location() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest::get_location", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_radius() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest::get_radius", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_city() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest::get_city", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_special() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest::get_special", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_keywords(String keywords) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest::set_keywords', {'__this__': this, "keywords": keywords}); + } + + Future set_location(AMapGeoPoint location) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest::set_location', {'__this__': this, "location": location}); + } + + Future set_radius(int radius) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest::set_radius', {'__this__': this, "radius": radius}); + } + + Future set_city(String city) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest::set_city', {'__this__': this, "city": city}); + } + + Future set_special(bool special) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest::set_special', {'__this__': this, "special": special}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_keywords_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest::get_keywords_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_location_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest::get_location_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_radius_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest::get_radius_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_city_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest::get_city_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_special_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest::get_special_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_keywords_batch(List keywords) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest::set_keywords_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "keywords": keywords[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_location_batch(List location) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest::set_location_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "location": location[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_radius_batch(List radius) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest::set_radius_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "radius": radius[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_city_batch(List city) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest::set_city_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "city": city[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_special_batch(List special) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest::set_special_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "special": special[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapPOIExtension.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapPOIExtension.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e557644 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapPOIExtension.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,141 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapPOIExtension extends AMapSearchObject with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapPOIExtension'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapPOIExtension', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapPOIExtension', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_rating() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOIExtension::get_rating", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_cost() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOIExtension::get_cost", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_openTime() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOIExtension::get_openTime", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_rating(double rating) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOIExtension::set_rating', {'__this__': this, "rating": rating}); + } + + Future set_cost(double cost) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOIExtension::set_cost', {'__this__': this, "cost": cost}); + } + + Future set_openTime(String openTime) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOIExtension::set_openTime', {'__this__': this, "openTime": openTime}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapPOIExtension{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapPOIExtension_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_rating_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOIExtension::get_rating_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_cost_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOIExtension::get_cost_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_openTime_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOIExtension::get_openTime_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_rating_batch(List rating) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOIExtension::set_rating_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "rating": rating[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_cost_batch(List cost) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOIExtension::set_cost_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "cost": cost[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_openTime_batch(List openTime) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOIExtension::set_openTime_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "openTime": openTime[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapPOIIDSearchRequest.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapPOIIDSearchRequest.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d79669a --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapPOIIDSearchRequest.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,101 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapPOIIDSearchRequest extends AMapPOISearchBaseRequest with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapPOIIDSearchRequest'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapPOIIDSearchRequest', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapPOIIDSearchRequest', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_uid() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOIIDSearchRequest::get_uid", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_uid(String uid) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOIIDSearchRequest::set_uid', {'__this__': this, "uid": uid}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapPOIIDSearchRequest{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapPOIIDSearchRequest_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_uid_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOIIDSearchRequest::get_uid_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_uid_batch(List uid) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOIIDSearchRequest::set_uid_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "uid": uid[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0121f31 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,161 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest extends AMapPOISearchBaseRequest with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_keywords() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest::get_keywords", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_city() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest::get_city", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_cityLimit() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest::get_cityLimit", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_location() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest::get_location", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_keywords(String keywords) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest::set_keywords', {'__this__': this, "keywords": keywords}); + } + + Future set_city(String city) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest::set_city', {'__this__': this, "city": city}); + } + + Future set_cityLimit(bool cityLimit) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest::set_cityLimit', {'__this__': this, "cityLimit": cityLimit}); + } + + Future set_location(AMapGeoPoint location) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest::set_location', {'__this__': this, "location": location}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_keywords_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest::get_keywords_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_city_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest::get_city_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_cityLimit_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest::get_cityLimit_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_location_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest::get_location_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_keywords_batch(List keywords) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest::set_keywords_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "keywords": keywords[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_city_batch(List city) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest::set_city_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "city": city[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_cityLimit_batch(List cityLimit) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest::set_cityLimit_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "cityLimit": cityLimit[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_location_batch(List location) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest::set_location_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "location": location[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapPOIPolygonSearchRequest.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapPOIPolygonSearchRequest.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e60aa4a --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapPOIPolygonSearchRequest.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapPOIPolygonSearchRequest extends AMapPOISearchBaseRequest with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapPOIPolygonSearchRequest'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapPOIPolygonSearchRequest', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapPOIPolygonSearchRequest', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_keywords() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOIPolygonSearchRequest::get_keywords", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_polygon() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOIPolygonSearchRequest::get_polygon", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_keywords(String keywords) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOIPolygonSearchRequest::set_keywords', {'__this__': this, "keywords": keywords}); + } + + Future set_polygon(AMapGeoPolygon polygon) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOIPolygonSearchRequest::set_polygon', {'__this__': this, "polygon": polygon}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapPOIPolygonSearchRequest{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapPOIPolygonSearchRequest_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_keywords_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOIPolygonSearchRequest::get_keywords_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_polygon_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOIPolygonSearchRequest::get_polygon_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_keywords_batch(List keywords) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOIPolygonSearchRequest::set_keywords_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "keywords": keywords[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_polygon_batch(List polygon) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOIPolygonSearchRequest::set_polygon_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "polygon": polygon[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapPOISearchBaseRequest.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapPOISearchBaseRequest.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0e115c5 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapPOISearchBaseRequest.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,221 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapPOISearchBaseRequest extends AMapSearchObject with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapPOISearchBaseRequest'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapPOISearchBaseRequest', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapPOISearchBaseRequest', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_types() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOISearchBaseRequest::get_types", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_sortrule() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOISearchBaseRequest::get_sortrule", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_offset() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOISearchBaseRequest::get_offset", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_page() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOISearchBaseRequest::get_page", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_building() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOISearchBaseRequest::get_building", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_requireExtension() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOISearchBaseRequest::get_requireExtension", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_requireSubPOIs() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOISearchBaseRequest::get_requireSubPOIs", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_types(String types) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOISearchBaseRequest::set_types', {'__this__': this, "types": types}); + } + + Future set_sortrule(int sortrule) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOISearchBaseRequest::set_sortrule', {'__this__': this, "sortrule": sortrule}); + } + + Future set_offset(int offset) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOISearchBaseRequest::set_offset', {'__this__': this, "offset": offset}); + } + + Future set_page(int page) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOISearchBaseRequest::set_page', {'__this__': this, "page": page}); + } + + Future set_building(String building) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOISearchBaseRequest::set_building', {'__this__': this, "building": building}); + } + + Future set_requireExtension(bool requireExtension) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOISearchBaseRequest::set_requireExtension', {'__this__': this, "requireExtension": requireExtension}); + } + + Future set_requireSubPOIs(bool requireSubPOIs) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOISearchBaseRequest::set_requireSubPOIs', {'__this__': this, "requireSubPOIs": requireSubPOIs}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapPOISearchBaseRequest{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapPOISearchBaseRequest_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_types_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOISearchBaseRequest::get_types_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_sortrule_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOISearchBaseRequest::get_sortrule_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_offset_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOISearchBaseRequest::get_offset_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_page_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOISearchBaseRequest::get_page_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_building_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOISearchBaseRequest::get_building_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_requireExtension_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOISearchBaseRequest::get_requireExtension_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_requireSubPOIs_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOISearchBaseRequest::get_requireSubPOIs_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_types_batch(List types) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOISearchBaseRequest::set_types_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "types": types[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_sortrule_batch(List sortrule) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOISearchBaseRequest::set_sortrule_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "sortrule": sortrule[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_offset_batch(List offset) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOISearchBaseRequest::set_offset_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "offset": offset[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_page_batch(List page) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOISearchBaseRequest::set_page_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "page": page[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_building_batch(List building) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOISearchBaseRequest::set_building_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "building": building[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_requireExtension_batch(List requireExtension) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOISearchBaseRequest::set_requireExtension_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "requireExtension": requireExtension[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_requireSubPOIs_batch(List requireSubPOIs) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOISearchBaseRequest::set_requireSubPOIs_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "requireSubPOIs": requireSubPOIs[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapPOISearchResponse.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapPOISearchResponse.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6bd3447 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapPOISearchResponse.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,141 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapPOISearchResponse extends AMapSearchObject with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapPOISearchResponse'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapPOISearchResponse', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapPOISearchResponse', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_count() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOISearchResponse::get_count", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_suggestion() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOISearchResponse::get_suggestion", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future?> get_pois() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOISearchResponse::get_pois", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_count(int count) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOISearchResponse::set_count', {'__this__': this, "count": count}); + } + + Future set_suggestion(AMapSuggestion suggestion) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOISearchResponse::set_suggestion', {'__this__': this, "suggestion": suggestion}); + } + + Future set_pois(List pois) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOISearchResponse::set_pois', {'__this__': this, "pois": pois}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapPOISearchResponse{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapPOISearchResponse_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_count_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOISearchResponse::get_count_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_suggestion_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOISearchResponse::get_suggestion_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future?>> get_pois_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOISearchResponse::get_pois_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_count_batch(List count) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOISearchResponse::set_count_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "count": count[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_suggestion_batch(List suggestion) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOISearchResponse::set_suggestion_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "suggestion": suggestion[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_pois_batch(List> pois) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOISearchResponse::set_pois_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "pois": pois[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapPOIShareSearchRequest.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapPOIShareSearchRequest.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d38ff3e --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapPOIShareSearchRequest.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,161 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapPOIShareSearchRequest extends AMapShareSearchBaseRequest with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapPOIShareSearchRequest'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapPOIShareSearchRequest', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapPOIShareSearchRequest', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_uid() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOIShareSearchRequest::get_uid", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_location() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOIShareSearchRequest::get_location", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_name() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOIShareSearchRequest::get_name", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_address() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOIShareSearchRequest::get_address", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_uid(String uid) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOIShareSearchRequest::set_uid', {'__this__': this, "uid": uid}); + } + + Future set_location(AMapGeoPoint location) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOIShareSearchRequest::set_location', {'__this__': this, "location": location}); + } + + Future set_name(String name) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOIShareSearchRequest::set_name', {'__this__': this, "name": name}); + } + + Future set_address(String address) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOIShareSearchRequest::set_address', {'__this__': this, "address": address}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapPOIShareSearchRequest{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapPOIShareSearchRequest_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_uid_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOIShareSearchRequest::get_uid_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_location_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOIShareSearchRequest::get_location_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_name_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOIShareSearchRequest::get_name_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_address_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPOIShareSearchRequest::get_address_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_uid_batch(List uid) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOIShareSearchRequest::set_uid_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "uid": uid[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_location_batch(List location) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOIShareSearchRequest::set_location_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "location": location[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_name_batch(List name) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOIShareSearchRequest::set_name_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "name": name[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_address_batch(List address) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPOIShareSearchRequest::set_address_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "address": address[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapPath.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapPath.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6c7ca91 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapPath.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,261 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapPath extends AMapSearchObject with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapPath'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapPath', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapPath', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_distance() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPath::get_distance", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_duration() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPath::get_duration", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_strategy() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPath::get_strategy", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future?> get_steps() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPath::get_steps", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + Future get_tolls() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPath::get_tolls", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_tollDistance() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPath::get_tollDistance", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_totalTrafficLights() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPath::get_totalTrafficLights", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_restriction() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPath::get_restriction", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_polyline() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPath::get_polyline", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_distance(int distance) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPath::set_distance', {'__this__': this, "distance": distance}); + } + + Future set_duration(int duration) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPath::set_duration', {'__this__': this, "duration": duration}); + } + + Future set_strategy(String strategy) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPath::set_strategy', {'__this__': this, "strategy": strategy}); + } + + Future set_steps(List steps) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPath::set_steps', {'__this__': this, "steps": steps}); + } + + Future set_tolls(double tolls) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPath::set_tolls', {'__this__': this, "tolls": tolls}); + } + + Future set_tollDistance(int tollDistance) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPath::set_tollDistance', {'__this__': this, "tollDistance": tollDistance}); + } + + Future set_totalTrafficLights(int totalTrafficLights) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPath::set_totalTrafficLights', {'__this__': this, "totalTrafficLights": totalTrafficLights}); + } + + Future set_restriction(int restriction) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPath::set_restriction', {'__this__': this, "restriction": restriction}); + } + + Future set_polyline(String polyline) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPath::set_polyline', {'__this__': this, "polyline": polyline}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapPath{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapPath_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_distance_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPath::get_distance_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_duration_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPath::get_duration_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_strategy_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPath::get_strategy_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future?>> get_steps_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPath::get_steps_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + Future> get_tolls_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPath::get_tolls_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_tollDistance_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPath::get_tollDistance_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_totalTrafficLights_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPath::get_totalTrafficLights_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_restriction_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPath::get_restriction_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_polyline_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapPath::get_polyline_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_distance_batch(List distance) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPath::set_distance_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "distance": distance[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_duration_batch(List duration) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPath::set_duration_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "duration": duration[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_strategy_batch(List strategy) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPath::set_strategy_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "strategy": strategy[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_steps_batch(List> steps) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPath::set_steps_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "steps": steps[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_tolls_batch(List tolls) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPath::set_tolls_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "tolls": tolls[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_tollDistance_batch(List tollDistance) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPath::set_tollDistance_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "tollDistance": tollDistance[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_totalTrafficLights_batch(List totalTrafficLights) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPath::set_totalTrafficLights_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "totalTrafficLights": totalTrafficLights[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_restriction_batch(List restriction) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPath::set_restriction_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "restriction": restriction[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_polyline_batch(List polyline) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapPath::set_polyline_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "polyline": polyline[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapRailway.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapRailway.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..00d071c --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapRailway.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,301 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapRailway extends AMapSearchObject with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapRailway'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapRailway', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapRailway', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_uid() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRailway::get_uid", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_name() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRailway::get_name", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_trip() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRailway::get_trip", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_type() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRailway::get_type", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_distance() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRailway::get_distance", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_time() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRailway::get_time", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_departureStation() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRailway::get_departureStation", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_arrivalStation() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRailway::get_arrivalStation", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future?> get_spaces() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRailway::get_spaces", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + Future?> get_viaStops() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRailway::get_viaStops", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + Future?