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.. include:: /header.rst
:github_url: |github_link_base|/porting/
# Set-up a project
## Get the library
LVGL Graphics Library is available on GitHub: [](
You can clone it or download the latest version of the library from GitHub.
The graphics library is the **lvgl** directory which should be copied into your project.
## Configuration file
There is a configuration header file for LVGL called **lv_conf.h**. In this you can set the library's basic behaviour, disable unused modules and features, adjusts the size of memory buffers in compile-time, etc.
Copy **lvgl/lv_conf_template.h** next to the *lvgl* directory and rename it to *lv_conf.h*. Open the file and change the `#if 0` at the beginning to `#if 1` to enable its content.
*lv_conf.h* can be copied other places as well but then you should add `LV_CONF_INCLUDE_SIMPLE` define to your compiler options (e.g. `-DLV_CONF_INCLUDE_SIMPLE` for gcc compiler) and set the include path manually.
In this case LVGL will attempt to include `lv_conf.h` simply with `#include "lv_conf.h"`.
In the config file comments explain the meaning of the options. Be sure to set at least `LV_COLOR_DEPTH` according to your display's colro depth.
## Initialization
To use the graphics library you have to initialize it and the other components too. The order of the initialization is:
1. Call `lv_init()`.
2. Initialize your drivers.
3. Register the display and input devices drivers in LVGL. Lear more about [Display](/porting/display) and [Input device](/porting/indev) registration.
4. Call `lv_tick_inc(x)` in every `x` milliseconds in an interrupt to tell the elapsed time. [Learn more](/porting/tick).
5. Call `lv_timer_handler()` periodically in every few milliseconds to handle LVGL related tasks. [Learn more](/porting/task-handler).