> get_alters() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRailway::get_alters", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_uid(String uid) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRailway::set_uid', {'__this__': this, "uid": uid}); + } + + Future set_name(String name) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRailway::set_name', {'__this__': this, "name": name}); + } + + Future set_trip(String trip) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRailway::set_trip', {'__this__': this, "trip": trip}); + } + + Future set_type(String type) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRailway::set_type', {'__this__': this, "type": type}); + } + + Future set_distance(int distance) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRailway::set_distance', {'__this__': this, "distance": distance}); + } + + Future set_time(int time) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRailway::set_time', {'__this__': this, "time": time}); + } + + Future set_departureStation(AMapRailwayStation departureStation) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRailway::set_departureStation', {'__this__': this, "departureStation": departureStation}); + } + + Future set_arrivalStation(AMapRailwayStation arrivalStation) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRailway::set_arrivalStation', {'__this__': this, "arrivalStation": arrivalStation}); + } + + Future set_spaces(List spaces) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRailway::set_spaces', {'__this__': this, "spaces": spaces}); + } + + Future set_viaStops(List viaStops) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRailway::set_viaStops', {'__this__': this, "viaStops": viaStops}); + } + + Future set_alters(List alters) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRailway::set_alters', {'__this__': this, "alters": alters}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapRailway{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapRailway_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_uid_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRailway::get_uid_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_name_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRailway::get_name_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_trip_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRailway::get_trip_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_type_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRailway::get_type_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_distance_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRailway::get_distance_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_time_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRailway::get_time_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_departureStation_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRailway::get_departureStation_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_arrivalStation_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRailway::get_arrivalStation_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future?>> get_spaces_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRailway::get_spaces_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + Future?>> get_viaStops_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRailway::get_viaStops_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + Future?>> get_alters_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRailway::get_alters_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_uid_batch(List uid) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRailway::set_uid_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "uid": uid[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_name_batch(List name) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRailway::set_name_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "name": name[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_trip_batch(List trip) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRailway::set_trip_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "trip": trip[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_type_batch(List type) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRailway::set_type_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "type": type[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_distance_batch(List distance) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRailway::set_distance_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "distance": distance[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_time_batch(List time) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRailway::set_time_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "time": time[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_departureStation_batch(List departureStation) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRailway::set_departureStation_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "departureStation": departureStation[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_arrivalStation_batch(List arrivalStation) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRailway::set_arrivalStation_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "arrivalStation": arrivalStation[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_spaces_batch(List> spaces) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRailway::set_spaces_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "spaces": spaces[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_viaStops_batch(List> viaStops) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRailway::set_viaStops_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "viaStops": viaStops[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_alters_batch(List> alters) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRailway::set_alters_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "alters": alters[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapRailwaySpace.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapRailwaySpace.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..207a0c1 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapRailwaySpace.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapRailwaySpace extends AMapSearchObject with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapRailwaySpace'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapRailwaySpace', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapRailwaySpace', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_code() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRailwaySpace::get_code", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_cost() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRailwaySpace::get_cost", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_code(String code) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRailwaySpace::set_code', {'__this__': this, "code": code}); + } + + Future set_cost(double cost) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRailwaySpace::set_cost', {'__this__': this, "cost": cost}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapRailwaySpace{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapRailwaySpace_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_code_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRailwaySpace::get_code_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_cost_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRailwaySpace::get_cost_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_code_batch(List code) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRailwaySpace::set_code_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "code": code[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_cost_batch(List cost) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRailwaySpace::set_cost_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "cost": cost[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapRailwayStation.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapRailwayStation.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ab48f5d --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapRailwayStation.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,241 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapRailwayStation extends AMapSearchObject with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapRailwayStation'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapRailwayStation', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapRailwayStation', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_uid() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRailwayStation::get_uid", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_name() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRailwayStation::get_name", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_location() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRailwayStation::get_location", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_adcode() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRailwayStation::get_adcode", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_time() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRailwayStation::get_time", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_wait() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRailwayStation::get_wait", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_isStart() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRailwayStation::get_isStart", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_isEnd() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRailwayStation::get_isEnd", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_uid(String uid) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRailwayStation::set_uid', {'__this__': this, "uid": uid}); + } + + Future set_name(String name) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRailwayStation::set_name', {'__this__': this, "name": name}); + } + + Future set_location(AMapGeoPoint location) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRailwayStation::set_location', {'__this__': this, "location": location}); + } + + Future set_adcode(String adcode) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRailwayStation::set_adcode', {'__this__': this, "adcode": adcode}); + } + + Future set_time(String time) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRailwayStation::set_time', {'__this__': this, "time": time}); + } + + Future set_wait(int wait) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRailwayStation::set_wait', {'__this__': this, "wait": wait}); + } + + Future set_isStart(bool isStart) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRailwayStation::set_isStart', {'__this__': this, "isStart": isStart}); + } + + Future set_isEnd(bool isEnd) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRailwayStation::set_isEnd', {'__this__': this, "isEnd": isEnd}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapRailwayStation{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapRailwayStation_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_uid_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRailwayStation::get_uid_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_name_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRailwayStation::get_name_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_location_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRailwayStation::get_location_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_adcode_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRailwayStation::get_adcode_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_time_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRailwayStation::get_time_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_wait_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRailwayStation::get_wait_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_isStart_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRailwayStation::get_isStart_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_isEnd_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRailwayStation::get_isEnd_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_uid_batch(List uid) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRailwayStation::set_uid_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "uid": uid[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_name_batch(List name) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRailwayStation::set_name_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "name": name[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_location_batch(List location) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRailwayStation::set_location_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "location": location[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_adcode_batch(List adcode) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRailwayStation::set_adcode_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "adcode": adcode[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_time_batch(List time) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRailwayStation::set_time_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "time": time[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_wait_batch(List wait) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRailwayStation::set_wait_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "wait": wait[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_isStart_batch(List isStart) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRailwayStation::set_isStart_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "isStart": isStart[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_isEnd_batch(List isEnd) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRailwayStation::set_isEnd_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "isEnd": isEnd[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapReGeocode.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapReGeocode.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f888d2c --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapReGeocode.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,201 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapReGeocode extends AMapSearchObject with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapReGeocode'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapReGeocode', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapReGeocode', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_formattedAddress() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapReGeocode::get_formattedAddress", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_addressComponent() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapReGeocode::get_addressComponent", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future?> get_roads() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapReGeocode::get_roads", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + Future?> get_roadinters() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapReGeocode::get_roadinters", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + Future?> get_pois() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapReGeocode::get_pois", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + Future?> get_aois() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapReGeocode::get_aois", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_formattedAddress(String formattedAddress) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapReGeocode::set_formattedAddress', {'__this__': this, "formattedAddress": formattedAddress}); + } + + Future set_addressComponent(AMapAddressComponent addressComponent) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapReGeocode::set_addressComponent', {'__this__': this, "addressComponent": addressComponent}); + } + + Future set_roads(List roads) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapReGeocode::set_roads', {'__this__': this, "roads": roads}); + } + + Future set_roadinters(List roadinters) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapReGeocode::set_roadinters', {'__this__': this, "roadinters": roadinters}); + } + + Future set_pois(List pois) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapReGeocode::set_pois', {'__this__': this, "pois": pois}); + } + + Future set_aois(List aois) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapReGeocode::set_aois', {'__this__': this, "aois": aois}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapReGeocode{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapReGeocode_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_formattedAddress_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapReGeocode::get_formattedAddress_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_addressComponent_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapReGeocode::get_addressComponent_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future?>> get_roads_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapReGeocode::get_roads_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + Future?>> get_roadinters_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapReGeocode::get_roadinters_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + Future?>> get_pois_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapReGeocode::get_pois_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + Future?>> get_aois_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapReGeocode::get_aois_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_formattedAddress_batch(List formattedAddress) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapReGeocode::set_formattedAddress_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "formattedAddress": formattedAddress[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_addressComponent_batch(List addressComponent) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapReGeocode::set_addressComponent_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "addressComponent": addressComponent[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_roads_batch(List> roads) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapReGeocode::set_roads_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "roads": roads[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_roadinters_batch(List> roadinters) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapReGeocode::set_roadinters_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "roadinters": roadinters[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_pois_batch(List> pois) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapReGeocode::set_pois_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "pois": pois[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_aois_batch(List> aois) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapReGeocode::set_aois_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "aois": aois[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..063469f --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,181 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest extends AMapSearchObject with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapReGeocodeSearchRequest', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapReGeocodeSearchRequest', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_requireExtension() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest::get_requireExtension", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_location() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest::get_location", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_radius() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest::get_radius", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_poitype() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest::get_poitype", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_mode() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest::get_mode", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_requireExtension(bool requireExtension) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest::set_requireExtension', {'__this__': this, "requireExtension": requireExtension}); + } + + Future set_location(AMapGeoPoint location) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest::set_location', {'__this__': this, "location": location}); + } + + Future set_radius(int radius) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest::set_radius', {'__this__': this, "radius": radius}); + } + + Future set_poitype(String poitype) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest::set_poitype', {'__this__': this, "poitype": poitype}); + } + + Future set_mode(String mode) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest::set_mode', {'__this__': this, "mode": mode}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_requireExtension_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest::get_requireExtension_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_location_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest::get_location_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_radius_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest::get_radius_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_poitype_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest::get_poitype_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_mode_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest::get_mode_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_requireExtension_batch(List requireExtension) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest::set_requireExtension_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "requireExtension": requireExtension[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_location_batch(List location) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest::set_location_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "location": location[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_radius_batch(List radius) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest::set_radius_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "radius": radius[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_poitype_batch(List poitype) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest::set_poitype_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "poitype": poitype[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_mode_batch(List mode) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest::set_mode_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "mode": mode[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapReGeocodeSearchResponse.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapReGeocodeSearchResponse.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..44c2060 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapReGeocodeSearchResponse.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,101 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapReGeocodeSearchResponse extends AMapSearchObject with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapReGeocodeSearchResponse'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapReGeocodeSearchResponse', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapReGeocodeSearchResponse', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_regeocode() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapReGeocodeSearchResponse::get_regeocode", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_regeocode(AMapReGeocode regeocode) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapReGeocodeSearchResponse::set_regeocode', {'__this__': this, "regeocode": regeocode}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapReGeocodeSearchResponse{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapReGeocodeSearchResponse_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_regeocode_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapReGeocodeSearchResponse::get_regeocode_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_regeocode_batch(List regeocode) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapReGeocodeSearchResponse::set_regeocode_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "regeocode": regeocode[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapRidingRouteSearchRequest.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapRidingRouteSearchRequest.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ccb30af --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapRidingRouteSearchRequest.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapRidingRouteSearchRequest extends AMapRouteSearchBaseRequest with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapRidingRouteSearchRequest'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapRidingRouteSearchRequest', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapRidingRouteSearchRequest', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_type() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRidingRouteSearchRequest::get_type", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_requireExtension() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRidingRouteSearchRequest::get_requireExtension", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_type(int type) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRidingRouteSearchRequest::set_type', {'__this__': this, "type": type}); + } + + Future set_requireExtension(bool requireExtension) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRidingRouteSearchRequest::set_requireExtension', {'__this__': this, "requireExtension": requireExtension}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapRidingRouteSearchRequest{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapRidingRouteSearchRequest_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_type_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRidingRouteSearchRequest::get_type_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_requireExtension_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRidingRouteSearchRequest::get_requireExtension_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_type_batch(List type) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRidingRouteSearchRequest::set_type_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "type": type[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_requireExtension_batch(List requireExtension) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRidingRouteSearchRequest::set_requireExtension_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "requireExtension": requireExtension[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapRidingRouteSearchResponse.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapRidingRouteSearchResponse.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1b070d2 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapRidingRouteSearchResponse.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,85 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapRidingRouteSearchResponse extends AMapRouteSearchResponse with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapRidingRouteSearchResponse'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapRidingRouteSearchResponse', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapRidingRouteSearchResponse', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapRidingRouteSearchResponse{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapRidingRouteSearchResponse_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapRoad.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapRoad.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0b77106 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapRoad.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,181 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapRoad extends AMapSearchObject with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapRoad'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapRoad', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapRoad', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_uid() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRoad::get_uid", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_name() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRoad::get_name", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_distance() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRoad::get_distance", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_direction() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRoad::get_direction", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_location() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRoad::get_location", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_uid(String uid) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRoad::set_uid', {'__this__': this, "uid": uid}); + } + + Future set_name(String name) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRoad::set_name', {'__this__': this, "name": name}); + } + + Future set_distance(int distance) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRoad::set_distance', {'__this__': this, "distance": distance}); + } + + Future set_direction(String direction) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRoad::set_direction', {'__this__': this, "direction": direction}); + } + + Future set_location(AMapGeoPoint location) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRoad::set_location', {'__this__': this, "location": location}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapRoad{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapRoad_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_uid_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRoad::get_uid_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_name_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRoad::get_name_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_distance_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRoad::get_distance_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_direction_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRoad::get_direction_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_location_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRoad::get_location_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_uid_batch(List uid) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRoad::set_uid_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "uid": uid[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_name_batch(List name) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRoad::set_name_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "name": name[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_distance_batch(List distance) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRoad::set_distance_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "distance": distance[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_direction_batch(List direction) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRoad::set_direction_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "direction": direction[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_location_batch(List location) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRoad::set_location_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "location": location[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapRoadInter.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapRoadInter.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7098415 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapRoadInter.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,221 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapRoadInter extends AMapSearchObject with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapRoadInter'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapRoadInter', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapRoadInter', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_distance() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRoadInter::get_distance", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_direction() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRoadInter::get_direction", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_location() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRoadInter::get_location", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_firstId() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRoadInter::get_firstId", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_firstName() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRoadInter::get_firstName", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_secondId() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRoadInter::get_secondId", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_secondName() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRoadInter::get_secondName", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_distance(int distance) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRoadInter::set_distance', {'__this__': this, "distance": distance}); + } + + Future set_direction(String direction) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRoadInter::set_direction', {'__this__': this, "direction": direction}); + } + + Future set_location(AMapGeoPoint location) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRoadInter::set_location', {'__this__': this, "location": location}); + } + + Future set_firstId(String firstId) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRoadInter::set_firstId', {'__this__': this, "firstId": firstId}); + } + + Future set_firstName(String firstName) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRoadInter::set_firstName', {'__this__': this, "firstName": firstName}); + } + + Future set_secondId(String secondId) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRoadInter::set_secondId', {'__this__': this, "secondId": secondId}); + } + + Future set_secondName(String secondName) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRoadInter::set_secondName', {'__this__': this, "secondName": secondName}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapRoadInter{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapRoadInter_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_distance_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRoadInter::get_distance_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_direction_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRoadInter::get_direction_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_location_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRoadInter::get_location_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_firstId_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRoadInter::get_firstId_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_firstName_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRoadInter::get_firstName_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_secondId_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRoadInter::get_secondId_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_secondName_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRoadInter::get_secondName_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_distance_batch(List distance) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRoadInter::set_distance_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "distance": distance[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_direction_batch(List direction) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRoadInter::set_direction_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "direction": direction[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_location_batch(List location) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRoadInter::set_location_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "location": location[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_firstId_batch(List firstId) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRoadInter::set_firstId_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "firstId": firstId[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_firstName_batch(List firstName) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRoadInter::set_firstName_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "firstName": firstName[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_secondId_batch(List secondId) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRoadInter::set_secondId_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "secondId": secondId[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_secondName_batch(List secondName) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRoadInter::set_secondName_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "secondName": secondName[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapRoute.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapRoute.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e2eba6b --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapRoute.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,181 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapRoute extends AMapSearchObject with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapRoute'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapRoute', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapRoute', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_origin() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRoute::get_origin", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_destination() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRoute::get_destination", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_taxiCost() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRoute::get_taxiCost", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future?> get_paths() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRoute::get_paths", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + Future?> get_transits() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRoute::get_transits", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_origin(AMapGeoPoint origin) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRoute::set_origin', {'__this__': this, "origin": origin}); + } + + Future set_destination(AMapGeoPoint destination) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRoute::set_destination', {'__this__': this, "destination": destination}); + } + + Future set_taxiCost(double taxiCost) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRoute::set_taxiCost', {'__this__': this, "taxiCost": taxiCost}); + } + + Future set_paths(List paths) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRoute::set_paths', {'__this__': this, "paths": paths}); + } + + Future set_transits(List transits) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRoute::set_transits', {'__this__': this, "transits": transits}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapRoute{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapRoute_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_origin_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRoute::get_origin_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_destination_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRoute::get_destination_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_taxiCost_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRoute::get_taxiCost_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future?>> get_paths_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRoute::get_paths_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + Future?>> get_transits_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRoute::get_transits_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_origin_batch(List origin) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRoute::set_origin_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "origin": origin[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_destination_batch(List destination) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRoute::set_destination_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "destination": destination[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_taxiCost_batch(List taxiCost) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRoute::set_taxiCost_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "taxiCost": taxiCost[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_paths_batch(List> paths) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRoute::set_paths_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "paths": paths[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_transits_batch(List> transits) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRoute::set_transits_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "transits": transits[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapRoutePOI.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapRoutePOI.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5b9bfb2 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapRoutePOI.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,181 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapRoutePOI extends AMapSearchObject with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapRoutePOI'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapRoutePOI', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapRoutePOI', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_uid() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRoutePOI::get_uid", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_name() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRoutePOI::get_name", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_location() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRoutePOI::get_location", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_distance() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRoutePOI::get_distance", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_duration() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRoutePOI::get_duration", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_uid(String uid) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRoutePOI::set_uid', {'__this__': this, "uid": uid}); + } + + Future set_name(String name) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRoutePOI::set_name', {'__this__': this, "name": name}); + } + + Future set_location(AMapGeoPoint location) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRoutePOI::set_location', {'__this__': this, "location": location}); + } + + Future set_distance(int distance) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRoutePOI::set_distance', {'__this__': this, "distance": distance}); + } + + Future set_duration(int duration) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRoutePOI::set_duration', {'__this__': this, "duration": duration}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapRoutePOI{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapRoutePOI_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_uid_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRoutePOI::get_uid_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_name_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRoutePOI::get_name_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_location_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRoutePOI::get_location_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_distance_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRoutePOI::get_distance_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_duration_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRoutePOI::get_duration_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_uid_batch(List uid) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRoutePOI::set_uid_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "uid": uid[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_name_batch(List name) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRoutePOI::set_name_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "name": name[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_location_batch(List location) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRoutePOI::set_location_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "location": location[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_distance_batch(List distance) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRoutePOI::set_distance_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "distance": distance[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_duration_batch(List duration) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRoutePOI::set_duration_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "duration": duration[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapRoutePOISearchRequest.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapRoutePOISearchRequest.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ed5bda7 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapRoutePOISearchRequest.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,221 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapRoutePOISearchRequest extends AMapSearchObject with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapRoutePOISearchRequest'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapRoutePOISearchRequest', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapRoutePOISearchRequest', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_origin() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRoutePOISearchRequest::get_origin", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_destination() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRoutePOISearchRequest::get_destination", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_searchType() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRoutePOISearchRequest::get_searchType", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as int).toAMapRoutePOISearchType(); + } + + Future get_strategy() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRoutePOISearchRequest::get_strategy", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_range() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRoutePOISearchRequest::get_range", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_polylineStr() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRoutePOISearchRequest::get_polylineStr", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future?> get_polyline() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRoutePOISearchRequest::get_polyline", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_origin(AMapGeoPoint origin) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRoutePOISearchRequest::set_origin', {'__this__': this, "origin": origin}); + } + + Future set_destination(AMapGeoPoint destination) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRoutePOISearchRequest::set_destination', {'__this__': this, "destination": destination}); + } + + Future set_searchType(AMapRoutePOISearchType searchType) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRoutePOISearchRequest::set_searchType', {'__this__': this, "searchType": searchType.toValue()}); + } + + Future set_strategy(int strategy) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRoutePOISearchRequest::set_strategy', {'__this__': this, "strategy": strategy}); + } + + Future set_range(int range) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRoutePOISearchRequest::set_range', {'__this__': this, "range": range}); + } + + Future set_polylineStr(String polylineStr) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRoutePOISearchRequest::set_polylineStr', {'__this__': this, "polylineStr": polylineStr}); + } + + Future set_polyline(List polyline) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRoutePOISearchRequest::set_polyline', {'__this__': this, "polyline": polyline}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapRoutePOISearchRequest{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapRoutePOISearchRequest_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_origin_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRoutePOISearchRequest::get_origin_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_destination_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRoutePOISearchRequest::get_destination_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_searchType_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRoutePOISearchRequest::get_searchType_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as int).toAMapRoutePOISearchType()).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_strategy_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRoutePOISearchRequest::get_strategy_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_range_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRoutePOISearchRequest::get_range_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_polylineStr_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRoutePOISearchRequest::get_polylineStr_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future?>> get_polyline_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRoutePOISearchRequest::get_polyline_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_origin_batch(List origin) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRoutePOISearchRequest::set_origin_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "origin": origin[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_destination_batch(List destination) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRoutePOISearchRequest::set_destination_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "destination": destination[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_searchType_batch(List searchType) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRoutePOISearchRequest::set_searchType_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "searchType": searchType[__i__].toValue()}]); + + + } + + Future set_strategy_batch(List strategy) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRoutePOISearchRequest::set_strategy_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "strategy": strategy[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_range_batch(List range) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRoutePOISearchRequest::set_range_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "range": range[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_polylineStr_batch(List polylineStr) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRoutePOISearchRequest::set_polylineStr_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "polylineStr": polylineStr[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_polyline_batch(List> polyline) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRoutePOISearchRequest::set_polyline_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "polyline": polyline[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapRoutePOISearchResponse.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapRoutePOISearchResponse.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9d4e66f --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapRoutePOISearchResponse.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapRoutePOISearchResponse extends AMapSearchObject with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapRoutePOISearchResponse'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapRoutePOISearchResponse', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapRoutePOISearchResponse', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_count() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRoutePOISearchResponse::get_count", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future?> get_pois() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRoutePOISearchResponse::get_pois", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_count(int count) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRoutePOISearchResponse::set_count', {'__this__': this, "count": count}); + } + + Future set_pois(List pois) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRoutePOISearchResponse::set_pois', {'__this__': this, "pois": pois}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapRoutePOISearchResponse{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapRoutePOISearchResponse_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_count_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRoutePOISearchResponse::get_count_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future?>> get_pois_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRoutePOISearchResponse::get_pois_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_count_batch(List count) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRoutePOISearchResponse::set_count_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "count": count[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_pois_batch(List> pois) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRoutePOISearchResponse::set_pois_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "pois": pois[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapRoutePOISearchType.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapRoutePOISearchType.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..621a90b --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapRoutePOISearchType.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +enum AMapRoutePOISearchType { + AMapRoutePOISearchTypeGasStation /* 0 */, + AMapRoutePOISearchTypeMaintenanceStation /* 1 */, + AMapRoutePOISearchTypeATM /* 2 */, + AMapRoutePOISearchTypeToilet /* 3 */, + AMapRoutePOISearchTypeGasAirStation /* 4 */, + AMapRoutePOISearchTypeParkStation /* 5 */ +} + +extension AMapRoutePOISearchTypeToX on AMapRoutePOISearchType { + int toValue() { + switch (this) { + case AMapRoutePOISearchType.AMapRoutePOISearchTypeGasStation: return 0; + case AMapRoutePOISearchType.AMapRoutePOISearchTypeMaintenanceStation: return 1; + case AMapRoutePOISearchType.AMapRoutePOISearchTypeATM: return 2; + case AMapRoutePOISearchType.AMapRoutePOISearchTypeToilet: return 3; + case AMapRoutePOISearchType.AMapRoutePOISearchTypeGasAirStation: return 4; + case AMapRoutePOISearchType.AMapRoutePOISearchTypeParkStation: return 5; + default: return 0; + } + } +} + +extension AMapRoutePOISearchTypeFromX on int { + AMapRoutePOISearchType toAMapRoutePOISearchType() { + switch (this) { + case 0: return AMapRoutePOISearchType.AMapRoutePOISearchTypeGasStation; + case 1: return AMapRoutePOISearchType.AMapRoutePOISearchTypeMaintenanceStation; + case 2: return AMapRoutePOISearchType.AMapRoutePOISearchTypeATM; + case 3: return AMapRoutePOISearchType.AMapRoutePOISearchTypeToilet; + case 4: return AMapRoutePOISearchType.AMapRoutePOISearchTypeGasAirStation; + case 5: return AMapRoutePOISearchType.AMapRoutePOISearchTypeParkStation; + default: return AMapRoutePOISearchType.values[this + 0]; + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapRouteSearchBaseRequest.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapRouteSearchBaseRequest.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..067115a --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapRouteSearchBaseRequest.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapRouteSearchBaseRequest extends AMapSearchObject with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapRouteSearchBaseRequest'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapRouteSearchBaseRequest', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapRouteSearchBaseRequest', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_origin() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRouteSearchBaseRequest::get_origin", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_destination() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRouteSearchBaseRequest::get_destination", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_origin(AMapGeoPoint origin) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRouteSearchBaseRequest::set_origin', {'__this__': this, "origin": origin}); + } + + Future set_destination(AMapGeoPoint destination) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRouteSearchBaseRequest::set_destination', {'__this__': this, "destination": destination}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapRouteSearchBaseRequest{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapRouteSearchBaseRequest_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_origin_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRouteSearchBaseRequest::get_origin_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_destination_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRouteSearchBaseRequest::get_destination_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_origin_batch(List origin) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRouteSearchBaseRequest::set_origin_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "origin": origin[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_destination_batch(List destination) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRouteSearchBaseRequest::set_destination_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "destination": destination[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapRouteSearchResponse.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapRouteSearchResponse.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cd8df99 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapRouteSearchResponse.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapRouteSearchResponse extends AMapSearchObject with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapRouteSearchResponse'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapRouteSearchResponse', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapRouteSearchResponse', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_count() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRouteSearchResponse::get_count", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_route() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRouteSearchResponse::get_route", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_count(int count) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRouteSearchResponse::set_count', {'__this__': this, "count": count}); + } + + Future set_route(AMapRoute route) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRouteSearchResponse::set_route', {'__this__': this, "route": route}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapRouteSearchResponse{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapRouteSearchResponse_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_count_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRouteSearchResponse::get_count_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_route_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRouteSearchResponse::get_route_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_count_batch(List count) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRouteSearchResponse::set_count_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "count": count[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_route_batch(List route) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRouteSearchResponse::set_route_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "route": route[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapRouteShareSearchRequest.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapRouteShareSearchRequest.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b0eb179 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapRouteShareSearchRequest.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,201 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapRouteShareSearchRequest extends AMapShareSearchBaseRequest with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapRouteShareSearchRequest'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapRouteShareSearchRequest', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapRouteShareSearchRequest', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_strategy() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRouteShareSearchRequest::get_strategy", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_type() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRouteShareSearchRequest::get_type", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_startCoordinate() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRouteShareSearchRequest::get_startCoordinate", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_destinationCoordinate() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRouteShareSearchRequest::get_destinationCoordinate", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_startName() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRouteShareSearchRequest::get_startName", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_destinationName() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRouteShareSearchRequest::get_destinationName", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_strategy(int strategy) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRouteShareSearchRequest::set_strategy', {'__this__': this, "strategy": strategy}); + } + + Future set_type(int type) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRouteShareSearchRequest::set_type', {'__this__': this, "type": type}); + } + + Future set_startCoordinate(AMapGeoPoint startCoordinate) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRouteShareSearchRequest::set_startCoordinate', {'__this__': this, "startCoordinate": startCoordinate}); + } + + Future set_destinationCoordinate(AMapGeoPoint destinationCoordinate) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRouteShareSearchRequest::set_destinationCoordinate', {'__this__': this, "destinationCoordinate": destinationCoordinate}); + } + + Future set_startName(String startName) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRouteShareSearchRequest::set_startName', {'__this__': this, "startName": startName}); + } + + Future set_destinationName(String destinationName) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRouteShareSearchRequest::set_destinationName', {'__this__': this, "destinationName": destinationName}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapRouteShareSearchRequest{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapRouteShareSearchRequest_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_strategy_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRouteShareSearchRequest::get_strategy_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_type_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRouteShareSearchRequest::get_type_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_startCoordinate_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRouteShareSearchRequest::get_startCoordinate_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_destinationCoordinate_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRouteShareSearchRequest::get_destinationCoordinate_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_startName_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRouteShareSearchRequest::get_startName_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_destinationName_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapRouteShareSearchRequest::get_destinationName_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_strategy_batch(List strategy) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRouteShareSearchRequest::set_strategy_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "strategy": strategy[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_type_batch(List type) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRouteShareSearchRequest::set_type_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "type": type[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_startCoordinate_batch(List startCoordinate) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRouteShareSearchRequest::set_startCoordinate_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "startCoordinate": startCoordinate[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_destinationCoordinate_batch(List destinationCoordinate) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRouteShareSearchRequest::set_destinationCoordinate_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "destinationCoordinate": destinationCoordinate[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_startName_batch(List startName) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRouteShareSearchRequest::set_startName_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "startName": startName[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_destinationName_batch(List destinationName) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapRouteShareSearchRequest::set_destinationName_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "destinationName": destinationName[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapSearchAPI.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapSearchAPI.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ff89824 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapSearchAPI.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,1075 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapSearchAPI extends NSObject { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapSearchAPI'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapSearchAPI', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapSearchAPI', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_timeout() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapSearchAPI::get_timeout", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_language() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapSearchAPI::get_language", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_delegate(AMapSearchDelegate delegate) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSearchAPI::set_delegate', {'__this__': this, "delegate": delegate}); + } + + Future set_timeout(int timeout) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSearchAPI::set_timeout', {'__this__': this, "timeout": timeout}); + } + + Future set_language(String language) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSearchAPI::set_language', {'__this__': this, "language": language}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future init() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: AMapSearchAPI@$refId::init([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSearchAPI::init', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + + Future cancelAllRequests() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: AMapSearchAPI@$refId::cancelAllRequests([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSearchAPI::cancelAllRequests', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + static Future updatePrivacyShow_privacyInfo(AMapPrivacyShowStatus showStatus, AMapPrivacyInfoStatus containStatus) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: AMapSearchAPI::updatePrivacyShow([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSearchAPI::updatePrivacyShow_privacyInfo', {"showStatus": showStatus.toValue(), "containStatus": containStatus.toValue()}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + static Future updatePrivacyAgree(AMapPrivacyAgreeStatus agreeStatus) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: AMapSearchAPI::updatePrivacyAgree([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSearchAPI::updatePrivacyAgree', {"agreeStatus": agreeStatus.toValue()}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future AMapPOIIDSearch(AMapPOIIDSearchRequest request) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: AMapSearchAPI@$refId::AMapPOIIDSearch([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSearchAPI::AMapPOIIDSearch', {"request": request, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future AMapPOIKeywordsSearch(AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest request) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: AMapSearchAPI@$refId::AMapPOIKeywordsSearch([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSearchAPI::AMapPOIKeywordsSearch', {"request": request, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future AMapPOIAroundSearch(AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest request) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: AMapSearchAPI@$refId::AMapPOIAroundSearch([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSearchAPI::AMapPOIAroundSearch', {"request": request, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future AMapPOIPolygonSearch(AMapPOIPolygonSearchRequest request) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: AMapSearchAPI@$refId::AMapPOIPolygonSearch([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSearchAPI::AMapPOIPolygonSearch', {"request": request, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future AMapRoutePOISearch(AMapRoutePOISearchRequest request) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: AMapSearchAPI@$refId::AMapRoutePOISearch([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSearchAPI::AMapRoutePOISearch', {"request": request, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future AMapGeocodeSearch(AMapGeocodeSearchRequest request) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: AMapSearchAPI@$refId::AMapGeocodeSearch([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSearchAPI::AMapGeocodeSearch', {"request": request, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future AMapReGoecodeSearch(AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest request) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: AMapSearchAPI@$refId::AMapReGoecodeSearch([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSearchAPI::AMapReGoecodeSearch', {"request": request, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future AMapInputTipsSearch(AMapInputTipsSearchRequest request) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: AMapSearchAPI@$refId::AMapInputTipsSearch([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSearchAPI::AMapInputTipsSearch', {"request": request, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future AMapBusStopSearch(AMapBusStopSearchRequest request) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: AMapSearchAPI@$refId::AMapBusStopSearch([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSearchAPI::AMapBusStopSearch', {"request": request, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future AMapBusLineIDSearch(AMapBusLineIDSearchRequest request) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: AMapSearchAPI@$refId::AMapBusLineIDSearch([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSearchAPI::AMapBusLineIDSearch', {"request": request, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future AMapBusLineNameSearch(AMapBusLineNameSearchRequest request) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: AMapSearchAPI@$refId::AMapBusLineNameSearch([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSearchAPI::AMapBusLineNameSearch', {"request": request, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future AMapDistrictSearch(AMapDistrictSearchRequest request) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: AMapSearchAPI@$refId::AMapDistrictSearch([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSearchAPI::AMapDistrictSearch', {"request": request, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + @deprecated + Future AMapDrivingRouteSearch(AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest request) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: AMapSearchAPI@$refId::AMapDrivingRouteSearch([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSearchAPI::AMapDrivingRouteSearch', {"request": request, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future AMapDrivingV2RouteSearch(AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest request) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: AMapSearchAPI@$refId::AMapDrivingV2RouteSearch([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSearchAPI::AMapDrivingV2RouteSearch', {"request": request, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future AMapWalkingRouteSearch(AMapWalkingRouteSearchRequest request) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: AMapSearchAPI@$refId::AMapWalkingRouteSearch([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSearchAPI::AMapWalkingRouteSearch', {"request": request, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future AMapTransitRouteSearch(AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest request) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: AMapSearchAPI@$refId::AMapTransitRouteSearch([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSearchAPI::AMapTransitRouteSearch', {"request": request, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future AMapRidingRouteSearch(AMapRidingRouteSearchRequest request) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: AMapSearchAPI@$refId::AMapRidingRouteSearch([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSearchAPI::AMapRidingRouteSearch', {"request": request, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future AMapTruckRouteSearch(AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest request) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: AMapSearchAPI@$refId::AMapTruckRouteSearch([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSearchAPI::AMapTruckRouteSearch', {"request": request, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future AMapFutureRouteSearch(AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest request) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: AMapSearchAPI@$refId::AMapFutureRouteSearch([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSearchAPI::AMapFutureRouteSearch', {"request": request, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future AMapWeatherSearch(AMapWeatherSearchRequest request) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: AMapSearchAPI@$refId::AMapWeatherSearch([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSearchAPI::AMapWeatherSearch', {"request": request, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future AMapDistanceSearch(AMapDistanceSearchRequest request) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: AMapSearchAPI@$refId::AMapDistanceSearch([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSearchAPI::AMapDistanceSearch', {"request": request, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + @deprecated + Future AMapNearbySearch(AMapNearbySearchRequest request) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: AMapSearchAPI@$refId::AMapNearbySearch([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSearchAPI::AMapNearbySearch', {"request": request, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future AMapCloudPOIAroundSearch(AMapCloudPOIAroundSearchRequest request) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: AMapSearchAPI@$refId::AMapCloudPOIAroundSearch([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSearchAPI::AMapCloudPOIAroundSearch', {"request": request, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future AMapCloudPOIPolygonSearch(AMapCloudPOIPolygonSearchRequest request) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: AMapSearchAPI@$refId::AMapCloudPOIPolygonSearch([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSearchAPI::AMapCloudPOIPolygonSearch', {"request": request, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future AMapCloudPOIIDSearch(AMapCloudPOIIDSearchRequest request) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: AMapSearchAPI@$refId::AMapCloudPOIIDSearch([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSearchAPI::AMapCloudPOIIDSearch', {"request": request, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future AMapCloudPOILocalSearch(AMapCloudPOILocalSearchRequest request) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: AMapSearchAPI@$refId::AMapCloudPOILocalSearch([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSearchAPI::AMapCloudPOILocalSearch', {"request": request, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future AMapLocationShareSearch(AMapLocationShareSearchRequest request) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: AMapSearchAPI@$refId::AMapLocationShareSearch([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSearchAPI::AMapLocationShareSearch', {"request": request, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future AMapPOIShareSearch(AMapPOIShareSearchRequest request) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: AMapSearchAPI@$refId::AMapPOIShareSearch([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSearchAPI::AMapPOIShareSearch', {"request": request, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future AMapRouteShareSearch(AMapRouteShareSearchRequest request) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: AMapSearchAPI@$refId::AMapRouteShareSearch([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSearchAPI::AMapRouteShareSearch', {"request": request, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + + Future AMapNavigationShareSearch(AMapNavigationShareSearchRequest request) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: AMapSearchAPI@$refId::AMapNavigationShareSearch([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSearchAPI::AMapNavigationShareSearch', {"request": request, "__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapSearchAPI{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapSearchAPI_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_timeout_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapSearchAPI::get_timeout_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_language_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapSearchAPI::get_language_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_timeout_batch(List timeout) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSearchAPI::set_timeout_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "timeout": timeout[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_language_batch(List language) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSearchAPI::set_language_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "language": language[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> init_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSearchAPI::init_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> cancelAllRequests_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSearchAPI::cancelAllRequests_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> updatePrivacyShow_privacyInfo_batch(List showStatus, List containStatus) async { + assert(showStatus.length == containStatus.length); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSearchAPI::updatePrivacyShow_privacyInfo_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < showStatus.length; __i__++) {"showStatus": showStatus[__i__].toValue(), "containStatus": containStatus[__i__].toValue()}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + static Future> updatePrivacyAgree_batch(List agreeStatus) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSearchAPI::updatePrivacyAgree_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < agreeStatus.length; __i__++) {"agreeStatus": agreeStatus[__i__].toValue()}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> AMapPOIIDSearch_batch(List request) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSearchAPI::AMapPOIIDSearch_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"request": request[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> AMapPOIKeywordsSearch_batch(List request) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSearchAPI::AMapPOIKeywordsSearch_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"request": request[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> AMapPOIAroundSearch_batch(List request) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSearchAPI::AMapPOIAroundSearch_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"request": request[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> AMapPOIPolygonSearch_batch(List request) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSearchAPI::AMapPOIPolygonSearch_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"request": request[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> AMapRoutePOISearch_batch(List request) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSearchAPI::AMapRoutePOISearch_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"request": request[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> AMapGeocodeSearch_batch(List request) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSearchAPI::AMapGeocodeSearch_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"request": request[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> AMapReGoecodeSearch_batch(List request) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSearchAPI::AMapReGoecodeSearch_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"request": request[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> AMapInputTipsSearch_batch(List request) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSearchAPI::AMapInputTipsSearch_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"request": request[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> AMapBusStopSearch_batch(List request) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSearchAPI::AMapBusStopSearch_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"request": request[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> AMapBusLineIDSearch_batch(List request) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSearchAPI::AMapBusLineIDSearch_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"request": request[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> AMapBusLineNameSearch_batch(List request) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSearchAPI::AMapBusLineNameSearch_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"request": request[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> AMapDistrictSearch_batch(List request) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSearchAPI::AMapDistrictSearch_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"request": request[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + @deprecated + Future> AMapDrivingRouteSearch_batch(List request) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSearchAPI::AMapDrivingRouteSearch_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"request": request[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> AMapDrivingV2RouteSearch_batch(List request) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSearchAPI::AMapDrivingV2RouteSearch_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"request": request[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> AMapWalkingRouteSearch_batch(List request) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSearchAPI::AMapWalkingRouteSearch_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"request": request[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> AMapTransitRouteSearch_batch(List request) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSearchAPI::AMapTransitRouteSearch_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"request": request[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> AMapRidingRouteSearch_batch(List request) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSearchAPI::AMapRidingRouteSearch_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"request": request[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> AMapTruckRouteSearch_batch(List request) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSearchAPI::AMapTruckRouteSearch_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"request": request[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> AMapFutureRouteSearch_batch(List request) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSearchAPI::AMapFutureRouteSearch_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"request": request[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> AMapWeatherSearch_batch(List request) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSearchAPI::AMapWeatherSearch_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"request": request[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> AMapDistanceSearch_batch(List request) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSearchAPI::AMapDistanceSearch_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"request": request[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + @deprecated + Future> AMapNearbySearch_batch(List request) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSearchAPI::AMapNearbySearch_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"request": request[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> AMapCloudPOIAroundSearch_batch(List request) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSearchAPI::AMapCloudPOIAroundSearch_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"request": request[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> AMapCloudPOIPolygonSearch_batch(List request) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSearchAPI::AMapCloudPOIPolygonSearch_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"request": request[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> AMapCloudPOIIDSearch_batch(List request) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSearchAPI::AMapCloudPOIIDSearch_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"request": request[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> AMapCloudPOILocalSearch_batch(List request) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSearchAPI::AMapCloudPOILocalSearch_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"request": request[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> AMapLocationShareSearch_batch(List request) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSearchAPI::AMapLocationShareSearch_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"request": request[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> AMapPOIShareSearch_batch(List request) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSearchAPI::AMapPOIShareSearch_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"request": request[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> AMapRouteShareSearch_batch(List request) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSearchAPI::AMapRouteShareSearch_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"request": request[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + + Future> AMapNavigationShareSearch_batch(List request) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSearchAPI::AMapNavigationShareSearch_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"request": request[__i__], "__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapSearchCoordinateType.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapSearchCoordinateType.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..540cc54 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapSearchCoordinateType.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +enum AMapSearchCoordinateType { + AMapSearchCoordinateTypeGPS /* 1 */, + AMapSearchCoordinateTypeAMap /* 2 */ +} + +extension AMapSearchCoordinateTypeToX on AMapSearchCoordinateType { + int toValue() { + switch (this) { + case AMapSearchCoordinateType.AMapSearchCoordinateTypeGPS: return 1; + case AMapSearchCoordinateType.AMapSearchCoordinateTypeAMap: return 2; + default: return 0; + } + } +} + +extension AMapSearchCoordinateTypeFromX on int { + AMapSearchCoordinateType toAMapSearchCoordinateType() { + switch (this) { + case 1: return AMapSearchCoordinateType.AMapSearchCoordinateTypeGPS; + case 2: return AMapSearchCoordinateType.AMapSearchCoordinateTypeAMap; + default: return AMapSearchCoordinateType.values[this + 1]; + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapSearchDelegate.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapSearchDelegate.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3f43ec9 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapSearchDelegate.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,232 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class _AMapSearchDelegate_SUB extends NSObject with AMapSearchDelegate {} + +mixin AMapSearchDelegate on NSObject { + + + static AMapSearchDelegate subInstance() => _AMapSearchDelegate_SUB(); + + static Future anonymous__() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSearchDelegate::createAnonymous__'); + + final __object__ = AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + + // handle callback + MethodChannel('AMapSearchDelegate::Callback@${__object__.refId}', kAmapSearchFluttifyMethodCodec) + .setMethodCallHandler((methodCall) async { + try { + final args = methodCall.arguments as Map; + switch (methodCall.method) { + case 'AMapSearchRequest_didFailWithError': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.AMapSearchRequest_didFailWithError?.call([\'request\':${args['request']}, \'error\':${args['error']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.AMapSearchRequest_didFailWithError?.call(AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(args['request']), AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(args['error'])); + break; + case 'onPOISearchDone_response': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onPOISearchDone_response?.call([\'request\':${args['request']}, \'response\':${args['response']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onPOISearchDone_response?.call(AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(args['request']), AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(args['response'])); + break; + case 'onRoutePOISearchDone_response': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onRoutePOISearchDone_response?.call([\'request\':${args['request']}, \'response\':${args['response']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onRoutePOISearchDone_response?.call(AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(args['request']), AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(args['response'])); + break; + case 'onGeocodeSearchDone_response': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onGeocodeSearchDone_response?.call([\'request\':${args['request']}, \'response\':${args['response']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onGeocodeSearchDone_response?.call(AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(args['request']), AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(args['response'])); + break; + case 'onReGeocodeSearchDone_response': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onReGeocodeSearchDone_response?.call([\'request\':${args['request']}, \'response\':${args['response']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onReGeocodeSearchDone_response?.call(AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(args['request']), AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(args['response'])); + break; + case 'onInputTipsSearchDone_response': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onInputTipsSearchDone_response?.call([\'request\':${args['request']}, \'response\':${args['response']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onInputTipsSearchDone_response?.call(AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(args['request']), AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(args['response'])); + break; + case 'onBusStopSearchDone_response': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onBusStopSearchDone_response?.call([\'request\':${args['request']}, \'response\':${args['response']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onBusStopSearchDone_response?.call(AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(args['request']), AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(args['response'])); + break; + case 'onBusLineSearchDone_response': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onBusLineSearchDone_response?.call([\'request\':${args['request']}, \'response\':${args['response']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onBusLineSearchDone_response?.call(AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(args['request']), AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(args['response'])); + break; + case 'onDistrictSearchDone_response': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onDistrictSearchDone_response?.call([\'request\':${args['request']}, \'response\':${args['response']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onDistrictSearchDone_response?.call(AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(args['request']), AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(args['response'])); + break; + case 'onRouteSearchDone_response': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onRouteSearchDone_response?.call([\'request\':${args['request']}, \'response\':${args['response']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onRouteSearchDone_response?.call(AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(args['request']), AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(args['response'])); + break; + case 'onFutureRouteSearchDone_response': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onFutureRouteSearchDone_response?.call([\'request\':${args['request']}, \'response\':${args['response']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onFutureRouteSearchDone_response?.call(AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(args['request']), AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(args['response'])); + break; + case 'onDistanceSearchDone_response': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onDistanceSearchDone_response?.call([\'request\':${args['request']}, \'response\':${args['response']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onDistanceSearchDone_response?.call(AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(args['request']), AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(args['response'])); + break; + case 'onWeatherSearchDone_response': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onWeatherSearchDone_response?.call([\'request\':${args['request']}, \'response\':${args['response']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onWeatherSearchDone_response?.call(AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(args['request']), AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(args['response'])); + break; + case 'onNearbySearchDone_response': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onNearbySearchDone_response?.call([\'request\':${args['request']}, \'response\':${args['response']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onNearbySearchDone_response?.call(AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(args['request']), AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(args['response'])); + break; + case 'onCloudSearchDone_response': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onCloudSearchDone_response?.call([\'request\':${args['request']}, \'response\':${args['response']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onCloudSearchDone_response?.call(AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(args['request']), AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(args['response'])); + break; + case 'onShareSearchDone_response': + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart-callback: __object__.onShareSearchDone_response?.call([\'request\':${args['request']}, \'response\':${args['response']}])'); + } + + // handle the native call + __object__.onShareSearchDone_response?.call(AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(args['request']), AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(args['response'])); + break; + default: + throw MissingPluginException('方法${methodCall.method}未实现'); + break; + } + } catch (e) { + debugPrint(e.toString()); + rethrow; + } + }); + + return __object__; + } + + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + + + + Future Function(dynamic request, NSError? error)? AMapSearchRequest_didFailWithError; + + Future Function(AMapPOISearchBaseRequest? request, AMapPOISearchResponse? response)? onPOISearchDone_response; + + Future Function(AMapRoutePOISearchRequest? request, AMapRoutePOISearchResponse? response)? onRoutePOISearchDone_response; + + Future Function(AMapGeocodeSearchRequest? request, AMapGeocodeSearchResponse? response)? onGeocodeSearchDone_response; + + Future Function(AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest? request, AMapReGeocodeSearchResponse? response)? onReGeocodeSearchDone_response; + + Future Function(AMapInputTipsSearchRequest? request, AMapInputTipsSearchResponse? response)? onInputTipsSearchDone_response; + + Future Function(AMapBusStopSearchRequest? request, AMapBusStopSearchResponse? response)? onBusStopSearchDone_response; + + Future Function(AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest? request, AMapBusLineSearchResponse? response)? onBusLineSearchDone_response; + + Future Function(AMapDistrictSearchRequest? request, AMapDistrictSearchResponse? response)? onDistrictSearchDone_response; + + Future Function(AMapRouteSearchBaseRequest? request, AMapRouteSearchResponse? response)? onRouteSearchDone_response; + + Future Function(AMapRouteSearchBaseRequest? request, AMapFutureRouteSearchResponse? response)? onFutureRouteSearchDone_response; + + Future Function(AMapDistanceSearchRequest? request, AMapDistanceSearchResponse? response)? onDistanceSearchDone_response; + + Future Function(AMapWeatherSearchRequest? request, AMapWeatherSearchResponse? response)? onWeatherSearchDone_response; + + Future Function(AMapNearbySearchRequest? request, AMapNearbySearchResponse? response)? onNearbySearchDone_response; + + Future Function(AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest? request, AMapCloudPOISearchResponse? response)? onCloudSearchDone_response; + + Future Function(AMapShareSearchBaseRequest? request, AMapShareSearchResponse? response)? onShareSearchDone_response; + +} + diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapSearchError.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapSearchError.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c85b82f --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapSearchError.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,111 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapSearchError extends NSObject { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapSearchError'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapSearchError', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapSearchError', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + static Future errorInfoWithCode(AMapSearchErrorCode errorCode) async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: AMapSearchError::errorInfoWithCode([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSearchError::errorInfoWithCode', {"errorCode": errorCode.toValue()}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapSearchError{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapSearchError_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + static Future> errorInfoWithCode_batch(List errorCode) async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSearchError::errorInfoWithCode_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < errorCode.length; __i__++) {"errorCode": errorCode[__i__].toValue()}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapSearchErrorCode.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapSearchErrorCode.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7665c2f --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapSearchErrorCode.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,164 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +enum AMapSearchErrorCode { + AMapSearchErrorOK /* 1000 */, + AMapSearchErrorInvalidSignature /* 1001 */, + AMapSearchErrorInvalidUserKey /* 1002 */, + AMapSearchErrorServiceNotAvailable /* 1003 */, + AMapSearchErrorDailyQueryOverLimit /* 1004 */, + AMapSearchErrorTooFrequently /* 1005 */, + AMapSearchErrorInvalidUserIP /* 1006 */, + AMapSearchErrorInvalidUserDomain /* 1007 */, + AMapSearchErrorInvalidUserSCode /* 1008 */, + AMapSearchErrorUserKeyNotMatch /* 1009 */, + AMapSearchErrorIPQueryOverLimit /* 1010 */, + AMapSearchErrorNotSupportHttps /* 1011 */, + AMapSearchErrorInsufficientPrivileges /* 1012 */, + AMapSearchErrorUserKeyRecycled /* 1013 */, + AMapSearchErrorInvalidResponse /* 1100 */, + AMapSearchErrorInvalidEngineData /* 1101 */, + AMapSearchErrorConnectTimeout /* 1102 */, + AMapSearchErrorReturnTimeout /* 1103 */, + AMapSearchErrorInvalidParams /* 1200 */, + AMapSearchErrorMissingRequiredParams /* 1201 */, + AMapSearchErrorIllegalRequest /* 1202 */, + AMapSearchErrorServiceUnknown /* 1203 */, + AMapSearchErrorClientUnknown /* 1800 */, + AMapSearchErrorInvalidProtocol /* 1801 */, + AMapSearchErrorTimeOut /* 1802 */, + AMapSearchErrorBadURL /* 1803 */, + AMapSearchErrorCannotFindHost /* 1804 */, + AMapSearchErrorCannotConnectToHost /* 1805 */, + AMapSearchErrorNotConnectedToInternet /* 1806 */, + AMapSearchErrorCancelled /* 1807 */, + AMapSearchErrorOverPassPointCount /* 1809 */, + AMapSearchErrorOverPassAreaMaxCount /* 1810 */, + AMapSearchErrorOverPassAreaMaxArea /* 1811 */, + AMapSearchErrorOverPassAreaPointCount /* 1812 */, + AMapSearchErrorOverPassKeyWordLenth /* 1813 */, + AMapSearchErrorTableIDNotExist /* 2000 */, + AMapSearchErrorIDNotExist /* 2001 */, + AMapSearchErrorServiceMaintenance /* 2002 */, + AMapSearchErrorEngineTableIDNotExist /* 2003 */, + AMapSearchErrorInvalidNearbyUserID /* 2100 */, + AMapSearchErrorNearbyKeyNotBind /* 2101 */, + AMapSearchErrorOutOfService /* 3000 */, + AMapSearchErrorNoRoadsNearby /* 3001 */, + AMapSearchErrorRouteFailed /* 3002 */, + AMapSearchErrorOverDirectionRange /* 3003 */, + AMapSearchErrorShareLicenseExpired /* 4000 */, + AMapSearchErrorShareFailed /* 4001 */ +} + +extension AMapSearchErrorCodeToX on AMapSearchErrorCode { + int toValue() { + switch (this) { + case AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorOK: return 1000; + case AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorInvalidSignature: return 1001; + case AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorInvalidUserKey: return 1002; + case AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorServiceNotAvailable: return 1003; + case AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorDailyQueryOverLimit: return 1004; + case AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorTooFrequently: return 1005; + case AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorInvalidUserIP: return 1006; + case AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorInvalidUserDomain: return 1007; + case AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorInvalidUserSCode: return 1008; + case AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorUserKeyNotMatch: return 1009; + case AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorIPQueryOverLimit: return 1010; + case AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorNotSupportHttps: return 1011; + case AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorInsufficientPrivileges: return 1012; + case AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorUserKeyRecycled: return 1013; + case AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorInvalidResponse: return 1100; + case AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorInvalidEngineData: return 1101; + case AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorConnectTimeout: return 1102; + case AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorReturnTimeout: return 1103; + case AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorInvalidParams: return 1200; + case AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorMissingRequiredParams: return 1201; + case AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorIllegalRequest: return 1202; + case AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorServiceUnknown: return 1203; + case AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorClientUnknown: return 1800; + case AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorInvalidProtocol: return 1801; + case AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorTimeOut: return 1802; + case AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorBadURL: return 1803; + case AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorCannotFindHost: return 1804; + case AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorCannotConnectToHost: return 1805; + case AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorNotConnectedToInternet: return 1806; + case AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorCancelled: return 1807; + case AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorOverPassPointCount: return 1809; + case AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorOverPassAreaMaxCount: return 1810; + case AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorOverPassAreaMaxArea: return 1811; + case AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorOverPassAreaPointCount: return 1812; + case AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorOverPassKeyWordLenth: return 1813; + case AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorTableIDNotExist: return 2000; + case AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorIDNotExist: return 2001; + case AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorServiceMaintenance: return 2002; + case AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorEngineTableIDNotExist: return 2003; + case AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorInvalidNearbyUserID: return 2100; + case AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorNearbyKeyNotBind: return 2101; + case AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorOutOfService: return 3000; + case AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorNoRoadsNearby: return 3001; + case AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorRouteFailed: return 3002; + case AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorOverDirectionRange: return 3003; + case AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorShareLicenseExpired: return 4000; + case AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorShareFailed: return 4001; + default: return 0; + } + } +} + +extension AMapSearchErrorCodeFromX on int { + AMapSearchErrorCode toAMapSearchErrorCode() { + switch (this) { + case 1000: return AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorOK; + case 1001: return AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorInvalidSignature; + case 1002: return AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorInvalidUserKey; + case 1003: return AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorServiceNotAvailable; + case 1004: return AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorDailyQueryOverLimit; + case 1005: return AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorTooFrequently; + case 1006: return AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorInvalidUserIP; + case 1007: return AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorInvalidUserDomain; + case 1008: return AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorInvalidUserSCode; + case 1009: return AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorUserKeyNotMatch; + case 1010: return AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorIPQueryOverLimit; + case 1011: return AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorNotSupportHttps; + case 1012: return AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorInsufficientPrivileges; + case 1013: return AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorUserKeyRecycled; + case 1100: return AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorInvalidResponse; + case 1101: return AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorInvalidEngineData; + case 1102: return AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorConnectTimeout; + case 1103: return AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorReturnTimeout; + case 1200: return AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorInvalidParams; + case 1201: return AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorMissingRequiredParams; + case 1202: return AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorIllegalRequest; + case 1203: return AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorServiceUnknown; + case 1800: return AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorClientUnknown; + case 1801: return AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorInvalidProtocol; + case 1802: return AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorTimeOut; + case 1803: return AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorBadURL; + case 1804: return AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorCannotFindHost; + case 1805: return AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorCannotConnectToHost; + case 1806: return AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorNotConnectedToInternet; + case 1807: return AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorCancelled; + case 1809: return AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorOverPassPointCount; + case 1810: return AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorOverPassAreaMaxCount; + case 1811: return AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorOverPassAreaMaxArea; + case 1812: return AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorOverPassAreaPointCount; + case 1813: return AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorOverPassKeyWordLenth; + case 2000: return AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorTableIDNotExist; + case 2001: return AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorIDNotExist; + case 2002: return AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorServiceMaintenance; + case 2003: return AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorEngineTableIDNotExist; + case 2100: return AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorInvalidNearbyUserID; + case 2101: return AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorNearbyKeyNotBind; + case 3000: return AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorOutOfService; + case 3001: return AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorNoRoadsNearby; + case 3002: return AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorRouteFailed; + case 3003: return AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorOverDirectionRange; + case 4000: return AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorShareLicenseExpired; + case 4001: return AMapSearchErrorCode.AMapSearchErrorShareFailed; + default: return AMapSearchErrorCode.values[this + 1000]; + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapSearchObject.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapSearchObject.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5ce4802 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapSearchObject.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,111 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapSearchObject extends NSObject with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapSearchObject'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapSearchObject', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapSearchObject', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future formattedDescription() async { + // print log + if (fluttifyLogEnabled) { + debugPrint('fluttify-dart: AMapSearchObject@$refId::formattedDescription([])'); + } + + // invoke native method + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSearchObject::formattedDescription', {"__this__": this}); + + + // handle native call + + + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapSearchObject{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapSearchObject_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + Future> formattedDescription_batch() async { + assert(true); + + // invoke native method + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSearchObject::formattedDescription_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {"__this__": this[__i__]}]); + + + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapSegment.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapSegment.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6865a5d --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapSegment.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,241 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapSegment extends AMapSearchObject with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapSegment'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapSegment', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapSegment', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_walking() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapSegment::get_walking", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future?> get_buslines() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapSegment::get_buslines", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + Future get_taxi() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapSegment::get_taxi", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_railway() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapSegment::get_railway", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_enterName() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapSegment::get_enterName", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_enterLocation() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapSegment::get_enterLocation", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_exitName() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapSegment::get_exitName", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_exitLocation() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapSegment::get_exitLocation", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_walking(AMapWalking walking) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSegment::set_walking', {'__this__': this, "walking": walking}); + } + + Future set_buslines(List buslines) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSegment::set_buslines', {'__this__': this, "buslines": buslines}); + } + + Future set_taxi(AMapTaxi taxi) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSegment::set_taxi', {'__this__': this, "taxi": taxi}); + } + + Future set_railway(AMapRailway railway) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSegment::set_railway', {'__this__': this, "railway": railway}); + } + + Future set_enterName(String enterName) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSegment::set_enterName', {'__this__': this, "enterName": enterName}); + } + + Future set_enterLocation(AMapGeoPoint enterLocation) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSegment::set_enterLocation', {'__this__': this, "enterLocation": enterLocation}); + } + + Future set_exitName(String exitName) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSegment::set_exitName', {'__this__': this, "exitName": exitName}); + } + + Future set_exitLocation(AMapGeoPoint exitLocation) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSegment::set_exitLocation', {'__this__': this, "exitLocation": exitLocation}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapSegment{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapSegment_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_walking_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapSegment::get_walking_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future?>> get_buslines_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapSegment::get_buslines_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + Future> get_taxi_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapSegment::get_taxi_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_railway_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapSegment::get_railway_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_enterName_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapSegment::get_enterName_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_enterLocation_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapSegment::get_enterLocation_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_exitName_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapSegment::get_exitName_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_exitLocation_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapSegment::get_exitLocation_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_walking_batch(List walking) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSegment::set_walking_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "walking": walking[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_buslines_batch(List> buslines) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSegment::set_buslines_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "buslines": buslines[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_taxi_batch(List taxi) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSegment::set_taxi_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "taxi": taxi[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_railway_batch(List railway) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSegment::set_railway_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "railway": railway[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_enterName_batch(List enterName) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSegment::set_enterName_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "enterName": enterName[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_enterLocation_batch(List enterLocation) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSegment::set_enterLocation_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "enterLocation": enterLocation[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_exitName_batch(List exitName) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSegment::set_exitName_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "exitName": exitName[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_exitLocation_batch(List exitLocation) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSegment::set_exitLocation_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "exitLocation": exitLocation[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapShareSearchBaseRequest.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapShareSearchBaseRequest.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a9b7124 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapShareSearchBaseRequest.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,85 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapShareSearchBaseRequest extends AMapSearchObject with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapShareSearchBaseRequest'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapShareSearchBaseRequest', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapShareSearchBaseRequest', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapShareSearchBaseRequest{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapShareSearchBaseRequest_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + + //endregion + + //region setters + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapShareSearchResponse.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapShareSearchResponse.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..966f0e3 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapShareSearchResponse.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,101 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapShareSearchResponse extends AMapSearchObject with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapShareSearchResponse'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapShareSearchResponse', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapShareSearchResponse', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_shareURL() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapShareSearchResponse::get_shareURL", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_shareURL(String shareURL) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapShareSearchResponse::set_shareURL', {'__this__': this, "shareURL": shareURL}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapShareSearchResponse{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapShareSearchResponse_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_shareURL_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapShareSearchResponse::get_shareURL_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_shareURL_batch(List shareURL) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapShareSearchResponse::set_shareURL_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "shareURL": shareURL[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapStep.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapStep.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bd3a5e7 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapStep.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,361 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapStep extends AMapSearchObject with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapStep'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapStep', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapStep', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_instruction() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapStep::get_instruction", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_orientation() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapStep::get_orientation", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_road() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapStep::get_road", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_distance() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapStep::get_distance", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_duration() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapStep::get_duration", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_polyline() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapStep::get_polyline", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_action() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapStep::get_action", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_assistantAction() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapStep::get_assistantAction", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_tolls() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapStep::get_tolls", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_tollDistance() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapStep::get_tollDistance", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_tollRoad() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapStep::get_tollRoad", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_totalTrafficLights() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapStep::get_totalTrafficLights", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future?> get_cities() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapStep::get_cities", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + Future?> get_tmcs() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapStep::get_tmcs", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_instruction(String instruction) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapStep::set_instruction', {'__this__': this, "instruction": instruction}); + } + + Future set_orientation(String orientation) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapStep::set_orientation', {'__this__': this, "orientation": orientation}); + } + + Future set_road(String road) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapStep::set_road', {'__this__': this, "road": road}); + } + + Future set_distance(int distance) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapStep::set_distance', {'__this__': this, "distance": distance}); + } + + Future set_duration(int duration) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapStep::set_duration', {'__this__': this, "duration": duration}); + } + + Future set_polyline(String polyline) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapStep::set_polyline', {'__this__': this, "polyline": polyline}); + } + + Future set_action(String action) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapStep::set_action', {'__this__': this, "action": action}); + } + + Future set_assistantAction(String assistantAction) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapStep::set_assistantAction', {'__this__': this, "assistantAction": assistantAction}); + } + + Future set_tolls(double tolls) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapStep::set_tolls', {'__this__': this, "tolls": tolls}); + } + + Future set_tollDistance(int tollDistance) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapStep::set_tollDistance', {'__this__': this, "tollDistance": tollDistance}); + } + + Future set_tollRoad(String tollRoad) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapStep::set_tollRoad', {'__this__': this, "tollRoad": tollRoad}); + } + + Future set_totalTrafficLights(int totalTrafficLights) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapStep::set_totalTrafficLights', {'__this__': this, "totalTrafficLights": totalTrafficLights}); + } + + Future set_cities(List cities) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapStep::set_cities', {'__this__': this, "cities": cities}); + } + + Future set_tmcs(List tmcs) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapStep::set_tmcs', {'__this__': this, "tmcs": tmcs}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapStep{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapStep_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_instruction_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapStep::get_instruction_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_orientation_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapStep::get_orientation_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_road_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapStep::get_road_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_distance_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapStep::get_distance_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_duration_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapStep::get_duration_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_polyline_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapStep::get_polyline_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_action_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapStep::get_action_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_assistantAction_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapStep::get_assistantAction_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_tolls_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapStep::get_tolls_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_tollDistance_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapStep::get_tollDistance_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_tollRoad_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapStep::get_tollRoad_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_totalTrafficLights_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapStep::get_totalTrafficLights_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future?>> get_cities_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapStep::get_cities_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + Future?>> get_tmcs_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapStep::get_tmcs_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_instruction_batch(List instruction) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapStep::set_instruction_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "instruction": instruction[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_orientation_batch(List orientation) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapStep::set_orientation_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "orientation": orientation[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_road_batch(List road) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapStep::set_road_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "road": road[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_distance_batch(List distance) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapStep::set_distance_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "distance": distance[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_duration_batch(List duration) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapStep::set_duration_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "duration": duration[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_polyline_batch(List polyline) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapStep::set_polyline_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "polyline": polyline[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_action_batch(List action) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapStep::set_action_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "action": action[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_assistantAction_batch(List assistantAction) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapStep::set_assistantAction_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "assistantAction": assistantAction[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_tolls_batch(List tolls) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapStep::set_tolls_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "tolls": tolls[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_tollDistance_batch(List tollDistance) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapStep::set_tollDistance_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "tollDistance": tollDistance[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_tollRoad_batch(List tollRoad) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapStep::set_tollRoad_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "tollRoad": tollRoad[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_totalTrafficLights_batch(List totalTrafficLights) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapStep::set_totalTrafficLights_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "totalTrafficLights": totalTrafficLights[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_cities_batch(List> cities) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapStep::set_cities_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "cities": cities[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_tmcs_batch(List> tmcs) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapStep::set_tmcs_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "tmcs": tmcs[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapStreetNumber.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapStreetNumber.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1505ecb --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapStreetNumber.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,181 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapStreetNumber extends AMapSearchObject with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapStreetNumber'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapStreetNumber', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapStreetNumber', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_street() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapStreetNumber::get_street", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_number() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapStreetNumber::get_number", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_location() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapStreetNumber::get_location", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_distance() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapStreetNumber::get_distance", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_direction() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapStreetNumber::get_direction", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_street(String street) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapStreetNumber::set_street', {'__this__': this, "street": street}); + } + + Future set_number(String number) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapStreetNumber::set_number', {'__this__': this, "number": number}); + } + + Future set_location(AMapGeoPoint location) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapStreetNumber::set_location', {'__this__': this, "location": location}); + } + + Future set_distance(int distance) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapStreetNumber::set_distance', {'__this__': this, "distance": distance}); + } + + Future set_direction(String direction) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapStreetNumber::set_direction', {'__this__': this, "direction": direction}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapStreetNumber{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapStreetNumber_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_street_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapStreetNumber::get_street_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_number_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapStreetNumber::get_number_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_location_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapStreetNumber::get_location_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_distance_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapStreetNumber::get_distance_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_direction_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapStreetNumber::get_direction_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_street_batch(List street) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapStreetNumber::set_street_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "street": street[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_number_batch(List number) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapStreetNumber::set_number_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "number": number[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_location_batch(List location) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapStreetNumber::set_location_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "location": location[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_distance_batch(List distance) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapStreetNumber::set_distance_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "distance": distance[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_direction_batch(List direction) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapStreetNumber::set_direction_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "direction": direction[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapSubPOI.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapSubPOI.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0059aa8 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapSubPOI.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,221 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapSubPOI extends AMapSearchObject with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapSubPOI'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapSubPOI', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapSubPOI', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_uid() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapSubPOI::get_uid", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_name() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapSubPOI::get_name", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_sname() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapSubPOI::get_sname", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_location() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapSubPOI::get_location", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_address() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapSubPOI::get_address", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_distance() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapSubPOI::get_distance", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_subtype() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapSubPOI::get_subtype", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_uid(String uid) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSubPOI::set_uid', {'__this__': this, "uid": uid}); + } + + Future set_name(String name) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSubPOI::set_name', {'__this__': this, "name": name}); + } + + Future set_sname(String sname) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSubPOI::set_sname', {'__this__': this, "sname": sname}); + } + + Future set_location(AMapGeoPoint location) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSubPOI::set_location', {'__this__': this, "location": location}); + } + + Future set_address(String address) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSubPOI::set_address', {'__this__': this, "address": address}); + } + + Future set_distance(int distance) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSubPOI::set_distance', {'__this__': this, "distance": distance}); + } + + Future set_subtype(String subtype) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSubPOI::set_subtype', {'__this__': this, "subtype": subtype}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapSubPOI{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapSubPOI_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_uid_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapSubPOI::get_uid_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_name_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapSubPOI::get_name_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_sname_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapSubPOI::get_sname_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_location_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapSubPOI::get_location_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_address_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapSubPOI::get_address_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_distance_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapSubPOI::get_distance_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_subtype_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapSubPOI::get_subtype_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_uid_batch(List uid) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSubPOI::set_uid_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "uid": uid[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_name_batch(List name) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSubPOI::set_name_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "name": name[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_sname_batch(List sname) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSubPOI::set_sname_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "sname": sname[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_location_batch(List location) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSubPOI::set_location_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "location": location[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_address_batch(List address) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSubPOI::set_address_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "address": address[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_distance_batch(List distance) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSubPOI::set_distance_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "distance": distance[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_subtype_batch(List subtype) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSubPOI::set_subtype_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "subtype": subtype[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapSuggestion.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapSuggestion.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4e6ec16 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapSuggestion.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapSuggestion extends AMapSearchObject with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapSuggestion'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapSuggestion', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapSuggestion', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future?> get_keywords() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapSuggestion::get_keywords", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as List?)?.cast(); + } + + Future?> get_cities() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapSuggestion::get_cities", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_keywords(List keywords) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSuggestion::set_keywords', {'__this__': this, "keywords": keywords}); + } + + Future set_cities(List cities) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSuggestion::set_cities', {'__this__': this, "cities": cities}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapSuggestion{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapSuggestion_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future?>> get_keywords_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapSuggestion::get_keywords_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.cast()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + Future?>> get_cities_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapSuggestion::get_cities_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_keywords_batch(List> keywords) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSuggestion::set_keywords_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "keywords": keywords[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_cities_batch(List> cities) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapSuggestion::set_cities_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "cities": cities[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapTMC.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapTMC.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e5781b9 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapTMC.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,141 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapTMC extends AMapSearchObject with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapTMC'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapTMC', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapTMC', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_distance() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTMC::get_distance", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_status() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTMC::get_status", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_polyline() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTMC::get_polyline", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_distance(int distance) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTMC::set_distance', {'__this__': this, "distance": distance}); + } + + Future set_status(String status) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTMC::set_status', {'__this__': this, "status": status}); + } + + Future set_polyline(String polyline) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTMC::set_polyline', {'__this__': this, "polyline": polyline}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapTMC{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapTMC_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_distance_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTMC::get_distance_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_status_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTMC::get_status_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_polyline_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTMC::get_polyline_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_distance_batch(List distance) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTMC::set_distance_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "distance": distance[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_status_batch(List status) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTMC::set_status_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "status": status[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_polyline_batch(List polyline) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTMC::set_polyline_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "polyline": polyline[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapTaxi.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapTaxi.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7a2ac7b --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapTaxi.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,201 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapTaxi extends AMapSearchObject with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapTaxi'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapTaxi', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapTaxi', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_origin() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTaxi::get_origin", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_destination() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTaxi::get_destination", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_distance() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTaxi::get_distance", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_duration() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTaxi::get_duration", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_sname() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTaxi::get_sname", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_tname() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTaxi::get_tname", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_origin(AMapGeoPoint origin) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTaxi::set_origin', {'__this__': this, "origin": origin}); + } + + Future set_destination(AMapGeoPoint destination) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTaxi::set_destination', {'__this__': this, "destination": destination}); + } + + Future set_distance(int distance) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTaxi::set_distance', {'__this__': this, "distance": distance}); + } + + Future set_duration(int duration) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTaxi::set_duration', {'__this__': this, "duration": duration}); + } + + Future set_sname(String sname) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTaxi::set_sname', {'__this__': this, "sname": sname}); + } + + Future set_tname(String tname) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTaxi::set_tname', {'__this__': this, "tname": tname}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapTaxi{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapTaxi_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_origin_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTaxi::get_origin_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_destination_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTaxi::get_destination_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_distance_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTaxi::get_distance_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_duration_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTaxi::get_duration_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_sname_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTaxi::get_sname_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_tname_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTaxi::get_tname_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_origin_batch(List origin) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTaxi::set_origin_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "origin": origin[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_destination_batch(List destination) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTaxi::set_destination_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "destination": destination[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_distance_batch(List distance) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTaxi::set_distance_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "distance": distance[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_duration_batch(List duration) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTaxi::set_duration_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "duration": duration[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_sname_batch(List sname) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTaxi::set_sname_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "sname": sname[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_tname_batch(List tname) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTaxi::set_tname_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "tname": tname[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapTip.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapTip.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8b52915 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapTip.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,221 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapTip extends AMapSearchObject with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapTip'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapTip', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapTip', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_uid() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTip::get_uid", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_name() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTip::get_name", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_adcode() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTip::get_adcode", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_district() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTip::get_district", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_address() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTip::get_address", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_location() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTip::get_location", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_typecode() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTip::get_typecode", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_uid(String uid) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTip::set_uid', {'__this__': this, "uid": uid}); + } + + Future set_name(String name) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTip::set_name', {'__this__': this, "name": name}); + } + + Future set_adcode(String adcode) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTip::set_adcode', {'__this__': this, "adcode": adcode}); + } + + Future set_district(String district) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTip::set_district', {'__this__': this, "district": district}); + } + + Future set_address(String address) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTip::set_address', {'__this__': this, "address": address}); + } + + Future set_location(AMapGeoPoint location) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTip::set_location', {'__this__': this, "location": location}); + } + + Future set_typecode(String typecode) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTip::set_typecode', {'__this__': this, "typecode": typecode}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapTip{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapTip_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_uid_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTip::get_uid_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_name_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTip::get_name_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_adcode_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTip::get_adcode_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_district_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTip::get_district_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_address_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTip::get_address_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_location_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTip::get_location_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_typecode_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTip::get_typecode_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_uid_batch(List uid) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTip::set_uid_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "uid": uid[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_name_batch(List name) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTip::set_name_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "name": name[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_adcode_batch(List adcode) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTip::set_adcode_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "adcode": adcode[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_district_batch(List district) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTip::set_district_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "district": district[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_address_batch(List address) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTip::set_address_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "address": address[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_location_batch(List location) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTip::set_location_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "location": location[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_typecode_batch(List typecode) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTip::set_typecode_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "typecode": typecode[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapTrafficEvaluation.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapTrafficEvaluation.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..74e94cb --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapTrafficEvaluation.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,201 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapTrafficEvaluation extends AMapSearchObject with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapTrafficEvaluation'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapTrafficEvaluation', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapTrafficEvaluation', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_evaluationDescription() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTrafficEvaluation::get_evaluationDescription", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_status() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTrafficEvaluation::get_status", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_expedite() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTrafficEvaluation::get_expedite", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_congested() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTrafficEvaluation::get_congested", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_blocked() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTrafficEvaluation::get_blocked", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_unknown() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTrafficEvaluation::get_unknown", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_evaluationDescription(String evaluationDescription) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTrafficEvaluation::set_evaluationDescription', {'__this__': this, "evaluationDescription": evaluationDescription}); + } + + Future set_status(int status) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTrafficEvaluation::set_status', {'__this__': this, "status": status}); + } + + Future set_expedite(String expedite) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTrafficEvaluation::set_expedite', {'__this__': this, "expedite": expedite}); + } + + Future set_congested(String congested) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTrafficEvaluation::set_congested', {'__this__': this, "congested": congested}); + } + + Future set_blocked(String blocked) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTrafficEvaluation::set_blocked', {'__this__': this, "blocked": blocked}); + } + + Future set_unknown(String unknown) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTrafficEvaluation::set_unknown', {'__this__': this, "unknown": unknown}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapTrafficEvaluation{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapTrafficEvaluation_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_evaluationDescription_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTrafficEvaluation::get_evaluationDescription_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_status_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTrafficEvaluation::get_status_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_expedite_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTrafficEvaluation::get_expedite_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_congested_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTrafficEvaluation::get_congested_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_blocked_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTrafficEvaluation::get_blocked_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_unknown_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTrafficEvaluation::get_unknown_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_evaluationDescription_batch(List evaluationDescription) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTrafficEvaluation::set_evaluationDescription_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "evaluationDescription": evaluationDescription[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_status_batch(List status) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTrafficEvaluation::set_status_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "status": status[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_expedite_batch(List expedite) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTrafficEvaluation::set_expedite_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "expedite": expedite[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_congested_batch(List congested) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTrafficEvaluation::set_congested_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "congested": congested[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_blocked_batch(List blocked) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTrafficEvaluation::set_blocked_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "blocked": blocked[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_unknown_batch(List unknown) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTrafficEvaluation::set_unknown_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "unknown": unknown[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapTrafficInfo.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapTrafficInfo.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..25ef849 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapTrafficInfo.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,141 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapTrafficInfo extends AMapSearchObject with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapTrafficInfo'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapTrafficInfo', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapTrafficInfo', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_statusDescription() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTrafficInfo::get_statusDescription", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_evaluation() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTrafficInfo::get_evaluation", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future?> get_roads() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTrafficInfo::get_roads", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_statusDescription(String statusDescription) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTrafficInfo::set_statusDescription', {'__this__': this, "statusDescription": statusDescription}); + } + + Future set_evaluation(AMapTrafficEvaluation evaluation) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTrafficInfo::set_evaluation', {'__this__': this, "evaluation": evaluation}); + } + + Future set_roads(List roads) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTrafficInfo::set_roads', {'__this__': this, "roads": roads}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapTrafficInfo{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapTrafficInfo_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_statusDescription_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTrafficInfo::get_statusDescription_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_evaluation_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTrafficInfo::get_evaluation_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future?>> get_roads_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTrafficInfo::get_roads_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_statusDescription_batch(List statusDescription) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTrafficInfo::set_statusDescription_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "statusDescription": statusDescription[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_evaluation_batch(List evaluation) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTrafficInfo::set_evaluation_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "evaluation": evaluation[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_roads_batch(List> roads) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTrafficInfo::set_roads_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "roads": roads[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapTrafficRoad.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapTrafficRoad.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5e6201b --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapTrafficRoad.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,201 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapTrafficRoad extends AMapSearchObject with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapTrafficRoad'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapTrafficRoad', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapTrafficRoad', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_name() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTrafficRoad::get_name", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_status() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTrafficRoad::get_status", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_direction() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTrafficRoad::get_direction", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_angle() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTrafficRoad::get_angle", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_speed() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTrafficRoad::get_speed", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_polyline() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTrafficRoad::get_polyline", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_name(String name) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTrafficRoad::set_name', {'__this__': this, "name": name}); + } + + Future set_status(int status) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTrafficRoad::set_status', {'__this__': this, "status": status}); + } + + Future set_direction(String direction) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTrafficRoad::set_direction', {'__this__': this, "direction": direction}); + } + + Future set_angle(double angle) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTrafficRoad::set_angle', {'__this__': this, "angle": angle}); + } + + Future set_speed(double speed) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTrafficRoad::set_speed', {'__this__': this, "speed": speed}); + } + + Future set_polyline(String polyline) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTrafficRoad::set_polyline', {'__this__': this, "polyline": polyline}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapTrafficRoad{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapTrafficRoad_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_name_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTrafficRoad::get_name_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_status_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTrafficRoad::get_status_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_direction_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTrafficRoad::get_direction_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_angle_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTrafficRoad::get_angle_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_speed_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTrafficRoad::get_speed_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_polyline_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTrafficRoad::get_polyline_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_name_batch(List name) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTrafficRoad::set_name_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "name": name[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_status_batch(List status) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTrafficRoad::set_status_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "status": status[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_direction_batch(List direction) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTrafficRoad::set_direction_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "direction": direction[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_angle_batch(List angle) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTrafficRoad::set_angle_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "angle": angle[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_speed_batch(List speed) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTrafficRoad::set_speed_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "speed": speed[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_polyline_batch(List polyline) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTrafficRoad::set_polyline_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "polyline": polyline[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapTransit.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapTransit.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..048206b --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapTransit.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,201 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapTransit extends AMapSearchObject with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapTransit'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapTransit', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapTransit', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_cost() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTransit::get_cost", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_duration() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTransit::get_duration", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_nightflag() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTransit::get_nightflag", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_walkingDistance() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTransit::get_walkingDistance", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future?> get_segments() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTransit::get_segments", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + Future get_distance() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTransit::get_distance", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_cost(double cost) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTransit::set_cost', {'__this__': this, "cost": cost}); + } + + Future set_duration(int duration) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTransit::set_duration', {'__this__': this, "duration": duration}); + } + + Future set_nightflag(bool nightflag) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTransit::set_nightflag', {'__this__': this, "nightflag": nightflag}); + } + + Future set_walkingDistance(int walkingDistance) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTransit::set_walkingDistance', {'__this__': this, "walkingDistance": walkingDistance}); + } + + Future set_segments(List segments) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTransit::set_segments', {'__this__': this, "segments": segments}); + } + + Future set_distance(int distance) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTransit::set_distance', {'__this__': this, "distance": distance}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapTransit{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapTransit_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_cost_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTransit::get_cost_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_duration_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTransit::get_duration_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_nightflag_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTransit::get_nightflag_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_walkingDistance_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTransit::get_walkingDistance_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future?>> get_segments_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTransit::get_segments_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + Future> get_distance_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTransit::get_distance_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_cost_batch(List cost) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTransit::set_cost_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "cost": cost[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_duration_batch(List duration) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTransit::set_duration_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "duration": duration[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_nightflag_batch(List nightflag) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTransit::set_nightflag_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "nightflag": nightflag[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_walkingDistance_batch(List walkingDistance) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTransit::set_walkingDistance_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "walkingDistance": walkingDistance[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_segments_batch(List> segments) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTransit::set_segments_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "segments": segments[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_distance_batch(List distance) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTransit::set_distance_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "distance": distance[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..72e36df --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,181 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest extends AMapRouteSearchBaseRequest with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapTransitRouteSearchRequest', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapTransitRouteSearchRequest', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_strategy() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest::get_strategy", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_city() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest::get_city", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_destinationCity() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest::get_destinationCity", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_nightflag() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest::get_nightflag", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_requireExtension() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest::get_requireExtension", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_strategy(int strategy) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest::set_strategy', {'__this__': this, "strategy": strategy}); + } + + Future set_city(String city) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest::set_city', {'__this__': this, "city": city}); + } + + Future set_destinationCity(String destinationCity) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest::set_destinationCity', {'__this__': this, "destinationCity": destinationCity}); + } + + Future set_nightflag(bool nightflag) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest::set_nightflag', {'__this__': this, "nightflag": nightflag}); + } + + Future set_requireExtension(bool requireExtension) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest::set_requireExtension', {'__this__': this, "requireExtension": requireExtension}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_strategy_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest::get_strategy_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_city_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest::get_city_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_destinationCity_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest::get_destinationCity_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_nightflag_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest::get_nightflag_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_requireExtension_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest::get_requireExtension_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_strategy_batch(List strategy) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest::set_strategy_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "strategy": strategy[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_city_batch(List city) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest::set_city_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "city": city[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_destinationCity_batch(List destinationCity) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest::set_destinationCity_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "destinationCity": destinationCity[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_nightflag_batch(List nightflag) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest::set_nightflag_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "nightflag": nightflag[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_requireExtension_batch(List requireExtension) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest::set_requireExtension_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "requireExtension": requireExtension[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b79d094 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,381 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest extends AMapRouteSearchBaseRequest with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapTruckRouteSearchRequest', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapTruckRouteSearchRequest', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_strategy() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::get_strategy", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future?> get_waypoints() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::get_waypoints", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + Future get_originId() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::get_originId", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_destinationId() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::get_destinationId", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_origintype() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::get_origintype", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_destinationtype() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::get_destinationtype", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_plateProvince() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::get_plateProvince", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_plateNumber() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::get_plateNumber", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_size() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::get_size", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as int).toAMapTruckSizeType(); + } + + Future get_height() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::get_height", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_width() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::get_width", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_load() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::get_load", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_weight() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::get_weight", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_axis() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::get_axis", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_requireExtension() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::get_requireExtension", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_strategy(int strategy) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::set_strategy', {'__this__': this, "strategy": strategy}); + } + + Future set_waypoints(List waypoints) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::set_waypoints', {'__this__': this, "waypoints": waypoints}); + } + + Future set_originId(String originId) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::set_originId', {'__this__': this, "originId": originId}); + } + + Future set_destinationId(String destinationId) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::set_destinationId', {'__this__': this, "destinationId": destinationId}); + } + + Future set_origintype(String origintype) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::set_origintype', {'__this__': this, "origintype": origintype}); + } + + Future set_destinationtype(String destinationtype) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::set_destinationtype', {'__this__': this, "destinationtype": destinationtype}); + } + + Future set_plateProvince(String plateProvince) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::set_plateProvince', {'__this__': this, "plateProvince": plateProvince}); + } + + Future set_plateNumber(String plateNumber) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::set_plateNumber', {'__this__': this, "plateNumber": plateNumber}); + } + + Future set_size(AMapTruckSizeType size) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::set_size', {'__this__': this, "size": size.toValue()}); + } + + Future set_height(double height) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::set_height', {'__this__': this, "height": height}); + } + + Future set_width(double width) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::set_width', {'__this__': this, "width": width}); + } + + Future set_load(double load) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::set_load', {'__this__': this, "load": load}); + } + + Future set_weight(double weight) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::set_weight', {'__this__': this, "weight": weight}); + } + + Future set_axis(int axis) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::set_axis', {'__this__': this, "axis": axis}); + } + + Future set_requireExtension(bool requireExtension) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::set_requireExtension', {'__this__': this, "requireExtension": requireExtension}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_strategy_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::get_strategy_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future?>> get_waypoints_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::get_waypoints_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + Future> get_originId_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::get_originId_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_destinationId_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::get_destinationId_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_origintype_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::get_origintype_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_destinationtype_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::get_destinationtype_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_plateProvince_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::get_plateProvince_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_plateNumber_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::get_plateNumber_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_size_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::get_size_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as int).toAMapTruckSizeType()).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_height_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::get_height_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_width_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::get_width_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_load_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::get_load_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_weight_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::get_weight_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_axis_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::get_axis_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_requireExtension_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::get_requireExtension_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_strategy_batch(List strategy) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::set_strategy_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "strategy": strategy[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_waypoints_batch(List> waypoints) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::set_waypoints_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "waypoints": waypoints[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_originId_batch(List originId) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::set_originId_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "originId": originId[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_destinationId_batch(List destinationId) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::set_destinationId_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "destinationId": destinationId[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_origintype_batch(List origintype) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::set_origintype_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "origintype": origintype[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_destinationtype_batch(List destinationtype) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::set_destinationtype_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "destinationtype": destinationtype[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_plateProvince_batch(List plateProvince) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::set_plateProvince_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "plateProvince": plateProvince[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_plateNumber_batch(List plateNumber) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::set_plateNumber_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "plateNumber": plateNumber[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_size_batch(List size) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::set_size_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "size": size[__i__].toValue()}]); + + + } + + Future set_height_batch(List height) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::set_height_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "height": height[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_width_batch(List width) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::set_width_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "width": width[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_load_batch(List load) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::set_load_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "load": load[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_weight_batch(List weight) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::set_weight_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "weight": weight[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_axis_batch(List axis) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::set_axis_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "axis": axis[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_requireExtension_batch(List requireExtension) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest::set_requireExtension_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "requireExtension": requireExtension[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapTruckSizeType.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapTruckSizeType.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ed78e1f --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapTruckSizeType.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +enum AMapTruckSizeType { + AMapTruckSizeTypeMini /* 1 */, + AMapTruckSizeTypeLight /* 2 */, + AMapTruckSizeTypeMedium /* 3 */, + AMapTruckSizeTypeHeavy /* 4 */ +} + +extension AMapTruckSizeTypeToX on AMapTruckSizeType { + int toValue() { + switch (this) { + case AMapTruckSizeType.AMapTruckSizeTypeMini: return 1; + case AMapTruckSizeType.AMapTruckSizeTypeLight: return 2; + case AMapTruckSizeType.AMapTruckSizeTypeMedium: return 3; + case AMapTruckSizeType.AMapTruckSizeTypeHeavy: return 4; + default: return 0; + } + } +} + +extension AMapTruckSizeTypeFromX on int { + AMapTruckSizeType toAMapTruckSizeType() { + switch (this) { + case 1: return AMapTruckSizeType.AMapTruckSizeTypeMini; + case 2: return AMapTruckSizeType.AMapTruckSizeTypeLight; + case 3: return AMapTruckSizeType.AMapTruckSizeTypeMedium; + case 4: return AMapTruckSizeType.AMapTruckSizeTypeHeavy; + default: return AMapTruckSizeType.values[this + 1]; + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapWalking.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapWalking.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c19f250 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapWalking.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,181 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapWalking extends AMapSearchObject with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapWalking'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapWalking', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapWalking', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_origin() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapWalking::get_origin", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_destination() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapWalking::get_destination", {'__this__': this}); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__); + } + + Future get_distance() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapWalking::get_distance", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_duration() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapWalking::get_duration", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future?> get_steps() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapWalking::get_steps", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_origin(AMapGeoPoint origin) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapWalking::set_origin', {'__this__': this, "origin": origin}); + } + + Future set_destination(AMapGeoPoint destination) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapWalking::set_destination', {'__this__': this, "destination": destination}); + } + + Future set_distance(int distance) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapWalking::set_distance', {'__this__': this, "distance": distance}); + } + + Future set_duration(int duration) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapWalking::set_duration', {'__this__': this, "duration": duration}); + } + + Future set_steps(List steps) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapWalking::set_steps', {'__this__': this, "steps": steps}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapWalking{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapWalking_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_origin_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapWalking::get_origin_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_destination_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapWalking::get_destination_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_distance_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapWalking::get_distance_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_duration_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapWalking::get_duration_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future?>> get_steps_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapWalking::get_steps_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_origin_batch(List origin) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapWalking::set_origin_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "origin": origin[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_destination_batch(List destination) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapWalking::set_destination_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "destination": destination[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_distance_batch(List distance) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapWalking::set_distance_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "distance": distance[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_duration_batch(List duration) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapWalking::set_duration_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "duration": duration[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_steps_batch(List> steps) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapWalking::set_steps_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "steps": steps[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapWalkingRouteSearchRequest.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapWalkingRouteSearchRequest.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5af252e --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapWalkingRouteSearchRequest.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,101 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapWalkingRouteSearchRequest extends AMapRouteSearchBaseRequest with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapWalkingRouteSearchRequest'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapWalkingRouteSearchRequest', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapWalkingRouteSearchRequest', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_multipath() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapWalkingRouteSearchRequest::get_multipath", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_multipath(int multipath) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapWalkingRouteSearchRequest::set_multipath', {'__this__': this, "multipath": multipath}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapWalkingRouteSearchRequest{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapWalkingRouteSearchRequest_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_multipath_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapWalkingRouteSearchRequest::get_multipath_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_multipath_batch(List multipath) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapWalkingRouteSearchRequest::set_multipath_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "multipath": multipath[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapWeatherSearchRequest.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapWeatherSearchRequest.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9f39d00 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapWeatherSearchRequest.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapWeatherSearchRequest extends AMapSearchObject with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapWeatherSearchRequest'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapWeatherSearchRequest', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapWeatherSearchRequest', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future get_city() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapWeatherSearchRequest::get_city", {'__this__': this}); + return __result__; + } + + Future get_type() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapWeatherSearchRequest::get_type", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as int).toAMapWeatherType(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_city(String city) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapWeatherSearchRequest::set_city', {'__this__': this, "city": city}); + } + + Future set_type(AMapWeatherType type) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapWeatherSearchRequest::set_type', {'__this__': this, "type": type.toValue()}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapWeatherSearchRequest{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapWeatherSearchRequest_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future> get_city_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapWeatherSearchRequest::get_city_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => __result__).cast().toList(); + } + + Future> get_type_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapWeatherSearchRequest::get_type_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as int).toAMapWeatherType()).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_city_batch(List city) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapWeatherSearchRequest::set_city_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "city": city[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_type_batch(List type) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapWeatherSearchRequest::set_type_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "type": type[__i__].toValue()}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapWeatherSearchResponse.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapWeatherSearchResponse.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..331dcab --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapWeatherSearchResponse.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + +class AMapWeatherSearchResponse extends AMapSearchObject with NSCoding, NSCopying { + //region constants + static const String name__ = 'AMapWeatherSearchResponse'; + + @override + final String tag__ = 'amap_search_fluttify'; + + + //endregion + + //region creators + static Future create__({ bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::createAMapWeatherSearchResponse', + {'init': init} + ); + return AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(__result__)!; + } + + static Future> create_batch__(int length, { bool init = true /* ios only */ }) async { + assert(true); + final __result_batch__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeListMethod( + 'ObjectFactory::create_batchAMapWeatherSearchResponse', + {'length': length, 'init': init} + ); + return __result_batch__ + ?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)) + .where((element) => element !=null) + .cast() + .toList() ?? []; + } + + //endregion + + //region getters + Future?> get_lives() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapWeatherSearchResponse::get_lives", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + Future?> get_forecasts() async { + final __result__ = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapWeatherSearchResponse::get_forecasts", {'__this__': this}); + return (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_lives(List lives) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapWeatherSearchResponse::set_lives', {'__this__': this, "lives": lives}); + } + + Future set_forecasts(List forecasts) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapWeatherSearchResponse::set_forecasts', {'__this__': this, "forecasts": forecasts}); + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion + + @override + String toString() { + return 'AMapWeatherSearchResponse{refId: $refId, runtimeType: $runtimeType, tag__: $tag__}'; + } +} + +extension AMapWeatherSearchResponse_Batch on List { + String? get refId { + if (isEmpty) return null; + return first?.refId; + } + + //region getters + Future?>> get_lives_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapWeatherSearchResponse::get_lives_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + Future?>> get_forecasts_batch() async { + final resultBatch = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod("AMapWeatherSearchResponse::get_forecasts_batch", [for (final __item__ in this) {'__this__': __item__}]); + return (resultBatch as List).map((__result__) => (__result__ as List?)?.map((it) => AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(it)).where((e) => e != null).cast().toList()).cast?>().toList(); + } + + //endregion + + //region setters + Future set_lives_batch(List> lives) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapWeatherSearchResponse::set_lives_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "lives": lives[__i__]}]); + + + } + + Future set_forecasts_batch(List> forecasts) async { + await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('AMapWeatherSearchResponse::set_forecasts_batch', [for (int __i__ = 0; __i__ < this.length; __i__++) {'__this__': this[__i__], "forecasts": forecasts[__i__]}]); + + + } + + //endregion + + //region methods + + //endregion +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/AMapWeatherType.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/AMapWeatherType.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..331374c --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/AMapWeatherType.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +enum AMapWeatherType { + AMapWeatherTypeLive /* 1 */, + AMapWeatherTypeForecast /* null */ +} + +extension AMapWeatherTypeToX on AMapWeatherType { + int toValue() { + switch (this) { + case AMapWeatherType.AMapWeatherTypeLive: return 1; + case AMapWeatherType.AMapWeatherTypeForecast: return AMapWeatherType.AMapWeatherTypeForecast.index + 1; + default: return 0; + } + } +} + +extension AMapWeatherTypeFromX on int { + AMapWeatherType toAMapWeatherType() { + switch (this) { + case 1: return AMapWeatherType.AMapWeatherTypeLive; + default: return AMapWeatherType.values[this + 1]; + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/src/ios/constants.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/constants.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..df6074b --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/constants.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; +import '../facade/shared.g.dart'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; + +Future get AMapSearchErrorDomain async { + return kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('getAMapSearchErrorDomain'); +} diff --git a/lib/src/ios/functions.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/functions.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e29e035 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/functions.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:typed_data'; + +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/android/android.export.g.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + diff --git a/lib/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9fa8b10 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,117 @@ +export 'AMapReGeocode.g.dart'; +export 'AMapDistanceSearchResponse.g.dart'; +export 'AMapGeoPolygon.g.dart'; +export 'AMapPath.g.dart'; +export 'AMapLocalWeatherLive.g.dart'; +export 'AMapShareSearchResponse.g.dart'; +export 'AMapCloudPOIIDSearchRequest.g.dart'; +export 'AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest.g.dart'; +export 'AMapIndoorData.g.dart'; +export 'AMapRidingRouteSearchRequest.g.dart'; +export 'AMapPOIIDSearchRequest.g.dart'; +export 'AMapTransit.g.dart'; +export 'AMapLocalWeatherForecast.g.dart'; +export 'AMapSearchDelegate.g.dart'; +export 'AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest.g.dart'; +export 'AMapCloudPOILocalSearchRequest.g.dart'; +export 'AMapWalkingRouteSearchRequest.g.dart'; +export 'AMapBusLineIDSearchRequest.g.dart'; +export 'AMapGeocodeSearchRequest.g.dart'; +export 'AMapStep.g.dart'; +export 'AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest.g.dart'; +export 'AMapBusinessArea.g.dart'; +export 'AMapPOISearchBaseRequest.g.dart'; +export 'AMapDistanceSearchType.g.dart'; +export 'AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest.g.dart'; +export 'AMapWeatherSearchRequest.g.dart'; +export 'AMapTrafficEvaluation.g.dart'; +export 'AMapTruckSizeType.g.dart'; +export 'AMapCloudSortType.g.dart'; +export 'AMapRoad.g.dart'; +export 'AMapRouteSearchBaseRequest.g.dart'; +export 'AMapTMC.g.dart'; +export 'AMapTip.g.dart'; +export 'AMapDistrict.g.dart'; +export 'type_op.g.dart'; +export 'AMapDrivingRouteShowFieldType.g.dart'; +export 'AMapNearbySearchRequest.g.dart'; +export 'AMapAOI.g.dart'; +export 'AMapRoadInter.g.dart'; +export 'AMapNearbyUserInfo.g.dart'; +export 'AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast.g.dart'; +export 'AMapPOIPolygonSearchRequest.g.dart'; +export 'AMapSearchErrorCode.g.dart'; +export 'constants.g.dart'; +export 'AMapCloudImage.g.dart'; +export 'AMapCloudPOIAroundSearchRequest.g.dart'; +export 'AMapLocationShareSearchRequest.g.dart'; +export 'AMapSearchCoordinateType.g.dart'; +export 'AMapRouteShareSearchRequest.g.dart'; +export 'AMapFutureTimeInfoElement.g.dart'; +export 'AMapBusStopSearchRequest.g.dart'; +export 'AMapCity.g.dart'; +export 'AMapBusStopSearchResponse.g.dart'; +export 'AMapTrafficInfo.g.dart'; +export 'AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest.g.dart'; +export 'AMapGeocodeSearchResponse.g.dart'; +export 'AMapPOISearchResponse.g.dart'; +export 'AMapNearbySearchResponse.g.dart'; +export 'AMapReGeocodeSearchResponse.g.dart'; +export 'AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest.g.dart'; +export 'AMapCloudPOISearchResponse.g.dart'; +export 'functions.g.dart'; +export 'AMapNearbySearchManager.g.dart'; +export 'AMapInputTipsSearchResponse.g.dart'; +export 'AMapNearbySearchManagerDelegate.g.dart'; +export 'AMapSearchError.g.dart'; +export 'AMapDistanceSearchRequest.g.dart'; +export 'AMapStreetNumber.g.dart'; +export 'AMapPOI.g.dart'; +export 'AMapDistanceResult.g.dart'; +export 'AMapSegment.g.dart'; +export 'AMapBusStop.g.dart'; +export 'AMapFutureRouteSearchResponse.g.dart'; +export 'AMapNavigationShareSearchRequest.g.dart'; +export 'AMapInputTipsSearchRequest.g.dart'; +export 'AMapPOIShareSearchRequest.g.dart'; +export 'AMapBusLineSearchResponse.g.dart'; +export 'AMapGeocode.g.dart'; +export 'AMapRoutePOISearchRequest.g.dart'; +export 'AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest.g.dart'; +export 'AMapBusLineNameSearchRequest.g.dart'; +export 'AMapWalking.g.dart'; +export 'AMapDrivingRouteExcludeType.g.dart'; +export 'AMapRailwaySpace.g.dart'; +export 'AMapAddressComponent.g.dart'; +export 'AMapSearchObject.g.dart'; +export 'AMapImage.g.dart'; +export 'AMapWeatherSearchResponse.g.dart'; +export 'AMapFutureTimeInfo.g.dart'; +export 'AMapRoutePOI.g.dart'; +export 'AMapCloudPOI.g.dart'; +export 'AMapNearbySearchType.g.dart'; +export 'AMapSearchAPI.g.dart'; +export 'AMapCloudPOIPolygonSearchRequest.g.dart'; +export 'AMapShareSearchBaseRequest.g.dart'; +export 'AMapRailway.g.dart'; +export 'AMapDistrictSearchRequest.g.dart'; +export 'AMapRidingRouteSearchResponse.g.dart'; +export 'AMapTaxi.g.dart'; +export 'AMapRailwayStation.g.dart'; +export 'AMapRoutePOISearchResponse.g.dart'; +export 'AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest.g.dart'; +export 'AMapSubPOI.g.dart'; +export 'AMapGeoPoint.g.dart'; +export 'AMapDistrictSearchResponse.g.dart'; +export 'AMapWeatherType.g.dart'; +export 'AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest.g.dart'; +export 'AMapRoute.g.dart'; +export 'AMapPOIExtension.g.dart'; +export 'AMapNearbyUploadInfo.g.dart'; +export 'AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest.g.dart'; +export 'AMapTrafficRoad.g.dart'; +export 'AMapBusLine.g.dart'; +export 'AMapRouteSearchResponse.g.dart'; +export 'AMapRoutePOISearchType.g.dart'; +export 'AMapSuggestion.g.dart'; +export '../facade/shared.g.dart'; diff --git a/lib/src/ios/type_op.g.dart b/lib/src/ios/type_op.g.dart new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fae6770 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/src/ios/type_op.g.dart @@ -0,0 +1,667 @@ +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import, unused_local_variable, dead_code, unnecessary_cast +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// GENERATED BY FLUTTIFY. DO NOT EDIT IT. +////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +import 'dart:io'; + +import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; +import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; +import 'package:amap_search_fluttify/src/ios/ios.export.g.dart'; + +import 'package:foundation_fluttify/foundation_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:core_location_fluttify/core_location_fluttify.dart'; +import 'package:amap_core_fluttify/amap_core_fluttify.dart'; + + +// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names, camel_case_types, missing_return, unused_import +// type check +@optionalTypeArgs +Future AmapSearchFluttifyIOSIs(dynamic __this__) async { + final typeName = T.toString(); + if (RegExp(r'^(List<)?(String|int|double)(>)?|(Map)$').hasMatch(typeName)) { + return __this__ is T; + } + else if (T == AMapPOISearchBaseRequest) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapPOISearchBaseRequest', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapPOIIDSearchRequest) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapPOIIDSearchRequest', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapPOIAroundSearchRequest', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapPOIPolygonSearchRequest) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapPOIPolygonSearchRequest', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapPOISearchResponse) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapPOISearchResponse', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapRoutePOISearchRequest) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapRoutePOISearchRequest', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapRoutePOISearchResponse) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapRoutePOISearchResponse', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapInputTipsSearchRequest) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapInputTipsSearchRequest', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapInputTipsSearchResponse) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapInputTipsSearchResponse', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapGeocodeSearchRequest) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapGeocodeSearchRequest', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapGeocodeSearchResponse) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapGeocodeSearchResponse', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapReGeocodeSearchRequest', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapReGeocodeSearchResponse) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapReGeocodeSearchResponse', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapBusStopSearchRequest) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapBusStopSearchRequest', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapBusStopSearchResponse) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapBusStopSearchResponse', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapBusLineNameSearchRequest) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapBusLineNameSearchRequest', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapBusLineIDSearchRequest) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapBusLineIDSearchRequest', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapBusLineSearchResponse) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapBusLineSearchResponse', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapDistrictSearchRequest) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapDistrictSearchRequest', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapDistrictSearchResponse) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapDistrictSearchResponse', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapRouteSearchBaseRequest) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapRouteSearchBaseRequest', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapWalkingRouteSearchRequest) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapWalkingRouteSearchRequest', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapTransitRouteSearchRequest', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapRidingRouteSearchRequest) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapRidingRouteSearchRequest', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapRouteSearchResponse) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapRouteSearchResponse', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapRidingRouteSearchResponse) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapRidingRouteSearchResponse', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapTruckRouteSearchRequest', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapDistanceSearchRequest) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapDistanceSearchRequest', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapDistanceSearchResponse) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapDistanceSearchResponse', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapWeatherSearchRequest) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapWeatherSearchRequest', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapWeatherSearchResponse) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapWeatherSearchResponse', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapNearbySearchRequest) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapNearbySearchRequest', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapNearbySearchResponse) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapNearbySearchResponse', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapCloudSearchBaseRequest', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapCloudPOIAroundSearchRequest) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapCloudPOIAroundSearchRequest', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapCloudPOIPolygonSearchRequest) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapCloudPOIPolygonSearchRequest', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapCloudPOIIDSearchRequest) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapCloudPOIIDSearchRequest', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapCloudPOILocalSearchRequest) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapCloudPOILocalSearchRequest', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapCloudPOISearchResponse) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapCloudPOISearchResponse', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapShareSearchBaseRequest) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapShareSearchBaseRequest', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapLocationShareSearchRequest) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapLocationShareSearchRequest', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapPOIShareSearchRequest) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapPOIShareSearchRequest', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapRouteShareSearchRequest) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapRouteShareSearchRequest', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapNavigationShareSearchRequest) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapNavigationShareSearchRequest', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapShareSearchResponse) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapShareSearchResponse', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapFutureRouteSearchRequest', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapFutureRouteSearchResponse) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapFutureRouteSearchResponse', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapSearchObject) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapSearchObject', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapGeoPoint) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapGeoPoint', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapGeoPolygon) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapGeoPolygon', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapCity) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapCity', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapSuggestion) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapSuggestion', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapTip) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapTip', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapImage) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapImage', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapPOIExtension) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapPOIExtension', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapIndoorData) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapIndoorData', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapSubPOI) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapSubPOI', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapRoutePOI) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapRoutePOI', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapPOI) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapPOI', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapAOI) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapAOI', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapRoad) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapRoad', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapRoadInter) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapRoadInter', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapStreetNumber) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapStreetNumber', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapBusinessArea) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapBusinessArea', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapAddressComponent) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapAddressComponent', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapReGeocode) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapReGeocode', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapGeocode) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapGeocode', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapBusStop) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapBusStop', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapBusLine) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapBusLine', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapDistrict) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapDistrict', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapTMC) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapTMC', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapStep) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapStep', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapPath) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapPath', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapFutureTimeInfoElement) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapFutureTimeInfoElement', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapFutureTimeInfo) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapFutureTimeInfo', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapWalking) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapWalking', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapTaxi) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapTaxi', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapRailwayStation) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapRailwayStation', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapRailwaySpace) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapRailwaySpace', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapRailway) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapRailway', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapSegment) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapSegment', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapTransit) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapTransit', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapRoute) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapRoute', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapDistanceResult) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapDistanceResult', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapLocalWeatherLive) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapLocalWeatherLive', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapLocalDayWeatherForecast', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapLocalWeatherForecast) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapLocalWeatherForecast', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapNearbyUserInfo) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapNearbyUserInfo', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapTrafficEvaluation) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapTrafficEvaluation', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapTrafficRoad) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapTrafficRoad', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapTrafficInfo) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapTrafficInfo', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapCloudImage) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapCloudImage', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapCloudPOI) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapCloudPOI', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapSearchError) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapSearchError', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapNearbyUploadInfo) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapNearbyUploadInfo', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapNearbySearchManagerDelegate) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapNearbySearchManagerDelegate', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapNearbySearchManager) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapNearbySearchManager', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapSearchAPI) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapSearchAPI', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == AMapSearchDelegate) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfAMapSearchDelegate', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == CLLocation) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfCLLocation', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == CLHeading) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfCLHeading', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == CGRect) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfCGRect', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == CGPoint) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfCGPoint', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == CGSize) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfCGSize', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == UIEdgeInsets) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfUIEdgeInsets', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == CLLocationCoordinate2D) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfCLLocationCoordinate2D', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == CLLocationManager) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfCLLocationManager', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == NSError) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfNSError', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == NSCoding) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfNSCoding', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == NSCopying) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfNSCopying', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == NSMutableCopying) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfNSMutableCopying', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == UIView) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfUIView', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == UIViewController) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfUIViewController', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == UIControl) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfUIControl', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == UIImage) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfUIImage', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == UIImageView) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfUIImageView', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == UIColor) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfUIColor', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == NSData) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfNSData', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == NSDate) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfNSDate', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } else if (T == NSOperation) { + final result = await kAmapSearchFluttifyChannel.invokeMethod('RefClass::isKindOfNSOperation', {'__this__': __this__}); + return result; + } + else { + return false; + } +} + +// type cast +// 给一个可选的泛型, 如果没有指定泛型就返回dynamic +@optionalTypeArgs +T? AmapSearchFluttifyIOSAs(dynamic __this__) { + final typeName = T.toString(); + + if (__this__ == null) { + return null; + } else if (RegExp(r'^(List<)?(String|int|double)(>)?|(Map)$').hasMatch(typeName)) { + return __this__ as T; + } + else if (T == AMapPOISearchBaseRequest) { + return (AMapPOISearchBaseRequest()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapPOIIDSearchRequest) { + return (AMapPOIIDSearchRequest()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest) { + return (AMapPOIKeywordsSearchRequest()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest) { + return (AMapPOIAroundSearchRequest()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapPOIPolygonSearchRequest) { + return (AMapPOIPolygonSearchRequest()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapPOISearchResponse) { + return (AMapPOISearchResponse()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapRoutePOISearchRequest) { + return (AMapRoutePOISearchRequest()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapRoutePOISearchResponse) { + return (AMapRoutePOISearchResponse()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapInputTipsSearchRequest) { + return (AMapInputTipsSearchRequest()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapInputTipsSearchResponse) { + return (AMapInputTipsSearchResponse()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapGeocodeSearchRequest) { + return (AMapGeocodeSearchRequest()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapGeocodeSearchResponse) { + return (AMapGeocodeSearchResponse()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest) { + return (AMapReGeocodeSearchRequest()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapReGeocodeSearchResponse) { + return (AMapReGeocodeSearchResponse()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapBusStopSearchRequest) { + return (AMapBusStopSearchRequest()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapBusStopSearchResponse) { + return (AMapBusStopSearchResponse()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest) { + return (AMapBusLineBaseSearchRequest()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapBusLineNameSearchRequest) { + return (AMapBusLineNameSearchRequest()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapBusLineIDSearchRequest) { + return (AMapBusLineIDSearchRequest()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapBusLineSearchResponse) { + return (AMapBusLineSearchResponse()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapDistrictSearchRequest) { + return (AMapDistrictSearchRequest()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapDistrictSearchResponse) { + return (AMapDistrictSearchResponse()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapRouteSearchBaseRequest) { + return (AMapRouteSearchBaseRequest()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest) { + return (AMapDrivingCalRouteSearchRequest()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest) { + return (AMapDrivingRouteSearchRequest()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapWalkingRouteSearchRequest) { + return (AMapWalkingRouteSearchRequest()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest) { + return (AMapTransitRouteSearchRequest()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapRidingRouteSearchRequest) { + return (AMapRidingRouteSearchRequest()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapRouteSearchResponse) { + return (AMapRouteSearchResponse()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapRidingRouteSearchResponse) { + return (AMapRidingRouteSearchResponse()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest) { + return (AMapTruckRouteSearchRequest()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapDistanceSearchRequest) { + return (AMapDistanceSearchRequest()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapDistanceSearchResponse) { + return (AMapDistanceSearchResponse()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapWeatherSearchRequest) { + return (AMapWeatherSearchRequest()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapWeatherSearchResponse) { + return (AMapWeatherSearchResponse()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapNearbySearchRequest) { + return (AMapNearbySearchRequest()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapNearbySearchResponse) { + return (AMapNearbySearchResponse()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest) { + return (AMapCloudSearchBaseRequest()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapCloudPOIAroundSearchRequest) { + return (AMapCloudPOIAroundSearchRequest()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapCloudPOIPolygonSearchRequest) { + return (AMapCloudPOIPolygonSearchRequest()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapCloudPOIIDSearchRequest) { + return (AMapCloudPOIIDSearchRequest()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapCloudPOILocalSearchRequest) { + return (AMapCloudPOILocalSearchRequest()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapCloudPOISearchResponse) { + return (AMapCloudPOISearchResponse()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapShareSearchBaseRequest) { + return (AMapShareSearchBaseRequest()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapLocationShareSearchRequest) { + return (AMapLocationShareSearchRequest()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapPOIShareSearchRequest) { + return (AMapPOIShareSearchRequest()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapRouteShareSearchRequest) { + return (AMapRouteShareSearchRequest()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapNavigationShareSearchRequest) { + return (AMapNavigationShareSearchRequest()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapShareSearchResponse) { + return (AMapShareSearchResponse()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest) { + return (AMapFutureRouteSearchRequest()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapFutureRouteSearchResponse) { + return (AMapFutureRouteSearchResponse()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapSearchObject) { + return (AMapSearchObject()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapGeoPoint) { + return (AMapGeoPoint()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapGeoPolygon) { + return (AMapGeoPolygon()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapCity) { + return (AMapCity()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapSuggestion) { + return (AMapSuggestion()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapTip) { + return (AMapTip()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapImage) { + return (AMapImage()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapPOIExtension) { + return (AMapPOIExtension()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapIndoorData) { + return (AMapIndoorData()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapSubPOI) { + return (AMapSubPOI()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapRoutePOI) { + return (AMapRoutePOI()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapPOI) { + return (AMapPOI()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapAOI) { + return (AMapAOI()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapRoad) { + return (AMapRoad()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapRoadInter) { + return (AMapRoadInter()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapStreetNumber) { + return (AMapStreetNumber()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapBusinessArea) { + return (AMapBusinessArea()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapAddressComponent) { + return (AMapAddressComponent()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapReGeocode) { + return (AMapReGeocode()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapGeocode) { + return (AMapGeocode()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapBusStop) { + return (AMapBusStop()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapBusLine) { + return (AMapBusLine()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapDistrict) { + return (AMapDistrict()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapTMC) { + return (AMapTMC()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapStep) { + return (AMapStep()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapPath) { + return (AMapPath()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapFutureTimeInfoElement) { + return (AMapFutureTimeInfoElement()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapFutureTimeInfo) { + return (AMapFutureTimeInfo()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapWalking) { + return (AMapWalking()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapTaxi) { + return (AMapTaxi()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapRailwayStation) { + return (AMapRailwayStation()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapRailwaySpace) { + return (AMapRailwaySpace()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapRailway) { + return (AMapRailway()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapSegment) { + return (AMapSegment()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapTransit) { + return (AMapTransit()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapRoute) { + return (AMapRoute()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapDistanceResult) { + return (AMapDistanceResult()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapLocalWeatherLive) { + return (AMapLocalWeatherLive()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast) { + return (AMapLocalDayWeatherForecast()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapLocalWeatherForecast) { + return (AMapLocalWeatherForecast()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapNearbyUserInfo) { + return (AMapNearbyUserInfo()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapTrafficEvaluation) { + return (AMapTrafficEvaluation()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapTrafficRoad) { + return (AMapTrafficRoad()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapTrafficInfo) { + return (AMapTrafficInfo()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapCloudImage) { + return (AMapCloudImage()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapCloudPOI) { + return (AMapCloudPOI()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapSearchError) { + return (AMapSearchError()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapNearbyUploadInfo) { + return (AMapNearbyUploadInfo()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapNearbySearchManagerDelegate) { + return (AMapNearbySearchManagerDelegate.subInstance()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapNearbySearchManager) { + return (AMapNearbySearchManager()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapSearchAPI) { + return (AMapSearchAPI()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == AMapSearchDelegate) { + return (AMapSearchDelegate.subInstance()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == CLLocation) { + return (CLLocation()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == CLHeading) { + return (CLHeading()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == CGRect) { + return (CGRect()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == CGPoint) { + return (CGPoint()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == CGSize) { + return (CGSize()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == UIEdgeInsets) { + return (UIEdgeInsets()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == CLLocationCoordinate2D) { + return (CLLocationCoordinate2D()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == CLLocationManager) { + return (CLLocationManager()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == NSError) { + return (NSError()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == NSCoding) { + return (NSCoding.subInstance()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == NSCopying) { + return (NSCopying.subInstance()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == NSMutableCopying) { + return (NSMutableCopying.subInstance()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == UIView) { + return (UIView()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == UIViewController) { + return (UIViewController()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == UIControl) { + return (UIControl()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == UIImage) { + return (UIImage()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == UIImageView) { + return (UIImageView()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == UIColor) { + return (UIColor()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == NSData) { + return (NSData()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == NSDate) { + return (NSDate()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } else if (T == NSOperation) { + return (NSOperation()..refId = (__this__ as Ref).refId) as T; + } + + else { + return __this__; + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/other/1557492318.jpg b/other/1557492318.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5278ebff8d44b87b41ae4f470bcba6c2b254fb05 GIT binary patch literal 86313 zcmeFYXIN9s)-b#w^di!wXiyN4s`Mri5l|695Ks^z(m{GxNE8vI=Eeqs5ET#=A)@pa z=~ARh?;yP;ln_XJH{Ru(^E~f&z2|~z(nz}+fi=a(&eY~Kr4>vP6HN0@i;Flm=FCBb+Z_^(H z059)Ae{-X=V%M(Qh%wKAoHGLl0e;|=gJXcNo|)OD{W|}={;L14A42~x-hp2E{kr}_ z|9b$plXHM0D7+a+e#>A3g!%kI20_?&A9np6 z-tQN_Tff7pzi6(S>w`2O!B@iJ;Nb5H00+uIyjZZKD_GBgK@dLa?d0wa09-5}tn29J z-~__wL0Hbq%V!@3=>X|l|5T6bKfw+TxBjZr!NK(}_;*>rl3>H<+yi`XJB0nZ`G51r z>vj;>U%!$h_{-tuf8HFt@`3#}=;>p;4|9O&!AS?>PhTgX?@4xST{4E!E!wVn`ju84#_rMERL3qFHBj*4E z3lIkDr+?}1WBx~5^e4u+^$-Kc#vlZ 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+environment: + sdk: ">=2.12.0 <3.0.0" + flutter: ">=1.12.13" + +dependencies: + flutter: + sdk: flutter + + + foundation_fluttify: + path: ..\foundation_fluttify + core_location_fluttify: + path: ..\core_location_fluttify + amap_core_fluttify: + path: ..\amap_core_fluttify + +dev_dependencies: + flutter_test: + sdk: flutter + flutter_lints: any + +flutter: + plugin: + platforms: + android: + package: me.yohom.amap_search_fluttify + pluginClass: AmapSearchFluttifyPlugin + ios: + pluginClass: AmapSearchFluttifyPlugin \ No newline at end of file